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Wild sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, are a valuable commercial species whose populations are declining. Fortunately, sablefish are excellent species for commercial aquaculture. Sablefish raised under high‐density conditions in the marine environment require the use of efficacious vaccines to control disease. Sablefish impacted by disease in net pens may have poor flesh quality and high mortality during grow‐out. As a result, disease can cause financial hardship for sablefish aquaculture operators. The efficacy of a multivalent vaccine preparation for sablefish, administered either by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection or by immersion, against atypical and typical Aeromonas salmonicida, the causative agents of atypical and typical furunculosis, respectively, was examined. A. salmonicida can affect sablefish at any age and size. Consequently, an efficacious vaccine that can be appropriately and optimally administered to all life stages is desirable. Sablefish vaccinated by immersion at ~1.5 or ~4.5 g with a whole‐cell multivalent vaccine were not protected against either typical or atypical A. salmonicida. Factors that may have contributed to the ineffectiveness of the immersion vaccine are discussed. By contrast, the relative per cent survival (RPS) or potency of the whole‐cell multivalent vaccine injected i.p. in juvenile sablefish at ~50 g against typical and atypical A. salmonicida was 94.3% and 81.7% respectively. The high RPS values indicated that the vaccine successfully initiated an immune response in sablefish upon a second encounter with the pathogen.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the suitability of using cold‐pressed flaxseed oil (FO) as a major source of lipid in place of anchovy oil (AO) in the diet of juvenile sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), a relatively new marine species to aquaculture. Sablefish were fed one of four diets twice daily to satiation for 15 weeks. The test diets were identical in composition, except for the source of supplemental lipid which was either 100% AO (100AO), or increasing replacement of AO with FO i.e., 75AO:25FO, 50AO:50 FO or 25AO:75FO. Sablefish growth parameters, whole body and fillet proximate constituent concentrations and apparent digestibility coefficients were uninfluenced by diet treatment. There were also no adverse effects of the diet treatments on fish health, as determined from analysis of various haematological and innate immunological parameters. Terminal fillet fatty acid compositions generally reflected the dietary fatty acid compositions, while flesh contaminant concentration decreased with increasing dietary flaxseed oil content. Results indicated that FO may comprise up to 75% of the supplemental lipid in a grower diet for sablefish, while still providing humans with a rich dietary source of highly unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

To quantify the efficacy and cost of different soya protein ingredients, heated soya beans (HSB) and underprocessed (SB) full‐fat soya beans (FFSB), soya protein concentrate (SPC) and trim waste from Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) were incorporated into feeds for the cold water marine sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Feed ingredients for this study were processed using an experimental heated ball mill with demonstrated potential as an affordable process for rural or small‐scale feed production. The three feed treatments were formulated with equal amounts of soya protein and Pacific whiting process trim. The three feed treatments contained 46% protein and 18% lipid as dry matter. Three 480‐L tanks of 10 fish were used to evaluate each of the three feed treatments. Fish were fed to satiation every 2 days for 8 weeks. Weight gain of the treatment groups ranged between 56% and 105% over the course of the study. Fish growth was significantly better among fish receiving the feeds containing HSB and SPC than a feed containing SB. At the conclusion of the study, histomorphologic evaluations of the distal intestines of final fish were conducted. Varying levels of inflammation were measured for all three treatments. Fisher's exact test showed a significant reduction in mononuclear cell infiltration among fish fed heat‐treated full‐fat soya beans vs those receiving underprocessed full‐fat soya beans. Fish receiving HSB feed had significantly lower intestinal inflammation than SB fish. Based on our results, cost savings of $ 0.253/kg were calculated for the HSB feed over the SPC feed.  相似文献   

We analysed the effect on production and economic performance of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei of isoproteic diets substituting fishmeal by 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% with mixtures of wheat, soya bean and cornmeals. In a laboratory trial, 10 juveniles m?2 (1.1 ± 0.1 g) were reared in 60‐L plastic containers using a recirculation system for 90 days. Three replicates were used to test each diet. A commercial diet serving as a reference and the diet with the highest content of essential amino acids (50% substitution, 6.46 ± 1.1 g) produced significantly higher shrimp final weight (7.12 ± 0.9 g, < 0.05). There were not significant differences in specific growth rate and mean survival (85.9 ± 0.2%, > 0.05). In a pond trial, 10 shrimp m?2 (1.08 ± 0.3 g) were cultivated in 1.5 m?3 cages for 35 days, testing the diets in triplicate. Final weight was significantly higher (< 0.05) when 100% substitution was used (10.89 ± 0.24 g), while survival did not differ significantly among diets (> 0.05). The optimal level of substitution was estimated at 86.0%. Apparently, nutrients contained in the diets combined well with natural feed available in the pond, up to a point where 7.3% of fishmeal inclusion is recommended. An economic analysis showed that 100% substitution produced the best results. We conclude that mixtures of wheat, corn and soya meals are potential alternatives to replace fishmeal effectively in diets for L. vannamei.  相似文献   

The feasibility of substituting soybean meal for fishmeal diets for juvenile white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti (0.35±0.01 g) was evaluated, and an adequate substitution level was determined. Five diets were evaluated using 46%, 59%, 75%, 88% and 100% substitution levels. Pellet water stability was significantly affected by dietary soybean content (P<0.05). Increased soybean content produced lower pellet stability, ranging from a dry matter loss of 14–22% after a 2‐h immersion, and 20–33% after an 8‐h immersion. After 52 days, significant differences (P<0.05) were found in shrimp weight, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio. The values were 0.64–1.06 g, 2.8–7.9 and 0.45–1.21, respectively, for the three measurements. Overall, better results were obtained with diets where soybean meal was substituted for fishmeal up to 75%. The 100% soybean meal diet resulted in poor growth performance of shrimp. Survival rates were acceptable for all treatments (90% or higher) and no significant differences were found in survival between treatments. Regression analysis using the broken‐line methodology indicated that 76.5±2% is an optimum soybean substitution level in diets that contained fishmeal and soybean as the major protein sources for grow‐out of juvenile white shrimp.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding experiment was conducted in floating cages (1.5 × 1.0 × 2.0 m) to determine the potential use of defatted soybean meal (roasted and solvent‐extracted) as a partial replacement of fishmeal in the isonitrogenous (approximately 450 g kg?1 CP [crude protein]) diet for juvenile cobia with an initial average weight of about 8.3 g. Diets were formulated to include 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 g kg?1 (diets D0, D10, D20, D30, D40, D50 and D60, respectively) of fishmeal protein being substituted by defatted soybean meal without methionine supplementation. The results showed that weight gain rate decreased significantly when the replacement level of fishmeal protein was increased from 400 g kg?1 to 500 g kg?1, and the D60 diet was the lowest in all groups. These results indicate that up to 400 g kg?1 of fishmeal protein can be replaced by defatted soybean meal without causing significant reduction in growth. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly affected by the replacement level of fishmeal protein being substituted by defatted soybean meal, when the replacement level of fishmeal protein was 200 g kg?1 (diet, D20), FCR was the lowest and PER was the highest. There were no significant differences in the moisture, lipid, crude protein and ash content in whole body and muscle, while lipid content in liver increased as the dietary soybean meal replacement levels increased. There were significant differences in haemoglobin, haematocrit, red blood cell, plasma glucose and triglyceride concentration in fish fed diets with different soybean meal replacement levels. Results of this trial indicated that the optimum level of fishmeal protein replacement with defatted soybean meal, determined by quadratic regression analysis was 189.2 g kg?1, on the basis of maximum weight gain.  相似文献   

Climate–ocean regimes in the north-east Pacific translate into decadal-scale patterns in the relative success of sablefish ( Anoplopoma fimbria ). By combining estimates of year class abundance determined from commercial catches and research surveys for adults and juveniles, we were able to construct an index of year class success. Year classes from 1960 to 1976 were generally below average, with little indication of good year class success. The 1977 year class was exceptionally large and year classes from 1978 to 1990 were generally above average. Year classes following 1990 were generally below average. The periods with above-average year classes were generally characterized by intense Aleutian Lows, above-average frequency of south-westerly winds and warmer coastal sea surface temperatures off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Decadal-scale patterns in the production of sablefish suggest stability in long-term periods of similar recruitment but different mean levels of productivity across periods. However, rapid shifts between periods remain unpredictable and therefore complicate the incorporation of decadal-scale dynamics in management.  相似文献   

The effects of three different rearing temperatures (12, 15 and 18°C) on growth and survival of sablefish larvae (Anoplopoma fimbria) were examined from 5 days poststocking to weaned subjuveniles. First‐feeding larvae were stocked into 960‐L circular tanks at a density of 15 larvae/L (n = 3 per temperature treatment). Feeding, increases in light and water flow and other changes during the experiment were based on a degree‐day (°Cday) schedule to adjust for time and temperature. The larvae were weaned on calendar day 41, 34 and 30 in the 12, 15 and 18°C treatments respectively. Survival to weaning was greater at 15 than 12 or 18°C. Calendar day and degree‐day length and dry weight were greater in the 18°C treatment. The larvae were weaned 7 days earlier at 15°C and 11 days earlier at 18°C compared to larvae at 12°C. Sablefish larvae can be reared at 15°C with faster growth and good survival compared to 12°C and at an approximately 17% reduction in cost and labour. Sablefish grew even faster but had higher mortality rates at 18°C compared to 15°C. Results from genotyping strongly suggest that there is a genetic basis for performing differentially at varying rearing temperatures and would also suggest that selection for faster growth and higher survival could be accomplished in a broodstock programme.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to access the suitability of using poultry fat (PF) or blends of PF with flaxseed oil (FO) to replace 75% of the supplemental anchovy oil (AO) in the diet of juvenile sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), a relatively new marine species to aquaculture. Sablefish were fed one of four diets twice daily to satiation for 15 weeks. The test diets were identical in composition except for the source of supplemental lipid which was either 100% AO (100AO), or had 75% of the supplemental AO replaced with 50% FO:25% PF, 25% FO:50% PF or 75% PF. Sablefish growth parameters, whole body and fillet proximate constituent concentrations, and apparent digestibility coefficients were uninfluenced by diet treatment. There were also no adverse effects of the diet treatments on fish health, as determined from analysis of various haematological and innate immunological parameters. Terminal fillet fatty acid compositions generally reflected the dietary fatty acid compositions. Results indicated that PF or blends of PF and FO may comprise 75% of the supplemental lipid in a grower diet for sablefish and are an economic alternative to AO while still providing humans with a rich dietary source of highly unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the gradual replacement of fishmeal with fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) and biofloc flour (BF) in the diets of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae (2 mg). Five diets (420 g kg?1 of crude protein) were formulated, and these replaced 0 (control), 10, 20, 30 and 40% (T0, T10, T20, T30 and T40, respectively) of the fishmeal. A commercial diet was used as an external control. The alternative ingredients FPH and BF were added at a ratio of 1 : 1. After 42 days, the shrimp survival was higher than 99% in all the treatment groups. A regression test indicated that the ideal fishmeal substitution level to obtain optimal zootechnical parameters (final weight, weight gain and protein efficiency) is between 15.16 and 16.5%. In this study, we demonstrated that BF and FPH are potential ingredients that can be used to replace fishmeal in L. vannamei postlarvae diets.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the nutritional value of skate meal and sablefish viscera meal from Alaskan fishery processing and to ascertain their suitability as replacements for pollock fishmeal in diets for Pacific threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis). Test diets were made by replacing 50% or 100% protein from fish meal in the control diet with skate or sablefish viscera meal. The test diets and a commercial feed were each assigned to four tanks with eight juvenile fish (9.7 g) per tank in an indoor flow‐through culture system. After 6 weeks, Pacific threadfin fed skate meal‐50% and ‐100% substituted diets exhibited similar weight gains (374%; 369%) and feed conversion ratios (1.29; 1.27) as those fed the control diet (345%; 1.30 respectively) (P > 0.05). In contrast, Pacific threadfin fed the sablefish viscera meal‐50% substituted diet exhibited significantly lower weight gain (112%) than fish fed the control diets (P < 0.05). The fish fed the control diet and skate meal substituted diets also achieved significantly higher (P < 0.05) weight gain than those fed the commercial feed (288%). In conclusion, skate meal can fully replace the commercial fishmeal in a Pacific threadfin diet without adversely effecting growth performance.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted with juvenile cobia, Rachycentron canadum: (Study 1) a 10‐week feeding trial within floating net cages to test the nutritional efficacy of different dietary feeding regimes (trash‐fish control diet, a semimoist diet, an in‐house dry formulated diet, and a commercial cobia feed); (Study 2) a 10‐week feeding trial within an indoor water‐recirculating tank‐based system to test the nutritional efficiency of different potential dietary fishmeal replacers (poultry byproduct meal, soy protein concentrate, feather meal), a diet without taurine supplementation, and a commercial cobia feed; and (Study 3) estimation of the essential amino acid (EAA) requirements of cobia based on EAA whole‐body composition in fast‐growing cobia fed a trash‐fish‐based diet. Fish performance in terms of growth and feed efficiency was the greatest within the outdoor net‐cage feeding trial, with fish fed the control trash‐fish‐based diet exhibiting the best performance. Although fish growth was poorer within the indoor feeding trials, fish performance was similar for most diets, with apparent crude protein digestibility coefficients of over 75% being obtained in all experimental diets in both feeding trials. The estimated EAA requirements of cobia obtained during this study were similar to those reported for other similar marine carnivorous fish species.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,84(2-3):246-252
We used a chemical marking experiment to validate the daily periodicity of otolith increment deposition in juvenile sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. The sagittal otoliths of 26 live juvenile sablefish were marked twice by immersion in saltwater baths containing elevated levels of strontium chloride (SrCl2) during June–August of their first year of life (age 0). The number of otolith increments detected between strontium bands from three readings (median 15–20) was compared to the number of days between marking events (15–17 days). Median discrepancies between otolith increment counts and days between strontium bands were small (mean 1.1, S.E. 0.81, n = 20) and suggest that otolith increment counts from age 0 juvenile sablefish may provide a useful proxy for daily age. However, median discrepancies in June (mean 4.7, S.E. 0.65, n = 9 otoliths) were significantly (*P  0.05) higher than those in July (mean −1.8, S.E. 0.40, n = 6) and August (mean −1.8, S.E. 0.66, n = 5). Increment banding patterns were more difficult to identify in otoliths marked in June (mean sablefish size 84.9 mm FL) because of changes in the structure of the sagittae associated with the formation of accessory primordia.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of light intensity on larval activity, feeding behaviour, growth and survival of a candidate species for aquaculture – sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Of six light intensities ranging from 2 to 750 lux at the water surface, the greatest surviving biomass in small tanks was observed at 12–42 lux. In another experiment in larger tanks, behavioural observations showed that larvae fed poorly under light brighter than 800 lux but fed better at lower light intensities, depending on tank type. In a separate experiment, where live feed densities were varied between 2.5 and 17.5 rotifers per mL of tank water, surviving biomass and dry weight increased with higher feed densities. These experiments help refine methods for rearing larval sablefish by demonstrating effects of light intensity and feed density on larval performance.  相似文献   

Turkish Towel Chondracanthus exasperates and taurine were added to alternative plant‐based feeds for juvenile sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria to evaluate the effect of these ingredients, alone or combined, on fish growth, feed intake and efficiency, whole body nutrient composition, and liver histomorphology. Fish growth was significantly increased with the addition of taurine, and to a lesser extent, Turkish Towel to the experimental feeds. Feed efficiency and protein retention were significantly improved with the addition of taurine, but were unaffected by Turkish Towel addition. As expected, whole body taurine content was significantly affected by taurine addition. Increases in whole body lipid were observed with both taurine and Turkish Towel addition, with a significant interaction between the two factors. Liver histomorphology was generally normal; however, histopathologic changes were observed in some fish at the end of the experiment. The occurrence of hepatocellular nuclear pleomorphism and clear cell foci was less among fish that had received the Turkish Towel feeds. The addition of taurine had no effect on the number of fish with a histopathologic change. Overall, results from this study reaffirm taurine supplementation is beneficial to sablefish receiving plant‐based feeds and indicate Turkish Towel may be a promising feed ingredient for this species.  相似文献   

The effect of solvent‐extracted cottonseed meal (SCSM) as a partial or total replacement of fishmeal was studied in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Six experimental diets SCSM0, SCSM25, SCSM50, SCSM75, SCSM75A and SCSMT, containing a gradient of SCSM 0, 152, 305, 465, 460 and 610 g kg?1 to replace 0, 112.5, 225, 337.5, 337.5 and 450 g kg?1 fishmeal protein were fed to triplicate groups (initial body weight of 39.2 ± 0.1 g) for 8 weeks. The diet SCSM75A was supplemented with lysine and methionine, to be similar to SCSM0 for juvenile rainbow trout. Faeces were colleted after 4 weeks of normal feeding for apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy determination. Total replacement of fishmeal adversely affected growth performance. Fish fed with diet SCSMT had significantly (P < 0.05) lower weight gain, specific growth ratio, feed conversion efficiency (FCE) and protein efficiency ratio than fish fed with other diets. The FCE of SCSM75 and SCSM75A were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of fish fed with SCSM0 diets. The ADC of the dry matter of SCSM75 and SCSMT were significantly lower than the SCSM0 diet, and the ADC of crude protein and the energy of SCSMT were the lowest (P < 0.05). The ADC of threonine, proline, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine and methionine of fish fed with diet SCSMT were lower. Lysine and methionine supplement positively affected the ADC of SCS75A diet. There were no significant differences in the fish body composition. It is shown that SCSM can be utilized in the juvenile rainbow trout diet up to 305 g kg?1, to replace about 50% of fishmeal protein in this experiment.  相似文献   

As an important feed ingredient, fermented soybean meal (FSM) has been widely used in aquatic animals due to its stable sources and reasonable price. Here, we evaluated the potential for replacement of fishmeal (FM) with FSM in diet of Litopenaeus vannamei. Five isonitrogenous (410 g/kg) and isolipidic (80 g/kg) diets were formulated: a control diet containing 320 g/kg FM and four experimental diets in which FM in control diet was replaced by FSM at 10 (FSM10%), 20 (FSM20%), 30 (FSM30%) and 40% (FSM40%). An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted in fifteen fibreglass tanks with 50 shrimps per tank. After 8 weeks trial, FSM20% had significantly enhanced growth performance (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in body composition and digestive enzyme activities of all groups (p > 0.05). Through real‐time quantitative PCR analysis, tor and s6k expression levels of FSM20% were significantly up‐regulated (p < 0.05). Results of western blot showed that the phosphorylation of S6K was not significantly affected by different dietary treatments (p > 0.05), which suggested mTOR signalling pathway was not affected by FSM diets. Based on the above data, 20% replacement of FM with FSM was reasonable and advantageous for L. vannamei diet.  相似文献   

A feeding trail was conducted to evaluate the effect of lowering dietary fishmeal (FM) levels while increasing levels of dehulled soybean meal (SBM) on growth, nutrient utilization and body composition of juvenile kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicas. Five experimental diets were formulated to be isoenergetic, isolipidic and isonitrogenous with decreasing FM levels from 40 to 16% while increasing SBM from 0 to 33% respectively. Quadruplicate groups of shrimp (initial wt = 1.5 g) were fed the test diets for 56 days under the flow‐through system. There were no significant differences in final weight (g) and specific growth rate (SGR, % day) among shrimp fed FM40, FM34, FM28 and FM22 diets respectively. Growth parameters significantly decreased in shrimp when fed FM16 diet, which was the lowest level of FM. Feed intake was positively correlated with the SGR of shrimp, and the lowest one was found in shrimp fed FM16 diet. Protein gain and retention, whole body lipid, arginine and methionine significantly decreased in FM16 fed group. Thus, it is concluded that dietary FM could be reduced down to 22% with SBM without compromising growth, nutrient utilization and retention, and whole body composition of kuruma shrimp.  相似文献   

The effect of replacing fishmeal with simple or complex mixtures of plant proteins in tilapia diets was examined. Diet formulations were arranged in a 2 × 4 factorial design with two types of plant protein mixtures used to replace fishmeal (simple: soybean meal and maize gluten meal or complex: soybean meal, maize gluten meal, dehulled flax, pea protein concentrate and canola protein concentrate) and four levels of protein originating from fishmeal (1000 g kg?1, 670 g kg?1, 330 g kg?1 and 0 g kg?1). Diets contained equal digestible protein (380 g kg?1) and digestible energy (17.6 MJ kg?1). The average daily gains, specific growth rates and feed efficiencies of fish fed diets with 0 g kg?1 fishmeal were significantly lower than fish fed diets with the 330 g kg?1, 670 g kg?1 or 1000 g kg?1 fishmeal levels. Fish fed the complex diets had significantly higher average daily gains, specific growth rates, feed : gain ratios and protein efficiency ratios than those fed the simple diets. Intestinal villus length decreased with decreasing levels of fishmeal and increased with increased diet complexity but the effects were not significant. Replacement of fishmeal with a complex mixture of plant ingredients may allow a greater replacement of fishmeal in diets fed to Nile tilapia.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect on growth and feed efficiencies of the mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) when dietary fishmeal is partially replaced by defatted soybean meal (DSM). In the preliminary experiment, snapper (mean weight±SD, 58.22±5.28 g) were fed in triplicate with different dietary amounts of DSM (7.8–42.2%) that were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric. After 14 weeks, survival, growth and feed efficiencies, and hepatosomatic index (HSI) did not differ. Based on these results, a feeding trial was done using a positive control diet that contained 64% fishmeal, while the other four diets had DSM levels of 12%, 24%, 36%, and 48% that replaced fishmeal protein at 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50% respectively. All diets were formulated to have about the same protein level (50%), protein to energy ratio (P/E of 25‐mg protein kJ?1), and dietary energy (19.8 MJ kg?1). These were fed to triplicate groups of snapper (mean total weight tank?1±SD, 73.19±1.2 g) at 15 fish (average weight, 4.88 g) per 1.5‐t tank for 19 weeks. Growth (final average weight and specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), survival, and HSI were not significantly different (P>0.05) while protein efficiency ratios or PERs were similar in treatments with DSM. Among snapper fed DSM, haematocrit value was significantly lower in fish fed 48% DSM and not different with fish fed 36% DSM. Whole‐body crude fat of snapper fed 48% DSM was lowest while the crude protein and nitrogen‐free extract (NFE) levels were highest. Histopathological analysis showed that lipid vacuoles in livers of snapper were reduced in size as dietary DSM increased. There was slight lipid deposition in the liver of snapper at 36% DSM while at 48% DSM it was excessive and hepatocytes were necrotic. There were no differences in the histology of snapper intestine. Under the experimental condition of this study, DSM can be used in snapper diets at 24% (replacing 25% of fishmeal protein) based on growth, survival and feed efficiencies, and histology of liver and intestine. For a lesser diet cost, an inclusion level higher than 24% DSM is possible with a bioavailable phosphorus supplement.  相似文献   

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