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Samples of nine tropical hardwoods from Peru and sugar maple wood from Quebec were selected for moisture sorption and swelling tests at 25°C. These tests evaluated the fiber saturation point (FSP) by two methods: following adsorption over distilled water, and from the volumetric swelling intersection point. Cold-water and hot-water extractives, sequential cyclohexane, acetone and methanol extracts, ash content, wood density and interlocked grain were also determined on matched samples. The results indicated that adsorption tests over distilled water were not applicable for determining FSP in all wood species. Condensation of water vapor apparently occurred, even though temperature during adsorption was controlled to the nearest 0.01°C. The volumetric swelling intersection point method was judged more appropriate. FSP ranged from 15 to 25% for tropical hardwoods and was 30% for sugar maple wood. FSP was negatively correlated with wood density, acetone extracted fraction, interlocked grain and ash content. These parameters each exerted similar effects on variability in FSP.  相似文献   


Samples of nine tropical hardwoods from Peru and sugar maple wood from Quebec were selected for moisture sorption and swelling tests at 25°C. These tests evaluated the fiber saturation point (FSP) by two methods: following adsorption over distilled water, and from the volumetric swelling intersection point. Cold-water and hot-water extractives, sequential cyclohexane, acetone and methanol extracts, ash content, wood density and interlocked grain were also determined on matched samples. The results indicated that adsorption tests over distilled water were not applicable for determining FSP in all wood species. Condensation of water vapor apparently occurred, even though temperature during adsorption was controlled to the nearest 0.01°C. The volumetric swelling intersection point method was judged more appropriate. FSP ranged from 15 to 25% for tropical hardwoods and was 30% for sugar maple wood. FSP was negatively correlated with wood density, acetone extracted fraction, interlocked grain and ash content. These parameters each exerted similar effects on variability in FSP.  相似文献   

Grain deviations and high extractives content are common features of many tropical woods. This study aimed at clarifying their respective impact on vibrational properties, referring to African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub.), a species selected for its interlocked grain, high extractives content and uses in xylophones. Specimens were cut parallel to the trunk axis (L), and local variations in grain angle (GA), microfibril angle (MFA), specific Young’s modulus (E L /ρ, where ρ stands for the density) and damping coefficient (tanδL) were measured. GA dependence was analysed by a mechanical model which allowed to identify the specific Young’s modulus (E3/ρ) and shear modulus (G′/ρ) along the grain (3) as well as their corresponding damping coefficients (tanδ3, tanδG). This analysis was done for native and then for extracted wood. Interlocked grain resulted in 0–25° GA and in variations of a factor 2 in EL/ρ and tanδL. Along the grain, Padauk wood was characterized, when compared to typical hardwoods, by a somewhat lower E3/ρ and elastic anisotropy (E′/G′), due to a wide microfibril angle plus a small weight effect of extracts, and a very low tanδ3 and moderate damping anisotropy (tanδG/tanδ3). Extraction affected mechanical parameters in the order: tanδ3 ≈ tanδG > G′/ρ > > E3/ρ. That is, extractives’ effects were nearly isotropic on damping but clearly anisotropic on storage moduli.  相似文献   

As part of a larger effort to develop design stresses for six hardwood species indigenous to tropical Brazil, a study was conducted to evaluate the relative goodness-of-fit of four distributions (normal, lognormal, Weibull, and SB) that are used in wood related applications to the characterization of the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) data obtained from tests on lumber and clear wood specimens. Three criteria [maximum likelihood, Kimball, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S)] were used to evaluate the distributions over their entire domain. The K-S test was also employed at the lower tail of the distributions to evaluate goodness-of-fit at this crucial location for design stress development. The results showed that with respect to both MOR and MOE, the SB distribution was as good or better than the other distributions. This was especially noticeable with the MOR data, since this data is often more skewed than MOE and the SB is particularly well suited to describe positively and negatively skewed data. The lognormal and the Weibull were both found to be useful under certain circumstances; the normal distribution, due to its lack of ability to characterize anything but symmetrical distributions, was found to be of virtually no value in this application. Significant distinctions were found between the structure of MOR and MOE data sets obtained from the tropical and temperate zone species. For reasons believed to be related to gross and anatomical structure, more skewness was found in the two temperate zone species studied than in the six tropical species. As such, the SB distribution, with its greater ability to quantify skewed data, performed overwhelmingly better than the other distributions. In describing the six tropical species, the advantage of the SB distribution was less pronounced. Received 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Wood density and pulp yield are key parameters in the evaluation of tree productivity and quality for pulping and their relationships are of high practical importance. The influence of wood density on pulp yield and other pulp quality parameters was investigated using Acacia melanoxylon and its natural variability as a case study. Twenty trees were harvested (five trees in each of four sites in Portugal), and wood discs taken at different height levels, from the base to the top of the tree, providing 100 wood samples, covering the natural variability of wood density ranging from 449?kg?m?3 to 649?kg?m?3. Under the same experimental conditions of kraft pulping, screened pulp yield ranged 47.0?C58.2?%, Kappa number 10.9?C18.4, ISO brightness 14.9?C45.6, fibre length 0.660?C0.940?mm and fibre width 16.2?C22.9???m. The pulp yield and Kappa number were not correlated with wood density. Higher pulp yields were associated with lower Kappa numbers and alkali consumption, suggesting the important role of chemical composition of wood on kraft cooking. The results confirm the high pulping potential of Acacia melanoxylon trees grown in Portugal and suggest the possibility of tree selection using both wood density and pulp yield.  相似文献   

Summary Samples of nine tropical hardwoods from Peru and sugar maple wood from Quebec were selected to perform moisture sorption tests associated with swelling tests at 25 °C. The results demonstrate that, for a given equilibrium moisture content, tangential and radial dimensions, and hence the volume of wood, are greater after desorption than after adsorption. The importance of these differences, so-called second-order effects of moisture sorption, varied with the species and with the direction of swelling. These effects are proportionally greater in the tangential direction of wood than in its radial axis. Finally, two types of samples showed similar swellings for three equilibrium moisture contents.The author wishes to thank Professor M. Goulet for his support and help. This research was supported by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

Low-density hybrid poplar wood (Populus deltoides?×?Populus trichocarpa) was densified by mechanical compression under saturated steam, superheated steam, and transient conditions at temperature levels of 150, 160, and 170°C. Furthermore, compression of wood under saturated steam conditions at 170°C, followed by post-heat-treatment at 200°C for 1, 2, and 3?min, was performed. To determine the influence of compression treatment on the set recovery, specimens were subjected to five cycles of water soaking and drying. Modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of specimens compressed under saturated steam conditions at 170°C and post-heat-treated at 200°C were determined in the dry condition and after five soak/dry cycles. Higher temperature of the compression treatment resulted in lower equilibrium moisture content, while the steam conditions during the treatment and the post-heat-treatment did not have significant effect. Furthermore, the highest degree of densification was obtained in specimens compressed under saturated steam conditions at 170°C and post-heat-treated at 200°C. The steam condition and temperature influenced the set recovery of compressive deformation. Reduced hygroscopicity does not necessarily imply reduced set recovery. The results established that considerable fixation of compressive deformation can be obtained by compressing the wood in a saturated steam environment and by post-heat-treatment at 200°C. The short heat-treatment had no influence on MOR or MOE, but soaking/drying treatments caused a decrease in the MOR and MOE.  相似文献   

木材顺纹抗压强度是评价木材力学性能的重要指标,而传统测量方法操作复杂、精确度低。以桦木为例,提出基于近红外光谱技术(NIR)的SEPA-VISSA-RVM木材顺纹抗压强度模型,实现对其更加精确的预测。试验选取100个木材试件,在900~1700 nm近红外光谱波段上采集数据并测量抗压强度真值;然后采用卷积平滑(SG)方法进行光谱预处理;使用采样误差分布分析(SEPA)作为变量空间迭代收缩算法(VISSA)的改进策略进行特征波长优选;最后通过粒子群优化算法(PSO)优化核函数参数并建立相关向量机(RVM)的预测模型。试验表明:在特征波长优选方面,以偏最小二乘法(PLS)建模为基础的SEPA-VISSA方法,其预测决定系数为0.9593,预测均方根误差为2.8995,相对分析误差为3.0256,光谱变量数由512减小到111个,占总波长的22%,均优于VCPA、CARS和VISSA算法;在建模预测方面,以SEPA-VISSA所选波长为基础的RVM模型,PSO优化的拉普拉斯(Laplacian)核函数的核宽度为10.4043,决定系数为0.9449,预测均方根误差为2.0432,相对分析误差为4.2936,预测效果优于PLS和SVR。因此,基于近红外光谱的SEPA-VISSA-RVM建模能够实现对桦木顺纹抗压强度更准确和稳定的无损检测。  相似文献   

The vibrational property of hematoxylinimpregnated wood was investigated from the aspect of moisture content dependence. The specific dynamic Young's modulus (E/) and loss tangent (tan) of hematoxylin-impregnated wood were determined in the relative humidity (RH) range of 0%–97%, and were compared with those of the untreated and some conventional chemically treated woods. The changes in theE/ and tan of wood with increasing RH were suppressed by acetylation and formaldehyde treatment because of a marked reduction in the hygroscopicity of the wood. Although the hematoxylin impregnation did not significantly affect the hygroscopicity of the wood, its influence onE/ and tan were similar to that of formaldehyde treatment at low RH and of acetylation at medium RH. It was supposed that at low to medium RH hematoxylin restrains the molecular motion of amorphous substances in the cell wall because of its bulkiness and rigidity. On the other hand, at high RH it seems to work as a plasticizer with adsorbed water molecules.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of vibrational properties influences the acoustic behaviour of wooden pieces and their dependence on grain angle (GA). As most pieces of wood include some GA, either for technological reasons or due to grain deviations inside trunks, predicting its repercussions would be useful. This paper aims at evaluating the variability in the anisotropy of wood vibrational properties and analysing resulting trends as a function of orientation. GA dependence is described by a model based on transformation formulas applied to complex compliances, and literature data on anisotropic vibrational properties are reviewed. Ranges of variability, as well as representative sets of viscoelastic anisotropic parameters, are defined for mean hardwoods and softwoods and for contrasted wood types. GA-dependence calculations are in close agreement with published experimental results and allow comparing the sensitivity of different woods to GA. Calculated trends in damping coefficient (tanδ) and in specific modulus of elasticity (E′/ρ) allow reconstructing the general tanδ-E′/ρ statistical relationships previously reported. Trends for woods with different mechanical parameters merge into a single curve if anisotropic ratios (both elastic and of damping) are correlated between them, and with axial properties, as is indicated by the collected data. On the other hand, varying damping coefficient independently results in parallel curves, which coincide with observations on chemically modified woods, either “artificially”, or by natural extractives.  相似文献   

The variation in strength properties with density was compared between semi-isostatically densified and non-densified wood. Strength properties were compared with published data from earlier studies using other methods for densification. Small clear specimens of eight species were analysed for compression strength in axial, radial and tangential direction, three-point bending and Brinell hardness. After densification, all tested strength properties increased with density, but especially strength perpendicular to grain became lower than expected from the density of non-densified wood. Strength of densified wood relative to what could be expected for non-densified wood of similar density was denoted as ‘strength potential index’. For axial compression strength and bending strength, strength potential index of individual wood species varied between 0.7 and 1.0, i.e. densified wood is slightly weaker than what could be expected from its density. Strength potential index was lower for properties much determined by strength perpendicular to grain. In radial direction, densified wood was rubbery with low modulus of elasticity and nearly no proportional limit or modulus of rupture. Generally, wood was apparently weakened in proportion to the degree of compression in respective direction. Strength potential index also increased with increasing original density of the species.  相似文献   

不同林分密度对桉树幼林木材材性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对两种桉树无性系(巨细桉DH201-2和尾巨桉DH32-29)在5种不同林分密度下(1250、1657、2500、5000和6667株.hm-2)的木材材性(包括木材基本密度和纤维形态特征)进行了测量和研究分析(纤维形态特征分两种不同材型分析:心材与边材)。结果表明:无性系DH201-2的林分密度3(2 500株.hm-2)木材基本密度最大,为452 kg.m-3,DH32-29以林分密度2(1657株.hm-2)的木材密度最大,为436 kg.m-3;相同无性系相同林分密度下,边材纤维长度比心材纤维长度长,边材长宽比一般比心材长宽比要大,纤维宽度则无显著差异;无性系DH201-2的林分密度3(2500株.hm-2)和林分密度5(6667株.hm-2)是符合林分蓄积量、木材基本密度和纤维长度最大值的组合。  相似文献   

本文研究了龙里林场5种造林密度,15年生马尾松纸浆林木材基干密度和管胞形态。结果表明:造林密度对木材基本密度影响不大,但具明显的趋势,即一定造林密度条件下,木材基本密度随造林密度增加而增加,造林密度对管胞形态的影响,表现出因年龄而异,不同造林密度马尾松管胞形态总平均值变化不大,但管胞长度随树龄的增大而增加的趋势,受到造林密度影响,较低的造林密度各生长轮管胞形态差异不显著。管胞长度频率分布具一定的规律,中等长度(2501-3500um)管胞长度频率分布最大,占总频率的45%-74.19%,随着造林密度加大,中等长度的管胞增加,较短管胞长度(≤2500um)减少。  相似文献   

The influences of heating history, cooling method, and cooling set on microstructures and the mechanical properties of water-swollen wood were studied by measuring viscoelastic properties and dimensional changes while elevating temperatures between 20°C and 90°C. Both the viscoelastic properties and dimensional changes of waterswollen wood in the first heating process were quite different from those in the other heating processes. The results revealed that the molecular state of green wood around room temperature was stabilized and could not return to this state if drying or heating was carried out. Cooling methods greatly affected the viscoelastic properties, while they hardly affected dimensional changes when the temperature was elevated. Localized stress in the microstructures of water-swollen wood produced by quenching affected the mechanical properties in the heating process, while external stress less than the proportional limit caused by a cooling set had no effect. This revealed that much greater localized stress linked to the instability of waterswollen wood than the external stress in relation to the cooling set occurred. Part of this report was presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Fukuoka, March 2003  相似文献   

Wood density, a gross measure of wood mass relative to wood volume, is important in our understanding of stem volume growth, carbon sequestration and leaf water supply. Disproportionate changes in the ratio of wood mass to volume may occur at the level of the whole stem or the individual cell. In general, there is a positive relationship between temperature and wood density of eucalypts, although this relationship has broken down in recent years with wood density decreasing as global temperatures have risen. To determine the anatomical causes of the effects of temperature on wood density, Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden seedlings were grown in controlled-environment cabinets at constant temperatures from 10 to 35 degrees C. The 20% increase in wood density of E. grandis seedlings grown at the higher temperatures was variously related to a 40% reduction in lumen area of xylem vessels, a 10% reduction in the lumen area of fiber cells and a 10% increase in fiber cell wall thickness. The changes in cell wall characteristics could be considered analogous to changes in carbon supply. Lumen area of fiber cells declined because of reduced fiber cell expansion and increased fiber cell wall thickening. Fiber cell wall thickness was positively related to canopy CO2 assimilation rate (Ac), which increased 26-fold because of a 24-fold increase in leaf area and a doubling in leaf CO2 assimilation rate from minima at 10 and 35 degrees C to maxima at 25 and 30 degrees C. Increased Ac increased seedling volume, biomass and wood density; but increased wood density was also related to a shift in partitioning of seedling biomass from roots to stems as temperature increased.  相似文献   

It is well known that mechanical performances of bamboos are significantly affected by moisture content (MC) and specific density. However, until now, no published studies have attempted to combine these two factors into one predictive model. In this paper, a two-variable model for predicting the combined effects of MC and specific density on compressive strength parallel to the grain (CSP) for moso bamboo was established and validated. The results show that the two-variable model is capable of predicting the CSP for bamboos of variable density and MC with significantly higher accuracy than either of the single-variable models. It is envisioned that this model could play an important role in supporting non-destructive evaluations of bamboos mechanical properties, greatly enhancing the potential applications of bamboo-based engineered products in commercial fields.  相似文献   

Summary This paper investigates a method for slicing thick pieces of wood across the grain using a sharp steel knife, and it demonstrates the effectiveness of the knife slicing process at an experimental level. In order to highlight the key parameters facilitating or hindering the thick slicing process, several factors affecting the cutting forces and the cut surface quality have been studied; the blade geometry, the effect of friction, the cutting speed, the boundary load constraints and the wood moisture content. The results indicate that a large proportion of the cutting force may be related to the wedging action of the blade in the wood. Therefore, significant reductions in the cutting energy can be achieved by optimising the blade shape. A simple homogeneous strain model has been developed which quantifies the cutting forces in terms of the blade angle and the blade surface friction. The results from this theoretical model are compared with the experimental findings and discussed in relation to methods for improving the cutting technique.This work was funded by the Foundation for Research Science and Technology. This support is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary Compression wood (CW) of the giant sequoia studied had higher values than normal wood (NW) in crushing strength and ultimate stress in tension parallel to grain, in toughness, in modulus of rupture, and in work to maximum load and total work in static bending. In the green condition CW had higher values than NW in stress at the proportional limit and work to the proportional limit, and about the same modulus of elasticity in static bending. In the dry condition CW was about equivalent to NW in work to the proportional limit, but was slightly weaker in stress at proportional limit and modulus of elasticity in static bending. The compression wood of this giant sequoia, even though formed when the tree was suppressed and having relatively narrow rings, can therefore be said to be essentially equivalent to normal wood so far as the mechanical properties tested in this study are concerned.Given at FPRS meeting in Dallas, Texas, June 1972  相似文献   

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