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A 30‐day experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of three commercial microbial products, Novozymes Pond Plus, Zhongshui BIO‐AQUA and Effective Microorganisms on bacterial community in polyculture tanks stocked with grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), gibel carp (Carassius auratus) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Four treatments were tested. One treatment with no supplementation of the microbial products served as control. In the other three treatments, the microbial products were added at the intervals of 10 days respectively. During the experiment, grass carp and gibel carp were fed with a commercial formulated feed daily. Bacterial count and bacterial composition in water column of the tanks were monitored at the intervals of 3 days, and bacterial composition in sediment was determined at the end of the experiment. Bacterial composition in water column varied with progress of the experiment. Some bacteria from Novozymes Pond Plus and Effective Microorganisms could colonize in the tanks but did not dominate in bacterial community. This study reveals that the competition between the exogenous bacteria and native bacteria might be a factor determining the efficacy of the microbial products in improving water quality.  相似文献   

A 55‐day mesocosm experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of commercial microbial products (Novozymes Pond Protect and Novozymes Pond Plus) and extra carbon (glucose) on water quality and bacterial community in a fish polyculture system. A 2 × 2 layout, including four treatments (non‐supplementation of the microbial products or glucose, adding glucose, adding the microbial products and adding the microbial products and glucose in combination), was established. The microbial products and glucose were added on the 40th day, 46th day and 52th day. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate reduced in the tanks after glucose addition, while adding the microbial products did not significantly affect ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, reactive phosphate, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon. Adding the microbial products and glucose affected relative abundance of some bacterial taxa, but did not reshape bacterial community. Non‐positive interactive effect on water quality and bacterial community was detected between the microbial products and glucose. This study reveals that supplementation of the microbial products did not benefit water quality in the fish polyculture system, and glucose addition could reduce ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of polyculture ecosystems of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) and Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) on the bacterial community of sediments in the Lake Dongping in China, using the Illumina HiSeq Sequencing approach. The bacterial community diversity was reduced to different extent due to the polyculture of animals. The bacterial community composition changed significantly among the ecosystems of control (without any animals cultured), G1C1 (with the highest animal biomass: C. idellus, 2 ind/m2; E. sinensis, 1 ind/m2) and G2C2 (with the lowest biomass: C. idellus, 1 ind/m2; E. sinensis, 0.5 ind/m2). Relative abundance increase for sulphide‐oxidizing bacteria and decrease for sulphate‐reducing bacteria were detected with more quantities of fish–crab cultured in ecosystems. Variations in the concentration of sediment sulphate mainly accounted for the shifts of both the bacterial diversity and community composition. Lastly, G2C2 was recommended as the optimal polyculture ecosystem that could be used in the Lake. The results suggested negative impacts of polyculture ecosystems of C. idellus with E. sinensis on the bacterial diversity but positive impacts on the community composition and indicated the role of total biomass of animas in shaping the bacterial community in the sediments of lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

A 30‐day experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of C/N ratio on water quality and bacterial community in an integrated system comprising one molluscan species (pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii) and two fish species (gibel carp Carassius gibelio and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) at five C/N ratios (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14). The mussel and fishes were reared in the experimental tanks (400 L), but gibel carp received formulated feed. Water quality in the experimental tanks was analysed on day 0, 10, 20 and 30, and bacterial community in the water column and sediment was analysed on day 30. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total organic carbon accumulated in the tanks over time. Ammonia and nitrite decreased with the increase in C/N ratio. Bacterial community in the water column and sediment changed at the phylum and genus levels with the increase in C/N ratio, and the critical C/N ratio causing a functional shift of bacterial community occurred at 10 in water column and 12 in sediment. The increase in C/N ratio benefited the growth of both potential probiotics and pathogenic bacteria. The high C/N ratio enhanced the bacterial functions of chemoheterotrophy and hydrocarbon degradation, but depressed the functions of nitrification and denitrification in the water column and sediment respectively. This study reveals that the C/N ratio can be used as a tool to manipulate the bacterial community and water quality in the mussel‐fish integrated system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of fish feed deposition on the microbial community of sediments in a coastal lake. Microcosms were designed to simulate the addition of fish feeds to the sediment, and physicochemical factors as well as composition of microbial assemblages were analysed. Although total organic carbon and total organic nitrogen did not significantly increase, redox potential and total sulphides showed a transition of sediment environments into anaerobic condition due to the addition of fish feeds. The bacterial community composition shifted with fish feed deposition as revealed by the band profiles of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, Sørensen's similarity indices and cell numbers of sulphate‐reducing bacteria. Occurrence of anaerobic bacteria (sulphate and nitrate reducers) and disappearance of strictly aerobic bacteria were observed with fish feed inputs. The results clarify the succession of the microbial flora and suggest negative impact of uneaten fish feeds on the microbial community in sediment and resultant environmental deterioration of fish‐farming areas.  相似文献   

A budget describing the flow of organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) through two polyculture ponds (jellyfish–shellfish–fish–prawn) was constructed. The total input of OC was 3107 kg ha?1 in pond 1 and 3358 kg ha?1 in pond 2, while total output was 1759 kg ha?1 in pond 1 and 1325 kg ha?1 in pond 2. In pond 1, the total input of N was 364 kg ha?1 and output was 359 kg ha?1, whereas, in pond 2, the total input of N was 439 kg ha?1 and total output was 331 kg ha?1. The total input of P was 75 kg ha?1 in pond 1 and 66 kg ha?1 in pond 2, while total outputs for pond 1 and pond 2 were 74 and 65 kg ha?1 respectively. Primary production from phytoplankton contributed the largest proportion of total OC (49–56%), while feed contributed the largest proportion of N (78–81%) and P (79–80%). Animals harvested from the aquaculture ponds accounted for the largest proportion of N (50–73%) and P (49–52%), and respiration accounted for the largest proportion of OC (43–61%) output from the system. The OC, N and P use efficiency of harvested animals was 30.30%, 70.19% and 50.14% in pond 1, respectively, and 21.03%, 46.95% and 46.47% in pond 2 respectively. In terms of nutrient use, the filter‐feeding bivalve, Sinonovacula constricta, was the most efficient species within the polyculture system.  相似文献   

南美白对虾养殖环境及其肠道细菌多样性分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为了探讨南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei Boone)肠道及其养殖环境中细菌种群组成和分布,采用Illumina miseq测序平台,基于16S r RNA基因的序列测定结果,对南美白对虾肠道及其养殖池塘底泥、水体中细菌的种群结构进行分析。结果显示,在南美白对虾肠道、养殖池塘底泥、水体分别检测到206、265和270个细菌属,其中,有90个属在3个样品中均可检测到,底泥和水、底泥和虾肠道、水和虾肠道中检测到的共有细菌属分别为146、128和119个,表明养殖池塘底泥、水和肠道中细菌存在密切的相互作用。在底泥、水和虾肠道样品中丰度大于1%的优势菌属分别有20、17和10个;底泥、水体和虾肠道中丰度最高的细菌均为一种分类未明的细菌属,丰度分别为23.08%、37.13%和42.22%。除此之外,底泥中主要优势细菌属分别为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)(5.77%)、Ohtaekwangia(4.79%)和狭义的梭菌属(Clostridium)(3.88%);水体中主要优势细菌属分别为土壤杆菌属(Sediminibacterium)(6.64%)、Spartobacteria genera incertae sedis(3.95%)和GPIIa(3.20%),而虾肠道中主要优势细菌属分别为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)(14.57%)和不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)(6.54%)。在底泥、水和肠道中分别检测到3、6和6个潜在致病细菌属,丰度最高的细菌属分别是假单胞菌属(5.77%)、黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)(0.77%)和假单胞菌属(14.57%)。在底泥、水和肠道中检测到的益生菌可分别分配至8、6和7个细菌属,其中有5个属在3个样品中均可检测到。聚类分析显示,养殖池塘底泥、水体和南美白对虾肠道细菌种群中丰富度位于前20的分类操作单元(OUT)在聚类树的位置存在明显不同。研究结果进一步加深了对健康南美白对虾肠道细菌种群及其与养殖环境中细菌种群互作的理解,为益生菌制剂的研发提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

盐碱地池塘不同养殖模式的能量利用比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1998年4—9月采用围隔实验生态学方法,为鲤、草鱼、罗非鱼、淡水白鲳及鲢、鳙设计了4种混养模式。经测定,淡水白鲳模式(FP)、草鱼模式(GC)和罗非鱼模式(TH)模式的光能利用率都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而升高,GC和TH的光能利用率相对较高;总能量转化率以鲤模式(CC)和FP较高,TH最低;饲料能转化效率在FP最高,TH最低,而且各放养模式都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而下降;FP的N利用率很高,TH最低,N和P利用率在4种模式都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而减小;各模式的产投比都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而增大,CC、TH的产投比在吃食性鱼类放养密度最大时有所下降。  相似文献   

The factors effecting fish species richness, evenness and relative abundance in 19 floodplain lagoons in the Pantanal (Brazil) were examined. Richness and evenness were strongly correlated with the lagoon's: (i) isolation time from the main river; (ii) depth; and (iii) distance from the main river. Abundance of the five dominant fish species was correlated mainly with: (a) macrophyte cover; (b) the distance from the main river; and (c) piscivore abundance. These results suggest that the species select lagoons to avoid or minimize their confinement in inappropriate floodplain habitats. A combination of strategies, together with variations in the lagoon's connection period, determines the diversity and abundance of the fish species in the Nhecolândia Pantanal.  相似文献   

西江鱼类群落多样性及其演变   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2005-2008年对珠江下游西江江段6个采样点进行鱼类多样性调查,共采集鱼类96种,隶属于13目29科75属,辐斑虫纹东方鲀(Takifugu vermicularis)、南方波鱼(Rasbora steineri)、西江鲇(Silurus gilberti)等8种为西江新记录鱼类。西江鱼类群落多度大于1%的种类有17种,前5位依次是鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)、(Hmiculter leucisxulus)、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)、广东鲂(Megalobrama hoffmanni)、子陵吻虾虎鱼(Rhinogobius giurinus);多度小于0.1的有28种。西江鱼类群落以定居性、杂食性种类为主;与历史比较杂食性、定居性鱼类种类所占百分比上升,肉食性、洄游性、半洄游性鱼类所占比例下降。聚类分析发现西江鱼类群落可以分为3个类群,即:上游类群、中游类群和下游河口类群;物种组成差异分析结果表明,不同江段鱼类群落有明显的差异,相同生境类型江段的鱼类物种相似性较高;上游的物种多样性明显高于下游。通过个体生态学指数(autecology index)分析,西江鱼类群落底层生活、口下位、喜急流生活、肉食性种类受影响程度大,而口端位、杂食性、喜缓流的种类演变成优势种群。航道整治、大规模无序挖沙、河口水体污染、过度捕捞等因素是影响西江鱼类群落变动的主要原因。  相似文献   

广西桂林青狮潭水库鱼类物种组成及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年4月至2016年1月按季度对青狮潭水库库区鱼类资源进行了调查,采集鱼类样本3 750尾(153.28kg),经鉴定有鱼类32种,隶属于5目12科27属,其中以鲤形目鱼类为主,分别占总物种数和总个体数的53.13%和61.92%。相对重要性指数分析表明,鲫(Carassius auratus)、■(Hemiculter leucisculus)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为优势种;鱼类多样性分析结果显示,各季节丰富度指数(D)为2.58~3.52,Shannon-Wiener多样度指数(H')为1.62~1.92,Pielou种类均匀度指数(J')为0.53~0.63,其中夏季多样性最高、冬季相对较低;空间上,鱼类多样性呈现从河流入库口、近岛水区向湖心降低趋势。聚类及相似性分析(ANOSIM)表明,鱼类群落组成时空差异不明显。  相似文献   

根据2006~2007年1周年江苏近海单拖渔业资源调查资料,分析了鱼类群落和多样性的季节变化情况。结果表明,共调查鱼类100种,四季共有种30种。暖温性种类占64%,暖水性种类占21%,冷温性种类占15%,仅星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)为四季均出现的冷温性种。夏季因沙海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)暴发导致个别站位渔获量为0,因此H'、J和D值均为0。以生物量计算的多样性指数(H')呈秋季冬季春季夏季的特征;均匀度指数(J)秋季春季冬季夏季;丰富度指数(D)冬季秋季春季夏季,夏季各项指数均为最低。春季尖海龙(Syngnathus acus)为绝对优势种,IRI值为8 029,赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa kammalensis)和鮸(Miichthys miiuy)列2、3位,IRI值分别为2 436、1 182;夏季小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)为绝对优势种,IRI值为6 725,其次为银鲳(Pampus argenteus)和鮸,IRI值分别为1 781、1 408;秋季优势种为棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)、黄鲫(Setipinna taty)、鮸,IRI值分别为1 761、1 528、1 403;冬季优势种为赤鼻棱鳀、矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)、凤鲚(Coilia mystus),IRI值分别为2 274、2 195、1 108。鮸已成为江苏近海主要优势种之一,应引起密切关注。夏季江苏近海小黄鱼和银鲳主要以幼体居多,分布广泛,幼体在索饵阶段主要分布在吕四渔场禁渔区线附近。  相似文献   

盐碱地池塘4种养殖模式的鱼产量及负荷力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在氯化物型盐碱地池塘中 ,采用围隔实验生态学方法对鲤、草鱼、罗非鱼和淡水白鲳等 4种鱼类混养模式的鱼产量、负荷力和搭配比例进行对比研究。结果表明 ,4种养殖模式中吃食性鱼类的日增重率和收获规格都随其本身放养密度的增大而减小 ,而鲢、鳙的日增重率和收获规格则随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而增大 ;吃食性鱼类的日增重率以淡水白鲳最快 ,草鱼生长最慢 ;吃食性鱼类的净产量为鲤模式 (CC) >罗非鱼模式 (TH) >淡水白鲳模式 (FP) >草鱼模式 (GC) ,混养的鲢在各种模式中的产量顺序为CC >GC >TH >FP ,鳙为CC >GC >FP >TH。CC、GC、TH、FP模式的总净产量分别为 4 .0 2~ 6 .5 5、3.0 5~ 5 .2 6、3.4 5~ 5 .86、2 .99~ 5 .34g/ (m2 ·d) ;FP、CC、TH、GC模式的负荷力分别为 0 .6 0 4、0 .4 92、0 .4 37和 0 .4 30kg/m2 。  相似文献   

Mariculture ponds are widely distributed in Chinese coasts and have become a threat to the health of coastal ecosystems. In order to improve our understanding on the microbial composition in mariculture environments, we sampled a variety of ponds farming different animals or plants around the Dongshan Island and Xiamen Island in Southeast China and isolated cultures from the tissues of diseased eels. Analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), clone library and direct culturing methods revealed highly diverse bacterial communities in these samples. Bacterial communities in the Dongshan samples were dominated by Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The Gracilaria verrucosa pond harbours the most abundant species (20 DGGE bands), followed by Epinephelus diacanthus pond (18 bands), Haliotis diversicolor supertexta pond I (18 bands) and Penaeus vannamei pond (11 bands). In comparison with surface waters, Penacus orientalis pond sediment showed a much more complex bacterial community, from which only sequences affiliated with Deltaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria and candidate phylum TM6 were found. Bacterial cultures in diseased eels were closely related to two pathogenic genera, Aeromonas in Gammaproteobacteria and Bacillus, in Firmicutes. Clones affiliated with another two genera, Escherichia and Vibrio, that have pathogenic potentials were also identified. Phylogenetic analysis of a total of 131 sequences showed that 48.9% of the sequences were clustered into Gammaproteobacteria and formed the most abundant group, followed by Alphaproteobacteria (19.1%), Firmicutes (7.6%), Bacteroidetes (5.3%), Deltaproteobacteria (5.3%), Actinobacteria (4.6%), Chloroplast (3.8%), Acidobacteria (2.3%), Cyanobacteria (1.5%), Betaproteobacteria (0.7%) and TM6 (0.7%). 43.7% (28/64) of the phylogenetic clusters cannot be classified into any known genus and 44.3% (58/131) of the sequences show <95% similarity to public database records, suggesting that abundant novel species exist in mariculture ponds. Gathering bacterial diversity data in mariculture ponds and diseased fish is meaningful for the prevention and control of fish diseases and for the improvement of our understanding of microbial ecology in a pond environment.  相似文献   

王雪  吕振宇  曾圣  王伟  黄福江  闵文武  向燕  刘伟 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029310-029310
为了解乌江鱼类本底资源数据,实验对乌江鱼类种类组成及多样性进行了分析,2017—2021年,先后在贵州省乌江流域进行野外调查12次。对收集到的5 065尾、约204kg渔获物进行统计,共鉴定出107种,隶属于6目22科73属,其中鲤科鱼类最多,有53种,占采集总数的49.53%。乌江鱼类物种多样性G-F指数为0.57,上、中、下游G-F指数分别为0.40、0.47和0.45,上游鱼类科属间的多样性小于中、下游。乌江中游鱼类群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)、 Margalef丰富度指数(D)和Pielou均匀度指数(J’)分别为3.54、 9.63和0.81。渔获物分析结果显示,中华倒刺鲃、尼罗罗非鱼、蛇、鲫和?的重量和数量占比均位于渔获物前十。将IRI值大于500的列为乌江优势种,则有鲫、?、中华倒刺鲃和马口鱼。研究表明,乌江梯级水电的开发对流域鱼类种类组成和渔获物组成产生了一定影响,作为长江全面禁捕前开展的调查,研究结果丰富了乌江鱼类资源本底数据,将对长江“十年禁渔”效果评估提供重要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

Raising ducks on fish ponds (fish-duck culture) on a commercial scale is a new practice in Egypt, therefore, a study was undertaken to evaluate this practice from production, carcass composition and economic viewpoints.Five earthern ponds were used in the non-integrated system (no ducks) whereas four earthen ponds, in which each pond was supplied with 125 Pecking ducks per 0.42 ha, were used for the Integrated system. In both systems, each pond was stocked with four species of fish (common carp Cyprinus carpio, silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Grey mullet Mugil cephalus and tilapias Oreochromis niloticusand O. aureus) at the same densities.There were no differences in temperature or pH in any of the ponds but dissolved oxygen levels were lower in integrated ponds concomitant with increasing levels of ammonia, phosphate and nitrate. Water in integrated ponds was richer in natural productivity (phytoplankton and zooplankton) either in species or density when compared with those variables in non-integrated ponds.Fish species reared in integrated ponds exhibited better body weight, food conversion and protein efficiency ratios compared with those of fish species in the non-integrated ponds. Fish yield per 0.42 ha produced from the integrated ponds was significantly higher than that obtained from non-integrated ones. Also, body composition of fish species was affected by the type of farming. Carcass crude protein of grey mullet, silver carp and tilapia was improved in the integrated system. The data on return on sales, return on costs, return on equity, pay-back period and break-even point showed that the integrated system was more profitable than the non-integrated system.  相似文献   

乐清湾口海域春秋季鱼类群落多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究乐清湾口海域鱼类群落结构动态变化趋势和渔业资源现状,对该海域鱼类物种组成、种类数、多样性等群落结构特征进行调查分析。共鉴定出鱼类49种,隶属于10目26科39属。结果显示,春季物种数较秋季少,春季在瓯江口水域物种明显较少,秋季物种数空间分布大致为东西走向;春季种类重量多样性低于秋季,但尾数多样性高于秋季,鱼类种类数与多样性指数之间有较强的相关性。研究表明,乐清湾口海域的鱼类种类类型以近岸河口性鱼类为主,且大多为广温、广盐性种类;该海域位于河口,受瓯江径流影响较大;受地理位置和水文环境影响,该海域暖水性种类较多;种类数平面分布特征主要是春季受瓯江径流淡水水团影响,而秋季受交汇水团影响,物种丰富;两季鱼类多样性不同,是因为鱼类个体大小、数量随着季节的变化而变化。  相似文献   

利用Biolog生态板方法和冗余分析(RDA)等方法,分析了菌碳调控对虾、蟹混养系统水体细菌群落功能多样性的影响,探讨了水体微生物群落多样性与不同环境因子间的关系。实验通过添加益生菌制剂和糖蜜调节养殖水体中菌群结构,共设6个处理,分别是为短小芽孢杆菌(C2)、蜡样芽孢杆菌(C3)、硝化细菌制剂(C4)、EM制剂(C5),以未添加菌制剂的处理为对照组(C1),另外以未添加碳源和菌制剂的处理为对照组(C0)。研究结果表明,不同菌碳下细菌群落对底物碳的利用数量和代谢强度存在较大差异。随着养殖时间的延长,处理组C3的碳代谢活性和对碳源的利用强度总体上高于其它处理组,而处理组C4较低和对照组C0相差不大。PCA分析结果表明,不同处理的细菌群落处于动态变化之中,反映出细菌群落的组成和代谢特征出现了显著差异,其中处理组C3和C4间差异最为显著。处理组C3的多样性指数如Simpson指数Shannon指数和S-E均匀度均较高,而处理组C4则较低。RAD分析表明,碳菌调控条件下,影响细菌群落碳代谢功能的主要环境因子7月为:Chl a、PO4--P、NO2--N、NH4+-N;8月为:NO3--N、NO2--N、TP、TN和PO4--P;9月为:TP、Chl a、PO4--P和NO2--N。综合水质指标和细菌群落对碳源的代谢功能的分析结果,本实验初步表明在C/N为15的虾、蟹混养水体中添加蜡样芽孢杆菌,细菌群落的多样性指数及对碳源的代谢功能为最佳。  相似文献   

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