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毛白杨无性系木材基本密度遗传变异研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
宋婉  张志毅 《林业科学》2000,36(Z1):125-130
在现代社会 ,杨树木材无论在实体木材还是纤维产品方面都发挥着越来越重要的作用。许多发达国家对杨属各树种木材材性遗传变异的研究非常重视 ,对美洲山杨 (Einspahretal.,1 972 ;Reddy ,1 983;Yanchuketal.,1 983;1 984)、美洲黑杨 (Farmeretal.,1 968;Poseyetal.,1 969;Olsonetal.,1 985)等杨树树种木材材性的遗传变异都做了较为系统的研究。我国对于杨树材性性状的遗传变异研究起步较晚 ,只对山杨 (张立非等 ,1 993;杨自湘等 ,1 994;顾万春等 ,1 994)以及黑杨派、青杨派一些杨…  相似文献   

柳树杂种木材基本密度的遗传变异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用柳属和钻天柳属种间、属间杂交15个杂种39个杂交组合151个无性系材料,对木材基本密度的遗传变异情况进行了研究。结果表明,杂种间和无性系间,在木材基本密度上存在极显著(α=0.01)差异,其中属间杂种(旱柳×钻天柳)×旱柳平均木材基本密度达到0.488,显著(α=0.05)超过各杂种平均值;柳树杂种及无性系木材基本密度是受强遗传控制的,被研究群体的广义遗传力达到0.92 ̄0.98,遗传变异系数  相似文献   

杉木无性系生长和木材密度的遗传变异及选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了8年生杉木无性系试验林的树高、胸径、材积和木材密度的遗传变异规律。结果表明:试验中各性状在无性系间存在显著差异,遗传变异系数树高为9.0%,胸径为13.7%,材积为30.0%,而木材密度只有6.7%,各性状均有较高的重复力,木材密度和胸径的重复力在90.0%以上。树高、胸径、材积3个生长性状间有较高的遗传正相关,而胸径、材 与木材密度间表现出中度的遗传负相关,树高与木材密度间则表现出弱度的遗  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨无性系木材两个切面密度的可视化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张文杰  程磊  张志毅 《林业科学》2004,40(4):211-216
This study uses two different mathematical models and gets two dimensional graphs of longitudinal and tangential section wood density at the same time by the radial wood density data measured by X-ray. The graph is direct and clear. It can be used to analyze the distribution and difference of wood density. It can also be done various kinds of transformation, including different angle, different colors, space and plane, part and entirety. This develops the visible analysis of wood density. Next the distribution of wood density of veneer will be simulated by new mathematical model and radial wood density data.  相似文献   

毛白杨优良无性系(新品种)材性测定研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
按生长性状预选出毛白杨13年生10个无性系用于材质测定。试材取自北方大兴县测定林,每无性系在3个重复中各抽样1株,伐倒取样,分析表明,毛白杨无性系间纤维长度,宽度和长宽比差异极显著,重复率依次为0.777,0.537和0.676;木材全年密度,早材密度和晚材密度差异极显著,重复率依次为0.536,0.514和0.429。  相似文献   

该文利用 9个 9年生三倍体毛白杨无性系木材试样 ,研究了木材气干密度组成及力学性质的遗传变异规律 .结果表明 ,木材气干密度组成及力学性质在无性系间存在显著或极显著差异 ,并受到中等强度的遗传控制 ;气干密度的径向和纵向变异与多数研究结果一致 ;力学性质除抗弯弹性模量和端面硬度外其株内变异趋势也基本符合木材学理论 .在力学性质指标中 ,抗弯弹性模量和弦面硬度是遗传性很强的性状 ,其无性系重复力分别为 0 90和 0 80 ,抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度和硬度的无性系重复力稍低 .遗传相关表明对单板材可通过木材密度与干形等形质指标进行优良无性系选择  相似文献   

对3块7~10年生杉木无性系测定林的木材密度遗传变异情况及其与生长性状的相关性进行了研究,结果表明:无性系间木材密度存在真实的遗传差异,为无性系木材密度做出贡献的各因素中,有50%~60%来自于遗传因素;无性系木材密度的重复力介于0.829~0.911之间,遗传变异系数介于4.86%~6.98%之间,木材密度最大值与最小值之比介于1.25~1.47之间,无性系重复力较高,相对生长性状而言遗传变异及无性系间的差异较小;木材密度与树高、胸径、材积的表型、遗传和环境的相关性均呈现负相关,有近80%的木材其密度与生长性状的表型、遗传的相关性达到显著或极显著负相关水平,这表明选择生长性状与材质兼优的无性系相当困难.讨论提出了杉木优良无性系选择分两步进行的建议.  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨超短轮伐纸浆材基本密度及化学成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以超短轮伐栽培的3年生三倍体毛白杨无性系为试验材料,在分析超短轮伐纸浆材基本密度以及化学组分的基础上探讨超短轮伐期栽培的可行性。结果表明:三倍体毛白杨无性系对超短轮伐纸浆材基本密度影响极显著,造林密度对超短轮伐纸浆材基本密度影响显著,3年生超短轮伐纸浆材基本密度在0.247~0.282g·cm-3之间变化。无性系对超短轮伐纸浆材聚戊糖含量、木素含量、综纤维素含量以及α-纤维素含量影响显著,而造林密度以及无性系与造林密度间相互作用对超短轮伐纸浆材化学组分的影响均不显著。超短轮伐纸浆材的苯醇抽出物含量介于3.68%~4.39%之间,戊聚糖含量介于12.86%~13.47%之间,木素含量介于18.16%~19.77%之间,综纤维素含量介于74.91%~77.61%之间,α-纤维素含量介于40.28%~43.49%之间。  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨的木材构造与材性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对三倍体毛白杨的木材构造特征、纤维形态、基本密度进行了观察记载和测定,发现其生长轮宽度达2.5~3.0cm,纤维平均长度大于同年轮的其它杨木,基本密度小于毛白杨成熟材,木纤维的含量较高,同时纤维的壁腔比较小,所以三倍体毛白杨是一种较好的造纸和纤维工业原料。  相似文献   

杉木木材基本密度变异的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用设置在分布区北缘江苏宁镇丘陵(句容、江宁)的各种试验测定林所收集的24个种源、50个江苏当地种源优树半同胞子代、17个产地间杂交组合子代490株平均木选择材料,以及融水种源山洼、山谷、山坡3种栽植立地,3000、4950、6000株·hm-23种栽植密度,以及6、8、10、15、18a等5个年龄组林分275株样木材料研究杉木木材的基本密度变异规律。结果表明,杉木全分布区试验不同种源,江苏种源优树自由受粉子代家系,江苏江宁×四川德昌种源产地杂交组合子代间有显著的遗传变异(依次为:F=6.71**>F0.01=2.40;F=3.87**>F0.01=2.19;F=2.63*>F0.05=2.36),具有选择改良潜力。栽植立地对融水种源幼龄材基本密度没有明显影响;林龄与栽植密度是引起木材基本密度变异的重要因素。供试测定材料基本密度与材积生长没有统计置信的负相关关系,性状间影响弱。杉木材性改良及生长与材性联合改良,可按“生长(材积)、材性(基本密度)两阶段独立选择法”进行改良。  相似文献   

Variation of Leaf Characteristics in Populus tomentosa Carr.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An investigation was conducted to determine the extent of variations among nine provenances of Populus tomentosa Carr. in terms of leaf characteristics. A total of 263 accessions were studied under field conditions in the National Gene Bank of P. tomentosa in 2003. All of the accessions were characterized by 17 indices from 1 to 2-dimension constructions. Variance analysis of all characteristics showed that there were significant differences among the nine provenances and among individuals within each provenance. This study reveals that the evaluated germplasm appears to have a wide genetic base and high potential for further genetic improvements and it also indicates that abundant gene resources of P. tomentosa have been collected and preserved in the National Gene Bank.  相似文献   

本文对4个地点的毛白杨无性系进行了木材纤维长度遗传变异的研究.结果表明木材纤维长度在地点和无性系水平上均有显著的差异.木材纤维长度的无性系重复力估计为0.79,表明这一材性性状受到较强的遗传控制,可以通过遗传手段得到改良.本文还研究了木材纤维长度在株内的遗传变异.木材纤维长度以及其它性状间的相关分析发现木材纤维长度和树木生长性状(包括材积、树高、胸径和树干通直度)之间均呈显著的正相关关系,但在木材纤维长度和木材基本密度之间存在显著的负相关关系.研究结论认为根据不同地点生长速率与材性的关系,可以进行以生长性状或木材材性性状为主的选择,也可以进行两方面的联合选择.  相似文献   

Effects of Planting Density on Growth of New Clones in Populus tomentosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effects of seven planting densities on the growth and tree form of nine 5-year-old new clones in Populus tomentosa were studied. The plantations, arranged with completely random block design, were located in Wuzhi County, Henan Province.Results indicated that effects of planting density on the diameter at breast height (DBH), individual volume and growing stock increment of all new clones in P. tomentosa were significant at the 1% level of probability, effects of planting density on the tree height increment of new clones B2 and B31 and on the live branches height (LBH) increment of new clones B5 and B30 were significant at the 5% level of probability, while the interaction between planting density and clone was not significant at the 5% level of probability. It was concluded that the degree of differences among new clones within the same planting density was different with different planting densities and traits. For short rotation industrial timber, clones B 1, B3, B4, B5, B7, B9, B31 were suitable with the density of 1 000-2 500 trees per hectare, while for bigger diameter timber, clones B1, B3, B4, B7, B9, B31 could be used with the planting density of 660-833 trees per hectare. Clonal repeatability was also different in different planting densities.  相似文献   

毛白杨无性系树体性状的关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对10年生毛白杨无性系5个树体性状组的关系分析结果表明,材积、枝下高、圆满度三个重要经济性状的改良潜力较大,通直度的改良效果较差。主干和侧枝两性状组与经济性状组的关系密切,分别解释了经济性状组5475%和2876%的相关变异。对经济性状实施选择时,可把树高、胸径、H/2径、冠幅、侧枝的数量与密度、主枝的长与粗以及新枝长和节数作为间接选择指标。  相似文献   

Lignin Characterization of Triploid Clones of Populus tomentosa Carr.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to understand the structural characteristics of lignin in triploid clones ofPopulus tomentosa and its changes in the processes of pulping and bleaching, milled wood lignin (MWL), lignin carbohydrate complex (LCC) and the residual lignin from kraft pulp (KP) and sulfite pulp (SP) were isolated and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum and ^13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The most diagnostic peaks were assigned and the differences were discussed. The spectral patterns reveal that triploid P tomentosa shows the specific features of hardwood from temperate areas, but in the spectrum of FTIR, the strength ratio orAl270 cm^-1 to A1226 cm^-1 is 0.88, higher than the average of hardwood from temperate areas, which will make the lignin delignification more difficult during pulping and bleaching. The LCC from triploid P tomentosa is mainly composed of xyloglucan and glucuronic acid, and other glucides have much lower ratio. In LCC FTIR, there are three peaks at 1 427, 1 329 and 1 046 cm^-1, indicating that both semi-cellulose and cellulose could exist in LCC, and that there might be relationships between cellulose and lignin. Compared with the residual lignin from KP and SP, the condensed structure in KP is more than that in SP.  相似文献   

Horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis was used to study crude enzyme extraction from young leaves of 234 clones of Populus tomentosa Cart. selected from nine provenances in North China. Ten enzyme systems were resolved. One hundred and fifty-six clones showing unusual allozyme band patterns at locus Mdh-Ⅰ were found. Three allozyme bands at locus Mdh-Ⅰ were 9:6:1 in concentration. Further studies on the electrophoretic patterns of ground mixed pollen extraction of 30 male clones selected at random from the 156 clones were conducted and it was found that allozyme bands at locus Mdh-Ⅰ were composed of two dark-stained bands and a weak band. Only one group of the malate dehydrogenase (MDH) zymogram composed of two bands was obtained from the electrophoretic segregation of pollen leachate of the same clones. A comparison of the electrophoretic patterns one another suggested that the locus Mdh-Ⅰ coding malate dehydrogenase in diploid species of P. tomentosa was duplicated. The duplicate gene locus possessed three same alleles and was located in mitochondria. The locus duplication of alleles coding malate dehydrogenase in P.tomentosa was discovered and reported for the first time.  相似文献   

1998~1999年在田间条件下布置了毛白杨VA菌根(包括根内球囊霉菌和单孢球囊霉菌)与外生菌根硬皮马勃混合接种试验.结果表明接种菌根菌对毛白杨苗高生长量有促进作用,且以根内球囊霉菌作用最明显,单孢球囊霉菌处理次之,硬皮马勃处理最差.水涝大大降低人工接种菌根菌的效果,严重影响VA菌根和外生菌根菌单独接种及混合接种的效应,根内球囊霉菌甚至会抑制毛白杨苗木的高生长,VA菌根和外生菌根间的负交互作用也不对苗高生长产生影响.菌根真菌的感染率随时间变化出现较大的波动和变化.  相似文献   

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