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The plaque neutralization, complement fixation, and agar gel precipitin tests were compared by measuring bluetongue virus antibody in 137 serums from experimental animals (cattle and sheep) and suspected field reactors (cattle and deer). In general, the tests agreed well with each other. Plaque neutralization titers began earlier than the other two and went much higher than the complement fixation titers. Plaque neutralization titers usually peaked between two and three weeks after exposure and complement fixation titers from four to six weeks. The greater sensitivity of the plaque neutralization test allowed the detection of all complement fixation and agar gel precipitin reactors whereas occasionally the latter two tests failed to detect plaque neutralization reactors.  相似文献   

A comparative study was carried out to determine the relative sensitivities of eight different cell culture systems to six different herpesviruses of animals. The cells used were: OFL (ovine fetal lung), ML (mink lung), FK (ferret kidney), PTK-2 (potoroo kidney), TEK (turkey embryo kidney), ED (equine dermal), BT (bovine turbinate), and PK15 (porcine kidney). The viruses tested were: PRV (pseudorabies) of swine, CPHV (caprine herpesvirus), IBRV (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus), DN-599 strain of bovine herpesvirus type 4, EHV-1 (equine herpesvirus), and CHV (canine herpesvirus). On the basis of virus titers obtained and the time of appearance of CPE (cytopathic effects), ML cells were found to be the most useful because of their sensitivity to all six viruses tested. BT and OFL cells were also found to be highly sensitive to all viruses with the exception of CHV.  相似文献   

Eight strains of rotaviruses isolated from diarrheal animals (4 from calves and 4 from piglets) in China were compared by serotyping with reference animal rotavirus strains (bovine NCDV, porcine OSU and simian SA-11 and human rotavirus Wa strain). Two-way cross neutralization test showed no antigenic difference between all 4 local strains of bovine rotavirus (BRV007, BRV014, HN-7 and BRV6555) and reference NCDV, so they belonged to rotavirus serotype 6 (bovine rotavirus serotype 1 or NCDV-serotype). Meanwhile, the four strains of Chinese porcine rotavirus could be determined into 2 different serotypes. One (Li99) was neutralised to a high titer with the antiserum against reference OSU virus and probably related to OSU (serotype 5 or porcine serotype 1). The other three strains (Lin71, Nan86 and Jiang150) were antigenically obviously different from Li99 and did not react with the antiserum against OSU. They were tentatively considered as porcine rotavirus serotype 2. All the strains of bovine and porcine rotavirus did not cross-neutralise with simian SA-11 and human Wa strain. There was also no antigenic relationship between bovine rotaviruses and porcine rotaviruses.  相似文献   

A comparison of five serological tests for bovine brucellosis.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Five serological assays: the buffered plate antigen test, the standard tube agglutination test, the complement fixation test, the hemolysis-in-gel test and the indirect enzyme immunoassay were diagnostically evaluated. Test data consisted of results from 1208 cattle in brucellosis-free herds, 1578 cattle in reactor herds of unknown infection status and 174 cattle from which Brucella abortus had been cultured. The complement fixation test had the highest specificity in both nonvaccinated and vaccinated cattle. The indirect enzyme immunoassay, if interpreted at a high threshold, also exhibited a high specificity in both groups of cattle. The hemolysis-in-gel test had a very high specificity when used in nonvaccinated cattle but quite a low specificity among vaccinates. With the exception of the complement fixation test, all tests had high sensitivities if interpreted at the minimum threshold. However, the sensitivities of the standard tube agglutination test and indirect enzyme immunoassay, when interpreted at high thresholds were comparable to that of the complement fixation test. A kappa statistic was used to measure the agreement between the various tests. In general the kappa statistics were quite low, suggesting that the various tests may detect different antibody isotypes. There was however, good agreement between the buffered plate antigen test and standard tube agglutination test (the two agglutination tests evaluated) and between the complement fixation test and the indirect enzyme immunoassay when interpreted at a high threshold. With the exception of the buffered plate antigen test, all tests were evaluated as confirmatory tests by estimating their specificity and sensitivity on screening-test positive samples.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The physical and mechanical properties of four casting materials are compared with two plaster of Paris preparations. Properties evaluated include working and specific strengths, resistance to abrasion and radiolucency. Ease of application, conformability and rate of strength development are discussed and the clinical relevance of these properties is considered.  相似文献   

The in vitro efficacy of tiamulin was compared to that of tylosin against 7 bovine, 7 ovine and 3 caprine mycoplasma strains isolated from various organs and belonging to different species, as well as 7 ureaplasma strains cultured from cattle, sheep, swine, chickens and turkeys. The minimal mycoplasmacidal concentrations of tiamulin varied between 0.01 and 10.0 μg ml?1, while tylosin proved to be active in concentrations of 0.5 and 100.0 μg ml?1. Five of mycoplasma strains showed identical sensitivities to both antibiotics while all other strains, including the ureaplasmas, were sensitive to tiamulin at concentrations 5–5000-times lower than tylosin.  相似文献   

The serum agglutination test (SAT), the Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and the milk ring test (MRT) were used in the diagnosis of caprine brucellosis. There was a close correlation between the SAT and RBPT when both tests were negative but the RBPT failed to detect 79.82 per cent of sera in excess of 50 iu. Also, owing to the relatively poor milking potential of the Nigerian goat and the false positive results with the MRT, it is concluded that the SAT offers a better serological diagnostic tool for caprine brucellosis in this locality.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a portable pH meter in measuring blood pH in neonatal calves, urine pH, and ruminal fluid pH in cows has been assessed. Thirty-five diarrheic and 15 healthy beef calves were used for blood gas analysis; 57 healthy dairy cows provided voided urine samples; and ruminal fluid samples were obtained from 10 dairy cows with ruminal fistulas on 4 separate days. Measurements of blood pH were obtained from an automated blood gas analyzer and the portable pH meter. Measurements of urine and ruminal fluid pH were determined with the benchtop pH meter, urinalysis strips, narrow range pH paper, and the portable pH meter. The portable pH meter was more accurate in measuring urine pH and ruminal fluid pH in cows than blood pH in neonatal calves. The urinalysis strips and the narrow range pH paper were found adequate to evaluate urine and ruminal pH.  相似文献   

Cross-neutralization studies showed that 3 different isolates of herpesvirus ovis from cell cultures derived from the lungs of sheep suffering from jaagsiekte were not only identical but were also related to similar isolate made in Scotland. No relationship, however, could be established between herpesvirus ovis and common bovine or equine herpesviruses. Antibodies to herpesvirus ovis were present in roughly 70% of all animals tested and no evidence was obtained for the involvement of the virus in the aetiology of jaagsiekte. On the other hand, the absence of antibodies in sheep sera from Iceland as well as the other data obtained in this study did not exclude involvement of the virus in jaagsiekte.  相似文献   

Six agglutination and two complement fixation tests were compared with respect to specificity, sensitivity and relative sensitivity for the serodiagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Based on 1051 sera from brucellosis free herds, the specificity of the tests was 98.9% for the buffered plate antigen test (BPAT), 99.2% and 99.3% for the standard tube and plate agglutination tests (STAT and SPAT), respectively, and 99.8% for the 2-mercaptoethanol test (2MET). On this small sample, the rose bengal plate test (RBPT), card test (CARD) and the complement fixation test (CFT) correctly classed all sera as negative. On a sample of 167 culture positive cattle, the sensitivities of the tests were CFT: 79.0%, BPAT: 75.4, RBPT: 74.9%, CARD: 74.3%, SPAT: 73.1%, STAT: 68.9%, and 2MET: 59.9%. All tests combined detected only 82% of these infected cattle. Analysis of the relative sensitivity of the six agglutination tests gave the following ranking: BPAT greater than RBPT greater than CARD greater than SPAT greater than STAT. The 2MET ranked between the BPAT and RBPT or between the RBPT and CARD depending on the analysis used. The use of the BPAT as a screening test is recommended provided that a test of high specificity and sensitivity such as the CFT is used to confirm screening test reactions.  相似文献   

ELISA method with polystyrene micro-plates and rods was compared with the neutralization test in plaque modification (SN) and with the immunodiffusion method (ID). Micro-plates are the best for the adsorption of the virus, mainly in quantitative studies. In screening examinations it is also the diagnostic rods that give results comparable with the SN method. In the modified ELISA method, dubious results should also be regarded as diagnostically important. In mass examination, ELISA test can be considered as an alternative to the neutralization test. As demonstrated, the titres of antibodies from 80 to 100 determined by ELISA method in micro-plates or by the SN test represent the marginal titres of the positivity of ID test. The ELISA method is suitable mainly in the final stages of the sanitation of herds since infected animals are revealed with a high sensitivity and in time.  相似文献   

The reference strains of four serotypes (J6, J8, J9 and J10) of porcine enterovirus isolated in Japan were compared with the international reference strains of 11 serotypes (W1 to W11) by cross neutralization tests. No cross reactions were observed between the two groups, although there were minor one-way crosses between W10 and J10, W11 and J9, and W4 and J9. This leads to our conclusion that all 4 Japanese serotypes can be newly added to 11 international serotypes. J9 virus produced type 1 of CPE (CPE I), J6 and J8 did CPE II, and J10 did CPE III. J10 grew in Vero, HeLa cells, and the primate cells, but J6, J8 and J9 did not.  相似文献   

畜舍环境控制系统对畜禽的健康和生产有着重要的影响,一是可以使动物周围的空气维持合适的温度、湿度和风速,避免热应激和冷应激的出现。二是排出畜舍中的有害气体、灰尘和微生物,改善畜禽舍的空气环境质量。在畜禽环境设计、运行和环境管理中,一般都以畜舍内的空气环境为目标,而很少以动物真正感觉到的环境状况,即动物周围的环境情况为判定依据。为此,作者在北京某鸡场密闭式育雏育成平养鸡舍中进行了试验研究,分别在加热期间、离温初期和育雏育成末期三个阶段,对0.2m的动物水平和1.5m人体水平的环境参数进行了现场测试、分析和比较。  相似文献   

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