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The volatile terpenoid fraction from needles in 13 cultivars of Tsuga canadensis L. (Carriere) was analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of this study are considered along with previously reported results for foliar terpenoid levels of the Asian (T. sieboldii, T. chinensis, T. diversifolia), western North American (T. mertensiana, T. heterophylla), and eastern North American species (T. canadensis, T. caroliniana) of hemlock to draw conclusions about the potential of cultivar host resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand). It is suggested that hemlocks in eastern North America have adapted their terpenoid chemistry for protection against endemic defoliators and that this has made them vulnerable to non-native, sucking pests such as adelgids and scales. Some cultivars of T. canadensis have a terpenoid profile that resembles that of the resistant noneastern North American species and are candidates for biological screening for resistance. Among the cultivars, the variation in terpenoid chemistry did not absolutely correspond with the considerable differences in morphological characters observed, indicating that the terpenoid chemistry is not definitively coupled with hemlock morphology.  相似文献   

There is gathering evidence that antioxidant phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables have health-promoting effects. Eggplant fruit have a high content of antioxidant phenolic compounds. We evaluated the main class of eggplant phenolics, hydroxycinnamic acid conjugates, in the fruit of seven commercial cultivars. Fourteen conjugates were quantified and identified by high-performance liquid chromatography, ES(-)-MS, and (1)H NMR data. Significant differences in their content and composition were evident among cultivars and in tissue from stem, middle, and blossom end segments. Chlorogenic acid (5-O-caffeoylquinic acid) was the predominant compound, and its 3-O-, 4-O-, and 5-O-cis isomers were also present. The 10 other phenolics fell into four groups, including 3,5- and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid isomers, four amide conjugates, two unknown caffeic acid conjugates, and 3-O-acetyl esters of 5-O- and 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid. Dicaffeoylquinic and 3-O-acetyl chlorogenic acids were most variable among the cultivars. Dicaffeoyquinic acids were most abundant in the blossom end, whereas 3-O-acetyl esters were highest in the midsection.  相似文献   

The volatile components of 20 mango cultivars were investigated by means of simultaneous distillation-extraction, GC, and GC-MS. Three hundred and seventy-two compounds were identified, of which 180 were found for the first time in mango fruit. The total concentration of volatiles was approximately 18-123 mg/kg of fresh fruit. Terpene hydrocarbons were the major volatiles of all cultivars, the dominant terpenes being delta-3-carene (cvs. Haden, Manga amarilla, Macho, Manga blanca, San Diego, Manzano, Smith, Florida, Keitt, and Kent), limonene (cvs. Delicioso, Super Haden, Ordonez, Filipino, and La Paz), both terpenes (cv. Delicia), terpinolene (cvs. Obispo, Corazon, and Huevo de toro), and alpha-phellandrene (cv. Minin). Other qualitative and quantitative differences among the cultivars could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds were isolated from strawberry guava fruit by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction according to Likens-Nickerson. Compounds were identified by capillary GC-MS and sensorially characterized by sniffing GC. Two hundred and four compounds were identified in the aroma concentrate, of which ethanol, alpha-pinene, (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-beta-caryophyllene, and hexadecanoic acid were found to be the major constituents. The presence of many aliphatic esters and terpenic compounds is thought to contribute to the unique flavor of the strawberry guava fruit.  相似文献   

多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol oxidase,PPO,EC or与果蔬加工制品的色泽、抗氧化能力关系密切。果蔬PPO酶学特性分析和活性控制越来越受到关注,为设计、开发番茄加工技术和工艺提供理论依据,该文采用光谱法,研究了红熟番茄(Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. cv 918)果实PPO的酶学特性。研究结果表明红熟番茄果实PPO的最适反应pH值是6.0,反应温度是40℃,耐热性较好,50℃加热10 min仍保有88%的活性。红熟番茄果实PPO对一元酚、二元酚和三元酚均有催化氧化能力,最适底物是儿茶酚,其最大反应速率和米氏常数分别是226.30 U/min和 6.00 mmol/L。抗坏血酸、β-巯基乙醇或L-半胱氨酸可抑番茄PPO活性,十二烷基硫酸钠可显著增强其活性。  相似文献   

Fruit physical and chemical characters of 29 apricot cultivars of Greek and American origin and their hybrids were evaluated using correlation and principal component analysis. A remarkable variation was observed in the total phenol content (0.3-7.4 mg gallic acid equivalent g(-1) FW) and total antioxidant capacity (0.026-1.858 mg ascorbic acid equivalent g(-1) FW), with the American origin cultivars Robada and NJA(2) and the new cultivar Nike exhibiting the greatest values. The cultivar Tomcot and hybrid 467/99 had the highest content of total carotene (37.8 microg beta-carotene equivalent g(-1) FW), which was up to four times greater as compared with the rest of studied genotypes. The dominant sugar in fruit tissue was sucrose, followed second by glucose and third by sorbitol and fructose-inositol. The new cultivars Nike, Niobe, and Neraida contained relatively higher contents of sucrose and total sugars, while Ninfa and P. Tirynthos contained relatively higher contents of K, Ca, and Mg. Correlation analysis suggested that late-harvesting cultivars/hybrids had greater fruit developmental times (r = 0.817) and contained higher sugar (r = 0.704) and less Mg contents (r= -0.742) in fruit tissue. The total antioxidant capacity was better correlated with the total phenol content (r = 0.954) as compared with the total carotenoid content (r = 0.482). Weak correlations were found between the fruit skin color and the antioxidant contents in flesh tissue. Multivariate analysis allowed the grouping of variables, with more important variables being the harvest date, fruit developmental time, skin Chroma, sorbitol, and total sugar, K and Mg contents. Plotting the genotypes in a dendrogram revealed cases of homonymy between parents and hybrids, although independent segregation of the measured traits after hybridization was also found.  相似文献   

The aroma and texture of three different apple cultivars, harvested at three maturity stages, were analyzed by sensory and instrumental analysis. The emphasis was on the identification of the most potent odorant volatiles, and the challenge was to separate the few most important flavor compounds, which may be trace chemicals, from the vast number of nonodorant compounds present in apple aroma extracts. Thirty-six odorant compounds were detected, 24 of which were common to all extracts. A significant correlation coefficient was found between the aroma intensity scores and overall quantity of the odorant volatiles, which shows that the development of sensory aroma is similar to that of odorant volatiles. This study also showed that the parameters measured by penetrometry and compression were highly correlated with sensory textural attributes. The determination of the optimal maturity stage for different apple cultivars by the usual parameters, such as color, diameter, total soluble solids, and titrable acidity, may not be sufficient to determine the optimal sensory quality for consumers. Moreover, the sensory quality of fruits changes during maturation in a different way from one cultivar to another, and this should be taken into account.  相似文献   

The proteins from Vicia sativa L. (common vetch) seeds were investigated. Protein comprises approximately 11.4% of the seed fresh weight, >50.8% of which is composed by globulins and 43.6% by albumins. The globulins may be fractionated into two main components, which were named alpha-vicinin (comprising 73% of the total globulin fraction, and hence >37% of the total seed protein) and beta-vicinin. Two minor globulin components are also present, gamma-vicinin and delta-vicinin. alpha-Vicinin, the legumin-like globulin, with a sedimentation coefficient of 10.6 S, is a nonglycosylated, disulfide-bond-containing globulin, composed of a group of subunits with molecular masses ranging from 50 to 78 kDa. Upon reduction, each of these subunits releases a heavy polypeptide chain (34-66 kDa) and a light polypeptide chain (21-23 kDa). beta-Vicinin, the vicilin-like globulin, with a sedimentation coefficient of 7.7 S, is a nonglycosylated globulin that contains no disulfide bonds and consists of two major polypeptides with molecular masses of 58 and 66 kDa. gamma-Vicinin is a minor, glycosylated, disulfide-bond-containing globulin. In the reduced form, it comprises six polypeptide chains with molecular masses of 12, 19, 21, 22, 23, and 31 kDa. Finally, delta-vicinin is a minor, highly glycosylated globulin that exhibits hemagglutinating activity. It is composed of a major 47 kDa polypeptide and two minor (33 and 38 kDa) polypeptides. N-terminal sequencing of the delta-vicinin 47 kDa polypeptide revealed no homology to any other known storage protein.  相似文献   

The following organic acids (glutamic, oxalic, pyruvic, malic, tartaric, citric, and fumaric), pungency, Brix degree, acidity, and pH were determined in onion cultivars (Texas, Guayonje, San Juan de la Rambla, Carrizal Alto, Carrizal Bajo, and Masca) harvested in the same agroclimatic conditions. Glutamic acid was the most abundant organic acid (325 +/- 133 mg/100 g) followed by citric acid (48.5 +/- 24.1 mg/100 g) and malic acid (43.6 +/- 10.4 mg/100 g). There were significant differences between the onion cultivars in the mean concentrations of all of the analyzed parameters. The San Juan de la Rambla and Masca cultivars presented, in general, higher concentrations of the organic acids than the other cultivars. Significant differences in most of the analyzed parameters were observed between the two seed origins for the Masca and San Juan de la Rambla cultivars. The onion samples tended to be classified according to the cultivar and, in the case of San Juan de la Rambla cultivar, according to the precedence of the seeds after applying discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds were isolated from Costa Rican guava fruit by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction according to the Likens-Nickerson method. Compounds were identified by capillary GC-MS and sensorially characterized by sniffing-GC. One hundred and seventy-three components were identified in the aroma concentrate, from which (E)-beta-caryophyllene, alpha-terpineol, alpha-pinene, alpha-selinene, beta-selinene, delta-cadinene, 4,11-selinadiene, and alpha-copaene were found to be the major constituents. The amounts of aliphatic esters and terpenic compounds were thought to contribute to the unique flavor of this fruit.  相似文献   

The sweet potato genebank at the International Potato Center (CIP) maintains 5,526 cultivated I. batatas accessions from 57 countries. Knowledge of the genetic structure in this collection is essential for rational germplasm conservation and utilization. Sixty-nine sweet potato cultivars from 4 geographical regions (including 13 countries) of Latin America were randomly sampled and fingerprinted using AFLP markers. A total of 210 polymorphic and clearly scorable fragments were generated. A geographic pattern of diversity distribution was revealed by mean similarity, multidimensional scaling (MDS), and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The highest genetic diversity was found in Central America, whereas the lowest was in Peru-Ecuador. The within-region variation was the major source of molecular variance. The between-regions variation, although it only explains 10.0% of the total diversity, is statistically significant. Cultivars from Peru-Ecuador, with the lowest level of within region diversity, made the most significant contribution to the between region differentiation. These results support the hypothesis that Central America is the primary center of diversity and most likely the center of origin of sweet potato. Peru-Ecuador should be considered as a secondary center of sweet potato diversity.  相似文献   

Volatiles from crushed and intact guava leaves (Psidium guajava L.) were collected using static headspace SPME and determined using GC-PFPD, pulsed flame photometric detection, and GC-MS. Leaf volatiles from four common citrus culitvars were examined similarly to determine the potential component(s) responsible for guava's protective effect against the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama), which is the insect vector of Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening disease. Seven sulfur volatiles were detected: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), methional, and dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS). Identifications were based on matching linear retention index values on ZB-5, DB-Wax, and PLOT columns and MS spectra in the case of DMDS and DMS. DMDS is an insect toxic, defensive volatile produced only by wounded guava but not citrus leaves and, thus, may be the component responsible for the protective effect of guava against the HLB vector. DMDS is formed immediately after crushing, becoming the major headspace volatile within 10 min. Forty-seven additional leaf volatiles were identified from LRI and MS data in the crushed guava leaf headspace.  相似文献   

The effect of different drying treatments on the volatiles in bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.) was studied. Simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) were compared by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of the volatile components in bay leaves. SDE yielded better quantitative analysis results. Four drying treatments were employed: air-drying at ambient temperature, oven-drying at 45 degrees C, freezing, and freeze-drying. Oven drying at 45 degrees C and air-drying at ambient temperature produced quite similar results and caused hardly any loss in volatiles as compared to the fresh herb, whereas freezing and freeze-drying brought about substantial losses in bay leaf aroma and led to increases in the concentration levels of certain components, e.g., eugenol, elemicin, spathulenol, and beta-eudesmol.  相似文献   

In this study, the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) was first purified by a combination of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) precipitation, dialysis, and a Sepharose 4B-L-tyrosine-p-aminobenzoic acid affinity column. At the end of purification, 43-fold purification was achieved. The purified enzyme migrated as a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that PPO had a 57 kDa molecular mass. Second, the contents of total phenolic and protein of artichoke head extracts were determined. The total phenolic content of artichoke head was determined spectrophotometrically according to the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure and was found to be 425 mg 100 g(-1) on a fresh weight basis. Protein content was determined according to Bradford method. Third, the effects of substrate specificity, pH, temperature, and heat inactivation were investigated on the activity of PPO purified from artichoke. The enzyme showed activity to 4-methylcatechol, pyrogallol, catechol, and L-dopa. No activity was detected toward L-tyrosine, resorsinol, and p-cresol. According to V(max)/K(m) values, 4-methylcatechol (1393 EU min(-1) mM(-1)) was the best substrate, followed by pyrogallol (1220 EU min(-1) mM(-1)), catechol (697 EU min(-1) mM(-1)), and L-dopa (102 EU min(-1) mM(-1)). The optimum pH values for PPO were 5.0, 8.0, and 7.0 using 4-methylcatechol, pyrogallol, and catechol as substrate, respectively. It was found that optimum temperatures were dependent on the substrates studied. The enzyme activity decreased due to heat denaturation of the enzyme with increasing temperature and inactivation time for 4-methylcatechol and pyrogallol substrates. However, all inactivation experiments for catechol showed that the activity of artichoke PPO increased with mild heating, reached a maximum, and then decreased with time. Finally, inhibition of artichoke PPO was investigated with inhibitors such as L-cysteine, EDTA, ascorbic acid, gallic acid, d,L-dithiothreitol, tropolone, glutathione, sodium azide, benzoic acid, salicylic acid, and 4-aminobenzoic acid using 4-methylcatechol, pyrogallol, and catechol as substrate. The presence of EDTA, 4-aminobenzoic acid, salicylic acid, gallic acid, and benzoic acid did not cause the inhibition of artichoke PPO. A competitive-type inhibition was obtained with sodium azide, L-cysteine, and d,L-dithiothreitol inhibitors using 4-methylcatechol as substrate; with L-cysteine, tropolone, d,L-dithiothreitol, ascorbic acid, and sodium azide inhibitors using pyrogallol as substrate; and with L-cysteine, tropolone, d,L-dithiotreitol, and ascorbic acid inhibitors using catechol as a substrate. A mixed-type inhibition was obtained with glutathione inhibitor using 4-methylcatechol as a substrate. A noncompetitive inhibition was obtained with tropolone and ascorbic acid inhibitors using 4-methylcatechol as substrate, with glutathione inhibitor using pyrogallol as substrate, and with glutathione and sodium azide inhibitors using catechol as substrate. From these results, it can be said that the most effective inhibitor for artichoke PPO is tropolone. Furthermore, it was found that the type of inhibition depended on the origin of the PPO studied and also on the substrate used.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activity of five pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum L.) cultivars grown in Iran. Significant differences were found among the pomegranate cultivars for many of the properties studied. Results showed that, in particular, fruit diameter ranged from 63.63 mm (Syah) to 79.29 mm (Rabab), fruit volume from 153.3 cm3 (Syah) to 293.3 cm3 (Rabab), and fruit density from 0.93 g cm?3 (Rabab) to 1.13 g cm?3 (TorshSefeed). Although Syah showed the lowest fruit weight (144.8 g), fruit yield (8.28 ton ha?1), and fruit skin thickness (1.55 mm), Rabab had the highest fruit yield (27.1 ton ha?1) and fruit skin thickness (2.32 mm). Juice volume was found to vary between 61.1 and 67.0 cm3. Percent of aril ranged from 59.64% (Rabab) to 75.3% (Syah) and weight of aril between 108.9 and 199.8 g. Also, results indicated that titratable acidity content varied from 0.39% (Syah) to 1.13% (TorshSefeed). The total soluble solids content varied from 12.67 ?Brix (TorshSefeed) to 15.67 ?Brix (ZardehAnar), pH values from 3.05 to 3.77, Electrical conductivity values from 2.8 to 3.14 dS m?1, and vitamin C content from 59.25 to 69.52 mg 100 g?1. The anthocyanin content was observed to vary between 80.36 (Syah) and 216.97 (ZardehAnar). The antioxidant activity of pomegranate cultivars ranged from 27.24% (Syah) to 84.04% (TorshSefeed). These results demonstrated that the cultivar was the major factor which influences the morpho-pomological and chemical (especially, antioxidant activity) properties of pomegranates.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial active package has been developed to improve the safety and quality of wild strawberries, as well as extending their shelf life. The fruits were packed in equilibrium-modified atmosphere packaging (EMAP), and the effect on Botrytis cinerea growth and on the quality parameters of the fruit by the addition of different amounts of 2-nonanone, an antifungal volatile compound naturally present in strawberries, was investigated during storage at 10 and 22 degrees C. The temperature of 10 degrees C was chosen as the temperature used at points of sale, and 22 degrees C was chosen as the control temperature. Fungal growth was inhibited in all cases, possibly due to the synergistic effect of high CO2 partial pressures and the presence of the antifungal compound. Weight, soluble solids, titrable acidity, and anthocyanin losses were retarded by the presence of 2-nonanone. This effect was more pronounced as the 2-nonanone concentration was increased at both temperatures. Therefore, an active package that releases 2-nonanone inhibits fungal decay and delays the senescence of highly perishable wild strawberry fruit.  相似文献   

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