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The potential of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), for mariculture   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There would appear to be considerable potential for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), to be cultured in marine conditions in countries where coastal winter salinity is below oceanic, and temperatures remain above freezing. Sea lochs on the west coast of Scotland represent one such environment where freshwater run-off leads to depressed salinities (20-30 practical salinity units) and the North Atlantic Drift leads to winter sea water temperatures typically around 6-8oC.  相似文献   

Farmed Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), (n = 2 70) with a wide range of carotenoid muscle pigmentation were produced by feeding astaxanthin at different levels (0-120 mg kg?1 feed). Steaks were scored subjectively for pigment concentration (dark = high score). Internal reflectance spectra were measured with a relatively non-destructive 1-mm-diameter fibre-optic probe. Colour scores were only moderately correlated with reflectance (R = 0.66 and P< 0.01, using data at 500, 610 and 520 nm) because the small-diameter probe had a short light-path through the tissue and was highly responsive to scattering. However, in fish without astaxanthin in their diet, this sensitivity to microstructural causes of scattering revealed that fibre-optic reflectance increased (P < 0.01) with age from 400 nm (r = 0.68) to 440 nm (r = 0.40), and from 530 nm (r = 0.30) to 700 nm (r = 0.56). In agreement with these results, colour scores decreased with age (r = -0.52; P < 0.001; n = 85), as did electrical resistance 24 h post-mortem (r = -0.42 at 120 Hz, r = -0.39 at 1 kHz and r = -0.54 at 10 kHz; P < 0.001). Resistance was correlated with colour score (r = 0.40 and P < 0.001 for resistance at 10 kHz) and with fibre-optic reflectance (R = 0.42 and P < 0.01 for resistance at 120 Hz and 1 kHz versus reflectance from 420 to 680 nm). Thus, without astaxanthin in the diet, muscle colour and tissue integrity at 24 h deteriorated with the age of the fish.  相似文献   

Abstract Arctic charr populations in southern latitudes are nonmigratory, with all life‐stages limited to freshwater lakes and in‐ or out‐flowing tributaries. Although many of these populations are reported to also spawn in lake littorals, little is known about the physical characteristics of putative spawning grounds. A total of 23 discrete spawning sites within three Irish lakes were located by fyke netting of spawning adults and snorkelling in littoral habitats. Spawning sites were found to be long, narrow strips running parallel to the shore at a maximum depth of 124 cm. Spawning sites were limited to areas of coarse mineral substrate with an adequate (c. 8 cm) depth of clean interstitial spaces. In individual lakes, combined areas of spawning sites made up 0.4–0.7% of available littoral. Egg densities varied considerably between sites (33–900·eggs m?2) and were significantly correlated with gradient and width of spawning sites. No evidence of redd digging was found. The shallow, localised and restricted nature of spawning grounds makes such populations vulnerable to anthropogenically induced postoviposition changes in surface water level, eutrophication processes such as increased lake sedimentation and elevated nutrient status.  相似文献   

Abstract. Growth was studied in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus L., from three differing loch habitats in Scotland. Otoliths were more reliable for age determination than scales. Growth rates were variable both among and within populations. Growth in weight was more variable and appeared to be related to richness of the habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), is one of the several northern fishes that show resource polymorphisms in postglacial lakes. Two reproductively isolated morphs of Arctic charr coexist in distinct ecological niches in the subarctic lake Fjellfrøsvatn, North Norway. Offspring of the two morphs (termed littoral charr and profundal charr) were reared separately but under identical conditions. Their feeding behaviour was compared experimentally using different kinds of live prey. The fishes had no experience with natural prey before the experiments. The littoral morph were more effective in eating live plankton ( Daphnia ) and littoral benthos ( Gammarus ), and had a higher attack rate against pleuston (surface prey, Gerris ) compared with the profundal morph. The two morphs behaved in accordance with expectations from their in situ niche utilisation towards the three prey types. This indicates a case of incipient ecological speciation where divergence in resource utilisation in contrasting niches has evolved adaptations in feeding behaviour by natural selection.  相似文献   

The dietary methionine requirement of juvenile Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) was assessed by feeding diets supplemented with graded levels of DL-methionine (9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 g kg−1dietary protein) for 16 weeks at 12°C. All diets contained 400 g kg−1 protein, 170 g kg−1 lipid, 66 g kg−1 ash and an estimated 17.5 MJ digestible energy (DE) kg−1. When live-weight gain was examined using quadratic regression, the estimate of methionine requirement for optimal growth was 17.6 g kg−1 of dietary protein (DP) or 7 g kg−1 of the diet. Requirements estimated on the basis of carcass protein and energy gains were 18.8 and 17.9 g kg−1 DP, respectively. Plasma methionine concentrations and ocular focal length variability measurements did not provide a sensitive measure of requirement, because each responded in a linear fashion to increasing dietary methionine levels. Based on the prevalence of cataracts, the methionine level required to prevent lens pathology (26.7 g kg−1 DP) appears to be higher than that required for maximum growth.  相似文献   

This study examined the long-term effects of a potential feeding deterrent, oxytetracycline (OTC), and a putative feeding stimulant, squid extract, on feed intake, growth and dry matter (DM) digestibility in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.). Fish were fed one of four diets for 9 weeks: 1. commercial feed formulation (basic); 2. BM (basic plus 20 g kg−1 OTC); 3. BMS (BM plus 10 g kg−1 squid extract); 4. BS (basic plus 10 g kg−1 squid extract). The feed intake of Arctic charr was not reduced by the addition of OTC to the basic feed, and addition of squid extract to the medicated feed did not enhance feed consumption. DM digestibility and growth tended to be reduced in groups of fish fed diets supplemented with the antibiotic (BM and BMS). This suggests that OTC may have interfered with nutrient digestion and absorption. OTC does not seem to be a feeding deterrent for Arctic charr, possibly indicating that the charr is a rather unselective feeder. Because the medicated feeds were readily accepted, there may be little to be gained by addition of feeding stimulants to these types of feeds for charr.  相似文献   

Abstract. Several investigations have used Cr2O3 (chromic oxide) as an indigestible marker in digestibility studies. However, in this review the effect of chromic oxide on dietary lipid during passage through the digestive tract, and the gastrointestinal microflora in long-term nutrition studies in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), are discussed. Based on these results it is suggested that the use of chromic oxide may lead to erroneous results. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the effect of dietary linoleic add (18:2 n–6), acetate and salinity on lipid and individual fatty acid digestibilities in Arctic charr.
No full studies have been carried out regarding the essential fatty acid requirement (EFA) of Arctic charr. Available data indicate that (n–3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the prime EFA, as in most other salmonids. Furthermore, quantitative EFAn requirements may be higher than the 1% dietary level described for other salmonids. Feeding (n–3) PUFAs at 1% lead to high contents of (n–9) PUFAs in the polar lipids, presently recognized as'indicators'of EFA deficiency. Moreover, this review focuses on elongation and desaturation of short-chain EFA to their C20 C 22 counterparts, and the feedback inhibition of this ability.  相似文献   

Muscle carotenoid concentrations were measured in immature and maturing 2+ Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), sampled from April until ovulation started in November. In immature fish, muscle carotenoid concentration increased steadily and had reached about 10 mg kg?1 by the end of the experiment. In mature fish of both sexes, pigment concentrations decreased during the autumn and muscle carotenoid concentrations were significantly lower than in the immature fish during the latter stages of the trial. No significant difference in muscle pigmentation was observed between sexes. Carotenoid concentrations were lowest in the cranial region of the fillet, but decreased in all parts of the fillet when the charr became mature. In females, the decrease seemed to be most marked in the caudal region. At the termination of the experiment, fillets accounted for about one-half of the carotenoid content in mature fish of both sexes. High concentrations of pigment were recorded in the skin and fins of mature males. In mature female charr, pigment was almost equally distributed among skin, fins and ovaries  相似文献   

Anadromous Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the River Halselva in Finnmark, northern Norway, were used as broodstock for the production of smolts. During the smolting period the fish were either shielded from normal working routines, subjected to normal work routines, or exposed to excessive work routines (stress) within the hatchery. None of the handling routines affected the gill-Na-K-ATPase activity, or the hypoosmoregulatory capacity of the charr. Compared with normal handling, neither stress nor shielding caused any significant difference in the migratory behaviour of the charr, in the duration of the sea residence, or in homing success. However, the stressed group did show a lymphocytopenia at end of the rearing period.  相似文献   

The survival of salmon lice. Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer) on Arctic charr. Salvelinus alpinus (L.). in fresh water was studied. The results showed that salmon lice were able to survive for up to 3 weeks, in contrast with previous published information that the parasite is quickly shed when the fish enters fresh water.  相似文献   

Abstract— This article examines the morphology and ecology of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in Loch Ericht, Scotland, Gill netting revealed that two forms of charr existed within the loch, a pale form and a colored form. Multivariate analysis of nine size-corrected morphometric measurements of the head region revealed that pale and colored charr differed significantly in the size and shape of the head characteristics and that both groups were easily discriminated on the basis of these characteristics. Stomach contents showed that the colored form fed predominantly on zooplankton and the pale form mainly consumed benthic macro-invertebrates, with larger pale individuals consuming other fish. On the basis of diet and morphology, the terms planktivorous and piscivorous were adopted for the two forms respectively. Length at age also distinguished the two groups, with piscivorous charr being smaller than colored charr up to age 8+ then surpassing the maximum length attained by planktivorous charr at ages of 9+ and above. The results are discussed in relation to other instances of sympatric morphs of Arctic charr.  相似文献   

Atypical Aeromonas salmonicida (AAS) causes generalized lethal infections in farmed Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), and European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), and is thus a serious threat for culture of these fish species. Virulence factors were studied among isolates of AAS from Arctic charr (n = 20), European grayling (n = 19) and other fish species (n = 20), of which 48 were of Finnish and 11 of Swedish origin. All isolates produced an A-layer. Extracellular products (ECP) of the AAS isolates did not produce detectable gelatinase and caseinase activity in test assays. Analysis of the same ECP preparations with substrate sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed weak proteolytic activity, indicating the different sensitivity of the detection methods used. The ECP from AAS isolates showed low cytotoxic activity against cultured cells. However, the ECP did not induce mortality in challenged Arctic charr. The results suggest that toxic components, like ECP, secreted by the bacterium may not be the major virulence factor in AAS-infection in Arctic charr and European grayling, and hence the pathogenesis also differs from the pathogenesis of AAS-infection in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.  相似文献   

Smolt characteristics were investigated in sympatric anadromous and resident Arctic charr. Salvelinus alpinus (L.), of a similar size (11-20 cm), A group of first-time migrant anadromous charr was caught while descending the Hals River and two groups of resident conspecifics were caught in Lake Storvatn. one before, and one after, the sea-run of anadromous fish had terminated. When sampled immediately after capture in fresh water the anadromous group had a higher proportion of fish visually classified as smolts. and these charr had higher gill Na+-K+ ATPase activity, higher densities of developed chloride cells in the gills, a lower condition factor, and lower plasma osmolality, than resident fish. When exposed to sea water (33%o S), only minor differences in mortality and plasma electrolyte levels were observed between anadromous and resident fish, average values of plasma osmolality and chloride concentrations being 377 mOsm and 169 mM and 387 mOsm and 174 mM, respectively. The results suggest that the first-time migrant Arctic charr had undergone some of the physiological changes that are considered typical for a parr-smolt transformation before they left fresh water. Such changes did not appear to have occurred in sympatric, resident, fish of a similar size. The parr-smolt transformation in the first-time migrants may, however, have been incomplete, because the fish did not appear to have the ability to rapidly re-establish osmo- and ionoregutatory homeostasis after direct transfer to sea water.  相似文献   

Abstract. Phenotypic and genetic parameters of body and compositional traits were estimated for a population consisting of 327 two-year-old Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from 21 full-sib groups. Heritability estimates for body traits, such as fork length, gutted weight, condition factor and visceral weight, were all of intermediate magnitude (0·24–0·45). Heritabilities for carcass component traits, e.g. fat, protein, dry matter and astaxanthin contents, were low to medium (0·0–0·28). Genetic and phenotypic correlations were high between astaxanthin content and body traits, whereas they were medium to low between astaxanthin content and carcass compositional traits such as fat, dry matter and protein contents. The genetic variation in fat and dry matter contents was closely associated with variation in body weight. Selection for higher body weight at 2 years will probably lead to small, but positive, correlated changes in fat content. Our findings suggest that it should be possible to select for higher astaxanthin content in Artic charr to improve their flesh coloration.  相似文献   

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