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To compare the effects of controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) and constant positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and interposed recruitment manoeuvres (RMs) with those of CMV without PEEP on gas exchange during general anaesthesia and the early recovery period.

Study design

Prospective, randomized clinical trial.


A total of 48 Warmblood horses undergoing elective surgery in lateral (Lat) (n = 24) or dorsal (Dors) (n = 24) recumbency.


Premedication (romifidine), induction (diazepam and ketamine) and maintenance (isoflurane in oxygen) were identical in all horses. Groups Lat- CMV and Dors-CMV (each n = 12) were ventilated using CMV. Groups Lat-RM and Dors-RM (each n = 12) were ventilated using CMV with constant PEEP (10 cmH2O) and intermittent RMs (three consecutive breaths with peak inspiratory pressure of 60 cmH2O, 80 cmH2O and 60 cmH2O, respectively). RMs were applied as required to maintain PaO2 at > 400 mmHg (> 53.3 kPa). Dobutamine was given to maintain mean arterial blood pressure at > 60 mmHg. Physiological parameters were recorded every 10 minutes. Arterial blood gases were measured intra- and postoperatively. Statistical analyses were conducted using analyses of variance (anova), t tests and the Mann–Whitney U-test.


Horses in Dors-RM had higher PaO2 values [478 ± 35 mmHg (63.7 ± 4.6 kPa)] than horses in Dors-CMV [324 ± 45 mmHg (43.2 ± 6 kPa)] during anaesthesia and the early recovery period. There were no differences between horses in groups Lat-CMV and Lat-RM. Other measured parameters did not differ between groups.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Ventilation with CMV, constant PEEP and interposed RM provided improved arterial oxygenation in horses in dorsal recumbency that lasted into the early recovery period, but had no benefit in horses in lateral recumbency. This mode of ventilation may provide a clinically practicable method of improving oxygenation in anaesthetized horses, especially in dorsal recumbency.  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this study was to investigate normal values for the dynamic compliance of the respiratory system (Crs) and respiratory system resistance (Rrs) in mechanically ventilated anaesthetized dogs.Study design Prospective clinical study.Animals Forty healthy dogs undergoing elective orthopaedic surgery. Body weight was (mean ± SD) 26.8 ± 10.7 kg (range: 1.9–45.0 kg), age 4.7 ± 2.9 years (range: 0.1–10.6 years).Methods Dogs were premedicated with acepromazine and methadone administered intramuscularly and anaesthesia induced with propofol intravenously. After endotracheal intubation the dog's lungs were connected to an appropriate breathing system depending on body weight and isoflurane in oxygen administered for maintenance of anaesthesia. The lungs were ventilated mechanically with variables set to maintain normocapnia (end‐tidal carbon dioxide concentration 4.7–6.0 kPa). Peak inspiratory pressure, Crs, Rrs, tidal volume, respiratory rate and positive end‐expiratory pressure were recorded at 5, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after start of mechanical ventilation. Cardiovascular variables were recorded at time of collection of respiratory data.Results General additive modeling revealed the following relationships: Crs = [0.895 × body weight (kg)] + 8.845 and Rrs = [?0.0966 × body weight (kg)] + 6.965. Body weight and endotracheal tube diameter were associated with Crs (p <0.001 and p =0.002 respectively) and Rrs (p = 0.017 and p =0.002 respectively), body weight being linearly related to Crs and inversely to Rrs.Conclusion and clinical relevance Body weight was linearly related to Crs while Rrs has an inverse linear relationship with body weight in mechanically ventilated dogs. The derived values of Crs and Rrs may be used for monitoring of lung function and ventilation in healthy dogs under anaesthesia.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the effects of intravenous (IV) magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) as a bolus followed by a constant rate infusion (CRI) on anaesthetic requirements, neuroendocrine stress response to surgery, haemostasis and postoperative analgesia in healthy dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy.Study designBlinded randomized clinical trial.AnimalsSixteen female dogs.MethodsAfter intramuscular premedication with acepromazine (0.05 mg kg?1) and morphine (0.3 mg kg?1), anaesthesia was induced with diazepam (0.2 mg kg?1) and propofol (2 mg kg?1) intravenously and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen in all dogs. Dogs were randomly assigned to two groups, M and C. Group M received MgSO4 (50 mg kg?1 over 15 minutes, followed by a 15 mg kg?1 hour?1 CRI). Group C received an equivalent bolus and CRI of lactated Ringer's solution. In addition, all dogs received lactated Ringer's solution (10 mL kg?1 over 15 minutes followed by 10 mL kg?1 hour?1). End-tidal isoflurane and carbon dioxide tensions, cardio-respiratory variables, arterial blood gases, electrolytes, ACTH and cortisol concentrations were measured at different time points. Thromboelastography (TEG) was performed pre- and post-anaesthesia. Postoperative pain was evaluated using the short form of the Glasgow Composite Pain Scale. Data were analysed with repeated measures anova and Mann–Whitney U tests (p< 0.05).ResultsNo statistically significant differences between groups were found in any of the measured variables. However, the alpha angle and maximal amplitude recorded by TEG in group M were significantly increased post-anaesthesia, but remained within the reference interval. One dog in Group M and two in Group C received rescue analgesia during recovery.Conclusions and clinical relevanceAs used in this study, MgSO4 failed to decrease isoflurane requirements, postoperative pain and stress hormone concentrations; however, it did not produce any cardio-respiratory or major haemostatic side effects. Administration of intravenous MgSO4 together with an opioid during ovariohysterectomy in dogs does not seem to provide any clinical advantage.  相似文献   



To assess the validity and reliability of Doppler ultrasonography (DOP) as compared with invasive arterial blood pressure measurements in anaesthetized dogs weighing less than 5 kg.

Study design

Controlled, prospective, clinical study.


A total of 41 privately owned dogs weighing less than 5 kg.


The dogs were anaesthetized, and an intra-arterial catheter was placed aseptically in the dorsal pedal artery of the pelvic limb to perform invasive blood pressure (IBP) measurement. The contralateral metatarsal surface of the foot was clipped in order to perform DOP. Both techniques were used to record blood pressure measurements every 5 minutes during surgical procedures. The blood pressure measurements were categorized into two groups: hypotensive [mean arterial pressure (MAP) < 60 mmHg] and normotensive (MAP between 60 and 120 mmHg). A linear mixed model was used to compare the DOP and IBP values. The results were evaluated according to the requirements of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) guidelines for the validation of devices.


DOP provided higher values compared to the systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP) and MAP of IBP measurements. The closest agreement between the two techniques was found for SAP; the bias was 8.8, and limits of agreement (LOA) were –32.9 and 50.4. Similar results were observed when the IBP technique was categorized. The closest agreement was for SAP in animals categorized as normotensive; the bias was 8.2, and LOAs were –32.8 and 49.2. The level of agreement between DOP and IBP did not meet the ACVIM recommendations.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Our results suggest there is poor agreement between DOP and IBP measurements in anaesthetized dogs weighing less than 5 kg. Hence, the use of DOP in these animals could be misleading.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess and compare the effect of intraoperative stepwise alveolar recruitment manoeuvres (ARMs), followed by individualized positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), defined as PEEP at maximal respiratory system compliance + 2 cmH2O (PEEPmaxCrs+2), with that of spontaneous ventilation (SV) and controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) without ARM or PEEP on early postoperative arterial oxygenation in anaesthetized healthy dogs.Study designProspective, randomized, nonblinded clinical study.AnimalsA total of 32 healthy client-owned dogs undergoing surgery in dorsal recumbency.MethodsDogs were ventilated intraoperatively (inspired oxygen fraction: 0.5) with one of the following strategies: SV, CMV alone, and CMV with PEEPmaxCrs+2 following a single ARM (ARM1) or two ARMs (ARM2, the second ARM at the end of surgery). Arterial blood gas analyses were performed before starting the ventilatory strategy, at the end of surgery, and at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after extubation while breathing room air. Data were analysed using Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests (p < 0.050).ResultsAt any time point after extubation, PaO2 was not significantly different between groups. At 5 minutes after extubation, PaO2 was 95.1 (78.1–104.0), 93.8 (88.3–104.0), 96.9 (86.6–115.0) and 89.1 (87.6–102.0) mmHg in the SV, CMV, ARM1 and ARM2 groups, respectively. PaO2 decreased at 30 minutes after extubation in the CMV, ARM1 and ARM2 groups (p < 0.050), but it did not decrease after 30 minutes in the SV group. Moderate hypoxaemia (PaO2, 60–80 mmHg) was observed in one dog in the ARM1 group and two dogs each in the SV and ARM2 groups.Conclusions and clinical relevanceIntraoperative ARMs, followed by PEEPmaxCrs+2, did not improve early postoperative arterial oxygenation compared with SV or CMV alone in healthy anaesthetized dogs. Therefore, this ventilatory strategy might not be clinically advantageous for improving postoperative arterial oxygenation in healthy dogs undergoing surgery when positioned in dorsal recumbency.  相似文献   

Objective To use the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) validation criteria to evaluate the performance of high definition oscillometric (HDO) and Doppler blood pressure measurement techniques against invasive blood pressure measurements in anaesthetized dogs. Study design Prospective clinical study. Animals Twenty client‐owned dogs. Materials and Methods Invasive blood pressure was measured using a catheter inserted into a pedal artery and an electronic transducer. The sites of cuff placement for the HDO measurements were the mid antebrachium or the proximal tail and, for the Doppler technique, the distal tibia. Agreement between invasive and non‐invasive blood pressure measurements was estimated by the Bland–Altman method. Results Only 10% and 34% of Doppler measurements were within 10 and 20 mmHg of invasive blood pressure values, respectively. The Doppler device failed to meet the ACVIM validation criteria for blood pressure measurement devices. The best agreement between HDO and invasive blood pressure measurement technique was observed for mean arterial blood pressure (MAP); 67% and 95% of readings were within 10 and 20 mmHg of invasive blood pressure values respectively. In addition, 52% and 87% of diastolic arterial blood pressure (DAP) measurements were within 10 and 20 mmHg of invasive readings. High definition oscillometric readings did not meet ACVIM recommended limits for SAP. Conclusion and clinical relevance The Doppler technique overestimated and the HDO device showed limited agreement with invasive blood pressure measurement in anaesthetized dogs. High definition oscillometry met most of the ACVIM requirements for MAP and DAP while the Doppler technique did not.  相似文献   



To investigate the dose-dependent effects of isoflurane and dobutamine on haemodynamics in dogs with experimentally induced mitral valve insufficiency (MI).

Study design

Experimental, dose–response study.


Six healthy Beagle dogs.


Dogs with surgically induced MI were anaesthetized once. First, anaesthesia was maintained at an end-tidal isoflurane concentration (Fe′Iso) 1.0% (ISO1.0) for 20 minutes. Then, dobutamine was infused successively at 2, 4, 8 and 12 μg kg?1 minute?1 (DOB2–12) for 10 minutes at each dose rate. Measurements were recorded at each stage. Dobutamine was discontinued and Fe′Iso was increased to 1.5% (ISO1.5) for 20 minutes. Dobutamine was administered similarly to ISO1.0, and cardiovascular variables were recorded. The same sequence was repeated for Fe′Iso 2.0% (ISO2.0). Aortic pressure (AoP) and left atrial pressure (LAP) were recorded by radiotelemetry. The combination method of the pressure–volume loop analysis and transoesophageal echocardiography was used to measure cardiovascular variables: end-systolic elastance (Ees), effective arterial elastance (Ea), Ea/Ees, forward stroke volume (FSV), heart rate (HR), and cardiac output (CO).


High isoflurane concentration resulted in reduced Ees and increased Ea/Ees, which indicated low arterial pressure. High-dose dobutamine administration resulted in increased Ees and FSV at all isoflurane concentrations. In ISO1.5 and ISO2.0, HR was lower at DOB4 than baseline (BL) but increased at DOB12 compared with DOB4. CO increased at ≥ DOB8 compared with BL. In ISO1.5 and ISO2.0, systolic and mean AoP increased at ≥ DOB4 and ≥ DOB8, respectively. LAP did not change under all conditions.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

The dose-dependent hypotensive effect of isoflurane in MI dogs was mainly derived from the decrease in contractility. Dobutamine increased AoP without increasing LAP by increasing the contractility attenuated by isoflurane. Our findings may improve the cardiovascular management of dogs with MI undergoing general anaesthesia with isoflurane.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate arterial blood gases in dogs that were given hydromorphone or extended release liposome-encapsulated hydromorphone (LEH). Dogs were randomly administered LEH, n = 6, (2.0 mg kg−1), hydromorphone, n = 6, (0.2 mg kg−1) or a placebo of blank liposomes, n = 3, subcutaneously on separate occasions. Arterial blood samples were drawn at serial time points over a 6-h time period for blood gas analysis. There was no change from baseline values in PaCO2, PaO2, (HCO3-), pH, and SBEc in the dogs that received the placebo. Administration of hydromorphone resulted in significant increases in PaCO2 (maximum (mean + SD] 44.4 + 1.1 mm of Hg) and significant decreases in PaO2 (minimum (mean + SD) 82.4 + 4.7 mm of Hg) and pH (minimum (mean + SD) 7.31 + 0.01) compared with baseline. Administration of LEH resulted in significant increases in PaCO2 (maximum (mean + SD) 44.6 + 0.9 mm of Hg) and significant decreases in PaO2 (minimum (mean + SD) 84.8 + 2.6 mm of Hg) and pH (minimum (mean + SD) 7.34 + 0.02) compared with baseline. There was no significant difference between these two groups at any time point. The changes observed in PaCO2, PaO2, and pH, however, were within clinically acceptable limits for healthy dogs. LEH was determined to cause moderate changes in arterial blood gas values similar to those caused by hydromorphone.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare high definition oscillometry (HDO) to invasive blood pressure measurement in anaesthetized dogs.Study designProspective, clinical trial.AnimalsFifty dogs weighing 1.95–79 kg (mean 23.5 kg).Materials and methodsAnaesthetic and peri–anaesthetic management was chosen according to each dog's physical status and anaesthetist's preference. Direct arterial blood pressure measurements were performed using a catheter placed in the dorsal pedal artery and an electronic pressure transducer connected to a multiparameter monitor. Non–invasive blood pressure measurements were performed using an appropriately sized cuff placed around the tail base. Comparisons between the two methods were made using Bland and Altman plots. The data are reported as mean bias (lower, upper limits of agreement). Further analysis was performed after separating the data into the following categories based on invasive mean arterial blood pressure (MAP): high (MAP > 100 mmHg), medium (70 mmHg < MAP < 100 mmHg) and low (MAP < 70 mmHg) blood pressure (BP). The two methods were compared as used clinically.ResultsEight hundred measurement pairs for invasive and HDO BP readings were compared. Overall, the HDO measured lower values for SAP and DAP but higher for MAP than the invasive method. The lowest bias (upper, lower limits of agreement) were obtained for MAP, ?1 (?22, 19) mmHg. The biggest discrepancy between the methods was reflected by a large bias (limits of agreement) 5 (?34, 45) mmHg, was for SAP. The results for DAP were between those for SAP and MAP with a bias (limits of agreement) of 3 (?20, 27) mmHg. When the values were separated into the pressure range categories the HDO measured higher in the high, medium and low BP groups, with the exception of SAP in the low BP group.ConclusionsWhen considering the mean bias, the accuracy of HDO compared well with direct arterial blood pressure, but the precision was poor, as determined by wide limits of agreement.Clinical relevanceUsing trends and serial measurements rather than a single measurement for clinical decision making is recommended with both methods, when used as reported here.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the effects of propofol and alfaxalone on respiration in cats.Study designRandomized, ‘blinded’, prospective clinical trial.AnimalsTwenty cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.MethodsAfter premedication with medetomidine 0.01 mg kg−1 intramuscularly and meloxicam 0.3 mg kg−1 subcutaneously, the cats were assigned randomly into two groups: group A (n = 10) were administered alfaxalone 5 mg kg−1 minute−1 followed by 10 mg kg−1 hour−1 intravenously (IV) and group P (n = 10) were administered propofol 6 mg kg−1 minute−1 followed by 12 mg kg−1hour−1 IV for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia, respectively. After endotracheal intubation, the tube was connected to a non-rebreathing system delivering 100% oxygen. The anaesthetic maintenance drug rate was adjusted (± 0.5 mg kg−1 hour−1) every 5 minutes according to a scoring sheet based on physiologic variables and clinical signs. If apnoea > 30 seconds, end-tidal carbon dioxide (Pe′CO2) > 7.3 kPa (55 mmHg) or arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2) < 90% occurred, manual ventilation was provided. Methadone was administered postoperatively. Data were analyzed using independent-samples t-tests, Fisher's exact test, linear mixed-effects models and binomial test.ResultsManual ventilation was required in two and eight of the cats in group A and P, respectively (p = 0.02). Two cats in both groups showed apnoea. Pe′CO2 > 7.3 kPa was recorded in zero versus four and SpO2 < 90% in zero versus six cats in groups A and P respectively. Induction and maintenance dose rates (mean ± SD) were 11.6 ± 0.3 mg kg−1 and 10.7 ± 0.8 mg kg−1 hour−1 for alfaxalone and 11.7 ± 2.7 mg kg−1 and 12.4 ± 0.5 mg kg−1 hour−1 for propofol.Conclusion and clinical relevanceAlfaxalone had less adverse influence on respiration than propofol in cats premedicated with medetomidine. Alfaxalone might be better than propofol for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia when artificial ventilation cannot be provided.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine if pressure support ventilation (PSV) weaning from general anesthesia affects ventilation or oxygenation in horses.Study designProspective randomized clinical study.AnimalsTwenty client‐owned healthy horses aged 5 ± 2 years, weighing 456 ± 90 kg.MethodsIn the control group (CG; n = 10) weaning was performed by a gradual decrease in respiratory rate (fR) and in the PSV group (PSVG; n = 10) by a gradual decrease in fR with PSV. The effect of weaning was considered suboptimal if PaCO2 > 50 mmHg, arterial pH < 7.35 plus PaCO2 > 50 mmHg or PaO2 < 60 mmHg were observed at any time after disconnection from the ventilator until 30 minutes after the horse stood. Threshold values for each index were established and the predictive power of these values was tested.ResultsPressure support ventilation group (PSVG) had (mean ± SD) pH 7.36 ± 0.02 and PaCO2 41 ± 3 mmHg at weaning and the average lowest PaO2 69 ± 6 mmHg was observed 15 minutes post weaning. The CG had pH 7.32 ± 0.02 and PaCO2 57 ± 6 mmHg at weaning and the average lowest PaO2 48 ± 5 mmHg at 15 minutes post weaning. No accuracy in predicting weaning effect was observed for fR (p = 0.3474), minute volume (p = 0.1153), SaO2 (p = 0.1737) and PaO2/PAO2 (p = 0.1529). A high accuracy in predicting an optimal effect of weaning was observed for VT > 10 L (p = 0.0001), fR/VT ratio ≤ 0.60 breaths minute?1 L?1 (p = 0.0001), VT/bodyweight > 18.5 mL kg?1 (p = 0.0001) and PaO2/FiO2 > 298 (p = 0.0002) at weaning. A high accuracy in predicting a suboptimal effect of weaning was observed for VT < 10 L (p = 0.0001), fR/VT ratio ≥ 0.60 breaths minute?1 L?1 (p = 0.0001) and Pe′CO2 ≥ 38 mmHg (p = 0.0001) at weaning.Conclusions and clinical relevancePressure support ventilation (PSV) weaning had a better respiratory outcome. A higher VT, VT/body weight, PaO2/FiO2 ratio and a lower fR/VT ratio and Pe′CO2 were accurate in predicting the effect of weaning in healthy horses recovering from general anesthesia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation on haemodynamic variables, including muscle and skin perfusion measured with laser Doppler flowmetery, in horses anaesthetized with isoflurane. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective controlled study. ANIMALS: Ten warm-blood trotter horses (five males, five females). Mean mass was 492 kg (range 420-584 kg) and mean age was 5 years (range 4-8 years). MATERIALS AND METHODS: After pre-anaesthetic medication with detomidine (10 microg kg(-1)) anaesthesia was induced with intravenous (IV) guaifenesin and thiopental (4-5 mg kg(-1) IV) and maintained using isoflurane in oxygen. The horses were positioned in dorsal recumbency. In five animals breathing was initially spontaneous (SB) while the lungs of the other five were ventilated mechanically using intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). Total anaesthesia time was 4 hours with the ventilatory mode changed after 2 hours. During anaesthesia, heart rate (HR) cardiac output (Qt) stroke volume (SV) systemic arterial blood pressures (sAP), and pulmonary arterial pressure (pAP) were recorded. Peripheral perfusion was measured in the semimembranosus and gluteal muscles and on the tail skin using laser Doppler flowmetry. Arterial (a) and mixed venous (v) blood gases, pH, haemoglobin concentration [Hb], haematocrit (Hct), plasma lactate concentration and muscle temperature were measured. Oxygen content, venous admixture (s/Qt) oxygen delivery (DO(2)) and oxygen consumption (VO(2)) were calculated. RESULTS: During mechanical ventilation, HR, sAP, pAP, Qt, SV, Qs/Qt and PaCO(2) were lower and PaO(2) was higher compared with spontaneous breathing. There were no differences between the modes of ventilation in the level of perfusion, DO(2), VO(2), [Hb], (Hct), or plasma lactate concentration. After the change from IPPV to SB, left semimembranosus muscle and skin perfusion improved, while muscle perfusion tended to decrease when SB was changed to IPPV. Low-frequency flow motion was seen twice as frequently during IPPV compared with SB. CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical ventilation impaired cardiovascular function compared with SB in horses during isoflurane anaesthesia. Muscle and skin perfusion changes occurred with ventilation, although further studies are needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Twenty normal Golden Retrievers being screeened for eye, hip and elbow diseases were given tropicamide topically and medetomidine systemically. Medetomidine effects were later reversed with systemic atipamezole. Pupil size and intraocular pressure changes were determined. Pupil size increased significantly following tropicamide administration and continued to increase slightly but significantly after medetomidine injection. It was unclear whether the slight increase in pupil size following medetomidine administration was due to continued effect of tropicamide or due to the medetomidine itself. Atipamezole did not influence pupil size. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was not affected by these drugs. Ophthalmic screening examination for inherited disease following tropicamide administration is equally feasible prior to sedation with medetomidine and after reversal with atipamezole, but not during the period of sedation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypertension and proteinuria are commonly recognized in dogs with spontaneous hypercortisolism. There is, however, little information regarding the effect of exogenous glucocorticoids on blood pressure (BP) and proteinuria and whether these changes are reversible. HYPOTHESIS: Hydrocortisone administration increases systemic BP and urinary protein excretion, and these effects are reversible after hydrocortisone withdrawal. Animals: Six control dogs and 6 dogs treated with hydrocortisone. METHODS: BP, urine protein : creatinine ratio (UPC), microalbuminuria (MALB), urine albumin : creatinine ratio (UAC), and urine gel electrophoresis were evaluated before, during, and after administration of hydrocortisone (8 mg/kg PO q12h for 12 weeks) or placebo. RESULTS: BP and UPC increased substantially during hydrocortisone administration from 123 mmHg (range 114-136 mmHg) and 0.17 (0.15-0.28) to a maximum of 143 mmHg (128-148 mmHg) and 0.38 (0.18-1.78), respectively, on day 28. MALB developed in 4 dogs and UAC significantly increased in all dogs during hydrocortisone administration with the maximum on day 84. Both increases in BP and proteinuria were reversible and completely resolved within 1 month after stopping hydrocortisone administration. SDS-AGE revealed the proteinuria to be primarily albuminuria with a pronounced increase during hydrocortisone treatment. Furthermore, a protein of 25-30 kDa was found in male dogs, identified by mass spectrometry to be arginine esterase, the major secretory prostatic protein. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Long-term hydrocortisone treatment results in significant but only mild increases in systemic BP and urinary protein excretion, which are both reversible within 1 month after discontinuation of hydrocortisone.  相似文献   

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