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Long-term overgrazing is known to influence soil microbiological properties and C sequestration in soil organic matter. However, much remains to be known concerning overgrazing impacts on soil microbial activity and litter turnover in heavily grazed rangelands of Central Iran. Aboveground litter decomposition of three dominant species (Agropyron intermedium, Hordeum bulbosum, and Juncus sp.) were studied using a litter bag experiment under field conditions in three range sites of Central Iran, a site with continuous grazing, a site ungrazed for 17 years with dominant woody species (80% cover), and a site ungrazed for 17 years with dominant pasture species (70% cover). Soil samples were taken from 0 to 30 cm depth and analyzed for their chemical and microbiological properties. Results demonstrate that soil organic C and total N contents and C/N ratios were similar for both ungrazed and grazed sites, while available P and K concentrations significantly decreased under grazed conditions. It was also evident that range grazing decreases soil respiration and microbial biomass C, suggesting a lower recent annual input of decomposable organic C. Nevertheless, grazing conditions had no significant effect on litter decomposition indicating soil microclimate is not affected by grazing animals in this ecosystem. It is concluded that overgrazing may presumably depress microbial activity through either reduced input of fresh plant residue into the surface soil or lack of living roots and exudates for stimulating microbial activity. This study also suggests that 17 years of livestock exclusion might be insufficient time for expected C accumulation in soil.  相似文献   

Distilleries produce a huge quantity of effluents, popularly known as spent wash (SW), which when bio-methanated produce post-methanation effluents (PME). A field experiment on soybean–wheat system was conducted for five consecutive years in a Vertisol of central India to evaluate the effect of distillery effluent (DE) on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Ten treatment combinations consisting of control, 100% NPK + Farmyard Manure (FYM), and graded level of SW and PME were applied. Total carbon content of soil increased significantly with applications of FYM and DE. SW was found superior in enhancing carbon content of soil in comparison to PME. Farmyard Manure contributed more carbon toward the recalcitrant pool, whereas DE contributed more carbon toward the active and slow pool. Nitrogen (N) availability was significantly improved with the application of DE. Balanced application of DE may act as amendment for increasing C and N stocks in Vertisol.  相似文献   

In semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems, low and erratic annual rainfall together with the widespread use of mouldboard ploughing (conventional tillage, CT), as the main traditional tillage practice, has led to a depletion of soil organic matter (SOM) and with increases in CO2 emissions from soil to the atmosphere. In this study, we evaluated the viability of conservation tillage: RT, reduced tillage (chisel and cultivator ploughing) and, especially, NT (no-tillage) to reduce short-term (from 0 to 48 h after a tillage operation) and mid-term (from 0 h to several days since tillage operation) tillage-induced CO2 emissions. The study was conducted in three long-term tillage experiments located at different sites of the Ebro river valley (NE Spain) across a precipitation gradient. Soils were classified as: Fluventic Xerocrept, Typic Xerofluvent and Xerollic Calciorthid. Soil temperature and water content were also measured in order to determine their influence on tillage-induced CO2 fluxes. The majority of the CO2 flux measured immediately after tillage ranged from 0.17 to 6 g CO2 m−2 h−1 and was from 3 to 15 times greater than the flux before tillage operations, except in NT where soil CO2 flux was low and steady during the whole study period. Mid-term CO2 emission showed a different trend depending on the time of the year in which tillage was implemented. Microclimatic soil conditions (soil temperature and water content) had little impact on soil CO2 emission following tillage. In the semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems studied, NT had low short-term soil CO2 efflux compared with other soil tillage systems (e.g., conventional and reduced tillage) and therefore can be recommended to better manage C in soil.  相似文献   

Labile carbon is the fraction of soil organic carbon with most rapid turnover times and its oxidation drives the flux of CO2 between soils and atmosphere. Available chemical and physical fractionation methods for estimating soil labile organic carbon are indirect and lack a clear biological definition. We have modified the well-established Jenkinson and Powlson's fumigation-incubation technique to estimate soil labile organic carbon using a sequential fumigation-incubation procedure. We define soil labile organic carbon as the fraction of soil organic carbon degradable during microbial growth, assuming that labile organic carbon oxidizes according to a simple negative exponential model. We used five mineral soils and a forest Oa horizon to represent a wide range of organic carbon levels. Soil labile organic carbon varied from 0.8 mg/g in an Entisol to 17.3 mg/g in the Oa materials. Potential turnover time ranged from 24 days in an Alfisol to 102 days in an Ultisol. Soil labile organic carbon contributed from 4.8% in the Alfisol to 11.1% in the Ultisol to the total organic carbon. This new procedure is a relatively easy and simple method for obtaining indices for both the pool sizes and potential turnover rates of soil labile organic carbon and provides a new approach to studying soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

Most soil surveys are based on soil geomorphic, physical and chemical properties, while many classifications are based on morphological properties in soil profile. Typically, microbial properties of the soil (e.g. biomass and functional diversity) or soil biological quality indicators (SBQIs) are not directly considered in soil taxonomic keys, yet soil classification schemes are often used to infer soil biological function relating to policy (e.g. soil pollution attenuation, climate change mitigation). To critically address this, our aim was to assess whether rates of carbon turnover in a diverse range of UK soils (n > 500) could effectively be described and sub-divided according to broadly defined soil groups by conventional soil classification schemes. Carbon turnover in each soil over a 90 d period was assessed by monitoring the mineralisation of either a labile (14C-labelled artificial root exudates) or more recalcitrant C source (14C-labelled plant leaves) in soil held at field capacity at 10 °C. A double exponential first order kinetic model was then fitted to the mineralisation profile for each individual substrate and soil. ANOVA of the modelled rate constants and pool sizes revealed significant differences between soil groups; however, these differences were small regardless of substrate type. Principle component and cluster analysis further separated some soil groups; however, the definition of the class limits remained ambiguous. Exclusive reference values for each soil group could not be established since the model parameter ranges greatly overlapped. We conclude that conventional soil classification provides a poor predictor of C residence time in soil, at least over short time periods. We ascribe this lack of observed difference to the high degree of microbial functional redundancy in soil, the strong influence of environmental factors and the uncertainties inherent in the use of short term biological assays to represent pedogenic processes which have taken ca. 10,000 y to become manifest.  相似文献   

Changes in plant cover after afforestation induce variations in litter inputs and soil microbial community structure and activity, which may promote the accrual and physical-chemical protection of soil organic carbon (SOC) within soil aggregates. In a long-term experiment (20 years) we have studied the effects, on soil aggregation and SOC stabilization, of two afforestation techniques: a) amended terraces with organic refuse (AT), and b) terraces without organic amendment (T). We used the adjacent shrubland (S) as control. Twenty years after stand establishment, aggregate distribution (including microaggregates within larger aggregates), sensitive and slow organic carbon (OC) fractions, basal respiration in macroaggregates, and microbial community structure were measured. The main changes occurred in the top layer (0–5 cm), where: i) both the sensitive and slow OC fractions were increased in AT compared to S and T, ii) the percentage and OC content of microaggregates within macroaggregates (Mm) were higher in AT than in S and T, iii) basal respiration in macroaggregates was also higher in AT, and iv) significant changes in the fungal (rather than bacterial) community structure were observed in the afforested soils (AT and T) – compared to the shrubland soil. These results suggest that the increase in OC pools linked to the changes in microbial activity and fungal community structure, after afforestation, promoted the formation of macroaggregates – which acted as the nucleus for the formation and stabilization of OC-enriched microaggregates.  相似文献   

Agricultural management practices are known to influence soil organic C. While changes in total organic C (TOC) are relatively less discernible over short to medium-term, some extractable pools of TOC are considered early indicators of changes in TOC. Therefore, to devise nutrient management practices that can lead to C sequestration, it is important to study their effect on soil organic C pools that may respond rapidly to management. We studied the impact of balanced (NPK) and imbalanced (N, NP, NK and PK) application of fertilizer nutrients without and with farmyard manure (FYM) on total and labile pools of organic C viz. water soluble (WEOC), potassium permanganate oxidizable (KMnO4-C), microbial biomass (MBC) and fractions of decreasing oxidizability after 5-cycles of rice-wheat cropping. Integrated use of NPK and FYM significantly increased TOC and extractable C pools in both surface (0–7.5 cm) and sub-surface (7.5–15 cm) soil. Majority of TOC (72%) was stabilized in less labile and recalcitrant fractions; the magnitude being higher under balanced (NPK+FYM) than imbalanced nutrient management (N+FYM). The results showed that balanced fertilizer application conjointly with FYM besides enlarging TOC pool favorably impacts soil organic matter composition under rice-wheat system.  相似文献   

Effects of two tillage treatments, tillage (T) with chisel plough and no-till (NT), were studied under un-drained and drained soil conditions. Soil physical properties measured were bulk density (ρb), total porosity (ƒt), water stable aggregates (WSA), geometric mean diameter (GMD), mean weight diameter (MWD), organic carbon (OC) and total N concentrations in different aggregate size fractions, and total OC and N pools. The experiment was established in 1994 on a poorly drained Crosby silt loam soil (fine mixed, mesic, Aeric Ochraqualf) near Columbus, Ohio. In 2007, soil samples were collected (0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm) from all treatments and separated into six aggregate size classes for assessing proportions of macro (5–8, 2–5, 1–2, 0.5–1, 0.25–0.5) and micro (<0.25 mm) aggregates by wet sieving. Tillage treatments significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced WSA, MWD, and GMD. Higher total WSA (78.53 vs. 58.27%), GMD (0.99 vs. 0.68 mm), and MWD (2.23 vs. 0.99 mm) were observed for 0–10 cm depth for NT than T treatments. Relative proportion of macro-aggregates (>0.25-mm) was also more in NT than T treatment for un-drained plots. Conversely, micro-aggregates (<0.25-mm) were more in T plots for both drained and un-drained treatments. The WSA, MWD and GMD decreased with increase in soil depth. The OC concentration was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) in NT for un-drained (P ≤ 0.01) treatment for all soil depths. Within macro-aggregates, the maximum OC concentrations of 1.91 and 1.75 g kg−1 in 1–2 mm size fraction were observed in NT for un-drained and drained treatments, respectively. Tillage treatments significantly (P < 0.01) affected bulk density (ρb), and total porosity (ft) for all soil depths, whereas tillage × drainage interaction was significant (P < 0.01) for 10–20 and 20–30 cm depths. Soil ρb was negatively correlated (r = −0.47; n = 12) with OC concentration. Tillage treatments significantly affected (P ≤ 0.05) OC pools at 10–20 cm depth; whereas drainage, and tillage × drainage significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced OC pools for 0–10 cm soil layer. The OC pool in 0–10 cm layer was 31.8 Mg ha−1 for NT compared with 25.9 Mg kg−1 for T for un-drained treatment. In comparison, the OC pool was 23.1 Mg ha−1 for NT compared with 25.2 Mg ha−1 for T for the drained plots. In general, the OC pool was higher in NT system, coupled with un-drained treatment than in drained T plots. The data indicate the importance of NT in improving the OC pool.  相似文献   

Climatic warming leads to the expansion of deciduous shrubs and trees in the Arctic. This leads to higher leaf litter inputs, which together with warming may alter the rate of carbon and nutrient cycling in the arctic ecosystems. We assessed effects of factorial warming and additional litter on the soil ecosystem of a subarctic heath in a 7-year-long field experiment. Fine root biomass, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total C concentration increased in response to warming, which probably was a result of the increased vegetation cover. Litter addition increased the concentration of inorganic P in the uppermost 5 cm soil, while decreasing the pool of total P per unit area of the organic profile and having no significant effects on N concentrations or pools. Microbial biomass C and N were unaffected by the treatments, while the microbial biomass P increased significantly with litter addition. Soil ergosterol concentration was also slightly increased by the added litter in the uppermost soil, although not statistically significantly. According to a principal component analysis of the phospholipid fatty acid profiles, litter addition differed from the other treatments by increasing the relative proportion of biomarkers for Gram-positive bacteria. The combined warming plus litter addition treatment decreased the soil water content in the uppermost 5 cm soil, which was a likely reason for many interactions between the effects of warming and litter addition. The soil organic matter quality of the combined treatment was also clearly different from the control based on a near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopic analysis, implying that the treatment altered the composition of soil organic matter. However, it appears that the biological processes and the microbial community composition responded more to the soil and litter moisture conditions than to the change in the quality of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Tussocks formed by Carex stricta are a relatively large carbon (C) pool in sedge meadows, but the stability of organic matter in these ecosystems is not well understood. We initiated year-long incubation experiments (22.5 °C) to evaluate the CO2 and CH4 production potentials of sedge meadow substrates under field moist and inundated treatments from five sites in the Upper Midwest, USA (4 reference, 1 restored). C mineralization potentials decreased with depth (tussocks > underlying soil), and were positively correlated with macro-organic matter content and negatively with lignin. Across sites, C stored in tussocks and soil at the restoration was the least stable, suggesting that the restoration of C-storage function may take decades. Mineralization potentials were similar between field moist and inundated treatments, but inundation resulted in higher methane production, accounting for 24–51% of total carbon mineralized from tussocks. In the field however, C. stricta tussocks emitted less methane (393 ± 76 mg CH4 m−2 d−1) than tussock interspaces (1362 ± 371 mg CH4 m−2 d−1) early in the growing season; we suggest that tussock tops oxidized methane produced from deeper anoxic horizons. Our results highlight the importance of considering how microtopography modulates greenhouse gas flux from wetlands and suggests that the C stored in the older, more decomposed C. stricta tussock sedge meadow substrates (both within and between sites) is relatively stable.  相似文献   

Knowledge about soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and its allocation into different pools is important for global food and environmental security. Accordingly, an attempt is made in the present study to investigate into the dynamics of SOC pools i.e. total soil organic carbon (TOC), oxidisable organic carbon (OC) and its different fractions viz. very labile (CVL), labile (CL), less labile (CLL) and non-labile (CNL) in soils under a 26 years old long-term experiment with rice (Oryza sativa L) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cropping system on Inceptisols under humid agro-climatic region of India with different soil management practices (control, 100% recommended dose of NPK, and 50% recommended dose of NPK + 50% N through farmyard manure (FYM). Of the several pools analyzed, a higher proportion of C was found in labile pool followed by very labile, non-labile, and less labile ones constituting about 46, 26.5, 20 and 7.3% of the total organic C at surface soil. The NPK+FYM treatment was found to have higher SOC pools, lability index (LI), recalcitrance indices and stratification ratio as compared to others. Results indicated that balanced fertilization with inorganic and organics is important for maintaining overall sustainability of the rice-wheat system.  相似文献   

Soil C and N contents play a crucial role in sustaining soil quality and environmental quality. The conversion of annually cultivated land to forage grasses has potential to increase C and N sequestration. The objective of this study was to investigate the short-term changes in soil organic C (SOC) and N pools after annual crops were converted to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. Algonguin) forage for 4 years. Soil from 24 sets of paired sites, alfalfa field versus adjacent cropland, were sampled at depths of 0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm. Total soil organic C and N, particulate organic matter (POM) C and N were determined. Organic C, total N, POM-C, and POM-N contents in the 0–5 cm layer were significantly greater in alfalfa field than in adjacent cropland. However, when the entire 0–20 cm layer was considered, there were significant differences in SOC, POM-C and POM-N but not in total N between alfalfa and crop soils. Also, greater differences in POM-C and POM-N were between the two land-use treatments than in SOC and total N were found. Across all sites, SOC and total N in the 0–20 cm profile averaged 22.1 Mg C ha−1 and 2.3 Mg N ha−1 for alfalfa soils, and 19.8 Mg C ha−1and 2.2 Mg N ha−1 for adjacent crop soils. Estimated C sequestration rate (0–20 cm) following crops to alfalfa conversions averaged 0.57 Mg C ha−1 year−1. Sandy soils have more significant C accumulation than silt loam soils after conversion. The result of this suggests that the soils studied have great C sequestration potential, and the conversion of crops to alfalfa should be widely used to sequester C and improve soil quality in this region.  相似文献   

We assessed the successional development of above- and belowground ecosystem biomass and carbon (C) pools in an age-sequence of four White pine (Pinus strobus L.) plantation stands (2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-years-old) in Southern Ontario, Canada. Biomass and C stocks of above- and belowground live and dead tree biomass, understorey and forest ground vegetation, forest floor C (LFH-layer), and woody debris were determined from plot-level inventories and destructive tree sampling. Small root biomass (<5 mm) and mineral soil C stocks were estimated from soil cores. Aboveground tree biomass became the major ecosystem C pool with increasing age, reaching 0.5, 66, 92, and 176 t ha−1 in the 2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old stands, respectively. Tree root biomass increased from 0.1 to 10, 18, 38 t ha−1 in the 2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old stands, respectively, contributing considerably to the total ecosystem C in the three older stands. Forest floor C was 0.8, 7.5, 5.4, and 12.1 t C ha−1 in the 2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old stands, respectively, indicating an increase during the first two decades, but no further age-effect during the later growth phase. Mineral soil C was age-independent with 37.2, 33.9, 39.1, and 36.7 t C ha−1 in the 2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old stands, respectively. Aboveground ecosystem C increased with age from 3 to 40, 52, and 100 t C ha−1 in the 2-, 15-, 30-, and 65-year-old stands, respectively, due to an increase in aboveground tree biomass. Belowground ecosystem C remained similiar in the early decades after establishment with 37, 39, and 39 t C ha−1 in the 2-, 15-, and 30-year-old stands, but increased to 56 t C ha−1 in the 65-year-old stand due to an increase in root biomass. The difference in total ecosystem C between the 2- and 65-year-old stand was 116 t C ha−1. Our results highlight the importance of considering the successional development of forest ecosystem C pools, when estimating C sink potentials over their complete life cycle.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 tends to stimulate plant productivity, which could either stimulate or suppress the processing of soil carbon, thereby feeding back to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We employed an acid-hydrolysis-incubation method and a net nitrogen-mineralization assay to assess stability of soil carbon pools and short-term nitrogen dynamics in a Florida scrub-oak ecosystem after six years of exposure to elevated CO2. We found that soil carbon concentration in the slow pool was 27% lower in elevated than ambient CO2 plots at 0-10 cm depth. The difference in carbon mass was equivalent to roughly one-third of the increase in plant biomass that occurred in the same experiment. These results concur with previous reports from this ecosystem that elevated CO2 stimulates microbial degradation of relatively stable soil organic carbon pools. Accordingly, elevated CO2 increased net N mineralization in the 10-30 cm depth, which may increase N availability, thereby allowing for continued stimulation of plant productivity by elevated CO2. Our findings suggest that soil texture and climate may explain the differential response of soil carbon among various long-term, field-based CO2 studies. Increased mineralization of stable soil organic carbon by a CO2-induced priming effect may diminish the terrestrial carbon sink globally.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of long-term cattle grazing on soil processes and microbial activity in a temperate salt marsh. Soil conditions, microbial biomass and respiration, mineralization and denitrification rates were measured in upper salt marsh that had been ungrazed or cattle grazed for several decades. Increased microbial biomass and soil respiration were observed in grazed marsh, most likely stimulated by enhanced rates of root turnover and root exudation. We found a significant positive effect of grazing on potential N mineralization rates measured in the laboratory, but this difference did not translate to in situ net mineralization measured monthly from May to September. Rates of denitrification were lowest in the grazed marsh and appeared to be limited by nitrate availability, possibly due to more anoxic conditions and lower rates of nitrification. The major effect of grazing on N cycling therefore appeared to be in limiting losses of N through denitrification, which may lead to enhanced nutrient availability to saltmarsh plants, but a reduced ability of the marsh to act as a buffer for land-derived nutrients to adjacent coastal areas. Additionally, we investigated if grazing influences the rates of turnover of labile and refractory C in saltmarsh soils by adding 14C-labelled leaf litter or root exudates to soil samples and monitoring the evolution of 14CO2. Grazing had little effect on the rates of mineralization of 14C used as a respiratory substrate, but a larger proportion of 14C was partitioned into microbial biomass and immobilized in long- and medium-term storage pools in the grazed treatment. Grazing slowed down the turnover of the microbial biomass, which resulted in longer turnover times for both leaf litter and root exudates. Grazing may therefore affect the longevity of C in the soil and alter C storage and utilization pathways in the microbial community.  相似文献   

Land use practices alter the biomass and structure of soil microbial communities. However, the impact of land management intensity on soil microbial diversity (i.e. richness and evenness) and consequences for functioning is still poorly understood. Here, we addressed this question by coupling molecular characterization of microbial diversity with measurements of carbon (C) mineralization in soils obtained from three locations across Europe, each representing a gradient of land management intensity under different soil and environmental conditions. Bacterial and fungal diversity were characterized by high throughput sequencing of ribosomal genes. Carbon cycling activities (i.e., mineralization of autochthonous soil organic matter, mineralization of allochthonous plant residues) were measured by quantifying 12C- and 13C-CO2 release after soils had been amended, or not, with 13C-labelled wheat residues. Variation partitioning analysis was used to rank biological and physicochemical soil parameters according to their relative contribution to these activities. Across all three locations, microbial diversity was greatest at intermediate levels of land use intensity, indicating that optimal management of soil microbial diversity might not be achieved under the least intensive agriculture. Microbial richness was the best predictor of the C-cycling activities, with bacterial and fungal richness explaining 32.2 and 17% of the intensity of autochthonous soil organic matter mineralization; and fungal richness explaining 77% of the intensity of wheat residues mineralization. Altogether, our results provide evidence that there is scope for improvement in soil management to enhance microbial biodiversity and optimize C transformations mediated by microbial communities in soil.  相似文献   

Afforestation of grassland has been globally identified as being an important means for creating a sink for atmospheric carbon (C). However, the impact of afforestation on soil C is still poorly understood, due to the paucity of well designed long-term experiments and the lack of investigation into the response of different soil C fractions to afforestation. In addition, little is known about the origins of soil C and soil organic matter (SOM) stability after afforestation. In a retrospective study, we measured C mass in the soil light and heavy fractions in the first 10 years after afforestation of grassland with Eucalyptus nitens, Pinus radiata and Cupressus macrocarpa. The results suggest that C mass in the soil heavy fraction remained stable, but the C mass in the light fraction decreased at year 5 under three species. Soil δ13C analysis showed that the decrease in the light fraction may be due to reduced C inputs from grassland species litter and low inputs from the still young trees. After the initial reduction, the recovery of soil C in the light fraction depended on tree species. At year 10, an increase of 33% in light fraction soil C was observed at the 0-30 cm depth under E. nitens, compared to that under the original grassland (year 0). Planting P. radiata restored light fraction soil C to the original level under grassland, whereas planting C. macrocarpa led to a decrease of 33%. We concluded that the increase of light fraction soil C between year 5 and 10 is most likely due to C input from tree residues. Most of the increased C was derived from root turnover under pine and from both root and leaf turnover under E. nitens, as indicated by plant C biomarkers such as lignin-derived phenols and suberin and cutin-derived compounds in the 0-5 cm soil layer. Modelling of soil ?14C‰ suggested that SOM had a greater mean residence time at year 10 than year 0 and 5 due to increased relative abundance of recalcitrant plant biopolymers.  相似文献   

This study determined temporal variability in N pools, both aboveground and belowground, across two contrasting plant communities in high-Arctic Spitsbergen, Svalbard (78°N). We measured N pools in plant material, soil microbial biomass and soil organic matter in moist (Alopecurus borealis dominated) and dry (Dryas octopetala dominated) meadow communities at four times during the growing season. We found that plant, microbial and dissolved inorganic and organic N pools were subject to significant, but surprisingly low, temporal variation that was controlled primarily by changes in temperature and moisture availability over the short growing season. This temporal variability is much less than that experienced in other seasonally cold ecosystems such as alpine tundra where strong seasonal partitioning of N occurs between plant and soil microbial pools. While only a small proportion of the total ecosystem N, the microbial biomass represented the single largest of the dynamic N pools in both moist and dry meadow communities (3.4% and 4.6% of the total ecosystem N pool, respectively). This points to the importance of soil microbial community dynamics for N cycling in high-Arctic ecosystems. Microbial N was strongly and positively related to soil temperature in the dry meadow, but this relationship did not hold true in the wet meadow where other factors such as wetter soil conditions might constrain biological activity. Vascular live belowground plant parts represented the single largest plant N pool in both dry and moist meadow, constituting an average of 1.6% of the total N pool in both systems; this value did not vary across the growing season or between plant communities. Overall, our data illustrate a surprisingly low growing season variability in labile N pools in high-Arctic ecosystems, which we propose is controlled primarily by temperature and moisture.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the effects of agricultural exploitation on desert soil organic C, N and P, and soil aggregation. Four land uses were assessed: (1) 5-year wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) + 5-year maize (Zea mays L.); (2) 5-year wheat/barley + 5-year alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.); (3) 6-year wheat/barley + 4-year acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and (4) uncultivated desert soil. The desert soil contained total organic C (TOC) of 3.1, 3.7 and 4.2 g kg−1 and particulate organic C (POC) of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 g kg−1 at 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm depths, respectively. The soil TOC concentration was increased by 32–68% under wheat–maize rotation and by 27–136% under wheat–acacia at 0–20 cm depth, and by 48% under wheat–alfalfa only at 0–10 cm depth. This contrasted with an increase in the soil POC concentration by 143–167% at depth 0–20 cm under wheat–maize and by 217%, 550% at depth 0–10 cm under wheat–alfalfa and wheat–acacia, respectively. The desert soil had 13 Mg ha−1 TOC stock and 2 Mg ha−1 POC stock at depth 0–30 cm, whereas crop rotations increased the soil TOC stock by 30–65% and POC stock by 200–350%. Over the 10-year period, the rates of TOC accumulation were 0.6, 0.3, 0.8 Mg ha−1 year−1 and the rates of POC accumulation were 0.4, 0.4 and 0.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 under wheat–maize, wheat–alfalfa and wheat–acacia rotations, respectively. At 0–30 cm depth, total soil N was increased by 61–64% under wheat–maize and wheat–acacia, but total soil P was reduced by 38% under wheat–alfalfa. A significant improvement in clay stability but not in aggregate water-stability was observed in cultivated soils. The results showed a significant increase in soil organic C pool but unimproved macro-aggregation of the desert soil after 10 years of cultivation.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) grown for biomass feedstock production has the potential to increase soil C sequestration, and soil CO2 flux in grassland is an important component in the global C budget. The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the effects of N fertilization and harvest frequency on soil CO2 flux, soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), and potentially mineralizable carbon (PMC); and (2) evaluate the relationship of soil CO2 flux with soil temperature, soil moisture, SMBC, and PMC. Two N rates (0 and 224 kg ha−1) were applied as NH4NO3 and cattle (Bos Taurus L.) manure. Switchgrass was harvested every year at anthesis or alternate years at anthesis. The data were collected during growing season (May-October) 2001-2004 on switchgrass-dominated Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land in east-central South Dakota, USA. Manure application increased soil CO2 flux, SMBC, and PMC during the early portion of the growing season compared with the control, but NH4NO3 application did not affect soil CO2 flux, SMBC, and PMC. However, seasonal variability of soil CO2 flux was not related to SMBC and PMC. Estimated average soil CO2 fluxes during the growing periods were 472, 488, and 706 g CO2-C m−2 for control, NH4NO3-N, and manure-N plots, respectively. Switchgrass land with manure application emitted more CO2, and approximately 45% of the C added with manure was respired to the atmosphere. Switchgrass harvested at anthesis decreased soil CO2 flux during the latter part of the growing season, and flux was lower under every year harvest treatment than under alternate years harvest. Soil temperature was the most significant single variable to explain the variability in soil CO2 flux. Soil water content was not a limiting factor in controlling seasonal CO2 flux.  相似文献   

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