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对新疆南疆4个行政区6个品种的434份绵羊血清,采用双抗原夹心酶联免疫法检测抗戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)IgG抗体,比较不同地区、不同品种及不同年龄段绵羊戊型肝炎抗体阳性率的差异.结果显示,所检测血清总的抗体阳性率为32.25%(140/434),4个地区绵羊抗体阳性率依次为32.34%(65/201),37.25%(19/51),47.25%(43/91),14.29%(13/91),差异极显著(p<0.01);2岁以上绵羊与1岁以下绵羊抗体阳性率依次为47.25%(43/91)和21%(25/121),差异极显著(p<0.01);不同品种绵羊HEV感染率差异显著(p<0.05).由此可见,新疆南疆地区绵羊普遍存在HEV感染.  相似文献   

为了解攀西地区山羊戊型肝炎的感染情况及流行特点,本研究利用双抗原夹心ELISA方法对凉山州和攀枝花地区采集的180份山羊血清进行戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)抗体检测.结果显示,攀西地区山羊HEV抗体总阳性率为26.11% (47/180),其中规模化羊场阳性率为19.26%(26/135),散养羊群阳性率为46.67%(21/45),差异极显著(p<0.01).按年龄划分,3岁以上、1~3岁、1岁以下阳性率分别为39.22%、23.29%、17.86%,3岁以上与1岁以下山羊HEV抗体阳性率差异极显著(p<0.01).按性别划分,公山羊和母山羊的阳性率分别为33.74%(28/83)和30.59%(16/85),差异不显著.凉山州(30.93%)与攀枝花市(20.48%)山羊抗体阳性率差异不显著.检测结果表明,HEV在攀西地区山羊群中普遍流行.  相似文献   

湖南地区猪戊型肝炎流行病学调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解湖南地区猪戊型肝炎感染情况,同时掌握该地区猪感染戊型肝炎病毒的基因型,以便进一步探讨猪戊型肝炎病毒在猪不同组织中的含量分布及组织损伤,采用ELISA技术检测猪血中抗-HEV特异性抗体水平,并用RT—nPCR检测猪粪便中HEVRNA和进行RNA核苷酸序列分析。结果表明,猪血中HEV抗体阳性率为84.3%;猪粪便样品中HEVRNA阳性率为28.9%。所得5株HEV的ORF2部分核苷酸序列与戊型肝炎病毒Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型的同源性分别为80.7%~84.O%、78.7%。80.7%、77.3%~82.7%和86.7%~90.7%,其中与Chi-xinjiang株同源性为83.3%~84.0%,与Chi—ⅣT1亚型的同源性为87.7%~90.7%。湖南地区猪戊型肝炎感染率比较高,且戊型肝炎病毒的基因型属Ⅳ型。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)是一种经肠道传播的非甲非乙型肝炎病毒,该可导致人戊型肝炎的发生.目前,我国有报道HEV在猪群中的流行.  相似文献   

左永光  杨廷环  李蛟龙 《养猪》2022,(2):117-118
为了解云南省文山州地区猪戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)的感染情况,从文山州8个县市部分规模养殖场和散养户采集健康猪血清样品2548份,采用ELISA方法对猪戊型肝炎病毒的感染情况进行调查.结果表明,共检测出阳性数470份,总阳性率为18.45%.其中规模养殖场的样品数1376份,阳性数为287份,阳性率为20.86%;散养户的...  相似文献   

新疆地区羊、牛戊型肝炎血清流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采集新疆14个地区的羊血清673份和牛血清675份,应用双抗原夹心酶联免疫法(DS-ELISA)检测抗戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)IgG抗体,比较南北疆及不同年龄段牛、羊HEV抗体阳性率的差异。结果显示,所检测羊血清中HEV 抗体阳性率为7.73% (52/673);南、北疆羊HEV抗体阳性率分别为7.61%(15/197)和7.77%(37/476) ,差异不显著(P>0.05)。1 岁以内(含1岁)、1~3岁(含3岁)、3 岁以上羊的HEV 抗体阳性率差异不显著(P>0.05);牛血清中HEV 抗体阳性率为5.78%(39/675) , 南、北疆牛HEV 抗体阳性率分别为4.19%(7/167)和6.30%(32/508),差异极显著(P<0.01)。2岁以内(含2岁)、2~4岁(含4岁)、4 岁以上牛的HEV抗体阳性率差异显著(P<0.05)。表明新疆地区羊和牛存在HEV感染。  相似文献   

西藏部分地区藏猪戊型肝炎病毒血清流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解西藏地区藏猪戊型肝炎流行情况,在拉萨、林芝、昌都、日喀则和山南等5个市,采集305份藏猪血清,利用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法进行戊型肝炎病毒血清抗体检测,并用SPSS 21.0方法进行不同性别、不同区域间的显著性差异分析。结果显示:从305份藏猪血清中检测到81份抗体阳性,总抗体阳性率为26.6%(81/305);拉萨市和林芝市的抗体阳性率最高,达32.8%(20/61),其次为昌都市、日喀则市和山南市,阳性率分别为29.5%(18/61)、26.2%(16/61)、11.5%(7/61);山南市阳性率与其他4个市相比差异显著(P0.05),公猪和母猪的抗体阳性率分别为23.3%(35/150)和29.7%(46/155),无显著差异(P0.05)。结果表明,西藏地区藏猪群中存在不同程度的猪戊型肝炎病毒感染。鉴于当地存在食用生或半生猪肉和猪肝的习俗,建议加强宣传,倡导健康饮食,同时加强高发区疫病防治,降低人类感染风险。  相似文献   

为了解广东地区猪戊型肝炎的感染情况,本试验于2015年在广东不同猪场收集了2月龄内猪胆汁73份,RTnPCR检测、全基因组测序、同源性及进化分析结果显示:猪感染戊型肝炎的阳性率为6.8%(5/73),5个ORF2部分核苷酸序列同源性为87.2%~99.4%,属于基因4型,4b、4h亚型。对4b亚型中的1个阳性样品(GZHD)株进行全基因测序,其核苷酸序列与swGX40(EU676172)同源性最高为96.5%,与广东株SS19(JX855794)同源性为93.9%,与人源戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)株CVS-Sie10(LC042232)同源性为94.8%。结果表明:广东地区猪群间HEV流行毒株仍以基因4型为主,且为揭示戊型肝炎的跨种传播提供了新的分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

用间接ELISA试剂盒对北京市郊区所采集的174份猪血清样品进行了抗体检测,结果显示,其抗体总阳性率达62.1%。针对戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)ORF2/ORF3重叠区设计了简并引物,采用巢式RT-PCR对随即采取的少量猪粪便样品进行了抗原检测。结果表明,部分粪便样品中存在HEV。  相似文献   

为了解东北边境地区野猪及放养杂交野猪群体猪戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染情况,于2015—2018年在吉林省、黑龙江省的中朝、中俄边境和内蒙古自治区境内加格达奇周边地区采集6月龄以上杂交野猪血清、粪便或肛拭子样品共520份,采集野猪血清和粪便样品共248份。ELISA检测、RT-nPCR检测、全基因组测序、同源性及进化分析结果显示,杂交野猪和野猪感染HEV的血清抗体总阳性率为34.1%(136/399);核酸总阳性率为1.56%(12/771),12份核酸阳性样品均来自杂交野猪,病毒基因组ORF2部分核苷酸序列同源性为85.4%~100.0%,属于基因4型,4a、4b亚型。对4a亚型的1份阳性样品(LJG-18)进行病毒全基因组扩增测序,其核苷酸序列与日本的人源毒株JKO-ChiSai98C同源性最高,为94.9%,与吉林省猪源毒株Ch-S-1同源性为90.2%。结果表明:东北边境地区放养杂交野猪群具有较高的HEV血清抗体阳性率,HEV流行毒株以4a亚型为主。本试验针对我国野猪及放养杂交野猪群体开展猪戊型肝炎流行病学调查,为该病的流行情况提供了新的科学数据,对我国养猪业健康发展和公共卫生安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In Japan, hepatitis E virus (HEV) causes hepatitis in humans through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat, including game meat. In the present study, nationwide surveillance of HEV infection among a total of 5,557 wild animals, including 15 species, was conducted in Japan. The prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies in wild boar was 12.4%, with higher positive rates in big boars (over 50 kg, 18.4%) than in small individuals (less than 30 kg, 5.3%). Furthermore, HEV RNA was more frequently detected in piglets than in older boars. Interestingly, the detection of HEV among wildlife by ELISA and RT-PCR suggested that HEV infection in Sika deer was a very rare event, and that there was no HEV infection among wild animals except for wild boar, Sika deer and Japanese monkeys. In conclusion, wild boar, especially piglets, are at high risk of HEV infection, while other wild animals showed less risk or no risk of HEV transmission.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E is a zoonotic disease and is highly prevalent in European swine livestock. There is a need to compare the infection dynamics of hepatitis E virus (HEV) between herds with the same production system and determine the percentage of animals that could arrive infected at slaughter age. Therefore, a longitudinal study was performed in six Spanish farrow-to-finish affected farms. Twenty piglets per farm were monitored from nursery to slaughter. RT-PCR and serology techniques were applied to analyze longitudinally collected sera and/or faecal samples. Liver and bile samples were also taken at the abattoir. Anti-HEV IgM were firstly detected at 7 weeks of age in 5 farms whereas at 13 weeks of age in 1 farm (farm 2). At slaughter age 50–100% of pigs had seroconverted to anti-HEV IgG in the former 5 farms whereas in the other herd only 5% of pigs were IgG seropositive (farm 2). Six out of 96 livers and 5 out of 80 biles analyzed were HEV positive at the abattoir (total percentage of infected animals: 11.5%). All these positive animals had already seroconverted except 2 pigs of farm 2. Hence, pigs can be seronegative at slaughter age being infected during the latest fattening period. Manipulation of HEV-infected livers or other organs from pigs could be considered a possible route of transmission in Spanish abattoirs. This study represents the first longitudinal survey on swine HEV infection dynamics conducted in different herds.  相似文献   

为了解新疆地区哺乳动物流感病毒的感染流行情况,本研究于2009年~2011年对新疆6个地区的5种哺乳动物进行流感病毒部分亚型的血清学监测,采集猪血清样品1 519份、马血清样品1 095份、驴血清样品802份、狗血清样品130份和猫血清样品40份.用HI方法进行流感病毒血清学监测.结果表明,猪血清中流感病毒H1亚型抗体阳性率为0~31.5%,H3抗体阳性率为0.75%~5.32%,H5亚型抗体阳性率为0~2.7%,H9亚型抗体阳性率为0~10.19%;马血清和驴血清样品的流感病毒H1、H3、H5、H7和H9亚型抗体均为阴性;狗血清流感病毒H9抗体阳性率为1.75%;猫血清样品流感病毒H1抗体阳性率为2.5%.  相似文献   

北京地区犬猫弓形虫病血清学调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
比较了酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和乳胶凝集试验对犬猫进行龚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii)抗体检测的结果.在66只犬猫的血清中,ELISA方法检测的阳性率为24.0%,乳胶凝集试验阳性率为21.0%,二者的检测结果差异不显著(P>0.05).后采用ELISA方法对北京地区家养的159只犬和128只猫进行了弓形虫IGg抗体的检测,共有21只犬(13.21%)和18只猫(14.06%)检测结果为阳性.1岁以下犬(3.70%)、猫(4.35%)低于1至3岁犬(11.29%)和猫(6.98%)的感染率.3~6岁犬猫的感染率分别是27.27%和16.22%,6岁以上犬(30.0%)、猫(32.0%)的感染率最高.不同性别之间感染无明显差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   

Samples of serum from 76 gilts, 1440 sows, 1473 piglets and 3093 finishing pigs from 96 farrow-to-finish herds were tested for antibodies to encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) in microtitre serum neutralisation tests employing two strains of virus, one associated with myocarditis and the other with reproductive failure. The total seroprevalence of EMCV infection was 2.48 per cent. There was no significant difference between the seroprevalence of the reproductive failure strain (1.6 per cent) and the myocardial strain (1.85 per cent). The seroprevalence was higher in the gilts (6.57 per cent) and sows (5.13 per cent) than in the piglets (1 per cent) and finishing pigs (1.84 per cent), and the highest titres were observed in the sows (1:540) and finishing pigs (1:640). In the gilts, the difference in seroprevalence between the reproductive failure strain (3.95 per cent) and the myocardial strain (5.33 per cent) was wider than in the other groups.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the most common cause of viral hepatitis in humans. Pigs may act as a reservoir of HEV, and pig handlers were frequently identified with a higher prevalence of antibodies to HEV. The objectives of this study were to identify evidence of HEV infection in pigs and compare the history of jaundice between pig handlers and people not exposed to pigs and pork. Blood and faecal samples were collected from 100 pigs derived from three slaughterhouses in the Gazipur district of Bangladesh from January to June, 2011. We also interviewed 200 pig handlers and 250 non‐exposed people who did not eat pork or handled pigs in the past 2 years. We tested the pig sera for HEV‐specific antibodies using a competitive ELISA and pig faecal samples for HEV RNA using real‐time RT‐PCR. Of 100 pig sera, 82% (n = 82) had detectable antibody against HEV. Of the 200 pig handlers, 28% (56/200) demonstrated jaundice within the past 2 years, whereas only 17% (43/250) of controls had a history of jaundice (p < .05). Compared to non‐exposed people, those who slaughtered pigs (31% versus 15%, p < .001), reared pigs (37% versus 20%, p < .001), butchered pigs (35% versus 19%, p < .001) or involved in pork transportation (28% versus 13%, p < .001) were more likely to be affected with jaundice in the preceding 2 years. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, exposure to pigs (odds ratio [OR]: 2.2, 95% CI: 1.2–3.9) and age (OR: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.95–0.99) was significantly associated with jaundice in the past 2 years. Pigs in Bangladesh demonstrated evidence of HEV infection, and a history of jaundice was significantly more frequent in pig handlers. Identifying and genotyping HEV in pigs and pig handlers may provide further evidence of the pig's role in zoonotic HEV transmission in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

A six month-old sheep was entered into a control group in an experiment designed to study the effects of exposure to the bovine immunodeficiency-like virus (BIV). Anti-BIV antibodies were detected in the serum of this sheep prior to the start of the study; these antibodies persisted for 12 months at which time the animal was destroyed. The sheep was normal clinically and was grossly normal at postmortem examination. Blood from this sheep was inoculated into a recipient sheep which subsequently showed a transient anti-BIV antibody response beginning two months postinoculation. Sheep have been previously shown to produce anti-BIV antibodies after experimental inoculation with infected cell culture material or infected bovine blood and BIV infection was found in a sheep pastured with BIV-infected cattle. In the present case there was no contact with cattle; the source of the infection was not identified.  相似文献   

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