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AM真菌与施磷量对烤烟品质的影响的初步试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在盆栽试验中设置五种磷肥水平,接种两种AM真菌(Clomus mosseae,Glomus sp)研究了对烤烟品质的影响。结果表明,AM真菌与烤烟能形成良好的共生关系,显著影响了烤烟烟叶品质,增加了烟叶总糖、烟碱、钾和磷含量,提高了施木克值,却降低了烟叶铁、锌含量,以及氮碱比、糖碱比;不同菌根菌处理间作用效果存在一定差异。施磷量对整株烟叶化学成分有一定影响。AM真菌、宿主、土壤特性三者之间有最佳组合关系。接种处理与施磷量P2O5 0.056g/kg组合基本使烟叶各项化学成分含量达到较理想值,而不接种处理与施磷量P2O5 0.112g/kg组合可达到近似值。接种AM真菌可在低磷水平获得较佳烟叶品质。  相似文献   

AM真菌接种对甘薯产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验方法研究了接种AM真菌对甘薯产量和品质的影响。结果表明,种植6周时接种能够提高甘薯的菌根侵染率、生长和吸P量,收获时可提高甘薯的产量和品质。从接种效果看,本地分离的菌株接种效果好于异地分离菌株,混合菌株好于单一菌株。  相似文献   

在盆栽试验中设置五种磷肥水平,接种两种AM真菌(Glomusmosseae,Glomussp)研究了对烤烟品质的影响。结果表明,AM真菌与烤烟能形成良好的共生关系,显著影响了烤烟烟叶品质,增加了烟叶总糖、烟碱、钾和磷含量,提高了施木克值,却降低了烟叶铁、锌含量,以及氮碱比、糖碱比;不同菌根菌处理间作用效果存在一定差异。施磷量对整株烟叶化学成分有一定影响。AM真菌、宿主、土壤特性三者之间有最佳组合关系。接种处理与施磷量P2O50 056g/kg组合基本使烟叶各项化学成分含量达到较理想值,而不接种处理与施磷量P2O50 112g/kg组合可达到近似值。接种AM真菌可在低磷水平获得较佳烟叶品质。  相似文献   

葫芦科蔬菜对丛枝菌根真菌依赖性的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在盆栽条件下试验研究了5种葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)蔬菜对2种丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza,AM)真菌的语性。结果表明,AM真菌Glomus mosseae(G.m)和Gigaspora rosea(Gi,r)均能有效地促进葫芦科蔬菜的生长,显著增加叶面积和植株干物质量,提高叶片的光合速率,降低气孔阻力。供试葫芦科蔬菜对菌根的依赖程度顺序为黄瓜>西瓜>苦瓜>葫芦>南瓜。5种葫芦科蔬菜对AM的依赖性与AM真菌对根系的浸染率呈正相关关系,符合直线回归方程:y=117.19+0.7468x。  相似文献   

在盆栽条件下试验研究了5种葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)蔬菜对2种丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza,AM)真菌的依赖性。结果表明,AM真菌Glomus mosseae(G.m)和Gigaspora rosea(Gi.r)均能有效地促进葫芦科蔬菜的生长,显著增加叶面积和植株干物质量,提高叶片的光合速率,降低气孔阻力。供试葫芦科蔬菜对菌根的依赖程度顺序为黄瓜>西瓜>苦瓜>葫芦>南瓜。5种葫芦科蔬菜对AM的依赖性与AM真菌对根系的浸染率呈正相关关系,符合直线回归方程:y=117.19+0.7468x。  相似文献   

微生物肥料对绿色食品蔬菜品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王朋  刘丹 《农业环境保护》2002,21(6):562-563
对抚顺市顺城区茄子、辣椒、白菜三种蔬菜作物施用微生物肥料进行筛选试验研究,分析比较了三种微生物肥料对蔬菜品质产生的影响。结果表明,肥料C在降低辣椒、白菜和茄子硝酸盐含量,提高辣椒和白菜中Vc含量等方面优于其它两种肥料。  相似文献   

栽培基质与AM 真菌对园艺作物的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
从珍珠岩、蛭石、木屑、草炭、河沙等栽培基质的特点入手,讨论了不同基质对园艺作物生长发育、丛枝菌根(AM)真菌侵染和功能的影响以及AM真菌在不同基质条件下对作物生长的效应。将多种基质按一定比例混配而成的复合基质能综合各基质的优良理化特性,更有利于作物及其菌根的生长发育,如以草炭、蛭石和河沙接不同比例配成的7种基质中对西瓜接种Glomus mosseae,发现4号基质中侵染率最高,达39.9%,而1号基质中的最低,为14.8%,前者处理的植株生长量增加1.5-3倍。复合基质在无土设施栽培中十分有效,将得到更广泛的应用与开发。  相似文献   

AM真菌生长发育影响因素及其对植物作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由真菌与植物根系共生形成的AM菌根在自然界中分布广泛,其牛长发育受温度、土壤湿度等条件的影响;AM菌根可以促进宿主植物的生长已经在许多植物上得到证实,此外。此类菌根对提高植物的耐盐性、抗旱性及抗重金属毒性方面都有显著的作用。  相似文献   

土壤因子对西藏高原草地植物AM真菌的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
于西藏高原中部地区就土壤因子对草地植物AM真菌的影响进行的研究表明:AM真菌孢子密度与菌根侵染率、菌根侵染强度无相关性;土壤质地对AM真菌孢子密度的影响明显大于土壤类型,壤土、粉砂土中AM真菌对植物根系的侵染率高于砂壤土;土壤pH与植物根围土壤孢子密度、菌根侵染率分别呈显著正相关和正相关,与菌根侵染强度则呈负相关;土壤有机质与AM真菌孢子密度呈负相关,菌根侵染效果则随土壤有机质含量的增加而提高;高磷土壤环境对AM真菌产孢和侵染均具不同程度的抑制作用,其中植物菌根侵染率随土壤有效磷含量的提高而呈显著下降;AM真菌对莎草科植物矮生嵩草、扁穗莎草根系具有良好的侵染效应。  相似文献   

由真菌与植物根系共生形成的AM菌根在自然界中分布广泛,其生长发育受温度、土壤湿度等条件的影响;AM菌根可以促进宿主植物的生长已经在许多植物上得到证实,此外,此类菌根对提高植物的耐盐性、抗旱性及抗重金属毒性方面都有显著的作用。  相似文献   

培养基质对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温室条件下,以盆栽培养方法研究不同培养基质对丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhizae,AM)真菌Glomus mosseae生长发育的影响。结果表明:不同理化性质的基质对菌根共生体生长发育的影响不同,综合考虑菌根长度、根外菌丝量及孢子数3项指标,以沙土混合物(体积比3∶1)对G. mosseae菌剂的生长发育最为有利。宿主植物菌根长度及根中的可溶性糖浓度与根外孢子数有正相关关系,而宿主植物中磷浓度与菌根真菌的生长发育也有类似的关系。说明培养基质的养分状况、水分状况、通气状况等诸多因素都会影响菌根共生体的建立和发展。宿主植物的菌根长度、根中可溶性糖浓度以及宿主植物磷浓度对菌根真菌的生长发育有显著影响。因此,工厂化AM菌剂生产中,应以沙土混合物(体积比3∶1)为生产G. mosseae菌剂的培养基质。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根作为地球上最广泛的共生体,在各种逆境环境中发挥着重要作用.基于不同钼污染程度的钼矿区,分析了钼污染对丛枝菌根真菌侵染、繁殖及其分泌球囊霉素能力的影响.结果 表明,在4个不同钼污染级别的土壤中,丛枝菌根真菌与植物共生关系的形成未受到钼污染的影响,平均菌根侵染频度为50.64%.洛阳钼矿区土壤的平均孢子密度为19....  相似文献   

供硫和丛枝菌根真菌对洋葱生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以珍珠岩为植物的生长基质盆栽试验,分别供给0.1、1.75和4 mmol/L三个不同硫水平的Long Ashton营养液,研究接种丛枝菌根真菌Glomus versiform对洋葱(Allium cepa L.)生长和品质的影响。结果表明,接种丛枝菌根真菌显著的改善了宿主植物的磷营养水平,促进了洋葱的生长;而硫处理对洋葱生长的影响差异不显著,但随着供硫水平的提高植株地上部全硫含量和有机硫含量显著增加。接种菌根真菌对洋葱硫营养的影响受外界供硫水平的影响,在供硫0.1 mmol/L时降低了洋葱植株的硫含量;而在供硫1.75和4 mmol/L时显著改善了洋葱的硫营养状况,宿主植物的酶解丙酮酸(enzyme produced pyruvic acid, EPY)的含量也显著增加。说明丛枝菌根真菌能够帮助宿主植物吸收外界环境中硫营养成分,改善洋葱的硫营养状况及品质。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌 (AMF) 与植物共生在提高植物的抗逆性、抗病性和维护植物健康方面发挥着关键作用,其在农业、林业和生态环境等方面的应用受到广泛关注。本研究基于incoPat科技创新情报平台,检索了2019年前国内外丛枝菌根真菌的专利产出,对专利申请数量、主要申请人、技术构成等方面进行了分析,以揭示国内外丛枝菌根真菌领域的研发状况、技术发展趋势和产学研合作情况。近年来,中国丛枝菌根真菌领域专利数量急剧增加,AMF产品化不断加强,AMF应用领域从农业领域向污染修复领域拓展,结合现代生物、信息技术等新兴技术的AMF检测技术和研究方法正在快速发展,新的研发充分考虑了AMF产品化和应用的结合;我国在丛枝菌根真菌领域的专利申请人多隶属高校和科研院所,企业参与度较低。AMF菌种扩繁和污染修复领域的应用已成为焦点,生物和信息新技术成果正引入AMF检测技术的开发;中国在丛枝菌根真菌领域的产学研合作研发亟需加强。  相似文献   

Twenty strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), native to West Africa, and three commercial AMF, were evaluated for their protective effect against root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., in pots and field experiments in Benin. In pots, these strains were assessed in sterilized soil following inoculation of nematodes and in non-sterilized soil naturally infested with nematodes using tomato. The four strains showing greatest potential in suppressing nematode development were further assessed in the field with a relatively high natural infestation level of nematodes (155 per 100 cm3 soil) over a tomato–carrot double cropping. In the pot experiments, most native strains provided significant suppression of nematode multiplication and root galling, but in most cases the level of nematode control depends on either sterilized or non-sterilized soils. In the field experiments, application of AMF mostly resulted in significant suppression of nematode multiplication and root galling damage on both crops indicating that the AMF persists and remains protective against root-knot nematodes over two crop cycles. Field application of AMF increased tomato yields by 26% and carrot yields by over 300% compared with the non-AMF control treatments. This study demonstrates for the first time, the protective effect of indigenous West African AMF against root-knot nematodes on vegetables. The potential benefits of developing non-pesticide AMF-based pest management options for the intensive urban vegetable systems are evident.  相似文献   

In tree-based intercropping system (agroforestry), the role of perennial trees in maintaining active populations and mycelial networks of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is well documented. Agroforestry positively influences the AMF community, but complete studies regarding mycorrhization in such systems are scarce. The present study was conducted to assess the effect of tree introduction in agriculture fields on mycorrhization. In particular, we investigated the effect of trees on AMF colonization of intercrops and vice versa, the effect of canopy management of trees on their root colonization, and the cross-infectivity of AMF isolated from tree rhizosphere in intercrops and vice versa. The results of the field study suggest that in agroforestry systems, trees acted as AMF inoculum reservoir for intercrops, especially during the rainy season. Intercropping (Phaseolus mungo and Triticum aestivum in the rainy and winter seasons, respectively) increased mycorrhization, i.e., root colonization and spore population in the rhizosphere of Albizia procera and Eucalyptus tereticornis. Canopy management, i.e., shoot pruning, reduces root colonization in A. procera, Anogeissus pendula, Dalbergia sissoo, Hardwickia binata, and Tectona grandis, especially in April 2005 (late spring), but during subsequent periods, differences among the treatments were at par. Results from greenhouse suggest that AMF are nonspecific in their selection of host since species isolated from tree rhizosphere could colonize the roots of crops and vice versa.  相似文献   

Thirty‐day‐old seedlings of Cassia siamea were transplanted into pots containing a subsurface Oxisol uninoculated or inoculated with Glomus agaregatum at two target soil solution phosphorus (P) concentrations. While no evidence of Vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (VAMF) colonization was noted in the uninoculated soil, C. siamea roots were colonized to the extent of 63 and 61% at soil P concentrations of 0.02 and 0.2 mg/L, respectively. VAMF colonization led to significant increases in tissue P concentrations measured at harvest at both soil P concentrations. However, shoot dry matter yield was significantly increased only at the first soil P concentration. Shoot dry matter yield of mycorrhizal C. siamea at soil P concentration of 0.02 mg/L was comparable to mycorrhizal growth of C. siamea at soil P concentration of 0.2 mg/L but inferior to the nonmycorrhizal growth of the legume. Based on these response patterns, C. siamea was classified as a highly mycorrhizal dependent species.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have a key role for plant nutrition in organic farming systems where crop protection relies on biopesticides. Although these are considered safe, their effects on non-target organisms, such as AM fungi, are not known and should be evaluated. A pot and a field experiment were employed to investigate the impact of biological pesticides (azadirachtin, spinosad, pyrethrum and terpens) on exogenous AM fungal inoculum (pots) and on indigenous AM fungi (field). The synthetic fungicide carbendazim and non-pesticide treated controls with or without mycorrhizal inoculation were also included. Plant growth and root colonization were measured 20 and 40 days post inoculation (dpi) in the pot experiment, or 40 and 90 dpi in the field study. Pesticide effects on the structure of the intraradical AM fungal community were determined via DGGE and cloning. Spinosad, pyrethrum and terpenes did not affect the colonization ability and the structure of the AM fungal community. On the contrary, pot application of azadirachtin resulted in a selective inhibition of the Glomus etunicatum strain of the inoculum. DGGE analysis showed that the field application of azadirachtin induced significant and persistent shifts in the AM fungal community. Carbendazim completely hampered mycorrhizal colonization in pots, compared to its field application which had a transitory effect on the colonization ability and the community structure of indigenous AM fungi. Our study provides first evidence for the effects of biological pesticides on the diversity of AM fungi.  相似文献   

 We studied fluctuations in the numbers of autotrophic ammonium oxidizers, ammonifying microorganisms and denitrifying microorganisms in pot cultures of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal maize. The populations were enumerated after 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of plant growth. Two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi belonging to different Glomus species were investigated. Pot cultures with AM-infected maize had significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the root-associated population of N-transforming bacteria compared with the non-mycorrhizal controls. The occurrence of autotrophic ammonium oxidizers in pot cultures of the AM fungi Glomus mosseae and G. fasciculatum was significantly higher than in non-mycorrhizal cultures throughout maize growth. The occurrence of these bacteria was delayed by 15 days in non-mycorrhizal as opposed to Glomus-colonized soil. Ammonifying and denitrifying bacterial populations were significantly decreased in the pot cultures of AM plants compared with the control. The distribution patterns of the physiological groups of bacteria tested were similar for both AM treatments but different from that of the non-mycorrhizal controls. Activity measurements expressed on a per cell basis showed changes with respect to the form of N in the mycorrhizal soil. G. fasciculatum was more active than G. mosseae during the earlier stages of plant growth. Received: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

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