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Spatial variability of soil water content and related factors across the Hexi Corridor of China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Xiangdong LI 《干旱区科学》2019,11(1):123-134
Soil water content(SWC) is a key factor limiting ecosystem sustainability in arid and semi-arid areas of the Hexi Corridor of China, which is characterized by an ecological environment that is vulnerable to climate change. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding the large-scale spatial distribution of SWC in this region. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the spatial distribution patterns of SWC across the Hexi Corridor and identify the factors responsible for spatial variation of SWC at a regional scale. This study collected and analyzed SWC in the 0–100 cm soil profile from 109 field sampling sites(farmland, grassland and forestland) across the Hexi Corridor in 2017. We selected 17 factors, including land use, topography(latitude, longitude, elevation, slope gradient, and slope aspect), soil properties(soil clay content, soil silt content, soil bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, field capacity, and soil organic carbon content), climate factors(mean annual precipitation, potential evaporation, and aridity index), plant characteristic(vegetation coverage) and planting pattern(irrigation or rain-fed), as possible environmental variables to analyze their effects on SWC. The results showed that SWC was 0.083(±0.067) g/g in the 0–100 cm soil profile and decreased in the order of farmland, grassland and forestland. The SWC in the upper soil layers(0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm) had obvious difference when the mean annual precipitation differed by 200 mm. The SWC decreased from southeast to northwest following the same pattern as precipitation, and had a moderate to strong spatial dependence in a large effective range(75–378 km). The SWC showed a similar distribution and had no significant difference between soil layers in the 0–100 cm soil profile. The principal component analysis showed that the mean annual precipitation, geographical position(longitude and latitude) and soil properties(soil bulk density and soil clay content) were the main factors dominating the variance of environmental variables. A stepwise linear regression equation showed that plant characteristic(vegetation coverage) and soil properties(soil organic carbon content, field capacity and soil clay content) were the optimal factors to predict the variation of SWC. Soil clay content could be better to explain the SWC variation in the deeper soil layers compared with the other factors. 相似文献
荒漠化土壤对人工植被恢复工程的响应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人工植被恢复是荒漠化土壤逆转的主要途径,通过对青海省沙珠玉治沙站人工植被恢复工程下荒漠化土壤逆转过程中土体构型、土壤质地、元素组成和理化性质的分析,研究了荒漠化土壤对人工植被恢复工程的响应.结果表明,人工植被恢复工程对荒漠化土壤具有很好的改良作用,受人工植被影响,土体构型逐渐复杂,出露地表的母质层逐渐被淋溶层和淀积层覆... 相似文献
基于野外实测高光谱数据的干旱区耕作土壤含水量反演研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
利用2011年3月野外实地采集的不同含水量土壤的高光谱数据,研究了南疆地区耕作土壤草甸土含水量与高光谱反射率之间的定量关系,构建了一元线性回归与多元逐步回归的土壤含水量预测模型.结果表明,土壤含水量在380~ 1080 nm波段与反射率呈负相关关系;反射率经倒数(1/R)、对数(logR)、一阶微分(R’)变换后可提高其与含水量的相关性;以50个建模样本所建立模型的相关系数均达到极显著水平,所有模型通过对37验证样本进行预测,比较决定系数、均方根误差、相对误差后,表明多元逐步回归模型的预测能力要优于一元线性回归模型,从所有模型中优选出以698、702、703、746、747 nm波段反射率倒数(1/R)建立的多元逐步回归模型为最优模型,该模型实测值与预测值之间的R2为0.9199,RMSE为1.6026,RE为0.6517,可用于基于野外高光谱数据的土壤含水量的估测. 相似文献
根系是植物群落演替的重要内容,对植被演替过程具有十分重要影响作用。采用时空替代法,选择不同恢复阶段,研究了干旱荒漠区植被恢复演替不同阶段优势种群及其根系生态特征。结果表明:沙漠化逆转过程中,优势种群更替过程为:沙米-沙蒿-油蒿-紫婉木、针茅;在恢复演替初期(初始阶段,先锋阶段)植被根系浅(平均<50 cm)而水平分布范围广,侧根数量少但生长旺盛;随着恢复时间的加长,优势种群根系分布深度增加,侧根数量增加但水平生长受到一定的抑制,根幅逐渐减小;优势种群根冠比的变化趋势为沙米(初始阶段)<沙蒿(先锋阶段)<油蒿(发展阶段)<针茅(原生群落)。研究同时发现,同一种群在不同的演替阶段具有不同的根系分布特征和规律。对于沙蒿种群来说,根冠比是发展阶段(0.56)>先锋阶段(0.36),而地上、地下生物量却是先锋阶段(360.83g,161.33g)>发展阶段(32.8g,16.81g);而油蒿根冠比则是发展阶段(0.61)>相对稳定阶段(0.21)。各演替阶段根系和土壤环境因子之间存在相互影响,优势种群根系生物量及生物量分布与土壤颗粒组成、土壤水分的空间分布有着密切的关系。 相似文献
Spatial heterogeneity for grain size distribution of eolian sand soil on longitudinal dunes in the southern Gurbantunggut Desert 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
The grain size composition, distribution characteristics and spatial variation of eolian sand soil on distinct positions across two longitudinal dunes and interdune areas were studied by means of conventional grain size analysis and geostatistical methods. In the study, 184 samples of eolian sand soil from the 0-30cm layer were systemically collected and measured from two longitudinal dunes and interdunes in the southern Gurbantunggut Desert. The results show that the dominant grain sizes are fine and very fine sands, and the differences of grain size compositions between the distinct geomorphologic positions are significant. The contents of clay and silt are highest on the interdune areas and lowest on the crests, and higher on the leeward slopes than on the windward slopes. The contents of very fine and fine sands are highest on the windward slopes and lowest on the crests. The contents of medium, coarse and very coarse sands are lowest on the interdune lands, and highest on the crests, and are identical on the two slopes. The coarser sizes (φ1) and mean sizes (Mz) for eolian sand soil all have a varying tendency from fine to coarse sizes with interdune area → leeward slope → windward slope → crest, and the sorting (σ) are poorly to well sorted. The results of geostatistical analysis reveal that φ1, Mz and σ values are moderately to strongly spatially autocorrelated. The values of the spatially correlated ranges are φ1<σ相似文献
干旱区农田土壤水分地温变化规律及其相互关系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以干旱区农田灌溉后土壤水分、地温实测数据为基础,研究了其土壤水分、地温各自的变化规律及两者的相互关系.结果表明,各层含水量之间具有高相关性,基本达到了极显著的水平.这与土壤水分灌溉时由上而下的逐渐下渗,以及蒸发时由下而上的逐层上升有密切的关系.各层地温间的相关性大,除地面温度外,其余各层地温间的相关水平为显著或极显著水平,且相邻土层地温间均呈极显著相关.土壤水分及地温剖面垂直变化特征明显,并具有动态性.土壤水分含量大时,两者的垂直变异系数小,反之变异系数大.0~20 cm、地面(0 cm)分别为剖面含水量及地温变异强度的最大层,属中等变异强度.土壤水分及温度之间的负相关性明显.地面温度是预测表层、底层土壤水分的良好指标,利用回归分析法建立的土壤水分与地温间的函数关系可为推测土壤水分提供依据. 相似文献
为实现干旱区绿洲土壤含水量的快速、准确监测,利用采集自渭干河-库车河绿洲的84个表层(0~10cm)土壤样本,通过利用电磁感应仪(EM38)将所测解译后数据代替实测土壤含水量数据,将高光谱反射率重采样为Landsat8卫星遥感波段反射率,在选取光谱特征参数、提取敏感波段的基础上,利用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)方法建立土壤含水量模型,将最优估算模型应用于遥感影像,实现研究区土壤含水量遥感反演。研究结果表明:(1)利用EM38所测水平模式土壤表观电导率与土壤含水量拟合效果最优,能够代替实测土壤含水量进行后续建模分析。(2)相比3种单一的光谱特征指数,利用多种光谱特征指数所建土壤含水量估算模型的建模效果更优,其干、湿各季建模集决定系数R~2大于0.7,均方根误差(RMSE)均小于0.5%,RPD均大于2,能够作为有效手段估算干旱区绿洲土壤含水量。(3)不同季节土壤含水量遥感反演值与实测值决定系数R~2均大于0.6,均方根误差(RMSE)均小于0.6%,显示了较高的预测精度,证明利用电磁感应技术与高光谱相结合能够实现对干旱区绿洲土壤含水量的精准、高效监测。 相似文献
草原开垦破坏草地植被,并且破坏了整个草原的生态环境,这已取得共识。然而,目前还有人想开垦呼伦贝尔天然草地来追求短期的利益。通过调查一个天然草地坡面的土层厚度和土壤水分,分析天然草地地貌部位对土层厚度和土壤水分的影响,以此为根据来阐述开垦天然草地的利害。结果表明:上部样点含水量低,坡脚和坡底样点含水量依次增加;黑土层保水性好,黄粘土层透水性差,砂土层保水性很差;坡面80%的面积黑土层小于或等于30cm,开垦压实以后厚度只能满足暂时耕作的需要。呼伦贝尔草原地形起伏较大,干旱且多大风,易发生土壤侵蚀。开垦以后将会失去保水性好的黑土层,那时,呼伦贝尔草原前景甚忧。因此,建议不应开垦呼伦贝尔草原,并给与适当保护。 相似文献
ZHOU Tairan 《干旱区科学》2021,13(10):1015-1025
Soil water content is a key limiting factor for vegetation growth in the semi-arid area of Chinese Loess Plateau and precipitation is the main source of soil water content in this area. To further understand the impact of vegetation types and environmental factors such as precipitation on soil water content, we continuously monitored the seasonal dynamics in soil water content in four plots (natural grassland, Caragana korshinskii, Armeniaca sibirica and Pinus tabulaeformis) in Chinese Loess Plateau. The results show that the amplitude of soil water content fluctuation decreases with an increase in soil depth, showing obvious seasonal variations. Soil water content of artificial vegetation was found to be significantly lower than that of natural grassland, and most precipitation events have difficulty replenishing soil water content below a depth of 40 cm. Spring and autumn are the key seasons for replenishment of soil water by precipitation. Changes in soil water content are affected by precipitation, vegetation types, soil evaporation and other factors. The interception effect of vegetation on precipitation and the demand for water consumption by transpiration are the key factors affecting the efficiency of soil water replenishment by precipitation in this area. Due to artificial vegetation plantation in this area, soil will face a water deficit crisis in the future. 相似文献
土壤水分田间快速测定方法在农田水肥管理实践中有重要意义。本研究应用RR-7730M土壤湿度计,进行田间速测和室内不同含水量土壤的模拟测定,并与经典的烘箱法测定结果作了比较分析。结果表明,田间和室内模拟条件下,RR-7730M土壤湿度计速测法与烘箱法都达到极显著相关,相关系数分别为r=0.857**(n=240)和r=0.982**(n=27),说明该方法可行而且实用,值得推广。 相似文献
频率域反射仪测定土壤含水量的校正与田间验证 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了获得精确的土壤含水量测定数据,在室内和田间分别进行了频率域反射仪(FDR)测定土壤含水量的校正,并在田间运用土钻取样和烘干法对模型参数进行了验证。结果表明,室内试验获得了较好的模型参数,均方根误差平均达到了0.023 m3/m3,但是应用到田间条件下误差很大,均方根误差平均为0.066 m3/m3;田间条件下也间接获得了较好的模型参数,均方根误差的平均值为0.026 m3/m3,应用于田间时测定含水量的精确度较高,均方根误差的平均值为0.026 m3/m3。因此,对于构成复杂的城市或园林土壤,在不挖剖面或土钻取样破坏土壤的前提下,建议采用田间间接法进行校正。 相似文献
农业水土资源是人类赖以生存的物质基础。为合理利用和开发西北旱区农业水土资源,利用经典统计学和地统计学方法研究了其水资源指数和耕地资源指数的空间变异特征。结果表明:西北旱区水资源指数和耕地资源指数均具有中等变异性特征,其半方差最优拟合模型分别是高斯模型和指数模型,且均呈现空间不均衡分布,分别具有较强和中等空间相关性,其空间变异主要受结构性因子的影响。研究结果不仅可为西北旱区农业水土资源的配置、高效利用和优化提供依据,也为在较大研究范围内开展空间因子变异特征研究提供了方法参考。 相似文献
瓜州绿洲胡杨林下土壤水分空间特征研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用地统计学方法及ArcGIS中的Kriging空间插值法对瓜州绿洲胡杨林下土壤含水量的空间变化规律进行了研究.结果表明:在垂直方向上,QZ、SG和BL三个样地的土壤含水量随深度的增加而增加,TG样地,由于土壤板结,导致其含水量随深度的增加呈减少趋势.瓜州绿洲胡杨生长阶段与其林下土壤含水量呈负相关关系,且土壤含水量越向... 相似文献
不同供水条件对温室小型西瓜苗期根区土壤水分、温度及生理指标的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以小型西瓜"黑美人"为试验材料,在日光温室内进行了灌溉试验研究,试验设置1.25Ep(Ep为两次灌水时间间隔内的蒸发皿蒸发量)、1.0Ep、0.75Ep和0.5Ep四个供水处理,以探求不同供水条件对温室小型西瓜根区土壤水分变化、土壤温度、西瓜的形态指标、水分生理指标和光合生理指标的影响,并采用DPS分析软件对数据进行了... 相似文献
不同留茬覆盖模式对土壤蒸发和表层土壤含水量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
秸秆覆盖模式可显著影响土壤蒸发量和土壤含水量。本研究根据小麦机械收获的特点,设置不同的小麦留茬高度和覆盖量,研究了不同留茬高度和覆盖量组合对冬小麦收获后土壤表层含水量和土壤蒸发量的影响。试验结果显示冬小麦留茬高度0~35 cm对表层土壤含水量和土壤蒸发影响较小,而覆盖会明显改善土壤含水量和降低土壤蒸发量。当留茬高度为0~15 cm、田间剩余秸秆覆盖量为0.348~0.470 kg/m2时,试验期间(31 d)土壤累积蒸发量较无覆盖减少了16%~51%。考虑机收特点,建议小麦留茬高度为5~15 cm,其余残留碎杆覆盖在土壤表面,以减少土壤蒸发和提高水分利用效率。 相似文献
针对旱区土壤板结严重和耕层深度变浅等问题,于2021年在宁夏暖泉农场开展大田试验,以传统旋耕为对照(CK),设置不同粉垄耕作深度30 cm(FL30)、40 cm(FL40)、50 cm(FL50)和60 cm(FL60),探究粉垄耕作对玉米田土壤关键物理性质的影响。结果表明:与传统旋耕相比,粉垄耕作能够有效降低土壤容重且提高土壤孔隙度,FL50处理表层土壤(0~20 cm)容重降低11.55%、孔隙度提升12.17%,FL40处理中层土壤(20~40 cm)容重降低8.57%、孔隙度提升9.14%,FL60处理深层土壤(40~60 cm)容重降低11.61%、孔隙度提升12.75%;粉垄耕作对玉米各生育期土壤蓄水量具有显著影响,FL40处理土壤蓄水量提升24.86%,土壤机械稳定性团聚体数量(0.25~5 mm)提高9.63%;较传统旋耕,粉垄耕作可达到疏松土壤与提高土壤蓄水保墒能力的效果,粉垄耕作通过改善玉米的生长条件和土壤环境提高了籽粒产量,其中FL60、FL50、FL30处理分别较CK处理增产57.14%、15.48%、8.79%。研究成果可为改善旱区土壤多年板结及水土资源可持... 相似文献
WANG Junqiang 《干旱区科学》2016,8(3):350-363
Soil organic matter content in water-stable aggregates(WSA) in the arid ecosystems(abandoned agricultural lands especially) of China is poorly understood. In this study, we examined the WSA sizes and stability, and soil organic carbon(OC) and nitrogen(N) contents in agricultural lands with abandonment ages of 0, 3, 12, 20, 30 and 40 years, respectively, in the Minqin Oasis of Northwest China. The total soil OC and N contents at depths of 0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm in abandoned agricultural lands were compared to those in cultivated land(the control). Agricultural land abandonment significantly(P0.05) influenced the distribution of MWD(mean weight diameter), and OC and N contents. There were significant increases in MWD and the proportion of macroaggregates(sizes 0.25 mm) as the age of agricultural land abandonment increased. The effect of abandonment ages of agricultural lands on MWD was determined by the changes of OC and N accumulation in WSA sizes 2 mm. The total OC and N contents presented a stratification phenomenon across soil depths in this arid ecosystem. That is, both of them decreased significantly at depths of 0–20 and 40–60 cm while increased at the depth of 20–40 cm. The WSA sizes 0.053 mm had the highest soil OC and N contents(accounting for 51.41%–55.59% and 42.61%–48.94% of their total, respectively). Soil OC and N contents in microaggregates(sizes 0.053–0.25 mm) were the dominant factors that influenced the variations of total OC and N contents in abandoned agricultural lands. The results of this study suggested that agricultural land abandonment may result in the recovery of WSA stability and the shifting of soil organic matter from the silt+clay(0.053 mm) and microaggregate fractions to the macroaggregate fractions. However, agricultural land abandonment did not increase total soil OC and N contents in the short-term. 相似文献
风沙土水分入渗与再分布过程中湿润锋运移试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用室内模拟试验系统,对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地风沙土在滴灌条件下的水分入渗与水分再分布过程中湿润锋的运动规律进行了模拟试验研究。根据模拟试验描述了风沙土在滴灌条件下水分入渗与再分布情况下湿润体的形状变化,研究了在水平方向上与垂直方向上风沙土的湿润锋推进规律及运动特征,揭示了随着累计入渗量的增加,湿润锋推进过程在入渗初期速率较大,逐渐成减小趋势,并最终达到稳定入渗状态;在土壤水分再分布过程中土壤湿润锋面不断向外部推移,最后达到相对稳定;对风沙土水分入渗及再分布过程中其湿润锋的推进距离与时间做了函数关系拟合,其中乘幂函数关系式拟合最好。 相似文献
不同覆盖措施对旱区农田土壤酶活性及西瓜产量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于大田试验,研究了砂石+地膜覆盖,砂石覆盖,地膜覆盖3种旱区农田地表不同覆盖措施下的土壤酶活性及西瓜产量,以农田不覆盖(CK)为对照。结果表明:砂石+地膜覆盖在西瓜不同生育时期和不同土壤层次由于土壤水分条件的改善,可显著提高土壤酶活性,其中土壤脲酶活性提高了34.5%,碱性磷酸酶提高了13.0%,过氧化氢酶提高了29.5%,砂石覆盖次之(分别提高了31.4%,11.5%, 25.5%),地膜覆膜处理虽然也有提高土壤三种酶活性的效果,但作用甚微(仅0.9%,1.4%,2.9%)。对西瓜产量及商品率的影响,砂石+地膜覆盖、砂石覆盖处理与对照相比增产效果显著,分别增产50倍和30倍,地膜覆盖与对照相比增产7倍,但是商品率较低(2.16%)。表明在当地旱区农业生产中,砂石+地膜覆盖或砂石覆盖是抗旱、增产增收的有效措施。 相似文献
干旱区微咸水滴灌条件下典型土壤盐碱化影响因素研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以代表性的沙壤和黏壤棉田土壤为研究对象,分别利用高、低矿化度水进行5年灌溉,即黏壤-低矿化度,黏壤-高矿化度,沙壤-低矿化度,沙壤-高矿化度共四个处理,测定0~100 cm分层土样总盐、pH、Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、SAR、ESP等指标,以研究玛纳斯河流域冲积扇扇缘和干三角洲区不同浓度微咸水长期滴灌条件下土壤盐分、土壤碱度、主要阳离子的变化,探讨对土壤盐化和碱化产生主要影响的离子,为干旱区微咸水灌溉生态安全管理提供理论参考。结果表明:冲积扇扇缘带黏壤土和干三角洲沙壤土盐化和碱化相伴发生,且主要受灌溉水矿化度影响;对土壤盐化和碱化均产生主要影响的离子为Na+,对土壤盐分产生主要影响的离子为Na+与Ca2+。这表明玛纳斯河流域土壤盐碱化的治理应从降低灌溉水Na+入手,将控制灌溉水总盐分和降低Na+占比结合起来,达到既降盐又防治土壤持续碱化的目的。 相似文献