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为检测胰岛素样生长因子(IGFs)及其受体(IGFR)mRNAs在绵羊发情周期早期卵巢、子宫和输卵管中的表达,探讨绵羊胚胎早期发育过程中其发育环境——生殖道中生长因子的表达、分泌及其作用,取绵羊发情周期早期卵巢、子宫和输卵管,经固定、切片、免疫染色,观察IGFs mRNAs的表达和分布情况。同时用RT-PCR技术研究了各组织中IGF-Ⅰ、IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-ⅠR、IGF-ⅡR mRNAs的表达情况。结果表明,IGFs mRNAs在绵羊发情周期早期的卵巢、子宫和输卵管中都有表达,4种因子表达模式相似:在卵巢中,IGFs主要定位于卵泡颗粒细胞,间质细胞亦有少量表达。在输卵管中,上皮细胞免疫染色呈阳性;在子宫中,腺细胞及上皮细胞的阳性信号强于固有层。RT-PCR检测表明IGFs mRNAs在3种组织中均有表达。  相似文献   

The regional distribution and relative concentrations of LHRH and beta-endorphin immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus were compared in sexually active and sexually inactive Soay rams. LHRH was localized principally in the medial basal hypothalamus and median eminence with lower concentrations in the anterior hypothalamus and preoptic area. beta-endorphin immunoreactivity was also found in highest concentrations in these regions but was more widely distributed into the rostral, dorsal and lateral parts of the hypothalamus. LHRH content in the medial basal hypothalamus was significantly lower in the sexually active rams compared to inactive rams while there was no difference in beta-endorphin immunoreactivity content between the two groups. Gel filtration chromatography of hypothalamic extracts revealed that the beta-endorphin immunoreactivity was due to both beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin; the ratio of beta-endorphin: beta-lipotropin tended to be less in the sexually active rams than in the sexually inactive rams. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that beta-endorphin is a physiologically important endogenous opioid involved in the modulation of LHRH secretion.  相似文献   

Forty crossbred boars were equally divided into eight groups at birth. Four groups were immunized (200 micrograms/boar) at 12 wk of age against either luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) conjugated to human serum globulin (LHRH-hSG) in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), LHRH-hSG in muramyldipeptide adjuvant (PEP), procine luteinizing hormone (LH) conjugated to hSG (pLH-hSG) in CFA or ovine LH (oLH) in CFA. Equal doses of boosters were given in either PEP or incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA) at 16 and 18 wk of age. Two groups of boars were immunized with either hSG + CFA or hSG + PEP (adjuvant controls). Two groups were castrated either at the time of weaning (castrate weaning) or at 16 wk when immunized boars were given their first booster injections (castrate booster). All pigs were slaughtered at 24 wk of age. Serum levels of LH and testosterone (T), LHRH or LH antibody titers, as well as testicular and accessory sex gland weights and histology were determined. By wk 16, LHRH antibody titers began to rise in those boars immunized against LHRH-hSG. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone antibody titers on wk 18, 20 and 22 were greater than those at wk 16. By 22 wk of age, LHRH-hSG boars had non-detectable plasma LH and T and reduced weights of testes and acessory sex glands. Boars immunized against oLH did not respond to treatment, whereas pLH-hSG boars showed a reduction in serum T levels and accessory sex gland weights. Immunization had no effect on average daily gain, hot carcass weights or loin eye area.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

介绍了生长与禽类性成熟、产蛋及排卵的关系 ,生长轴及甲状腺轴对禽类繁殖性能的影响等方面的研究进展 ,综述了对禽类生长与繁殖性能的关系  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the pathological changes in testes and epididymides and plasma testosterone levels of adult roosters during experimentally induced aflatoxicosis. In the study, 24 months of age, 32 Babcock breeder males were used, and they were divided into four groups each containing 8 animals. The groups were designed as follows; group 1: Control, no aflatoxin (AF), group 2: 5 ppm (parts per million) total aflatoxin (AF; B1, B2, G1, G2), group 3: 10 ppm AF and group 4: 20 ppm AF in the diet, and the birds were fed for 8 weeks. Grossly, it was seen that the testes of all AF-treatment groups birds were significantly (P < 0.001) atrophied when compared with those of control birds. Histopathologically, there was no spermatogenesis in the testes of 4, 5 and 6 cocks fed on a diet containing AF 5, 10 and 20 ppm, respectively. Furthermore, abnormal spermatozoa were observed in some of AF-treatment groups (in 2 cases in each of 5 and 10 ppm AF-treated groups, and in one case in 20 ppm AF-treated group). There were also mononuclear cell infiltration and/or focal lymphoid cell accumulation in the intertubular areas of the testes and epididymides in all AF-treatment groups. In conclusion, it has been shown that AF might totally or partially (dose related) suppress spermatogenesis, cause abnormality in spermatozoa and atrophy in testes. Furthermore, there was degeneration and desquamation in the epithelium and decrease in the size and thickness of the germinative layer of the seminiferous tubules, and lowered plasma testosterone levels in adult roosters.  相似文献   

本文讨论LHRH试剂对养殖猪的影响,实验表明应用该试剂作猪药物去势能明显提高猪肉品质,对小公猪无明显的血清学改变和其它副作用,但出现去势现象。  相似文献   

In each of two dairy herds (A and B), rising yearling heifers (Trial 1) and adult cows (Trial 2) were assigned to three treatment groups. Untreated animals were compared to animals treated with either two or four intra-ruminal pellets containing 3 g of elemental selenium. The administration of pellets at the recommended dose (two pellets per animal) was effective in elevating whole blood glutathione peroxidase activity and selenium concentration to over 10 times those of control animals.

In Trial 1, a 15% response in liveweight gain (p<0.001) occurred in yearling heifers in the herd with the lowest pre-treatment selenium status. In Trial 2, cows receiving two pellets produced a greater milk volume (p=0.06) and more milk solids (p=0.02) than untreated controls; an increase in volume of 5.4% and 8%, and in milk solids of 6.5% and 6.4%) were noted in herds A and B respectively. There was a trend toyards decreasing somatic cell counts in milk from the treated cows when compared to controls, the four-pellet group in Herd A and the two-pellet group in Herd B being significantly different from their respective control group. No between-group differences were noted in calving-first service or calving-conception intervals, nor in the proportion of animals pregnant to first or all services. The administration of selenium at twice the recommended dose rate yielded no additional response above that noted after the administration of the recommended dose. The results of this study support the use of currently recommended Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries selenium reference ranges in cattle for the prediction of a response to supplementation.  相似文献   

研究了松嫩人工草地,羊草地上营养株与生殖株和地下根茎的生物量及其它各组分的季节动态变化,探讨了它们之间的关系,根据生物量随时间的变化,求出了其生长率及生物量与茎,叶,鞘及穗之间的比例。结果表明,生长季中营养株与生殖株生长有2个峰值。峰值其一在6月10-20日之间,AGR为0.0710与0.0925;其二在8月10-20日之间,AGR为0.1050与0.2071,羊草营养株与生殖株的生长妆期,叶所占的比例产大,分别为92.5%和93.9%,7月中旬叶所占的比例变小,而茎与鞘所占的比例变大。此外,对羊草生物量及其它各组分进行一元非线性回归模拟,建立了多项式,指数,对数及幂函数模拟模型。可为人工草地植物群落建植与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In each of two dairy herds (A and B), rising yearling heifers (Trial 1) and adult cows (Trial 2) were assigned to three treatment groups. Untreated animals were compared to animals treated with either two or four intra-ruminal pellets containing 3 g of elemental selenium. The administration of pellets at the recommended dose (two pellets per animal) was effective in elevating whole blood glutathione peroxidase activity and selenium concentration to over 10 times those of control animals. In Trial 1, a 15% response in liveweight gain (p<0.001) occurred in yearling heifers in the herd with the lowest pre-treatment selenium status. In Trial 2, cows receiving two pellets produced a greater milk volume (p=0.06) and more milk solids (p=0.02) than untreated controls; an increase in volume of 5.4% and 8%, and in milk solids of 6.5% and 6.4%, were noted in herds A and B respectively. There was a trend towards decreasing somatic cell counts in milk from the treated cows when compared to controls, the four-pellet group in Herd A and the two-pellet group in Herd B being significantly different from their respective control group. No between-group differences were noted in calving-first service or calving-conception intervals, nor in the proportion of animals pregnant to first or all services. The administration of selenium at twice the recommended dose rate yielded no additional response above that noted after the administration of the recommended dose. The results of this study support the use of currently recommended Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries selenium reference ranges in cattle for the prediction of a response to supplementation.  相似文献   

It is now well established that normal development and function of testis are mediated by endocrine and paracrine pathways including hormones, growth factors and cytokines as well as by direct cell-to-cell contacts depending on tight, adhering and gap junctions. In the last two decades, several growth factors were identified in the testis of various mammalian species. Growth factors are shown to promote cell proliferation, regulate tissue differentiation, and modulate organogenesis. Interestingly, most of these peptides are expressed not only in the adult mammalian testis during spermatogenesis but also during testicular morphogenesis in prenatal and postnatal life. Our study was launched to provide an overview of the expression, localization, and putative physiological roles of growth factors and their receptors in the mammalian testis. The growth factors considered in this part of our review are fibroblast growth factors and insulin-like growth factors. These factors are found in testicular cells in prenatal, postnatal, and adult animals and are implicated in the regulation of important testicular activities including testicular cord morphogenesis, modulation of testicular hormone secretion and control of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied the effects of pretreatment with estradiol benzoate before treatment with a dopamine antagonist on prolactin secretion and reproductive traits in mares during (1) the seasonal anovulatory period and (2) the normal breeding season. Experiment 1 was performed in winter with 17 mares selected for low follicular activity. Nine mares received estradiol benzoate injections every other day for a total of 10 injections; 8 mares received similar injections of vehicle. Ten days after onset of injections, all mares were placed on daily injections of sulpiride (250 mg) for 35 days or until ovulation. Plasma prolactin concentrations were higher (P < .001) in mares receiving estradiol than in controls for all assessments from days 12 through 36. Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were also increased (P < .05) by estradiol treatment from days 14 to 23. Mean day of first ovulation was 73.6 for control mares and 29.0 for estradiol-treated mares (P = .016). Estradiol treatment greatly enhanced prolactin secretion in response to sulpiride and increased LH secretion in seasonally anovulatory mares, which together hastened the date of first ovulation by an average of 45 days. Experiment 2 was designed to assess the efficacy of a long-acting, single-injection microparticle preparation of another dopamine antagonist, domperidone, for increasing prolactin secretion in cyclic mares in the summer. The experimental design and procedures used in experiment 1 were repeated, except that a single 3-g domperidone-microparticle injection was administered on day 11 rather than 45 days of sulpiride injections. Day 0 was the first day of estrus for each mare. Prolactin concentrations were higher (P < .05) in mares receiving estradiol than in control mares from days 12 through 25 and after a thyrotropin-releasing hormone injection on d 21. Estrous cycle traits (time to ovulation and time of luteal regression) were not affected (P > .1) by treatment. Estradiol enhanced the prolactin response to a single injection of 3 g domperidone in cyclic mares in the summer in a manner similar to the estradiol enhancement of prolactin secretion in response to daily sulpiride injections in anovulatory mares in winter. Thus, the single injection of domperidone could possibly replace the daily sulpiride injections used in experiment 1 to induce ovulation in seasonally anovulatory mares; this needs to be tested in future experiments.  相似文献   

Cranioventral pulmonary consolidation (enzootic pneumonia-like lesions) and chronic pleuritis (CP) are common findings in slaughtered pigs. Pleural lesions involving dorsocaudal lobes are suggestive of pleuropneumonia due to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. In this report the results of an abattoir survey of pleuritis and pulmonary lesions in pigs is presented with a focus on herd risk factors. A total of 4889 animals, ranging in age from 9 to 10 months, from 48 batches of pigs belonging to an equal number of herds, were included in the study. Bronchopneumonic lesions suggestive of enzootic pneumonia (EP-like lesions) were detected in 46.4% of the examined lungs. The EP-like lesion average value for all lungs was 1.03 (95% CI 0.98-1.08), ranging from 0.17 to 2.56 among the 48 batches; 47.5% of lungs showed chronic pleuritis. Dorsocaudal pleuritis suggestive of recovered pleuropneumonia (SPES score ≥2) was found in 25.1% of the lungs. The mean SPES (slaughterhouse pleuritis evaluation system) value of the overall 4889 lungs was 0.83 (95% CI 0.78-0.86). The mean SPES value of the batches ranged from 0.04 to 1.87. The mean Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae index of all studied batches was 0.61 (95% CI 0.51-0.71), ranging from 0 to 1.84. Blood samples were collected from each herd to evaluate antibody titres to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, A. pleuropneumoniae, Aujeszky's disease virus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), and swine influenza virus. Herd characteristics were recorded using a questionnaire given to the farmers. A multivariable analysis was conducted to identify risk factors for pleuritis and EP-like lesions. High dorsocaudal pleuritis was associated with A. pleuropneumoniae seroprevalence and history of A. pleuropneumoniae isolation from pneumonic lungs of dead animals. Vaccination of weaners at 3-5 weeks of age against PRRS using a modified live vaccine was associated with a reduction in the percentage of cranioventral pulmonary consolidation (EP-like lesions).  相似文献   

对8周龄雌性Wistar大鼠连续灌服不同剂量喹胺醇40d,以探讨喹胺醇不同灌服量的促生长作用及对生殖内分泌机能的影响。结果表明,喹胺醇具有显著促进雌性大鼠增重的作用。药物剂量在10mg/kg(相当于150mg/kg饲料添加剂量)时,其促生长效果较为显著;喹胺醇对大鼠血清中P1和E2的含量均无明显影响。  相似文献   

The general concept of animal welfare embraces a continuum between negative/bad welfare and positive/good welfare. Early approaches to defining animal welfare were mainly based on the exclusion of negative states, neglecting the fact that during evolution animals optimised their ability to interact with and adapt to their environment(s). An animal's welfare status might best be represented by the adaptive value of the individual's interaction with a given environmental setting but this dynamic welfare concept has significant implications for practical welfare assessments. Animal welfare issues cannot simply be addressed by means of objective biological measurements of an animal's welfare status under certain circumstances. In practice, interpretation of welfare status and its translation into the active management of perceived welfare issues are both strongly influenced by context and, especially, by cultural and societal values. In assessing whether or not a given welfare status is morally acceptable, animal welfare scientists must be aware that scientifically based, operational definitions of animal welfare will necessarily be influenced strongly by a given society's moral understanding.  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to determine the interrelationships between ambient temperature, age at calving, postpartum reproductive events and reproductive performance in dairy cows. The data used in the analysis were collected on 226 Holstein-Friesian cows calving in a commercial dairy herd during a 17 month period (May 1, 1981 to October 1, 1982). The data were obtained from a double blind study evaluating the effects of gonadotrophin releasing hormone and cloprostenol in postpartum cows. Rectal palpation to assess uterine involution and ovarian activity was performed on each cow on days 15, 24 and 28 postpartum. At the same time, blood samples were collected for subsequent progesterone assay. Data were recorded on the occurrence of reproductive diseases and events from the time of parturition until the diagnosis of pregnancy or until the cow left the herd in the case of culled cows. There was an increase in the incidence of retained placenta, in the percentage of cows with abnormal vaginal discharge in the early postpartum period as well as a delay in uterine involution during the winter months. In addition, cows calving during the winter had prolonged intervals to first estrus, first service and conception compared to cows calving during the summer. (Cows calving during the warmest months, on average, were seen in estrus 24 days sooner, received first service 42 days sooner and conceived 27 days sooner than cows calving during the coldest months of the year).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of frozen Azawak colostrum supplementation on body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG), reproductive parameters (mean age at first parturition, fertility, fecundity, prolificacy) and mortality rate among red kids. The study was conducted at the goat farm secondary centre of Maradi in Niger from September 2010 to September 2011. The control animals (n = 20) were left with their mother, while the treatment animals (n = 20) received in addition 50 ml/animal/day of bovine colostrum at birth and 15 ml/animal/day from d2 to d15. Weight was measured weekly from birth to d365. Mortalities were also recorded over the same period. For reproductive parameters, observations began at weaning (d197). Growth rate was higher (p < 0.001) in supplemented animal, and the treatment effects on ADG were observed up to 150 day after the end of supplementation. A similar long‐lasting trend was also observed in relation to the mortality rate (25% for ColG vs. 55% for ConG; p = 0.05). The age at first kidding tended to be lower in the treated group (13.8 ± 0.7 vs. 14.1 ± 0.8 month; p < 0.1). In conclusion, mild bovine colostrum supplementation induces a long‐lasting positive impact on growth rate and to a lower extent on reproduction parameters and survival rate.  相似文献   

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