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欧蒂是高产粮饲兼用型皮燕麦新品种。该品种生育期98d左右,平均株高98.2 cm,千粒重33.80 g,粗蛋白含量14.88%,粗脂肪含量4.29%,2年区域试验每hm2平均籽实产量4418.73 kg,最高产量达到9225 kg,比对照增产16.5%;平均干秸草产量5304.87 kg,比对照增产11.93%。欧蒂群体结构好,成穗率高,高产稳产,抗倒性强,增产潜力大,成熟一致,落黄好,适宜机械化操作,适应在河北省坝上地区和坝下高寒山区及其他同类型生态区的生产潜力4500 kg/hm2以上的平滩地、阴滩地和水浇地种植。2018年8月通过专家会议评价,2018年12月在河北省完成登记,登记号:20182223。  相似文献   

燕麦是一种特色作物,其加工产品受到消费者欢迎。从燕麦“三熟”加工的机制性原因及加工前后的理化变化、燕麦在主流食品中的应用技术、燕麦米与燕麦粉加工关键技术与装备、燕麦β-葡聚糖的测定方法、燕麦产品相关标准规定、不同燕麦品种的加工特性研究、燕麦的营养保健功能、燕麦传统食品工业化加工技术、燕麦深加工技术等9个方面进行了探讨,以促进燕麦产业的长久发展。  相似文献   

阐述了燕麦的营养成分与保健功能,综述了普通燕麦饮料、发酵燕麦饮料、酶解燕麦饮料3种类型产品在制作工艺方面的研究进展,展望了燕麦谷物饮料未来发展方向,为今后燕麦谷物饮料的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

以燕麦麸皮为原料,将其精细粉碎后与精制小麦面粉按不同比例混合,通过对混合面粉的营养成分和面团特性进行测定分析,从而确定燕麦麸皮面粉的最优配方。结果表明,麸粉与精制粉的添加比例为1:9时,燕麦麸皮面粉各营养成分含量较为匀衡,且具有良好的面团特性。  相似文献   

目前,国内外在化肥施用上,对不同肥料的定量、配合施用以及效应的探讨均较多。合理地施用肥料既可以提高作物产量达到显著增产的目的,也可以充分发挥肥料的利用率来获得最大经济效益。但是,目前对于最佳施肥量及施用方法的研究仅在水稻、小麦、玉米、黄豆、棉花等作物上较多,燕麦等小杂粮上的研究却较少。尽管在现有生产技术条件下我国燕  相似文献   

发芽燕麦研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发芽谷物的研究越来越受到广大学者的关注,燕麦因具有丰富的营养和卓越的保健功效而备受世界瞩目,燕麦通过发芽,可富集和提高营养和功效成分,实现燕麦营养价值的再次转变,发芽燕麦功能性食品的开发,是对燕麦产品研究的突破。本文综述了发芽对燕麦营养成分和加工品质的影响,燕麦制麦工艺以及发芽燕麦在食品中的应用现状,展望了发芽燕麦的发展前景,以期为我国燕麦食品的研究和开发提供参考。  相似文献   

为进一步拓展自育早熟甘蓝型油菜新品种(系)的种植区域及多功能用途,本试验主要在海南省海口市和东方市种植并研究了63份甘蓝型油菜和3份白菜型油菜品种(系)分期播种和不同栽培方式下各材料生育期、菜籽品质和高温耐热表现的变化。结果表明,在海口市越冬种植单作甘蓝型油菜有33份品种(系)呈现早熟的特点,生育期为77~124 d,在东方市与苦瓜间作秋播的生育期在89~145 d之间,可与苦瓜套作收获的甘蓝型油菜有22份品系(苦瓜生育期≤120 d)。越冬种植和间作种植的甘蓝型油菜含油量均值为32.82%和32.35%,其中‘利油杂718’的含油量最高,为42.52%。海口越冬种植品种有4个低芥酸品种(≤3%)和17个低硫苷品种(≤30%);在东方市与苦瓜间作的29份材料中有3份低芥酸和13份低硫苷,其中越冬品种20N9-314-1和秋播品种20N9-314-2符合双低标准,不同季节或地点种植种子品质略有变化。在海口夏播参试材料中5份材料(20N9-114-1×20N9-115-1, 440-1, 20N9-356-1,‘硒滋圆2号’和21QZ-314-2)由室外移入室内培养箱后,不育转变为部分不育...  相似文献   

燕麦β-葡聚糖的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了近年来国内外在燕麦β-葡聚糖领域的研究内容和成果,包括燕麦β-葡聚糖的分子结构、理化性质、生理功能及其制备和含量测定,并对燕麦β-葡聚糖今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

中国首例燕麦雄性不育的发现及遗传鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
崔林  范银燕 《作物学报》1999,25(3):296-300
对1994年发现的我国首例燕麦雄性不育材料进行了特征特性的观察和细胞学鉴定、以及不育性遗传的研究,结果表明:(1)该材料不育度为100%,属“无花粉型”的雄性不育,不育株小抱子败育发生在四分体形成后期到花粉粒形成早期阶段。(2)不育株与不同品种测交的F1代,6个组合表现育性恢复,2个组合出现一些完全不育株;恢复育性的植  相似文献   

棉花育种南繁的播种策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
南繁指在南方利用冬季温暖的气候条件再进行的种植,又称冬季南繁或简称冬繁.作物南繁主要是育种材料的加代,以加快育种速度:或者是新品系(品种)的扩繁或杂交制种,以增加原种、良种或杂交种的种子量.棉花的南繁主要在海南岛进行,根据计划实施主体或工作目标的不同可分为产业南繁和科研南繁,前者任务是新品种的早代繁殖或杂交制种,实施主体往往是企业,目的是新品种的尽早产业化:科研南繁实施主体往往是科研单位,任务是科研试验,内容很多,但主要是以缩短品种育成周期为目标的育种南繁.  相似文献   

绿豇豆海南加代高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为加速绿豇豆良种选育进程,加快良种产业化,根据绿豇豆的生长特点和产销实际,提出并组织实施了"本地选育、海南加代、西北扩繁"三位一体的绿豇豆良种育繁推一体化技术体系,并且从 2001年开始赴海南陵水进行了绿豇豆加代.经过几年努力,总结形成了一套绿豇豆海南加代高效栽培技术,获得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

南繁棉花的安全防范救治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
所有夏季作物都是重要的材料才进行冬季南繁,所以材料的安全非常重要.威胁南繁作物安全的因素可分为自然与人为因素2种,自然因素包括病虫草害、热带风暴或台风雨、牲畜危害等;人为因素可进一步分为不正当的巧取(包括蓄意偷窃、破坏等)和工作失误.  相似文献   

A fast generation cycling system (FGCS) was developed in oat and triticale, allowing the production of pure line populations of the crops within 1‐year timeframe. Twelve oat and 12 triticale cultivars were tested using the FGCS, and most of them completed a generation cycle within 48–61 days under the system achieving up to seven generations a year. This system involves growing plants under stressed conditions to promote reproduction and in vitro culture of immature embryos bypassing full seed maturation. The developed system could be widely adopted in breeding and genetic studies of crops for producing desired segregating pure line populations, which could significantly shorten the breeding cycles.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic diversity in microsatellites and development of agronomical characters in Nordic oat cultivars (Avena sativa) from the 20th century, ranging from landraces to new cultivars, were studied. A clear development in agronomical characters has taken place in this period: Straw length has been reduced, harvest index has increased and heading date has declined. The persistent oat breeding effort in the northern part of the region was indicated by the data, since cultivars from this region showed higher harvest index. Also adaptation to shorter summers was apparent in cultivars from the most northern part of the area. When comparing cultivars released after 1940 to the landraces, the loss of diversity revealed for the agronomical characters was also indicated by the molecular data. This indicates that a more general loss of diversity has taken place in the period, possibly due to random factors during the breeding process (bottleneck effect). The reduction in diversity revealed by recent cultivars at an agronomical as well as a molecular level emphasises the importance of implementing a conservation strategy for older material in order to secure genetic diversity for future oat breeding efforts.  相似文献   

1整地、施肥、播种 1.1搞好安全隔离 要求保证空间隔离500m以上,时间隔离在40d以上或选择村庄树林、河流等自然隔离.  相似文献   

我国南繁育种工作概况及问题探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
海南省以其优越的自然地理条件,在作物育种界已成为南繁的代名词.主要是指利用海南岛冬季光温较好的气候条件,进行种子的加代、繁育、制种、科研、鉴定等工作,达到加快育种进程,加快新品种推广速度的目的.  相似文献   

J. Dijkstra 《Euphytica》1956,5(3):298-307
Summary The methods used in collecting stem eelworms from diseased plants, in raising and inoculating plants, in assessing resistance and in crossing selected plants in cages using bumble-bees for pollination are described in detail.Research showed that in swollen seedlings the eelworms had multiplied (susceptible plants) whereas this is not the case in non-swollen plants with a stunted growth and brown stripes (resistant plants).The increase of eelworms in greatly swollen plants of Roosendaal red clover took place at a greater speed than in slightly swollen plants. In healthy-looking plants mostly no or few eelworms had invaded. It seems that these plants have escaped a degree of infection necessary to judge their resistance.It appeared that varieties of red clover which are susceptible or resistant to stem eelworms of a given origin from the Netherlands were susceptible or resistant in about the same degree to eelworms derived from a quite different part of this country. A good conformity between laboratory and field resistance was found.If in spring bumble-bee boxes are hung in trees according to the method described, in about 10 to 20% of the boxes a good bumble-bee nest is found in the beginning of July. These populations are suitable to use for the crossing of clover plants in cages. Inside the cages seed production per plant was generally much lower than outside.By intercrossing resistant plants of Dutch local varieties and selection in the progenies, fairly resistant families were obtained within some years.  相似文献   

Genomic selection has been adopted in many plant breeding programmes. In this paper, we cover some aspects of information necessary before starting genomic selection. Spring oat and barley breeding data sets from commercial breeding programmes were studied using single, multitrait and trait-assisted models for predicting grain yield. Heritabilities were higher when estimated using multitrait models compared to single-trait models. However, no corresponding increase in prediction accuracy was observed in a cross-validation scenario. On the other hand, forward prediction showed a slight, but not significant, increase in accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values for breeding cohorts when a multitrait model was applied. When a correlated trait was used in a trait-assisted model, on average the accuracies increased by 9%–14% for oat and by 11%–28% for barley compared with a single-trait model. Overall, accuracies in forward validation varied between breeding cohorts and years for grain yield. Forward prediction accuracies for multiple cohorts and multiple years’ data are reported for oat for the first time.  相似文献   

Taing Aung  Hugh Thomas 《Euphytica》1978,27(3):731-739
Summary The gene for mildew resistance has been succesfully transferred into the cultivated oat from the wild oat species Avena barbata by means of an irradiation-induced translocation. The translocation has been shown to involve the long arm of chromosome ST21 of A. sativa, the short arm, the centromere and a segment of the long arm of the barbata chromosome.The transmission of the translocation is normal in the cultivar Manod in which it was originally isolated. When the translocation was transferred into other cultivars of oats, transmission through the male gametes was found to be impaired in some genotypic backgrounds. However, there was no evidence that the translocation had any deleterious effect on development and fertility in a range of cultivars.The translocation was shown to involve an exchange between nonhomoeologous chromosomes.The behaviour of the translocation in diverse genotypes indicated that the translocation was a new source of mildew resistance that could be easily used in a breeding programme.  相似文献   

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