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Epoxidized polybutadiene (EPB) was prepared by polybutadiene (PB) withm-chloroperbenzoic acid (MCPBA) in homogeneous solution. EPB was blended with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) up to 30 wt% by solution-precipitation procedure. The thermal decomposition of PHB/EPB blends was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The thermograms of PHB/EPB blends contained a two-step degradation process, while that of pure PHB sample exhibited only one-step degradation process. This degradation behavior of PHB/EPB blends, which have a higher thermal stability as measured by maximum decomposition temperature and residual weight, is probably due to crosslinking reactions of the epoxide groups in the EPB component with the carboxyl chain ends of PHB fragments during the degradation process, and the occurrence of such reactions can be assigned to the exothermic peaks in their DTA thermograms.  相似文献   

Blends of poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) and polyethylene, either linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) or metallocene-catalyzed polyethylene (MPE), that were prepared by melt blending, were investigated. From the rheological properties as determined by capillary rheometry, the melt viscosity of both PPS/LLDPE and PPS/MPE blends was low when PE was in dispersed phase, but high melt viscosity was observed for both blends with PPS in dispersed phase. Significant differences depending on the composition were found in the mechanical properties such as percent elongation at break and notched Izod impact strength. In addition, dispersed phase morphology of the blends was analyzed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), together with brief discussion about the difference between them.  相似文献   

Wheat flour was plasticized with glycerol and compounded with poly(lactic acid) in a one-step twin-screw extrusion process in the presence of citric acid with or without extra water. The influence of these additives on process parameters and thermal, mechanical and morphological properties of injected samples from the prepared blends, was then studied.Citric acid acted as a compatibilizer by promoting depolymerization of both starch and PLA. For an extrusion without extra water, the amount of citric acid (2 parts for 75 parts of flour, 25 parts of PLA and 15 parts of glycerol) has to be limited to avoid mechanical properties degradation. Water, added during the extrusion, improved the whole process, minimizing PLA depolymerization, favoring starch plasticization by citric acid and thus improving phases repartition.  相似文献   

密度和施肥水平对双低油菜苏油1号产量及分枝习性的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
密度和施肥水平两因子对苏油1号产量及分枝习性影响的研究结果表明:(1)移栽11.25万株/hm2,施纯氮270kg/hm2是适宜苏油1号的种植密度和施肥处理,产量达到3452.0kg/hm2.(2)产量结构因子以单位面积有效角果数对产量的影响较大,其次为千粒重和每角粒数。(3)随密度和施氮量增加,单位面积有效果数呈先增后减的趋势,千粒重与施氮量关系密切,但过量施氮则降低千粒重,(4)单位面积为枝数多,分枝角果数多和分枝籽粒多是苏油1号的高产表现。  相似文献   

Potatoes of two cultivars representing extremes in potato texture, Russet Burbank (mealy) and IdaRose (waxy), were lyophilized, ground into flour, and analyzed with a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) to identify flour pasting characteristics unique to each cultivar. A factorial experiment, which included multiple levels of heating rate, peak temperature, and flour concentration, was employed to assess RVA run parameter association with flour pasting behaviors and the potential to differentiate cultivars according to the responses. Pasting profiles of the potato flour provided a unique functional finger-print for each cultivar flour, which embodies structural and molecular components of the native potato tissue. Pasting profile viscosity attributes were influenced by variable levels of heating rate, peak temperature, and flour concentration. At increasing flour concentrations, RVA viscosity attributes increased in magnitude, but possessed similar pasting curves. A variable heating rate primarily affected events occurring early within the pasting profile (time to gelatinization, time to peak viscosity, peak viscosity), while changes in peak temperature influenced viscosity attributes (trough viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity, total setback) associated with the latter portion of the viscosity curve. A high peak temperature generally resulted in increased breakdown and total setback and decreased trough and final viscosities. RVA viscosity attributes, time to gelatinization, peak viscosity, breakdown, and final viscosity were identified as potential characteristics for cultivar differentiation. Discrimination of the cultivar extremes was affected by RVA run parameters, and was maximized at moderate heating rates (4 to 6 C min-1), moderate to high levels of peak temperature (85 to 90 C), and intermediate flour concentrations.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to study the effect of silage chop length and barley supplementation on silage intake and the performance of store lambs. The silages were cut from a perennial ryegrass regrowth at a relatively mature stage of growth in early July. Different types of harvester were used to produce a long silage (L), single-chopped (S), double-chopped (D), medium precision-chopped (MP) or a short precision-chopped (SP) silage. The chop length of the silages averaged 37.4, 12.4, 8.4, 7.0 and 2.9 cm respectively. All silages were treated with formic acid at 2.51 t?1grass. They were well preserved and of a good quality with a dry-matter (DM) digestibility of 720–760 g kg?1 DM. The silages were fed ad libitum to Suffolk crossbred store lambs over a period of 10 weeks. Each silage was fed either alone or was supplemented with whole barley at 400 g lamb?1 d?1. When offered silage alone, intakes were 738, 679, 773, 980 and 910 (± 30) g DM d?1 for silages L, S, D, MP and SP respectively. Similar relative differences in intakes between the silages were evident when supplemented with barley. Liveweight gain on silage alone was higher on the precision-chopped silages (85–93 g d?1) than the long or flail-chopped silages (28–49 g d?1). Liveweight gain on the precision-chopped silages was also better when supplemented with barley (150 vs. 90–112 (± 90) g d?1). Silage intake and lamb performance were similar for the MP and SP silages, despite the difference in chop length. Barley supplementation reduced silage intake to a similar extent for all silages (-9%) and increased total DM intake (+ 30%) and metabolizable energy intake (+ 37%). The substitution rates of silage for barley were similar for all silages and averaged 0.24 g silage DM g?l barley DM. The response in weight gain per 100g of barley fed was similar for all silages and averaged 20.0 g liveweight gain and 13.4 g carcass gain. Feed conversion efficiency of the total diet was similar for the Mail-chopped and precision-chopped silages but was less for the long silage. The results of this study show that the benefit in weight gain due to the higher intake of precision-chopped silage was maintained when the silage was supplemented with a moderate level of barley. Such silage required supplementation with barley (400 g d?l) to achieve a rate of liveweight gain of 150g d?1.  相似文献   

为建立亚麻多倍体化学诱导技术体系,通过清水浸泡时间与秋水仙碱溶液浓度、处理温度、处理时间的比较试验,研究了外界因子对亚麻多倍体诱导形态变异率的影响。结果表明:亚麻多倍体诱导,以清水浸种16小时,转入0.16%的秋水仙碱溶液,在20℃条件下浸泡12小时为最佳,其成活率为36.07%,诱导率达到24.67%,则诱导成活率为8.9%。  相似文献   

Chemical and nutritional characteristics of irradiated and nonirradiated cowpea bean at 0.2 kGy submitted to several thermal treatments were studied. The cowpea bean flours irradiated at 0.2 kGy were superior to those non-irradiated concerning digestibility and the flours submitted to microwave oven were superior to those cooked under low pressure, autoclaved or even raw from the nutritional point of view. As to the presence of anti-nutritional factors, the results showed that the variety of cowpea bean under research presented neither trypsin inhibitor nor haemagglutinin activity, however, regarding tannin, a 0.006% content was found and considered negligible.  相似文献   

以闽西地方茄子品种‘胭脂茄’种子和幼苗为试材,用不同浓度SNP(0、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5、1.0、1.5 mmol/L)浸种6 h,分别在28℃和4℃暗培养处理3 d后转入培养箱进行常规培养萌发,统计各处理的发芽指标;对胭脂茄幼苗叶面喷施不同浓度SNP(0、0.1、0.3、0.5、0.8、1.0、1.2、1.5 mmol/L)预处理3 d后,于10℃/5℃下进行低温胁迫,通过测定幼苗的株高、茎粗、鲜重、干重及叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,可溶性蛋白和脯氨酸含量以及丙二醛(MDA)含量,研究低温胁迫下外源一氧化氮(NO)预处理后对种子萌发、幼苗生长及相关生理生化特征的影响。结果表明,外源NO供体SNP预处理后,胭脂茄种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数的变化趋势均随着SNP浓度的升高呈先增加后减少变化,SNP浓度为0.2 mmol/L时,种子萌发各指标达到最大,SNP浓度超过0.5 mmol/L时各指标降低;施加低浓度(0.1~1.0 mmol/L)SNP预处理能够增加胭脂茄幼苗株高、茎粗、鲜重和干重,可以增加幼苗叶片中可溶性蛋白和脯氨酸含量、提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,降低幼苗叶片中MDA累积,SNP浓度为0.5 mmol/L时CAT活性最高,其余各项指标以SNP浓度为0.8 mmol/L时达到最佳,高浓度SNP对各项指标产生抑制作用。研究结果表明低温胁迫下低浓度SNP预处理后可有效保护胭脂茄种子萌发和幼苗生长,浓度过高反而造成伤害。本研究结果为合理使用外源NO促进胭脂茄种子萌发和幼苗生长提供理论依据,为闽西地区有效防御茄子低温冷害提供应用价值。  相似文献   

硝酸镧处理对短穗鱼尾葵幼苗耐寒性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探明硝酸镧对短穗鱼尾葵(Caryotamitis)耐寒生理指标的影响,用4个不同浓度的硝酸镧溶液(0、100、350、500mg/L)喷施盆栽短穗鱼尾葵叶片,经变温处理后检测各项耐寒指标。结果表明,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白和叶绿素的含量表现出明显的浓度效应,而且25℃恢复后幼苗叶片的各项耐寒指标的模糊隶属函数值分别为0.41、0.46、0.70、0.50,其中350mg/L硝酸镧溶液处理对提高短穗鱼尾葵幼苗的耐寒性具有显著的效应。  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of 1BL.1RS translocation on protein content, starch quality, dough rheology, RMT volumes and other quality traits, a doubled haploid population was created and sown in a two-year field experiment. Translocated genotypes accumulated more proteins in the endosperm than non-translocated genotypes. Decrease in the gelatinization of starch was associated with the 1BL.1RS translocation. As for rheological parameters, adapted to bread types not requiring high mixing energy, the 1BL.1RS translocation significantly reduced the elasticity, tenacity and strength of the dough compared to allele c of Glu-B3. Tolerance to over-mixing was also significantly lower in translocated DH lines. In contrast to previously published work, the presence of allele Glu-D3 c resulted in significantly higher tenacity, and thus strength, compared with the allele Glu-D3 b in the present DH population. The final baking test performed on the DH lines of the population, combining favourable alleles for dough rheology and high protein content, demonstrated that in some cases lower tenacity induced by the 1BL.1RS translocation or by Glu-B3 b increases the volume of the loaves.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of 1BL.1RS translocation on protein content, starch quality, dough rheology, RMT volumes and other quality traits, a doubled haploid population was created and sown in a two-year field experiment. Translocated genotypes accumulated more proteins in the endosperm than non-translocated genotypes. Decrease in the gelatinization of starch was associated with the 1BL.1RS translocation. As for rheological parameters, adapted to bread types not requiring high mixing energy, the 1BL.1RS translocation significantly reduced the elasticity, tenacity and strength of the dough compared to allele c of Glu-B3. Tolerance to over-mixing was also significantly lower in translocated DH lines. In contrast to previously published work, the presence of allele Glu-D3 c resulted in significantly higher tenacity, and thus strength, compared with the allele Glu-D3 b in the present DH population. The final baking test performed on the DH lines of the population, combining favourable alleles for dough rheology and high protein content, demonstrated that in some cases lower tenacity induced by the 1BL.1RS translocation or by Glu-B3 b increases the volume of the loaves.  相似文献   

采用荧光定量PCR技术分析HbMT2a基因在不同环境因子诱导下,不同部位和不同无性系间的表达模式。结果表明,不同环境条件下,表达模式有一定差异,但PEG、ABA、6-BA和IAA均上调橡胶树无性系热研7-33-97叶片和树皮中的HbMT2a基因表达;在不同器官中,HbMT2a基因的表达量在根中最高、茎中次之、叶中最低,但是,在PEG诱导条件下,HbMT2a基因上调表达的幅度在叶中最大;降低温度可上调叶片中的HbMT2a基因表达;PEG诱导2 h,HbMT2a基因在抗寒橡胶树品种云研77-4叶片中的上调表达量显著高于不抗寒橡胶树品种热垦501。HbMT2a基因的表达容易受环境因子的影响,而且在抗寒性不同的橡胶树品种间的表达模式存在明显差异,有望作为橡胶树抗性育种的一个分子标记。  相似文献   

Marine actinobacteria-produced fucoidanases have received considerable attention as one of the major research topics in recent years, particularly for the medical exploitation of fucoidans and their degradation products. The present study describes the optimization and production of a novel fucoidanase for the green synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its biological applications. The production of fucoidanase was optimized using Streptomyces sp. The medium components were selected in accordance with the Plackett-Burman design and were further optimized via response surface methodology. The fucoidanase was statistically optimized with the most significant factors, namely wheat bran 3.3441 g/L, kelp powder 0.7041 g/L, and NaCl 0.8807 g/L, respectively. The biosynthesized gold nanoparticles were determined by UV-vis spectroscopy and were further characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, the biosynthesized gold nanoparticles exhibited a dose-dependent cytotoxicity against HeLa cells and the inhibitory concentration (IC50) was found to be 350 µg/mL at 24 h and 250 µg/mL at 48 h. Therefore, the production of novel fucoidanase for the green synthesis of gold nanoparticles has comparatively rapid, less expensive and wide application to anticancer therapy in modern medicine.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of planting date and row width on canopy development, intercepted radiation and yield were studied in two experiments, with the variety Wilja in 1988 and Cara in 1989. Planting dates were between mid March and early May and were combined with row widths of 0.75 and 1.25 m. Increasing the row width decreased intercepted radiation and yields in both years. Delayed planting reduced the yield of Cara, but not of Wilja. Early planting increased radiation use efficiency of Cara. It is argued that intercropping in spring without potentially reducing tuber yield might be favoured by delaying the planting of a determinate variety such as Wilja but by increasing the row width for an indeterminate variety such as Cara. Trends in mean monthly and soil 10 cm temperatures however suggest that opportunities for intercropping potatoes in the spring in a temperate climate may become more restricted.  相似文献   

The tea green leafhopper Empoasca onukii Matsuda (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), the orange spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintanca) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), and the green plant bugs Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür (Hemiptera: Miridae) are the important piercing–sucking herbivores in tea trees Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae). The goal of this study was to evaluate the laboratory toxicities and field control efficacies of botanical insecticides including matrine, azadirachtin, veratrine, and pyrethrin to three tea pests. Via leaf-dip bioassay, toxicity tests with botanical insecticides indicated that there were significant differences between the LC50 values for botanical insecticides within the same insect species. Matrine had the highest toxicity to E. onukii, A. spiniferus, and A. lucorum with the LC50 values of 2.35, 13.10, and 44.88 mg/liter, respectively. Field tests showed that, among four botanical insecticides, matrine at dose of 9 g a.i. ha−1 can significantly reduce the numbers of E. onukii and A. spiniferus and the infestation of A. lucorum on the tea plants. Furthermore, botanical insecticides matrine and azadirachtin had no obvious influence on the coccinellids, spiders, and parasitoids densities in tea plantations. The results of this study indicated that use of botanical insecticides, such as matrine, has the potential to manipulate the population of E. onukii, A. spiniferus, and A. lucorum and will be an effective and environmentally compatible strategy for the control of tea pests.  相似文献   

In the moderate climate of Poland it is recommended that milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) be grown on fertile soils. The plant, however, develops a strong root system, so a working hypothesis has developed that cultivation can be extended to light soils with periodic water deficits. The aim of the present research was to determine the effects of sowing milk thistle on light soil at different dates and rates on the achene yield and flavonolignan content. This experiment was carried out during 2004-2006 at the Mochelek Experiment Station of the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (53°13′ N; 17°51′ E). The average fruit yields were 1.23 t ha−1; those of silymarin were 26.5 kg ha−1. The moisture and thermal conditions during the research years caused the fruit yields to range from 0.55 to 1.68 t ha−1 and silymarin yields from 13.3 to 35.4 kg ha−1. Delaying sowing from early to mid-April increased the plant density and decreased numbers of inflorescences and fruits per inflorescence; as a result, no effect of sowing date on fruit yield was found. Delaying the sowing date increased silymarin content by about 0.4% and its yield by 5.3 kg ha−1. Increasing the sowing rate from 12 to 24 kg ha−1 resulted in a slight (40 kg ha−1) but significant increase in achene yield; however, it did not affect the silymarin content. The average silymarin content in fruits was 2.18%. The ratio of silydianin to silychristin was 1:2.2, and the ratio of silydianin to the sum of silybinin and isosilybinin was 1:3.3.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is a major cause of decrease in crop yield. The most serious cause of soil compaction is continuous ploughing at the same depth which affects bulk density, porosity and root proliferation, consequently affecting concentration and uptake of nutrients by plants. The effects of soil compaction on concentration and uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) by wheat were studied at the Agriculture Research Institute, Mingora, Pakistan in two separate experiments, conducted during 2002–2003 and repeated in 2003–2004. The treatments in each experiment consisted of four compaction levels arranged in a randomized complete block design replicated four times. Subsoil compaction affected soil bulk density and total porosity. With increasing compaction, bulk density increased in the range of 15–26% while total porosity decreased in the range of 15–27%. Compaction treatments significantly and progressively decreased concentration and uptake of NPK in both years of the experiments. Higher nutrient concentration and uptake was recorded during the second year as compared to first year, probably as a result of higher seasonal rainfall. Concentration of NPK showed reductions of 5–20%, 10–53% and 9–21%, respectively, due to the compaction treatments over control. The uptake of NPK decreased due to the compaction treatments in the range of 7–26%, 11–54% and 11–28%, respectively, over control. Compaction treatments decreased the dry matter accumulation in the range of 2–9% whereas grain yield showed a reduction of 5–48%. Inverse relationships between bulk density, and concentration and uptake of NPK, dry matter accumulation and grain yield were recorded. The implications of these findings for intensive agricultural systems in Pakistan and similar environments are discussed.  相似文献   

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