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Ten male goats and five rams were examined from 11 and 15 weeks of age, respectively, for six months to study the ultrasonic appearance of normal testes and epididymides before and after puberty. Five adult rams with lesions of these organs were also examined. A portable, B-mode, real time scanner fitted with a 7.5 MHz, linear array transducer was used. The testis appeared as a homogeneous and moderately echogenic structure with a centrally located mediastinum testis represented by an hyperechogenic line in images taken in the longitudinal plane and by an almost circular spot in transverse images. The testicular capsule and skin were evident as a distinct hyperechogenic line encircling the testicular parenchyma. A thin non-echogenic layer of fluid, presumably between two layers of tunica vaginalis, was observed. The tail of the epididymis was more heterogeneous and less echogenic than the testis. The epididymal head was also less echogenic but homogeneous in texture, and the body of the epididymis was difficult to image. The pampiniform plexus was easily identified as numerous convoluted sonolucent tubular structures. The ultrasonic images of possible cases of epididymitis, spermatocele, testicular cyst and abscess and scrotal hernia are described.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) in inter-Sertoli junctional areas and epididymal epithelia build up the blood–testis barrier (BTB) and the blood–epididymal barrier (BEB), respectively. In this study, the expression of occludin, an integral member of the TJs, was examined in testis and different regions of epididymis of Lepus sinensis coreanus , an Korean wild rabbit species. In testis, intense occludin immunoreactivity was found in the basally located inter-Sertoli junctional area together with diffused immunoreactivity of occludin in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells. It can be suggested that occludin is one of the robust elements of BTB in seminiferous tubules of rabbit testis. In proximal and distal caput epididymis, occludin immunoreactivity was found in the lateral as well as apical contacts of epithelial cells. In corpus epididymis, intense occludin immunoreactivity was found in the basolateral as well as apical contacts of epithelial cells together with cytoplasmic signal. In cauda epididymis, occludin immunoreactivity in luminal epithelia was relatively strong but largely found in the cytoplasm. This suggests that intriguing regulatory mechanisms differentially recruit occludin to the TJ in the different regions of epididymal epithelia. The differences in the subcellular localization as well as expression levels of occludin among the epididymal segments may reflect differential paracellular permeability of epithelia along the epididymal tubules and be correlated with sperm maturation in rabbit. In Western blot, a major form of occludin was MW 62 kDa together with small fragments of MW 34–39 kDa in testis and epididymis, suggesting the peptide cleavage of occludin. This is the first report on the molecular nature of TJs in a wild rabbit testis and epididymis.  相似文献   

Assessing the health of the testes in domestic animals is an important aspect of the breeding soundness examination and selection. The aim of the present study was to develop a simple method for scanning and to establish ultrasonographically the gross anatomic structures of the goat testes. Six adult male goats were examined to study the sonographic appearance of normal testes and epididymides using a water bath based ultrasound scanning technique. The ultrasonographic examinations were done using a 5–9 MHz/60 mm (7.5 MHz) linear-array transducer and a B-mode scanner. The ultrasonographic examination was performed in goats after standardizing the procedure on six testes collected from slaughter house. Results showed that in live goats when the probe was placed directly over the scrotum it gave distorted and unclear image. In water bath method the entire scrotum was dipped into a container filled with water and linear probe was used to observe the sonographic features of the testis. Each testis was viewed vertically, resulting in longitudinal image which was frozen, measured and printed through a thermal printer. The results of the ultrasonogram revealed that the testicular parenchyma was homogenous and moderately echogenic throughout. The diameter (mean±se) of the right and left testes was 4.47±0.14 and 4.42±0.07 cm respectively and no significant difference was observed between the testes. The mediastinum testis was a 1.50±0.22 cm wide linear structure of greater echogenicity than the testicular parenchyma when viewed in the transverse plane and nearly circular echogenic “spot” in the midline of the testis when viewed horizontally. The head and tail of the epididymides were easily identified on all the testes, but the epididymal body and ductus deferens were difficult to identify consistently. The tail of the epididymis was easily identified on the distal end of the testis with sonolucent tubules and appeared sonographically as a ‘peaked cap’ upon the testicular parenchyma. The diameter (mean±se) of the tail of right and left epididymis was 2.11±0.18 and 1.92±0.06 cm and no significant difference was observed between epididymides. The vascular pampiniform plexus (1.42±0.18 cm) was easily identified on the proximal end of the testes. The tunics of the testes appeared as a bright echogenic line. Inter-testicular septum appeared between testes as a hyperechoic line. It is concluded that ultrasonography permits a noninvasive evaluation of the internal structure of the scrotum and testes and water bath based sonographic examination may prove to be a valuable simple diagnostic methodology for evaluating physiopathologic conditions of goat testes and can be employed as a routine investigative method during breeding soundness and clinical examination.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic evaluation of induced testicular lesions in male goats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To study testicular ultrasonographic features, unilateral testicular artery ligation was performed in 12 bucks to induce predictable ischemic necrosis of the testis. Both scrotal testes then were scanned subsequently on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, and 30. On each of the designated days, 2 bucks each were castrated and the excised testes were rescanned outside the scrotum before gross and histologic examinations. In each goat, the testis without the ligated artery served as a control. Gross and histopathologic findings in the testis were compared with ultrasonographic observations. As the study progressed from day 0 to day 15, visually and microscopically, the testis involved in the testicular artery ligation had edema that changed to areas of peripheral necrosis with thickening of the testicular capsule. On day 30, the affected testis had granulation tissue in the areas that previously had been necrotic. Ultrasonographically, the testicular changes were consistent with the gross and histopathologic findings. There were areas of decreased echogenicity that corresponded to the necrotic areas and foci of high echogenicity that corresponded to areas of tubular mineralization. On day 30, the granulation tissue was difficult to differentiate ultrasonographically from normal testicular parenchyma. Between days 3 and 15, hydrocele was seen ultrasonographically in several goats. The excellent association between ultrasonographic findings and gross and histologic changes suggested that testicular ultrasonography might be a valuable diagnostic tool for assessing testicular disease in domestic animals.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old intact male dwarf rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was presented with a 2-month history of unilateral scrotal swelling. The external physical examination of the rabbit patient confirmed the severe, unilateral, fluid-filled scrotal distention. Radiographic images of the effected scrotum revealed a soft tissue swelling in the area of the left testicle, and the absence of the urinary bladder in the caudal abdomen. Ultrasonography verified the presence of a fluid-filled mass in the scrotum, enveloping the left testicle. A fine-needle aspiration of the scrotal mass yielded urine, thus a diagnosis of a nonreducible herniation of the urinary bladder into the scrotum was made. An inguinal herniorrhaphy was performed, and the bladder was successfully reduced into the abdominal cavity. A bilateral routine castration and left scrotal ablation were also performed. Two months after surgery no recurrence was noted, and the patient had normal urinary function. Inguino-scrotal bladder herniation is rare in both humans and animals. Male rabbits are predisposed to inguinal and scrotal hernias because their inguinal rings remain open throughout life. Herniation of the urinary bladder should be considered as a differential diagnosis when intact male rabbits are presented with unilateral scrotal swelling.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examination was carried out in a cow with an ovarian abscess. Real time ultrasound scanning using a 7.5 MHz linear probe per rectum revealed an active left ovary with follicles of up to 11 mm in diameter and an enlarged right ovary measuring 6 x 6 cm, with a mass of 4 x 3 cm. The mass had varied echotexture, a thick hyperechoic boundary and a hypoechoic centre with echoic foci. It was tentatively diagnosed as an ovarian tumour or abscess. After ovariectomy, grossly the right ovary measured 6 x 6 x 5 cm and on cutting cheesy pus oozed out. The abscess was completely localised within the ovary, 4 cm in diameter and encapsulated thickly. On bacteriological examination Staphylococcus spp. was isolated. This is a rare case of ovarian abscess.  相似文献   

Background: Testicular torsion is a relatively common complication of cryptorchidism in domestic mammals but is currently unreported in rabbits. Case presentation: A 7-year-old Dutch rabbit was examined for sudden anorexia and lethargy. The rabbit was previously diagnosed with unilateral cryptorchidism 5 years earlier; however, the owner declined surgical treatment at that time. Transabdominal ultrasonography showed a structure consistent with an enlarged testis, with decreased echogenicity, and absent blood flow upon color Doppler ultrasonography. After induction of general anesthesia and during preparation for surgery, the patient had an episode of cardiac arrest. After successful resuscitation, bilateral cryptorchidectomy continued as planned. A ventral midline laparotomy was performed and confirmed presence of an enlarged, dark red left testicle torsed on its spermatic cord. The contralateral testicle was atrophic. Both testicles were removed after standard hemostasis. Recovery was uncomplicated. Histopathologic examination revealed a diagnosis of Sertoli cell tumor and extensive hemorrhage and necrosis in the torsed testicle. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Based on literature search, this is the first reported case of intra-abdominal torsion of a neoplastic testicle in a cryptorchid rabbit. Early elective cryptorchidectomy before the potential development of life-threating complications may be beneficial in rabbits as in other species.  相似文献   

A case of unilateral suppurative epididymo-orchitis associated with Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) infection is described in a 2-year-old ram. Gross lesions were characterized by severe enlargement of the scrotal contents, fibrous adhesions between testicular layers, coexistence of epididymal abscesses and foci of fibrinous exudate, and testicular atrophy. Microscopically, testicular and epididymal microabscesses and diffuse inflammatory infiltrates with abundant macrophages containing short Gram-negative rods were observed. Superimposed on the chronic lesions were fibrin deposits with clusters of neutrophils, as well as walled-off granulation tissue. Bacterial colonies were also identified in thrombosed spermatic cord vessels, scrotal lymph nodes, lung, and liver. S. enterica subsp. diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) was isolated from the affected testis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of infection of the testis and epididymis by Salmonella in rams. This organism must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of ovine genital infections.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old Standardbred stallion was examined for unilateral scrotal swelling. Physical and ultrasound examinations revealed a painless enlarged left testis with a non-homogeneous echogenicity, when compared with the controlateral testis. The stallion underwent left unilateral orchiectomy. Grossly, the excised testis was irregularly enlarged (12 x 9 x 9 cm; weight: 530 g) and firm. The sections showed that testicular parenchyma was replaced by a lobulated, greyish-white mass, which involved the epididymal head. At microscopy, a dual Leydig and Sertoli cell tumour component could be seen. Neoplastic Sertoli cells were prevalent and presented pleomorphic cells, mitotic figures and occasional vascular invasion. Tumour patterns showed tubular and solid areas, cord-like or diffuse in appearance, among which newly formed Leydig cell nests and low-density fibrillar bundles were interposed. Immunohistochemically, a weak to moderate immunostaining for vimentin, AE(1)/AE(3) cytokeratin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and CD99 antigens was found in the growing Sertoli cells, whose nuclear MIB-1 labelling index scored 13 +/- 2%. The Leydig tumour cells, on the other hand, displayed a moderate to strong positivity for alpha-inhibin, vimentin, AE(1)/AE(3) cytokeratin, neurone-specific enolase and CD99. On the basis of these findings, a diagnosis of malignant mixed sex cord-stromal tumour was made.  相似文献   

Contents One case of interstitial cell tumour in the testicle of a New Zealand White rabbit was reported. The rabbit was 9-years old and had monolateral testicular lesion. There was enlargement of left testis and the lesion were seen on the cut surface. Light microscopy revealed intracytoplasmic crystals of Reinke that resembled to the features observed for this tumour in human. Immunohistochemically, this tumour was positive for vimentin.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe a minimally invasive technique for preparation of teaser rams by needle-assisted ligation through the tail of the epididymis.
Study Design— Experimental study.
Animals— Mature rams (n=6), estrus-induced ewes (2).
Methods— After local anesthesia, epididymis ligation was achieved by restraining the testis distally within the scrotal sac and passing suture through a hypodermic needle inserted between tail of epididymis and distal pole of testis, caudomedial to craniolateral through the scrotum. The needle was removed leaving the suture in place and the testis pushed up dorsally, then the needle was reinserted through the original holes and the suture passed back through the needle, which was withdrawn. This resulted in the suture forming a complete loop around the epididymis. The suture ends were tied ligating the epididymis. Semen was evaluated pre- and postligation. Testes were removed after 30 days for gross and histologic examination.
Results— Epididymis ligation was accomplished without postoperative complications. Three weeks after the epididymis ligation, no motile and live spermatozoa were found in ejaculates. From 5 to 28 days after epididymis ligation, attraction to ewes and libido was unchanged and similar to 14 days before ligation.
Conclusions— This novel minimally invasive technique is a simple, alternative method for preparation of teaser rams.
Clinical Relevance— This method is simply performed, without skin wounds, and minimal postoperative care is needed. The technique should be readily adaptable to other species.  相似文献   

Nematodes of the genuses Strongylus and Setaria are able to erratically migrate to the equine testis and provoke characteristic inflammatory changes. Moreover, the presence of living parasites in scrotal testes is a scarce finding in which only the tracts and related lesions may be observed. In a 20-year experience of equine testes observed in abattoirs, 13 cases of atypical inflammatory lesions in scrotal testes were collected. On opening of the vaginal cavity, hydrocele was consistantly observed, and the Morgagni's appendix was enlarged, prominent, and reddish. Large, elongated, or irregular prominent red to yellow areas were visible on the testicular or epididymal serosa. Edematous enlargement of the epididymal head or tail was occasionally observed. In two cases, the described lesions were detected together with nematodes of the species Setaria equina, free and viable or encapsulated in the visceral and parietal layers of the tunica vaginalis, confirming the hypothesized cause. Histologically, the serosal lesions were interpreted as parasitic tracts, characterized by hemorrhage and leukocyte infiltrates in recent lesions or by granulation tissue with numerous macrophages in elderly ones. In the latter, areas of squamous metaplasia could be observed in the appendix testis and in the epididymal duct. Associated microscopic lesions included diffuse periorchitis, lymphocytic interstitial orchitis with mild to severe degeneration of seminiferous tubules, and vasculitis, epididymitis, and sperm granuloma.  相似文献   

Bats in captivity reproduce well and contraceptive techniques are needed. In initial attempts at vasectomy using a prescrotal approach, it was difficult to identify the mesoductus deferens. The technique described here uses a scrotal approach with exteriorization of the testis, followed by identification and ligation of the mesoductus deferens. Nine Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) underwent vasectomy for this study. No postoperative complications were seen (n = 18 testes), but some of the testes (5/18, 27%), which previously moved freely from the scrotum to the abdominal cavity, were still adhered to the scrotal sac 14 mo postoperatively. This technique appears safe, is fast, and is relatively easy to perform.  相似文献   

Monorchidism in the horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six horses with monorchidism, identified at surgery for cryptorchidectomy, are reported. All six presented with a single scrotal testis. Following surgical removal of one testis, they were either hormonally, anatomically or behaviourally determined to be geldings. Three other horses reported in the literature are reviewed. Of these nine cases of monorchidism, eight were thought to be caused by testicular degeneration and one by testicular agenesis. The vaginal process was present in all of the former and absent in the latter. The left side was involved in five of these eight horses. In seven, the epididymis was absent and, in the remaining two, only the epididymal tail was present. The condition was thought to be congenital in the six horses in this series. A surgical approach to identify accurately monorchid horses is described.  相似文献   

A sample of testicular parenchymal tissue, approximately 2 x 7 x 7 mm, was aseptically removed from 1 testis in each of 9 stallions on day 0. Slight to moderate hemorrhage from the tunica albuginea was observed in 8 stallions, but bleeding from the parenchyma was detected in only 2 stallions. Stallions were castrated 27 days later. Normal development of granulation tissue was evident at the biopsy site, but hematomas were not observed. In situ measurement of the widths of the right and left testes, total scrotal width, and evaluation of testicular echogenicity during ultrasonography were variables used to monitor changes in the testicular parenchyma from 14 days before biopsy through 27 days after biopsy. The control testis was consistently larger than the biopsied testis, except for day 3. Ultrasonography revealed signs of a localized change in the parenchyma of the biopsied testis in 4 stallions, but each lesion decreased in size by day 27. Tissues removed during biopsy enabled an excellent appraisal of spermatogenesis at that time. Detailed examinations of seminiferous tubules in the testes were performed to assess for damage to testicular function. At castration, samples were taken from 6 sites in each testis. Quantitative histologic evaluations of testicular tissues revealed low numbers of spherical spermatids and pachytene spermatocytes in biopsied testes, compared with control testes. It was concluded that there was a transitory increase in degeneration of preleptotene spermatocytes and B spermatogonia at the time of biopsy. A mild inflammatory response at the biopsy site in some testes was evidenced by an increased number of leukocytes at the biopsy site and at a dorsal site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The volumetric proportion of the various ducts of the epididymis of the emu and ostrich and the immunohistochemistry of actin microfilaments, as well as cytokeratin, desmin and vimentin intermediate filaments, were studied in the various ducts of the epididymis of the emu and ostrich. The volumetric proportions of various ducts, which are remarkably different from those of members of the Galloanserae monophyly, are as follows: the rete testis, 5.2 ± 1.4% for the emu and 2.4 ± 1.8% for the ostrich; efferent ducts, 14.2 ± 2.3% (emu) and 11.8 ± 1.8% (ostrich); epididymal duct unit, 25.8 ± 5.8% (emu) and 26.1 ± 4.1% (ostrich) and connective tissue and its content, 54.7 ± 5.8% (emu) and 60.0 ± 4.9% (ostrich). Unlike in mammals and members of the Galloanserae monophyly, only vimentin was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the rete testis epithelium of the emu, and none of the cytoskeletal protein elements in the ostrich rete testis. The epithelium of the efferent ducts of the emu co-expressed actin, cytokeratin and desmin in the non-ciliated type I cells, and vimentin in the ciliated cell component. The ostrich demonstrated only cytokeratin in this epithelium. The ratite epididymal duct unit is different from that of mammals in lacking actin (only weaky expression in the ostrich), desmin and cytokeratin, and a moderate/strong immunoexpression of vimentin in the basal cells and basal parts of the NC type III cell in the epididymal duct unit. Immunoexpression of the microfilaments and intermediate filaments varied between the two ratite birds, as has been demonstrated previously in birds of the Galloanserae monophyly, and in mammals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether testicular needle biopsy is detrimental to testicular function in clinically normal bulls. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 6 mixed-breed mature bulls. PROCEDURE: A randomly selected testicle from each bull was biopsied with a 14-gauge needle biopsy instrument. Bulls were then evaluated over a 90-day period for changes in scrotal temperature and thermal patterns, ultrasonographic appearance, and quality of spermatozoa. At the end of the 90-day study, bulls were castrated, and testicles were examined grossly and histologically. RESULTS: Changes were detected in scrotal temperatures and thermal patterns and in the breeding soundness examination results during the first 2 weeks of the study. However, there were no long-term changes in semen quality over the course of the experiment. Hyperechoic areas were detected on ultrasonographic examination and corresponded to the areas of penetration by the biopsy instrument. Microscopic lesions that were indicative of testicular dysfunction were not found. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate that testicular biopsy is a safe procedure in bulls. Testicular biopsy could possibly be used to further examine bulls that have less than satisfactory results for breeding soundness examinations.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to determine whether multiple small doses of GnRH induce an increase in testicular blood flow and scrotal temperature in rams. The experiment was performed during the late breeding season (May-June) with 14 one-year-old rams. Seven rams received hourly doses of 7 ng of a GnRH analogue (busereline acetate) iv starting at 8:00 on the morning, and the other seven rams remained as controls. One week later, treatments were overcrossed. One hour before the first GnRH dose (7:00), and 0, 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 h later, ultrasonographic examinations of the testes were performed with a B-mode ultrasound scanner with a 7.5 MHz linear array transducer. Each testicle was examined separately by placing the transducer vertically. Images were analysed with specific software using the spot metering technique in four spots with a diameter of 1 cm on the same place of the image. At the same times, rectal, anal and scrotal surface temperatures were measured with a laser thermometer. Pixel intensity was lower with time (blacker, p < 0.0001), as a consequence of GnRH treatment (p < 0.0001). Differences between pixel intensities were significant starting 1 h after the first GnRH dose (p < 0.0001). Perineal temperature (33.9 ± 0.2°C) was not affected by treatment or time (p > 0.1). Rectal temperature was similar in both groups (p < 0.05) until 4 h after the beginning of the treatment (13:00 h). The differences between treatments increased since 4 h after the first dose of GnRH. Scrotal surface temperatures were not affected by treatment (p > 0.1). We concluded that multiple small GnRH doses trigger a rapid increase in testicular fluid content not accompanied by changes on scrotal surface temperature.  相似文献   

A 6‐year‐old Standardbred stallion presented for evaluation of progressive diffuse scrotal swelling of 5 days' duration. Physical examination was within normal limits apart from pitting ventral oedema and severely enlarged fluid filled scrotum. Rectal examination did not reveal any abnormalities in the palpable intestinal tract, spleen, kidneys or internal inguinal rings. Testicular ultrasound examination showed evidence of abnormal right testicular parenchyma that was displaced proximally by a heteroechoic region of possible abscessation. The left testis was surrounded by a large amount of hypoechoic fluid. Abdominocentesis was performed and was indicative of peritonitis. Broad‐spectrum antimicrobials and analgesics were administered preoperatively and a bilateral open orchidectomy with closure of the external inguinal ring in addition to scrotal ablation was performed. Post operative peritoneal lavage was performed once a day for 3 days. There were no complications associated with recovery or within the immediate post operative period. The horse was released to the care of his owners 5 days following surgery and has returned to his previous racing performance level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the technique of laparoscopic ultrasonography in six dogs with intra-abdominal disease. Investigation of the abdominal cavity was undertaken initially in each dog by laparoscopy alone. After exploration and visualization of a diseased organ, a 7.5 MHz microconvex ultrasound probe was introduced into the abdomen through a laparoscopic cannula for videoguided ultrasound examination. Laparoscopic ultrasonography allows core biopsy or needle aspiration to be performed by guiding the needle into nonsuperficial lesions, where videoendoscopic guidance alone is not enough. In addition, color Doppler ultrasonography is useful to examine the vascular pattern to minimize or eliminate complications when a biopsy is performed.  相似文献   

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