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以20个小粒种咖啡种质为试验材料,通过盆栽试验,分析咖啡种质苗期生长量和根系形态差异。结果表明,各种质苗期株高、叶片数、分枝数差异显著,通过苗期株形分析,把小粒种咖啡种质分成高干、中等和矮生3个类型。M13、M14可作为高干型,CATUAI为矮生型鉴定的标准品种;CA ZHONGⅢ、M13为高干、多叶、多分枝品种,CATURRA、T8667为株高中等、多叶、多分枝品种,热引2号为矮生、多叶、多分枝品种;各种质主根长除了CA ZHONGⅡ较小以外,其他种质间差异不显著,各种质主根直径差异不显著;M13侧根长、根体积、根表面积显著大于CATUAI,参试的小粒种咖啡种质绝大部分都具有细而且数量较多的侧根,各种质间差异较小。侧根直径与侧根长为显著的负相关,地上部干物质累积量与地下部干物质累积量间呈显著的正相关,长势强壮,枝叶繁茂的植株,根系发达;各种质地下部和地上部生长相协调的根冠比在0.40~0.35。  相似文献   

La对UV - B辐射下大豆幼苗 NRA和可溶性蛋白的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在温室模拟增强紫外辐射UV - B (280~320nm)环境下,研究镧(La)对UV - B胁迫下大豆幼苗叶片硝 酸还原酶活性(Nitrate reductase activity,NRA) 、可溶性蛋白、淀粉和可溶性糖含量的影响。结果显示,高低两个紫 外强度剂量下,叶片NRA较对照组都有显著下降,处理5d后降幅分别达到40. 9%和42. 0%;而经过适宜浓度 LaCl3 (20mg/L)预处理后,降幅较UV - B单独处理组均有明显升高,分别为39. 2%和38. 9%。蛋白质、淀粉和可溶 性糖含量变化与NRA相似,但是紫外辐射处理组蛋白含量变化较对照组呈现先升高后下降趋势。结果表明适宜 浓度的La3 +能够促进NRA以及UV - B胁迫下NRA活性的提高,缓解UV - B胁迫对植物的伤害。  相似文献   

硝酸盐转运蛋白NRT1(Nitrate transporter 1)和NRT2(Nitrate transporter 2)家族基因在高等植物氮转运过程中发挥着重要作用。为探讨NRT1和NRT2家族基因在小麦幼苗响应氮饥饿中的作用,本研究测定了氮饥饿处理过程中小麦幼苗的生长参数和叶片中叶绿素、可溶性蛋白、硝酸盐和丙二醛(MDA)的含量,并利用荧光实时定量PCR(qPCR)技术分析了叶片中NRT1(7个)和NRT2(5个)家族基因的转录水平。结果表明,氮饥饿明显抑制小麦幼苗生长,其株高、干鲜重显著下降,叶片叶绿素含量、蛋白质含量和硝酸盐含量均显著降低,而MDA含量却显著升高。在氮饥饿处理后所有测定时间点(2d、4d、6d和8d),小麦幼苗叶片中TaNRT1.1、TaNRT1.2、TaNRT1.7、TaNRT2.3和TaNRT2.4的表达均受到显著抑制;然而,氮饥饿2d时,TaNRT1.4、TaNRT1.8和TaNRT2.1的表达量显著升高;氮饥饿4d时,TaNRT1.3、TaNRT1.5和TaNRT2.5的表达量也显著升高,推测TaNRT1.3、TaNRT1.4、TaNRT1.5、TaNRT1.8、TaNRT2.1和TaNRT2.5可能在小麦幼苗响应氮饥饿中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

采用国家标准方法对鸟巢蕨嫩叶的营养成分进行测定,并与西芹、韭菜、生菜等7种对照栽培蔬菜进行比较分析.结果表明:鸟巢蕨中主要营养成分粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总糖、粗纤维和灰分的含量分别为样品鲜重的2.82%、2.59%、1.56%、1.16%和1.21%.鸟巢蕨含有18种氨基酸,接近FAO/WHO推荐的理想蛋白模式标准;鸟巢蕨的p-胡萝卜素含量为10.4 μg/g;维生素A含量为9.9 μg/g,维生素B含量为0.7μg/g;维生素C含量为791.2 μg/g.鸟巢蕨的矿质元素含量丰富,P和K含量分别为860、4 921μg/g,微量元素Zn含量为5 μg/g,Mn含量为9.9 μg/g,Cu含量为19.1 μg/g.鸟巢蕨的营养价值在多方面均优于7种对照蔬菜.鸟巢蕨是一种符合现代营养学对健康食品要求的药食同源的功能性野生蔬菜.本研究为鸟巢蕨作为野生蔬菜栽培利用和野生资源保护提供了一定的科学依据.  相似文献   

In the framework of the E.U. project Fair CT 96-1913 “Environmental studies on sweet and fibre sorghum, sustainable crops for biomass and energy”, a research has been carried out with the aim to study the water and nitrogen balance and determine the critical N dilution curve of sweet sorghum cv. Keller. A field experiment was performed, where three irrigation treatments (I0 = dry control, I50 = 50% ETm restoration, I100 = 100% ETm restoration) and four nitrogen fertilization levels (N0 = no nitrogen control, N60 = 60 kg ha−1, N120 = 120 kg ha−1; N180 = 180 kg ha−1) were studied. The final yield was significantly affected by the amount of water distributed but not by the nitrogen level. The treatments watered up to crop establishment (I0) produced, in the average, 7.5 t ha−1 of dry matter, against 21.1 and 27.1 t ha−1 of I50 and I100, respectively. The crop determined a great reduction in nitrate concentration of soil water, irrespective of nitrogen supplied. The variation between N output and input (Δ) was negative in N0, N60 and N120 and positive in N180. The critical value of nitrogen uptake change in relation to the water availability. The amount of nitrogen supplied did not determine significant differences upon WUE. The crop seems to have a great potentiality in Mediterranean environment in terms of yield production.  相似文献   

In wheat, nitrogen (N) uptake and remobilisation after flowering contributes largely, in Northern countries, to grain yield and grain protein content. The aim of our study was first to estimate the proportion of N taken up and remobilised to the grain as well as their relative efficiency using 15NO3-labelling at flowering. The validity of the technique was assessed in comparison to the N budget calculation method on five winter wheat cultivars grown for 2 years at low and high fertilization input. We estimated that on average 71.2% of grain N originates from remobilisation with significant genotypic differences. Among the five genotypes, significant differences were also found for both N remobilisation efficiency (from 69.8 to 88.8%) and N translocation efficiency (from 89.7 to 93.4%). In parallel, during 1 year, we monitored physiological markers representative of N assimilation and recycling at two sampling dates during the grain filling period. We then examined if there was any relationship between these physiological markers, N absorption and remobilisation estimates and agronomic traits related to yield and grain N content. Nitrate reductase (NR) activity was highly correlated to N absorbed post-flowering and to grain protein content. Glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was even more highly correlated than NR activity to the amount of N remobilised and grain yield. The use of physiological traits such as NR and GS activities as markers of the wheat N status is discussed.  相似文献   

To test the effects of the growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus 250 EC) in the main seed crop of grasses in the Netherlands, 10 field trials were conducted in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). These field trials were carried out in first and second seed harvest crops during 1999–2002. Four rates of Moddus (untreated, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 L product ha−1) were applied at the start of stem elongation (DC 30–31, zero to one node) during the first two years. In addition, the effect of timing of the application of 0.8 L Moddus ha−1 was studied (untreated, DC30–31, DC31–33, DC33–37). In most trials, in addition to the normal amount, 45 kg N ha−1 extra spring nitrogen was applied. The work reported is valuable, and has relevance to all areas of the globe where this perennial ryegrass is grown for seed, e.g., northern Europe, the US (particularly, Oregon), New Zealand, Australia, Chile and Argentina.  相似文献   

福建武平参薯与其同属植物山药中营养成分的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用国家标准方法对薯蓣属的8个栽培品种,包括5种武平参薯和3种白山药,进行蛋白质、微量元素及氨基酸等营养成分的测定并进行比较分析。结果表明:8个薯蓣品种中,铁棍山药的营养价值最高,表现在蛋白质含量最高,达到鲜重的31.8 g/kg,氨基酸总量也最丰富,达到23.63 mg/g,在测定的17种氨基酸中,有12种氨基酸的含量高于其他7个薯蓣品种。武平紫参薯武紫3号营养价值仅次于铁棍山药,其蛋白质含量、12种氨基酸含量较高,仅次于铁棍山药,除此之外,武紫3号中的Fe、Ca、谷氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸、脯氨酸的含量均高于其他7个薯蓣品种。而8个薯蓣品种中营养价值最差的属普通山药,其蛋白质含量最低,只有12.0 g/kg,Zn、Ca及14种氨基酸的含量也最低,其次营养价值较差的是武平紫参薯武紫2号,但是该品种产量极高,可作为很好的粮食作物。本研究提高了人们对武平参薯的营养价值的认识,为其开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to investigate the influence of different nitrogen (N) application rates to some morphological and physiological features of leaf blades, including leaf thickness, chlorophyll content at different leaf ages and chlorophyll a/b ratios. A paddy field and a cement tank experiments were conducted simultaneously. Rice leaf thickness was measured through a specially developed displacement sensor. Meanwhile, chlorophyll content was estimated using chlorophyll meter (SPAD) and spectrophotometer after ethanol extraction of leaf samples. With the increase of N application, leaf thickness became thinner and chlorophyll a/b ratios decreased. Moreover, the sensitivity of the SPAD readings of the same leaf at different leaf ages to N rates was assessed through coefficients of variation (CV). CV of SPAD readings increased from 8.8% to 21.6% during leaf lifetime, which indicates that SPAD readings became more and more sensitive to nitrogen rates as leaf aged. Therefore, SPAD readings of the lower leaves, which were physiologically older than the upper ones, were more sensitive to nitrogen rates.  相似文献   

我国玉米生产中植物生长调节剂的应用研究   总被引:34,自引:6,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
赵敏  周淑新  崔彦宏 《玉米科学》2006,14(1):127-131
采用频度统计和综合归纳的方法,对近30年来国内不同类型植物生长调节剂在玉米上的研究及应用情况进行了分析。结果表明,在玉米生产中应用的植物生长调节剂主要有生长促进剂、生长延缓剂、生长抑制剂和乙烯利类,但以延缓剂应用居多。在各类用途中,以抗倒伏和抗逆方面的研究和应用较多,且抗旱成为抗逆研究的主要内容。  相似文献   

采用邻苯二甲醛(OPA)-9-芴基甲氧基羰酰氯(FMOC)柱前衍生反相高效液相色谱法测定糯米香茶叶片中氨基酸的含量.测定了5种肥料处理下同一部位及不同部位的叶片中氨基酸含量.结果表明:5种不同肥料处理下叶片中氨基酸含量存在较大差异,其中605有机肥处理下,糯米香茶底部叶片中的氨基酸含量最高.此研究为糯米香茶的种植栽培及食品研究开发提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE(Rapid amplification of cDNA ends)技术,从艾纳香(Blumea balsamifera L.DC)的叶片中克隆到单萜化合物合成的关键酶牻牛儿基焦磷酸合成酶(BbGPPS)基因。研究结果显示,BbGPPS基因的cDNA全长1 692 bp,包含开放阅读框(ORF)1 083 bp,编码361个氨基酸;亚细胞结构定位于叶绿体,既非膜蛋白也非分泌性蛋白。疏水性分析显示,BbGPPS是亲水性蛋白。同源性比对结果显示,BbGPPS蛋白与其他植物中GPPS蛋白具有高度的相似性,且具有异戊烯基结构域。系统发育分析表明,所有序列被聚为5大类,BbGPPS与其他菊科植物聚类一类,与万寿菊(Tagetes erecta)TeGPPS亲缘关系最近,其次是甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana)SrGPPS。  相似文献   

Increasing interest in vegetable oils for use in green chemistry has stimulated research into high-erucic Brassicaceae species such as winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) and Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun). The objective of this study was to determine the yield response of recently released cultivars of these species under high and low production inputs. The varieties Maplus and Hearty of B. napus, and BRK1 of B. carinata were cultivated with autumn sowing in a large-scale field trial at the experimental farm of the University of Padova in Legnaro (NE Italy, 45°21′N). The genotypes were compared under high and low input management systems: high input was characterised by conventional soil tillage, chemical weed control, and high N–P–K fertilization, and low input by minimum tillage, mechanical weed control, and limited N–P–K fertilization.Oilseed rape varieties had greater seed yield than BRK1, and interactions with input level and cultivation year were significant. Maplus yielded most at high input (3.78 vs. 3.31 t ha−1 DM at low; average of two years), whereas Hearty showed no significant differences between inputs (3.49 t ha−1; average of years and inputs), indicating its better adaptability to extensive agricultural management. Yield performance of BRK1 B. carinata was very stable at varying agricultural managements, but not very high (2.73 t ha−1 on average) – a fact that may limit its competitiveness with oilseed rape in autumn sowing, especially at higher latitudes. B. carinata was also more variable across the years than oilseed rape in terms of seed yield, oil content, and percentage of erucic acid. This was mainly due to the particular climatic conditions of the second year of the experiment (mild winter; hot, dry spring) which led to considerable winter elongation and pre-flowering, and later to incomplete seed filling. In these conditions, BRK1 had both lower oil seed content (36.7% vs. 47.1%) and erucic acid (41.3% vs. 49.1%) than oilseed rapes.In general, with few exceptions, the reduction in inputs did not affect either seed oil content or the amount of erucic acid, regardless of variety and year, but seed crude proteins were reduced mainly because of N shortage.  相似文献   

探讨分根区灌溉和氮肥对盆栽星油藤幼苗生长的影响。试验设置3个因素,灌水量、灌溉方式和氮肥,共7个处理,测量了幼苗生长、光合和水分利用效率等指标。结果表明:与充分灌溉相比,分根区灌溉的处理,生物量降低5%,节水75%,水分利用率高出60%,表现出极大的节水效益。重度干旱条件下,施氮肥的处理,根冠比增加达30%,但分根区灌溉处理叶面积指数下降38%,光合速率下降9%,生物量下降18%,分根区灌溉在严重干旱条件不适宜施氮肥。总之,在适度干旱条件下,分根区灌溉降低蒸腾,提高水分利用率,是一种有效的节水灌溉技术。  相似文献   

培养基营养成分对香蕉枯萎病尖孢镰刀菌生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对香蕉枯萎病发病株病组织的分离、纯化,得到香蕉枯萎病病原菌--尖镰孢菌古巴专化型[Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense(E.F.Smith)Snyder et Hansen].该病原菌在不同pH值培养基上培养4 d后,发现尖孢镰刀菌菌落在pH值4.0~9.0范围内均可生长,pH值为6.0~7.0时最适,菌落直径平均在3.7~3.9 cm之间.尖孢镰刀菌在不例营养成分的培养基上培养,结果表明,N源对尖孢镰刀菌菌丝的生长影响大于C源.生长到第6天时,全糖型培养基产孢量最大,且小型分生孢子的产孢量也最大,可使香蕉苗发病率达到100%.而大型分生孢子的产生最佳培养基为低氮型培养基.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization is one of the factors that influences Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) population density. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of three N application rates (75, 205 and 335 mg/l) and three ratios of NO3:NH4+ ions (92:8, 75:25 and 55:45) in standard nutrient solution (205 mg/l N) on the population density of B. tabaci. The experiments were conducted on spring-summer hydroponic crops of tomato. The effect of plant stratum on the whitefly population was also determined. The aggregation of B. tabaci adults as well as their oviposition rate was higher at 205 and 335 mg/l N than on plants grown at 75 mg/l N. By the end of the experiment (60 d after infestation), the number of nymphs on plants at 205 mg/l N was higher than on plants at 75 mg/l N. The number of pupae was lowest on plants supplied with 75 mg/l N. An increase in NH4+ percentage in standard nutrient solution (from 25% to 45% of the total N) reduced adult population density and oviposition rate. The density of nymphs and pupae, at 60 d after infestation, was lower on the tomato plants grown at 75:25 and 55:45 NO3:NH4+ ratios compared to the 92:8 ratio. The 75:25 and 55:45 NO3:NH4+ ratios resulted in a higher incidence of blossom-end rot of tomato fruit, with a lower incidence of disorder at 75:25 than at the 55:45 ratio. Plant stratum influenced adult whitefly distribution in two years of the study. Middle stratum leaves were more attractive to adults in both years. The results demonstrate the effects of N fertilization (N rate and the ratio of NO3:NH4+) and plant stratum on B. tabaci population density.  相似文献   

为研究苔藓植物对柱花草幼苗生长的影响,选取苔藓植物中的苔类植物南亚瓦鳞苔(Trocholejeuneasandvicensis)为试材,以其配子体水提液分别对热研2号、热研5号和热研7号等3个柱花草品种进行处理,测定其发芽率、生长量、鲜重和干重。结果表明,在水提液浓度为2.5~7.5 g/L时可显著提高热研5号、热研7号柱花草种子萌发率;在浓度2.5~7.5 g/L时可显著提高热研2号种子发芽指数;在浓度为100 g/L时,可显著降低热研5号的鲜重,浓度为5.0 g/L时,可显著提高热研7号的幼苗干重。  相似文献   

为研究黑麦属植物的遗传多样性,开发R基因组特有的分子标记并绘制其遗传连锁图谱,选用1 343对冰草EST-SSR引物和786对小麦EST-SSR引物对新疆杂草黑麦和栽培黑麦(共计6份材料)的全基因组进行了PCR扩增,结果显示,有679对冰草EST-SSR引物能够扩出清晰的条带,占引物总数的50.6%;其中有187对引物在6份黑麦材料基因组中扩增产物表现为多态性,占其引物总数的13.9%,平均每对引物扩增条带数为1.1。有364对小麦EST-SSR引物可扩增出清晰的条带,占其引物总数的46.3%;其中有135对引物在6份黑麦材料基因组中扩增产物具有多态性,占其引物总数的17.1%,平均每对引物扩增条带数为2.0。冰草EST-SSR引物在黑麦中的有效扩增效率高于小麦EST-SSR的有效扩增效率,但扩增多态性后者大于前者。两种来源引物扩增强带比率分别为51.8%和32.6%。结果表明小麦和冰草的EST-SSR引物均可用于黑麦基因组分析研究。  相似文献   

The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of Tunisian native Hypericum perfoliatum L. (sect. Drosocarpium Spach.) and Hypericum tomentosum (sect. Adenosepalum Spach.) were analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Thirty-two compounds were identified in the essential oils of H. perfoliatum with α-pinene (13.1%), allo-aromadendrene (11.4%), germacrene-D (10.6%), n-octane (7.3%), α-selinene (6.5%) and β-selinene (5.5%) as main constituents. Sixty-seven components were identified in the oil of H. tomentosum with menthone (17.0%), n-octane (9.9%), β-caryophyllene (5.3%), α-pinene (5.2%), lauric acid (4.1%) and β-pinene (3.7%) as the most abundant components. Both oils were characterized by the presence of many components which could have numerous applications in food, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.  相似文献   

为了挖掘野生二粒小麦的优异基因资源,选择以普通小麦品种Bethlehem(BLH)和中国春(Chinese Spring,CS)为背景的两套野生二粒小麦染色体臂置换系(chromosome arm substitution lines,CASLs)为材料,开展种子萌发与幼苗生长特性的研究。结果表明,无论在BLH还是在CS背景下,不同CASL之间发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数等种子萌发性状以及主根长、根数、苗高、平均根长等幼苗生长特性均存在一定的差异。两个遗传背景中,5BS和7BS置换系的种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均显著高于亲本,而5AS和6AS置换系却显著低于亲本,推测在这些置换系相应染色体臂上至少各带有一个调控小麦发芽特性的QTL。4BL和6BL置换系的苗高、主根长和平均根长均大于亲本;2BS和3AL置换系的主根长和根数都大于亲本;5BS、6AL、2AS和1AS置换系的主根长和平均根长均大于亲本。1BS置换系的苗高、主根长和平均根长均比亲本小;4AL置换系的平均根长和根数小于亲本。由此推测,在1AS、2AS、3AL、6AL、2BS和5BS染色体上可能存在控制小麦幼苗叶片和根系生长的相关基因。  相似文献   

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