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Summary To determine the origin of Ogura male sterile cytoplasm in radish (Raphanus sativus L.), wild and cultivated radishes were crossed. Three types of progeny resulted from the F1 hybrids between the wild radish from Kushikino with Ogura-type mtDNA and the cultivars (Uchiki-Gensuke or Comet). The segregation patterns of the male sterility were compared with those of Ogura cytoplasm. The male sterility induced in the F1 hybrid was maintained by crossing with Uchiki-Gensuke, that maintains Ogura male sterility. In the two types of progeny, in which Comet (a restorer of Ogura cytoplasm) was used as one of the parents, both fertile and sterile plants segregated at the predicted ratio on the assumption that a single dominant fertility restoring gene exists in the restorer. From these results, we concluded that the Ogura cytoplasm is identical to that of the wild radish, and the former originated in a population of Japanese wild radish.  相似文献   

为了研究甘蓝雄性不育机制,根据萝卜CMS相关基因orf138的序列信息,设计特异引物,并在甘蓝不同类型不育系和保持系中鉴定PCR产物的稳定性。随后利用Tail-PCR技术,扩增获得此基因的侧翼序列并进行了生物信息学分析。结果表明在甘蓝不育型材料中,能够稳定扩增出300 bp左右的单一条带,而在其他细胞质不育类型和可育材料中均未扩出条带,经多次验证结果稳定可靠。甘蓝中orf138的上下游侧翼序列有效碱基1789 bp,通过生物信息学分析,获得包括起始密码和终止密码的orf138的完整序列共417 bp。同源性比对结果显示:与甘蓝型油菜﹑白菜和萝卜的orf138片段具有高度保守性。分析侧翼序列表明甘蓝orf138的3’端是由ORF83、trnfM、ORF125等基因片段构成的一个复杂序列。获得了甘蓝OguCMS特异的分子鉴定标记,明确了orf138在甘蓝线粒体中的位置,以上结果为甘蓝雄性不育的进一步研究奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Summary The main constraint of using Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm in Brassica is the induction of leaf yellowing at low temperature and the low seed set. But whether or not the cytoplasm can disturb the general commerical performance of the plants is not well-known. Therefore, this work was carried out with the purpose of evaluating Ogura cytoplasmic male-sterile cabbage hybrids and compare them to genomic similar male-fertile ones and to the most popular cabbage hybrid cultivated in Brazil. Harvest data showed an effect of the cytoplasm on reducing plant and head weight, core length and head length and width, although not altering heading index, shape and core indexes, nor head compactness. On the other hand, it was observed also that a careful selection of the parental lineages can produce male-sterile hybrids as good as their male-fertile analogues. All the evaluated hybrids were similar or better than the check for the characteristics under study.Abbreviations dat - days after transplanting - CNPH - National Center for Vegetable Crops Research  相似文献   

M. Nieuwhof 《Euphytica》1990,47(2):171-177
Summary Research has been carried out on identification of maintainers for cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile lines in Japanese and European radish, on the mode of inheritance of male sterility and on the effect of environmental factors on the expression of this character.In a Japanese radish population and in most early European radish populations maintainers were found in high frequency. Segregations for male sterility in full-sib families, obtained by crossing male sterile and male fertile plants, and in backcross generations, indicated that male sterility is probably determined by one dominant and two recessive independently acting genes, but also minor genes may be involved.The expression of male sterility was not affected by seasonal influences. In some populations a reversible temperature effect was found, most ms plants occurred at 10, 14 and 26°C and most mf plants at 17 and 20°C.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from two pairs of cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) and maintainer lines of pearl millet was investigated by restriction-enzyme analysis and Southern-blot hybridization using three mitochondrial gene probes. Each pair of male-sterile and maintainer lines was of a different nuclear origin. The objective was to distinguish differences in the DNA base-sequence organization of the mitochondrial genomes of cms and maintainer lines from the two sources. Restriction-enzyme analysis revealed differences between the different cms and maintainer lines. Southern-blot hybridization experiments using cloned mitochondrial gene probes further distinguished differences between different lines. It is expected that the restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms revealed in the Southern-blot-hybridization experiments will be useful in distinguishing and classifying cms and maintainer lines obtained from different nuclear backgrounds.  相似文献   

Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm is one of the most extensively studied cytoplasms in Brassicaceae. In this study, in order to gain better understanding of the variation and evolution of the restoration of the fertility (Rf) gene for Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm, the nucleotide sequence of the orf687 homologue in the Japanese wild radish (Raphanus sativus var. hortensis f. raphanistroides Makino) was analyzed using an F2 population made with a cross between a Japanese wild radish plant containing the Rf gene and ‘Uchiki-Gensuke’ (a maintainer of Ogura-male sterility). Segregation of male-fertile/-sterile plants in the F2 generation suggested that another unidentified Rf gene unlinked to orf687 exists in the Japanese wild radish. The genotype of orf687 was determined for each F2 plant by Southern hybridization with an orf687 gene probe, mismatch-specific endonuclease digestion of PCR products, and direct sequencing of a PCR product. Genotyping revealed that some fertility-restored plants are homozygotic for the ‘Uchiki-Gensuke’ type orf687 allele, supporting the idea that another gene different from orf687 also functions as an Rf gene for Ogura male-sterility. Protein analysis using an antibody raised against the Ogura-specific ORF138 protein suggests a mechanism of fertility restoration by the unidentified Rf similar to that by orf687. Sequence analysis of orf687 from a Japanese wild radish plant and ‘Uchiki-Gensuke’ revealed that both orf687 regions encode a mitochondrially-targeted protein consisting of 687 amino acids with 16 PPR motifs. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences with those of the known orf687 sequences from ‘Yuan hong’ and ‘Kosena’ containing Rf and recessive one (rf), respectively, showed that three unique amino acid replacements are present in ORF687 of the Japanese wild radish. Two of the three replacements, that from lysine to isoleucine at position 232 and from asparagine to asparate at position 240, confer negative charges to the protein. Since the Rf of ‘Yuan hong’ was reported to have a unique replacement that confers a negative charge to ORF687 (from asparagine to aspartate at position 170), it is proposed that the amino acid replacements conferring a negative charge to ORF687 are important for determining the status of the Rf/rf gene.  相似文献   

The male sterile plants that segregated in a BC5F2 of `C. sericeus × C. cajan var. TT-5' population were maintained by sib mating. The male sterile plants were crossed with ICPL-85012.Approximately 50% of the F1 plants were sterile. F2 plants derived from the fertile F1 plants did not segregate for male sterility. The reciprocal hybrid i.e. ICPL-85012 × Fertile derivatives from C. sericeus × TT-5, did not express male sterility. However, among the 12 F2 plant to row progenies, two segregated 25% male sterile plants and remaining 10 did not segregate. The segregation pattern in subsequent progenies revealed that the sterility was under control of a single recessive allele. Studies on the backcross and their BC1F2 and BC1F3progenies revealed another sterility gene which was found to be dominant in inheritance. This paper shows that what was thought to be cytoplasmic male sterility from C. sericeus cytoplasm is actually a single dominant gene possibly acting in concert with a single recessive gene to mimic cytoplasmic male sterility. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S. Prakash    I. Ahuja    H. C. Upreti    V. Dinesh  Kumar  S. R. Bhat    P. B. Kirti  V. L. Chopra   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(6):479-482
An alloplasmic mustard, Brassica juncea, has been synthesized by placing its nucleus into the cytoplasm of the related wild species Erucastrum canariense to express cytoplasmic male sterility. To achieve this, the sexual hybrid E. canariense (2n=18, EcEc) ×Brassica campestris (2n= 20, AA) was repeatedly backcrossed to B. juncea (2n= 36, AABB). Cytoplasmic male‐sterile (CMS) plants were recovered in the BC4 generation. These plants are a normal green and the flowers have slender, non‐dehiscing anthers that contain sterile pollen. Nectaries are well developed and female fertility is > 90%. The fertility restoration gene was introgressed to CMS B. juncea from the cytoplasmic donor E. canariense through pairing between chromosomes belonging to B. juncea with those of the E. canariense genome. The restorer plants have normal flowers, with well‐developed anthers containing fertile pollen. Meiosis proceeds normally. Pollen and seed fertility averaged 90% and 82%, respectively. F1 hybrids between CMS and the restorer are fully pollen fertile and show normal seed set. Preliminary results indicate that restoration is achieved by a single dominant gene. The constitution of the organelle genomes of the CMS, restorer and fertility restored plants is identical, as revealed by Southern analysis using mitochondrial and chloroplast probes atp A and psb D, respectively.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we developed male sterile lines of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) possessing the cytoplasm of a wild species, A. galanthum Kar. et Kir., by backcrossing. To evaluate seed productivity of the male sterile lines in practise, they were crossed with the male fertile line, cultivar 'Kujyo', using honeybees as pollinators under field conditions. The number of florets and seeds per inflorescence, seed set and seed germination of the material were investigated. Although variation was observed among the male sterile lines, there were several lines having seed productivity equal to cultivar 'Kujyo'. Our data demonstrate that the male sterile lines of A. fistulosum possessing the cytoplasm of A. galanthum are useful as seed parents for the commercial F seed production of A. fistulosum.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific cytoplasm substitution lines of Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima, i.e. (sativa)-glaberrima and (glaberrima)-sativa, have been bred by means of successive backcrosses, using three japonica varieties of sativa and two glaberrima strains.In all the six substitution lines with the cytoplasm of the glaberrima strains, the fertility increased with succeeding backcrosses, and eventually completely fertile plants whith the characteristics of the parental japonica variety appeared. This indicates that the glaberrima cytoplasm exerted no effect on the genome manifestation of these japonica varieties. Of the five substitution lines with the cytoplasm of each of the japonica varieties, four lines produced male sterile (M.S.) plants only in the backcross generations. In the remaining substitution line with the cytoplasm of the japonica variety Akebono, there was simultaneous segregation for male sterile (M.S.) and pollen fertile plants bearing indehiscent anthers (ID.M.F.) in the backcross generations. In the compulsively selfed progeny of ID.M.F. plants, pollen fertile plants with dehiscent anthers (D.M.F.) occurred with M.S- and ID.M.F. plants. Morphologically, these three types were supposed to have the same genetic background as the glaberrima parent. It was established that D.M.F.-and ID.M.F. plants were homozygous and heterozygous for a dominant nuclear gene restoring pollen fertility, respectively, and the M.S. plants and the two glaberrima strains used in this study carried a recessive gene for pollen sterility in homozygous condition. The restorer gene was assumed to derive from the japonica variety Akebono. The expression of the restorer gene was of the sporophytic type. The pollen sterility of the substitution lines that possessed the cytoplasm of the japonica varieties was of cytoplasmon-genic nature.  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear and cytoplasmic factors affect tissue culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum), and cytoplasmic male sterility may enhance callus initiation in anther culture. Three wheat nuclear genotypes, each in normal and two alien cytoplasms conferring cytoplasmic male sterility, were evaluated for callus initiation frequency in anther culture. Nuclear genotype had the greatest effect on callus initiation, but cytoplasm and nucleus X cytoplasm interaction also produced significant effects. The nuclear genotype of Chris outperformed Butte and Coteau in all cytoplasms. Ordinary wheat and Triticum timopheevi cytoplasms outperformed Aegilops speltoides cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic male sterility did not increase callus initiation. This suggests manipulating the nuclear genotype is the best strategy for improving the capacity of wheat to initiate callus in anther culture.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the restorer gene Rf j extracted from the Japanese rice variety Akebono is effective on pollen restoration in the cytoplasm substitution line having the nucleus of Oryza glaberrima and japonica or indica cytoplasm of O. sativa, and is of the sporophytic type.The Asian perennial type of the wild rice species O. rufipogon is considered to be the progenitor of O. sativa. Two substitution lines having the cytoplasm of a perennial strain of O. rufipogon from Sri Lanka and the nucleus of O. glaberrima with or without the gene Rf j in homozygous condition have been bred by means of successive backcrosses. These lines have now reached the BC5 generation. Plants of the lines resemble morphologically the recurrent parent, but do not show pollen restoration, indicating that the cytoplasm of the rufipogon strain induced male sterility and that the gene Rf j does not act as the restorer.  相似文献   

The Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm and a 1BL-1RS translocation chromosome that consists of the long arm of wheat chromosome 1B and the short arm of rye chromosome 1R were transferred to six spring common wheat cultivars by repeated backcrossing. Resistance to leaf rust race 21B conditioned by the Lr26 gene and a secalin subunit encoded by the Sec-1 gene, both on the 1RS arm, were used as the selection markers of the translocation chromosome. Five of the six cultivars used were converted to complete male steriles, whereas the remaining one, cv. Kitamiharu 48, retained normal fertility, after transfer of both the 1BL-1RS chromosome and Ae. Kotschyi cytoplasm. Conventional gene analysis suggested that Kitamiharu 48 carries an incompletely dominant fertility-restoring gene. The F1 hybrids between the male steriles and ordinary common wheat cultivars recovered fertility only at a low level, indicating that a single dose of the Rfv1 gene on the 1BS arm of wheat is insufficient for full fertility restoration under spring-sowing condition. Our results are in clear contrast to complete fertility restoration under fall-sowing condition reported by Nonaka et al. (1993). Combination of the 1BL-1RS chromosome / Ae. Kotschyi cytoplasm system with a new fertility-restoring gene discovered in Kitamiharu 48 may provide a breakthrough for spring-type hybrid wheat. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Seven wild diploid potato species, Series Tuberosa, representing 1023 clones were screened for resistance to the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida. Over 25% of the clones were resistant to pathotype P4A and almost 30% were resistant to pathotype P5A. The resistance in hybrid progenies of these and other resistant species with cultivated potatoes was evaluated, and over 2200 seedlings were screened. High frequencies of resistance (>50%) to P4A were found in progenies with Solanum leptophyes, S. vernei, S. gourlayi and S. capsicibaccatum, whereas resistance to P5A was found in these species as well as S. sparsipilum. The importance of nematode resistant wild species for potato breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

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