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郑杰  杨宏伟 《野生动物》2000,21(4):11-14
野生动物狩猎业是古代人类从事的一项活动,亦是现代人类与野生动物资源保护和合理利用活动的一种形式。其根本目的是为了实现保护、利用、发展的良性循环,以促进保护事业的发展。青海的国际狩猎是在经济改革初期发展的一项涉外狩猎活动。十多年来,它不仅为青海合理利用丰富的野生动物资源开辟了一条有效途径,  相似文献   

野生动物产业体系建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伯锋 《野生动物》1998,19(6):10-11
野生动物是重要的自然资源是国民经济、医疗保健、科技文化、宣传教育等各项社会事业必不可少的重要物质基础,其产业地位不容忽视。野生动物产业,系指以野生动物及其产品为基础而发展起来的产业包括养殖业、加工业、旅游业、狩猎业、餐饮业、医药保健品业和工艺美术品业等。虽然目前对野生动物产业究竟每年能创造多少经济效益人们并非十分清楚但人们已达成一个共识:即没有野生动物人类也将从地球上消失。野生动物产业建设在社会经济体制发展要求,以市场为导向,从经济效益为中心,在有计划地保护和利用野生动物资源的同时,应的野生动物…  相似文献   

本文所要谈的是以野生动物为劳动对象的,以驯养、狩猎为主,包括产品加工、流通及其行政管理在内的一种产业。如叫狩猎业,嫌有无视保护为重点的时代要求之意,如叫野生动物事业则有物质生产性产业与社会公益性事业不分之嫌。故此,暂且叫做野生动物业。  相似文献   

野生动物经营利用产品标识化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈力  陆军 《野生动物》2003,24(3):53-54
在漫长的历史时期内,野生动物及其产品丰富了人类的衣食住行,推动了人类社会的发展和繁荣。即使在今天,野生动物在狩猎、饲养、生态旅游、体育运动、传统医药等产业方面仍具有重要的经济价值。  相似文献   

近50年的变化美国的野生动物管理之父AldoLeopld在1933年出版了一部十分重要的著作一《猎物管理学》(《GanManapement》.在这部著作中他提出了野生动物管理方面的基本概念、原理和方法,为美国野生幼物管理奠定了基础。时至今日,这部书仍是野生动物管理方面较有价值的著作,其中的许多思想仍是当今美国乃至世界范围内野生动物资源管理的指导思想。自此书问世65年来,美国在野生动物研究与管理领域中已发生了一些变化。l.猎物(Game)定义的扩展。50年前猎物的定义只限于那些可供狩猎的物种即能够满足人类原始兴趣利益的物种。后来这一概…  相似文献   

<正> 发展人工养狐业目前、国际上有些人兴起一股“反裘皮运动“,究其原因。主要是基于保护野生动物的情感.既要保护野生动物,又要穿着毛皮服装,解决这一矛盾的最好办法,就是大力发展毛皮动物养殖业.水貂  相似文献   

为加强野生动物及其生境的基础保护工作,对狩猎资源动态进行有效的监管,2016年5月对拟建的河北小五台国际狩猎场野生动物资源进行首次本底调查。根据本次实地调查结果,共记录狩猎场鸟类和兽类物种104种,隶属16目43科。小五台国际狩猎场动物区系以古北界居相对优势,种类有65种,占该区域内鸟兽物种种数的62. 50%;广布种有26种;东洋界物种最少,仅有13种。留鸟和夏候鸟占绝大多数,分别为44. 71%和35. 29%。鸟类群落结构丰富,以鸣禽为主,非雀形目鸟类物种占29. 41%,雀形目鸟类占70. 59%。猎场境内森林植被茂密,生境复杂多样,狩猎资源充足,狩猎动物主要为西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)、野猪(Sus scrofa)、雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)等。建议猎场在对野生动物有效保护的基础上,合理制定狩猎方案,与周边村落共同开发合作项目,积极推进当地狩猎业发展。  相似文献   

由媒体对野生动物狩猎权拍卖批评引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦宝艳 《野生动物》2007,28(5):44-46
中国首次对野生动物狩猎权进行拍卖引起了社会各界的强烈反响。就媒体的批评,提出一些观点,公众对狩猎权拍卖引发的争论确实体现了民众对野生动物保护意识的增强,这无疑会有利于我国今后野生动物保护事业的顺利发展。但从中也应看到,一些民众片面强调绝对保护的观点存在一定误区。事实上,合理、适度地利用野生动物资源,不仅不会破坏野生动物种群的增长,相反会有利于野生动物保护。  相似文献   

在保护区建立之前,白马雪山国家级自然保护区北部叶日藏族居民,把狩猎收入作为主要经济来源。在狩猎中,出于对自然的崇拜,禁止到神山周围去狩猎,并严格限制狩猎期、地点、数量及工具等,故形成了如同现代科学方法规划和管理的猎场。从而为栖息在这里的多种珍稀野生动物创造了适宜的繁衍生息条件,促进了种群数量的长期稳定发展,基本做到了资源的永续利用。这种宗教信仰和传统狩猎习俗所起到的客观保护作用,值得在野生动物保护管理工作中借鉴。  相似文献   

世界上许多国家由于人口增多,工业发展和农业集约经营,使野生动物自然栖息地逐渐缩小;与此同时,一些国家的猎人数量也在不断增加。为了满足人们对狩猎产品的需要,必须采取在自然条件下繁殖野生动物的措施。国外在野生动物繁殖利用方面的经验比较丰富,仅将其中有关部份综述如下。  相似文献   

王小伦 《野生动物》2007,28(6):41-44,50
征服自然的思想在美国一直占主流,自然资源的开发是美国繁荣的基础。野生动物的猎杀是美国历史中的重要一幕,并产生了深远的影响。19世纪末20世纪初出现的动物保护活动是对滥杀动物所造成的恶果的反省,此后,社会对野生动物的态度有所转变,但动物保护仍面临严峻挑战。本文介绍美国历史中野生动物被猎杀的过程,提出一些值得思考的问题,如美国野生动物保护的局限性、野生动物猎杀与工厂化动物饲养的关系,以及伦理学在动物保护中的重要性。  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the status of the large native rangeland mammals in the eastern and southern African countries focusing on conservation strategies that will benefit the animals, their rangeland habitats, and the people who live in this region. Eastern and southern African rangelands are renowned for supporting a globally unique diversity and abundance of large mammals. This wildlife legacy is threatened by changing demographics, increased poaching, habitat fragmentation, and global warming, but there are reasons for optimism. After sharp declines from 1970 to 1990 across Africa, wildlife populations in some countries have subsequently increased due to incentives involving sport hunting and ecotourism. National parks and protected areas, which have been critically important in maintaining African wildlife populations, are being increased and better protected. Over the past 50 years, the number of parks has been doubled and the areas of several parks have been expanded. The major problem is that no more than 20% of the national parks and reserves set aside for wildlife are adequately protected from poaching. The southern African countries where wildlife has recently thrived have robust hunting and ecotourism programs, which economically benefit private landowners. Considerable research shows rural communities dependent on rangelands can be incentivized to participate in large mammal conservation programs if they can economically benefit from wildlife tourism, sport hunting, and the legal sale of animal by-products. Community-based wildlife conservation programs can be economically and ecologically effective in sustaining and enhancing African wildlife biodiversity, including rhinos, elephants, and lions. Low-input ranching wild ungulates for meat and hunting may be an economically viable alternative to traditional range livestock production systems in some areas. However, in many situations, common-use grazing of livestock and wildlife will give the most efficient use of rangeland forages and landscapes while diversifying income and lowering risk.  相似文献   

One factor that may influence satisfaction in outdoor recreation is crowding, which historically has been defined as a negative evaluation of the density of other participants. While this definition is suitable for most scenarios, there are circumstances where encounters with others in the area are evaluated positively and thus contribute to the satisfaction of the participant. To adequately describe this phenomenon we suggest a more inclusive measurement of crowding that allows for both positive and negative evaluations of participant density to more accurately explore the relationship between crowding and satisfaction. We identified a sub-group of deer hunters who negatively evaluated the low density of other hunters, which reduced their satisfaction with their overall hunting experience. The methodology for measuring crowding in recreation research may have an important effect in identifying the relationship crowding has with other relevant variables as well as management implications.  相似文献   

This study examines how processes of modernization affect hunting ethics, including commodification, cosmopolitanism, demographic shifts, technological innovation, and invasive species. The impact of such change processes has been documented in indigenous hunting societies, but not in postindustrial Western hunting communities. Instead, wildlife ethics are often seen as a private matter or a static inheritance from past generations, and not as researchable from a perspective of change. The underexposure of research on ethics in this context is explained as taking place within a framework of ethical subjectivism to the detriment of opening up ethics to a needed conversation as the context for hunting changes in modernity. This study uncovers the hunting ethics of contemporary Swedish hunters in response to modernization and reveals new lines of moral demarcation and emerging taboos for right and wrong hunting. It concludes by considering the virtue of hunting taboos for wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

Historical, social and economic factors combined to provide a focus where bovine tuberculosis has become established in free-ranging wildlife in northeastern lower Michigan. White-tailed deer, the primary reservoir and maintenance host of tuberculosis, are highly valued by the public, and particularly hunters, for cultural and economic reasons. Since 1995, significant progress has been made in defining and reducing the reservoir of tuberculosis in deer. As yet, no other wildlife species has been shown to play an epidemiologically important role in the disease cycle. The importance of deer and deer hunting to Michigan has uniquely shaped tuberculosis control policies, and poses ongoing challenges as wildlife managers strive to maintain momentum for broad control strategies, and develop focused strategies that are publicly acceptable. Even if momentum and funding can be maintained, tuberculosis will likely continue to be present for a decade or longer. Thus, cattle producers waiting for tuberculosis to be eradicated from wildlife to eliminate risks to their herds and markets face disappointment for the foreseeable future. Such unrealistic expectations also place Michigan's federal tuberculosis accreditation status at perpetual risk. Accredited free status is unlikely to be regained without accompanying changes in cattle management. In Michigan, management of tuberculosis has clearly demonstrated that social issues and public approval are likely to be the critical limiting factors in control.  相似文献   

Amenity migration describes the movement of peoples to rural landscapes and the transition toward tourism and recreation and away from production-oriented land uses (ranching, timber harvesting). The resulting mosaic of land uses and community structures has important consequences for wildlife and their management. This research note examines amenity-driven changes to social-ecological systems in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, specifically in lower elevations that serve as winter habitat for elk. We present a research agenda informed by a preliminary and exploratory mixed-methods investigation: the creation of a “social-impact” index of land use change on elk winter range and a focus group with wildlife management experts. Our findings suggest that elk are encountering an increasingly diverse landscape with respect to land use, while new ownership patterns increase the complexity of social and community dynamics. These factors, in turn, contribute to increasing difficulty meeting wildlife management objectives. To deal with rising complexity across social and ecological landscapes of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, future research will focus on property life cycle dynamics, as well as systems approaches.  相似文献   

This article addresses the applicability of quantitative wildlife value orientation scales in Muslim students in Malaysia. As Malaysian culture is deeply influenced by Islam ideology, this article presents a case for addressing the cross-cultural applicability of the scales. The current wildlife value orientation scales were reliable—all Cronbach’s alphas ≥ .65—and had predictive validity—8 to 14% of variance of acceptability of lethal control was explained. Yet, both reliability and predictive validity were of lesser magnitude than figures in previous Western studies. Especially the hunting beliefs scale did not reflect basic thinking about wildlife in our sample, and our data suggest two different hunting dimensions—consequences of hunting for wildlife and human opportunities for hunting. For future cross-cultural comparisons of wildlife value orientations, amendment of the scales to better reflect salient beliefs in non-Western nations is recommended.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has focused on satisfaction with recreation experiences, limited work has examined factors related to regulatory support. In 2005, an antler point restriction (APR) regulation was introduced for hunting white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Minnesota’s Itasca State Park. Hunter surveys were conducted following the 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2009 seasons. We modeled how (a) satisfaction with the deer seen, (b) type of deer pursued, (c) agency trust, and (d) years of deer-hunting experience, influenced support for the APR, and compared the model over the four survey years. Type of deer pursued and agency trust were the strongest predictors of APR support, followed by satisfaction with deer seen, and years of hunting experience. Hunters who targeted big bucks, had more trust in the agency, and expressed more satisfaction with deer seen in the field, were more supportive of the APR. Hunters who had more deer-hunting experience were less supportive.  相似文献   

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