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Arabinogalactan (AG) obtained from Larix gmelinii R. waS purified with the method of macroporous resin adsorption. Effects of various parameters on the adsorption, including adsorption time and temperature, the concentration and the dosage of raw AG the reused numbers of resin, were investigated. The effect of purification was tested through the removal rate of impurity and the contents of AG and impurity. The optimal condition was determined as follows: adsorbed at 30℃ for 2 h with the concentration of raw AG 〈0.1 g·mL^-1 and its dosage 〈 7 mL, the dose of resin was 3 g and reused for 4 times. On the basis of these, macroporous resin column was used for AG purification. The result showed that the AG yield could reach 68.28% with sugar content of 95.02%. The analysis of IR and UV showed that the effect of macroporous resin characteristics on the purification of AG was significant. The obtained product had the same functional groups with standard sample.  相似文献   

SSH was used to analyze gene transactivation during root formation of Larix cuttings. Two subtractive cDNA libraries  相似文献   

To determine the effect of shade on morphology, growth and biomass allocation in Picea sitchensis, Larix × eurolepis and Thuja plicata, seedlings were grown in the open or under shadehouses providing 25%, 50% and 75% reductions of full-light for two growing seasons. For most of the characteristics assessed there was no significant interaction between species and shade indicating that the morphological responses to changing shade treatments were not species-dependent. After two growing seasons the mean height increment for the three species was significantly greater in 25% (76.1 cm) and 50% shade (74.9 cm) than in the open (69.5 cm). Root collar diameter increment, shoot, root and total biomass declined significantly with increasing shade while the opposite was true for the height:diameter ratio. In both western red cedar and hybrid larch the shoot:root ratio was significantly greater in the shade while in Sitka spruce this characteristic was not influenced by shade. While all species had significantly greater specific shoot areas in 75% shade than in 0% shade, this trend was particularly pronounced in hybrid larch. In hybrid larch and western red cedar, the normalised specific projected shoot area increased significantly with increasing shade. The opposite trend was observed for Sitka spruce. We conclude that in the main the species studied demonstrated similar shade acclimation responses despite their reported differences in shade tolerance.  相似文献   

UGPase gene related with wood cellulose synthesis was transferred into C. acuminata using the method of Agrobacte- rium-mediated genetic transformation, and an efficient transformation system was developed for C. acuminata on the basis of evaluations of several factors affecting Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer rate. The highest transformation rate was achieved when pre-cultttred leaf explants were infected with an Agrobacterium culture corresponding to OD600 (0.5) for 10 min, and cultured on explant regeneration medium for three days. The results of Southern hybridization showed that genomic DNA of the kanamycin-resistant shoots to an UGPase gene probe substantiated the integration of the transgene. Transformation efficiency (6%) was achieved under the optimized transformation procedure, This system should facilitate the introduction of important useful genes into C, acuminata.  相似文献   

We measured photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) beneath the forest canopy, understory species richness and diversity, and biomass in a Larix leptolepis plantation in central Korea 4 years after thinning. Four different thinning intensities (control, 10%, 20%, and 40% stocking reduction) were applied in 1997. Mean annual intercepted PAR at 30cm and 1m above ground level was significantly different among the thinning intensities and strongly correlated with the number of stems remaining after thinning. Understory species richness and diversity were lowest in the unthinned stands and increased with thinning intensity, and there were significant correlations between the total number of understory species or diversity index (Shannons diversity index, H) and the number of stems per hectare after thinning. Also understory above-ground biomass was significantly increased with thinning intensity in both sampling months (June and August 2001). Thinning increased light inputs to the ground and resulted in higher species richness and diversity and above-ground biomass. These results suggested that light availability and understory responses to thinning at a comparable intensity are likely to last well beyond the 4 years of this study.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean pine forests, truffles and mushrooms generate greater profits than any other woodland products. However, there are no studies on Tuber melanosporum Vittad. associated with pines. For this reason, we have carried out a study of this truffle in mountain woods with Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra Arnold subsp. salzmannii (Dunal) Franco, in central Spain. Two hundred and eight Tuber melanosporum burns were monitored for 7 years in five different habitats within the same geographical area. An ANOVA test confirmed significant differences in carpophore production. In higher producing habitats, pines were less abundant. We also confirmed that in 433 burns, T. melanosporum was always unequivocally associated with the root base of Quercus or Corylus trees. Similarly, 14 truffle collectors confirmed that they had never found a single burn with carpophore production associated exclusively with pines. Nevertheless, soil analyses indicated that the soil of these pine woods was very favourable to Tuber melanosporum. We therefore conclude that at present Pinus nigra salzmannii and P. sylvestris are of little interest to Tuber melanosporum culture, as they hinder carpophore production. However, this study has also confirmed that Pinus nigra salzmannii and P. sylvestris mycorrhize easily with Tuber melanosporum, both in the laboratory and in natural environments. On this basis, we propose that pines may act as transmitters of T. melanosporum, although they do not induce fruiting. As a result, the commercial cultivation of Pinus nigra salzmannii and P. sylvestris seedlings mycorrhized with Tuber melanosporum is not recommended in truffle culture at the present time.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of four natural populations of Larix gmelinii from East Siberia was determined and compared by RAPD analysis. Comparison of the RAPD profiles provided an estimation of variability in 193 RAPD fragments. More than 89% of these fragments were found to be polymorphic. The main genetic variability parameters of the two populations from Central Yakutia, a region free of fluoride pollution, had considerably higher values than those from East Transbaikalia, a region potentially affected by fluoride pollution (FLU, near a fluorite quarry growing on soils with a high natural content of fluorides). AMOVA revealed that 72.94% of the variation was within populations, while only 7.05% of the variation was between populations within geographical regions. The genetic diversity of the FLU fluoride-tolerant population was the lowest, but only slightly lower than that of a fluoride non-tolerant population from Chita, 50 km distant from FLU. Although this study demonstrates the absence of fundamental alterations of genetic structure within the populations of L. gmelinii growing on soils with a high content of fluorides, it is presumed that the reduction of genetic diversity was the genetic response of the FLU population to such an environmental stress as a constantly high concentration of fluorides within the soil.  相似文献   

An analysis was performed on the climatic responses of the radial growth of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. on contrasting north-facing and south-facing slopes in Tura, central Siberia. We developed chronologies of tree-ring width for four plots, designated as north-upper, northlower, south-upper, and south-lower. Both residual and standard chronologies of tree-ring widths exhibited a significant positive correlation with temperature from the end of May until early June in all four plots. The chronologies of ring width did not reveal any major difference in the response to temperature among the four plots. The standard chronologies of ring widths on the north-facing slope were negatively correlated with precipitation during the winter (October–April) and in early and mid-May, whereas the residual chronologies did not reveal clear relationships with precipitation during the winter and May. The significant correlation between ring width and temperature from the end of May until early June indicates that temperatures in springtime play a significant role in the radial growth of L. gmelinii. The negative correlations between standard chronologies of tree-ring width and precipitation in the winter and in May on the north-facing slope indicate that lowfrequency fluctuations in snowfall have negative effects on the radial growth. However, these effects vary and depend on the microscale topography. Part of this report was presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Society, March 2005, Kyoto  相似文献   

In alley cropping systems, fast growing leguminous trees are pruned to reduce competition with crops for light and to provide organic inputs for crop nutrition. Tree regrowth depends on non-structural carbohydrate reserves in the remaining tree parts. In this study, the dynamics of starch and soluble carbohydrates in roots and stems of completely pruned (all shoots removed), partially pruned (one branch retained on the pruned stump) and unpruned Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O.F. Cook and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. trees were studied under humid tropical conditions in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Measurements on starch and soluble carbohydrates in roots and stems were made at 0, 2, 6 and 12 weeks after pruning during both a “rainy” and a “dry” season. In general, the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in roots and stems of pruned E. poeppigiana and G. sepium trees were similar. Starch concentration was highest in unpruned trees and higher in roots than in stems of pruned trees. The effect of pruning intensity was first observed in stems, and starch reserves were more depleted in stems than in roots, an effect more evident during the “dry” season. The critical tree regrowth stage for starch mobilisation was that of vigorous sprout development at six or four weeks after pruning particularly in completely pruned trees. At this time, fine root biomass and length and nodule biomass in pruned trees decreased. Survival of fine roots and nodules was greater in partially pruned than in completely pruned trees. Starch accumulation in roots recommenced at 12 weeks after pruning in G. sepium, and later than 12 weeks after pruning in E. poeppigiana roots. This study showed that E. poeppigiana responded better to pruning regimes than G. sepium. Recovery of trees after pruning is better when trees are partially pruned than when completely pruned.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了忍冬(Lonicera jàponica Thunb)和华南忍冬(Lonicera confus)叶表皮形态特征,观察指标包括:气孔器、表皮毛、表皮细胞等.结果表明:气孔仅分布在下表皮,气孔器呈无规则型散生;上表皮细胞的垂周壁呈沟槽状下陷;下表皮密被表皮毛(包括腺状毛和非腺毛),同时还分布有瘤状的草酸钙簇晶.为进一步证明这种瘤状结构是否为草酸钙簇晶,作者发现利用Fluo-3/AM(钙离子荧光指示剂)处理的活体叶片在激光共聚焦显微镜下能够发出强烈的荧光.此外,通过电子探针对瘤状物进行分析,发现其元素组成为C、O、Ca.上述叶表皮构造特征,有利于减少植物体水分散失,还有助于植物适应富钙的石灰土,从而适应我国西南岩溶区特殊的干旱、富钙的环境.电镜观察结果表明,在忍冬叶上表皮中脉处有呈线状分布的腺状表皮毛,而华南忍冬叶上表皮则无表皮毛分布,这一微形态特征可以作为二者种间特异性差别,从而为二者的合理区分提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

Root biomass and root distribution were studied in Entisols derived from the thick deposition of volcanic pumice on Hokkaido Island, Japan, to examine the effect of soil conditions on tree root development. The soil had a thin (<10 cm) A horizon and thick coarse pumiceous gravel layers with low levels of available nutrients and water. Two stands were studied: a Picea glehniiAbies sachalinensis stand (PA stand) and a Larix kaempferiBetula platyphylla var. japonica stand (LB stand). The allometric relationships between diameter at breast height (DBH) and aboveground and belowground biomass of these species were obtained to estimate stand biomass. The belowground biomass was small: 30.6 Mg ha−1 for the PA stand and 24.3 Mg ha−1 for the LB stand. The trunk/root ratios of study stands were 4.8 for the PA stand and 4.3 for the LB stand, which were higher than those from previous studies in boreal and temperate forests. All species developed shallow root systems, and fine roots were spread densely in the shallow A horizon, suggesting that physical obstruction by the pumiceous layers and their low levels of available water and nutrients restricted downward root elongation. The high trunk/root ratios of the trees may also have resulted from the limited available rooting space in the study sites.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between the absorptional characteristics in the near infrared region and the chemical changes of decomposing beech (Fagus crenata) and pine (Pinus densiflora) litters. Spectra as well as the concentrations of chemical substances approached each other and converged with decomposition, although both initial characteristics differed markedly between beech and pine. This indicated that the fundamental chemical structures were almost the same, although their organochemical composition differed. Specific absorption bands for lignin, polysaccharide, and protein were identified at 2,140 and 1,670 nm, 2,270, 1,720, 1,590, and 1,216 nm, and 2,350 nm, respectively. Absorbance at 1,670 nm, peculiar band of aromatics, showed a positive correlation with lignin concentration, which suggested the relative increment of aromatics due to condensed lignin in decomposing litters. Absorbance at 2,140 nm, characterized as the C–H bond in HRC = CHR, showed a negative correlation with lignin concentration, which suggested the decrements of some structures such as side-chains in lignin polymers unrelated to aromatics. Absorbance at 2,270, 1,720, and 1,216 nm, specified to O–H/C–O/C–H bonds in saccharide, might reflect the change of polysaccharide during decomposition because they showed a positive correlation to polysaccharide concentration. In the same way, absorbance at 2,350 nm, identified to the C–H/CH2 bonds in protein, showed a negative correlation to nitrogen concentration in decomposing litters, which might indicate that the C–H/CH2 bonds in protein decreased with decomposition due to microbial consumption of carbon in protein. Our findings suggested the possibility that the spectral changes indicate the litter digestibility during decomposition and that also explain the compositional change in decomposing litters.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the enzymatic properties of the 4CL1 of Populus tomentosa, the recombinant expression vector pQE31-4CL1 was constructed. The recombinant was identified by three restriction endonucleases, then the vector pQE31-4CL1 was transformed into expression host M15 (pREP4) and induced by isopropyl-α-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) to express 60 kD fused protein Pt4CL1. The biologically active Pt4CL1, expressed as soluble protein, was achieved with 0.6 mmol·L-1 IPTG induction as the ex-pression temperature declined from 37 to 28°C. The 6×His tag facilitates affinity binding to Ni2 -nitrolotriacetic acid (NTA) and enables one-step purification to acquire the molecular SDS-PAGE electrophoresis purity of the active 4CL1 protein by agarose cou-pled with Ni2 -NTA affinity chromatography. The optimal substrate for Pt4CL1 was 4-coumarate.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study plant regeneration through direct somatic embryogenesis using mature zygotic embryo and cotyledonary explants from seeds of Melia volkensii stored for <3 and >12 months. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with BAP, NAA and 2,4-D (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg l−1) alone, and BAP (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg l−1) in combination with 2,4-D or NAA (0.2 and 0.5 mg l−1). After 4 weeks in culture, up to 60% of cotyledonary explants from the seeds stored for <3 months produced direct somatic embryos on BAP (0.5–4.0 mg l−1) in combination with 2,4-D (0.2 mg l−1). The number of somatic embryos ranged from 5 to 14 per explant in BAP (0.5 mg l−1) and 2,4-D (0.2 mg l−1) combination. Only 20% of cotyledonary explants from seeds stored for >12 months produced somatic embryos. Mature zygotic embryos failed to produce any somatic embryos. Subcultures of somatic embryos from cotyledonary explants of seeds stored for <3 months formed clusters of shootlets on semi solid MS and 1/2 MS media. After 6 weeks of subculture on multiplication MS media augmented with BAP (0.5 mg l−1) and IAA (0.2 mg l−1), 70% of the shoot tips formed 4–7 shoots per explant. Up to 33% of the multiplied shoots were rooted in MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg l−1 IBA. Plantlets developed normally into seedlings in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

We evaluated the survival and growth of Abies homolepis and Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on Mt. Ohdaigahara, where the population of sika deer (Cervus nippon) is high and an experimental fence has been in place for 13 years. No significant differences were detected in the survival of small seedlings between fenced and unfenced plots. The growth of A. homolepis was significantly higher in the fenced plot, but growth of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis did not show significant differences between fenced and unfenced plots. Seedlings of height ≤5 cm in the forest floor vegetation of the unfenced plot were probably too small for deer to find and browse, so they survived.  相似文献   

云杉卷叶蛾(Choristoneura fumiferana(Clemens))是北美地区严重的森林食叶害虫之一。本试验室采用浸叶法测定植物源杀虫剂除虫菊酯对云杉卷叶蛾4龄幼虫的致死剂量,分析幼虫死亡率与致死时间致死浓度之间的相互关系。结果表明,在浓度为12.5、25、50、100和200 μg&#183;L-1时,幼虫LT50(50%害虫死亡的时间)分别为94.78、45.54、20.36、14.39和11.37h,在120 h累积死亡率依次达到50%、67%、93%、100%和100%。4龄幼虫的LC50(50%害虫死亡的浓度)为16.1μg&#183;L-1。因此,除虫菊酯对云杉卷叶蛾幼虫的致死率随着浓度增加而增加,而致死时间随着浓度增加而降低。本实验为除虫菊酯为效防治云杉卷叶蛾提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We present results of individual-based root system measurement and analysis applied for Larix gmelinii trees growing on the continuous permafrost region of central Siberia. The data of root excavation taken from the three stands were used for the analyses; young (26 years old), mature (105 years old), and uneven-aged over-mature stand (220 years old). In this article, we highlight two topics: (1) factors affecting spatio-temporal pattern of root system development, and (2) interactions between aboveground (i.e., crown) and belowground (i.e., root) competition. For the first topic, the detailed observation of lateral roots was applied to one sample tree of the overmature stand. The tree constructed a superficial (<30 cm in depth) and rather asymmetric root system, and each lateral root expanded mainly into elevated mounds rather than depressed troughs. This indicated that spatial development of an individual root system was largely affected by microtopography (i.e., earth hummocks). For these lateral roots, elongation growth curves were reconstructed using annual-ring data, and annual growth rates and patterns were compared among them. The comparison suggested that temporal root system development is associated with differences in carbon allocation among the lateral roots. For the second topic, we examined relationships between individual crown projection area (CA) and horizontal rooting area (RA) for the sample trees of each stand. RA was almost equal to CA in the young stand, while RA was much larger (three or four times) than CA in the mature and overmature stands. Two measures of stand-level space occupation, crown area index (aboveground: CAI; sum of CAs per unit land area) and rooting area index (belowground: RAI; sum of RAs), were estimated in each stand. The estimates of RAI (1.3–1.8 m2 m−2) exceeded unity in all stands. In contrast, CAI exceeded unity (1.3 m2 m−2) only in the young stand, and was much smaller (<0.3 m2 m−2) in the two older stands. These between-stand differences in RAI–CAI relationships suggest that intertree competition for both aboveground and belowground spaces occurred in the young stand, but only belowground competition still occurred in the two older stands. Based on this finding, we hypothesized that competition below the ground may become predominant as a stand ages in L. gmelinii forests. Methodological limitations of our analysis are also discussed, especially for the analysis using the two indices of space occupation (CAI, RAI).  相似文献   

The cutting seedlings ofLiriodendron chinense xtulipifera were treated with the different concentrations of auxin (treatment1: IBA of 50 g·kg−1+NAA of 300 g·kg−1; treatment2; IBA of 100 g·kg−1+NAA of 300 g·kg−1). The biomass nutrient element contents for different organs (root, stem, leaf) of cutting seedling ofLiriodendron chinense xtulipifera were measured by the dry method, Kjeldahl method and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy method. The result showed that the biomass of root, stem, and leaf of the cutting seedling treated with auxin was all remarkably increased. The contents of element C in root, stem and leaf had no significant difference between the control and auxin treatments, while the contents of N, P, K and Ca in stem were much lower than that in leaf and root. Variance analysis showed that for the same organ with different concentration treatment of auxin, the four nutrient elements (N, P, K, and Ca) had no significant difference in contents, while there existed significant or very significant difference in contents of the four nutrient elements in different organs with the same concentration auxin treatment. The N, P, K and Ca contents were very low in cutting seedlings; as a result, additional fertilizer should be applied to the seedlings when they were planted in the field. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Jiangsu Province Science Foundation (BE96350). Biography: ZHANG Xiao-ping, (1972-), female, Ph. Doctor in Nanjing Forestry University. Nanjing 210037, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

To compare the responses to repeated flooding and drought of Salix gracilistyla, which grows on coarse gravel substrates, and Salix subfragilis, which grows on fine silt or clay substrates, we measured pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψw pd), osmotic adjustment (Ψw tlp, Ψo sat), and biomass production of cuttings under greenhouse conditions. The experimental design involved a control and four treatments that crossed 1 or 3-week flooding (F) with 1 or 2-week droughts (D). Ψw pd was reduced after 2 weeks of drought when preceded by 1 week of flooding. Neither species increased osmotic adjustment in response to increased duration of drought between repeated 3-week flooding. Moreover, a decrease in the ratio of leaf biomass to total biomass or an increase in the ratio of root biomass to total biomass with longer drought repetitions was not observed for either species. The root ratio of S. gracilistyla was more strongly inhibited by flooding than that of S. subfragilis. The shoot-to-root ratio of S. subfragilis was higher than that of S. gracilistyla in all F combinations. The hypertrophied lenticel ratio of S. gracilistyla after 1 week of flooding was nearly the same as that after 3 weeks of flooding, whereas values for S. subfragilis after 1 week of flooding were lower than those after 3 weeks of flooding. The low allocation to roots and the generation of hypertrophied lenticels by S. gracilistyla in response to flooding, as compared with S. subfragilis, seem to be related to the different habitat substrate conditions of the two species.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years, four species of psyllid were detected in Brazil on eucalypts: Ctenarytaina spatulata in 1994, Blastopsylla occidentalis in 1997, Ctenarytaina eucalypti in 1998 and Glycaspis brimblecombei in 2003. The latter two are serious pests in several countries. In Brazil, G. brimblecombei caused significant damage to the eucalypt plantations in the first years of its introduction. Now this pest is under control due to the programmes of integrated pest management, where the parasitoid is the principal control agent. The four eucalypt psyllid species introduced into Brazil are presented with information on distribution, hosts, biology and control.  相似文献   

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