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青饲料是畜禽饲用的幼嫩青绿的植株、叶片或茎叶等饲料,其主要包括天然牧草、人工栽培牧草和叶菜类。在北方地区,夏秋季节是青饲料生产和供应的旺季。用青饲料饲喂畜禽.可促进畜禽的生产和增重。但由于有些青饲料含有有毒物质或因饲喂方法不当,会给畜禽造成毒副作用,严重时可导致畜禽的死亡。  相似文献   

青饲料富含维生素、蛋白质、矿物质及糖类 ,其适口性强 ,增食欲 ,调胃肠 ,利粪尿 ,是家兔的主要营养源。其还有催情、促乳、复膘、生毛之功效。为保证家兔的青饲料四季不断 ,郯城县庙山镇陈桥种兔场的做法是 :① 1~ 3月份以冬牧七 牧草为主 ,间喂大白菜、胡萝卜、油菜等 ;② 4~ 6月份以田间野杂草为主 ,间喂苦荬菜 ,苜蓿草。一般日喂 1次 ;③ 7~ 9月份以干薯藤为主 ,间喂田间野杂草 ,日喂 2次 ,夜间补喂 1次精料补充料 ;④ 1 0月~翌年 1月份以麦苗为主 ,间喂冬牧七 、大萝卜。阴雨天减少投喂量 ,以防腹泻。种兔离不开青饲料$郯城县庙山…  相似文献   

文中阐述了利用青饲料资源进行规模化养猪的必要性,综述了青饲料直接喂养和青贮后喂养的现状及注意的问题,对合理研究、开发、推广利用青饲料资源发展节粮型规模化养猪生产具有指导意义。  相似文献   

七十年代以前,我市农户养猪普遍以青粗饲料为主,采取“吊架子”的穷养猪方式.以八十年代初开始,推广配合饲料喂猪,实行科学养猪.近年来推广直线育肥的“快速养猪法”,使猪的生长速度大幅度提高;肉猪日增重从七十年代的250克左右提  相似文献   

大规模饲养蛋鸡,虽然饲喂配合饲料,补充人工合成的多维素。同时,加强饲养管理,严格防疫,但效果往往不理想,蛋产率不高,饲料报酬低,因而经济效益不好 其主要原因是没有饲喂青饲料,饲养  相似文献   

利用荒山坡地种植高蛋白青饲料作物——多年生木豆,既可防止水土流失,保护农业生态环境,又可以为畜牧业提供优质饲料,促进农业和农村经济的发展。一、木豆的多种用途1.开发低脂肪绿色保健食品,木豆种子含蛋白质21%,淀粉64.2%,脂肪3.8%,此外还含有  相似文献   

科学利用青绿饲料   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
科学合理利用青绿饲料饲养畜禽,要根据畜禽种类选择和搭配适宜青绿饲料品种,以保证常年供饲、适时刈割、确定适宜用量并宜切碎鲜喂及防止出现中毒现象.  相似文献   

龙眼蜜为台湾特色蜂蜜,备受消费者喜爱。然而,市面上充斥以糖浆调制的人造龙眼蜜,不仅侵害了消费者的权益,也影响正规龙眼蜜的产销,损害了台湾蜂农的利益。本研究针对龙眼蜜含有花粉粒的特性,利用酵素免疫分析的技术,开发龙眼蜂蜜的鉴定方法。采取确定来源的龙眼蜜稀释后离心取沉淀,以Na—bicarbonate冰温萃取花粉成分,经透析浓缩后作为抗原,用Freund完全佐剂乳化,免疫BALB/c雌性小鼠,每隔3-4周再补强注射。补强免疫后10-14天采血分离血清,以ELISA测抗体力价。结果显示,龙眼蜜的花粉萃取液能有效诱发小鼠免疫反应,产生的多源抗体能区别真蜜与合成蜜。  相似文献   

A case control study was performed to identify risk factors for colic caused by simple colonic obstruction and distension (SCOD) in the horse. Case horses were recruited from 2 veterinary school clinics. Control horses were population based and matched by time of year. A number of risk factors were considered in the following areas: general carer and premises information; exercise information; husbandry information (housing- and pasture-related); feeding information; breeding information; behavioural information; travel information; preventive medicine information and previous medical information. All variables with a P value of <0.2 in the univariable analysis were considered for possible inclusion in a multivariable model. A final model, produced by a forward stepwise method, identified crib-biting or windsucking, an increasing number of hours spent in a stable, a recent change in a regular exercise programme, the absence of administration of an ivermectin or moxidectin anthelmintic in the previous 12 months and a history of travel in the previous 24 h as associated with a significantly increased risk of SCOD. An alternative final model, produced by a backwards elimination method, identified the same variables as the forward model with, in addition, a history of residing on the current establishment for less than 6 months, a history of a previous colic episode and the fewer times per year the teeth were checked/treated as associated with a significantly increased risk of SCOD. Three of the risk factors in this model were associated with a large increase in risk: stabling for 24 h/day, crib-biting/windsucking and travel in the previous 24 h.  相似文献   

After inhalation of increased concentrations of histamine solutions, equids had a decrease in dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and an increase in airway resistance, work of breathing, and maximum intrathoracic differences in pressure. Because the change in Cdyn correlated best with the inhaled histamine concentrations, airway reactivity was assessed by the decrease in Cdyn. With the use of linear regression, histamine concentrations were calculated; this resulted in a 35% reduction of Cdyn and these concentrations were defined as 35% provoking concentration Cdyn. The histamine inhalation provocation test was carried out in 40 equids. Nonspecific airway hyperreactivity was not present in equids that did not have clinical signs of respiratory tract disease, but it was present in 25% of the equids with low-grade lung disease and in all equids with severe lung disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there is a relationship between species-specific mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), especially canine and feline mtDNA, and detectable amounts of pentobarbital in previously analyzed dog food samples. SAMPLE POPULATION: 31 dog food samples previously analyzed for pentobarbital (limit of detection, 1 microg/kg). PROCEDURE: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis was performed on dog food samples by use of PCR primers specific for either canine, feline, equine, bovine, porcine, ovine, or poultry mtDNA. RESULTS: PCR amplicons specific for feline or canine mtDNA at a 0.007% (70 microg/g [wt/wt basis]) or 0.0007% (7 microg/g) level, respectively, were not found in the 31 dog food samples. Most of the 31 dog food samples had a PCR amplicon on PCR analysis when a PCR primer set capable of simultaneously detecting mtDNA of cows, pigs, sheep, goats, deer, elk, and horses was used. Results of PCR analysis by use of primers specific for bovine, swine, sheep and goat, or horse mtDNA revealed amplicons specific for bovine or swine mtDNA only in 27 of the 31 samples. Analysis of the remaining 4 samples failed to yield amplicons for any mammalian mtDNA. Pentobarbital was detected in 2 of these 4 samples. Results of PCR analysis correlated with the stated ingredient list for most, but not all samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Because canine and feline mtDNA were not found in a set of retail dog food samples, these results indicate that the source of pentobarbital in dog food is something other than proteins from rendered pet remains.  相似文献   

A method is presented by which a maximal number of BSE-infected cattle that had escaped the filter of clinical examination are identified during ante mortem examination. This approach might prove to be an efficient and cost-effective method for veterinary and non-veterinary meat inspectors to remove infected animals prior to slaughter. In a case-control study, the clinical signs of 224 randomly selected sick slaughtered animals were compared with the clinical signs of 26 sick slaughtered animals in which BSE infection was diagnosed using a rapid test post mortem. In addition, the clinical signs of the sick slaughtered BSE-positive animals were compared with the clinical signs of a group of BSE suspects identified during the same time period and in which BSE infection could be confirmed. As a result of this study a mathematical model was developed to identify BSE suspects. This model contains a total of 7 variables (clinical signs) that proved to be of importance. These signs were aggressive behaviour, grinding of teeth, protruding eyeballs, reduced rumination, inability to stand, overexcitability, and difficulty in standing up. The presented model has a sensitivity of 61.5% (16 out of 26 BSE-positive animals slaughtered while sick were identified) and a specificity of 99.6% when compared to a rapid test conducted post mortem.  相似文献   

This prospective study was designed to investigate D-dimer concentrations in clinically healthy dogs, clinically ill dogs without thromboembolic disease (TE), and dogs with TE. The goals of this study were to determine whether the coagulation cascade is activated in nonembolic metabolic and inflammatory conditions and whether differentiation from TE is possible. Group 1 consisted of 30 clinically healthy dogs presented for routine care. Group 2 consisted of 67 clinically ill dogs without TE. This group was subdivided into the following categories: postoperative surgical procedures, congestive heart failure, renal failure, hepatic disease, and neoplastic disease. Group 3 consisted of 20 dogs diagnosed with TE. A CBC and a measurement of prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrinogen degradation product (FDP) concentration, and plasma D-dimer concentration was performed on dogs in all groups. D-dimer concentrations were highest in dogs with TE; next highest was the hepatic disease group. Only these 2 groups had median D-dimer concentrations markedly different from clinically healthy dogs. The frequency of platelet abnormalities was markedly greater for the TE and neoplastic disease groups. The sensitivity of D-dimer concentrations >500 ng/mL for predicting TE was 100%; however, the specificity of D-dimer for TE at that concentration was 70%. The specificity of D-dimer concentrations >1,000 ng/mL to predict TE was 94% (sensitivity, 80%), and the specificity of D-dimer concentrations >2,000 ng/mL was 98.5% (sensitivity, 36%). FDPs were not high in any TE patient; thus, they may be an insensitive indicator of thromboembolism, with or without overt disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).  相似文献   

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