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The establishment of plant species depends crucially on where the seeds are deposited. However, since most studies have been conducted in continuous forests, not much is known about the effects of forest fragmentation on the maintenance of abiotic and biotic characteristics in microhabitats and their effects on seed survival. In this study, we evaluated the effects of forest fragmentation on the predation upon the seeds of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana in three microhabitats (interior forest, forest edge and gaps) in eight fragments of semi-deciduous Atlantic forest ranging in size from 9.5 ha to 33,845 ha in southeastern Brazil. Specifically, we examined the influence of the microhabitat structure, fauna and fragment size on the pattern of seed predation. Fragments <100 ha showed similar abiotic and biotic characteristics to those of the forest edge, with no seed predation in these areas. Forest fragments 230-380 ha in size did not present “safe sites” for S. romanzoffiana seed survival and showed high seed predation intensity in all microhabitats evaluated. In fragments larger than 1000 ha, the seed predation was lower, with abiotic and biotic differences among gaps, interior forests and forest edges. In these fragments, the survival of S. romanzoffiana seeds was related to squirrel abundance and interior forest maintenance. Based on these results, we concluded that there are no safe sites for S. romanzoffiana seed establishment in medium- and small-sized fragments as result of the biotic and abiotic pressure, respectively. We suggest that on these forest fragments, management plans are needed for the establishment of S. romanzoffiana, such as interior forest improvement and development in small-sized sites in order to minimize the edge effects, and on medium-sized fragments, we suggest post-dispersal seed protection in order to avoid seed predation by vertebrates. Our findings also stress the importance of assessing the influence of forest fragmentation on angiosperm reproductive biology as part of the effective planning for the management of fragmented areas.  相似文献   

Understanding the decline and extinction of species has become critical to conservation biology. The five monarch species of the genus Pomarea, endemic to the southeastern Pacific, are all listed as threatened. Introduced mammals and birds are believed to be responsible for their rarefaction. We analyzed the historical and current distribution of monarchs and introduced animals and found no relation between presence of Polynesian rats (Rattus exculans) and monarch distribution. There was a highly significant correlation between the arrival of the black rat (Rattus rattus) and the decline and extinction of monarch populations. The extinction of monarch populations after colonization by black rats tended to take longer on larger islands than on smaller ones. On islands without black rats, monarchs persisted even where forests have been reduced by more than 75%. After an island was colonized by black rats the number of monarch pairs with young decreased dramatically. Eggs in artificial nests placed in sites used by monarchs were only preyed upon by black rats. No eggs were preyed upon by Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans) or introduced birds. Monarch nests were mainly placed on horizontal branches inside the canopy and were more accessible than nests of Polynesian warbler (Acrocephalus caffer), a species still locally abundant. Warbler nests were placed higher up on vertical branches near the top of trees. These studies suggest that nest predation by black rats has been the main cause of monarch decline. However observations of direct aggression of adult monarchs by introduced red-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus cafer), especially when monarchs raise their young, suggest that introduced birds could aggravate the decline of monarch populations already weakened by black rats. We discuss the practical implications of these findings for monarch conservation.  相似文献   

The Hutton's shearwater Puffinus huttoni is an endangered species of burrowing petrel, that is threatened at its two remaining breeding colonies by the activity of introduced stoats Mustela erminea. Predation of eggs, chicks and adult shearwaters was studied over 10 consecutive breeding seasons (1989/1990-1998/1999) and resident stoats were radio-tracked in two seasons. Stoats were estimated to be killing on average 0.25% of breeding adults and 12% of chicks in each season. Population modeling of Hutton's shearwaters indicated that the estimated impact of this predation was a reduction in the potential yearly population growth rate of 0.86±0.22%. The overall average growth rate derived from the population model of 0.44%, suggests that the population is not in immediate risk of decline and controlling stoats within the colony need not be a priority for management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of stoat Mustela erminea predation on the endangered Hutton's shearwater Puffinus huttoni. Breeding success of Hutton' shearwaters was significantly lower in two seasons of stoat control than in eight seasons with no control: suggesting that natural environmental variation has a greater influence on breeding success than stoat predation. Monitoring Hutton's shearwaters and mainland colonies of sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus indicated that small colonies suffered higher predation and lower breeding success than large colonies, demonstrating that predation in these two species is inversely density dependent and explaining the low predation rates observed in the very large Hutton's shearwater colonies. The presence of another introduced predator, feral pigs Sus scrofa, within six extinct colonies of Hutton's shearwaters and at the boundaries of the two extant colonies, strongly suggests that this species was responsible for the historic contraction in breeding range. Controlling stoats within the two remaining colonies is unlikely to assist in the conservation of Hutton's shearwater. Conservation efforts would be better spent protecting the two remaining colonies from pigs and in trying to establish new breeding sites.  相似文献   

Nest predation accounts for a substantial share of nest failure and low reproductive success in most tropical songbirds. Normally, forest fragmentation leads to an increase in nest predation pressure due to reduced cover, fewer (and poorer) nest sites and predator influxes from the surrounding habitats. To test this hypothesis, we studied natural nesting behaviour and nest success of the white-starred robin (Pogonocichla stellata) in seven Afrotropical forest fragments differing in size and level of habitat disturbance. Based on data from 12 nests, we estimate that 29% of all natural nests initiated by the robins survive to produce fledglings across all fragments. We also conducted an experiment using artificial (plasticine) model-eggs to reveal potential predators and compare relative predation rates amongst fragments. This experiment revealed that small mammals might be the major predators on robin nests at the egg-stage. In addition, it showed that the highest incidences of nest disturbance during this stage were in the most heavily disturbed fragment. This was presumably attributable to an influx of mammalian predators from the surrounding habitats as forest degradation created suitable habitats for them. Such an infiltration was recently reported in this study site. Both nest placement and microhabitat did not significantly affect depredation levels in our experiment. This suggests that depredation was predominantly incidental (i.e., predators mainly encountered nests fortuitously while foraging for other food items), where the likelihood of encountering a nest largely depended upon the prevalence of the principal potential predators - the small mammals.  相似文献   

In the United States, raccoons Procyon lotor are often removed from sea turtle nesting beaches to decrease egg mortality. However, raccoons also consume ghost crabs Ocypode quadrata, another common egg predator. Reducing predator populations can benefit secondary predators, inflating total predation pressure and leading to a decline in prey species. We used track and burrow counts to compare raccoon and ghost crab abundance at four beaches in Florida, USA, that differ in management activity and determined predation rates on loggerhead Caretta caretta nests by each predator. Mean raccoon abundance (range 0.12-0.46 tracks plot−1 night−1) and ghost crab density (0.09-0.19 burrows m−2) were inversely correlated. Ghost crabs were largest at the site with the fewest raccoons. The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of ghost crabs (mean 9.8‰) were positively correlated with body mass, indicating larger ghost crabs feed at a higher trophic level and suggesting large ghost crabs may consume more loggerhead eggs. The highest rates of egg predation by both predators (31%) occurred where raccoon abundance was lowest and ghost crab abundance was highest, suggesting ghost crab burrows may facilitate predation by raccoons. Our data suggest that predation by raccoons limits ghost crabs and that removing raccoons can increase ghost crab abundance and sea turtle egg mortality. Although predator removal can be effective when nest predation rates are quite high, maintaining moderate raccoon densities may be important for controlling ghost crabs. These results highlight the importance of understanding food web connectivity in developing management strategies to achieve conservation goals, especially when the species of concern are threatened or facing extinction.  相似文献   

The responses of plant-animal interactions to forest fragmentation can vary. We hypothesized that large-seeded plant species would be more susceptible to forest fragmentation than small-seeded species because large-seeded species rely on a few, extinction prone dispersers. We compared seed dispersal of the large-seeded, mammal dispersed Duckeodendron cestroides and the small-seeded, avian dispersed Bocageopsis multiflora. The number, percentage, distance, and distributions of dispersed seeds were all reduced in fragments for Duckeodendron but not for Bocageopsis. Other fragmentation research in tropical communities supports this hypothesis through three lines of evidence: (1) Large-seeded plant species are more prone to extinction, (2) Fragmentation restricts or alters the movement of large animal dispersers more than small dispersers, and (3) Large and small-seeded species seem to be differentially linked to primary and secondary forest habitats. Therefore, small-seeded plants may be more resilient to forest fragmentation while large-seeded species may be more susceptible and should be a priority for conservation.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species cause considerable economic and environmental damage. Nevertheless which species should be targeted first and exact control strategies are controversial matters. As no categorization of the impact of alien bird species is available so far, we adopted an impact scoring system for mammals to birds and scored the impact of the alien birds established in Europe. We investigated 26 established alien birds in Europe and compiled all known impact data for these species. The species with highest environmental impact were the Canada goose (Branta canadensis), sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) and ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). The most severe impact on economy was exerted again by the Canada goose. Also the ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) had high impact in this category. Combining these potential impact data with the current distribution generates a list of alien birds with highest actual impact. These two values can be used to prioritise preventive and control measures. In comparison to birds, mammals in general have higher potential and actual impact in Europe, but some bird species reach impact values as high as some of the worst mammal species. Still, these bird species - in contrast to mammals with high impact - are hardly targeted by control programmes. This study shows that there is no scientific reason for this. With the here presented scoring system we offer a decision tool to practitioners which supports them in finding an appropriate reaction to invasive birds.  相似文献   

Many ecological studies have pointed out maternal effects in plants and shown that plant maternal environment influences germination of their seed and subsequent seedling growth. However, few have tested for maternal effects induced by soil macroorganisms. We tested whether two earthworm species (Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus terrestris) trigger such maternal effects on seed germination and seedling growth of three plant species (Veronica persica, Poa annua and Cerastium glomeratum). Our results show that, through maternal effects, A. caliginosa enhanced seed germination (V. persica and P. annua) and seedling growth (C. glomeratum and P. annua) while L. terrestris reduced seed germination only in V. persica. In some cases, the increase in germination rates of seeds produced in the presence of earthworms was associated with a reduction of nitrogen content in seeds. These results show that earthworms induce maternal effects in plants and that the size and direction of these effects depend on the combination of plant and earthworm species.  相似文献   

The impacts of nonindigenous species on native ecosystems can be severe, sometimes leading to the extinction of native taxa. Interspecific competition is a potential mechanism of negative impact of invasive species, but few studies have conclusively demonstrated competition between native and nonindigenous taxa. In this study I used experimental manipulations to examine the competitive effects of the larvae of two widely introduced anurans, the cane toad, Bufo marinus, and the Cuban treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on the growth and development of the larvae of two native anurans (the southern toad, Bufo terrestris, and the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea). The presence of O. septentrionalis larvae consistently impacted growth and development of native larvae, resulting in reduced growth rates and delayed metamorphosis of both native species and smaller mass at metamorphosis of B. terrestris. Hyla cinerea larvae transformed at greater body masses when reared with the rapidly transforming nonindigenous species as a result of competitive release. The negative effects of O. septentrionalis on native larvae were generally significant whether native tadpoles were exposed to O. septentrionalis alone or in combination with B. marinus. In contrast, B. marinus tadpoles did not significantly impact the growth or development of either native species. Neither nonindigenous species significantly decreased the survivorship of native larvae, although a trend toward decreased survivorship was evident for H. cinerea. These results suggest that nonindigenous larval anurans may adversely impact native tadpole communities as a result of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Relationships between plant invasion and the soil seed bank in highly diverse fire adapted mediterranean woodlands are poorly understood, yet critical for that ecosystem’s conservation. Within the biodiversity hotspot of southwest Australia we investigated the composition and diversity of the Banksia woodland soil seed bank in good condition (GC), medium condition (MC) and poor condition invaded by the South African perennial species Ehrharta calycina (PCe) and Pelargonium capitatum (PCp). The investigation assessed three questions: (1) Do soil seed banks of invaded sites have fewer germinants of native species and more germinants of introduced (non-native) species than sites with minimal invasion? (2) Do soil seed banks show shifts in ecological functional types with invasion? (3) Is the soil seed bank of introduced species persistent? Native species germinants, mainly shrubs and perennial herbs, were highest in GC sites and least in poorer condition sites suggesting a reduction in their numbers had occurred over time. Introduced germinants were dominated by perennial and annual grasses, and annual herbs. E. calycina had the greatest seed density (8328 germinants m−2). More introduced than native germinants occurred in the litter. Rapid germination of introduced species (30% in week 1) compared to native species (4% in week 1) provides the capacity for their early dominance. A limited native soil seed bank and dominant persistent introduced soil seed bank represent great challenges for the structural and functional conservation and restoration of woodland ecosystems. This study provides key new knowledge, applicable to a wide range of ecosystems, to help formulate conservation protocols to control dominant introduced species and conserve and restore biodiverse-rich woodlands.  相似文献   

Astragalus mongholicus has been of medicinal use within the traditional Chinese system for centuries. However, little information is available on its allelopathic effects on other crop plants and soil biochemical properties. Field experiment showed that the extracted residues of A. mongholicus root inhibited seed germination of wheat. Inhibition of seed germination was further confirmed in laboratory using the same crude extract. When the crude extract was applied to soil at various rates and incubated for 30 days, soil urease activity and denitrifying enzyme activity were significantly increased while soil nitrification rate was significantly decreased at 10% amendment rate as compared to the control. Soil respiration rate was significantly increased by the crude extract when measured at the start of incubation but returned to basal levels after 30 days of incubation. The crude extract supplemented to NB medium significantly decreased the colony numbers of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, Paraccocus denitrificans and soil bacteria. The stimulating effects of crude extract observed in the amended soil was attributed to the easily-available carbohydrates in the extract, which might served as external energy sources for heterotrophic microbial activities. It was concluded that A. mongholicus contained some compounds that inhibited seed germination, soil nitrification and bacterial growth in general. Possible links between allelochemicals responsible for the inhibitory effects observed in the present study and the medically bioactive compounds are discussed based on information reported in other fields. Further work is needed to specify and verify the allelochemicals produced by this herbal plant.  相似文献   

In forest restoration areas in northern Ethiopia, natural regeneration of Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata only occurs under pioneer shrubs. To assess the impact of erosion on the spatial distribution of Olea recruits, secondary dispersal of olive seeds by surface runoff was determined in and near the micro-environment of two important pioneers (Acacia etbaica and Euclea racemosa). We hypothesized that (1) Olea seeds deposited under the protective crowns of shrubs are less likely to be lost by surface wash than seeds in the bare inter-plant areas and (2) that seeds in the latter are more prone to be translocated by runoff to microsites under shrubs than to open areas.  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasions threaten ecological communities world-wide. Some species are limited by a lack of suitable pollinators, but the introduction of exotic pollinators can facilitate rapid spread. In Tasmania, where many non-native plants are naturalised, exotic honeybees (Apis mellifera) and bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) have become established. We determined how these species affect the pollination of Lupinus arboreus, an invasive, nitrogen-fixing shrub, which is rarely visited by native pollinators. The proportion of flowers setting seed and the number of ovules fertilised per flower were positively related to the visitation rates of both exotic bee species. There was no effect of bee visitation rates on the proportion of seeds aborted prior to maturity, possibly due to post-fertilisation environmental constraints. We conclude that the spread of B. terrestris may not alter the fecundity of L. arboreus because of the pollination service provided by A. mellifera, and discuss potential interactions between these two bee species.  相似文献   

Introduced species are an increasingly pervasive problem. While studies on the ecology and behavior of these pests are numerous, there is relatively little known of their physiology, specifically their reproductive and stress physiology. One of the best documented introduced pest species is the brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis, which was introduced onto the Pacific island of Guam sometime around World War II. The snake is responsible for severely reducing Guam's native vertebrates. We captured free-living individuals throughout the year and measured plasma levels of stress and sex hormones in an effort to determine when they were breeding. These data were compared to reproductive cycles from a captive population originally collected from Guam. Free-living individuals had chronically elevated plasma levels of the stress hormone corticosterone and basal levels of sex steroids and a remarkably low proportion were reproductively active. These data coincide with evidence that the wild population may be in decline. Captive snakes, had low plasma levels of corticosterone with males displaying a peak in plasma testosterone levels during breeding. Furthermore, we compared body condition between the free-living and captive snakes from Guam and free-living individuals captured from their native range in Australia. Male and female free-living snakes from Guam exhibited significantly reduced body condition compared to free-living individuals from Australia. We suggest that during the study period, free-living brown tree snakes on Guam were living under stressful conditions, possibly due to overcrowding and overexploitation of food resources, resulting in decreased body condition and suppressed reproduction.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of three concentrations of water extracts of three leaf litter species (pitch pine, huckleberry and white oak) and a mixture of all litters on the germination of pitch pine seeds and initial seedling growth in a microcosm experiment. All three plant species are important components of the pine barrens ecosystems in New Jersey, where it has been seen that pine seedling recruitment occurs only after stand replacing fire or in disturbed sites, where surface organic soil horizons and leaf litter have been removed. Leaf litter extracts did not influence seed germination, but significantly reduced seedling growth at high concentrations. There was little difference between the leaf litter species in growth suppression. As charcoal is a natural residue on the forest floor following fire, its influence on growth suppression was examined; it has been shown to immobilize polyphenols. Charcoal removed the inhibitory effect of leaf litter extracts and allowed the fertilizer effect of nutrients leached from the leaves to enhance seedling growth, particularly at the higher concentration of litter extract used. Responses to litter extracts were compared to four pure phenolic compounds, catchecol, p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and tannic acid. None of these compounds suppressed pine seedling growth, suggesting that these phenolics are not allelopathic to pine seedlings. The results are discussed in the context of fire as a driving factor in these oligotrophic and seasonally dry ecosystems and the interactions between nutrient supply and allelopathic chemistry of different leaf litters.  相似文献   

Artificial nests are commonly used to evaluate predation, but the assumption that this method mimics predation on natural nests has seldom been tested. Natural and artificial nests of eastern yellow robins (Eopsaltria australis) were monitored in four, 55-ha plots over two breeding seasons. Overall, daily survival rates were higher (P<0.001) for natural (95%/day) than for artificial nests (88%/day). Among plots, daily survival rates for the two types of nests were not correlated with one another (P=0.72) indicating that the spatial pattern of predation on artificial nests did not mimic that for natural nests. Seasonal variation was evident for natural nests in one year, when they were more successful at the beginning and end of the breeding season. No seasonal patterns were observed for artificial nests in either year. Neither natural nor artificial nests showed annual variation in predation. Previous researchers concluded that large birds were important predators on robin nests. In this study, predation by large birds on artificial nests was positively correlated with the numbers of large birds counted on the plots (P=0.04). However, large birds depredated only 16% of artificial nests. Daily survival rates for artificial nests were recalculated using predation by large birds only. These rates were compared with natural nests, but there was still no correspondence in the spatial and temporal patterns of predation for the two types of nests. These results suggest that inferences about predation on natural nests based on artificial nest studies should be avoided.  相似文献   

Most large mammalian carnivores are in global decline, principally due to conflict with livestock farmers. Because endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) range widely, often beyond the boundaries of protected areas, they may be particularly exposed to lethal control by farmers, even where nominally protected by reserves. Hence, effectively conserving wild dogs demands resolution of their conflicts with farmers. We investigated livestock depredation by African wild dogs living outside protected areas in northern Kenya. Scat analysis confirmed the distribution of depredation events reported by local farmers, indicating that farmer reports - collated by local Community Liaison Officers - gave a reasonably good index of the true pattern of depredation. Although livestock were abundant throughout the study area, depredation was exceedingly uncommon (approximately one attack per 1000 km2 per year) and the costs of tolerating wild dogs were very low (US $3.40/wilddog/year) where wild prey remained, even at low densities. However, where wild prey were seriously depleted, wild dogs killed livestock repeatedly, and the cost of sustaining them rose to US $389/wilddog/year. Hence, although wild dogs had a negligible economic impact in the region, their impact was locally severe. Conservation activities for wild dogs are most likely to be successful if targeted at areas where wild prey remain, and where traditional herding practices have been retained.  相似文献   

Recent stable isotope analyses indicate that a number of putative detritivorous soil microarthropods is not typical detritivores but rather live as predators or scavengers. Using molecular gut content analyses the present study investigates if nematodes indeed form part of the diet of oribatid mites. First, in a no-choice laboratory feeding experiment two nematode species (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita and Steinernema feltiae) were offered to eight species of oribatid mites and one gamasid mite. Second, after feeding for 4 and 48 h on each nematode species the detection time of prey DNA in the oribatid mite species Steganacarus magnus was investigated. Third, in a field experiment nematode prey (P. hermaphrodita and S. feltiae) in the diet of microarthropods was investigated distinguishing between scavenging and predation. In the no-choice laboratory experiment not only the gamasid mite but also several of the studied oribatid mite species consumed nematodes. After feeding on nematodes for 4 h prey DNA was detectable in S. magnus for only 4 h, but after feeding for 48 h prey DNA was detectable for 128 h, indicating that the duration of feeding on prey is an important determinant for prey DNA detection. The field experiment confirmed that oribatid mite species including Liacarus subterraneus, Platynothrus peltifer and S. magnus intensively prey on nematodes. Interestingly, DNA of dead P. hermaphrodita was detectable to a similar degree as that of living individuals indicating that scavenging is of significant importance in decomposer food webs. Results of our study indicate that predation and scavenging on nematodes by “detritivorous” microarthropods in soil food webs need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

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