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This paper uses five inter-related topics (the management of rivers, fire regimes, invasive alien species, rare antelope and elephants) to assess 15 years of adaptive management in the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. The importance of adaptive planning (a process for developing achievable objectives, which is adaptive because objectives are revised as understanding grows), has been highlighted by this assessment, and the KNP’s track record of adaptive planning is better than that of adaptive management. Adaptive management has identified important issues with regard to biodiversity conservation, and resulted in a shift in management focus to these issues. Because the conservation outcomes of management shifts will only manifest themselves in the longer term, the relative success of adaptive management should be measured by the degree to which management has been refocused onto priority issues, and by the rate at which new understanding is generated. Some issues previously seen as important (fire, rare antelope), are now regarded as less so, while others remain important and difficult to solve, although there has been some progress (rivers, alien plants and elephants). It has also proved difficult to implement active adaptive management (large-scale, replicated trials using different approaches), because of local variation and logistical problems. Adaptive management will remain the approach of choice because there is some progress, and no known alternative to managing this complex ecosystem. It is simply not an option to return to the easily-understood “implementable” solutions (such as culling, regular prescribed burning, or artificial water provision) that demonstrably did not work.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic modification of natural habitat is resulting in a widespread loss of biodiversity. One of the primary responses of human societies to biodiversity loss has been the creation of protected areas. Two of the most important questions in conservation biology are: (1) whether protected areas are playing their intended role as reservoirs of biodiversity; and (2) whether habitat outside protected areas, particularly in agricultural landscapes, plays a significant role in maintaining biodiversity and the ecosystem services that it provides. Even though empirical evidence is still lacking on the exact mapping from functional group richness to specific ecosystem services, functional groups are good indicators of ecosystem functioning and thus service provision. We classified the South African avifauna into nine functional groups and tested at a coarse grain for differences in functional group composition between landscapes containing predominantly agricultural vs. protected areas. We used a matched pair sampling design to control for confounding variance. We found that avian functional groups respond in quantitatively and qualitatively distinct ways to agriculturally dominated landscapes. Raptors and scavengers displayed the most consistent losses, while nutrient dispersers and grazers tended to increase. Spatial detrending and randomisation tests suggested that only raptors and scavengers are negatively affected by agricultural landscapes independently of spatial autocorrelation. Thus, protected area landscapes are serving as important reservoirs of functionally important upper trophic populations while agricultural landscapes facilitate the presence of species that link aquatic and terrestrial systems. These results demonstrate the potential for complementary facets of functional diversity to exist on landscapes containing vastly different land-uses.  相似文献   

Protected areas worldwide are facing increasing pressures to co-manage human development and biodiversity conservation. One strategy for managing multiple uses within and around protected areas is zoning, an approach in which spatial boundaries are drawn to distinguish areas with varying degrees of allowable human impacts. However, zoning designations are rarely evaluated for their efficacy using empirical data related to both human and biodiversity characteristics. To evaluate the effectiveness of zoning designations, we developed an integrated approach. The approach was calibrated empirically using data from Wolong Nature Reserve, a flagship protected area for the conservation of endangered giant pandas in China. We analyzed the spatial distribution of pandas, as well as human impacts (roads, houses, tourism infrastructure, livestock, and forest cover change) with respect to zoning designations in Wolong. Results show that the design of the zoning scheme could be improved to account for pandas and their habitat, considering the amount of suitable habitat outside of the core zone (area designated for biodiversity conservation). Zoning was largely successful in containing houses and roads to their designated experimental zone, but was less effective in containing livestock and was susceptible to boundary adjustments to allow for tourism development. We identified focus areas for potential zoning revision that could better protect the panda population without significantly compromising existing human settlements. Our findings highlight the need for evaluating the efficacy of zoning in other protected areas facing similar challenges with balancing human needs and conservation goals, not only in China but also around the world.  相似文献   

Because data on the distribution of most species are limited, prioritizing sites for conservation requires the use of indicator groups to represent overall diversity. The purpose of this study is to assess the utility of different subsets of the South American mammal fauna in representing the overall diversity of South American terrestrial mammals, percentage of endangered and restricted-range species, and the percentage of monotypic genera. Particularly, I assess the effectiveness and efficiency of explicitly selected indicator groups at two spatial scales - continental South America and the country of Brazil. Results show that all indicator groups were more effective than a random selection of cells. However, when compared with sets of randomly selected species, only one indicator group outperformed these sets. An indicator group composed of geographically rare species was more effective and efficient at both spatial scales, protecting a higher percentage of the total number of species, as well as higher percentages of endangered and rare species, and total number of monotypic genera.  相似文献   

Butterfly assemblages were used to characterize and evaluate the conservation value of the main habitat types in the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park (north-eastern Spain), an important protected wetland area on the Mediterranean coast. Butterfly data were obtained from a number of transects walked as part of the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, which uses a standardized methodology for monitoring butterflies. A Mantel test indicated a strong association between habitat types and the composition of butterfly assemblages and a principal component analysis ordinated individual butterfly species along a gradient from woodland to open areas, thereby indicating various degrees of shade tolerance. In addition, cluster analysis distinguished two main groups of habitats based on the similarities of their butterfly fauna: woodland and bramble clumps and a group of three different kinds of grasslands (traditionally hay meadows, pastures, and alfalfa fields). Hay meadows flooded in winter (the so-called closes) appeared always as the highest ranked habitat in terms of conservation evaluation: they have more butterflies and a slight tendency to harbor more and generally rarer species. This conclusion coincides with that of previous investigations that have indicated that the most diverse and rare plant communities in the whole Natural Park are present in the closes, and highlights the importance of traditionally managed hay meadows for wildlife. However, these hay meadows - one of the rarest habitats in the Mediterranean region - are in alarming decline and have become the most threatened habitat in this protected area: no longer profitable, we believe that the future of the closes will depend ultimately on the existence of agri-environmental schemes.  相似文献   

The wildlife conservation problems in Tanzania are examined from a political ecology perspective. The analysis is historical, exploring the establishment of national parks under British colonial rule and the tightening of state control over access to resources at the expense of customary rights. Examples are presented from the Mt. Meru area of north-eastern Tanzania. During the colonial period, the formal political debate over land and resource rights was conducted without the participation of African peasants. After independence the state continued to assert control over resource access unilaterally. As Meru peasants have effectively been shut out of the formal political process, their only recourse for defending the loss of access to natural resources is everyday forms of resistance, including de facto alliances with commercial poachers and ‘foot dragging’ in regards to compliance with conservation laws. Consequently there is little local support for current wildlife conservation policies on Mt. Meru and wildlife populations have declined in the 30 years since Arusha National Park was established there.  相似文献   

The Casentinesi Forests, in the northern Apennines, harbour a rich community of wild ungulates, with the wolf representing the largest predator in the area. Between 1993 and 2000, wolf pack distribution in the area was monitored and estimates of pack size were obtained by wolf-howling surveys, snow-tracking, and occasional observations. Three to five packs were detected yearly, with sizes averaging 4.2 ± 0.9 wolves (maximum 7). The overall density in the area was 4.7 wolves per 100 km2 with an average distance between adjacent packs of 11.1 km. The high wolf density in the Casentinesi Forests is mostly related to abundance and size of wild prey. In this, like in other areas at low latitudes, wolf density depends mainly on the number of packs, as pack size is rather small and recruitment limited by early dispersal and high mortality. Three homesites used in several years by resident packs were discovered. Homesite fidelity and pack reproductive success were higher in fully protected rather than harvested areas. Establishing a network of protected areas with high ungulate diversity and abundance is proposed as the main factor for allowing a full recovery of the wolf population in Italy.  相似文献   

The impact of hunting on wildlife is a complex phenomenon which varies in space and across time, and yet limited knowledge is available on it. This is especially the case of the indirect effects of hunting on the behaviour of target as well as non-target species. Here we analyze how hunting affected the spatial behaviour of 62 radiocollared roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in a protected area adjacent to areas where hunting with hounds (target species: wild boar and hares) and stalking with rifles from high seats without dogs (target species: roe deer) were permitted during the hunting season. Our results showed that hunting caused a significant increase in the home range size of monitored deer, as well as a “reserve effect”, whereby roe deer used the protected area as a refuge from hunters. These behavioural responses were significant only at times when hunting with hounds was conducted, even though roe deer was not the target species of this technique. Reactions to the perceived risk of predation varied among age and sex classes, with yearling being more sensitive and using the protected area more than adults. As shown in our study, hunting harassment provoked by drives with hounds significantly affects the behaviour of non-target species. Therefore, the use of long-legged hounds represents a variable that should be carefully evaluated by wildlife managers in their management plans and conservation policies, especially when endangered or vulnerable species are present.  相似文献   

Little is known about the responses of forest birds, other than raptors, to human disturbance despite their being highly sensitive to habitat disruption. We tested five hypotheses about the spatial and temporal interactions between recreationists and wildlife by using five South American birds as model species. We measured two components of flight distance, horizontal (distance between a visitor and the base of a perching tree) and vertical (distance between the base of a tree and the perch), and estimated the third diagonal component (distance between a visitor and the perch). We found that (a) the relationships between horizontal and vertical components of flight distance were negative (rufus-collared sparrow, golden-billed saltator, chiguanco thrush), positive (spot-winged pigeon), and neutral (bay-winged cowbird), suggesting that different components are used as clues to the proximity of people when birds vacated the perching tree; (b) the distance to the nearest pathway correlated positively with flight distance components of two species (bay-winged cowbird and spot-winged pigeon); and (c) physical structure of the vegetation affected differently flight distances of all species. Interspecific comparisons showed that (d) all flight distance components increased linearly with body size, and (e) species differed in landing distances but not in response duration: large-bodied species tended to land farther than smaller-bodied ones. By implementing buffer zones (areas without access to visitors), spatial restrictions would conflict with recreational activities. We recommend re-distributing (but not restricting) human visitation by varying the number of visitors and area of visitation according to the spatial requirements of differently sized species.  相似文献   

Systematic approaches to site selection for marine protected areas (MPAs) are often favored over opportunistic approaches as a means to meet conservation objectives efficiently. In this study, we compared analytically the conservation value of these two approaches. We locate this study in Danajon Bank, central Philippines, where many MPAs were established opportunistically based on community preference, with few if any contributions from biophysical data. We began by identifying the biophysical data that would have been available when the first MPA was created in Danajon Bank (1995). We next used these data with the reserve selection software Marxan to identify MPAs that covered the same area as is protected under the current set of MPAs (0.32% of the total study area) and that would protect the greatest number of conservation targets at the lowest cost. We finally compared the conservation value of the current MPAs to the value of those selected by Marxan. Because of the dearth of biophysical data available in 1995 and the small area currently under protection, Marxan identified multiple configurations of MPAs that would protect the same percentage of conservation targets, with little differentiation among sites. Further, we discovered that the costs of obtaining and analyzing these data to be used for conservation planning would have been large relative to resources typically available to conservation planners in developing countries. Finally, we found that the current set of MPAs protected more ecological features than would be expected by chance, although not as many as could be protected using a systematic approach. Our results suggest that an opportunistic approach can be a valuable component of conservation planning, especially when biophysical data are sparse and community acceptance is a critical factor affecting the success of an MPA.  相似文献   

Increasing demands for firewood owing to rising energy costs have accelerated discussions about the amount of dead wood needed for conservation. A sharp increase in dead wood caused by bark beetles in a German national park provides lessons for management of commercial and protected forests. We investigated the effects of dead wood due to bark beetle infestation as well as tree senility on abundance and richness of saproxylic species of beetles. Increasing amounts of spruce dead wood and opening of the canopy by bark beetles had positive effects on the abundance of host-generalist, conifer-specialist, and red-listed saproxylic beetles. Broadleaf specialists were positively associated with the amount of broadleaf dead wood and negatively associated with canopy openness. Gradient analysis of beetle assemblages revealed two major environmental axes: canopy openness and amount of dead wood. We found a threshold for community divergence at a canopy openness of 23% (confidence interval CI: 11-49) and at an amount of dead wood of 64 m3 ha−1 (CI: 35-160). Critically endangered species served as indicators of dense and open forests, but only when the amount of dead wood was high. Our results suggest that, to maintain saproxylic beetle assemblages, the amount of dead wood in commercial montane forests (at present ≈15 m3 ha−1) needs to be tripled, with a focus on broadleaf wood in dense stands and spruce wood in open stands. For large protected areas in Europe, our data suggest that bark beetle infestation and senescence without active forest management improves habitat conditions for saproxylic beetles.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly envisaged as a tool to manage coastal ecosystems and fisheries. Assessment of their performance with respect to management objectives is therefore important. A number of MPAs provided conservation benefits for fished species. Observed benefits do not apply to all species at all times, and responses to protection are also highly variable among fish taxa. Among the many empirical studies on marine reserves, only a few designs considered ‘before and after data’ and spatial variation. In this paper, we are interested in assessing the effect of a no-take reserve on the reef fish assemblage in a northwestern Mediterranean example. Data were obtained from a three-year survey using underwater visual censuses (UVC), before and after MPA establishment. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) and multivariate regression trees (MRT) were used to evaluate the effects of reserve protection on the reef fish assemblage, while accounting for habitat. Modelled biological responses were abundances and diversity indices calculated at different levels of the assemblage. Significant effects were found for many of these metrics. In addition to PERMANOVA, univariate models provided more insight into the magnitude and direction of effects. The most sensitive metrics were related to large species and species targeted by fishing. These results may be used to choose the metrics that are more suitable as community-based indicators of MPA impact in the perspective of monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Agricultural reform and infrastructural development are among the major drivers of biodiversity loss and landscape homogenization worldwide. Ponds and other small stagnant water bodies are crucial for maintaining regional biodiversity, yet they are vulnerable to human induced landscape change. We investigated for 199 ponds in the ‘département’ Pas-de-Calais in north-western France if pond persistence (n = 86, 43%) or disappearance (n = 113, 57%) was related to wider changes in the landscape, over the period 1975–2006. Landscape data were obtained from aerial photographs (1963), two ASTER satellite images (2001 and 2003) and observations on the ground (1975 and 2006) and land use around the ponds was described over concentric circles with five different radii in the 100–1000 m range. Overall, pond disappearance was associated with a decrease in grassland and an increase in arable fields around the ponds. We found that the small, man-made cattle ponds, with either natural substrate or concrete drinking troughs, were more often affected than the larger, semi-natural ponds. Since the cattle ponds are regularly used for amphibian reproduction, their massive abandonment therewith weakens the population network and puts the local occurrence of some of the rarer species at risk. Spatial extrapolation of models on pond persistence allowed the identification of areas most at risk of further pond loss. We suggest that local amphibian conservation efforts will be the most effective if the focus is on the marshes and dune areas and on pond preservation in the remaining grasslands.  相似文献   

The buffer effect predicts that where the reproductive success and survivorship of a species vary between potential habitats, sites will be sequentially filled according to a preference hierarchy. Once favoured sites reach saturation, numbers on the less-suitable/poorer quality sites will show a greater rate of increase compared with those on favoured sites. Supporting evidence for a buffer effect is readily available in the literature for many species, although this is generally restricted to small-scale analyses. In this paper we test for a buffer effect on a national scale for 19 species of waterbirds regularly wintering in the UK for which populations have increased nationally. The results provide little support for the effect, with only four species showing significant negative correlations. Nonetheless, a number of factors are likely to confound the occurrence/identification of a buffer effect for these species, including site area and data limitations. By contrast, for the majority of these 19 species, those sites where initial population totals are largest are also those with the fastest rates of population increase. Encouragingly, these sites are, therefore, more likely to be classified and managed as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) or Ramsar sites using the current numerical criteria for identifying such conservation areas.  相似文献   

Understanding population differentiation and genetic diversity within population is critical to the development of conservation programmes for threatened species. The protected species, Anchusa crispa Viv. occurs on coastal sand dunes in three disjunct geographical groups of populations: two populations on the east coast of Corsica, several populations around a single estuary on the west coast of Corsica and at a number of sites in north-west Sardinia, where two different subspecies occur. In this study we quantify differentiation of reproductive traits and isozymes among regions and populations on Corsica and between subspecies on Sardinia. No isozyme variation was detected within any of the studied populations nor among populations from a given geographic region. Two loci showed geographic differentiation between regions on Corsica. On Sardinia, the two subspecies showed no isozyme differentiation, and, depending on the loci examined, are similar to one or other of the two regions on Corsica. Reproductive traits show significant differentiation between geographic regions on Corsica, but little variation among populations within a region. In populations on the west coast of Corsica, flowers are small and have a stigma situated at the same level as the apex of the anthers whereas on the east coast, flowers are larger and have the stigma below the anthers. On Sardinia, A. crispa subsp. crispa has a floral morphology similar to the Corsican plants, whereas subspecies maritima has larger flowers with the stigma positioned above the anthers (approach-herkogamy). Quantitative variation in floral morphology thus agrees with the separation of two taxonomic entities on Sardinia and geographic variation in reproductive traits and isozymes has important ramifications for the sampling of populations for conservation programmes.  相似文献   

Shallow open water wetlands provide critical habitat for numerous species, yet they have become increasingly vulnerable to drought and warming temperatures and are often reduced in size and depth or disappear during drought. We examined how temperature, precipitation and beaver (Castor canadensis) activity influenced the area of open water in wetlands over a 54-year period in the mixed-wood boreal region of east-central Alberta, Canada. This entire glacial landscape with intermittently connected drainage patterns and shallow wetland lakes with few streams lost all beaver in the 19th century, with beaver returning to the study area in 1954. We assessed the area of open water in wetlands using 12 aerial photo mosaics from 1948 to 2002, which covered wet and dry periods, when beaver were absent on the landscape to a time when they had become well established. The number of active beaver lodges explained over 80% of the variability in the area of open water during that period. Temperature, precipitation and climatic variables were much less important than beaver in maintaining open water areas. In addition, during wet and dry years, the presence of beaver was associated with a 9-fold increase in open water area when compared to a period when beaver were absent from those same sites. Thus, beaver have a dramatic influence on the creation and maintenance of wetlands even during extreme drought. Given the important role of beaver in wetland preservation and in light of a drying climate in this region, their removal should be considered a wetland disturbance that should be avoided.  相似文献   

European native plant diversity is currently suffering erosion and extinction and thus, it is crucial to improve conservation strategies to maintain this essential resource. If unchecked, this genetic erosion and species extinction will cause unnecessary and irreversible harm to the economy and social well being of Europe. Much plant biodiversity is undoubtedly found in the existing 9654 European protected areas that cover 1,066,358 km2, but clearly targeted and active conservation of priority plant species is required within these protected areas. To help ensure more efficient long-term sustainable conservation, a novel approach to the in situ conservation of European plants, notably crop wild relatives, is suggested. The purpose of this approach is to know what plant genetic resources (PGR) we have, where they are located and to assess whether the current network of protected areas includes a representative sample of European PGR diversity. The generation of in situ conservation and management plans for PGR populations in existing protected areas can significantly improve the present conservation status. Additionally, the identification of gaps of certain PGR in current protected areas can provide the basis for the designation of new complementary PGR in situ reserves.  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2004 we undertook an ecological study of African lions (Panthera leo) in Hwange National Park, western Zimbabwe to measure the impact of sport-hunting beyond the park on the lion population within the park, using radio-telemetry and direct observation. 34 of 62 tagged lions died during the study (of which 24 were shot by sport hunters: 13 adult males, 5 adult females, 6 sub-adult males). Sport hunters in the safari areas surrounding the park killed 72% of tagged adult males from the study area. Over 30% of all males shot were sub-adult (<4 years). Hunting off-take of male lions doubled during 2001-2003 compared to levels in the three preceding years, which caused a decline in numbers of adult males in the population (from an adult sex ratio of 1:3 to 1:6 in favour of adult females). Home ranges made vacant by removal of adult males were filled by immigration of males from the park core. Infanticide was observed when new males entered prides. The proportion of male cubs increased between 1999 and 2004, which may have occurred to compensate for high adult male mortality.  相似文献   

Successful forest wildlife management is dependent on information that estimates long-term viability of populations in response to different management practices. In this paper we couple information captured in a GIS database, relationships between habitat attributes and habitat quality, and the dynamics of those habitat attributes, to assess the long-term metapopulation viability of a forest-dependent arboreal marsupial, greater glider Petauroides volans Kerr, in the Ada Forest Block in south-eastern Australia. Estimates of the size and spatial distribution of populations in remnant patches of old-growth forest, and the dynamics of key elements of that habitat, are input to ALEX, a computer package for population viability analysis. The model is used to predict the probability of persistence of P. volans within the Ada Forest Block concentrating on scenarios that assess the value of different old-growth patches and the impact of wildfire. We conclude that small patches of old-growth forest ( <20 ha) make almost no contribution to the persistence of the species. In addition, control of wildfire will significantly increase the viability of the species in the remaining habitat.  相似文献   

Sand dunes form one of the most fragile terrestrial ecosystems. in Rajasthan they have a diverse vegetation and are often utilized by considerable human and livestock populations. a thorough knowledge of the resource utilization by the human and animal populations is essential if the future potential of the ecosystem and its physical stability under changing environmental conditions are to be accurately assessed. This study examines the socio-economic aspect of land degradation at four sites in Churu and Jhunjhunu districts, northwest Rajasthan. an attempt is made to assess the socioeconomic factors leading to land degradation. Data on human use of the Rajasthan (Thar) Desert semiarid ecosystem were collected through individual interviews, group discussions and field measurements. the present exploitation of soil and vegetation resources, possible future biomass deficiency, its impact on sustainable development and role in land degradation are examined. The average number of people in each household in the study area, and the number of livestock each household maintains are too high to allow a satisfactory income to be sustained. the annual income of 50-90 per cent of households was less than 10 000 rupees ($US 1 = 17 rupees in 1987). Sale and consumption of milk, wool, surplus animals and wood provide livelihood, supplemented with income from wage labour. Rain-fed marginal land cultivation produces poor yields and the per capita production is too low to justify the huge soil erosion losses occurring. the number of goats, sheep and cattle owned by the inhabitants has increased tremendously in recent years. Stocking rates vary from 1.63 to 12.08 animals per hectare. the grazing pressure during the dry season, when forage availability decreases, reaches 34.9 animals per hectare. as a result of overgrazing, The land productivity has decreased considerably. the annual fodder deficit values in the study area are enormous. Demand for fuelwood at all the study sites is increasing, yet available forests have already largely been cut down. the distance travelled to collect fuelwood has been increasing, whereas the amount and quality of fuelwood is decreasing. Use of cattle dung to supplement fuelwood during the summer dry season and in drought periods has been decreasing due to low fodder availability and high livestock mortality. Human numbers are increasing, and livestock numbers are also multiplying (except in drought periods) and consequently the available resources are decreasing. Soil erosion and desertification will continue to increase during the next decade unless effective counter measures are undertaken.  相似文献   

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