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Four experimental diets were fed to turbot to examine the effect of fish hydrolysate and ultra‐filtered fish hydrolysate on growth performance, feed utilization and non‐specific immune response. Fish hydrolysate was produced by enzymatic treatment and size fractionated using ultra‐filtration (UF). The permeate (molecular weight <1000 Da) after UF and the non‐ultra‐filtered fish hydrolysate (NUF) were tested as feed ingredients. Diets UF1, UF2 contained 3.7%, 1.2% ultra‐filtered fish hydrolysate to replace fish meal protein respectively. The diets UF1, NUF were identical in composition except that the molecular weight of fish hydrolysate in the diet. Fish meal was used in the control diet. All diets were made equal in protein, lipid and energy. Each experimental diet was fed to juvenile turbot (27.87 ± 0.04 g) in triplicate for 8 weeks. Results of this study indicate that the best overall growth and feed utilization of turbot juveniles were obtained with a diet containing higher dose of the small molecular weight compounds in fish hydrolysate. Acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme and superoxide dismutase activity in serum were not affected by diet. Total antioxidant capacity was improved with increasing level of low molecule weight fish hydrolysate (UF1).  相似文献   

This study was aimed to find out the effect of five light spectra (white, LDW; blue, LDB; green, LDG; red, LDR and yellow, LDY) on the visual development and growth performance of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae. The number (per 100 μm) of cone cells, outer nuclear cells, ganglion cells, the ratio of outer nuclear to cone and ganglion cells, lens diameter and the minimum separable angle were determined. Variations in growth performance in total length, body mass and body colour were also examined. The results showed that the LDB group underwent metamorphosis faster than did the other groups and attained the greatest total length, body mass and light sensitivity. The LDB group also completed the body colour variation prior to the other groups. The LDG group exhibited a high mortality rate since 25 dph (days post‐hatching). We arrived at the conclusions that the spectra could affect the vision and body development of turbot larvae specifically and the blue light had the enhancing efficiency during this process, followed by the white and yellow light. The red light imposed an inhibiting effect on these variations. Our study highlighted the significance of light condition and provided the reference for the farming.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for resistance to Vibrio anguillarum in Scophthalmus maximus were estimated using three different statistical models. Data were recorded from an experimental infection performed on 2,400 individuals from 30 full‐sib groups. Cross‐sectional linear model and cross‐sectional threshold probit model were used to analyse the test‐period survival; the cross‐sectional threshold logit models were used to analyse the test‐day survival. The heritability values estimated by cross‐sectional linear model (CSL), cross‐sectional threshold (probit) model (THRp) and cross‐sectional threshold (logit) model (THRl) were 0.202 ± 0.101, 0.296 ± 0.168 and 0.110 ± 0.023, respectively. The correlation coefficients between the full‐sib families’ estimated breeding values (EBVs) based on these three models were over 0.993. An almost identical ranking of families was generated using any of these models. Accuracy of selection using CSL, THRp and THRl models was 0.783, 0.789 and 0.801, respectively. Accuracy of selection based on the THRl model was higher than that based on CSL and THRp models.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ammonia exposure on stress and immune response in turbot. The species was exposed to five total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentrations: 0 (control), 1, 5, 20 and 40 mg L?1 for 96 h. After 0, 24, 48 and 96 h of exposure, blood samples were collected to measure the levels of corticotropin‐releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, growth hormone (GH), lysozyme (LZM), complement 3 (C3), complement 4 (C4) and immunoglobulinM (IgM); liver samples were taken to analyse oxidative stress parameters (superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; glutathione, GSH; malondialdehyde, MDA), and gene expression of heat shock proteins (HSP 70 and HSP 90) and insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1). The results showed that exposure to higher concentrations of TAN (20 and/or 40 mg L?1) enhanced the levels of CRH, ACTH and cortisol and attenuated the levels of GH, LZM, C3, C4 and IgM in plasma of turbot after 48 and 96 h. In liver, TAN (20 and/or 40 mg L?1) apparently increased the activities of antioxidative enzymes (SOD and CAT), mRNA levels of HSP (HSP 70 and 90) and formation of MDA, decreased the content of GSH and mRNA levels of IGF‐1 after 48 and 96 h of exposure. Overall, our results suggested that high ammonia exposure caused activation of hypothalamic–pituitary–interrenal axis, inhibition of GH/IGF axis and immunity, and occurrence of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Seeking the most suitable model to describe the growth of turbot, we analysed growth data of two different turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) strains reared communally in a recirculating aquaculture system. We fitted 10 different nonlinear growth models to individual weight gain data (n = 2,010) during the grow‐out phase. Analyses were carried out for each strain, for sexes within strains and for a pooled data set containing both strains and sexes. To assess the model performance, three different criteria are used. Further, a growth‐simulation was performed to evaluate the shape of the generated curve. This way we could assess the capability of the models to predict future growth. The 3‐parametric Gompertz model achieved the best fit in 42.9% of all cases tested and the lowest Bayesian information criterion in 100% of cases. The model produced realistically shaped curves and asymptotic values matching the biological attributes of the species. In contrast, 5‐parametric functions projected unrealistically shaped curves and predicted improbable mature sizes. Our results show that increasing number of parameters do not lead to increasing goodness of fit, but tend to result in overfitting, and demonstrate the advantages of the 3‐parametric Gompertz model for describing the growth of turbot.  相似文献   

Enteromyxosis caused by Enteromyxum scophthalmi is one of the parasitizations with a higher economic impact on turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), aquaculture. This myxosporean produces severe catarrhal enteritis with abundant inflammatory infiltrates in the lamina propria‐submucosa (LP), epithelial detachment and leucocyte depletion of the lymphohaematopoietic organs. Some advances made on the pathogenesis pointed to a role of apoptosis in the enteromyxosis. Therefore, the main aim of this work was to employ the TUNEL assay and the anti‐(active caspase‐3) immunohistochemical assay to detect apoptotic cells in both healthy and E. scophthalmi‐infected turbot in order to establish the presence and distribution of apoptotic cells during development of the disease. More apoptotic cells located within the gastrointestinal epithelium were observed in the initial stages of the infection in E. scophthalmi‐infected turbot compared with non‐infected turbot. As the infection progressed, a higher degree of apoptosis occurred in the epithelium of folds heavily parasitized. In the severely infected turbot, apoptosis was also found among the leucocytes of the intestinal inflammatory infiltrates. Moreover, the number of active caspase‐3‐positive cells in the lymphohaematopoietic organs tended to increase with disease severity. In view of the results, increased apoptosis in the epithelium may favour the scaling that occurs during enteromyxosis and cell death of leucocytes in the intestinal LP, contributing to leucocyte depletion in severe cases.  相似文献   

To understand the nutrient utilization efficiency and distribution in indoor fish culture system under treatment of probiotics, this study examined water quality and nitrogen budget in turbot Scophthalmus maximus culture system supplemented with four strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fishery products. The results showed that the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH?‐N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO?‐N) in LAB treatments were all significantly lower (p < 0.05) than in the control group. The nitrate nitrogen (NO?‐N) in LAB treatments showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) compared with control group. The fish feed and water exchange accounted for 79.07% and 17.02% of total N input respectively. For N output, the drainage and residual diets in LAB treatment accounted for 24.50%–25.80% and 1.33%–1.60% respectively, and they were significantly lower than in the control group (27.60% and 2.20% respectively). Fish growth and lost N in LAB treatments accounted for 27.10%–30.50% and 11.00%–18.50% respectively, and they were both significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in the control group (22.30% and 5.30% respectively). The results indicated that the indigenous LAB strains were capable of improving fish growth, and reducing NH?‐N and NO?‐N level (at concentration of 105 cfu/ml) by directly adding in S. maximus culture water. Moreover, specific strains of LAB may increase nitrogen loss by promoting denitrification process in culture system.  相似文献   

Turbot were reared from yolk sack larvae to juvenile in an outdoor semi‐intensive system. Three production cycles were monitored from May to September. A pelagic food chain was established with phytoplankton, copepods and turbot larvae. Abiotic and biotic parameters of lower trophic levels together with turbot larval survival, development, prey electivity and growth were monitored. A decreasing larval survival from 18.4% in May to 13.6% in July and just 7.0% in September was observed. The overall phytoplankton and copepod abundance decreased during the productive season. The turbot larval growth showed significant differences between larvae below (isometric) and above (allometric) 7 mm. Larval fish gut content showed no differences with available prey between production cycles. Therefore, it appears that the available prey concentration is governing their growth in this outdoor system. First‐feeding turbot larvae exhibited active selection for nauplii whereas developed larvae switched to copepodites and adult copepods. Although developing turbot larva exhibited active selection towards copepod size classes, there was no evidence of selective feeding on either of the two dominant copepod species. The turbot larvae's prey ingestion was modelled together with the standing stock of copepod biomass. The model results indicated that the estimated need for daily ingestion exceeded the standing stock of copepods. Hence, the initially established food web was unable to sustain the added turbot larvae with starvation as a consequence. We therefore suggest several solutions to circumvent starvation in the semi‐intensive system.  相似文献   

比较了两种加工工艺对饲料(D1、D2)颗粒物理性状的影响,并用其投喂初始体重为16 g的大菱鲆幼鱼64 d,比较其对大菱鲆幼鱼生长、饲料利用和养殖水环境的影响。结果显示,D2组饲料平均颗粒直径、平均百粒重和水中稳定性显著高于D1组(P0.05),但其吸水性、堆积密度和沉降速度显著低于D1组(P0.05)。D2组大菱鲆幼鱼的增重率、特异生长率、摄食率及蛋白质效率显著高于D1组(P0.05)。大菱鲆对D2组饲料中干物质和粗蛋白的表观消化率显著高于D1组(P0.05),但对粗脂肪和总磷的表观消化率无显著影响(P0.05)。投喂18 h后,养殖水体中N、P含量均有了显著升高,D2组每升水中每千克鱼产生的亚硝酸氮含量显著高于D1组(P0.05),但硝酸氮和总氮增加量显著低于D1组(P0.05);D2组活性磷酸盐及总磷酸盐增加量显著低于D1组(P0.05)。研究结果表明,不同的加工工艺显著影响了颗粒饲料的物理性状和饲料利用,并对养殖水环境造成了影响。  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM) is a high‐quality alternative protein source used to replace fishmeal (FM). However, the molecular mechanisms of over‐substituted FM by MBM resulted in growth reduction are still not clear. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of FM replacement by MBM on the concentration of postprandial free amino acid (FAA) and mRNA abundance of peptide and amino acid transporters in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Fish were fed with FM diet (60% FM), MBM diet (33% FM + 34.2% MBM) and MBM + AA diet (MBM diet with essential amino acid (EAA) added to match the AA profile of FM) for 30 days. Results showed that compared with the FM diet, MBM diet led to a reduction in FAA concentration peak values in plasma and muscle. MBM + AA diet significantly elevated the peak values of FAA concentrations to FM diet level in plasma, but not in muscle. Furthermore, compared with FM diet, MBM diet significantly increased gene expression of PepT1 and major amino acid transporters in intestine, whereas MBM diet greatly downregulated gene expression of T‐type amino acid transporter‐1, system ASC amino acid transporter‐2 and cationic amino acid transporter‐2 in muscle. Supplemented EAA did not ameliorate these different effects in intestine and muscle. Overall, this study provided a comprehensive explanation for the relationship between diet, FAA concentrations and AA transportations, which provides a molecular basis for further using MBM to replace FM in aquafeeds.  相似文献   

Scophthalmas maximus is a precious and main aquacultural species in northern China with an annual output value of more than 1.5 billion yuan. However, with the expansion of breeding range, increased stocking density and variety degradation, a variety of bacterial, parasitic and viral diseases have often occurred and worsened. Among them, bacterial disease is the most serious in farmed S. maximus. Since 2010, an epidemic bacterial disease with primary symptoms of lighter colour of lateral and caudal fins, spotty bleeding, fin base bleeding, abdominal swelling and redness and lesions of internal organs has put broken in S. maximus cultured in Weihai, Longkou and Haiyang, Shandong Province, China. The disease occurred mostly at the seedling and early development stages and propagated very fast, resulting in high mortality. These S. maximus died with obvious surface ulceration in only 3–4 days, causing great economic losses to the aquaculture industry. Beginning in 2010, we conducted epidemiological investigation in farmed S. maximus and isolated two different pathogens from the body of the diseased S. maximus from different farms. In this paper, we observed their morphology, conducted phylogenetic analysis based on their physiological and conventional biochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequences, preliminarily analysed their pathogenesis and investigated the histopathological changes of the diseased S. maximus. We believed that Vibrio anguillarum and V. parahaemolyticus were the pathogenic bacteria for the epidemic disease in S. maximus.  相似文献   

As is the case at other sites in the body (e.g. the gut, skin and mouth), the ocular microbiota plays a crucial role in their host, as disturbances of the composition and function of the ocular microbiota are known to be associated with ocular disorders. Exophthalmic disease (ED) is a significant cause of high mortality in fish species, including farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). However, the relationship between alterations in the ocular microbiota and ED in turbot is unclear. In this work, we collected turbot samples from farmed ponds with ED and healthy samples to understand changes in the ocular microbiota of turbot suffering from ED. We compared the structural and metabolic differences of ocular bacterial communities from farmed turbot with exophthalmic disease and those of healthy controls. Besides less microbial diversity found in turbot with ED regarding the control group, we also found that Aeromonas was the dominant bacteria both in controls and ED samples, but the abundance of Aeromonas was significantly greater in ED individuals. Moreover, the results of correlation test further suggest that Aeromonas overgrowth was correlated with the progress of the disease and shifts in ocular microbiota functional pathways in turbot. These findings emphasize that an increased abundance of Aeromonas serves as an ocular bacterial signature associated with ED in turbot, which provide basic information useful for diagnoses, prevention and treatment of ocular diseases occurring in cultured fish.  相似文献   

We evaluated the influence of different proportions of 5′‐inosine monophosphate (IMP) and 5′‐guanosine monophosphate (GMP) on growth, feed digestibility and activity of digestive enzymes of turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Weight gain and daily feed intake were significantly higher in S. maximus fed with IMP or GMP, in comparison with fish fed with neither IMP nor GMP. The growth of 0.05% IMP + 0.05% GMP group was the best, and the intestinal digestive function was improved. The addition of IMP and GMP to fish diets significantly increased the apparent feed digestibility coefficient of dry matter and protein, as well as intestinal protease activity. The highest intestinal protease activity was observed in fish fed with 1 g/kg IMP. However, the lipase activity in hepatopancreas decreased significantly after addition of nucleic acid. According to our results, the optimal level of dietary IMP is 1 g/kg, which is in line with most of the growth performance and feed digestibility.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate the effects of taurine (Tau) alone or in combination with fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) on growth performance, the expression of Tau transporter (TauT) and metabolic profile in juvenile turbot. FM, FPH0, FPH0+T, FPH10 and FPH10+T diets, respectively, contained 300, 150, 150, 80, and 80 g/kg fishmeal. FPH10 and FPH10+T diets contained 62 g/kg FPH. FPH0+T and FPH10+T diets were, respectively, prepared by supplementing the FPH0 and FPH10 diet formulations with 8 g/kg Tau. Specific growth rate was the highest in FM group and the lowest in FPH10 group. TauT mRNA levels in fish fed Tau supplemented diets were significantly lower than that in Tau unsupplemented diets. NMR‐based metabolomics analysis showed that Tau contents in liver of FPH0+T and FPH10+T were significantly higher than that of FM, FPH0 and FPH10. In muscle, Tau contents were significantly decreased in the FPH10+T versus FPH0 and the FPH10+T versus FPH10 comparisons. In conclusion, 62 g/kg FPH to replace fishmeal may not affect Tau synthesis, transport and metabolism. However, Tau supplemented alone or in combination with a certain level of FPH could reduce the requirement for Tau synthesis and transport and increased Tau levels in muscle and liver.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of five attractants on feed intake, growth performance and appetite‐regulating genes expression for juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Fish were fed with seven diets: fish‐meal‐based diet (FM), fermented soybean meal replacing 45% fish meal (FSBM) and other diets with 1% compound attractant A (CA‐A) consisting of amino acids, compound attractant B (CA‐B) consisting of quaternary ammonium bases, compound attractant C (CA‐C) consisting of nucleotides, compound attractant G (CA‐G) consisting of the combination of CA‐A, CA‐B and CA‐C and blue mussel protein hydrolysate (BMH) on the basis of FSBM diet respectively. Daily feed intake in CA‐A group was significantly higher, but that in CA‐B group was significantly lower than FSBM group. Similarly, specific growth rate was significantly enhanced in CA‐A and CA‐G groups and were significantly decreased in CA‐B group. Protein efficiency ratio and protein retention in CA‐B group were significantly lower than FSBM group. Furthermore, BMH supplement increased the mRNA expression of Ghrelin in the intestine of fish. These results showed that CA‐A and CA‐G supplement could enhance growth in plant‐based diets, but CA‐B supplement had the opposite effect, which might be associated with lower feed intake and lower feed utilization.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of different concentrations of 5′‐inosine monophosphate (IMP) and 5′‐guanosine monophosphate (GMP) on the growth, immunity and muscle composition of turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Eight diets (containing no IMP or GMP, or 0.5 g/kg IMP, 1.0 g/kg IMP, 2.0 g/kg IMP, 0.5 g/kg GMP, 1.0 g/kg GMP, 2.0 g/kg GMP, or 0.5 g/kg IMP plus 0.5 g/kg GMP) were prepared. A total of 360 fish (average body weight of 105 g) were randomly selected and placed in groups into 24 plastic aquaria (8 treatments × 3 replicates × 15 individuals per plastic aquaria). The tanks were maintained at the temperature of 15 ± 2°C. The experimental diets were fed for 60 days. The specific growth rate (SGR) was significantly higher in S. maximus fed with IMP or GMP compared with fish fed neither IMP nor GMP. The highest SGR was observed in fish fed with 1.0 g/kg IMP. Supplementation with these dietary nucleotides had a positive, but not significant effect on the activity of superoxide dismutase, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase. There was a significant difference in the moisture and crude lipid content of muscle from S. maximus fed the different diets compared with control fish. The highest moisture content was 83.44 for a diet of 0.5 g/kg IMP plus 0.5 g/kg GMP, which was also significantly higher when compared to fish fed alternative diets. The crude lipid content of S. maximus fed diets containing either IMP or GMP was significantly higher than those fed diets without IMP or GMP. Thus, according to these results, the optimal level of dietary IMP is 1.0 g/kg, which correlates with the largest increase in growth performance of S. maximus.  相似文献   

本实验以大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)幼鱼[(39.69±0.25) g]为研究对象,探究由裂壶藻(Schizochytrium sp.)和拟微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis sp.)组成的混合微藻替代鱼油对幼鱼生长性能、体组成、肠道消化水平及抗氧化能力的影响,以确定混合微藻替代鱼油的适宜比例。通过在基础饲料中添加不同比例的混合微藻,分别替代0、25%、50%和100%的鱼油,制成4组等氮等脂的实验饲料(分别命名为D1、D2、D3和D4),每组饲料设3个重复,实验周期为12周。结果显示,随替代比例的提高,大菱鲆幼鱼的增重率(WGR)和饲料效率(FE)呈下降趋势,D1、D2和D3组的特定生长率(SGR)和FE无显著性差异,但均显著高于D4组(P<0.05);肝体比(HSI)在D1组达到最大值,且显著高于其他各组(P<0.05);存活率(SR)和肥满度(CF)在各组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。随着混合微藻替代鱼油比例的升高,全鱼和肌肉粗脂肪含量呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,且D4组显著低于D1组(P<0.05);大菱鲆幼鱼鱼体中C20:4n-6和n-6 PUFA含量显著升高,在D4组均达到最大值,且显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。而EPA、DHA和n-3 PUFA含量随之显著下降,对照组(D1)含量显著高于其他各组(P<0.05);肌肉中C20:4n-6和DHA含量在不同实验组间无显著性差异(P>0.05),EPA和n-3 PUFA含量呈显著降低趋势(P<0.05)。肠道脂肪酶活力在D3组达到最大值,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),肠道胰蛋白酶活力也是在D3组最高,但与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。与D1组相比,D3组肠道中酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、溶菌酶(LZM)活力和补体C3含量均显著升高(P<0.05)。肠道中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力随替代比例的提高呈先升高后降低的趋势,均在D3组达到最大值,显著高于D1组(P<0.05),而肠道中丙二醛(MDA)含量在不同实验组间并未表现出显著性差异(P>0.05)。综上所述,混合微藻替代50%的鱼油并不会对大菱鲆幼鱼的生长性能产生负面影响,同时可以提高肠道的消化性能、抗氧化能力和非特异性免疫能力。  相似文献   

Juvenile turbot (45 g, SE = 1.3) were reared under three photoperiods, 08L:16D, 12L:12D and 20L:04D at slightly elevated ambient temperature for Ireland. Over the 297‐day experimental period, the overall growth rate of the 12L:12D (0.82% d?1) treatment was higher than for both 08L:16D (0.80% d?1) and 20L:04D (0.77% d?1). Overall relative feed intake (FI = % consumption*day?1) was higher for the 20L:04D (FI = 0.81% d?1, SE = 0.06) treatment than for the 08L:16D (0.63% d?1, 0.04) and 12L:12D (0.64% d?1 0.04) treatments, whereas feed conversion efficiency (FCE = weight gain* consumption?1) was lower in the 20L:04D (FCE = 0.67, SE = 0.08) group when compared with the 08L:16D (0.88, 0.06) and 12L:12D (0.88, 0.06) treatments. Present results show that the long‐term extended fixed photoperiod may act as an irritant, inducing stress, suppressing growth and reducing feed utilization. It is hypothesized that the progression of size‐dependent hierarchies over time can be divided into two distinct phases herein referred to as ‘hierarchy resolution’ and ‘hierarchy stabilization’ phases (or phases 1 and 2) characterized by increasing and decreasing growth heterogeneity respectively. Growth heterogeneity is measured as coefficient of variation of weight and rank correlation of initial weight of a phase and corresponding growth rate.  相似文献   

基于AMMI模型分析大菱鲆选育家系基因型与环境互作效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
马爱军  王新安 《水产学报》2012,36(11):1633-1639
为选育具有普适性的优良家系和适于某一特定环境的优良大菱鲆家系,实验以大菱鲆选育F2的10个优良家系为材料,利用随机区组设计,将其推广到5个不同的实验点进行养殖实验,采用主效可加互作可乘模型(AMMI)分析方法,分析大菱鲆选育家系基因型与环境互作效应。结果显示,家系和环境互作效应(G×E)的平方和占总平方和的10.82%,达到极显著水平(P0.01),其对产量差异的影响大于家系基因型间对产量差异的影响,为家系效应的1.44倍;综合双标图AMMI模型分析和稳定性参数分析,家系G5和G8的产量较高,分别为844.796和868.888 g,稳定性参数也最小,分别为1.154 975和2.668 016,属于高产、稳产、广适应性较好的家系,其基因型适于新品系(或新品种)选育;通过双标图分析,5个实验点可被分为3组,E3为一组,E5为一组,E1、E2和E4为一组。家系G6的产量为851.768 g,在环境E3条件下最高产,适于在E3条件下推广;家系G10的产量为911.664 g,在环境E5条件下最高产,适于在E5条件下推广;而G2的产量为784.764 g,在环境E1、E2和E4条件下最高产,适于在环境E1、E2和E4条件下推广。  相似文献   

The intention of the study was to investigate the effect of ultrafiltered fish protein hydrolysate (UF) level on growth, feed utilization, apparent digestibility coefficients and proximal intestine peptide transporter 1 (PepT1) mRNA level for juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Experimental diets (UF‐0, UF‐5, UF‐10, UF‐15 and UF‐20) were prepared containing about 68% plant protein, and fish meal protein was, respectively, replaced by 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% UF of dietary protein. Diet PP contained about 78% plant protein, and diet CAA contained about 10% crystalline amino acid mixture. All diets were fed to seven triplicate groups of turbot (initial weight 16.05 ± 0.03 g) for 68 days. Fish fed diet UF‐10 had an increasing tendency in growth compared with diets contained UF, while dietary UF level was not significantly correlated with specific growth rate and feed intake. Feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio and protein productive value significantly correlated with dietary UF level, and fish fed diets contained low‐level UF had higher digestibility than that diets UF‐0, PP and CAA. There was a decreasing tendency in PepT1 expression level with dietary UF level. The results indicated that low‐level UF showed a positive effect on growth and feed utilization in juvenile turbot.  相似文献   

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