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The physico-chemical characteristics of particulate wastes of Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax were investigated. Changes in the dimensions, settling velocity and total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) leached from commercial feed pellets were investigated after soaking. Also, the settling velocity and TAN leached from faecal pellets of these fish were assessed at 15 and 25 °C. The settling velocity of feed pellets was influenced positively by pellet weight and negatively by immersion length as a result of changes in pellet dimensions after soaking. The settling velocity of faecal pellets was determined by pellet weight. The experimental design did not allow identification of any consistent effect of water temperature on settling velocity. Total ammonia nitrogen leaching over time from feed and faecal pellets was successfully explained by means of a first-order kinetic equation. For feed pellets, water temperature significantly affected the speed of the process and the time at which the maximum TAN leached was reached, but did not influence the maximum TAN leached. Leaching was related to feed pellet size, and so the smaller the pellet, the higher the leaching. Total ammonia nitrogen leaching from faecal pellets was greater per unit weight than in feed pellets. However, neither water temperature nor fish species influenced TAN leaching from faeces.  相似文献   

In the absence of breeding strategy, natural spawning constitutes the breeding ground for fish farmers to empirically manage their commercial broodstock. In this context, we used six microsatellite markers to characterize the genetic pattern of six commercial seabream broodfish tanks having a common history spanning four generations. The progeny of one tank single‐day mass‐spawning event, reared in two different environments, was used to estimate the genetic parameters for body weight. Limited genetic differentiation was observed among broodfish groups. A panel of nine loci allowed us to unambiguously assign 95.4% of the offspring (1692) and identify 37 parents (65% of the total broodfish). The limited effective population size (Ne = 15.3) was due to the elevated variance of parental contributions and to broodfish failing to contribute to the progeny. The fluctuation of the allele frequency highlighted the risks of genetic drift and reduction in the heterozygosity in the next generations. Heritability for body weight was moderate at commercial size (0.40 ± 0.10) and the high genetic correlation at later stages laid the groundwork for precocious selection criteria for growth. The discussion opens on the opportunity to use mass spawning for selective breeding.  相似文献   

The effect of thyme essential oil (Thymus zygis, subspecies gracilis) on the quality and shelf life of gilthead seabream was studied, when added to the diet: a control diet and four experimental diets (T500, T1000, T1500, T2000) with 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg kg?1 of thyme essential oil, respectively. After 12 weeks of experimentation, the fish were stored on ice at 4 °C for 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. Physical–chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were carried out at each sampling point to determine the degree of deterioration. A dose‐dependent effect was observed on the colour, TBARS and total volatile basic nitrogen during the storage. Microbiological counts were lower for Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms at high doses of the essential oil. The sensory analysis showed an effect on the quality index that was not dependent on the dose, which extended the shelf life of gilthead seabream from 17 to 18 days for all doses.  相似文献   

A 70 days feeding trial was carried out on juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) (mean initial body weight: 362 ± 59 g) to evaluate whether the simultaneous replacement of fishmeal and fish oil by vegetable ingredients affected the muscle's proteolytic potential. Fish were fed either a fishmeal/fish oil diet, a fishmeal/vegetable oil diet, a plant protein/fish oil or a plant protein/vegetable oil diet. The use of dietary plant proteins resulted in lower sulphated glycosaminoglycans' content and lower glycogen phosphorylase activity in the muscle, while both plant proteins and vegetable oil increased muscle pH and reduced cathepsin B activity. Our results indicate that high replacement of fish meal and/or fish oil with plant ingredients has a significant impact on early postmortem metabolic processes and proteolytic potential of seabream muscle, especially when replacing both fish meal and fish oil.  相似文献   

The research was aimed to assess the effect of dietary carvacrol (0.025% and 0.05%) on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) growth, immune response and resistance to Listonella anguillarum. Fish (69.2 ± 0.22 g) were fed the experimental diets for 9 weeks. Dietary carvacrol did not negatively affect fish survival, growth performance, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (> 0.05) nor carcass yield and viscerosomatic, hepatosomatic and mesenteric fat index (P > 0.05). Serum and head kidney leucocytes were collected after 1, 4 and 8 weeks of feeding. Carvacrol significantly reduced serum proteins, immunoglobulins and lysozyme activity (< 0.01) and moderately increased phagocytosis and pinocytosis of head kidney macrophages. The release of reactive oxygen species by leucocytes was reduced in carvacrol‐fed fish, even if significantly (< 0.05) only in those fed 0.05% carvacrol for 1 week. Dietary carvacrol did not significantly affect the aspecific immune response, although a potential antioxidant activity might be speculated. Moreover, feeding carvacrol provided an appreciable resistance to a challenge with L. anguillarum, when a bacterial dose lower than the Lethal Dose50 was used. Cumulative mortality in fish fed 0.025% carvacrol was significantly lower than that of untreated controls (75% Relative Per cent Survival).  相似文献   

To study the effect of propolis in crude form (CPP), prepared without any chemical refinement (CPP) on Dicentrarchus labrax under low‐temperature stress, sea bass juveniles were randomly divided into three groups: a control group fed with basal diet and two treatment groups fed with basal diet supplemented with 1.25 and 2.5 g kg−1 of propolis. At the end of a 10‐week feeding trial, sea bass were exposed to low‐temperature stress at 12 °C for 24 h. The growth performance, RNA/DNA ratio and changes in serum biochemical parameters were investigated. Dietary intake of propolis stimulated the specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion efficiency (FCE), RNA/DNA ratio and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme activity, while decreasing plasma triglycerides and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity. Supplement of 2.5 g kg−1 CPP in diet significantly increased the mean SGR and FCE up to 9% and 13.4%, respectively, in comparison with the control group. Low‐temperature stress elevated serum triglycerides, glucose and cortisol levels in all groups; however, glucose and cortisol reached significantly lower end values in group receiving highest amount of propolis in diet. This study suggests that ingestion of basal diet supplemented with 2.5 g kg−1 of propolis could prevent adverse effects of low‐temperature stress and promote the growth of sea bass.  相似文献   

High‐protein distillers dried grains (HPDDG) is a co‐product of ethanol production that uses prefractionation technology. A 70‐day growth trial was conducted to investigate the effect of partial replacement of dietary soybean meal by high‐protein distiller's dried grains (HPDDG) with protease enzyme supplementation (PROXYM ULTRA®) on growth performance, physiological parameters and histological changes of the intestine of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax fingerlings. The results indicated that increased dietary HPDDG levels up to 50% of HPDDG supplemented with protease significantly increases growth performance and feed utilization and improved FCR of sea bass. In addition, replacement of SBM by HPDDG supplemented with protease enhanced feed intake efficiency and the health status of fish. Haematology and serum biochemistry (haemoglobin (Hb)), red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and humeral immune parameters including total protein, globulin, cholesterol, lysozyme activity and total antioxidant capacity significantly increased with increase in HPDDG supplemented with protease in the diets. Results of this study indicated that HPDDG supplemented with protease is a good alternative protein source for aquaculture feed and can be included up to 50% as a replacement of SBM without compromising growth performance and physiological parameters of sea bass.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of essential oil extracted from bergamot (Citrus bergamia) peel on growth performance and health status of European sea bass juveniles (5.10 + 0.05 g). Test diets supplemented with 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% bergamot peel oil (BPO0, BPO0.5, BPO1 and BPO2) were fed to experimental fish for 60 days. At the end of the experiment, the best growth performance was obtained in the BPO0.5 and BPO1 groups (p < .05). No significances were found for haematological parameters including red blood cell count, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration at the end of the feeding experiment. There were significant differences between the total protein, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (p < .05) between the BPO0.5 and BPO1 supplemented groups and the control group with no BPO addition. The addition of BPO showed significant differences in immune parameters such as lysozyme activity, total myeloperoxidase content, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity between BPO0 and BPO supplemented groups (p < .05). It might be concluded that dietary addition of 0.5%‐1% BPO could increase the growth performance and feed utilization with improved health status in sea bass juveniles.  相似文献   

The fillet fatty acids (FAs) and volatile compounds (VCs) of gilthead sea bream, fed either fish oil‐based diet (FO) or plant oils (PO), were studied in dorsal and ventral fillet parts over a 12‐day ice storage. Fillet FA reflected the FA composition of the respective diets. Monounsaturated FAs were reduced with storage, while no FA differentiations occurred between fillet parts. VCs varied between diet treatments, with food chain‐transported compounds (α‐pinene and dimethylsulphide) showing higher abundance in the FO group. VCs proposed as fish spoilage indicators (trimethylamine, pentanal, propanal, 3‐methylbutanal and 1‐penten‐3‐ol) increased with storage, while concentration of carbon disulphide associated with fresh fish aroma decreased during the same period. VCs varied between fillet parts, with ventral part exhibiting higher concentrations in fat‐soluble (terpenes, aromatic hydrocarbons) and spoilage‐associated VCs. Sensory analysis revealed no significant differences between diet groups with the exception of fattiness, which was found significantly higher in the plant oil group.  相似文献   

Dicentrarchus labrax were fed from 10 to 40 days posthatching with six microdiets differing in the inclusion level (60 g kg‐1 and 120 g kg‐1) and type of protein hydrolysate (PH; yeast, YPH; pig blood, PBPH; pig red blood cells, PRBCPH). A microdiet containing 120 g kg‐1 fish PH (FPH) was used as a control. PH differed in their amino acid (AA) profile and molecular weight distribution and therefore the tested microdiets too. The estimated content in FAA and di‐ and tripeptides in the FPH microdiet was 2 g kg‐1 and 44 g kg‐1, respectively. FAA estimated levels in YPH and PBPH microdiets were 26 g kg‐1 and 53 g kg‐1, whereas levels of di‐ and tripeptides were 30 g kg‐1 and 60 g kg‐1, respectively. The estimated levels of FAA in PRBCPH microdiets were 8 g kg‐1 and 17 g kg‐1, whereas estimated levels of di‐ and tripeptides were 11 g kg‐1 and 22 g kg‐1, respectively. Results revealed that FPH may be replaced by alternative PH from yeast and pig blood products, as fish fed those diets performed, in terms of growth, survival, digestive function and incidence of skeletal deformities, as well as those fed the FPH microdiet. Using YPH, PBPH and PRBCPH, the inclusion level of PH in microdiets might be reduced to a half with respect to current practices using FPH.  相似文献   

High protein distiller's dried grains (HP‐DDG) are co‐products of ethanol production that uses prefractionation technology. An 8‐week growth trial was conducted to investigate the effect of partial replacement of soybean meal (SBM) by three levels of HP‐DDG (30%, 40% and 50%) on growth performance, physiological parameters and histological changes of the intestine of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. The results indicated that an increased dietary level of HP‐DDG of more than 30% significantly increases growth performance and improved the FCR of sea bass. In addition, replacement of SBM by HP‐DDG enhanced feed intake efficiency and the health status of fish. Haematology and serum biochemistry (haemoglobin (Hb), red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), packed cell volume (PCV %) and humeral immune parameters including total protein, albumin, globulin, cholesterol, lysozyme activity and total antioxidant capacity significantly increased with increase HP‐DDG inclusion levels. The findings of this study indicated that HP‐DDG is a good complementary protein source for inclusion aquaculture diets and levels above 30% as a replacement of SBM did not compromise growth performance and physiological parameters of sea bass while enhancing some important indices of health status in this species.  相似文献   

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