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In this study, the tetramido macrocyclic iron complex (Fe-TAML) was successfully synthesized, and then it was characterized using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (EIS-MS) and elemental analysis. An activated peroxide system was established for low-temperature bleaching of cotton by combining the synthesized catalyst (Fe-TAML) with hydrogen peroxide. Experimental results showed that the Fe-TAML/H2O2 bleaching system exhibited effective bleaching performance in the use of 2 μM Fe-TAML, 20 g/l H2O2, 1 g/l NaHCO3, 2 g/l scouring agent and 2 g/l wetting agent at 60 °C for 60 min. In comparison with the conventional bleaching system, the Fe-TAML/H2O2 system provided bleached cotton with a superior degree of whiteness, higher tensile strength and acceptable water absorbency. The application of Fe-TAML was expanded and the activated peroxide system may provide a green approach for the cotton bleaching.  相似文献   

王宏  郝红娟  姚静 《中国棉花》2021,48(7):37-38
针对进口棉花到货时间相对集中、检测工作量大、检验人员和仪器设备配置相对不足的现状,开发了进口棉花数字化样品标识系统。本文介绍了该系统的开发背景、硬件构成、系统架构和数据库管理设计,分析了其取代纸质抄录样品标识的优势,如通过实现样品标识信息传递自动化、检验数据传递及其处理的自动化提升工作效率。  相似文献   

李向军 《江西棉花》2010,32(4):70-71
棉花质量检验体制改革是我国棉花流通体制改革的重要组成部分,对提高棉花流通效率、降低棉花流通成本、提高棉花质量、增强我国纺织品国际竞争力都具有十分重要的意义。棉花质检体制改革实行仪器化公正检验体系,给中国棉花行业及检验带来了新的变化,取得了有目共睹的成绩。  相似文献   

棉花间作花生试验的效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
棉花间作花生是一种集约利用农业资源,提高土壤肥力的优化种植模式,在生态条件相近的地区推广,具有很高的产量、经济、生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

中国既是世界棉花主产国之一,又是主要消费国之一.因此,无论在中国农业生产中还是在工业生产中,棉花都占有十分重要的地位.建立起适应中国工农业生产需要的棉花检验体系和制度,来客观评价和真实反映出中国的棉花质量状况是非常重要的.棉花质量检验是棉花在收购、加工、销售、储备、进出口以及指导棉花生产中不可缺少的环节,它经历了曲折而漫长的发展过程,从传统的"眼看手摸"感官检验到现在使用先进的仪器化客观检验;从后端的销售环节检验到前端的加工环节检验;从文件指导到法规确立;从企业自检到国家公检等过程.现在已初步建立起以棉花公证检验为主体的适合中国社会主义市场经济需要的棉花检验体系.  相似文献   

Background The critical period of weed control(CPWC) refers to the period of time during the crop growth cycle when weeds must be controlled to prevent yield losses. Ultra-narrow row(UNR) is a method of planting of cotton in rows that are 25 cm or less apart. Amongst cultural techniques for weed control, the use of narrow row spacing is considered to be a most promising approach that can effectively suppress weed growth and provide greater yields in cotton. This cultivation system can shorten th...  相似文献   

棉花的杂种优势利用研究。随着中杂 0 2 8,苏杂 16 ,中杂 2 9等一批高优势杂交棉种的育成和推广 ,杂种棉已在生产上发挥了显著的增产增收作用 ,并在国内迅速发展。利用杂种棉 ,一是要选育出高优势的杂交组合 ,另一则是按照科学的程序和方法 ,生产并供应数量充足 ,遗传性能稳定的优良杂交组合的优质种子 ,这是杂种棉大面积推广应用的保证。杂种棉种子生产的专业化、商品化程度高 ,同时由于其利用的途径不同 ,其亲本繁殖技术和杂交种的生产技术要求也不同。但无论采用何种方法 ,要保持杂种的高优势 ,延长组合的使用年 ,同时还要尽可能地降低杂…  相似文献   

缩节胺在棉花生产上的应用研究概述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
缩节胺(DPC)是一种外源的植物生长调节剂,它可以调控作物的生长发育、长势和成熟性,在中国不同生态类型的棉田均有应用。通过总结前人的研究成果,概括了缩节胺化学调控技术在棉花生产中的应用现状,分析了缩节胺化控对棉花早衰及产量和品质的影响。  相似文献   

本文简介了棉花的外部形态、生理生化和导入外源性基因等三方面的抗虫机制,通过对抗虫棉的抗虫基因、外源基因导入技术和栽培配套技术等研究进展情况进行综述,提出了江西省发展抗虫棉生产的策略,应该是加强种子市场管理、加快当地抗虫棉品种选育、搞好棉田其它害虫防治、应用合理的栽培措施和施肥技术。  相似文献   

Reactive dye is a popular dye for dyeing cotton fiber due to its very good color fastness which is explained by the formation of covalent bond between dye and fiber. In this study, practicality of reuse of reactive dye by compensating for the hydrolyzed part of the dye solution is examined. A monofunctional dye (vinyl sulfone type) was used and it was found that dyeing cotton fiber with reused dyebath is possible. Since bifunctional dye can improve the chance of dye-fiber bond formation, vinyl sulfone based bifunctional reactive dyes were also selected in this study. Three types of bifunctional dyes were used and they basically share the same vinyl sulfone group; other reactive groups are monochlorotriazine, dichlorotriazine and vinyl sulfone. Such dyes were chosen in order to compare their respective efficiencies under the effect of one common reactive group. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of hydrolyzed and unhydrolyzed proportions of mono-and bifunctional reactive dyes on cotton fiber and study the possibility and efficiency of the two different reuse dyebath systems.  相似文献   

一种光合作用增效剂在棉花上的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验设植物光合作用生物增效剂5个水平施用量和3种喷施方法,研究植物光合作用生物增效剂在棉花上的应用效果.结果表明:在盛花期喷施植物光合作用生物增效剂对皮棉产量等有不同程度的影响,能显著增加亚果节成铃数、提高皮棉产量.推荐使用时间在盛花期,喷施量为600~900 g/hm2.  相似文献   

近年来,受生产成本升高、产业结构调整等诸多因素影响,山东植棉面积大幅下滑。为保障山东棉花产业可持续健康发展,山东棉花研究中心经多年科研攻关,创建了棉花轻简高效栽培技术体系,通过降低物化成本和人工投入提高植棉效益;因地制宜发展出蒜(麦)后直播短季棉以及花椒间作蒜后直播短季棉的“三元”种植等高效种植模式;改革优化棉作制度,发展出黄河三角洲无膜短季棉、棉花花生宽幅间作定向轮作、饲草棉花两熟等新的棉作模式。同时,还帮建和扶持了一批涉棉新型农业经营主体,使其不仅成为当地促进农民增收、农业发展的主力军,也成为加快科技成果转化、开展农业技术服务的桥头堡。以上技术进展和举措为山东棉业发展提供了强有力的科技支撑。  相似文献   

It has been reported for several decades that microbes, which naturally contaminate cotton fibres during crop growth and subsequent storage can have an adverse effect on the structural quality of cotton lint. Although several studies have analysed the relationship between numbers of Gram-negative bacteria or bacterial endotoxin and particular physical properties, these studies have been limited to cotton from the United States, and the possible effects of fungal contamination have not been examined in detail. This study quantified the Gram-negative bacteria and fungal cells, as well as measuring concentrations of bacterial endotoxin and fungal glucan, on cotton lint samples from international sources. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients calculated between these results and quality data analysed by an automated testing instrument revealed several significant correlations. Findings included inverse correlations between the biological contamination parameters and fibre elongation, micronaire and reflectance. The possible causes and implications of these findings were also discussed.  相似文献   

杂交棉与常规棉在江苏区试中的产量因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用1996~2006年期间江苏省杂交棉及常规棉区域试验资料,采用通径分析和偏相关分析等方法对杂交棉与常规棉在皮棉产量表现、产量构成因素的贡献率及其相互关系进行了统计分析。结果表明,杂交棉的皮棉产量、单株结铃数、铃重均显著高于常规棉,衣分显著低于常规棉。杂交棉与常规棉产量构成因素对皮棉产量的贡献率顺序均为株铃数〉铃重〉衣分,但杂交棉各产量构成因素与皮棉产量的关系更密切,单株结铃数、铃重和衣分之间的偏相关关系也更显著。  相似文献   

为降低棉短绒中的杂质含量,提高棉短绒的质量及收率,对棉短绒清理回收的生产工艺进行了改进,创新连续化多级除杂装备和短绒精细化分离工艺.棉籽清理除杂工艺中,增加了圆筛、棒条机,并且调整了风力清籽机组配置;短绒分离工艺中,增加了五联筛和新型棒条机.改进后的工艺能够提升对毛棉籽的除杂效果,彻底清理剥绒得到的棉短绒中的碎棉仁、棉...  相似文献   

The surface morphology of the CO2 laser treated grey cotton fabrics was studied which showed a characteristics sponge-like structure on cotton fibres after treating with CO2 laser irradiation. The laser treatment parameters ranging from 100 to 150 pixel time and 40 to 70 dot per inch (dpi) were irradiated on the grey cotton fabrics directly and the degree of physical modifications, such as surface morphology, wettability and fabric strength, were changed accordingly with various laser treatment parameters. The surface morphology, wettability and tensile strength of cotton fibre treating with laser were evaluated using different instruments, such as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), contact angle meter and tensile strength machine. In spite of creating a sponge-like structure on fibre surface after treating with laser, the wettability of the samples was highly improved but the tensile strength was decreased.  相似文献   

通过在江苏省太丰市进行棉花间套马铃薯、花生、毛豆立体栽培试验,结果表明:棉花间套马铃薯对棉花生育期、生育 性状、品质影响最小,而产生的经济效益最高,为最佳间套作物,适宜大面积推广种植.  相似文献   

通过对海岛棉不同时间杂交制种效果的比较,结果表明不同海岛棉组合杂交结铃率差异较大,杂交组合的杂交结铃率性状的优劣,应作为杂种优势利用的一个指标;南疆海岛棉杂交制种适宜时间为7月上中旬,8月初开始,杂交结铃率有较大下降,对海岛棉杂交制种有较大影响.  相似文献   

在皮棉 1433kg·hm-2 产量水平下 ,测定了转B t基因棉花杂种F1、F2 、F3、F4 的产量竞争优势。结果表明 ,F1较B t棉增产 2 4 2 0 % (1 0 5 %— 44 74% ) ,较常规棉增产 2 6 91% (3 2 5 %— 47 89% ) ;F2较B t棉增产 10 2 8% ,较常规棉增产 12 6 8%。增产机理分析表明 ,F1、F2 较B t棉单铃重、衣分、绒重有显著改良 ;较常规棉结铃性有显著改良。F1、F2 、F3、F4 产量竞争优势递减 ,F3、F4 由于结铃性、铃重、衣分退化而出现负效应。生产上要积极研究应用抗虫杂交棉F1,稳妥地研究应用F2 。  相似文献   

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