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Interleukin-2 induction of T-cell G1 progression and c-myb expression   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
In studies to determine the biochemical mechanisms responsible for cell proliferation, synchronized T cells were used as a model for cellular growth control. By metabolic and morphologic criteria, it was found that activation of the T-cell antigen receptor rendered the cells responsive to interleukin-2 (IL-2), but did not move them through the cell cycle. Instead, IL-2 stimulated G1 progression to S phase, or lymphocyte "blastic transformation." During IL-2-promoted G1 progression, expression of the cellular proto-oncogene c-myb was induced transiently at six to seven times basal levels, maximal levels occurring at the midpoint of G1.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting causes parental origin-specific monoallelic gene expression through differential DNA methylation established in the parental germ line. However, the mechanisms underlying how specific sequences are selectively methylated are not fully understood. We have found that the components of the PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway are required for de novo methylation of the differentially methylated region (DMR) of the imprinted mouse Rasgrf1 locus, but not other paternally imprinted loci. A retrotransposon sequence within a noncoding RNA spanning the DMR was targeted by piRNAs generated from a different locus. A direct repeat in the DMR, which is required for the methylation and imprinting of Rasgrf1, served as a promoter for this RNA. We propose a model in which piRNAs and a target RNA direct the sequence-specific methylation of Rasgrf1.  相似文献   

During normal mouse development the relative amounts of two types of U1 small nuclear RNA's (U1 RNA) change significantly. Fetal tissues have comparable levels of the two major types of mouse U1 RNA's, mU1a and mU1b, whereas most differentiated adult tissues contain only mU1a RNA's. Those adult tissues that also accumulate detectable amounts of embryonic (mU1b) RNA's (for example, testis, spleen, and thymus) contain a significant proportion of stem cells capable of further differentiation. Several strains of mice express minor sequence variants of U1 RNA's that are subject to the same developmental controls as the major types of adult and embryonic U1 RNA. The differential accumulation of embryonic U1 RNA's may influence the pattern of gene expression during early development and differentiation.  相似文献   

利用经典的甲基绿-吡罗红染色方法显示细胞中的DNA与RNA,实验结果与理论有较大的偏差,为了以更简易的实验操作得到更清晰的结果,本研究对该实验进行了改进,即从是否需要盐酸解离、酸解时间、酸解温度、染色时间等方面进行改进。结果表明:上皮细胞不经酸解直接染色,实验结果明显;洋葱下表皮经过20℃质量分数为8%的盐酸解离2min后,染色2min效果明显;采用新材料白洋葱的上表皮直接染色4-5min效果明显。说明改进后的染色方法时间缩短,步骤简化,效果明显,可为生物学实验课教学提供参考。  相似文献   

Age-associated changes in the DNA of mouse tissue   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The template activity of DNA with calf thymus DNA polymerase has been studied in sections of fixed brain, liver, and heart tissues from young and senescent mice. The enzyme catalyzed greater incorporation of deoxyribonucleotide monophosphates into nuclei of old mouse neurons, astrocytes, Kupffer cells, and heart muscle fibers. The results are interpreted as the accumulation of DNA strand breaks with aging.  相似文献   

Human sarcomas contain RNA related to the RNA of a mouse leukemia virus   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Labeled DNA complementary to the RNA of the Rauscher leukemia virus was hybridized with RNA from the polysome fraction of human sarcomas. Eighteen out of 25 specimens contained RNA possessing homology to the RNA of the mouse leukemia virus but not to that of the unrelated viruses causing mammary tumors in mice or myeloblastosis in chickens. Further, no normal adult or fetal tissues showed significant amounts of RNA specific to mouse leukemia virus. It appears that human sarcomas contain RNA sequences homologous to those found in an agent related to a virus known to cause sarcomas in mice.  相似文献   

The rapidly labeled RNA from both the nuclei and cytoplasm of mouse liver cells can be bound specifically to mouse DNA. The bound fraction differs in base composition and metabolic stability from the bulk RNA. There is considerable cross reaction between this RNA and the DNA obtained from calf thymus.  相似文献   

Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 6 (6q-) are frequently found in hematopoietic neoplasms, including acute lymphoblastic leukemias, non-Hodgkin lymphomas and (less frequently) myeloid leukemias. The c-myb proto-oncogene has been mapped to region 6q21-24, which suggests that it could be involved in the 6q- aberrations. By means of in situ chromosomal hybridization on cells from six hematopoietic malignancies, it was demonstrated that the c-myb locus is not deleted, but is retained on band q22, which is consistently bordered by the chromosomal breakpoints in both interstitial and terminal 6q- deletions. The deletion breakpoints were located at some distance from the myb locus since no rearrangement of c-myb sequences was found. In one case, however, amplification of the entire c-myb locus was detectable. Furthermore, in all cases tested that carry 6q- deletions, myb messenger RNA levels were significantly higher than in normal cells or in malignant cells matched for lineage and stage of differentiation but lacking the 6q- marker. These results indicate that 6q- deletions are accompanied by structural and functional alterations of the c-myb locus and that these alterations may be involved in the pathogenesis of leukemias and lymphomas.  相似文献   

Transcription of nonrepeated DNA in mouse brain   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Under normal conditions of DNA renaturation, about 60 percent of mouse DNA fragments renature at a rate consistent with their being present only once per sperm. These nonrepeated sequences (also called single-copy or unique) may be used in RNA-DNA hybridization experiments to provide quantitative estimates of RNA diversity. About 10 percent of the mouse single-copy sequences are transcribed in mouse brain tissue. Estimates of about 3 percent were obtained for mouse liver and kidney RNA's. If only one of the complementary DNA strands is transcribed, this hybridization value implies that the equivalent of at least 300,000 different sequences of 1000 nucleotides are expressed in mouse brain tissue. It is suggested that the large amount of DNA in mammals is functionally important, and that a substantial proportion of the genome is expressed in the brain.  相似文献   

Centric fusion, satellite DNA, and DNA polarity in mouse chromosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A fluorescent staining technique has demonstrated a contralateral arrangement of fluorescent spots in the centromeric region of mouse metacentric chromosomes which have resulted from centric fusion. The results suggest that centric fusion involves the maintenance of DNA polaritv through the centromere and that the thymidine-rich chain of satellite DNA in the centromeric region is associated with the same DNA chain in every mouse autosome.  相似文献   

Studies of the human c-myb gene and its product in human acute leukemias   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The myb gene is the transforming oncogene of the avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV); its normal cellular homolog, c-myb, is conserved across a broad span of evolution. In humans, c-myb is expressed in malignant hematopoietic cell lines and in primary hematopoietic tumors. Partial complementary DNA clones were generated from blast cells of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. The sequences of the clones were compared to the c-myb of other species, as well as the v-myb of AMV. In addition, the carboxyl terminal region of human c-myb was placed in an expression vector to obtain protein for the generation of antiserum, which was used to identify the human c-myb gene product. Like v-myb, this protein was found within the nucleus of leukemic cells where it was associated with the nuclear matrix. These studies provide further evidence that c-myb might be involved in human leukemia.  相似文献   

Mouse tumors induced by gamma radiation are a useful model system for oncogenesis. DNA from such tumors contains an activated K-ras oncogene that can transform NIH 3T3 cells. This report describes the cloning of a fragment of the mouse K-ras oncogene containing the first exon from both a transformant in rat-2 cells and the brain of the same mouse that developed the tumor. Hybrid constructs containing one of the two pieces were made and only the plasmid including the first exon from the transformant gave rise to foci in NIH 3T3 cells. There was only a single base difference (G----A) in the exonic sequence, which changed glycine to aspartic acid in the transformant. By use of a synthetic oligonucleotide the presence of the mutation was demonstrated in the original tumor, ruling out modifications during DNA-mediated gene transfer and indicating that the alteration was present in the thymic lymphoma but absent from other nonmalignant tissue. The results are compatible with gamma radiation being a source of point mutations.  相似文献   

聂洪丽  宋先强  邓科君  杨足君 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(30):9474-9474,9479
以鼠尾草属植物为原料,采用CTAB法提取DNA,并在TSB法及氯化锂沉淀法的基础上改进并建立了一种高效高质量提取RNA的方法。用核酸测定仪测浓度和琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测质量,均获得了高浓度和高质量的DNA及RNA,为RT-PCR、分子克隆等分子生物学实验提供了很好的模板。  相似文献   

Antisera to the human cellular myc oncogene product were used to identify a human c-myc specific protein with a molecular weight of 65,000. Subcellular fractionation showed that the human c-myc protein is predominantly found in the cell nucleus. The p65Kc-myc protein binds to double- and single-stranded DNA as measured by a DNA affinity chromatography assay.  相似文献   

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