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We examined the soil–water content (SWC) and air-filled porosity (AFP) of afforested arable land in situ and related them with tree growth, which was expressed as the total length of 5-year-height growth above 2.5 m stem height. A total of 34 randomly selected sites in western Finland afforested with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were sampled and SWC was measured using time domain reflectometry (TDR). Increasing AFP up to 30% and correspondingly decreasing SWC significantly increased tree growth while concentrations of foliar nutrients and contents of soil nutrients had no effect. Increasing organic matter content (OMC) and decreasing bulk density (BD) were accompanied by increasing SWC and decreasing AFP in the 0–10 cm soil layer. SWC values above 70% indicated critical AFP below 10%. It was found that 44% of the studied sites had mean AFP lower than 10%. The results obtained indicate that the afforested Finnish arable land with high soil OMC is commonly characterized by high SWC and low soil aeration, which can limit tree growth.  相似文献   

Microbial activity was measured using cellulose sheets on two geographically separated sites, one in Trøgstad, SE‐Norway, and the other near Joensuu, SE‐Finland, to study effects of climate, drainage, and fertilization. The biggest weight losses from the cellulose sheets were recorded under the litter layer and in the upper 5 cm peat layer. The weight loss for these layers in, e.g. 1987/88 (1 June‐31 May), ranged from 64–74% on the Trøgstad site and from 64–82 % on the Joensuu site. The Joensuu data were to some extent explained by the variation in precipitation and air temperature, while the effects of the drainage in 1984 probably covered such effects on the Trøgstad site. The cellulose decomposition rate was high during winter‐spring periods (16 October‐31 May), about the same percentage as in the summer‐autumn periods (1 June‐15 October). A strong fertilization response was found in the microbiological activity, resulting in a 10 cm‐downward shift in the depth for measureable weight loss from the cellulose sheets. Judged from cellulose decomposition, the aerobic limit on the Trøgstad site was at depth‐interval 15–30 cm, and on the Joensuu site at 20–40 cm. The aerobic limit was probably 15–20 cm deeper in hummocks than in hollows.  相似文献   

Direct payments offered as compensation for adopting practices which increase carbon sequestration have implications for biodiversity conservation. This study analyzed changes in carbon stocks and tree diversity on carbon and non-carbon farmers’ plots in a pilot carbon offset project implemented by smallholder farmers in south western Uganda. On carbon farms, results indicate a respective decline and an increase in carbon density on farmlands and grasslands. On non-carbon farmers’ plots, there was an increase in both farmland and grassland carbon density. Carbon densities in farmland were significantly (t = −2.38; P = 0.023) higher than those in grasslands. There were no significant differences in tree diversity on farmlands but significant differences (species richness t = 2.18; P = 0.04; Shannon Index t = 2.92; P value = 0.0077) in grasslands. Tree diversity on carbon farmers’ plots decreased in farmlands, but increased in grasslands, while for non-carbon farmers there was a decline in tree diversity in both grasslands and farmlands. There were strong positive correlations between carbon density and tree diversity.  相似文献   

The basal area and height growth of trees and saplings in silver fir–European beech single stem selection forest were studied with regard to their social status and crown parameters of size, coverage, shading and vitality. On 24 permanent research plots (20 m × 20 m each) all trees [diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥10 cm] and saplings (≥1.3 m tall and dbh <10 cm) were surveyed. Repeated measurements of dbh (N = 1,608) and height (N = 1,135) 10 years apart enabled the calculation of annual basal area increment (BAI) of trees and saplings, and annual height (HI) increment of saplings. To obtain the growth characteristics for individual trees and saplings, their social status and crown parameters were assessed by rank. In the multivariate general linear model for BAI, social status, crown size and crown coverage of individuals as the predictors, and dbh2 as the covariate, explained 70% of total variability. Similarly, social status, crown size, crown coverage and crown shading had a significant impact on the HI of saplings, explaining 70% of total variability. Among the observed variables, social status determined according to the individual’s position in vertical stand structure was, in addition to dbh, the most important predictor for both BAI and HI. Significant differences were observed between the BAI and HI models for the main tree species (European beech and silver fir), indicating their different growth characteristics. The applied method could be used as a supplement to the more widely used approaches for studying basal area and height growth of individual trees in selection forest stands.  相似文献   


? Context

Modification of stand density by thinning may buffer the response of tree growth and vigor to changes in climate by enhancing soil water availability.

? Aims

We tested the impact of thinning intensity on cambial growth of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis L.) under semi-arid, Mediterranean conditions.

? Methods

A multiple thinning experiment was established on an Aleppo pine plantation in Spain. We analysed the stem growth dynamics of two different crown classes under four different thinning intensities (15 %, 30 %, and 45 % removal of the basal area) for 2 years, based on biweekly band dendrometer recordings. Local relative extractable soil water was derived from the use of a water balance model Biljou© (available at https://appgeodb.nancy.inra.fr/biljou/) and used as an explanatory variable.

? Results

Radial growth was mainly controlled by soil water availability during the growing season, and differed by crown class. The growth rates of dominant trees were significantly higher than the growth rates of suppressed trees. Removal of 30 % and 45 % of the initial basal area produced a growth release in both dominant and suppressed trees that did not occur under less intense thinning treatments.

? Conclusions

Soil water availability was the main driver of radial growth during the growing season. Forest management confirmed its value for ameliorating the effects of water limitations on individual tree growth. These results may help managers understand how altering stand density will differentially affect diameter growth responses of Aleppo pine to short-term climatic fluctuations, promoting forests that are resilient to future climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Decomposition of Scots pine needle litter originating from five stands treated with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer was measured over a 4‐year period in a mature Scots pine forest. The litter types, which differed in initial concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur, but not in gross organic composition, were studied with respect to mass loss, ingrowth of total fungal mycelium, and net release of nutrients. During the first year of decomposition, rates of mass loss and ingrowth of fungal mycelium were highest in the nutrient‐rich litter. Phosphorus concentration was found to be the main factor affecting mass‐loss rate, and the rate of fungal ingrowth was positively correlated with initial nitrogen concentration. After this initial period, decomposition rates decreased, and after 4 years, accumulated mass loss and amounts of fungal mycelium were similar in all five litter types. These findings may be due, in part, to a lower rate of lignin decomposition in nitrogen‐enriched litter. Of the elements, potassium and magnesium were most rapidly lost from the litter, and their release was most pronounced during the first year. Calcium release was proportional to the loss in organic matter. Initially, the release of nitrogen and phosphorus was positively related to their concentrations in litter, however, during later stages of decomposition the differences among litter types levelled out. There was a tendency for concentrations of all elements, except nitrogen, in the different litters to approach similar levels as decomposition proceeded. Thus, after 4 years the nutrient composition of the various litter types was very similar, except for higher nitrogen concentrations in the originally most nutrient‐rich litters. The importance of the results in terms of substrate quality in fertilized as well as in non‐fertilized forests is discussed.  相似文献   

According to the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change good practice guidance, an annual forest biomass carbon balance (AFCB) can be estimated by either the stock-difference (SD) or the gain–loss (GL) method. An AFCB should be accompanied by an analysis and estimation of uncertainty (EU). EUs are to be practicable and supported by sound statistical methods. Sampling and model errors both contribute to an EU. As sample size increases, the sampling error decreases but not the error due to errors in model parameters. Uncertainty in GL AFCB estimates is dominated by model-parameter errors. This study details the delta technique for obtaining an EU with the SD and the GL method applicable to the carbon in aboveground forest biomass. We employ a Brownian bridge process to annualize the uncertainty in SD AFCBs. A blend of actual and simulated data from three successive inventories are used to demonstrate the application of the delta technique to SD- and GL-derived AFCBs during the years covered by the three inventories (SD) and rescaled national wood volume harvest statistics (GL). Examples are limited to carbon in live trees with a stem diameter of 7 cm or greater. We confirm that a large contribution to the uncertainty in an AFCB comes from models used to estimate biomass. Application of the delta technique to summary statistics can significantly underestimate uncertainty as some sources of uncertainty cannot be quantified from the available information. We discuss limitations and problems with the Monte Carlo technique for quantifying uncertainty in an AFCB.  相似文献   

The lowland rain forests of Central America are poorly known from the standpoint of management for timber production. We studied the stand dynamics of a logged Costa Rican rain forest under three different regimes of post-logging silvicultural treatment. The site was located on low hills with Ultisols in Holdridge's Tropical Wet Forest life zone. The Pentaclethra macroloba-dominated forest had been high graded before planned management began. Management of the 540 × 540 m (29.2 ha) experimental area began with a timber harvest in the whole area during 1989–1990, 4 trees ha−1 being cut overall for 10.1 m3 ha−1. The experimental plots were 180 × 180 m (3.24 ha), comprising a 100 × 100 m (1.0 ha) central permanent sample plot (PSP) with a 40-m wide buffer strip. Two types of post-harvest silvicultural treatment: liberation/refinement (in 1991) and shelterwood (in 1992) were applied under a complete randomized block design with three replicates, using logged but untreated plots as controls. PSP data reported are for the 1988–1996 period for individuals with ≥10 cm DBH. The most marked changes in forest structure were caused by silvicultural treatment, basal area under the liberation/refinement treatment being reduced to ca. 65% of its probable mature forest value. Recruitment exceeded mortality in the years following intervention under all three treatments, but forest structural recovery was slowest under the liberation/refinement treatment. Post-intervention mortality rates appeared higher under the liberation/refinement treatment than under the control or shelterwood treatments, though differences were not statistically significant. In relation to tree attributes, mortality rates increased with decreasing DBH increment, crown illumination and quality of crown form. Commercial DBH increments were higher under the liberation/refinement treatment than in control plots during the 1993–1996 period. On the basis of its response to intervention during the first seven years of management, the forest appears resilient and productive; trends over time in mortality rates under the most intense silvicultural regime require close attention however. Pentaclethra-dominated forests are important components of the productive forest resources of Costa Rica and Nicaragua and, given current deforestation rates in areas such as southern Nicaragua, it is now urgent that the existing biophysical knowledge of these forests be applied to forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

In northern coniferous forests nutrient release from litter occurs primarily in late stages of decomposition when mainly extensively lignified parts remain. An important regulating factor in these stages is the turnover rate of lignin and related compounds. Two factors which influence the decomposition rate of lignin are 1) nitrogen concentration which retards decomposition and 2) concentration of celluloses which increase the turnover rate. The amount and composition of humus which is formed may be dependent on the initial lignin concentration of the litter, which in its turn varies among species. These results from studies in northern coniferous forests are discussed in an ecosystem context.  相似文献   

The effects of plant diversity on ecosystem functioning have been mainly studied for fast growing systems such as grassland. These studies have stressed the context dependence of aboveground and belowground relationships (e.g. soil fertility, field vegetation or soil biota). Over the last few years, with the growing need for indicators for sustainable forest management, there has been a considerable increase in studies on AG–BG relationships within forest ecosystems. Nevertheless, given the specific characteristics of forest systems (long-term dynamics, the single tree effect) our mechanistic understanding of these relationships remains poor.  相似文献   

Dynamical patterns of mineral elements during decomposition processes were investigated for seven common canopy species in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest by means of litterbag technique over 2 years. The species studied are representative for the vegetation in the study area and differed significantly in chemical qualities of their litter. No significant relationships were found between decomposition rate (percentage dry mass remaining and decomposition constant k) and initial element cuncentrations.However, there were significant correlations betweeu the percentage of dry mass remaining and the mineral element concentrations in the remaining litter for most cases. The rank of the element mobility in decomposition process was as follows: Na = K 〉 Mg ≥ Ca 〉 N ≥ Mn ≥ Zn ≥ P 〉 Cu 〉〉 Al 〉〉 Fe. Concentrations of K and Na decreased in all species as decomposition proceeded. Calcium and Mg also decreased in concentrntion but with a temporal increase in the initial phase of decomposition, while the concentrations of other elements (Zn, Cu, AL and Fei increased for all species with exception of Mn which revealed a different pattern in different species. In most species, microelements (Cu, Al, and Fe) significantly increased in absolute amounts at the end of the litterbag incubation, which could be ascribed to a lange extent to the mechanism of abiotic fixation to humic substances rather than biological immobilization.  相似文献   

Intercropping alleys in agroforestry provides an income source until the tree crop produces harvestable yields. However, cultivation of annual crops decreases soil organic matter and increases soil erosion potential, especially on sloping landscapes. Perennial crops maintain a continuous soil cover, increase water infiltration, reduce soil erosion, and improve overall soil quality. The objective of this on-farm study was to assess the effects of a perennial legume, kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum M. Bieb.), on soil quality in a recently established pecan (Carya illinoinensis Wangenh. C. Koch) orchard. The pecan-kura clover agroforestry practice was established on deep loess soils of the Missouri River hills landscape. These silt loams are on 2–20% slopes and can be highly erosive. Kura clover, introduced as the alley crop 5 years after pecan planting, was selected based on its perennial growth habit, nitrogen-fixing ability, winter hardiness, high forage quality, and soil conservation properties. Kura clover was seeded in 2001 and harvested for hay annually beginning 2003. Soil quality indicators of total organic C, total N, water-stable aggregates, and selected soil enzymes were determined on surface soil samples collected annually after kura clover establishment. Soil organic C and activities of soil enzymes increased compared with cultivated and grass pasture control soils by the eighth year of establishment. Water-stable aggregation improved by 50% and surface soil shear strength improved significantly (P < 0.05) in alleys compared with control sites. Results illustrate that kura clover as the alley-cropped component improved soil fertility and biological activity through increased organic matter and improved soil structure, and yielded high quality forage valuable for the cattle-feeding operation. Kura clover maintained or improved soil quality, reduced soil erosion potential, and benefited pecan growth by providing a source of soil nitrogen and improving soil structure for adequate water infiltration and aeration.  相似文献   


The use of wood as structure-giving material may be an effective approach to reduce some barriers for producing high temperature ceramic especially carbon composites. The objective of this study was to develop a simple process for producing carbon–carbon (C–C) composite through porous template result from pyrolysing of wood. Walnut, known to be relatively permeable, was being heat treated under controlled atmosphere. The carbon-template formed was infiltrated with coal tar pitch. Morphological characterization of the resulting composite was carried out by scanning electron microscopy morphology and physical properties of sample were evaluated with determination of bulk density and open porosity. In addition mechanical properties of products were analysed with three-point bending test and Vickers micro hardness. Results showed that bulk density had an uprising trend with increasing the number of densification cycles and subsequently open porosity decreased. Moreover, from mechanical property's point of view, results had a good compatibility with increase in the densification cycles.  相似文献   

We used pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) forests located along a short urban–rural gradient in Nanchang, China to study nitrogen (N) cycling responses to urbanization. Annual average rates of nitrification and net N-mineralization in soils (0–15 cm depth) measured from February 2007 to January 2009 increased from rural (8 and 37 kg ha−1 year−1) to suburban (69 and 79 kg ha−1 year−1) and urban sites (114 and 116 kg ha−1 year−1) (P < 0.05). Soil nitrate and mineral N pools exhibited the same spatial patterns in response to urban location. In comparison to rural sites, urban and suburban sites experienced soil microbial biomass N that increased by 98% and 38%, sucrase activity that increased by 40% and 26%, and urease activity that decreased by 35% and 25%, respectively. Soil microbial biomass C:N and free amino acids varied little along the urban–rural gradient. Foliar N concentrations and N resorption proficiencies were higher in urban (12.3 and 4.8 g kg−1) and suburban (12.3 and 6.2 g kg−1) than in rural (9.9 and 3.6 g kg−1) sites, while N resorption efficiencies (from 58% to 72%) were not statistically different. These results indicate that forests in suburban and especially in urban areas are moving rapidly towards a state of “N saturation” and increased potential N loss most likely attributable to higher N deposition to these sites.  相似文献   

Rhizophora mangle L. dominated 10 overwash islands within Tampa Bay forming the northernmost mangrove forests on the west coast of Florida. The mean number of trees and basal area were 5040 trees ha-1 and 20.5m2ha-1, respectively. Basal areas ranged from 1.1 (Avicennia germinans (L.) Stern), to 2.6m2ha-1 (Laguncularia racemosa Gaertner), to 16.8 (R. mangle). Cockroach Bay mangroves are small (5.8–7.0m tall) versus coastal forests of south Florida and the Caribbean. Total litter production for a 12 month period was maximal in September for fringing (7.4gdwtm-2d-1) and interior (8.7gdwtm-2d-1) areas with the two zones not being significantly different. Average litter fall (3.1gdwtm-2d-1) was similar to more tropical Caribbean mangals. Leaves accounted for 68 of the litter and reproductive material for 6, being similar to tropical riverine and overwash marine angiosperm communities on the Mexican coast. Although mangrove forests in Tampa Bay are small in stature and experience cold damage and occasional frosts, their litter fall is similar in biomass to that of more tropical mangals. However, their reproductive output is low based on litter fall versus more tropical mangals suggesting that the northern extension is less than optimum. Macroalgal diversity was low (10 species) as compared to Caribbean mangals. Macroalgal turf (0.8gCm-2d-1) and epiphyte communities of A.germinans pneumatophores (2.7gCm-2d-1) have productivity levels that are equal to or greater than those of Caribbean mangals.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern has a key role in the interactions between species in plant communities. These interactions influence ecological processes involved in the species dynamics: growth, regeneration and mortality. In this study, we investigated the effect of spatial pattern on productivity in mature mixed forests of sessile oak and Scots pine. We simulated tree locations with point process models and tree growth with spatially explicit individual growth models. The point process models and growth models were fitted with field data from the same stands. We compared species productivity obtained in two types of mixture: a patchy mixture and an intimate mixture. Our results show that the productivity of both species is higher in an intimate mixture than in a patchy mixture. Productivity difference between the two types of mixture was 11.3 % for pine and 14.7 % for oak. Both species were favored in the intimate mixture because, for both, intraspecific competition was more severe than interspecific competition. Our results clearly support favoring intimate mixtures in mature oak–pine stands to optimize tree species productivity; oak is the species that benefits the most from this type of management. Our work also shows that models and simulations can provide interesting results for complex forests with mixtures, results that would be difficult to obtain through experimentation.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) needle litters were compared in terms of nutrient composition and its change during decomposition. Initial nutrient composition differed between the species, with lodgepole pine needle litter having significantly higher concentrations of P, Mg and Mn. However, no difference was found for concentrations of N, Ca or K. Increases in concentrations of N, P and K during decomposition were significant in both litter types. For Ca the pattern of concentration changes followed a quadratic function as decomposition proceeded. Concentrations of Mg and Mn decreased in lodgepole pine needle litter. In Scots pine litter there was also an initial decrease, but it was followed by an increase in most incubations. For both Mg and Mn, changes in concentrations during decomposition differed significantly between species. In the late decomposition stages, concentrations of Mg and Mn became similar in both litter types. Nutrient concentrations generated by the models were compared with those of the humus (F and H) layer in the stands. The model was quite accurate in predicting concentrations of N and P for both species and the concentration of Mg for lodgepole pine. By contrast, it was not accurate in predicting concentrations of Ca and Mn. Nutrient release was estimated for the two species using both measured litterfall data and long‐term estimates, and regression models were used to predict concentration changes. Rates of release of P, Mg and Mn in the lodgepole pine stands were found to be about twice as high compared with those in Scots pine. Calcium was also released to a greater extent although the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

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