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Infection by Toxoplasma gondii is very common in cats although most remain disease free. The factors that trigger development of uveitis in some cats infected with T gondii have not been elucidated, but infection by more than one organism may be contributory. In this study, cats chronically infected with T gondii were inoculated with Bartonella henselae followed by FHV-1 to test the hypothesis that immune stimulation by multiple infections will reactivate ocular toxoplasmosis. Anterior uveitis and chorioretinitis were not detected in the cats with chronic T gondii infection thus allowing rejection of the hypothesis using this experimental design.  相似文献   

Despite its common occurrence, the aetiology of chronic gingivostomatitis in cats remains uncertain. Aetiology is likely multifactorial, and several infectious agents may be associated with chronic gingivostomatitis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of feline calicivirus (FCV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline herpesvirus (FHV), and Bartonella henselae (B. henselae) in cats with chronic gingivostomatitis and in an age-matched control group. In addition, other factors, e. g., environmental conditions were investigated. In 52 cats with chronic gingivostomatitis and 50 healthy age-matched control cats, the presence of FCV ribonucleic acid (RNA), and FHV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (polymerase chain reaction [PCR] from oropharyngeal swabs), and B. henselae DNA (PCR from oropharyngeal swabs and blood), as well as FeLV antigen (serum), and antibodies against FCV, B. henselae, and FIV (serum) were examined. FCV RNA was significantly more common in cats with chronic gingivostomatitis (53.8%, p < 0.001) than in controls (14.0%); a significant difference was also found in the prevalence of antibodies to FCV between the cats with chronic gingivostomatitis (78.8%, p = 0.023) and controls (58.0%). Of the other infectious agents investigated, there was no significant difference in the prevalence between the cats with chronic gingivostomatitis and the controls. The results of this study allow the conclusion that FCV, but no other infectious agents, is commonly associated with chronic gingivostomatitis in cats.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to characterize isolates of Bartonella henselae and to determine the prevalence of bacteremic domestic cats in urban and suburban parts of Prague, Czech Republic. Five (18%) gram-negative fastidious bacterial single-cat isolates were recovered from 27 hemocultures incubated without previous freezing. Four of these isolates originated from flea infested stray cats (n=6) and one from a shelter cat without any ectoparasites (n=21). None of the 34 previously frozen specimens from flea free pet cats yielded any bacteria. All five isolates were catalase and oxidase negative. Their enzymatic activity, RFLP profile of citrate synthetase gene (gltA) and DNA-DNA hybridization results were typical of B. henselae. According to their PvuII and BglI ribotypes the isolates could be allocated to two homogeneous groups. Ribotype HindIII and RFLP of 16S-23S rRNA spacer region analysis gave unique profiles different from those of Bartonella quintana, Bartonella elizabethae and Bartonella clarridgeiae. The 16S rRNA type-specific amplification revealed an identical profile typical of B. henselae genotype II for all the cat isolates studied. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) assigned a different profile to each of the isolates studied. Determination of the enzymatic activity, RFLP of gltA gene, RFLP of 16S-23S rRNA spacer region, and HindIII ribotype could be efficient tools for identification of B. henselae isolates. Ribotyping (PvuII, BglI), 16S rRNA typing and PFGE may be useful methods to prospect ecology and epidemiology of the agent.  相似文献   

Fungi of the genus Geotrichum are commonly found in the environment and, in some circumstances, they may cause diseases in humans and animals. Although these fungi have been isolated from skin lesions of some animal species, their pathogenic role in horses remains uncertain. With the aim to investigate the role of Geotrichum candidum as etiological agent of dermatomycoses, a retrospective study of 64 horses presenting skin lesions and suspected to have fungal infections was carried out. For each animal, anamnestic data were recorded and fungal culture were performed using hair. Out of 64 cases, 18 (28.1%) were positive for G. candidum and only two (3.1%) for dermatophytes (i.e., one for Microsporum equinum and the other for Microsporum canis). Alopecia, desquamation, and pruritus localized mainly on head and neck were frequently observed in G. candidum infected animals. Most of G. candidum infections were recorded during spring (44.4%). Out of the 18 animals presenting G. candidum infections, eight were treated using a disinfectant with antifungal properties. After one month of treatment, the clinical lesions were healed and fungal cultures resulted negative. The high prevalence of G. candidum in skin lesions of horses and the clinical recover following antifungal treatment indicated that these yeast-like fungi might play a role as etiological agents of horse cutaneous mycoses.  相似文献   

The PI3K/AKT/PTEN pathway is involved in the pathogenesis of several human cancers. This study investigated the biological and prognostic value of PI3K/AKT/PTEN pathway dysregulation in feline mammary tumours. Expression of p-AKT, HER2, PTEN and steroid receptors was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 27 malignant and 12 benign mammary tumours from 39 female cats followed up over a 24-month period. Feline mammary carcinoma (FMC) cell lines were analyzed by Western blot and the feline AKT gene sequence was characterized. p-AKT expression statistically correlated with tumour malignancy, histological dedifferentiation and clinical recurrence. The animals with tumours expressing p-AKT had a shorter disease-free period than those with p-AKT-negative tumours. AKT activation was associated with HER2 expression and PTEN down-regulation, as occurs in human breast cancer, and feline AKT sequencing showed high homology with the human AKT gene. No AKT activation was observed in relation to either oestrogen receptor α (ERα) or progesterone receptor expression. Taken together, these data offer an explanation for AKT signalling and its role in FMC pathogenesis and prognosis, shedding new light on similarities between feline mammary tumours and hormone-independent breast cancer.  相似文献   

Non-culturable acid-fast bacteria from two spontaneous cases of so-called feline leprosy were transmitted to rats and cats and further passaged in rats or cats. Two to six months after infection, cats developed cutaneous lesions that were indistinguishable from spontaneous cases, including the occurrence of nasal granulomata in one cat. When injected into rats, the mycobacteria caused a generalized mycobacteriosis and the granulomatous reaction was composed chiefly of macrophages without polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Infection of cats with Mycobacterium lepraemurium did not produce any lesions. The feline disease may be a suitable model for the study of human leprosy (Hansen's Disease).  相似文献   

Canine congenital heart disease: epidemiology and etiological hypotheses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review of published cases of congenital heart disease in the dog from 1800 to 1970 revealed a total of 255 affected dogs, with twenty-three different anatomic defects of the cardiovascular system. The breed and sex distributions of the defects reported in the literature are compared with those found in a university veterinary clinic population during a 13-year period. In the veterinary clinic population, 290 dogs with congenital heart disease had twenty-one different types of anatomic defects. In both the literature and the clinic populations the most common defects of clinical importance were patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis, fibrous subaortic stenosis, persistent right aortic arch, ventricular septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot. Cardiovascular malformations reported in the literature but not found in the clinic population included anomalous caudal vena cava, persistent truncus arteriosus, transposition of the great arteries, endocardial fibroelastosis and ectopia cordis. Ebstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve, double outlet right ventricle, and congenital cardiac conduction disturbances without gross malformations were found in the clinic population but not reported in the literature. In the literature and the clinic population, the frequency of congenital heart disease was similar in males and females, except in the case of patent ductus arteriosus, which in both groups was found more often in females. The breed distribution of congenital heart disease in the veterinary clinic population and the literature suggests that purebred dogs are more susceptible than dogs of mixed breeding. In both groups, certain breeds appear to be predisposed to certain anatomic defects. Résumé. Un examen des cas publiés de maladies de coeur congénitales chez le chien de 1800 à 1970 révéla un total de 255 chiens affectés, avec vingt-trois défauts anatomiques différents du système cardio-vasculaire. La distribution, selon la race et le sexe, des défauts signalés dans les publications est comparée avec les défauts trouvés dans une population de clinique vétérinaire d'université sur une période de 13 ans. Dans la population de la clinique vétérinaire, 290 chiens avec une maladie de coeur congénitale avaient vingt-et-un défauts anatomiques différents. Dans la population des publications ainsi que dans la population de la clinique, les défauts les plus communs d'importance clinique étaient: canal artériel de Botal ouvert, sténose pulmonaire, sténose sous aortique fibreuse, crosse continue de l'aorte droite, défaut de la cloison interventriculaire et tétralogie de Fallot. Les malformations cardio-vasculaires signalées dans les publications mais qui n'ont pas été trouvées dans la population de la clinique comprenaient: veine cave caudale anormale, tronc artériel continu, transposition des grandes artères, fibroélastose endocardiaque et ectopie du coeur. L'anomalie d'Ebstein de la valvule tricuspide, le ventricule droit à double issue et les perturbations de conduction cardiaque congénitales sans marormation macroscopique ont été trouvés dans la population de la clinique mais n'ont pas été signalés dans les publications. Dans les publications et dans la population de la clinique, la fréquence des maladies de coeur congénitales était identique chez les mâles et les femelles, sauf dans le cas du canal artériel de Botal ouvert, qui, dans les deux groupes, a été trouvé plus souvent chez les femelles. La distribution selon la race des maladies de coeur congénitales dans la population de la clinique vétérinaire et les publications indiquerait que les chiens de race pure sont plus susceptibles de les avoir quc les chiens d'origine mixte. Dans les deux groupes, certaines races semblent prédisposées à certains défauts anatomiques. L'utilisation des études de la population de la clinique vétérinaire dans la formulation d'hypothèses étiologiques est discutée et des preuves sont données pour soutenir l'hypothèse que le canal artériel de Botal ouvert, la crosse continue de l'aorte droite et la tétralogie de Fallot sont causés par des facteurs génttiques à lésions spécifiques trouvés dans certaines races. Zusammenfassung. Eine Überprüfung der veröffentlichten Fälle angeborener Herzkrankheiten der Hunde in der Zeit von 1800 bis 1970 ergab insgesamt 255 erkrankte Hunde mit 23 verschiedened anatomischen Defekten des cardiovasculären Systems. Die Verteilung der in der Literatur erwähnten Defekte nach Rassen und Geschlecht wird mit der Verteilung bei den Patienten einer Universitätstierklinik in einer Periode von 13 Jahren verglichen. Unter den in der Tierklinik behandelten Tieren befanden sich 290 Hunde mit angeborenen Herzkrankheiten, die 21 verschiedene Typen anatomischer Defekte reprasentierten. Sowohl bei den Fällen in der Literatur als auch bei denen der Klinik waren die häufigsten Defekte von klinischer Bedeutung offener Ductus arteriosus, Pulmonalstenose, fibröse Subaortenstenose, persistierender rechter Aortenbogen, ventriculärer Septumdefekt und Fallotsche Tetralogie. Cardiovasculäre Mi β bildungen, von denen in der Literatur berichtet wurde, die aber im Material der Klinik nicht anzutreffen waren, bestanden aus anomaler Vena cava caudalis, Truncus arteriosus persistens, Verlagerung der groβen Arterien, endocardialer Fibroelastosis und Ectopia cordis. Ebsteins Anomalie der Tricuspidalklappe, doppelte Öffnung des rechten Ventrikels und kongenitale Herzleitungsstörungen ohne makroskopische Mi β bildungen wurden im Krankengut der Klinik gefunden, waren aber nicht in der Literatur genannt. In der Literatur und im Krankengut der Tierklinik war die Häufigkeit kongenitaler Herzerkrankungn ungefähr gleichmäβ ig auf männliche und weibliche Tiere verteilt, mit Ausnahme der Fälle von offenem Ductus arteriosus, der bei weiblichen Tieren öfter gefunden wurde. Die Verteilung der kongenitalen Herzerkrankungen nach den Hunderassen bei den Tierklinik-patienten und in der Literatur 1äβt annehmen, daβ reinrassige Hunde häufiger solche Erkrankungen aufweisen als gemischtrassige Hunde. In beiden Gruppen scheinen bestimmte Rassen für bestimmte anatomische Defekte prädisponiert zu sein. Die Verwendung der Tierklinikbefunde für die Formulierung ätiologischer Hypothesen wird besprochen und Material zur Unterstützung der Hypothese dargestellt, daβ offener Ductus arteriosus, Pulmonalstenose, fibröse Subaortenstenose, persistierender rechter Aortenbogen und Fallotsche Tetralogie von läsionsspezifischen Erbfaktoren verursacht werden, die bei bestimmten Rassen anzutreffen sind.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Bisphosphonates, such as tiludronate, are used to normalise bone metabolism via inhibition of bone resorption. Areas of increased bone resorption and formation are typical lesions in a diseased navicular bone. OBJECTIVES: To determine if bone remodelling changes occurring in navicular disease may be corrected with therapies regulating bone metabolism. METHODS: We designed a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to compare 2 doses of tiludronate, 0.5 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg bwt administered via daily i.v. injections over 10 days for the treatment of navicular disease. Seventy-three horses, split into 2 subpopulations of recent and chronic cases, were enrolled to be followed-up over 6 months. Of these, 33 recent and 17 chronic cases meeting the selection criteria were maintained in the final efficacy analyses. Clinical examinations were videorecorded and reviewed blindly by an independent expert. RESULTS: Horses treated with the higher dose showed optimal improvement of lameness and return to normal level of activity 2-6 months post treatment. The more recent the onset of clinical signs at the time of treatment, the greater the efficacy. The treatment did not modify the response to extension and flexion tests. The lower dose failed to significantly improve the condition. CONCLUSIONS: Tiludronate efficacy is demonstrated in the treatment of navicular disease at the dose of 1 mg/kg bwt. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Our results support the clinical relevance of bone remodelling changes in the outcome of navicular disease.  相似文献   

In addition to being important upper respiratory tract pathogens of cats, FCVs are increasingly reported as a cause of a highly contagious febrile hemorrhagic syndrome. Strains causing this syndrome are genetically different from the vaccine strain and other nonhemorrhagic FCV isolates. They apparently differ from one outbreak to another. The syndrome is characterized variably by fever; cutaneous edema and ulcerative dermatitis; upper respiratory tract signs; anorexia; occasionally icterus, vomiting, and diarrhea; and a mortality that approaches 50%. Adult cats tend to be more severely affected than kittens, and vaccination does not appear to have a significant protective effect. Rapid recognition of the disease through identification of clinical signs and appropriate testing, followed by strict institution of disinfection, isolation, and quarantine measures, are essential to prevent widespread mortality resulting from the infection.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of egg-drop syndrome-1976 in Japan and its etiological agent   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A condition similar to egg-drop syndrome-1976 (EDS-76) occurred in 14 broiler breeding flocks in 2 farms in Japan from December 1978 to January 1980, and it was diagnosed as EDS-76 by serologic and virological investigations. Egg production fell suddenly when the hens were 30 to 55 weeks of age, and the depression lasted 3 to 7 weeks. Production fell 6 to 25%. Depressed egg production was accompanied by the laying of shell-less, soft-shelled, and thin-shelled eggs associated with loss of egg-shell pigment. Eleven isolates of hemagglutinating adenovirus were isolated from cloacal swabs (10 isolates) and a uterus (1 isolate) of hens in one farm. One isolate, cloned and named JPA-1, had the same antigenicity in serologic tests and the same biological and physicochemical properties as the BC14 strain of EDS-76 virus.  相似文献   

Systemic granulomatous disease involving the spleen, heart, lymph nodes, omentum, liver, kidney, lung, mediastinum, and salivary glands developed in an 8-year-old Rottweiler. The dog also had sialometaplasia of both submandibular salivary glands. Bartonella henselae and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii DNA was amplified from the salivary gland by polymerase chain reaction analysis. Bartonellae may be the cause of this systemic disease, but to the authors' knowledge, involvement of omentum, mediastinum, and salivary glands has not previously been reported in association with Bartonella infection. Bartonellae should be considered potential causes of sialometaplasia.  相似文献   

Many studies indicated that small mammals are important reservoirs for Bartonella species. Using molecular methods, several studies have documented that bats could harbor Bartonella. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of Bartonella spp. identified in bats and small mammals living in the same ecological environment. During May 2009 and March 2010, a total of 102 blood specimens were collected. By whole blood culture and molecular identification, a total of 6 bats, 1 rodent and 9 shrews were shown to be infected by Bartonella species. After sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of gltA, ftsZ, rpoB and ribC genes, these specific isolates from bats were not similar to the known Bartonella species (the similarity values were less than 91.2%, 90.5%, 88.8%, and 82.2%, respectively); these isolates formed an independent clade away from other known Bartonella type strains. The Bartonella spp. isolated from small mammals, which were closely related to Bartonella tribocorum, Bartonella elizabethae, Bartonella grahamii, Bartonella rattimassiliensis and Bartonella queenslandensis, were similar to the findings in previous studies worldwide. Therefore, the results implied that the species of Bartonella strains isolated from small mammals were different from those identified in bats. Our results strongly suggested that the bat isolate could be a new Bartonella species. This study is also the first one to isolate Bartonella organisms from Asian gray shrews, Crocidura attenuata tanakae.  相似文献   

A serological study was undertaken to determine whether dogs in Ontario are being exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of Lyme disease. This study consisted of a survey of randomly selected dogs and testing of diagnostic submissions from candidate Lyme disease cases. The survey of 1,095 dogs, bled between January 1988 and August 1989, revealed a total of 65 (5.9%) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reactors, of which 22 had immuno-fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) titers ≥1:32. All but one of the IFA-positive and 10 of the ELISA-positive, IFA-negative sera were further tested by western blot. Eight western blot positive and three equivocal reactors were obtained. Three of the eight confirmed reactors had visited areas known to be endemic for Lyme disease, leaving five reactors that might have been infected in previously undocumented areas for B. burgdorferi activity in Ontario. Diagnostic submissions of sera from 223 dogs were received between August 1987 and February 1992. Test results revealed 21 (9.4%) IFA reactors, of which only six had significant titers (≥1:256) and were reactive by an immunodot Borrelia test. All six dogs had travelled to known Lyme endemic areas. Based on results obtained from this study, it seems likely that the agent of Lyme disease is not widespread in Ontario.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate disease in kittens inoculated with Bartonella henselae strain LSU16. ANIMALS: Eighteen 12-week-old specific-pathogen-free kittens. PROCEDURE: Kittens were inoculated with B henselae strain LSU16 or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Blood samples were collected from kittens on alternate weeks, and bacteremia, clinical signs, and antibody concentrations were monitored for 6 months after inoculation. RESULTS: Kittens developed raised, erythematous areas at the site of inoculation within 72 hours. Swelling peaked at 14 days and resolved by 28 days after inoculation. Fever had a biphasic pattern, with an episode of 1- to 3-days' duration beginning 6 to 7 days after inoculation followed by an episode of 3- to 8-days' duration beginning 11 to 13 days after inoculation. Kittens were bacteremic by day 14 with peak bacteremia at days 14 to 28. Strong antibody responses to B henselae were detected. Clinical disease resolved before bacteremia became undetectable, but signs of disease correlated with the highest degree of bacteremia. Regional lymphadenopathy also was evident. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Clinical disease in kittens was similar to that in adult cats infected with B henselae strain LSU16, except that lethargy and anorexia were less severe in kittens, and a biphasic pattern of fever was detected in kittens. Clinical disease after inoculation with B henselae may be strain-dependent. To limit transmission of Bartonella organisms, appropriate flea prevention should be instituted. IMPACT FOR HUMAN MEDICINE: Kittens that are febrile, anorectic, lethargic, and that have lymphadenopathy should be tested for Bartonella organisms, and contact with immunocompromised owners should be discouraged.  相似文献   

An attenuated respiratory disease vaccine against feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) and feline calicivirus (FCV) disease was evaluated for safety and efficacy in specific-pathogen-free cats. Twenty cats were vaccinated twice intramuscularly, with 28 days between vaccinations. Ten unvaccinated cats were used as contact controls. Adverse effects were not noticed after vaccination, and the vaccinal virus did not spread to contact controls. Arithmetical mean serum-neutralizing titers against vaccinal FCV strain F9 and challenge FCV strain 255 were 1:13 and 1:15 at 28 days after the 1st inoculation. These titers increased to 1:45 and 1:196 after the 2nd inoculation. After challenge exposure of vaccinated cats to virulent FCV 255 virus, mean titers increased to 1:129 and 1:865, respectively for F9 and 255 viruses. The F9 postchallenge mean titer for vaccinated cats was 21.5 times higher than that for the 8 contact controls that survived challenge exposure. The arithmetical mean serum neutralizing titer for FVR was low (1:2) after the 1st vaccination, but increased to 1:35 after the 2nd vaccination. Challenge exposure to virulent FVR virus resulted in a marked anamnestic immune response (mean titer of 1:207, compared with 1:12 for contact controls). In general, vaccinated cats remained alert and healthy after challenge exposure with FCV-255, whereas unvaccinated contact control cats developed definite signs of FCV disease, including central nervous system (CNS) depression (6 of 10) and dyspnea indicative of pneumonia (5 of 10). Two controls died of severe pneumonia. A mild fibrile response was detected in 28% of vaccinated cats, compared with a more severe febrile response in 78% of control cats. Some vaccinated cats developed minute lingual ulcers that did not appear to be detrimental to the health of the cat. After FVR challenge exposure, vaccinated cats were free of serious clinical signs. Five of 18 vaccinated cats had mild signs of FVR, including an occasional sneeze, low temperature, and mild serous lacrimation for 1 or 2 days. Contact controls developed definite clinical signs of FVR. The combined FVR-FCV vaccine appears to be safe and reasonably efficacious. Vaccination against FCV disease and FVR should be part of the routine feline immunization program.  相似文献   

亨德拉病 ( Hendra disease,HD)是由亨德拉病毒 ( Hendra Virus,He V)引起的一种新的人畜共患病毒性疾病 ,于 1 994- 1 995年期间在澳大利亚昆士兰州布里斯班郊区的亨德拉首次被发现。目前该病仅发生于澳大利亚 ,主要感染马和人。本文就该病的研究概况作一介绍。1 发病历史1 994- 1 995年期间 ,在澳大利亚昆士兰发现了一种新的地方性流行疾病 ,后来用该病的发病地名命名为亨德拉病 ( Hendra Disease)。 1 994年 9月 ,昆士兰州布里斯班郊区的亨德拉首次暴发本病 ,在 2 0多天时间里 2 0匹感染马中有 1 3匹马死于急性呼吸道病[1] 。在这次…  相似文献   

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