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The volcanic soils of Kamchatka are characterized by low and very low values of their potential potassium buffer capacity. The largest amount of readily exchangeable potassium (-ΔK 0) is observed in the surface layers of the natural soils and is due to the active biogenic accumulation. The soddy horizons have a high content of strongly fixed potassium (K X ). The main factors determining the content of the labile potassium and its mobility are the contents of physical clay, humus, and exchangeable potassium. The extremely nonuniform distribution of all the potassium status parameters throughout the soil profile reflects the discrete character of the volcanic pedogenesis. The low values of the potential buffer capacity for the potassium (PBCK) at the high values of the equilibrium potassium potential (AR 0) and the medium content of the labile potassium in the light-textured synlithogenic soils simultaneously indicate both the good potassium supply of the plants and the incapability of the soils to resist potassium exhaustion under agricultural production conditions for a long time.  相似文献   


Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the 0–5 cm depth of forest soils increased with the square root of solution ionic strength over the experimental range of 6 to 96 mM. Percentage increases in CEC were positively correlated with percentage organic carbon; for mixed hardwood forest soils, increases were 38% for soils with 3.3% carbon, and 105% for soils with 7.4% carbon when ionic strength was varied over the full experimental range. When analyzing soils with constant‐potential surfaces, both pH and ionic strength must be controlled, preferably at or near levels found in the field, in order to provide interpretable measures of CEC.  相似文献   

The effects of Ni additions on nitrification, N mineralization, and N leaching were examined in soils from boreal jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) forests. The results of a series of incubation experiments suggested that under certain conditions, Ni at 100 μg g?1 soil can stimulate nitrification, and at 500 μg g?1 can stimulate N mineralization. Nitrification rates were very low overall, but were higher in soils from the vicinity of the Sudbury, Ontario Ni-Cu smelters than in uncontaminated soils. The nitrifier populations, estimated by the most probable number method, were extremely low in uncontaminated soils, but also increased following some Ni additions. Increased leaching of NOf3 p was observed in soil columns treated with Ni. Since N tends to be in low supply in boreal forests, and therefore tightly cycled, the observed disruptions caused by Ni inputs could have an effect on forest productivity.  相似文献   

The pH buffer capacity of a soil (pHBC) determines the amount of lime required to raise the pH of the soil layer from its initial acid condition to an optimal pH for plant growth and the time available under current net acid addition rate (NAAR) until the soil layer acidifies to a critical pH leading to likely production losses. Accurate values of pHBC can also be used to calculate NAAR from observed changes in soil pH. In spite of its importance, there is a critical shortage of pHBC data, likely due to the long period of time needed for its direct measurement. This work aimed to develop quick, simple and reliable methods of pHBC measurement and to test these methods against a slow (7‐day) titration used as benchmark. The method developed here calculates pHBC directly from the pH buffer capacity of the buffer solution and the increase in soil pH and corresponding decrease in pH of the buffer solution following mixing and equilibration. The pHBC values calculated using Adams and Evans or modified Woodruff buffers were in accord with those measured by slow titration. Buffer methods are easily deployed in commercial and research laboratories as well as in the field. The advantage of using buffer solutions to calculate pHBC instead of lime requirement is the broad application of this soil property. The pHBC of a soil is an intrinsic property that would not be expected to need remeasurement over periods of less than decades. Recurring lime requirement can be calculated from the soil's pHBC, initial and target pH values. A large proportion of the variability in pHBC was explained by the soil organic carbon content. This relationship between pHBC and soil organic carbon content allowed us to develop local pedotransfer functions to estimate pHBC for different regions of Australia.  相似文献   

This laboratory rainfall simulation study investigates the effects of soil properties, slope steepness, and cover density on rainfall erosion potential of 153 soil samples collected in Southern Alberta, Canada. Simulated rainfall amount was held constant for these tests Of all the factors examined, simulated vegetative cover was found to be most significant. When cover was held constant, soil aggregate stability is the best predictor of variations of soil erodibility. Organic carbon content, texture and runoff amount (infiltration capacity) are other significant variables Slope was found to be significantly related to wash loss but not splash loss Two factors were proposed to explain the lack of relationship between splash loss and slope: (a) the proportion of splashed particles collected outside the sample plan may vary with the size of the pan; (b) soil transportability by splash increases only slightly with slope angle and therefore splash loss is only marginally related to slope steepness  相似文献   


Single buffer‐two pH and two‐buffer adaptations were compared as double buffer features of the SMP method using a group of 54 soils of wide range in lime requirement (LR). Data from both methods were highly correlated both with each other and with Ca(OH)2‐titrated acidity.

Formulas for LR based on the schematics of similar triangles relating differences in measured pH vs corresponding acidities for the double buffer system were developed. A regression equation relating buffer‐indicated LR and Ca(OH)2 titrated acidity was used to adjust the quick‐test double buffer‐indicated values to levels nearer the actual ones. A recommended SMP double buffer procedure, and a formula for computing LR from soil‐buffer pH's measured by the double buffer, quick‐test method are presented.  相似文献   

 In semi-arid regions wastewater irrigation is a valuable resource for agricultural production. The contamination of irrigated soils with surfactants is one of the ecological risks related to irrigating with untreated wastewater. In this study, the effects of branched alkylbenzene sulfonates (ABS) on microbial biomass, respiratory activity, and denitrification capacity of soil samples (eutric vertisols) taken from an irrigation district in the Mexico City area were investigated in laboratory experiments. Increasing concentrations of ABS lead to a decrease in soil microbial biomass and an increase in soil respiratory activity as well as in the metabolic quotient (qCO2) of the soils. Denitrification capacity was lowest without the addition of ABS and highest at a medium ABS concentration of 50 μg g–1. Denitrification capacity seems to be highly sensitive to ABS addition at moderate concentrations. From the laboratory results, high rates of denitrification and N2O evolution from fields irrigated with wastewater containing ABS are expected. Received: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

The cation-exchange capacity (CEC) of the soils in the Colina district is in interrelation neither with the texture nor the organic matter content. This apparent inconsistency is largely attributable to the CEC of the coarse fractions of the soils, which contain appreciable amounts of montmorilionite and zeolite with some vermiculite. The coarse particles containing exchange materials are widely distributed in the soils of central and northern Chile regardless of the soil type, and appear to be rather stable under semi-arid climates.  相似文献   


We studied (i) the pH buffer capacity (pHBC) of calcareous soils varied widely in calcite and texture, (ii) the contribution of soil properties to pHBC and (iii) the significance of using a model based on calcite dissolution to estimate the pHBC of calcareous soils. The pHBC of soils was measured by adding several rates of HCl to soils (100–6500 mM H+ kg–1), in a 0.01 M CaCl2 background and an equilibration time of 24 h. The pHBC (mM H+ kg–1 pH?1) varied from 55 to 3383, with the mean of 1073. The pHBC of the soils was strongly correlated with soil CaCO3 equivalent (calcite) (r = 0.94), sand (r = ?0.72), silt (r = 0.60), EC (r = 0.63), pH (r = 0.55), and weakly (r = 0.37) but significantly with clay content. The attained pHBC values indicated that calcite was probably the main buffer system in these soils. The chemical equilibrium model successfully predicted pH titration curves based on calcite dissolution, indicating buffering of acid inputs in the calcareous soils is dominated by calcite dissolution. The model can be used to simulate acidification of calcareous soils and to provide information for making environmental management decisions.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,31(1-2):53-61
Two soils from a secondary tropical forest at La Union, Philippines, predominantly vegetated with Swietenia marcrophylla and Gmelina arborea were amended with different leaf litter types (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, S. macrophylla, G. arborea, and Calliandra calothyrsus) and incubated in the laboratory for 49 days at 25 °C. The experiment was carried out to elucidate the reasons for a low ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and a high microbial biomass C-to-N ratio. This has been measured repeatedly in tropical forest soils. In the non-amended soils, the microbial biomass C-to-N ratio of 12.1 exceeded the soil organic C-to-total N ratio of 11, while the ergosterol-to-microbial biomass C ratio of 0.14% and the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio of 4.1 μmol g−1 were both low. At the end of the incubation, the addition of the different leaf litter types led generally to a decrease in the microbial biomass C-to-N ratio and to an increase in the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio, adenylate energy charge (AEC) and especially to an increase in the ergosterol-to-microbial biomass C ratio. The increase in the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and the decrease in the microbial biomass C-to-N ratio were positively related to the N concentration in the leaf litter, the increase in the ergosterol-to-microbial biomass ratio negatively. The reasons for a low ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and a high microbial biomass C-to-N ratio are P deficiency and probably a reduced access of soil microorganisms to N containing organic components at low soil organic C levels.  相似文献   

A procedure for quantifying minerals in particle size fractions of fine earth (< 2 mm) is presented. Mineral fractions of the acid forest soils are characterised by various transition products. Transitional minerals between illite and vermiculite or smectite, polyhydroxy-Al polymers interlayered in smectite and vermiculite, as well as poorly crystalline compounds are present. Normative calculations with standard minerals, generally applied to rocks, cannot be used to quantify precisely minerals of these soil samples. Conventional qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses are therefore completed by microanalyses of well-identifiable minerals. The calculation procedure is based mainly on a system of simultaneous linear equations. These are set up from the chemical contents of a particle size fraction on the one hand and from the corresponding element contents of single minerals on the other hand. The contribution of single minerals to overall parameters can be calculated by programmed algorithms. The methodology was adjusted to different particle size fractions.  相似文献   

The more labile forms of aluminium in a range of soils from areas of permanent grassland were determined with a number of selective extractants. The amounts of exchangeable A1 extracted with molar KCl were dependent upon pH, while the amounts exchangeable with 0.3 M LaCl3, although much greater, were not well correlated with pH. There were good correlations between soil organic C content and A1 extracted by (i) 0.5 M EDTA and (ii) 0.1 M potassium pyrophosphate. Pyrophosphate extracted greater amounts than any of the other extractants (sodium citrate/dithionite, ammonium oxalate (dark), acid oxalate (UV radiation), as well as those already mentioned). It was concluded that much of the extractable A1 in soils was associated with organic matter. Addition of lime to one of the soils reduced the amount of A1 extracted by all reagents except dithionite and acid oxalate solutions. There were considerable differences between soils in their release of A1 to continuous leaching with 0.01 M CaCl2. Despite these differences between the soils in organically bound extractable Al, the differences in the amounts and patterns of release of A1 with CaCl2 did not appear to be related to organic matter contents, nor to the other determined properties.  相似文献   

The parameters of the zinc sorption and migration were experimentally determined under laboratory and field conditions for soils of forest and meadow biogeocenoses of Tver?? oblast. Two methods gave relatively close values for the parameters of the metal??s sorption by an almost neutral loamy sandy soddy soil of a meadow biogeocenosis. The potential capacity of an acid sandy loamy soddy-podzolic soil for zinc sorption determined under laboratory conditions was not completely realized under the field conditions, which was related to the properties of the biogeocenosis (the forest plants, the organization of the soil pore space, and the soil reaction) and the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

High and low affinity methane oxidation potentials were measured for soils under five fully replicated land-use treatments over an entire calendar year. Simultaneous measurements of soil nitrification potential in replicate soil samples were also made. Both high and low affinity CH4 oxidation were significantly reduced in the nitrate-rich soils under alder, compared to the other four vegetation treatments (oak, Norway spruce, Scots pine and grass). However, the effect of land-use was less for high affinity methanotrophy than for low affinity CH4 oxidation. Nitrification rates were highest in alder soils, with the greatest potential for oxidation occurring in the top 5 cm of the soil. No significant relationship between potential nitrification rate and low affinity CH4 oxidation was seen. However, a significant negative relationship between nitrification and high affinity CH4 oxidation was identified. We found vegetation type to be a key determinant of soil-mediated CH4 and oxidation, but found no evidence for significant CH4 oxidation by nitrifying bacteria.  相似文献   

 The total N content in the acid forest soils studied ranged between 0.41% and 1.43%, and in more than 98% was composed of organic N. Total hydrolysable organic N, hydrolysable unknown N (HUN) and α-aminoacidic N represented around 70%, 34% and 20% of the organic N, respectively, and varied in wide ranges. The percentages of amidic N and of the organic N compounds solubilised to NH4 + were approximately 6% and 5%, respectively, and ranged in narrow intervals. Aminoglucidic N reached a maximum of 3.8% of the organic N and was undetectable in some of the samples analysed. Most of the hydrolysable N, HUN and α-aminoacidic N was solubilised with 1 N and 3 N HCl, while a high amount of the compounds recovered as NH4 + (60%) was obtained with 6 N HCl. The distribution of aminoglucidic N in the four fractions of increasing hydrolytic intensity was very irregular. The organic N composition in the 0 to 5-cm and 5 to 10-cm layers was not significantly different. The variation among samples was determined mainly by the organic N compounds less resistant to acid hydrolysis (hydrolysable N and HUN less resistant to acid hydrolysis, amidic N and labile ammoniacal N) and by all α-aminoacidic N fractions. Aminoacidic N was positively correlated with electrical conductivity and negatively correlated with exchangeable Al. The net N mineralisation over 10 weeks of incubation was positive in all the soil samples analysed. The inorganic N content after the incubation and the microbial N content were positively correlated with other variables – mainly with amidic N and α-aminoacidic N, as well as with HUN and the hydrolysable N less resistant to hydrolysis. Received: 13 July 1999  相似文献   

Equilibrium studies on soil require reliable estimates of ion concentrations in the soil solution under field conditions. We evaluated the previously described iterative method to approximate the equilibrium soil solution (ESS) with four acid forest soils. We examined for which ions the ESS is suitable, making use of the fact that concentrations in water extracts are functions of the soil: solution ratio. The electric conductivity, pH, and the concentrations of base cations, Mn2+, NO?3, SO42+, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were usually linear with the soil:solution ratio in water extracts, whereas no relation was observed for Al (with one exception) and Fe. Assuming that the ESS can be attributed the soil solution ratio of the field moist soil at the time of sampling, concentrations appeared as the continuation of the linear relation with the soil: solution ratio for base cations, pH, and the electric conductivity. This indicates that the ESS actually represents field conditions for these solution properties. For Al water extracts allowed no evaluation of the ESS result. The ESS underestimated SO42? concentrations under field conditions, presumably because the lack of DOC in the solutions added distorts the balance amongst anions.  相似文献   

Cation exchange properties of acid forest soils of the northeastern USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Negative correlations between soil pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC) or base saturation in soils of the northeastern USA and Scandinavia have raised questions regarding the nature of cation exchange in acid forest soils. Using data from three small‐catchment studies and an extensive regional survey of soils in the northeastern USA, I examined relationships among total carbon, effective CEC (CECe), soil pHs (in 0.01 m CaCl2) and base saturation. Organic matter is the predominant source of soil surface charge in these coarse‐grained, glacially derived soils. Correlation coefficients (r) between total carbon and CECe ranged from 0.43 to 0.74 in organic horizons and from 0.46 to 0.83 in mineral horizons. In all cases, the intercepts of functional relations between CECe and total C were near zero. In O horizons, the CECe per unit mass of organic carbon (CECe:C) was positively correlated with pHs in three of the four data sets, consistent with the weak‐acid behaviour of the organic matter. However, CECe:C was negatively correlated with pHs in mineral soils in two data sets, and uncorrelated in the other two. The CECe in mineral soils represents the portion of total CEC not occupied by organically bound Al. The negative correlations between CECe:C and pHs can therefore be explained by increased Al binding at higher pHs. Aluminium behaves like a base cation in these soils. When Al was considered a base cation, the relation between base saturation and pHs could be effectively modelled by the extended Henderson–Hasselbalch equation. When modelled without Al as a base cation, however, there were no consistent relationships between pHs and base saturation across sites or soil horizons. Because of the non‐acidic behaviour of Al, it is difficult to predict the effect of ongoing reductions in acid deposition on the base status of soils in the northeastern USA.  相似文献   

The effects of adding P and of drying and rewetting were studied in two acid forest soils from southeast Australia. The soils were a yellow podzolic with a low soil organic matter content (3.75% C) and a red earth with a high organic matter content (13.5% C). C and N mineralization and microbial C and N contents were investigated in a laboratory incubation for 151 days. Microbial C and N were estimated by a hexanol fumigation-extraction technique. Microbial C was also determined by substrate-induced respiration combined with a selective inhibition technique to separate the fungal and the bacterial biomass. The results obtained by the selective inhibition technique were not conclusive. Adding P to the soil and drying and rewetting the soil reduced microbial N. This effect was more pronounced in rapidly and frequently dried soils. Microbial C was generally less affected by these treatments. Compared with the control, the addition of P caused a reduction in respiration in the red earth (-13%) but an increase in the yellow podzolic soil (+12%). In the red earth net N mineralization was highest following the addition of P. In the yellow podzolic soil highest N mineralization rates were obtained when the soil was subjected to drying and rewetting cycles. In both soils increased N mineralization was associated with a decrease in microbial N, indicating that the mineralized N was of microbial origin. Nitrification decreased with rapid drying and rewetting. The addition of P promoted heterotrophic nitrification in both soils.  相似文献   

Organic layers of acid forest soils are highly dynamic carbon reservoirs. During forest succession the stored amount of organic carbon (OC) changes drastically. Because of feedback between OC storage in organic layers and in mineral soils and other compartments of the environment (plant, atmosphere, and groundwater), there is a strong need for applicable carbon balance models, particularly for organic layers. In this paper a simplified model for the carbon balance of organic layers (CABOLA model) of acid forest soils is presented. The model considers two horizons, the L and O horizon. Decomposition and transport processes are described by first order differential equations. C input into the organic layer is due to litter fall onto the L horizon. The governing equations are solved by integration. To demonstrate the model's capability of simulating the OC dynamics of organic layers, data on OC storage in organic layers of acid sandy forest soils with deep groundwater tables (Podzols) under pine stands were used. Together with literature data and some assumptions, these data were used for a first, rough estimation of the model parameters. Model calculations confirm that the CABOLA model is in principle able to simulate the dynamics of OC storage in organic layers during forest succession. Nevertheless, intensive research efforts will be necessary to independently parameterize the model for broad applications.  相似文献   

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