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In a report describing life ending fractures (255 horses) from the Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center, Kentucky (1993 and 1994), 32 foals had rib fractures. The purpose of our study was to examine the incidence of rib fractures in newborn foals on a Thoroughbred studfarm by physical and radiographic examination, to determine factors which may contribute to the problem and to document any clinical consequences. All foals (263) included were examined within 3 days of birth. The thoracic cage was palpated externally for abnormalities and all foals were placed in dorsal recumbency to evaluate thoracic cage symmetry. Radiographs were used to diagnose foals with thoracic cage asymmetry (TCA) and rib fracture (RF). A diagnosis of costochondral dislocation (CD) was made when no radiographic evidence of fracture was present but there was severe TCA. Fifty-five foals (20.1%) had TCA (9 RF). One to 5 ribs were fractured on 9 of 40 radiographic studies. No consequences of the thoracic trauma was detected clinically, radiographically or ultrasonographically in this group of foals or at a 2- and 4-week follow-up examination. The percentage of foals with a history of abnormal parturition was higher in the TCA foals (15%) compared to the normal foals (6.8%). There were more primiparous dams in the TCA group than in the normal foal group. Fillies (56.6%) had a higher incidence of birth trauma than colts (43.4%). This study demonstrates that thoracic trauma is often present in newborn foals and may not always be of clinical significance. Dystocia foals and foals from primiparous mares should be considered high risk for thoracic trauma.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To improve the understanding of exercise related sudden death in Thoroughbred racehorses. Objectives: To describe the post mortem findings in cases of sudden death associated with exercise in 268 Thoroughbred racehorses. Methods: Gross and histological post mortem findings of 268 cases of sudden death were collated and reviewed. Cases originated from 6 racing jurisdictions around the world. Sudden death was defined as acute collapse and death in a closely observed and previously apparently healthy Thoroughbred racehorse, during, or within one hour after, exercise. Cause of death as determined by the attending pathologist was categorised as definitive, presumptive or unexplained and compared between the different populations. Cardiopulmonary lesions recorded at post mortem examination were compared between different populations. Results: Pathologists recorded a definitive cause of death in 53% (143/268) of cases. Major definitive causes of sudden death included cardiac failure, apparent pulmonary failure, pulmonary haemorrhage, haemorrhage associated with pelvic fractures or with idiopathic blood vessel rupture, and spinal cord injury. A presumptive cause of death was made in 25% (67/268) of cases and death remained unexplained in 22% (58/268) of cases. There were several statistically significant inter‐population differences in the cause of death and in reporting of cardiopulmonary lesions. Conclusions: Sudden death can be attributed to a variety of causes. Causes of sudden death and the lesions found in cases of exercise‐related sudden death are similar in different racing jurisdictions. However, the lesions are often not specific for the cause of death and determination of the cause of death is therefore affected by interpretation by the individual pathologist.  相似文献   

A 24‐hour‐old Standardbred filly was referred with an acute history of weakness, respiratory distress and subcutaneous emphysema. Radiographic evaluation revealed left sided rib fractures, unilateral pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum. Serial arterial blood gas measurements pre‐ and post rib repair showed pulmonary dysfunction. Post operative radiographs revealed the presence of air bronchograms and a bronchointerstitial pattern, suggestive of alveolar parenchymal pathology consistent with pulmonary contusion, pulmonary oedema or ALI/ARDS. The filly was treated with intranasal oxygen and an active chest draining unit and recovered uneventfully.  相似文献   


A theoretical analysis of the types of displacement of the abomasum in the abdomen is presented based on a stud of forty‐seven post‐mortem examinations of calves, cows, lambs and sheep showing right‐sided abomasal displacement and production of knots. These displacements are quantified following the introduction of a dual‐axial system. One system (XYZ) related to displacements of the abomasum on a pendulum model, the point of suspension being situated on the visceral surface of the liver and the arms consisting of parts of the digestive tract adjacent to the abomasum. The other system (x 1 y 1z1 ) comprises axes centered on the abomasum, about which this organ was able to rotate without changing its position in the abdomen.

In order to make quantification of the displacements and deformations possible, the term twine is introduced. Twining results from interlacing of sections of the digestive tract, which are not normally adjacent. This limits the concept of torsion to helices appearing in the pyloro‐duodenal region and the omaso‐abomasal junction. To identify the various forms of abomasal displacement, a new terminology is introduced and basic elements suggested to make quantifications possible.  相似文献   

During the ten-year period 1968--1978, about 1500 bulls were examined yearly for possible inflammatory conditions in the genital organs. Thirty-one cases of vesiculitis with or without accompanying ampullitis, and one case of isolated, one-sided ampullitis were recorded. Twenty-three cases (72%) were found in young bulls aged 18 months or less. Diagnosis was based on clinical examination of the pelvic genital organs or examination of semen, or in most cases on both. In 17 (53%) of the cases the diagnosis was initially established in the laboratory. Of the laboratory methods, the most reliable was the demonstration of pus cells in Giemsa stained semen smears. Twenty-five cases (24 + one case of ampullitis) were examined post mortem. Fifteen showed interstitial vesiculitis, Group I (Galloway, 1964). The milder 'catarrhal' type (Group II) was found in 9 cases. The 'potential pathogenic' bacteria isolated from the inflamed vesicular glands were: Corynebact. pyogenes, 8 cases (33%), E. coli, 2 cases; Ureaplasma, 2 cases (one in combination with Corynebact. pyogenes). Four of the bulls were newly imported (stress ?), IN THREE BULLS THERE WAS A HISTORY OF NAVEL INFECTION DURING CALFHOOD, AND IN ONE CASE THE BULL HAD LARGE NUMBERS OF VESICAL CALCULI (ABOUT 300 G). In ten of the sets of pelvic organs examined (40%) rare congenital defects or anatomical variations were found in or around the colliculus seminalis (Blom, 1979b).  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: In horses, aortic sinus of Valsalva aneurysms or tears in the aortic root are well‐recognised conditions in breeding stallions, often leading to sudden death. A more uncommon form of aortic rupture, located proximal to the ligamentum arteriosum has been reported in 3 Friesian horses. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to phenotypically characterise aortic rupture and aorto‐pulmonary fistulation in Friesian horses in terms of clinical and post mortem data based on 24 cases. Methods: Friesian horses that were diagnosed with aortic rupture and aorto‐pulmonary fistulation over a period of 13 years (1997–2010) at the Department of Equine Sciences of Utrecht University (n = 15) and Wolvega Equine Hospital (n = 9), were included in this study. Case history, results of clinical examination and gross post mortem findings were screened and analysed. Results: Some cases were found dead without prior symptoms, but in several cases signs such as recurrent colic, peripheral oedema and sustained tachycardia were present for several weeks prior to cardiac failure. Clinical examination during hospitalisation revealed increased rectal temperature, peripheral oedema and increased jugular pulse with a bounding arterial pulse. In the majority of horses an aortic rupture of the aortic arch near the ligamentum arteriosum, concurrent with a circumferential cuff of perivascular haemorrhage and aorto‐pulmonary fistulation, was found at post mortem examination. Conclusions: Aorto‐pulmonary fistulation in conjunction with aortic rupture is more common in Friesians than previously estimated. In some cases findings demonstrate a progressive pathology rather than acute cardiac failure and sudden death. An appropriate approach is necessary during post mortem examination of the heart in order not to overlook the diagnosis. Potential relevance: Equine practitioners should realise that in Friesian horses presented with a history of recurrent false colic, coughing, sustained tachycardia and/or peripheral oedema, aortic rupture and aorto‐pulmonary fistulation should be included in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Thoracic trauma induces pulmonary injury by functional as well as by structural damage. Injury at the cellular level causes changes seen 24 to 48 hours after initial trauma. Treatment should be aimed at stabilizing the patient upon initial presentation, and one should be aware of potential problems that may arise as the injury progresses. An animal with tracheobronchial tree injury is usually presented a few days after the initial injury with a client complaint of dyspnea. The only treatment is surgical repair.  相似文献   

Two foals were admitted for neurological signs after trauma. Clinical and diagnostic investigations were performed that were suggestive of closed head trauma characterised by right parietal bone deviation (ping‐pong fracture), cerebral contusion, haematoma and cerebellar contusion. The histopathological findings were consistent with areas of abnormal signal found on magnetic resonance investigations.  相似文献   

The clinical course, post mortem lesions as well as virological and serological results after simultaneous intranasal inoculation of pigs with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and hog cholera virus (HCV) are described. Five groups of four weaners received constant doses of BVDV strain OSLOSS/2482 and tenfold decreasing doses of HCV strain ALFORT/187. Doses of 1,000 and 100 TCID50 of HCV in groups A and B of pigs led to fever and severe clinical signs in all animals of two groups, whereas at higher dilution of inoculum two, three or four animals survived without any clinical signs in the respective groups (C-E). Leucocyte samples taken from febrile animals and from normal pigs on five consecutive days were inoculated into both fetal calf kidney (FCK) and PK (15) cell cultures. Virus isolates were differentiated with BVDV and HCV specific monoclonal antibodies. HCV viraemia was detected in febrile animals exclusively, and BVDV viraemia occurred in not affected animals on days 3 to 7 post inoculation. Neutralizing antibodies (nab) against BVDV appeared before HCV nab in surviving animals of groups C and D after receiving low doses of HCV (10 or 1 TCID50). No BVDV nab were detected in group E that had received such a high dilution of HCV in addition to BVDV that theoretically no HCV was applied.  相似文献   

Twenty-two buffalo bulls suffering from three different types of infertility were slaughtered and used for this study. Except for the reproductive system, no signs of localised or generalised disease were observed. Microbiological investigations were negative for brucellosis, vibriosis, mycoplasma and other non-specific microorganisms. Nine bulls with type 1 infertility had low bodyweights and underdevelopment of testes, accessory sex glands and endocrine glands. This picture suggests a total dysfunction of the pituitary-growth-gonadal axis. One bull of this type also showed bilateral epididymitis. Four out of 11 bulls with type 2 infertility had low bodyweights and most suffered from underdevelopment of testes, accessory sex glands and endocrine glands. Six bulls of this type had lesions of either epididymitis or orchitis or both. Two of these animals showed adhesions of periorchitis. One also showed seminal vesiculitis. In two bulls with type 3 infertility, bodyweights, reproductive organs and endocrine glands were normal. In later life, they yielded poor quality semen. Semen samples collected a few months before slaughter from nine bulls with type 2 and type 3 infertility were of poor quality and had higher percentages of abnormal spermatozoa in most cases.  相似文献   

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