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利用mtdfreml软件包估计双肌臀大白猪达100kg体重日龄和平均日增重这两个表征生长速度性状的遗传力。具体步骤是先用sas软件包对固定效应进行不同水平间差异显著性检验。尔后确定固定效应的水平数。最后用mtdfreml进行遗传参数估计,得出双肌臀大白猪达100kg体重日龄和平均日增重两个性状的遗传力估值。这对于双肌臀大白猪的育种实践将起到一不定的促进作用。同时通过这两个性状遗传力估值的比较,验证了平均日增重较达100kg体重日龄在猪的育种实践中能更好的代表生长速度,更快的提高育种进展这一观点。  相似文献   

利用mtdfreml,即多性状非求导约束最大似然法进行遗传参数估计是一种崭新的方法 ,这个软件包由美国完成于1993年 8月 ,1995年 4月加以修订。国外已大量使用这一软件包进行动物遗传参数的估计〔4〕,而在国内由于技术和性能测定的不够完善 ,使用较少。在使用这一方法进行遗传参数估计时 ,首先必须建立混合模型 ,确定固定效应和随机效应〔1,3〕。本试验用一种较为客观的方法对固定效应及其水平数加以确定。双肌臀大白猪由中国农大吴常信教授和师守堃教授于 1997年从加拿大引进 ,饲养在江西省养猪育种中心。这一品种猪在国内的育种需要…  相似文献   

双肌臀大白猪生长性能及胴体性状的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新引进双肌臀大白猪的生长性能测定结果表明 :平均日增重公猪为 90 8g,母猪为 778g ,达 10 0kg体重公猪较母猪缩短 14天。 80~ 12 0日龄体重 30~ 70kg阶段生长最为迅速 ,同时背最长肌、股二头肌、半腱肌发育突出 ,轮廓清晰 ,外形呈现出优美的哑铃状的双肌臀。但 12 1~ 15 0日龄体重达 80kg以上时 ,生长速度减缓 ,体形发生变化 ,双肌臀特征渐不明显。屠宰测定结果表明 ;胴体肉色鲜红 ,大理石纹较为明显 ,胴体瘦肉率达 6 5 % ,未发现PSE和DFD肉。  相似文献   

双肌臂大白猪生长性能及胴体性状的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对新引进双肌臂大白猪的生长性能测定结果表明:平均日增重公猪为908g,母猪为778g,达100kg体重公猪较母猪缩短14天,80-120日龄体重30-70kg阶段生长最为迅速,同时背最长肌,股二头肌,头腱肌发育突出,轮廓清晰,外形呈现出优美的哑铃状的双肌臂,但121-150日龄体重达80kg以上时,生长速度减缓,体形发生变化,双肌臂特征渐不明显,屠宰测定结果表明:胴体肉色鲜红,大理石纹较为明显,胴体瘦肉率达65%,未发现PSE和DFD肉。  相似文献   

“双肌臀”大白猪是国家农业部引进国外先进育种材料项目 ,由中国农大动科院和江西省养猪育种中心共同承担 ,种猪来自从加拿大东西部四个选育场。种猪经过口岸检疫 ,于1997年 6月 2 4日到达江西省养猪育种中心第二种猪场 ,到场种猪 4 8头 ,其中公猪 13头 ,母猪 35头。 13头公猪血缘相互独立 ;母猪血缘更为丰富 ,共有 2 4个家系。1 饲养条件1.1猪场环境 猪场为 1996年新建 ,地处丘陵 ,属亚热带季风性湿润气候 ,年均降雨量约 15 35mm ,年均日照 4 80 0小时 ,年平均气温 2 1℃左右。猪场建在小山丘上 ,南北方向 ,北高南低。栏舍为 :母猪小…  相似文献   

“双肌臀”大白猪是国家农业部引进国外先进育种材料项目,由中国农大动科院和江西省养猪育种中心共同承担,种猪来自加拿大东西部4个选育场。种猪经过口岸检疫,于1997年6月24日到达江西省养猪育种中心第二种猪场,到场种猪48头,其中公猪13头,母猪35头。13头公猪血缘相互独立,母猪血缘更为丰富,共24个家系。1 饲养条件1.1 猪场环境 猪场为1996年新建,南北方向,北高南低。地处丘陵,属亚热带季风性湿润气候,年均降雨量约1 535mm,年均日照4 800h,年平均气温21℃左右。栏舍为:母猪小群半开放式饲养;产房高床全漏缝,保育舍地面半…  相似文献   

大白猪繁殖和生产性状母体遗传效应估计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用非求导约束最大似然法估计了大白猪部分性状的直接和母体遗传效应。总产仔数,活产仔数和初生重的直接效应遗传力分别为0.15,0.25和0.09,母体效应的遗传力分别为0.12,0.19和0.64,直接和母体效应间遗传相关分别为-0.54,-0.18,和0.66。  相似文献   

用MTDFREML方法估计大白猪遗传参数   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑友民  张沅 《养猪》1999,(1):32-33
本研究应用MTDFREML方法对341窝大白猪选育群和1470头测定猪繁殖性状、生长性状、体型性状等进行遗传力和遗传相关估计,窝总产仔数和活产仔数遗传力分别是0.11和0.13。165日龄校正体重的遗传力是0.31。校正背膘厚遗传力0.38~0.50。窝总产仔数与校正体重的遗传相关为-0.02。窝总产仔数与肩部、腰部、荐部及三点平均膘厚的校正背膘厚的遗传相关是-0.34~-0.66。活产仔数与校正背膘厚的遗传相关是-0.08~-0.11。  相似文献   

利用MTDFREML估计大约克双肌臀种猪活体背膘厚遗传力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用MTDFREML软件包估计大约克双肌臀种猪活体背膘厚遗传力。首先用SAS软件包对固定效应进行不同水平间差异显著性检验 ,尔后确定固定效应的水平数 ,最后用MTDFREML进行遗传参数估计 ,得出大约克双肌臀种猪 1 0 0kg体重时活体背膘厚遗传力的估值。这对于大约克双肌臀种猪的育种实践将起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

旨在分析母猪的出生年份、出生季节、初生重、开测日龄等固定效应对长白、大白猪主要生长性状的影响,并对目标生长性状进行遗传参数估计(遗传力、遗传方差、表型相关和遗传相关),为猪的遗传改良提供基本依据.本试验利用GLM模型分析试验猪群(398头长白猪和1176头大白猪)的固定效应对猪生长性状的影响,并采用多性状动物模型对目标...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate components of variance and covariance for backfat and growth rate in swine tested in central test stations in the United States. Data were collected from 26 central boar test stations from 1984 through 1990. The traits analyzed were backfat adjusted to a 104.5-kg basis and ADG adjusted to a 36-kg on-test weight. Records from 7,951 purebred Yorkshire boars were analyzed. Contemporary groups were defined as boars of a breed that were tested and sold as a common group in a test station. Variance components were estimated using a pseudo-expectation method with a multiple-trait, sire-maternal grandsire model. Direct heritabilities for backfat and ADG were estimated to be .56 and .24, respectively. Direct maternal effects were significant for both backfat and ADG; they accounted for 11 and 23% of the variance, respectively. The additive genetic correlation between backfat and ADG was approximately zero. Within this population of centrally tested Yorkshire boars, heritability seems to be high for backfat and moderate for ADG, with a significant maternal effect on each trait.  相似文献   

The effect of the porcine myogenin (Myog) 3' polymorphism on birth weight, growth rate, carcass weight, lean weight, lean meat percentage and back-fat thickness has been investigated in Hungarian Large White pigs. MYOG genotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP assay. The obtained MYOGA frequency value was 0.6275. Due to the small number of BB piglets the effect of the MYOG genotypes on birth weight was not significant; however, an increasing tendency was observed from genotype AA to BB. The growth rate difference between MYOG genotypes was significant: BB animals showed the highest growth rate values during the fattening period. Since few results are available on the possible use of MYOG gene polymorphism in selection to improve carcass and growth traits, by this study the authors hope to provide additional data on this particular subject.  相似文献   

Performance test records collected from 1978 to 1987 from on-farm tests of young Polish Large White boars from 94 herds and reproductive records of Polish Large White sows from 81 nucleus farms were used to estimate the phenotypic, environmental, and genetic trends. There were, after editing, 114,347 boar performance records and 41,080 litter records on sows. Both data sets were analyzed by use of an animal model. Estimated annual phenotypic and environmental trends were relatively large and desirable and were, respectively, .17 +/- .05, .11 +/- .05 (number born alive); .16 +/- .04, .10 +/- .04 (21-d litter size); 1.86 +/- .63, 1.43 +/- .62 (21-d litter weight, kg); 6.80 +/- .60, 6.76 +/- .72 (average daily gain, g/d); -.065 +/- .007, -.058 +/- .023 (backfat thickness, mm); -2.76 +/- .28, -2.75 +/- .29 (days to 110 kg). In contrast, all estimated genetic trends were relatively small and not always favorable. The genetic trends estimated from animal, sire and dam genetic values were, respectively, .01 +/- .01, .02 +/- .01, .01 +/- .01 (number born alive and 21-d litter size); .04 +/- .06, .10 +/- .05, .05 +/- .04 (21-d litter weight, kg); .04 +/- .04, .50 +/- .10, -.43 +/- .05 (average daily gain, g/d), -.009 +/- .001, -.015 +/- .002, -.004 +/- .0004 (backfat thickness, mm); and -.01 +/- .01, -.17 +/- .04, .19 +/- .02 (days to 110 kg). Neither examination of selection practices nor boar utilization provided an explanation for the lack of genetic progress.  相似文献   

Effect of atrophic rhinitis on growth rate in Illinois swine herds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Influence of atrophic rhinitis (AR) on mean daily weight gain (MDG) was studied in hogs randomly selected from 7 farrow-to-finish herds in Illinois. Herds were selected to obtain a wide range of clinical signs and lesions of the disease; thus, prevalence of clinical signs of AR in finishing hogs ranged from 0% to 20% among herds, and in hogs examined at slaughter the proportion of hogs with turbinate lesions ranged from 5% to 92%. None of the herds investigated had any obvious problems with pneumonia; nevertheless, hogs with moderate to severe pneumonic lesions were excluded from the study, to minimize any combined effect of AR and pneumonia. In 3 herds, MDG in AR-free pigs was 15% to 18% better than in pigs with severe AR lesions. Prevalence of clinical signs ranged from 5% to 20%, and of turbinate lesions, from 66% to 92%. In 4 herds in which MDG appeared to be unaffected by AR, prevalence of clinical signs of the disease ranged from 0% to 5%, and of turbinate lesions, from 5% to 74%. No consistent pattern of influence on AR lesions was found for bacterial infections, as determined by culturing of nasal swab specimens on MacConkey agar and blood agar.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of a carcass to PSE (pale, soft, exudative muscle) can be assessed by measuring the pH value in the lumbar region of the longissimus dorsi muscle at 45 min post-mortem (pH1). The effect of breed, station, sex and season on pH1 was investigated, on a total of 2 775 pig records, including the progeny of 129 Irish Landrace and 126 Large White boars, from two test stations. The heritability of pH1 and its genetic correlation with other performance characteristics were determined within each breed. Landrace pigs had significantly lower values than Large White pigs, indicating a greater susceptibility to PSE in the former. There was no significant difference between the values for boars, castrates and females. There were marked differences from month to month, but no definite seasonal pattern was present nor was there any apparent long-term trend. The heritability for the Landrace breed was higher than that for the Large White breed, and both values indicate that pH1 would respond to selection. The genetic correlations between pH1 and daily gain, food conversion efficiency and backfat (four measurements) were for the most part low and the standard errors relatively high, indicating that there was no strong relationships between pH1 and these performance characteristics.  相似文献   

A replicated factorial experiment using 183 individually fed crossbred barrows was conducted. The pigs were fed an 18.5% CP (.95% lysine) diet with 3.594 kcal of ME/kg. The effects of five genotypes (GT): 1) Hampshire (H) X (H X Duroc [D]), 2) synthetic terminal sire line, 3) (H X D) X (Landrace [L] X [Yorkshire (Y) X D]), 4) L X (Y X D), and 5) Y X L; two levels of ractopamine (RAC) treatment: 0 and 20 ppm; and three treatment weight periods (WT): 1) 59 to 100, 2) 73 to 114, and 3) 86 to 127 kg live weight on ADG of dissected lean (ADLG) and fat standardized lean adjusted to 10% fat content (ADSLG) and feed efficiency of ADLG (LFE) and ADSLG (SLFE) were evaluated. Initial carcass lean quantity of each individual animal was determined by a regression equation (R2 = .95) generated from 30 additional barrows (six per GT) slaughtered at 59 kg and 30 (six per GT) untreated pigs slaughtered at 100 kg average live weight. Logarithmic and reciprocal transformations of dependent variables were used to stabilize heterogeneous variances and to improve normality of the residuals. Ractopamine increased (P less than .0001) ADLG, ADSLG, LFE, and SLFE, respectively, by 19.5, 25.0, 19.6, and 25.5%. Differences (P less than .001) were observed among genotypes for all traits, showing that considerable variation existed in the data and indicating that genetic improvement can be realized through the identification and selection of superior genotypes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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