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基于非洲菊组织培养工厂化种苗生产过程,对外植体的选择与低温处理、培养过程中几个重要的技术环节进行了研究。以苞片未展开、花径0.5~1.0cm的花蕾适作诱导的外植体,4~8℃低温处理可提高其诱导成功率。快速繁殖中25 d为适宜的培养周期。丛生芽为适宜的增殖体;继代转接后宜遮光或弱光下预培养3~5d有利于增殖体恢复和快速增殖;快繁过程中可应用KT和Ad进行增殖与生长调节;培养容器透气条件改善可延长培养寿命,提高生根率和种苗质量。  相似文献   

淮河流域(安徽段)重要湿地鱼类资源现状及保护措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
淮河流域安徽段共采集到鱼类65种,隶属于8目17科,其中鲤形目39种,鲈形目12种,鲶形目和鲑形目各4种,鳉形目和鲱形目各3种,鳗鲡目和合鳃鱼目各1种。淮河流域安徽段的鱼类可划分为中国江河平原鱼类复合体、古第三纪鱼类复合体、南方平原鱼类复合体和海水鱼类复合体4个区系。本文还分析了该地区鱼类资源的现状,并就进一步加强鱼类资源的保护和可持续利用提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

金钱树的快速繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以金钱树的叶片和叶状茎作为外植体,用0.1%的升汞作为消毒剂,通过试验拟找出最佳的消毒时间及合适的诱导、增殖和生根的培养基。结果表明:0.1%的升汞对两种外植体的最佳消毒时间是8~10min, 最适于诱导叶片外植体产生不定芽、不定芽的增殖和生根的培养基分别为:MS+6-BA2.0mg/L、MS+6-BA3.0 mg/L +KT0.8 mg/L和MS+6-BA5.0 mg/L+ KT0.3 mg/L、1/2MS+6-BA2.0 mg/L +NAA0.3 mg/L。  相似文献   

山茱萸科植物组织培养研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山茱萸科植物是一类集观赏、食用、药用和材用于一体的多用途植物.掌握该科植物的组织培养技术,对其种质资源的开发、利用与保存具有重要意义.本文从外植体、基本培养基、植物生长调节剂和组培苗移栽等方面综述了山茱萸科植物组织培养的研究进展,并提出了在实际应用中所存在的相应问题及解决方法.  相似文献   

苹果属植物组织培养的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付为国  韦晨  王醒 《分子植物育种》2019,17(4):1320-1325

以蚊净香草的叶片和茎段作为外植体,用0.1%的升汞作为消毒剂,通过试验拟找出最佳的消毒时间及适于外植体的诱导、增殖和生根的培养基。结果表明:0.1%的升汞对两种外植体的最佳消毒时间是5~7min,最适于诱导外植体产生愈伤组织和不定芽,以及不定芽的增殖和生根的培养基分别为:MS+6-BA0.5mg/L(单位下同)+IAA0.1+NAA0.3、MS+6-BA0.25 +IAA0.5、 MS+6-BA0.05+NAA0.5 +IBA0.5。  相似文献   

以蚊净香草的叶片和茎段作为外植体,用0.1%的升汞作为消毒剂,通过试验拟找出最佳的消毒时间及适于外植体的诱导、增殖和生根的培养基。结果表明:0.1%的升汞对两种外植体的最佳消毒时间是5~7min,最适于诱导外植体产生愈伤组织和不定芽,以及不定芽的增殖和生根的培养基分别为:MS 6-BA0.5mg/L(单位下同) IAA0.1 NAA0.3、MS 6-BA0.25 IAA0.5、MS 6-BA0.05 NAA0.5 I-BA0.5。  相似文献   

为了探索新疆阿魏的组织培养技术,提高阿魏的繁殖效率和速度.本实验以多伞阿魏不同外植体为研究材料,设置不同温度和激素处理组合,观察不同处理方式的愈伤组织及最终成苗情况,筛选新疆阿魏的组织培养的最优外植体和处理方式.结果表明,以幼嫩叶片作为外植体,在激素6-BA与2,4-D组合处理情况下,愈伤组织有明显的膨大,效果较好;以...  相似文献   

淮河流域(安徽段)两栖爬行动物多样性现状及保护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过调查统计,发现淮河流域(安徽段)现有两栖动物11种,其中古北界2种,东洋界5种,广布种4种;爬行动物23种,属于古北界4种,东洋界13种,广布种6种。区系特点明显,该区的古北界动物分布较少,东洋界和广布种种类分布颇为丰富。本次研究,对了解该地区两栖爬行动物的多样性,控制资源浪费,在保护的基础上合理开发和利用野生动物资源,有重要作用。  相似文献   

百合是世界流行的切花产品,在花卉生产中占有重要地位,也是各国消费者最为喜欢的切花品种之一。  相似文献   

With GC/MS Approach, PAHs in raw water and effluent of six water purification plants in Three Gorges Reservoir Area are analyzed quantificationally. Six species of PAHs such as acenaphthene, phenanthrene, anthracene, pyrene, fluoranthene and acenaphthylene are determined. Of which, fluoranthene is priority pollutant firstly listed by SEPA. The results show that there are several variety of PAHs in raw water and effluent in water purification plants of Three Gorges Reservoir Area, but on the whole, PAHs concentration level is low. The results also show that PAHs removal capacity of conventional water treatment techniques is poor.  相似文献   

作物植株可分为农作物植株、水果植株、树木和花卉植株、畜禽驱体和水产品驱体等五大类型,并以造型、叶片、花朵、果实、大小、盆景、组合和文化等形式来表现美。作物植株美可用物理、修剪、工艺、化学、育种、栽培、装饰、园艺、文化和借景等方法来设计。在设计中,必须遵循生命性与符号性相结合、局部性与整体性相结合和生产性与审美性相结合的原则。  相似文献   

伞形科植物因药用和食用种类多而被重视。皖南山区有伞形科野生药用植物28种2变种1变型,多数种类开发利用不够。对皖南山区该科野生药用植物资源的现状进行了分析,对永续利用提出了建议,期望能给山区农民致富提供依据。  相似文献   

微污染水源人工湿地处理效果与植物作用分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用水平流人工湿地系统对沉砂后的微污染水源水进行了预处理试验,考察了处理效能与湿地植物作用。结果表明:水平流人工湿地系统对COD,TP,TN和NH4+-N平均去除率分别为49.89%,50.44%,53.41%和48.45%;湿地植物作用研究表明:一方面,植物通过吸收直接去除氮、磷,在生长季节作用更明显。而且在床体前部植物生长效果略好于后部,对氮、磷吸收也略高于后部。另一方面植物根系可以过滤、截留去除水中污染物,并为微生物提供附着表面,从而发挥了微生物的降解作用,这在人工湿地系统起重要的作用。  相似文献   

Based on several simplifying assumptions, a stochastic approach was developed which allows an estimation of the effects of nonregular spatial patterns of the distribution of individual plants on yield per area (F). In this approach, two random variables were attached to each plant: single plant yield (E) and individual space per plant (A). The latter was estimated by the area of Thiessen polygons. Yield per area was calculated theoretically by the expectation of the ratio E / A. Appropriate approximations of this expectation depend on the means (ē and ā), coefficients of variation (vE and vA) of E and A and their correlation (rEA). Yield per area can be decomposed into two additive terms: the first term gives the commonly used estimate ē/ā— or h(ā)/ā if a functional relationship between E and A is assumed: E = h(A). In this study, the two relationships E = k1 + k2 · ln A and E = A/(k3 + k4A) were used (with appropriately chosen constants k1, k2, k3, and k4). The second term in the decomposition of F can be interpreted as the effect of variable individual plant spaces on yield per area. In this paper, all theoretical concepts and results were applied to 17 experimental data sets of three cultivars of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Single plant yields (E) and individual plant areas (A) were positively correlated with correlation coefficients from 0.64 up to 0.91. The ranges for both coefficients of variation were similar: 0.27 ≤ vE ≤ 0.65 and 0.28 ≤ vA ≤ 0.59. One obtains no significant differences in the goodness-of-fit for both tested relationships between E and A although the logarithmic relationship seems to be slightly superior. For only three data sets one obtains negative values for the percentage of the second term in the decomposition of F. This indicates an overestimation of yield per area by the commonly used estimates h(ā)/ā and ē/ā, respectively. These overestimations, however, are less than 5 %. In all other cases with positive values for the second term the yield per area is underestimated by the common estimates. For almost all data sets, however, the percentages of F which are explained by the common estimates are much larger than 90 %.  相似文献   

地统计学是探讨自然环境要素空间异质性的有效工具,它适合于定量研究区域化变量的空间结构变异特征。湿地土壤氮素是时空连续的变异体,不论尺度大小均具有高度的空间异质性,而其变量又属于区域化变量,同时具有随机性和结构性特征。因15N示踪技术能够示踪氮素物质的踪迹,而用15N标记的示踪体在湿地土壤中运移时所产生的丰度变化又具有空间异质性,故可考虑将二者结合起来来定量探讨湿地土壤氮素的空间运移。在此,就试对这一问题进行了较为系统和完整的理论探讨。  相似文献   

In this study a stochastic approach, based on several simplifying assumptions, is developed that allows an estimation of the effects of nonregular spatial patterns of the distribution of individual plants on yield per area. In this approach, two random variables were attached to each individual plant: single plant yield and individual space per plant. The latter can be estimated, for example, by the area of Thiessen polygons. Yield per area is calculated theoretically by the expectation (=mean) of the ratio between individual yield and area. Based on the logarithmic relationship between single plant yield and individual space per plant, yield per area can be broken down into three additive terms: the first term depends only on the mean of individual plant areas, while the second depends on their mean and variance simultaneously. This second term is the product of the variance and a factor which depends only on the mean. The third term is a function of the mean and of higher order (≥ 3) central moments of a fractional linear transformation of individual plant area. Finally, these theoretical concepts were applied to 17 experimental data sets of three cultivars of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) with measurements for single plant yields and individual areas for the Thiessen polygon tesselations. Since yield per area is theoretically defined by the expectation of the ratio between individual yield and area, it is estimated by the arithmetic mean of the individual yield/area‐ratios. The agreement between this estimate and the sum of the estimated terms from the aforementioned additive decomposition of yield per area is particularly good. For the 17 data sets, percentages for these additive terms of approximately 71.4 % up to 98.4 % (mean: 89.0 %) for the first term, 1.6 % up to 20.0 % (mean: 9.8 %) for the second term and 0 % up to 8.7 % (mean: 1.2 %) for the third term are obtained. As a consequence it may be concluded, that yield per area can be explained mainly by dependencies on the means of individual plant areas while the variance of individual plant spaces is of only minor importance. The effect of the third term is insignificant. These results clearly indicate an answer to the main issue raised in the paper, namely the importance of seeding density as opposed to seeding accuracy/uniformity: nonuniformity is of limited influence and seeding density is the main correlate of yield/area. Seed placement accuracy of seeding technology therefore plays an only minor role.  相似文献   

谷子Ch型显性雄性核不育花药发育的细胞形态学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对谷子Ch型显性雄性核不育花药发育的细胞形态学观察发现,其杂合株花粉发育正常,但开花时花药不开裂;纯合株自造孢细胞期到花粉积累淀粉时均有败育发生,但主要在小孢子期;杂合株的药室壁细胞药隔发育正常;纯合株的药室壁细胞药隔则发生各种异常,可以认为这是其雄性败育的原因.  相似文献   

沼肥在园林植物种植中不同施用模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决沼肥在园林植物种植中的清洁、高效施用问题,本研究以园林植物菊花和果桑为试验材料,采用盆栽试验分别从沼液净化处理、沼液最佳喷施和园林生土熟化3个方面进行了研究。试验结果表明:(1)确定孔径3 cm且过滤堆置厚度50 cm的核桃壳为沼液净化最佳处理。(2)菊花喷施60%的浓度沼液间隔6天,果桑喷施60%的浓度沼液间隔10天为最佳喷施处理。(3)每1 t园林生土中底施66.7 L沼肥(沼液+沼渣),定植后每隔5天喷施33.3 L沼液(浓度为60%),经50天后即可使生土熟化,供栽植园林植物所需。  相似文献   

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