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Even among widespread species with high reproductive potentials and significant dispersal abilities, the probability of extinctions should be correlated both with population size variance and with the extent of population isolation. To address how variation in demographic characteristics and habitat requirements may reflect on the comparative risk of species decline, I examined 617 time series of population census data derived from 89 amphibian species using the normalized estimate of the realized rate of increase, ΔN, and its variance. Amphibians are demonstrably in general decline and exhibit a great range of dispersal abilities, demographic characteristics, and population sizes. I compared species according to life-history characteristics and habitat use. Among the populations examined, census declines outnumbered increases yet the average magnitudes for both declines and increases were not demonstrably different, substantiating findings of amphibian decline. This gives no support for the idea that amphibian population sizes are dictated by regimes featuring relatively rare years of high recruitment offset by intervening years of gradual decline such that declines may outnumber increases without negative effect. For any given population size, those populations living in large streams or in ponds had significantly higher variance than did populations of completely terrestrial or other stream-dwelling amphibians. This could not be related to life-history complexity as all the stream-breeding species examined have larvae and all of the wholly terrestrial species have direct development without a larval stage. Variance in ΔN was highest amongst the smallest populations in each comparison group. Estimated local extinction rates averaged 3.1% among pond-breeding frogs, 2.2% for pond-breeding salamanders, and negligible for both stream-breeding and terrestrial direct-developing species. Recoveries slightly exceeded extinctions among European pond-breeding frogs but not among North American pond-breeding frogs. Less common species had greater negative disparities between extinctions and recoveries. Species with highly fluctuating populations and high frequencies of local extinctions living in changeable environments, such pond- and torrent-breeding amphibians, may be especially susceptible to curtailment of dispersal and restriction of habitat.  相似文献   

We studied amphibian populations in a human-dominated landscape, in Northern Italy, to evaluate the effects of patch quality and isolation on each species distribution and community structure. We used logistic and linear multiple regression to relate amphibian presence during the breeding season in 84 wetlands to wetland features and isolation. Jackknife procedure was used to evaluate predictive capability of the models. Again, we tested the response of each species to habitat features related to the richest communities. Amphibian presence depends strongly on habitat quality and isolation: the richest communities live in fish-free, sunny wetlands near to occupied wetlands. The negative effects of isolation do not seem to be biased by spatial autocorrelation of habitat features. The system shows strong nestedness: amphibian persistence depends on the contemporary effects of species adaptability and mobility. The commonest species, the pool frog (Rana synklepton esculenta) and the Italian tree frog (Hyla intermedia), are able to move through the matrix using canals and hedgerows, and can maintain metapopulations across the landscape; the rarest species (newts and toads) are more sensitive to habitat alteration, and they are strongly affected by isolation effects. If human exploitation of the landscape continues, only few species, mobile and opportunistic, will persist in this landscape.  相似文献   

We explored the use of beaver (Castor canadensis) as a surrogate species for amphibian conservation on small (1st-4th-order) streams in the Boreal Foothills of west-central Alberta. Anuran call surveys indicated that beaver create breeding habitat for the boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), wood frog (Rana sylvatica) and western toad (Bufo boreas). No calling males of any species were recorded on unobstructed streams. Wood frog, the most abundant species, exhibited high rates of juvenile recruitment on beaver ponds. Pitfall traps captured more wood frogs on beaver ponds versus unobstructed streams, and most individuals (84%) were young-of-year. Abundance of young-of-year was strongly correlated with percent landscape occupied by beaver ponds indicating that anurans captured along streams originated in beaver ponds. Based on a novel combination of a digital elevation model and aerial photographs examined with GIS, statistical models showed that the probability of beaver pond occurrence on streams was positively associated with stream order and dependent on the interacting effects of distance to nearest forestry cutblock and availability of beaver foods (Populus spp.). We propose that the distribution and abundance of beaver ponds could be determined over large areas quickly and inexpensively by remote sensing and used to identify and monitor amphibian habitat, and possibly, populations. This work establishes the pre-eminence of beaver-created wetlands as amphibian habitat in the Boreal Foothills and that the incorporation of dam-building patterns into forest management strategies could aid amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of habitat alteration on population structure and persistence is critical for effective conservation strategies. Timber harvest and wildfire are two of the most prevalent disturbances across temperate forests, yet the long-term effects of these two forces on population connectivity have rarely been studied. We studied populations of the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus) across landscapes that have experienced either timber harvest or broad scale fires. Rocky Mountain tailed frogs generally require forested habitat, and are a species of concern in managed forests. We used landscape genetic techniques to test the explanatory power of alternative paths of connectivity across both burned and harvested forests and identified topographical and climatic variables that significantly influenced gene flow. We found that timber harvest and fire led to different patterns of genetic connectivity. Widespread terrestrial gene flow was maintained across previously burned areas and connectivity was primarily limited by solar radiation. In contrast, gene flow among populations in managed forests followed riparian corridors, presumably to avoid the loss of cover due to timber harvest. Gene flow along riparian corridors in Rocky Mountain tailed frogs differs from a population of the closely related coastal tailed frog (Ascaphus truei), for which gene flow appears to occur primarily over land. These results suggest management of Rocky Mountain tailed frogs should focus on maintaining riparian buffer zones, which may be less effective for the coastal species. Thus, consideration of landscape differences is essential even for conservation of closely related, morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

Road traffic causes significant amphibian and reptile mortality, which could be mitigated through the installation of road crossing structures that facilitate safe passage, but only if reptiles and amphibians are willing to use them. Through a series of behavioral choice experiments with frogs and turtles, we examined how aperture diameter, substrate type, length, and light permeability influenced individuals’ preferences for specific attributes of crossing structures, and how individuals responded to various heights of barrier fences. Snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina), green frogs (Rana clamitans), and leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) preferred larger diameter tunnels (>0.5 m) whereas painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) preferred tunnels of intermediate (0.5-0.6 m) diameter. Green frogs preferred soil- and gravel-lined tunnels to concrete- and PVC-lined tunnels. Painted turtles showed non-random choice of different lengths of tunnel, possibly indicating some avoidance of the longest tunnel (9.1 m); although no species preferred to exit via the longest tunnels (9.1 m), members of all four species used such tunnels. Green frogs preferred tunnels with the greatest light permeability. Fences 0.6 m in height were effective barriers to green frogs, leopard frogs, and snapping turtles, whereas 0.3 m fences excluded painted turtles. We conclude that tunnels > 0.5 m in diameter lined with soil or gravel and accompanied by 0.6-0.9 m high guide fencing would best facilitate road crossing for these and likely other frog and turtle species.  相似文献   

The Western Peat District of The Netherlands has a characteristic Dutch landscape. It consists mainly of meadows for dairy farming, crisscrossed by a dense network of ditches. Its biodiversity is regarded as of high national and international importance, but is declining as a result of intensive farming. Besides the establishment of reserves, measures to conserve and restore biological diversity have been implemented in the form of agri-environment schemes (AES). The aim of this research is to investigate, first, whether the reserves, assuming these provide source populations, affect the distribution of amphibians and, second, whether AES in the form of nature-friendly ditch bank management benefits amphibian diversity and abundance and enhances distribution across the agricultural landscape. In total, 42 ditches (24 control ditches and 18 AES ditches) were studied. Each ditch was perpendicular to the boundary of one of the reserves and was divided into five ditch sections of 100 m spread over 800 m, starting in the reserve and proceeding into the farmland. Generalized Linear Modelling was used to quantify the effect of nature-friendly ditch bank management (AES) and distance to the nature reserve on amphibian diversity and abundance. Species richness was high in AES ditches as compared to control ditches. The number of observed green frog (Rana esculenta synkl.) seemed to decline in the control ditches at large distances from the reserve. The other species, although their abundances were higher in the reserves, did not show a declining trend across the farmland. However, all adult amphibians except green frogs together had significantly higher abundances in the AES ditches compared to the control ditches. These results illustrate the potential role of agricultural ditches, combined with reserves and nature-friendly ditch bank management, in the conservation of amphibian populations.  相似文献   

Many amphibian species are plastic in their selection of breeding sites and use both short- and longer-hydroperiod wetlands. Understanding which wetland types are most important to amphibian production is critical for focusing conservation efforts. We compared reproduction of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) and production of wood frog juveniles between seasonal (vernal pools) and semi-permanent (beaver-created ponds) wetlands in the central Adirondack region of the northeastern United States. In 65 seasonal wetlands and 37 semi-permanent wetlands over 3 years, densities of wood frog egg masses were similar, but seasonal wetlands contained 4× as many spotted salamander egg masses as did semi-permanent wetlands. For wood frogs, survival to metamorphosis and juvenile production were an order of magnitude higher in semi-permanent wetlands. Models of wood frog production linked to the climatic record predicted that, depending on annual variation in rainfall and survival to metamorphosis, semi-permanent wetlands may produce annually 1.2–23× the number of wood frogs that seasonal wetlands produce within the study area. Models incorporating variation in demographic traits throughout the range of wood frogs suggest that higher survival to metamorphosis in beaver ponds and higher clutch densities in vernal pools strongly influence metamorph production on a regional basis. Semi-permanent wetlands make major contributions to amphibian production in our region and may also be an important source of colonists to seasonal wetlands following periods of drought. Protection of wetlands along the landscape-level continuum of hydroperiod therefore may be critical for maintaining and restoring amphibian populations.  相似文献   

Peat bogs of eastern North America are increasingly being mined for peat, which results in the extensive draining of these systems. First, I quantified the effects of peat mining on amphibian species richness and abundance in bog remnants adjacent to mining activity and unmined bogs. I then investigated amphibian occurrence patterns in bog remnants relative to the distance to the mined edge, after accounting for microhabitat and distance to landscape elements. The response of amphibians to peat mining varied across taxa. For instance, amphibian species richness, total amphibian captures (all spp. combined), as well as those of green frogs (Rana clamitans) were greater in unmined bogs than in bog remnants. Wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) were most abundant in unmined bogs in areas far from bog ponds, as well as in unmined bogs in areas near shrub patches. After accounting for microhabitat and landscape variables, American toads (Bufo americanus) in bog remnants were most abundant close to mined edges, whereas the other species did not respond to the proximity of mined edges. Peat mining negatively impacts amphibians occurring in bog remnants. The response of amphibians to peat mining is similar to the one of birds and plants, but differs with small mammals. Maintaining a complex mosaic of bog ponds, shrub and forest patches might help mitigate peat mining effects on amphibian patterns of abundance.  相似文献   

Many recent amphibian declines have been associated with chytridiomycosis, a cutaneous disease caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but increasing evidence suggests that this pathogen may coexist with some species without causing declines. In the Venezuelan Andes, the disappearance of three anuran species during the late eighties was attributed to B. dendrobatidis. Recently, this pathogen was found to be prevalent in this region on the introduced American bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus. As a first step toward assessing the risk of amphibian communities to B. dendrobatidis in this region, we conducted a broad survey across multiple habitat types and an altitudinal gradient spanning over 2000 m. We diagnosed 649 frogs from 17 species using real time and conventional PCR assays, and recorded relevant abiotic characteristics of host habitats. Infection was detected in 10 native species of pond, stream and terrestrial habitats from 80-2600 m, representing nine new host records. L. catesbeianus was the most important reservoir with 79.9% of individuals infected and an average of 2299 zoospores. Among native frogs, Dendropsophus meridensis, an endangered species sympatric with L. catesbeianus, showed the highest infection prevalence and mean zoospore load (26.7%; 2749 zoospores). We did not detect clinical signs of disease in infected hosts; however, species such as D. meridensis may be at risk if environmental stress exacerbates vulnerability or pathogen loads. While surveillance is an effective strategy to identify highly exposed species and habitats, we need to understand species-specific responses to B. dendrobatidis to stratify risk in amphibian communities.  相似文献   

Nonnative fishes have been introduced into naturally fishless mountain lakes worldwide, often with negative consequences for native fauna. In this study, I used data collected during a census of native herpetofauna, nonnative trout, and habitat characteristics at all lentic water bodies in Yosemite National Park (n=2655) to quantify the effect of trout introductions and habitat on the distribution of four amphibian species and two reptile species. Impacts of trout on amphibians and reptiles were characterized using generalized additive models that included as predictor variables fish presence/absence, amphibian presence/absence (only in models for the two reptile species), elevation, water depth, littoral zone and shoreline substrate composition, relative survey date, and location. All species showed significant associations with habitat characteristics, and elevation and water depth appeared particularly important in influencing distributions. In addition, distributions of the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) and Pacific treefrog (Hyla regilla) were strongly negatively associated with the presence of nonnative trout while those of the Yosemite toad (Bufo canorus) and Sierra newt (Taricha torosa sierrae) were unrelated to trout presence. The distribution of the mountain garter snake (Thamnophis elegans elegans) was strongly negatively associated with the presence of nonnative trout and positively associated with the presence of native amphibians. Regression results for the Sierra garter snake (Thamnophis couchi couchi) were similar except that the direct effect of nonnative trout was considerably weaker. Together, these results indicate that trout introductions have resulted in considerable alteration of Yosemite's herpetofauna. Long-term studies will be necessary to determine whether removal of nonnative trout populations, where possible, would allow these impacts to be partially reversed.  相似文献   

The federally threatened California red-legged frog Rana aurora draytonii occupies both aquatic and terrestrial habitats in its adult life stage. The terrestrial activities of this species are not well known and require documentation to assist in the development of appropriate levels of protection under the US Endangered Species Act. We studied the terrestrial activities of radio-tagged red-legged frogs (n=8-26) inhabiting a coastal watershed in Santa Cruz County, California, during 1997-1998. In particular, we investigated (1) the use of terrestrial habitats by non-migrating adults in relation to season, breeding chronology, and precipitation, and (2) adult migration behavior, including seasonal timing, duration, distances traveled, and the use of corridors. Non-migrating red-legged frogs occupied terrestrial habitats briefly (median=4-6 days) following infrequent summer rains, but resided nearly continuously on land (median=20-30 days) from the onset of the winter wet-season until breeding activities commenced 1-2 months later. All of the non-migrating frogs remained within 130 m of their aquatic site of residence (median <25 m). Intervals spent on land were again brief during mid/late winter (median=1-4 days), despite frequent and copious rainfall. Adult migration to and from breeding sites occurred from late October through mid-May (wet season). We monitored 25 migration events between aquatic sites that were 200-2800 m apart. Short distance movements (<300 m) were completed in 1-3 days, longer movements required up to 2 months. Most migrating frogs moved overland in approximately straight lines to target sites without apparent regard to vegetation type or topography. Riparian corridors were neither essential nor preferred as migration routes. Frogs traveling overland occurred in upland habitats as far as 500 m from water. Approximately 11-22% of the adult population was estimated to migrate to and from breeding sites annually, whereas the bulk of the adult population was resident at these sites. Adequate protection of red-legged frog populations inhabiting relatively undeveloped landscapes is liable to be achieved by retaining an array of suitable habitat elements within at least 100 m of occupied aquatic sites, and by imposing seasonal limitations on detrimental human activities occurring within this zone. Specific protections for migrating frogs are probably unwarranted in forest and rangeland environments because dispersal habitat is ubiquitous and migrating frogs are widely distributed across the landscape in space and time.  相似文献   

A decline in numbers of a large common toad (Bufo bufo) population in south-east England during the 1990s, together with anecdotal reports of similar trends in other toad populations, prompted a nation-wide survey of this species. The survey also included the common frog (Rana temporaria) as a control for which there was no comparable evidence of recent decline. A questionnaire requesting information on the fate of toad and frog populations in the last 15 years of the 20th century was distributed to professional and amateur herpetologists during autumn 2001. Ninety-five respondents provided data on a total of 277 sites, including 232 frog and 202 toad populations in England, Scotland and Wales. More than 80% of the reported sites were rural for both species. Rural frog populations were generally doing well in most parts of Britain, with almost as many increasing as decreasing populations and a high proportion of stable populations. Rural toads also showed no overall trend across the country as a whole. However, regional analysis indicated that although toads were faring at least as well as frogs in the north and west of Britain, they were declining seriously in central and eastern/south-eastern areas. In these regions 50% or more of toad populations have experienced recent declines, whereas frogs have fared as well as they have elsewhere. Toads breeding alone have fared significantly worse than toads breeding at sites where frogs were also present. Reasons for apparently toad-specific declines in lowland England remain unknown.  相似文献   

Dramatic changes have been documented in New Zealand's vertebrate faunas since human settlement, involving major declines and extinctions, but over recent years few species have declined in numbers so rapidly as the terrestrial Archey's frog Leiopelma archeyi (Anura: Leiopelmatidae). Long-term monitoring over more than 20 years revealed a major population reduction of the species over 1996-2001 and L. archeyi is now classified as Nationally Critical under the New Zealand threat classification system. The decline progressed northwards in the Coromandel ranges, and mostly larger (female) frogs survived. On a 100 m2 study plot at Tapu Ridge, annual population estimates averaged 433 frogs (SE ±32) over 1984-1994, declining by 88% to average 53 frogs (SE ±8) over 1996-2002. A mean annual survival rate of 82% for most years declined to 33% over 1994-1997. There is mounting evidence to suggest that disease is the major agent of decline, supported by (1) the rapidity and severity of decline, (2) the progressive (south to north) nature of decline, and (3) finding frogs with chytriodiomycosis from Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis at the time of decline. Surprisingly, sympatric populations of the semi-aquatic Leiopelma hochstetteri have not declined dramatically, nor has a western population of L. archeyi at Whareorino, despite chytridiomycosis occurring in some frogs there. Sustaining and restoring populations of L. archeyi in New Zealand raises major challenges for conservation management.  相似文献   

The two brown frogs Rana arvalis and Rana temporaria were monitored at 57 localities (that contained a total of 120 ponds) for up to 17 years each during the years 1989-2005. The analysis summarized below only accounts for trends within sites actually usable for frogs during the analysis period, large scale habitat losses are thus not accounted for. R. arvalis populations tended to increase over the study period. R. temporaria populations displayed no significant change. However, both species displayed significant fluctuations from year to year. These were not correlated between the two species. Localities with permanent ponds tended to display more positive population trends than localities with temporary ponds and ponds in pastures tended to display more positive trends than those in forests. For ponds in cropped fields, where only R. temporaria were found, the trend were also generally negative. Thus, long-term trends suggest that neither species is in decline. Nevertheless, the population trends observed in more exploited habitats are less positive than those in relatively unexploited habitats. We conclude frog populations in agricultural habitats should be more carefully studied to identify the factors behind the decline. The negative trend in temporary ponds are cause for a closer analysis of the effects of weather factors on frog population dynamics.  相似文献   

As rural landscapes experience increasing levels of residential development, the persistence of species that rely on them will depend on informed planning and management decisions. An understanding of habitat requirements is essential for setting priorities and developing landscape-level plans for the survival of these species. In many temperate rural landscapes, artificially created ponds may be the only wetlands available for aquatic reproduction by amphibians. The introduction of non-native fish into these ponds reduces survival and prohibits successful reproduction of many native pond-breeding amphibians. We surveyed 105 randomly selected wetlands in a primarily privately-owned, rural landscape in north Idaho, USA, for pond-breeding amphibian larvae in 2004 and 2005. We used an information theoretic multimodel inference and an algorithmic (random forests) approach to model habitat for each species based on local and landscape characteristics. We also used a mail survey to quantify how landowners value fish in their wetlands and their plans for future wetland development and fish stocking. Sixty-seven percent of pond owners reported that fishing in their pond was at least slightly important to them and 36% of owners indicated that they were at least 50% likely to add fish to their ponds in the next 5-10 years. Landscape change predictions for this area indicate that forests will become more open due to thinning; habitat models indicated that this is likely to be detrimental to long-toed salamanders and beneficial to Pacific treefrogs. Habitat models also indicate that Columbia spotted frog breeding sites consist of wetlands on flat ground with high solar insolation and that this species is sensitive to nearby development, indicating that as this landscape becomes further developed, this species may require habitat protection for persistence.  相似文献   

Studies describing habitat use in animal species need to take into account detectability of individuals in order to reach more robust conclusions. However, the importance of detectability in habitat selection analyses of rare and cryptic species has received little investigation, although robust methods for estimating detectability have been made recently available. Understanding habitat requirements should be an important management tool for the conservation of the red-crested pochard (Netta rufina), a rare duck species in France and Europe. Three different lake samples (82 lakes in total) were conjointly used in 2000 and 2001 to assess the species habitat requirements, using its presence, density and hatching dates as response variables. Risk of false absence was estimated using the double-observer approach at less than 0.001. A robust-design approach produced estimates of individual brood detectability (0.545, SE = 0.053). Observed red-crested pochard densities were adjusted to time dependent detectabilities, and modelled as a function of habitat variables. Habitat fragmentation and low permanent water levels negatively affected brood densities. Interestingly, these variables were not retained when modelling the unadjusted densities. This analysis showed that investigating temporal variation in brood detectability was a crucial prerequisite in the study of this rare species’ habitat requirements. More generally, it strongly suggests that integrating detection probability and its variations in habitat use analyses of cryptic species of conservation concern may be an essential methodological step to reach more valid conclusions on habitat management.  相似文献   

Declines of amphibian populations have been well documented in the US, Canada, and Central America, but little is known regarding the status of amphibian populations in Mexico. In 2000, we surveyed 43 transects from 3 upland regions in Guerrero and Oaxaca, Mexico. We found 161 adult amphibians belonging to 39 species, representing only 19-48% of the anuran fauna known from these regions. We found one dead (Eleutherodactylus saltator) and one dying frog (Ptychohyla erythromma) from two different streams near Chilpancingo, Guerrero. Both frogs were infected with Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis, a pathogenic fungus involved in other declines of amphibian populations. We collected 368 tadpoles; 60 (19%) tadpoles from 9 different streams among the three regions were missing mouthparts, which is indicative of infection by chytrid fungus. We report additional data from the state of Chiapas, Mexico, that document declines, disease, and apparent extirpations from that region as well. Overall, we report 31 populations (representing 24 species) that appear to have been extirpated, including populations of as many as 11 endemic species that have been missing for 16-40 years and may be extinct.  相似文献   

The endemic Seram cockatoo, Cacatua moluccensis, was placed on Appendix I of CITES in response to declining trade statistics but in the absence of population data. We conducted population surveys and collected data on habitat structure at seven sites on Seram in 1998. Cockatoo densities ranged from 0.93 to 17.25 birds/km2 and averaged 7.9 birds/km2 across sites. We classified habitat into three types but found that cockatoo densities did not correspond closely to habitat differences across sites. Cockatoo abundance was significantly associated with presence of potential nest trees and strangling figs. Analysis of forest cover and landuse indicates that while most of the island is still covered in lowland forest, only 14% of these forests are protected and almost half the island is classified as logging concession. Conservation recommendations include better information and enforcement of laws protecting Seram cockatoos and resolution of boundary conflicts between parks and logging concessions.  相似文献   

The mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) was once a common inhabitant of the Sierra Nevada (California, USA), but has declined precipitously during the past century due in part to the introduction of nonnative fish into naturally fishless habitats. The objectives of the current study were to describe (1) the effect of fish removal from three lakes (located in two watersheds) on the small, remnant R. muscosa populations inhabiting those lakes, and (2) the initial development of metapopulation structure in each watershed as R. muscosa from expanding populations in fish-removal lakes dispersed to adjacent habitats. At all three fish-removal lakes, R. muscosa population densities increased significantly following the removal of predatory fish. The magnitude of these increases was significantly greater than that observed over the same time period in R. muscosa populations inhabiting control lakes that remained in their natural fishless condition. Following these population increases, R. muscosa dispersed to adjacent suitable (but unoccupied) sites, moving between 200 and 900 m along streams or across dry land. Together, these results suggest that large-scale removal of introduced fish could result in at least partial reversal of the decline of R. muscosa. Continued monitoring of R. muscosa at the fish-removal sites will be necessary to determine whether the positive effects of fish eradication are sustained over the long-term, especially in light of the increasingly important role played by an emerging infectious disease (chytridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in influencing R. muscosa populations.  相似文献   

Frogs are in decline worldwide, and are known to be sensitive indicators of environmental change. Floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin in southeastern Australia have been altered in many ways by livestock grazing, by the introduction of exotic fish, and by changes to flooding regimes. These changes have led to declines in wetland condition and hence to the availability of habitat for wetland frogs. This study examined relationships between frogs, wetland condition and livestock grazing intensity at 26 wetlands on the floodplain of the Murrumbidgee River. Frog communities, species richness, and some individual species of frogs declined with increased grazing intensity. Wetland condition also declined with increased grazing intensity, particularly the aquatic vegetation and water quality components. There were clear relationships between frog communities and wetland condition, with several taxa responding to aquatic and fringing vegetation components of wetland condition. Thus, grazing intensity appeared to influence frog communities through changes in wetland habitat quality, particularly the vegetation. Reduced stocking rates may result in improved wetland condition and more diverse frog communities. River management to provide natural seasonal inundation of floodplain wetlands may also enhance wetland condition, frog activity and reproductive success.  相似文献   

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