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LENG Yan  HONG De-lin 《水稻科学》2004,11(4):165-170
The performance and inheritance of 7 quality traits were studied using F2 rice grain derived from 8×8 diallel crossing made by employing 8 parents of different ecological japonica rice types. Differences in each trait among 8 parents were not obvious, but in F2 generation, transgressive phenomena were found in all the traits studied, indicating that the genes controlling these traits among parents were segregated. The inheritance of grain width, grain weight, chalkiness score (CS), gelatinization temperature (GT) and gel consistency (GC) were suitable to additive-dominant model, and dominant effect contributed mainly for the 5 traits. The inheritance of grain length (GL) and amylose content (AC) did not fit into additive-dominant model, existing epistatic interactions. Dominant genes for grain width and grain weight had the efficiency of decreasing effect, and dominant genes for CS, GT and GC had the efficiency of enhancing effect. Koshihikari contained more recessive genes for gelatinization temperature than other varieties. Zhendao 88 had more dominant genes in grain width and grain weight than other varieties. Xiushui 04 possessed more dominant genes for GL and GC, and more recessive genes for CS than other varieties.  相似文献   

A population of rice brown planthopper(BPH) Nilaparvata lugens collected from a paddy field in Hangzhou was successively reared on susceptible rice Taichung Native 1(TN1) in a laboratory free from insecticides for more than 14 generations. The changes in susceptibility to insecticides and ecological fitness on different resistant rice varieties were monitored in each generation. The resistance ratio to imidacloprid sharply declined with the succession of rearing generations without insecticides from 359.94-fold at F1 to 6.50-fold at F14 compared with the susceptible strain, and the resistance ratio to chlorpyrifos was from 9.90-fold at F1 to 5.94-fold at F14. Nymphal duration and weights of newly hatched female adults were significantly affected by rice variety, generation and their interactions, but nymphal survival was significantly affected by the generation only. The ratio of brachypterous adults in males was affected by the generation and generation × variety interaction, whereas no difference was found in females. Nymphal duration extended with increasing generations, and the female nymphal duration was shorter in the susceptible variety TN1 than those in the resistant varieties IR26 and IR36. In addition, the female adult weight in TN1 was higher than those in IR26 and IR36. These results indicated that the resistance of field BPH population to insecticides was reversed after several generations of no-exposure to insecticides, and the ecological fitness in TN1 was higher than those in IR26 and IR36. These findings suggested the rational and reduced use of insecticides in combination with the manipulation of resistant rice varieties would be effective for BPH management.  相似文献   

In recent years, conventional rice production technologies have been leading to deterioration of soil health and declining farm profitability due to high inputs of water and labor. Conservation agriculture(CA) based resource-conserving technologies i.e. zero-tillage(ZT), raised-bed planting and direct-seeded rice(DSR) have shown promise as alternatives to conventional production technologies to overcome these problems. Present study was undertaken during 2009–2012 to establish an understanding of how permanent raised bed cropping system could be practiced to save water at the field application level to improve water productivity and also have the capability to enhance productivity, profitability and soil physical quality. The results showed that among different crop establishment techniques, conventional-tilled puddle transplanted rice(CT-TPR) required 14%-25% more water than other techniques. Compared with the CT-TPR system, zero till direct-seeded rice(ZT-DSR) consumed 6%–10% less water with almost equal system productivity and demonstrated higher water productivity. Wide raised beds saved about 15%–24% water and grain yield decrease of about 8%. Direct-seeded rice after ZT or reduced tillage or on unpuddled soil provided more net income than CT-TPR. The CTTPR system had higher bulk density and penetration resistance due to compaction caused by the repeated wet tillage in rice. The steady-state infiltration rate and soil aggregation( 0.25 mm) were higher under permanent beds and ZT and lower in the CT-TPR system. Under CT-TPR, soil aggregation was static across seasons, whereas it improved under no-till and permanent beds. Similarly, mean weight diameter of aggregates was higher under ZT and permanent beds and increased over time. The study reveals that to sustain the rice productivity, CA-based planting techniques can be more viable options. However, the long-term effects of these alternative technologies need to be studied under varying agro-ecologies in western Uttar Pradesh, India.  相似文献   

Rice plays a paramount role in food and nutrition security in many West African countries. Despite the doubling of production during the last decade, rice consumption has grown faster, creating a deficit between the demand and supply. Although the West African sub-region remains the main rice-producing centre on the continent, production is severely hampered by biotic and abiotic stresses. Drought is one of the factors that most severely reduce grain yields of rice. Systems of production need to be established in order to mitigate yield loss as a result of drought. This review discusses the effects of drought on rice production in West Africa and its mitigation with an emphasis on the improvement of tolerance to drought stress. Yield stability can be achieved by developing drought-tolerant varieties through several processes encompassing profiling of known QTLs and identification of new ones, marker-assisted selection, genomic selection, and extensive multi-locational yield trials. We suggest a comprehensive strategy for breeding drought-tolerant rice varieties in West Africa.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification through the application of mineral fertilizers, the recycling of crop residues and animal manures and through plant breeding are the only means to increase food supply in the poverty ridden West African Sahel, where pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is the dominant staple. Research on the effects of soil amendments on the quality of millet straw and grain is scarce, comparative studies of possible quality differences in traditional landraces versus improved varieties and hybrids are lacking. This paper reports results from 22 landrace populations, 22 improved varieties, six inbred×variety hybrids (IVHs, fertile inbred×open-pollinated varieties) and four topcross hybrids (TCHs, male-sterile line×open-pollinated varieties), whose grains were analyzed for protein concentration and amino acid composition, macro- and micronutrients (total and phytate P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu), metabolizable energy (ME), fat and β-carotene. At similar yield levels, landraces showed a 2.9 and 3.5% higher protein concentration compared with improved varieties and hybrids without a detrimental effect on protein quality as determined by the relative amount of lysine and threonine. Landrace populations also had the highest fat concentrations and the largest micronutrient densities. However, in-vitro digestibility and ME were (79.8% and 12.2 MJ kg−1 respectively) larger for both groups of hybrids. The concentration of β-carotene was (0.13 μmol kg−1) highest in the improved varieties, but appeared overall too low to significantly contribute to vitamin A nutrition in local diets. While the results of this genotype screening need to be verified in replicated multi-location trial studies, they underline the potential of including landraces in breeding programs to concurrently improve grain yield and grain quality in this area of the world.  相似文献   

Non-cereal plant foods in the Western Sahel of Africa contribute significantly to the diets of local residents, especially during periods of grain shortages. In this paper, we analyze four such plant foods including diyan kwakwa (nut of coconut palm, Cocos nucifera L.), muricin giginya (young shoot of Borassus aethiopum), tsamiya biri (fruit of the tree, Tamarindus indica), and yari (a mixture of lichens, mainly Rimelia reticulate) that grows on ebony trees (Diospyros mespiliformis). They were analyzed for their content of amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals. Although diyan kwakwa contained the highest protein content (27.1%), its protein quality fell below the WHO standard in 3 of 8 essential amino acid categories. Yari and muricin giginya contained moderate levels of good quality protein. Only diyan kwakwa contained calorically significant amount of total fatty acid (24.7%); however, none of the plants contained useful amounts of the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, or α-linolenic acid. All four plants contained useful amounts of zinc (> 12 μg/g dry weight), while yari contained the most calcium (14.7 mg/g dry weight) and iron (1.41 mg/g), and diyan kwakwa the most copper. All the four plant foods contained lesser amounts of magnesium, molybdenum, or selenium. These data indicate that the four plants contain useful amounts of various essential nutrients that could supplement the diets of populations inhabiting the Western Sahel.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):559-592

The periodic food crises in agricultural production in semiarid sub-Saharan Africa have been the main public view of the subcontinent since the media perpetuates a Gloom and Doom perception. Actually the agricultural systems of sub-Saharan Africa have made some impressive achievements and there is potential to make more impact even in the more difficult regions where the poor are concentrated. In this paper the focus is on the successes, a strategy for introduction of new technologies in semiarid regions of West Africa, and supportive policy. More rapid technological change, with supportive policy, would have a substantial effect on rural poverty.  相似文献   

籼稻绿芽悬浮细胞原生质体再生成株   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用籼稻Hu-18绿芽为外植体,在N6附加2 mg/L 2,4-D的培养基上诱导愈伤组织。加20 d后转人AA 培养基进行悬浮培养。继代培养45 d左右形成了分裂旺盛的胚性细胞悬浮系。即从绿芽诱导至胚性细胞悬浮系的建立仅用了65 d左右。继代后前6 d,细胞干重几乎每2 d增加1倍,而培养液的渗透压及pH 值迅速下降。取继代后4 d的悬浮细胞游离原生质体,产率为8.74X106/g鲜重。纯化后的原生质体在KPR培养基中进行琼脂糖包埋培养,原生质体植扳率为12.0% 。将20 d后的小愈伤组织(0.1 mm)转入 N6附加0.5 mg/L 2,4- D、1 mg/ L BA、1 mg/L KT、0.3 mg/L ZT的培养基上增殖,待长成直径2~3 mm 左右时,用N6附加1 mg/L BA,1 mg/L KT,0.3 mg/L ZT的培养基进行分化培养, 5 d后同时出现芽根生长,最终再生成绿色植株,绿苗分化率为3.5株/10000个原生质体。  相似文献   

Forty Years'' Development of Hybrid Rice:China''s Experience   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

粮食安全、资源环境保护以及绿色发展是农业产业发展面临的重大问题。水稻作为我国主要粮食作物之一,在保障粮食安全中发挥着重要作用。“绿色超级稻”的理念要求水稻新品种在高产优质的基础上兼有多种病虫害抗性、养分高效吸收利用、以及较强的抗旱性和抗逆性特性,实现水稻生产“少打农药、少施化肥、节水抗旱、优质高产”的目标。“绿色超级稻”的理念与实践推动了绿色农业的发展。本文简要介绍了“绿色超级稻”理念及其形成的历史背景、研究进展及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

浦城县绿色食品水稻标准化生产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南平市浦城县于2014年申请创建全国绿色食品原料(水稻)标准化生产基地,该基地于2019年通过验收。总结了浦城县从选择土壤灌溉水洁净度高的农田,使用绿色食品生产资料、化学投入品减量化配比和生态栽培等关键环节运用绿色食品标准的经验做法。  相似文献   

介绍了功能型杂交稻天丰优紫红特征特性及其开发应用情况,并针对其特征特性,总结形成了一套天丰优紫红的绿色稻谷生产技术,有利于产品的产业化开发。  相似文献   

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