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本文总结了1996年以来,广州动物园草食类动物饲料植物选择方法和结果.广州动物园现有草食动物36种,青草料选择当地的象草,同时种植一些冬季生长快的牧草和树叶补充;干草选择当地的禾秆、田基草、羊草和苜蓿草块.  相似文献   

在滇西南开展了4种热带禾本科牧草品种比较试验。结果表明,王草、德宏逸生象草及矮象草的物候发育、分蘖和再生性相差不大,危地马拉草物候发育迟缓,分蘖和再生性不如另外3种牧草。各次刈割的鲜草和干物质产量,王草和德宏逸生象草均极显著高于危地马拉草和矮象草(P<0·01),危地马拉草和矮象草差异不显著(P>0·05),王草与德宏逸生象草相比,除次年第3次刈割差异不显著外(P>0·05),其余各次及年总产均极显著高于德宏逸生象草(P<0·01)。但德宏逸生象草的耐寒性强于另外3个品种。结论,王草适合于滇西南中低海拔、气候偏热、冬季霜冻较轻的地区种植。德宏当地逸生象草在滇西南中高海拔、冬季霜冻较严重的地区推广种植的前途比王草更大。  相似文献   

象草是一种高产、适应性较强、适口性好的当家牧草,但其冬季生长较差,不能放牧。岸杂一号牧草(以下简称岸杂)是目前禾本科牧草中含粗蛋白质最高、适口性好,既可冬季青割,又可放牧的优良牧草,但其产量不如象草高。为验  相似文献   

黄翠莲 《野生动物》1998,19(4):28-29
广州地处亚热带属于鹤类正常分布区之外、饲养和繁殖鹤类有一定难度。广州动物园利用饲养场内原有的水塘,填土改造以草胚、野芋、灌木等植物覆盖全场,并保持水土完好,使这一场地形成常年湿润,荫生植物繁茂,光照充足和遮阳合理的小气候环境,为鹤类的饲养繁殖创造了条件。经丹顶鹤、白头鹤、白枕鹤、灰鹤等试验种鹤在此饲养、行为的观察及产卵结果表明,人工建造的这一湿地环境,符合鹤类生活要求。广州动物园的鹤类共有7种,一直在冈山的湖中岛饲养仅在80年代初有过一对丹顶鹤(Grusjoponensis)的两年繁殖史,获2仔其它鹤均无繁殖记…  相似文献   

王草(英名:King grass)是禾本科狼尾草属内紫狼尾草(或称象草)(学名:Pennisetum purpureum K.Scbumacb)与美洲狼尾草(或称珍珠粟;御谷)(学名:Pennisetum typhoideum Rich)的种间杂交种。有关资料介绍,王草是多年生高产牧草,世界上热带地区一些国家已推广种植,取代象草。为选用比象草更为高产优质的饲草以适应我省奶牛饲养业和塘鱼养殖业生产发展需要,我所1987年冬季开始了王草的引种。现将引种试种试验情况,小结  相似文献   

犬疥螨病是螨虫寄生在皮肤上引起接触传染的一种外寄生虫病,俗称癞皮病。该病无严格的季节性,但在潮湿寒冷的秋末、冬季和早春病情比较严重,这些季节光线照射不足,犬毛密而长,特别是犬舍环境卫生不好、潮湿的情况下,最适合螨虫的发育和  相似文献   

植物繁殖对策是植物生存、生活的重要生存对策。早春植物是北疆荒漠春季牧场的主要牧草,新萌发的早春植物对恢复牲畜的冬瘦秋乏起着重要的作用。本文对6种主要早春植物的繁殖特征进行对比分析,研究结果表明:早春植物的生物量是随个体的增大而增加的,一年生早春植物荒漠庭荠、东方旱麦草的生殖分配值与其生物量是呈显著的正相关的(P0.05),伊犁郁金香的生殖分配值与其生物量是呈正相关但不显著(P&gt;0.05)。一年生早春植物的生殖分配值大于多年生早春植物。  相似文献   

<正> 象草(Pennisetum purpureum)作为商品在海运货物中正在增加。菲律宾Maka-ti,Metro Manila农业饲料股份有限公司(简称农业饲料公司)正在努力增加象草产量。象草是一种普遍采用的多年生饲料植物。在作为牛、山羊和绵羊的饲用禾草中,名列前茅,这与它的营养特性、繁殖技术普及和商业价值有关。  相似文献   

冬季和早春季节是闽北地区山羊养殖过程中最艰难的季节。难就难在冬季与早春气候寒冷,阴雨连绵及草料短缺。如果管理不善,就会造成山羊掉膘、体质下降,由此引发传染性胸膜肺炎、肠毒血症、传染性脓疱、乳房炎以及奶水不足造成初生羊羔生长发育不良、冻死等。据调查,冬季和早春季节山羊死亡占  相似文献   

草食动物对食用植物和常见植物腻虫的过敏症鲜有报道,查阅资料多是对药物的过敏反应等。为了引起同道对此病的关注,特报道此案例。1发病情况及症状城郊乡周家村朱某家养山羊患病。主诉:冬季大旱,早春无青草萌发,且种殖的豌豆苗旱死1/3,  相似文献   

通过资料查阅、野外调查、农户访谈及专家咨询,建立贵州威宁喀斯特山区野生饲用植物数据库,分析该区野生饲用植物的科、属和种构成;依据家畜对不同饲用植物的采食性差异,将该区野生饲用植物划分为优、良、中和劣4级,并对其饲用特性及家畜配置进行分析。结果表明,威宁喀斯特山区有野生饲用植物55科227属384种,草本和木本分别占总饲用植物种类的76%和24%;优势科为禾本科、豆科、菊科、蔷薇科和莎草科等10科,其中,禾本科、豆科和莎草科中的优良饲用植物多,具较高饲用价值;木本饲用植物主要为豆科(26种)和蔷薇科(23种)。综合分析认为,威宁喀斯特山区具有特殊生物活性物质的饲用灌木,可作为家畜冬季补饲料组分和生物保健药添加剂,该区草山草坡宜不同类型家畜混合放牧利用,中等饲用价值饲草可作冬季补饲料、天然草地利用与栽培草地建设并重。  相似文献   

Many rangeland processes are driven by microclimate and associated ecohydrological dynamics. Most rangelands occur in drylands where evapotranspiration normally dominates the water budget. In these water-limited environments plants can influence abiotic and biotic processes by modifying microclimate factors such as soil temperature and potential soil evaporation. Previous studies have assessed spatial variation in microclimate and associated ecohydrological attributes within an ecosystem (e.g., under vs. between woody canopies) or across ecosystems (e.g., with differing amounts of woody canopy cover), but generally lacking are assessments accounting systematically for both, particularly for evergreen woody plants. Building on recently quantified trends in near-ground solar radiation associated with a piñon–juniper gradient spanning 5% to 65% woody canopy cover, we evaluated trends in soil temperature and associated estimates of potential soil evaporation as a function of amount of woody canopy cover for sites overall and for associated canopy vs. intercanopy locations. Quantified soil temperature trends decreased linearly with increasing woody canopy cover for intercanopy as well as canopy patches, indicating the coalescing influence of individual canopies on their neighboring areas. Notably, intercanopy locations within high-density (65%) woody canopy cover could be as much as ~10°C cooler than intercanopy locations within low-density (5%) cover. Corresponding potential soil evaporation rates in intercanopies within high-density woody canopy cover was less than half that for intercanopies within low density. Our results highlight ecohydrological consequences of density-dependent shading by evergreen woody plants on soil temperature and potential soil evaporation and enable managers to rapidly estimate and compare approximate site microclimates after assessing amounts of woody canopy cover. Such predictions of microclimate have general utility for improving management of rangelands because they are a fundamental driver of many key processes, whether related to understory forage and herbaceous species or to wildlife habitat quality for game or nongame species.  相似文献   

为促使中国南方拥有合理的载畜量和保证其生态系统的良性循环,以湖南道县为南方养殖典型区示例,系统分析南方饲草资源的种类,及其总量计算的方法,探讨南方草食动物发展的潜力,并在此基础上建立草畜平衡的预测模型,并以道县为例对模型进行了验证,同时介绍了该模型的组成和使用情况及其不足。养殖户只需输入一些基本信息,该模型就会以图示方式直观地指导用户进行畜牧生产活动。同时,通过该模型的预测,可以了解南方畜牧业的发展潜力,使畜牧区拥有合理的载畜量,从而使草畜之间达到相对动态平衡。该预测模型的建立对南方畜牧业的发展有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文综述了近年来我国木本饲料资源研究情况,包括饲料资源调查、营养成分研究、适口性研究、消化率的研究,为开发利用木本饲料提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The most common explanations for the evolution and persistence of herd behavior in large herbivores relate to decreased risk of predation. However, poisonous plants such as larkspur (Delphinium spp.) can present a threat comparable to predation. In the western United States, larkspur diminishes the economic and ecological sustainability of cattle production by killing valuable animals and restricting management options. Recommendations for mitigating losses have long focused on seasonal avoidance of pastures with larkspur, despite little evidence that this is practical or effective. Our ongoing research points to the cattle herd itself as the potential solution to this seemingly intractable challenge and suggests that larkspur and forage patchiness may drive deaths. In this paper, we present an agent-based model that incorporates neutral landscape models to assess the interaction between plant patchiness and herd behavior within the context of poisonous plants as predator and cattle as prey. The simulation results indicate that larkspur patchiness is a potential driver of toxicosis and that highly cohesive herds may greatly reduce the risk of death in even the most dangerous circumstances. By placing the results in context with existing theories about the utility of herds, we demonstrate that grouping in large herbivores can be an adaptive response to patchily distributed poisonous plants. Lastly, our results hold significant management-relevant insight, both for cattle producers managing grazing in larkspur habitat and in general as a call to reconsider the manifold benefits of herd behavior among domestic herbivores.  相似文献   

We examined how the occurrence and structure of grasses and woody plants changed after 12 yr of a fire season manipulation and removal of livestock herbivores. Applying high intensity fires in the summer preserved the structural integrity of this semiarid live oak (Quercus virginiana Mill.) savanna while decreasing or eliminating numerous problematic plants in the understory and overstory, such as prickly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.), sacahuista (Nolina texana S. Watson), Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei J. Buchholz), Pinchot's juniper (J. pinchotii Sudw.), and honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.). In the less intense repeat winter burning treatments, undesirable woody plants were generally maintained at pretreatment levels in the overstory but all woody plants except Ashe juniper increased in the understory. Alternatively, areas excluded from fire in the control treatment rapidly transitioned from a grass-tree codominated savanna environment to one that is heavily dominated by woody plants. In the grass community, the most frequently occurring grass species in the winter burn treatment differed from summer burn and control treatments, whereas the summer burn treatment was not different from the control. Of the herbaceous plants, only little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium &lsqb;Michx.] Nash) responded to fire treatments. Little bluestem increased in the winter burn treatment, remained fairly constant in the summer burn treatment, and decreased in the control. Other grasses varied largely as a function of annual weather variability, the removal of livestock, and legacy effects resulting from pre-existing variability. These findings suggest that fire can reduce or eliminate woody plant species that threaten the stability of live oak savannas while having little long-term effect on grasses desired by rangeland managers.  相似文献   

Herbivores are an integral part of the African landscape and have evolved with the vegetation to create the savanna landscape. Managers of these landscapes can benefit from a better understanding of how indigenous herbivores use the landscape to which they are adapted. In this study we observed which patches were frequently utilised, by doing regular monthly road counts, grass height observations and dung counts on selected short grass patches in the Kruger National Park. Smaller-framed impala and blue wildebeest (meso-herbivores) were most regularly seen on these nutritious patches, while from dung deposits it was clear that the even larger-framed buffalo (mega-herbivores) spent time there. This preference can be explained by considering the nutritional needs and food intake of the herbivores. Smaller-framed herbivores seem to be able to satisfy their dietary requirements on the high-quality forage patches, while larger-framed herbivores seem to supplement the quality forage by also spending foraging time on areas of higher grass biomass. From this insight we propose that range management should take herbivore preferences into account and allow herbivores to select and concentrate their foraging on the most nutritious forage. This approach is likely to decrease inputs while allowing animals to maintain or increase production.  相似文献   

木本饲料是一种新型的非常规饲料,富含多种氨基酸、维生素和有机物,营养价值丰富,且大部分木本饲料植物粗蛋白质含量较高,可作为优良的蛋白质饲料资源,有效利用能够缓解蛋白质资源匮乏对畜牧业发展的严重制约。但由于抗营养因子的存在,未经处理的木本饲料直接饲喂牲畜适口性较差、消化利用率不高,而通过青贮处理能有效地减少饲料营养物质的损失、提高适口性、改善其营养成分、提升饲喂效果,现已成为一种重要的处理方式。作者基于国内外对木本饲料青贮的相关研究,围绕不同木本饲料营养价值的评定、青贮原料选取、青贮添加剂(化学添加剂、乳酸菌添加剂、酶制剂和营养型添加剂)对青贮发酵的影响、木本饲料与不同原料(禾本科牧草、不同的木本饲料、农业副产品等)混合青贮技术及其对发酵的影响、木本饲料成功青贮后营养成分特征及木本青贮饲料在各项饲喂试验中对不同动物的饲喂效果等方面的研究进展进行系统地综述,并针对木本饲料的研究现状及资源重要性对其未来发展提出建议和展望,以期为木本青贮饲料的后续开发和实际生产应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Root plowing is a common management practice to reduce woody vegetation and increase herbaceous forage for livestock on rangelands. Our objective was to test the hypotheses that four decades after sites are root plowed they have 1) lower plant species diversity, less heterogeneity, greater percent canopy cover of exotic grasses; and 2) lower abundance and diversity of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals, compared to sites that were not disturbed by root plowing. Pairs of 4-ha sites were selected for sampling: in each pair of sites, one was root plowed in 1965 and another was not disturbed by root plowing (untreated). We estimated canopy cover of woody and herbaceous vegetation during summer 2003 and canopy cover of herbaceous vegetation during spring 2004. We trapped small mammals and herpetofauna in pitfall traps during late spring and summer 2001–2004. Species diversity and richness of woody plants were less on root-plowed than on untreated sites; however, herbaceous plant and animal species did not differ greatly between treatments. Evenness of woody vegetation was less on root-plowed sites, in part because woody legumes were more abundant. Abundance of small mammals and herpetofauna varied with annual rainfall more than it varied with root plowing. Although structural differences existed between vegetation communities, secondary succession of vegetation reestablishing after root plowing appears to be leading to convergence in plant and small animal species composition with untreated sites.  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation phenology related to global warming are having alarming effects on the life history traits of many herbivore species. Such changes are particularly critical in alpine ecosystems, where strong climate limitations on plant growth make seasonal synchronization imperative for the growth, reproduction and survival of herbivores. However, despite the pivotal role of resource-use strategies on the performances of such species, few studies have explicitly assessed the mechanistic impact of climate change on their diets. We aimed to fill this gap by studying the effect of spring onset on the dietary composition and quality of a medium-size alpine herbivore while considering density-dependent processes and age- and sex-specific differences in foraging behavior. Using an exceptional, long-term (24 years) direct individual-based dietary monitoring of a Pyrenean chamois population (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica), we showed that ongoing earlier onsets of spring are leading to an earlier access to high-quality forage and therefore a higher diet quality at a fixed date, without apparent changes in diet composition. We also showed that at high densities, intraspecific competition reduced diet quality by driving animals to feed more on woody plants and less on nutritious forbs and graminoids. By assessing the mechanistic effects of global warming on the dietary patterns of species at the center of trophic networks, this study is an essential step for predictive models aiming at understanding the ongoing ecosystem consequences of the global climatic crisis.  相似文献   

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