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Globalisation accelerates the dynamics of the network society and economy, in which distant relationships become functionally
more significant than local landscape relationships. This presents challenges and opportunities for landscape analysis. Using
social scientific concepts of global and local space, and ecological concepts of hierarchy, two qualitative case studies are
undertaken of urban fringe landscapes in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Christchurch, New Zealand. They reveal a convergence of
landscape pattern over time, but this disguises significant differences in underlying socio-economic process and institutional
response. There are several implications for landscape analysis and policy. First, there is a need for studies grounded in
particular landscapes that acknowledge both local spatial landscape relationships and non spatial ‘global’ processes. Second, the transformation of landscapes through urbanisation provides a useful focus for
the connection of landscape ecological understanding of landscape systems with social scientific understanding of human agency
and social structure. Third, there is a significant challenge in how to develop local and regional institutions and policies
that have the capacity to utilise and apply these diverse analytical perspectives. 相似文献
Clarifying Integrative Research Concepts in Landscape Ecology 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
Integrative research approaches are intensely discussed in landscape ecology, in academia and in research policy. However,
confusion over the terminology hampers communication. Many current landscape ecological research projects have difficulties
to agree on a common understanding of the core concepts associated with different forms of integrative research. This is also
evidenced by the lack of discussion of integrative research concepts in published papers. This hinders integration in research
projects and makes the comparison and evaluation of the outcomes of different research concepts impossible. This paper discusses
and defines the meanings of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary (= integrative) research approaches to ease discourse
on their application in landscape ecological research. It reviews definitions of the concepts found in the research literature
and develops definitions of integrative and associated research concepts (disciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity
and transdisciplinarity) based on their degree of disciplinary integration and involvement of non-academics. Integrative concepts
are viewed as a continuum rather than as fixed categories. The paper discusses the need to develop integrative theory and
methods and argues that we should be more explicit when using integrative research concepts in project proposals, project
work and publications. Finally, the paper reflects on the ongoing discussion in landscape ecology concerning whether it is
developing from an integrative research field towards a discipline in its own right. 相似文献
以龙胜龙脊古壮寨为研究对象,采用层次分析法(AHP法)建立景观评价体系,运用GIS空间分析法对古壮寨景观进行景观等级划分,并制定分级建设保护策略。结果表明:龙胜龙脊古壮寨区域景观差异较明显,其中Ⅰ级、Ⅲ级与Ⅴ级景观分别占研究区域总面积的0.78%、0.12%、0.10%。无Ⅱ、Ⅳ级,表明龙胜龙脊古壮寨景观总体较好。基于以上评价结果,将龙脊古壮寨规划为风貌协调区、开发建设区和建设控制区。风貌协调区应维持对现有景观的保护;开发建设区应重点加强对生态环境的保护;建设控制区应在不影响原有风貌的前提下进行景观建设。该评价对龙胜龙脊古壮寨的发展与保护决策具有科学辅助意义。 相似文献
现探讨了植物在景观空间中的重要性,通过TRIZ相关理论分析了植物的形态和功能上存在的冲突,并以冲突解决原理为指导完善了植物的空间构成,营造出更具趣味性和宜人性的园林景观环境。 相似文献
We studied the spatial distribution of saplings in the vicinity of other saplings and mature trees in heavily worn urban forests. Our aim was to identify favorable microsites for saplings to regenerate under different levels of wear. We hypothesized that these safe microsites were situated close to tree trunks that might offer shelter from trampling caused by humans and their pet dogs. The distribution of saplings was explored at 0.1–0.6 m to the nearest sapling and 0.1–2 m to the nearest mature tree. Sorbus aucuparia was the most abundant sapling species, followed by Populus tremula, Betula pubescens and Picea abies. These species all tended to cluster with their conspecific saplings and were generally randomly distributed with respect to mature trees. Saplings of S. aucuparia and P. tremula favored growing close to mature P. abies (already at 0.4–0.8 up to 2 m from the trunk base, respectively) and S. aucuparia trees (at 0.2–0.4 m up to 2 m). Betula sp. and Acer platanoides grew close to Pinus sylvestris trees. Furthermore, with increased levels of wear, saplings clustered more likely together and close to tree trunks. The results are contrary to the gap regeneration hypothesis known from rural unworn forests where saplings often grow in canopy gaps. We suggest the idea of a ‘sheltering group’, i.e. tree groups and thickets of densely growing conspecific saplings, for the maintenance of regeneration of saplings and other vegetation in heavily worn recreational forests. Since urban forestry may strongly affect the existence and spatial location of a high variety of microhabitats, small-scale spatial exploration is needed to identify microsites that offer opportunities for natural regeneration under heavy recreational use. To maintain natural regeneration and the survival of saplings in worn urban forests, we recommend microhabitat-level species-specific forest management. 相似文献
以新疆内陆河流—克里雅河流域为研究区,基于RS和GIS技术分析1990、2003、2016年土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC),并结合景观来分析克里雅河流域的空间变化特征。结果表明:1990—2016年克里雅河流域的LUCC的空间分布稳定。未利用地是研究区面积最大的地类。草地的面积变化较大,呈增加的趋势,冰川积雪的覆被面积略有增加。1990—2016年,未利用地的斑块密度及斑块数较大。在1990—2016年,林地的景观破碎度的值最大。城乡工矿用地的破碎度较大,且呈降低的趋势;耕地类型的景观格局的破碎化程度小,较为稳定;水域的景观形状趋于复杂化;未利用地的周长面积分维数较低。1990—2016年,在克里雅河流域的下游景观的破碎度较高,景观格局较不稳定。克里雅河流域的景观分离度指数呈现出了中游低、两头高的趋势。克里雅河流域上游的北部区域周长面积分维数较高。克里雅河流域的中游,景观分维数的空间分布变化较大。 相似文献
"灰空间"在建筑中表现为一种过渡的模糊的、形态内涵丰富的复合空间形式。现结合园林景观"灰空间"的设计实例,分析了"灰空间"在园林景观设计中空间与物质的表现形式,旨在为园林景观空间设计提供一些参考。 相似文献
The near-to-nature urban forestry concept and practices are widely recognized for urban greening, urban ecosystem restoration, urban greenspace management for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision. However, the regeneration and succession of urban vegetation are rarely studied due to the complex settings of the urban environment. To this end, we conducted a large-scale field investigation in the metropolitan area of Beijing, China to explore the spatial variations in plant species composition and diversity in soil seed banks, and their similarity to the aboveground vegetation to assess the potential of urban plant regeneration. Overall, 657 vegetation and soil sampling plots from 219 grids, measuring 2 km × 2 km each, were investigated within two perpendicular 10 km wide transects running across the urban center in north-south and east-west directions within the 6th Ring Road of the city. We recorded a total of 102 plant species in soil seed banks, including 13 tree species, 10 shrub species, and 79 herb species. We found that the soil seed bank species diversity and its similarity to that of the aboveground vegetation communities decreased significantly with the urbanization intensity. Higher urbanization intensity is typically associated with increased human management and a reduction in Greenspace Area (GSA). Soil seed bank species richness increased significantly when GSA exceeded 45 % and the similarity of species composition and diversity between soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation communities was the highest in forest parks. This suggests that habitats under forest park management are more conducive to plant regeneration. Soil seed bank species diversity first increased and then decreased significantly with increased distance to the city center, whereas the species similarity between the soil seed banks and the aboveground vegetation communities showed little change with the ring roads going out. The results of this study have important implications for further understanding the potential for urban vegetation regeneration and sustainability, which have significant implications for urban biodiversity conservation and restoration. 相似文献
园林工程施工管理中存在的问题及探讨 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
分析当前园林工程施工管理中存在的施工放线、控制标高、园林土建和园林绿化等典型问题及其根本原因,并从促进我国园林工程施工管理健康发展角度提出合理化建议。 相似文献
以昆明市景观大道金碧路为研究对象,全面分析了其现有的布局形式、基础设施、植物景观。指出了景观建设中的不足之处,对金碧路的部分区域景观提出改进建议,以期把金碧路塑造成美观、生态、便民并富有云南少数民族风情的昆明特色景观大道。 相似文献
Min Zhao Francisco J. Escobedo Christina Staudhammer 《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》2010,9(3):205-214
Spatial patterns of tree structure and composition were studied to assess the effects of land tenure, management regimes, and the environment on a coastal, subtropical urban forest. A total of 229 plots in remnant natural areas, private residential, public non-residential, and private non-residential land tenures were analyzed in a 1273 km2 study area encompassing the urbanized portion of Miami-Dade County, USA. Statistical mixed models of structure, composition, location, and land tenure data were used to analyze spatial patterns across the study area. A total of 1200 trees were measured of which 593 trees (49%) were located in residential areas, 67 (6%) in public non-residential areas, 135 trees (11%) in private non-residential areas, and 405 (34%) in remnant, natural areas. A total of 107 different tree species belonging to 90 genera were sampled. Basal area in residential land tenures increased towards the coast while private residential land tenures and natural areas had higher species diversity than non-residential areas. Tree height, crown light exposure, and crown area might indicate the effects of past hurricane impacts on urban forest structure. Land tenure, soil types, and urban morphology influenced composition and structure. Broadleaf evergreen trees are the most common growth form, followed by broadleaf deciduous, palms, and conifers. Exotic tree species originated mainly from Asia and 15% of all trees measured were considered exotic-highly invasive species. We discuss the use of these results as an ecological basis for management and resilience towards hurricane damage and identifying occurrence of invasive, exotic trees. 相似文献
牡丹作为中国传统名花,广泛应用于园林景观中,牡丹专类园是最主要的应用形式,现从牡丹专类园规划设计的原则、选址、出入口规划、分区规划、道路规划、建筑及园林小品规划、种植设计等几方面对牡丹专类园景观规划设计进行研究,以期为牡丹专类园景观设计提供参考。 相似文献
城镇化是当今社会发展的必然趋势,针对城镇化进程中可能出现的环境问题开展景观设计具有较好的现实理论指导意义。城镇化是一个正在进行中的实践活动,我国广大农村有的已经开展新型农村社区建设,有的还保持着传统的风貌。分析城镇化进程中景观设计的缺失及其现状,提出景观设计在推进城镇化进程中可以发挥作用的方面。 相似文献
城市公园是城市公共开放空间的重要组成部分,植物景观是城市公园设计不可忽视的元素之一。以深圳市荔枝公园为例,通过实景图从公园入口空间、道路广场、开阔草坪空间、滨水绿化空间、建筑小品配景几个方面分析探讨公园的植物配置,以期对相关的城市公园植物景观设计有借鉴意义。 相似文献
近年来,南通市园林绿化事业得到了前所未有的重视和发展,本文通过总结南通市街头绿地设计与施工的经验,提出加强对园林绿化设计与施工的紧密配合,进一步提高南通市园林绿化工程质量。 相似文献
以盆栽食用菌的选择栽培条件为基础,对盆栽食用菌在园林景观设计中的应用价值进行全面的探讨。通过搭配不同颜色的食用菌,可以使盆栽食用菌与整体空间保持协调,营造出良好的园林景观氛围,使城市园林景观设计更加具有独特性、创新性。 相似文献
西南地区有丰富的自然资源,得天独厚的自然环境。造就了深厚的园林植物文化。从自然环境和人文环境2个方面分析了影响西南地区园林植物文化形成的主要因素,并总结列举了西南地区植物文化的3大特点即地域性、宗教性和历史性,并针对西南地区园林植物文化在发展进程中出现断层现象,提出了传承和发扬西南地区园林植物文化的思路和方向,以期为西南地区园林植物文化的研究提供参考。 相似文献