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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of breed and season on semen quality parameters of zebu bulls. Data (1,632 registers) of semen production from Gir (n?=?4) and Nelore (n?=?15) bulls were collected between October 2005 and November 2009. The ejaculates were collected twice a week during various seasons (summer, fall, winter, and spring) and evaluated for the following semen parameters: ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, forward progressive motility (FPM), and sperm morphology. Factor analysis was used to determine the relationship among variables. The effect of breed (Gir and Nelore) and season and their cross effect on each parameter and extracted factor were tested using ANOVA. A negative correlation (P?<?0.05) was observed between FPM and proximal droplet, as well as with abnormal loose head, abnormal small head, pouch formation, abnormal mid-peace, and strongly folded tail. Gir bull sperm showed more major defects, detached acrosome, and minor FPM (P?<?0.01), whereas Nelore bulls showed a higher number of sperm with normally loose head.  相似文献   



Nigeria is the largest cattle-rearing nation in Africa with most animals kept under traditional husbandry practices. While bovine brucellosis does not receive much attention, a relatively high seroprevalence is found in samples submitted for laboratory testing. The aim of the study was to provide serological evidence of brucellosis in cattle from some of the main cattle-rearing states of the country and to validate a simple and rapid field test for the serodiagnosis of bovine brucellosis.  相似文献   

The investigation was carried out in order to quantify the changes in various cell parameters which take place in the normal prenatal development bovine muscle. Sections of muscles, taken from 36 Zebu foetuses (Bos indicns) of about 75 to 245 days gestation, were examined microscopically. Results are given on the numbers and sizes of myotubes and myofibres seen section at various stages of development. The relative contribution of increases in cell size and cell number to overall muscle size increase are discussed.  相似文献   

Two field trials were conducted in Brazil to evaluate LHRH immunocastration of Bos indicus bulls (d 0 = 2 yr of age). In Study I, 72 bulls were assigned randomly to one of three treatment groups: LHRH0-immunized, castrated, and intact. Immunized animals (n = 25) received a primary and two booster injections of ovalbumin-LHRH-7 and thioredoxin-LHRH-7 fusion proteins on d 0, 141, and 287. Twenty-three bulls were surgically castrated on d 141, and 24 served as intact controls. All animals were slaughtered on d 385, at approximately 3 yr of age. In Study II, 216 bulls were assigned randomly to the same three treatments as in Study I; however, because of a drought in the area, bulls were kept on pasture an additional year, and a fourth treatment was added, in which one-half the LHRH-immunized bulls received an additional booster on d 639 (fourth immunization). All animals in Study II were slaughtered on d 741 (4 yr of age). Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone antibodies increased following each immunization for immunized bulls, but they were not detectable in castrate or intact animals in either study. Consequently, scrotal circumference was suppressed in immunized bulls compared with intact controls in both studies. By d 287, serum concentrations of testosterone in LHRH-immunized bulls were decreased compared with intact controls (P < 0.01). In both studies, testes and epididymal weights at slaughter were greater (P < 0.01) for intact (500 +/- 17 and 60 +/- 2 g, respectively) than for immunized bulls (173 +/- 22 and 26 +/- 2 g, respectively) and fourth immunization bulls (78 +/- 23 and 20 +/- 2 g, respectively; Study II). At the end of each study, BW was greater (P < 0.01) for intact bulls than for castrated and LHRH-immunized animals. In these two studies, the efficacy of the LHRH fusion proteins to induce an effect similar to that of surgical castration was considered 92 and 93%, respectively. These data support the concept that immunocastration of bulls at 2 yr of age was successful and that it has practical application as a tool for producing grass-fattened bulls in Brazil.  相似文献   

Semen quality, testis size and efficiency of sperm production in Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) and hybrids with Bos indicus and Bos taurus were determined. Mean (+/- SEM) daily sperm production per gram of testis parenchyma (DSPG) in six purebred Bali bulls was 12.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(6). F1 B sondaicus cross B taurus bulls and F1 B sondaicus cross B indicus bulls were sterile. Spermatogenesis was arrested at the late primary spermatocyte stage. In 11 B sondaicus cross B indicus crosses, mean DSPG was lower than in the purebred B sondaicus, although four (one 1/4 B sondaicus, one 3/4 B sondaicus, one 5/8 B sondaicus inter se and one 3/8 B sondaicus inter se) exhibited DSPG levels similar to the foundation stock. Semen from those crossbreeds which exhibited complete spermatogenesis was more variable in terms of spermatozoal concentration, percentage of spermatozoa exhibiting progressive motility and levels of spermatozoal abnormalities. In crossbreeds where sperm production was reduced or absent, there was seminiferous epithelial dysfunction, manifested as an increased frequency of degenerative late pachytene and diplotene primary spermatocytes and germinal cells occurring later in the cycle, or in extreme cases, as complete arrest of spermatogenesis at the late primary spermatocyte stage.  相似文献   

Summary Body weight and scrotal circumference (SC) data were takenante mortem and genitalia collected after slaughter from Small East African zebu (SEAZ) bulls slaughtered during the wet (n=46) and the dry (n=53) seasons. Bulls slaughtered during the wet season were significantly heavier (47 kg) and had significantly larger SC measurements (3·3 cm) than those slaughtered during the dry season. Mean (±s.e.m.) paired testes weights were 233·7±13·8 and 292·8±11·3 g and epididymal weights 26·8±0·9 and 35·9±1·1 g in bulls slaughtered during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Daily sperm production rates and epididymal sperm reserves were 2·2±0·1×109 and 3·0±0·1×109; and 16·1±0·3×109 and 17·6±0·4×109 in bulls slaughtered during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. These differences were significant. It was concluded that season affected reproductive capacity of zebu bulls probably due to variations in the quality and quantity of nutrition. However, the confounding effects of ambient temperature and nutrition on reproductive capacity of zebu bulls in tropical regions need further examinations.
Résumé Le poids vif et la circonférence scrotale de petits zébus males à courtes cornes d'Afrique de l'est a été mesuré anti-mortem au cours de la saison humide (n=46) et de la saison séche (n=53). Parallèlement, des organes génitaux ont été prélevés après abattage. Les veaux abattus pendant la saison humide étaient incontestablement plus lourds (47 kg) et les mesures de leur circonférence scrotale étaient bien plus importantes (3,3 cm) que celles des animaux abattus au cours de la saison sèche. Les poids moyens (+s.e.m.) des deux testicules étaient de 233,7±13,8 et 292,8±11,3 g; les poids de l'epididyme étaient de 26,8±0,9 et 35,9±1,1 g chez les males abattus durant la saison sèche et la saison humide. Les taux quotidiens de production de sperme ainsi que les réserves de l'epididyme étaient de 2,2±0,1×109 et 3,0±0,1×109 et 16,1±0,3×109 et 17,6±0,4×109 chez les males abattus durant la saison sèche et la saison humide. Les différences étaient significatives. On a conclu que les saisons affectaient la capacité de reproduction des zébus males probablement à cause des variations qualitatives et quantitatives de l'alimentation. Cependant, les effects interactifs de la température ambiante et de l'alimentation sur la capacité de reproduction des zébus males sous des climats tropicaux nécessitent de plus amples examens. Resumen Se tomaron el datos sobre peso corporal y la circunferencia escrotal (CE) ante-morten y después de sacrificados, en toros Cebú peque?os de Africa del Este. Para el efecto, se sacrificaron 46 animales durante la estación lluviosa y 53 durante la estacioń seca. Los toros sacrificados durante la estación seca fueron más pesados (47 kg) y tuvieron CE mayores (3·3 cm), que aquellos sacrificados durante la estación seca. El promedio de peso de los testículos fue de 233·7±13·8 y 298·8±11·3 g y de los epidídimos 26·8±0·9 y 35·9±1·1 g en toros sacrificados durante la estación seca y lluviosa, respectivamente. La tasa diaria de producción de esperma y las reservas epididimales fueron 2·2±0·1×109 y 3·0±0·1×109 y 16·1±0·3×109 y 17·6±0·4×109 en toros sacrificados durante la estación seca y lluviosa, respectivamente. Las diferencias fueron significativas. Se concluye que la estación afecta la capacidad reproductiva de los toros Cebú, probablemente debido a la cantidad y calidad de la nutrición. Sin embargo, la interacción entre ambiente y nutrición sobre la capacidad reproductiva del Cebú en regiones tropicales, necesita más estudios.

Plasma disposition kinetics of ivermectin was evaluated in a West African cattle breed. Five clinically healthy zebu Gobra cattle (Bos indicus) weighing 220-270 kg were treated (0.2 mg kg-1) with a commercially available ivermectin formulation for cattle. Blood samples were collected by jugular puncture at different times between 0.5 h and 40 days post-treatment. After plasma extraction and derivatization, samples were analysed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Ivermectin was detected in plasma between 30 min and 20 days post-treatment. The observed peak plasma concentration (Cmax) was 46.3+/-13.8 ng ml-1 and the time to reach Cmax (t(max)) was 0.9+/-0.2 day. The values for the absorption half-life (t1/2ab) and the elimination half-life (t1/2el) were 0.3+/-0.2 and 2.8+/-0.7 days, respectively. The calculated area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) was 185.2+/-12.1 ng day ml-1 and the mean residence time (MRT) was 4.2+/-1.3 days. The availability of ivermectin is low in zebu Gobra in comparison to other breeds cattle but equivalent to that reported in the yak and is likely to be due to physiological characteristics of this breed.  相似文献   

The mithun (Bos frontalis) and its hybrids with Bos indicus were studied to provide further cytogenetic information which might throw light on the mechanisms of the male hybrid infertility and facilitate the establishment of a stable crossbreed. It was shown that compared with conventional cattle the mithun has a homozygous, species specific 2/27 centric fusion which reduced the diploid chromosome number from 60 to 58. This provided further proof that Robertson translocation-type rearrangements have been the major source of interspecies karyotype differences in the evolution of the Bovidae. In the mithun there was also significant polymorphism between centromeres of non-homologous chromosomes and there was heteromorphism between several homologous chromosomes which could possibly serve as useful genetic markers for breeding programmes. In F1 hybrids spermatogenesis progressed to a relatively advanced stage, without going so far as to produce spermatozoa. In back crosses to B indicus spermatogenesis progressed further so that spermatozoa could be seen, though not as numerous as in normal bulls. In most hybrids there were haemoglobin bands which corresponded either to Hb A or Hb B of cattle but were much wider. It was shown that these were a combination of Hb Mi derived from the mithun and Hb A or Hb B derived from B indicus. In a few hybrids there were only Hb Mi. In these cases Hb Mi had been present in both parents and proved that the dam was not a pure siri. The possible mechanism of hybrid male infertility is discussed including faults in the epistatic gene effect between chromosomes and changes in the degree of association of centromeric regions in interspecies hybrids. It is suggested that additional cytogenetic examination of blood lymphocytes and especially of testicles would help the understanding of the fertility barriers of hybrid males and would make a breeding programme for a stable crossbreed possible.  相似文献   

A total of 51 pluriparous post-partum Bunaji (Zebu) cows belonging to agropastoralists were involved in a 2 x 2 factorial experiment for a period of 180 days. The cows were assigned randomly at calving to four treatments: (1) grazing only (no supplementation) and exposure to bull (NSBE); (2) grazing only (no supplementation) and no exposure to bull (NSNE); (3) grazing plus feed supplementation (each cow received 600g of 20.8% crude protein of whole cottonseed supplement per day) and exposure to bull (FSBE); (4) grazing plus feed supplementation and no exposure to bull (FSNE). Cows with an increase in milk progesterone (P(4)) concentration of > or =1 ng/mL from the weekly milk samples were used to analyse the number of days from calving to the time of resumption of ovarian activity. The mean interval from parturition to cyclic ovarian activity for FSBE cows was 95 days, compared to 119 days for the FSNE cows. Intervals to onset of post-partum ovarian activity were 24, 33 and 39 days which were significantly earlier in the FSBE cows, than the FSNE, NSBE and NSNE cows, respectively. Intervals to cyclic activity were 9 and 15 days earlier in FSNE cows than in NSBE and NSNE cows. By 150 days post-partum, 100% and 92% of the cows in the supplemented groups (FSBE and FSNE), had resumed cyclic ovarian activity compared with 75% and 69% for the unsupplemented cows (NSBE and NSNE). It is concluded that nutritional supplementation and exposure to bulls synergistically shortened the length of post-partum anoestrus in zebu cattle. The economic benefits of using exposure to bulls and cottonseed supplementation in this study to enhance early resumption of post-partum ovarian activity of cattle may serve as a management tool in tropical areas where livestock production has some constraints.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of diminazene in female Boran (Bos indicus) cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The disposition kinetics and bioavailability of diminazene in five healthy heifers were determined after single intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration of the drug in sequence with a wash-out period between administrations of 6 weeks. Intact diminazene in plasma, whole blood and urine samples was analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Nonlinear regression analysis of the i.v. and i.m. data indicated that, for either route, the plasma disappearance curves of diminazene were best described by triexponential equations. The i.v. bolus was followed by rapid and biphasic distribution with half-life values of 0.04 h and 0.58 h, Vd(ss) was 1.91 ± 0.42 1/kg, elimination half-life was 31.71 h while CI averaged 1.74 ± 0.40 ml/min/kg. Within 30 min of the i.v. dose, the erythrocyte/plasma partition ratio of diminazene was 0.30 ± 0.15. Diminazene was rapidly absorbed following i.m. administration; t ½ka was 0.60 h. Cmax, 4.68 ± 1.12 μg/ml, was attained in 10–15 min and systemic availability was 102.42 ± 7.25%. The half-life of the terminal disappearance phase was 145.48 h. About 8.26% of the i.m. dose was excreted intact in the urine within the first 24 h of treatment. In vitro , diminazene was bound to bovine plasma albumin to the extent of 38.01–91.10%.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center, University of Florida – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) (Ona, FL), to evaluate differences in the metabolism of Cu and Se of Angus (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) cattle. Thirty-two pregnant beef cows (n = 8 Brahman and 8 Angus/yr) were enrolled in the study in the first trimester of gestation. This study consisted of three phases: 1) restriction (day 0 to 90), 2) supplementation (day 91 to 150), and 3) calving. During all three phases, cows were individually fed and housed in partially covered drylot pens. During the restriction and supplementation phases, cows were provided a 1.5 kg/d of a grain-based concentrate supplement, which was fortified with flowers of S (50 g of supplemental S/cow daily; restriction phase) or Cu and Se (100 and 3 mg/d of Cu and Se, respectively; supplementation phase). Blood and liver samples were collected from all cows at 30 d intervals and from both cows and calves within 24 h of calving. Colostrum and milk samples were collected at calving and 7 d after birth. All data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS, where cow and calf were the experimental unit. During the restriction phase, a breed × day effect (P = 0.03) was observed where Brahman had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus cows in all sampling days. For liver Se concentration, a tendency (P = 0.07) for a breed effect was observed where Angus cows tended to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman. During the supplementation phase, breed (P < 0.001) and day (P < 0.01) effects were observed, where Brahman cows had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus. For liver Se concentration, a day effect (P < 0.001) was observed, where liver Se concentration increased (P < 0.001) from day 90 to 120 and remained unchanged (P = 0.86) until day 150. At calving, no effects of breed (P = 0.34) were observed for liver Cu concentration of cows; however, Brahman calves tended (P = 0.09) to have greater liver Cu concentration than Angus calves. For Se liver concentration at calving, Angus cows tended (P = 0.07) to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman cows; however, no breed differences (P = 0.70) were observed for liver Se concentration of calves at birth. In summary, substantial differences in multiple indicators of Cu and Se status were observed between Angus and Brahman cattle, implying that Angus and Brahman cattle possibly have different mechanisms to maintain adequate Cu and Se status.  相似文献   

In a study of 71 female foetuses, gonadal blastema was observed at 1.5 cm crown rump length (CRL). Oogonial cells entered the meiotic prophase at 3.5-6.0 cm CRL, which was arrested at the dictyotene stage to produce primary oocytes which formed primordial follicles. Primordial follicles were observed at 6-8 cm CRL. All germinal cells were at dictyotene by 20-24 cm CRL and follicles developed to primary and secondary stages. Folliculogenesis dominated further ovarian development and reached a peak between 32 and 35 cm CRL. In seven of the 12 foetuses measuring between 41 and 72 cm CRL, many follicles were atretic and some luteinized. The luteal bodies were composed of hypertrophied theca and granulosa cells with homogeneous and eosinophilic cytoplasm.  相似文献   

In Bos taurus cattle, antimullerian hormone (AMH) has been demonstrated to have a high degree of correlation with ovarian antral follicle count and the number of healthy follicles and oocytes. To document the correlation between the plasma concentration of AMH and follicular number in Bos indicus and Bos taurus heifers, Nelore (Bos indicus, n = 16) and Holstein heifers (Bos taurus, n = 16) had their ovarian follicular waves synchronized. After synchronization, ovarian antral follicular population (AFP) was evaluated three times at 60‐day (d) intervals (T‐120 d, 120 days before plasma AMH determination; T‐60 d, 60 days before; and T0, at the time of plasma AMH determination). The plasma AMH concentration was positively correlated with the number of ovarian follicles on the day of the follicular wave emergence in Bos indicus (Nelore) and Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers at each evaluation time (p < 0.05). The AFP was higher in Bos indicus (Nelore) than in Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers (p < 0.05). Similarly, the AMH concentration was higher in Bos indicus (Nelore) than in Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers (p < 0.0001). When heifers were classified as to present high or low AFP according to the mean of the AFP within each genetic group, high‐AFP heifers presented a greater (p < 0.0001) AMH concentration than low‐AFP heifers, regardless of the genetic group. In conclusion, the AFP is positively correlated with plasma AMH concentration in both Bos indicus (Nelore) and Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers. Furthermore, Bos indicus (Nelore) heifers presented both greater plasma AMH concentrations and AFP than Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers.  相似文献   

The genetic variation at four milk protein loci αs1‐casein (CSN1S1), β‐casein (CSN2), κ‐casein (CSN3) and β‐lactoglobulin (LGB) was investigated in 358 animals belonging to seven populations well adapted to hot climatic conditions, reared in Africa and Italy. Bos taurus (Somba, Lagune and Modicana), Bos indicus (Sudanese Zebu Peul, Azaouak and Adamawa), and B. taurus × B. indicus (Borgou) were studied by adapting different molecular methodologies to evaluate their genetic variability. All loci were polymorphic and a new CSN2 synonymous variant, named A2′, was detected and characterized. Noteworthy differences in the distribution of alleles and haplotypes were observed between zebuine and taurine cattle showing that milk protein polymorphism is suited for discriminating B. taurus from B. indicus efficiently, and also taurine breeds. Milk protein loci, being positively selected loci, can also provide information about the occurrence of germplasm particularly useful for breeding strategies and production improvement.  相似文献   

In the current study, milk protein variation was examined in cattle (Bos indicus), mithun (Bos frontalis), yak (Bos grunniens) and their hybrid populations in Bhutan to estimate genetic variability, conduct genetic characterization and assess the possibility of gene flow between mithun and cattle. Isoelectric focusing of 372 milk samples from 11 populations detected four molecular types of β‐lactoglobulin (A, B, E and M), five molecular types of αS1‐casein (A, B, C, E and X) and three molecular types of k‐casein (A, B and X). Mithun and yak shared alleles but were found to exhibit different allele frequencies for the proteins studied. The degree of genetic variability within populations was measured by average heterozygosity and ranged from 24–40% in cattle, 26% for yak and 33% for mithun. We also resolved the traditional mithun and cattle hybridization system via principal component analysis. Our results suggested secondary introgression of mithun genes to the village Thrabum population, and a close genetic relationship between Bhutanese indigenous cattle and Indian cattle.  相似文献   

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