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The dynamics of a recent outbreak of the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in Switzerland was ruled by a devastating winter storm in 1999 and the drought and heat of the summer 2003. Starting from a similar level of population sizes, estimated as the rate of infested growing stock, beetle populations increased differently in magnitude and time among different regions in Switzerland. Accordingly, we expected local or regional genetic differentiation as a result of such repeated population expansion/breakdown dynamics. We analyzed 5 nuclear microsatellites of spruce bark beetles sampled from pheromone traps at 30 locations distributed over Switzerland. Our genetic results did not indicate any sign of population differentiation, structure, isolation by distance, or recent bottlenecks. This complete lack of genetic structure suggests that spruce bark beetles are highly mobile, precluding the formation of a spatial structure at neutral molecular markers. Thus, this molecular–genetic approach does not allow us to discriminate among regional gene pools and to identify the origin of expanding beetle populations.  相似文献   

  • ? The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is one of the main European forest pests, and mass trapping is probably the most common strategy applied to reduce its population density. However, the results concerning the effectiveness of this control system are often controversal, and many studies consider only the trapping performance with no attention to the damage reduction.
  • ? During spring-summer 2005, a control program against I. typographus outbreaks was set up in NE Italy. Twenty-four spruce forests heavily infested by I. typographus were studied: six protected by pheromone slot-traps, six by horizontal trap-logs and six by standing trap-logs; six untreated stands were kept as controls. Trap-logs were baited with a pheromone specific to I. typographus and treated with insecticide. Each type of device was tested at high, medium and low density in relation to the number of trees infested during the previous year. New damage occurring in the investigated stands was later monitored for one year.
  • ? Protected forests showed mean damage about 80% lower in 2005 than in 2004, with no statistical difference among traps, trap-logs or standing trap-logs. Instead, unprotected forests (controls) suffered damage to a similar extent in both years. Trapping devices showed no statistical differences among mean captures. Device densities showed similar results in damage reduction and insect trapping.
  • ? The results support the hypothesis that intensive trapping performed at stand level may be useful for protecting forests against I. typographus, locally reducing population density and tree mortality.
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    Scolytids have been studied more than any other group of forest insects, but most investigations have been restricted to only a few pest species. This bias hampers our understanding of variation in abundance and pest status. Even the simple question whether the abundance of scolytids can predicted by the same independent variables as their pest status is still a matter of debate. To explore this issue, we estimated their abundance using non-attracting flight-interception traps set in a wide range of forests across Czech Republic, Germany, and France. Pest status was taken from current literature. As independent variables, we considered host range, host abundance, and several traits of the considered species in linear models using generalized least squares with a correlation structure derived from the phylogenetic tree of the beetles. Host range was calculated as the root phylogenetic diversity index. The variation in the abundance across scolytids was well explained by resource-related parameters (R2 = 0.53). In contrast to abundance, the pest status was significantly related to species-specific traits, such as body size and maximum number of generations. However, the explained variance was much lower (R2 = 0.19). Although our analysis showed that abundance and pest score follow different patterns, we stress the importance of monitoring all species using non-selective traps. Considering the increasing global trade and the rapidly changing climate, such a broad ecological monitoring is necessary to detect new interactions and/or invading species that may influence our forests ecosystems.  相似文献   

    Data on thermal-death kinetics of bark beetles are essential to develop phytosanitary heat treatments for pine wood and pine wood packaging materials. Using a heating block system, effects of different heating rates between 44 and 50°C at 2°C intervals on destruction of Dendroctonus armandi adult insect were examined. Heat resistance of the insects was found to increase at low heating rates (0.1 or 0.5°C/min). Therefore, the thermal-death kinetics of the beetles were determined at a high heating rate of 5.0°C/min which simulated the rapid dielectric heating of wood products. Results showed that the thermal death curve of D. armandi followed a zero-order reaction kinetic model, indicating the heat destruction rate of the beetle at different treatment temperatures to be independent of their population size. The required thermal holding times to result in destruction of the entire population were 40, 8, 4, and 2?min at 44°C, 46°C, 48°C, and 50°C, respectively. The evaluated thermal-death kinetic data are useful in developing effective beetle elimination quarantine protocols for the wood. A 50°C ?2?min heat treatment with a heating rate of ~5°C/min can be effectively used for disinfesting bark wood materials.  相似文献   

    Larssoniella duplicati n.sp. infects the midgut muscularis, the Malpighian tubules, and the ovaries of adult Ips duplicatus (Sahlb.) in the Czech Republic. The microsporidian attacks up to 50% of the population. Oval spores of two sizes, 3–3.5×1.5–2 and 2–2.5×1.5 μm have the polar filament coiled in 6/7 coils, representing primary and environmental spores, respectively. In early sporogony the young spores produce long electron dense threads and tubules of secretions, which remain fixed around the spore and avoid their free release during dissection of infected hosts. The microsporidian was not found in associated bark beetles such as Ips typographus (L.), or I. amitinus (Eichh.) and others.  相似文献   

    The distribution of the double spined spruce engraver beetle Ips duplicatus ranges from Scandinavia and northeastern Europe to northern Asia. In Europe, I. duplicatus usually is associated with I. typographus on Picea abies, and due to morphological similarities and similar gallery constructions the damage and significance of I. duplicatus are often not recognised and thus underestimated. I. duplicatus has been recently reported from the southern part of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, northern parts of Austria and Germany; records are missing from many other central European countries (e.g., Hungary). The species became an important pest in some parts of central Europe, and continuous outbreaks of this bark beetle have been reported in Inner Mongolia, China, since the 1950s. The aim of this study was to compare I. duplicatus populations from Europe and Asia by genetic means using the analysis of the mitochondrial DNA. Individuals of I. duplicatus populations from China, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia were collected, and 520 bp fragments of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were analysed. Four haplotypes were detected and a sequence divergence of 0.8% was found between the populations from China and Europe. These differences associate with behavioural differences in the pheromone bouquet and behavioural response of the two groups. Within Europe three haplotypes were found, but due to the small sample size no significant geographical distribution was demonstrated.  相似文献   

    The status of the incidence of the bark beetle Scolytus kashmirensis Schedl on elm (Ulmus spp.) trees was determined in four districts of the Kashmir Valley in 2009.The incidence of the borer was higher in the Anantnag (25.93%) and Shopian (22.35%) districts of the Kashmir Valley,followed by the Ganderbal (17.14%) and Baramulla (16.67%) districts.The overall infestation recorded in these districts was 20.52%.The beetle under study chewed the scars on twigs of both the host and tentative non-host plants supplied to them in cages but bored and laid eggs in only one of them (the host plant).Both species of elm,Ulmus wallichiana and U.villosa,were susceptible to borer attacks;however,U.villosa showed low susceptibility and high resistance compared to U.wallichiana.Older,taller elms were preferred for feeding by bark beetles and are therefore much more susceptible to its infestation compared to younger elms.This bark beetle species also preferred to oviposit in branches of the host plants with diameters of 9-12 mm.  相似文献   

    Samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) were dendrochronologically investigated in order to detect infestations by Dendroctonus micans (Kug.), the great spruce bark beetle (Col. Scolytidae), a relatively recent introduction to France. Uninfested natural forests located in the north-eastern French Alps and heavily infested plantations in the Ardèche region (Massif Central) were compared. The penetration holes bored in trunks by the bark beetle induced visible marks on wood, such as extreme ring width reductions, locally missing rings and crescent-shaped resin patches between consecutive rings that make possible a post-infestation dating.The outbreak began in 1979, 5 years prior to first insect visual detection by foresters. In the infested forest, tree basal area growth was not as sustained as in uninfested natural stands, but showed an inflection point at an unusually young tree age (from 30 to 40 years). Ring widths showing extreme synchronous radial growth reductions were caused either by excessively cold periods (e.g. in 1948, 1980, 1984, 1992) or by summer drought (as in 1986). Most of these weak growth years were shared with uninfested sites. In healthy forests, the consequences of extremely cold years were usually recorded only in high elevation stands, especially near the timberline, whereas summer drought effects were mostly visible in low altitude forests. By contrast, both phenomena were recorded in the infected Ardèche plantation. An analysis of tree-rings and monthly climate confirmed that Norway spruce growth in Ardèche plantations was reduced by excessively low minimum temperature during most parts of the year prior to ring formation, by higher than average maximum temperature during current spring and summer, and by drought in winter, spring and summer. Thus, the regional Ardèche climate with both cold winters and dry summers (especially in July) seems to weaken spruce trees planted there. Moreover, tree sensitivity to climate was found to be greatly enhanced by insect infestation. Such interactions between climatic stress and insect outbreak led to forest dieback in a 15–20-year period, when trees were still young (less than 70 years), and without any tree recovery. Therefore, in that region spruce plantations should be replaced by non-host species of Dendroctonus micans, especially where soil conditions may exacerbate drought effects.  相似文献   

    We developed the model PHENIPS for spatial and temporal simulation of the seasonal development of Ips typographus at the Kalkalpen National Park in Austria. The model is based on a digital elevation model used for interpolation of temperature and solar radiation to calculate the microclimatic conditions (bark temperature) for the beetles’ development. Additionally, the beetles’ phenology at Kalkalpen National Park was monitored along with air and bark temperature measurements. The onset of host tree infestation in spring was estimated using a lower threshold of 16.5 °C for flight activity and a mean thermal sum of 140 degree-days (dd) from beginning of April 1st onward. Rate of brood development was calculated from accumulated degree-days of hourly temperature data using upper and lower temperature thresholds of 38.9 and 8.3 °C, respectively, and a nonlinear function for calculating effective thermal sums. Re-emergence of parental beetles occurred at a time when 49.7% of the thermal sum for total development (557 dd) was reached. The model includes the discontinuance of the beetle's reproductive activity at a day length <14.5 h. The rate of successful hibernation of established broods is predicted by assessing the developmental stage of initiated generations at the beginning of the cold period. For validation we compared the timing of phenological events in the field with predicted events using both, hourly recorded data at trap trees in the terrain and generated daily topoclimatic data. Using topoclimatic data, the onset of infestation was predicted with a mean absolute error of 1.3 days. The observed onset of emergence of filial beetles in the field was estimated with a mean error of 39 dd. Our PHENIPS explicitly considers the strong effects of regional topography and stand conditions on local air and bark temperature and can be used for precise monitoring of the actual state of bark beetle development at the specific stand/tree level. Using topoclimatic data, PHENIPS simulates the maximum number of generations which is necessary to assess the potential impact of bark beetle outbreaks at regional scale. Further applications of PHENIPS for site-specific hazard rating of bark beetle infestation are discussed.  相似文献   

    The biology and host plant range of Lixus nordmanni Hochhuth were studied in the eastern part of Turkey. This weevil feeds and grows on Heracleum trachyloma Fisch. et C.A. Mey, Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden, Heracleum pastinacifolium C. Koch, H. platytaenium Boiss., Angelica sylvestris L. and Falcaria sp. of the family Apiaceae (=Umbellifera). In the early spring, adults emerged from overwintering places and started feeding on host plants. After feeding for several days on leaves, they mated and laid eggs on the main stem of a host. After emergence, larvae fed in stems up to late summer and pupated in the same places. Pupae were found at the beginning of autumn and then adults of the new generation emerged from the stem. Most of adults overwinter under dry plants at rootneck and under stones. L. nordmanni have one generation per year in eastern Anatolia. This Caucasian weevil species is recorded for the first time for Turkish fauna. The biology and host plant records are presented.  相似文献   

    583 spruce stands in an area affected by air pollution and bark beetle outbreak in Eastern Slovakia were studied in 1996. According to bark beetle infestation of dominant and codominant trees, stands were classified into following types of spruce stand decline:Ips typographus-A,Ips typographus-B,Polygraphus poligraphus, I. typographus/P. poligraphus—A,I. typographus/P. poligraphus—B. The presence of attacked trees in forest edges, bark beetle spots and forest interior was the key important factor for the classification. Data from forest inventory and forest management evidence together with data on types of spruce stands decline were used in further analyses. Results shows that the distribution of forest stands classified into different types or uninfested stands is related mainly to host size and site quality. The percentage of spruce, exposition of stands and stand density showed significant effects. The mechanisms of spreading of studied bark beetle outbreak could be explained by direct effects of stress of trees caused by an abrupt increase of level of solar irradiation and by weakening of trees by the honey fungus.  相似文献   

    During research conducted in northern Italy for the State Forestry Service LIFE Nature project, a single male specimen of the scolytine ambrosia beetle Monarthrum mali (Fitch) was collected in an ethanol-baited window flight trap. Trapping started in 2005, but the species was first collected in August 2007, suggesting that the establishment of M. mali in northern Italy is very recent. Monarthrum mali represents the second North American ambrosia beetle to be introduced to Europe, and joins Phloeotribus limnaris and Xylosandrus crassiusculus as recent scolytine introductions to Europe via Italy that pose potential threats to Europe’s nurseries, orchards and plantations.  相似文献   

    Bark beetles of the genus Dendroctonus are natural inhabitants of forests; under particular conditions some species of this genus can cause large-scale tree mortality. However, only in recent decades has priority been given to the comprehensive study of these insects in México. México possesses high ecological diversity in DendroctonusPinus associations. The geographic coexistence of 12 Dendroctonus species suggests greater vulnerability or threat of tree mortality relative to other areas. We use a biogeographic strategy to identify and rank the areas most vulnerable to tree mortality caused by bark beetles in México. We aim to define the areas that might experience high impact by these insects and also to provide a geographic database useful to forest resource management and conservation policies in México. Using collection records of bark beetles and pines, we develop a quantitative estimate of the threat of beetle infestation of forest areas based on factors including pine and beetle species density, host preference and level of mortality caused by beetle species. A quantitative estimate of forest area vulnerability, the Bark Beetle Threat Index (BBTI) was calculated. Despite the vast area of geographic coincidence of Pinus and Dendroctonus in México, the regions of highest bark beetle pressure are restricted to small zones within some mountain systems. The region that has been most affected by this insect group during the past hundred years is the Transverse Volcanic Belt, followed by the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre del Sur. Pine diversity is the major determining factor of BBTI at the regional level, while disturbances from extensive logging and ecosystem change are the key factors behind high BBTIs at the local level.  相似文献   

    油松挥发性物质分析及红脂大小蠹的触角电位反应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
    分布于山西的油松树脂中的挥发性物质主要成份为(R)-( )-α-蒎烯、(S)-(-)-β-蒎烯和(S)-( )-3-蒈烯,占萜烯总量的97%以上,其中(S)-( )-3-蒈烯的比例最大,另外还有香叶烯、( )-柠檬烯、莰烯、孟二烯和水芹烯等成份.触角电位反应中,雄性红脂大小蠹对油松挥发性物质中(S)-(-)-α-蒎烯、柠檬烯和(S)-( )-3-蒈烯的反应较为强烈,而雌性红脂大小蠹对油松挥发性物质中(S)-( )-3-蒈烯、柠檬烯、(S)-(-)-α-蒎烯和香叶烯的反应较为强烈.雌性红脂大小蠹较雄性红脂大小蠹对这些挥发性物质更为敏感.寄生于我国油松的红脂大小蠹对树体挥发物的反应与原产地美国有较大的差异,产生变化可能与寄主挥发物成分和环境变化有关,但其机制还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

    Field bioassays were conducted in south-central Alaska in a stand of Lutz spruce, Picea × lutzii, to determine whether a semiochemical interruptant (verbenone and trans-conophthorin) and/or a defense-inducing plant hormone (methyl jasmonate, MJ) could be used to protect individual standing trees from bark beetle attack. During two experiments (initiated in May 2004 and 2005, respectively), attacks by Ips perturbatus on standing trees were induced by using a three-component aggregation pheromone (ipsenol, cis-verbenol, and ipsdienol) and prevented by using the interruptant. In 2005, treatments from 2004 were repeated and additional treatments were evaluated by using MJ spray or injection with and without the interruptant. Aggregation began before 3 or 7 June, and attack density was monitored through 3 or 16 August. During both years, tree mortality caused by I. perturbatus was recorded twice (in August, and in May of the following year). In both experiments, attack density was greatest on trees baited with the three-component attractive pheromone, but was significantly reduced by addition of the semiochemical interruptant to trees baited with the attractant. There were no significant differences in attack density between attractant + interruptant-treated trees and unbaited trees. In 2004, mortality was highest among attractant-baited trees, whereas addition of the interruptant significantly reduced the level of initial (10 week post-treatment) and final (54 week post-treatment) mortality. In 2005, no significant reduction in attack density occurred on trees baited with the attractant when MJ was sprayed or injected. The highest initial (10.6 week post-treatment) and final (49.4 week post-treatment) mortality was observed among trees that had been injected with MJ and baited with the attractant. Mortality at the final assessment was significantly lower in all other treatment groups. As in 2004, addition of the interruptant to attractant-baited trees significantly reduced the level of final mortality compared to attractant-baited trees. MJ was not attractive or interruptive to I. perturbatus or associated bark beetles in a flight trapping study. However, MJ-treated trees (sprayed or injected) exuded copious amounts of resin on the bark surface. Anatomical analyses of felled trees from four treatment groups [Tween (solvent)-sprayed, MJ-sprayed, Tween-injected, and MJ-injected + attractant baited] showed that treatment with MJ increased the number and size of resin ducts produced following treatment. These analyses also revealed a reduction in radial growth in MJ-treated trees. Our results show that during both years, treatment with a simple, two-component interruptant system of verbenone and trans-conophthorin significantly reduced I. perturbatus attack density and tree mortality on attractant-baited trees and provided a full year of protection from bark beetle attack.  相似文献   

    First-generation adults of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel were collected from Yueqing (28.1°N latitude, 120.9°E longitude), Zhejiang, China, during late June and mid-July and reared on rice plants (cultivar Shanyou 63) in the laboratory (28±1 °C, 16L:8D) to examine their reproductive capacity. On plants aged 16–22 days, adults from the field and collected in mid-July could reach oviposition onset more rapidly and deposit more eggs than those collected earlier. Adults that emerged in late June and early July displayed a greater tendency to become reproductive, compared with those which emerged in mid-July. However, each of these groups of adults, either field-collected or newly emerged, deposited only 3–14 eggs within 60 days of feeding. Reproductive capacity was greatly related to plant age, with plants aged below 20 days being most favorable; on plants aged over 20 days, reproductive development could take place, but little oviposition was observed. These results indicate that the reproductive capacity of first-generation adults in Zhejiang is dependent upon the time of adult emergence and post-emergence, as well as on the age of rice plants.  相似文献   

    The wood boring weevil, Pentarthrum huttoni Wollaston, is reported for the first time from Austria. It was recorded from coffins in the crypt of St. Michael’s church in the centre of Vienna. Extensive tunnelling of the larvae and surface damage by the adults caused disintegration of the historically significant wooden 18th century coffins. Beetles were also detected in rotten cardboard on the loamy soil of the crypt. Infestation by this Cossonine weevil is promoted by the very damp conditions in the crypt, a consequence of the closure of ventilation funnels in the 1940s.  相似文献   

    The Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.) (CPB) is the main potato pest in Croatia. The main problems in CPB control are related to a number of treatments and resistance development. In order to investigate the efficacy of combinations a reduced dose of spinosad (33% of the full doses) with the reduced doses (33% of full doses) of B.t.t., neem and pyrethrin against CPB larvae, 3-year field trials and one laboratory trial were conducted. Joint actions of the insecticides in combinations were analyzed. The CPB attack on experimental fields in all 3 years of investigation was high to moderate. In 2001 the maximum number of larvae on untreated plots was 11.7 larvae per plant, while in 2002 and 2003 it was lower, 5.5 and 6.1 larvae/plant, respectively. The efficacy obtained with a full dose of B.t.t. reached 75% in the field, and 78% in the laboratory trial. The residual efficacy of a full dose of B.t.t. lasted 7–10 days. The application of both, full and reduced doses of B.t.t., did not result in a significant yield increase. The results indicate that only one treatment with B.t.t. insecticide alone is not enough for efficient protection of potato against the attack of CPB larvae. The application of neem resulted in an efficacy of between 54 and 87.9%. The residual activity of neem was too short to ensure significant yield increase in 2 out of 3 years of the investigation. The application of a full dose of pyrethrin ensured an efficacy of between 86 and 89% with residual activity of 7–10 days. Only in the trial in 2003 significant yield increase (40% higher than untreated control) after the application of a full dose of pyrethin was recorded. The application of both, full and reduced doses of spinosad resulted in very high efficacy (over 90%), with residual activity between 10 and 20 days. The application of spinosad resulted in a significant yield increase in 2003, both in full and reduced doses, and in 2001 in the full dose (the reduced dose was not tested alone in 2001). High efficacy of the reduced dose of spinosad indicated its high biological activity and possibility for the reduction of the recommended dose. However, applications of combinations of insecticides in reduced doses (spinosad with B.t.t., neem and pyrethrin) resulted in efficacies of over 97% with residual activity of up to 21 days. Significant yield increase was noted after the application of the combinations of spinosad with B.t.t. and pyrethrin. The results of the laboratory trial confirmed the results of field trials. The joint action of insecticides was mainly described as independent synergism. It can be concluded that applied combinations are suitable in IPM in potato.  相似文献   

    Selective logging, fire suppression, forest succession and climatic changes have resulted in high fire hazards over large areas of the western USA. Federal and state hazardous fuel reduction programs have increased accordingly to reduce the risk, extent and severity of these events, particularly in the wildland–urban interface. In this study, we examined the effects of mechanical fuel reduction treatments on the activity of bark beetles in ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl ex. Laws., forests located in Arizona and California, USA. Treatments were applied in both late spring (April–May) and late summer (August–September) and included: (1) thinned biomass chipped and randomly dispersed within each 0.4 ha plot; (2) thinned biomass chipped, randomly dispersed within each plot and raked 2 m from the base of residual trees; (3) thinned biomass lopped-and-scattered (thinned trees cut into 1–2 m lengths) within each plot; (4) an untreated control. The mean percentage of residual trees attacked by bark beetles ranged from 2.0% (untreated control) to 30.2% (plots thinned in spring with all biomass chipped). A three-fold increase in the percentage of trees attacked by bark beetles was observed in chipped versus lopped-and-scattered plots. Bark beetle colonization of residual trees was higher during spring treatments, which corresponded with peak adult beetle flight periods as measured by funnel trap captures. Raking chips away from the base of residual trees did not significantly affect attack rates. Several bark beetle species were present including the roundheaded pine beetle, Dendroctonus adjunctus Blandford (AZ), western pine beetle, D. brevicomis LeConte (AZ and CA), mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins (CA), red turpentine beetle, D. valens LeConte (AZ and CA), Arizona fivespined ips, Ips lecontei Swaine (AZ), California fivespined ips, I. paraconfusus Lanier (CA) and pine engraver, I. pini (Say) (AZ). Dendroctonus valens was the most common bark beetle infesting residual trees. A significant correlation was found between the number of trees chipped per plot and the percentage of residual trees with D. valens attacks. A significantly higher percentage of residual trees was attacked by D. brevicomis in plots that were chipped in spring compared to the untreated control. In lopped-and-scattered treatments, engraver beetles produced substantial broods in logging debris, but few attacks were observed on standing trees. At present, no significant difference in tree mortality exists among treatments. A few trees appeared to have died solely from D. valens attacks, as no other scolytids were observed in the upper bole. In a laboratory study conducted to provide an explanation for the bark beetle responses observed in this study, monoterpene elution rates from chip piles declined sharply over time, but were relatively constant in lopped-and-piled treatments. The quantities of β-pinene, 3-carene, -pinene and myrcene eluting from chips exceeded those from lopped-and-piled slash during each of 15 sample periods. These laboratory results may, in part, explain the bark beetle response observed in chipping treatments. The implications of these results to sustainable forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

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