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This study aimed to investigate the influence of growth rate and onset of boar contact on age at first observed estrus of the replacement gilts raised in Thailand. In total, 766 gilts were measured for body weight and backfat thickness prior to insemination. Body weight was further calculated for growth rate. Estrus detection was performed twice a day by back pressure test with an existence of mature boars with high libido. The first date of boar exposure and that of first observed estrus were individually recorded. Due to growth rate, they were classified into three groups: high (>700 g/day), moderate (600–700 g/day), and low (<600 g/day). According to onset of boar contact, the gilts were grouped into two categories: early (<150 days) and late (≥150 days). The results revealed that the gilts expressed first observed estrus, averagely, at age 205.1?±?34.1 days, had a growth rate of 615.5?±?57.6 g/day, and first contact with boars at 160.7?±?19.9 days of age. The gilts with low growth rate expressed first estrus later than those with moderate (208.6?±?2.0 vs 198.0?±?3.2 days, P?=?0.033) and high growth rate (208.6?±?2.0 vs 193.9?±?6.7 days, P?=?0.005) groups. Together with the influence of boar exposure, the gilts contacted boar earlier with high growth rate showed first estrus at age 180.3?±?10.1 days, whereas those with later boar contact with low growth rate showed first estrus at age 197.9?±?3.2 days. In summary, the replacement gilts should have high growth rate and contact boar early to attain puberty faster and possess decent subsequent reproductive performance.  相似文献   

In the late fall and winter of 1982 to 1983, 112 crossbred gilts were used in a factorially arranged experiment to determine the effect of confinement on the age at which a gilt reaches first estrus (puberty). Two environments (confinement and non-confinement) and three ages at movement to non-confinement (100, 140, and 180 d) were studied. No differences were detected (P greater than .05) between confinement and non-confinement in the proportions of gilts reaching puberty by 210 d of age. Gilts were older at puberty (P less than .05) in confinement than in non-confinement (192.0 vs 187.7 d) and had a longer interval (P less than .05) from first boar contact to first estrus (12.1 vs 7.8 d). Age at puberty (192.1 vs 187.0 vs 190.5 d) and the proportion reaching puberty (56.4 vs 45.7 vs 65.8%) were not different (P greater than .05) between age-of-movement groups. However, a higher (P less than .05) proportion of the non-confinement gilts reached puberty within 10 d after the beginning of boar exposure than confinement (44.6 vs 26.8%). Moving gilts from confinement to non-confinement (pasture) at 180 d appeared to be the most effective method tested for inducing puberty in gilts.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous tetrathiomolybdate (TM) treatment on growth rate and onset of puberty in ewe-lambs were investigated in March-born Sulfolk X Mule Lambs. One group (n = 6, mean weight 13.5 +/- 0.9 kg) was treated with 25 mg tetrathiomolybdate intravenously twice weekly for 34 weeks; the second group (n = 6, mean weight 13.5 +/- 0.9 kg) served as controls. TM treatment significantly depressed liveweight gains in the treated group compared with the controls (97.8 +/- 2.5 g/day versus 114 +/- 4.8 g/day respectively, P less than 0.001). Puberty was attained at a significantly earlier age in the controls compared with the TM-treated lambs (245 +/- 4 days versus 268 +/- 7 days respectively, P less than 0.02). The weights at onset of puberty were similar for both groups. The LH responses of the lambs to exogenous oestradiol injections were not significantly affected by TM treatment although the LH peak heights were lower in the TM-treated groups than in the controls. Mean LH pulse frequency and amplitude were similar in both groups. Tetrathiomolybdate treatment affected copper metabolism by significantly depressing (P less than 0.005) the amount of plasma copper soluble in 10% trichloracetic acid. The results of this study show that intravenous tetrathiomolybdate reduces growth rate in ewe-lambs and delays the onset of puberty, although with little effect on the pattern of LH secretion.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven Swedish purebred Yorkshire gilts were transported 12 km to the clinic. In 8 gilts (Group A), blood samples were drawn in connection with transportation, while in the remaining 19 gilts (Group B) no samples were drawn at this time. After transportation the gilts were examined by laparoscopy and catheterized. Blood samples were then drawn 3 times and oestrus detection was performed twice daily. After 1 week the laparoscopy was repeated.Twenty gilts (74 %) showed oestrus within 1 week, on average 5.4 days (4–7.5 days) after transportation. Elevated oestradiol-17β levels were seen in those gilts approximately 2 days after transportation. The Cortisol level was significantly higher (p < 0.001) on day 1 (the day of transportation) than on day 2 and a markedly higher level of Cortisol was seen on days 1 and 2 in the gilts which did not show oestrus (2 gilts), compared with the gilts in which oestrus was induced (6 gilts) by transportation. The difference was significant on day 2 (p < 0.05). The CBG level was significantly decreased (p < 0.001) on day 2 for all 8 gilts. During day 3 to day 8 there was no difference in the Cortisol level between days (groups A and B, 27 gilts), and no differences were seen in the levels of Cortisol and CBG between gilts showing (20 gilts) and not showing oestrus (7 gilts). The hypothesis propounded that the higher levels of Cortisol on days 1 and 2 inhibited induction of oestrus in those gilts which did not show oestrus after transportation.  相似文献   

The effects of various doses of human chorionic gonadetropine (HCG) to stimulate ovulation in 86 gilts in which puberty had been induced by administration of 500 IU of pregnant mare serum (PMS) and 250 IU of HCG were established by slaughter. Only 26.9 per cent of the group without HCG had completed ovulation 120 hours from puberty induction, but 93.5 per cent had done so in the group which had received additional 500 IU or HCG 78 hours after the PMS/HCG injection. Ovulation was completed by 71.4 per cent of those sows which had been stimulated, using 250 IU of HCG. More accurate timing of ovulation in animals of one and the same group can be helpful in better insemination timing.  相似文献   

Influence of manure gases on puberty in gilts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine whether manure gases can influence onset of puberty in gilts, 42 crossbred gilts were reared from 10 to 40 wk of age on concrete slats over a 1.22-m deep pit that was drained and refilled with clean water biweekly (clean group). Forty-one gilts were reared over a similar type pit where manure was allowed to accumulate (control group). Treatments were in two separate rooms of the same building with similar feeding, water, floor space, lighting and room temperature. Ventilation fans with timer controls in each room were set so fans in the clean environment ran twice as long as fans in the control environment. Aerial concentrations of ammonia in the control room were fourfold higher than in the clean room (21 vs 5 ppm), while aerial concentrations of hydrogen sulfide were similar. Average daily gain and feed efficiency were similar for both groups [.69 vs .72 kg/d (P = .31) and 1.61 vs 1.54 kg feed/kg gain (P = .52)]. From 20 to 40 wk of age, all gilts were exposed to a mature boar three times weekly, utilizing four boars in rotation. Blood samples were collected weekly from each gilt by venipuncture and analyzed for progesterone to establish time of first ovulation. A greater proportion of gilts in the clean group attained puberty by 24 to 26 wk (P less than .05) and 27 to 29 wk of age (P less than .10) compared with the control group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of elevated ambient temperature on puberty and related physiological responses were studied in 40 gilts. Group 1 (n = 20) gilts were born in September and Group 2 (n = 20) gilts were born in March. Gilts were placed in environmentally controlled chambers at 140 d of age. After a 10-d acclimation period at 20 degrees C, 35% relative humidity (RH), and 12 h light (L)/12 h dark (D), gilts within each group were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: control (C; 15.6 degrees C, 35% RH, 12 h L/12 h D) or heat stress (HS; 33.3 degrees C, 35% RH, 12 h L/12 h D). Daily detection of estrus with a boar began at 180 d of age and continued for 50 d. All gilts not reaching puberty by 230 d of age received 1,000 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and 7 d later were examined by laparotomy. Rectal temperatures (REC) and respiration rates (RESP) were taken twice daily. Food intake (FI) and water usage (WC) were recorded daily. Blood samples were collected weekly and BW recorded at 150, 190, and 230 d of age. No differences (P greater than .05) were observed due to season of birth. Heat-stressed gilts had greater (P less than .001) REC and RESP and consumed more (P less than .01) water than C gilts. Food intake and ADG were not different between treatments (P greater than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine whether recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) alters reproduction, 40 crossbred gilts weighing 59.1 +/- .5 kg at 125 +/- 1 d of age were assigned randomly to an experiment arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial. Eight gilts were given daily injections of diluent until they reached 104 kg BW (DW), and eight received diluent injections until puberty (DP). Twelve gilts were given rpST (4 mg/d) until 104 kg BW (PW) and 12 were given rpST injections until puberty (PP). All gilts were individually fed on an ad libitum basis an 18% CP corn-soybean meal diet (1.2% lysine and 3.1 Mcal/kg of ME). Beginning at 5 mo of age, gilts were exposed 20 min daily to mature boars. Serum concentrations of progesterone were measured weekly from 5 to 8 mo of age to verify age of puberty. Gilts observed in pubertal estrus were mated to two different boars 10 h apart. At 47 +/- 1 d of gestation, gilts were slaughtered to assess fetal development. After 60 d of treatment, serum LH and FSH profiles were determined in blood samples drawn at 20-min intervals for 4 h from eight diluent- and eight rpST-treated gilts fitted with indwelling jugular catheters. By 28 d, feed intake, feed/gain, and blood urea nitrogen were decreased (P less than .005) by rpST. Treatments did not affect (P greater than .05) the proportion of gilts attaining first ovulation (DW = 6/6; DP = 10/10; PW = 7/9; PP = 14/14) or conception rate (DW = 5/6; DP = 7/10; PW = 4/6; PP = 11/12).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

后备母猪种质的好坏直接影响着规模化猪场的非生产天数的多少,其中能量、蛋白质和维生素对后备母猪初情期启动机制影响很大,因此可通过精准营养供给模式合理调控后备母猪初情期启动过程。本文对影响后备母猪初情期启动的因素以及分子营养对初情期启动机制的调控进行综述,旨在为规模化猪场后备母猪营养调控提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Precocious puberty (<300 d of age) can be successfully induced in a majority of heifers with early weaning and continuous feeding of a high-concentrate diet. The objective of this experiment was to determine the relative effects of timing of feeding a high-concentrate diet on age at puberty in early-weaned heifers. Sixty crossbred Angus and Simmental heifer calves were weaned at 112 +/- 2 d of age and 155 +/- 3 kg of BW and were fed a receiving diet for 2 wk. Heifers were blocked by age and BW, and assigned randomly to receive a high-concentrate (60% corn; H) or control (30% corn; C) diet during phase 1 (mean age 126 to 196 d) and H or C during phase 2 (mean age 196 to 402 d), resulting in 4 treatments (HH, n = 15; HC, n = 15; CH, n = 15; and CC, n = 15). Blood samples were collected weekly beginning at a mean age of 175 d and assayed for progesterone concentration to determine age at puberty. After 56 d on the experimental diets, BW of heifers fed the H diet during phase 1 were greater (P < 0.05) than those of heifers fed the C diet (mean age of 182 d; treatment x mean age, P < 0.01). After 70 d on the new diets (mean age of 266 d), heifers fed the H diet during phase 2 reached heavier BW (P < 0.05) than heifers fed the C diet, when compared within phase 1 diet groups (HH > HC; CH > CC). Body weights in HC and CH treatments differed from a mean age of 169 through 238 d, after which BW did not differ between these treatments. The ADG over the entire experimental period was greatest for the HH treatment (1.2 +/- 0.04 kg/d; P < 0.05), followed by the HC and CH treatments (1.0 +/- 0.03 and 1.0 +/- 0.02 kg/d, respectively), which were not different, and the CC treatment gained the least (0.7 +/- 0.04 kg/d; P < 0.05). Precocious puberty occurred in 67, 47, 47, and 20% of heifers in the HH, HC, CH, and CC treatments, respectively (HH > CC; P < 0.05). Mean age at puberty for the HH and HC treatments (271 +/- 17 and 283 +/- 17 d of age, respectively) was earlier (P < 0.05) than for the CC treatment (331 +/- 11 d of age). Age at puberty in the CH treatment (304 +/- 13 d of age) was intermediate to and not different from the other treatments. Heifers fed the H diet during phase 1 attained puberty earlier (P < 0.05) than heifers fed the C diet during phase 1. In conclusion, increasing dietary energy intake in early-weaned heifers, through feeding a high-concentrate diet from 126 to 196 d of age, decreased age at puberty regardless of the diet fed after 196 d of age.  相似文献   

同窝公母比例不等对留种母猪受胎率的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按同窝中公猪所占百分经不同,利用计算机分区统计了31682头留种母猪的受胎率。结果表明,同窝公母比例对母猪受胎率的影响效果明显(P<0.05)。因此同窝中公猪所占比例高于60%时,该窝母猪不宜作种用。  相似文献   

Littermate gilts were used to study the effects of exercise during the growing-finishing period on performance, age at puberty and conception rate. In trial 1, 12 gilts walked 15 min daily on a treadmill 6 d/wk (Monday through Saturday) until they attained body weights of about 100 kg, while 12 littermate gilts were not forced to exercise. Initial weight and age averaged 24.7 kg and 74 d, respectively. For trial 2, 12 gilts walked 30 min daily 6 d/wk (Monday through Saturday) on a treadmill, while 12 littermate gilts were not exercised. Initial weight and age of these gilts averaged 26.8 kg and 76 d, respectively. The treadmill was operated at 0 slope and at a speed of 2.6 km/h. Within trial, there were no differences (P greater than .05) in weight gain, average daily gain, feed consumed, feed to gain ratio, average backfat depth of loin eye area between gilts exercised and those not exercised. In both trials, there were no differences (P greater than .05) in age at puberty between exercised and nonexercised gilts. In trial 2, 10 gilts were selected in each of the exercised and nonexercised groups and were hand-mated to the same boar on the second estrous cycle. Eight gilts from the exercised group conceived, while nine from the nonexercised group conceived. Four gilts from the nonexercised groups had severe locomotor problems while only one gilt from the exercised groups had difficulty walking.  相似文献   

The effect of adrenal function and flumethasone (FM, a synthetic glucocorticoid) on induction of puberty in crossbred gilts raised in confinement was examined in two experiments. In Exp. 1, gilts were adrenalectomized (Adx) or subjected to sham adrenalectomy (Sham) between 140 and 160 d of age. Twenty days later indwelling jugular catheters were implanted in Adx, Sham and another group of intact gilts designated as Controls, and the gilts were moved from confinement to outdoor pens and checked daily for estrus with a mature boar. Fewer (P less than .05) Adx (1/11) than Sham (9/14) gilts showed estrus and ovulated by 205 d of age. Response of Control gilts (6/14) was not different from the other groups. Although Adx gilts received 40 mg cortisone acetate and 10 mg deoxycorticosterone acetate daily throughout the experiment, mean plasma glucocorticoids were lower (P less than .05) in Adx (24 +/- 4.7 ng/ml) than in either Sham (47 +/- 8.1 ng/ml) or Control (44 +/- 6.1 ng/ml) gilts. Experiment 2 was conducted to determine whether FM given to Adx gilts immediately after surgery could have inhibited estrus and ovulation. Intact gilts received a total of 27.5 (FM1) or 17.5 (FM2) mg FM over 4 d between 150 and 160 d of age before relocation and boar exposure 20 d later. Control gilts received no injections. Nine of 13 FM-treated but none of the Control gilts showed estrus. It is concluded from these results that the adrenal glands may facilitate the onset of puberty in gilts through increases in glucocorticoid production, but that this is not required for puberty to occur.  相似文献   

The effect of atrophic rhinitis on growth rate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The overall objective was to compare reproductive performance through 4 parities of gilts developed with ad libitum access to feed or with restriction of energy to 75% of ad libitum intake. Effects on growth and pubertal development are reported. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial with 661 gilts. One-half of the gilts (n = 330) were allowed ad libitum access to feed from weaning to breeding at 235 d of age (AL), and 331 littermates were developed with ad libitum access to feed to 123 d of age and then restricted to 75% of ad libitum intake to 235 d of age (Res). Diets for gilts on regimen AL were formulated to meet requirements for growth. All nutrients except energy and selenium were increased in the diet fed to gilts on regimen Res so that nutrient intake per unit of BW was expected to be similar to that of gilts on regimen AL. Sires of all gilts were from an industry maternal line. Dams were either an industry Large White-Landrace cross, or Nebraska selection Line 45, producing gilts denoted as LW/LR and L45X, respectively. Traits were recorded every 2 wk. Recording of feed intake and BW began at 53 d of age, and recording of backfat (BF) and LM area (LMA) began at 123 d of age. Estrus detection began at 140 d of age to determine age at puberty (AP). The G:F ratio from 123 to 235 d of age for gilts on the AL regimen was greater (0.269 vs. 0.257, P < 0.01) than for gilts on the Res regimen; the greatest difference occurred in the first 2-wk period following feed restriction. The LW/LR gilts were heavier, had less BF, and had greater LMA than L45X gilts, but interactions with feeding regimen and period of development existed. Feed restriction reduced BW, BF, LMA, and ratio of BF to BW, but had little effect on ratio of LMA to BW. More L45X gilts than LW/LR gilts (98 vs. 93%, P < 0.01) and more gilts developed on regimen AL than regimen Res (98 vs. 91%, P < 0.01) expressed estrus. Mean age at puberty was 178.6 d for LW/LR and 173.0 d for L45X gilts (P < 0.01) and 174.1 d for regimen AL and 177.5 d for regimen Res (P < 0.05). The Res regimen delayed pubertal development. Subsequently, it will be important to determine effects on reproduction through 4 parities.  相似文献   

This experiment determined the effect of treatment of 3- to 4-mo-old heifer calves with exogenous melatonin, in early summer, on the attainment of puberty the following spring. Hereford heifers, born between February 22, and March 16, were paired by age and BW and assigned at random within pair to receive an ear implant of melatonin (MEL, n = 12) or to serve as controls (C, n = 12). The implant period was 5 wk, starting June 10 at a mean age of 105 +/- 5 d and 134.4 +/- 3.5 kg BW. Puberty was evaluated the following year on four occasions: January 26, March 19, May 2, and June 1. One each date, rectal palpation of the ovaries was performed, blood samples were taken to assess concentrations of progesterone (P4), and BW was determined. Puberty was considered to have occurred when concentrations of P4 were greater than or equal to .5 ng/mL concomitant with a palpable corpus luteum (CL), or when concentrations of P4 were greater than or equal to 1 ng/mL and a CL was present on the next date. At implant removal, concentrations of melatonin in plasma collected at 1000 to 1400 were 69.5 +/- 6.3 and 16.7 +/- 2.4 pg/mL for MEL and C heifers, respectively. On that and subsequent occasions, neither BW nor ADG differed between MEL and C heifers. Treatment with melatonin increased the incidence of heifers pubertal by the second observation date (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Evaluation of strategies for selection for lean growth rate in pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lean growth rate (LGR) in pigs is a nonlinear biological function of growth rate and lean quantity. According to animal breeding theory, genetic progress for LGR is maximized with selection on a linear index of its component traits, but selection on direct EBV for LGR is also common. In this study, the performance of five criteria for selection on estimated LGR in pigs was evaluated through simulation over five generations: linear indexes of multiple-trait EBV of component traits with or without updating index weights in each generation; a nonlinear index of multiple-trait EBV of component traits; and direct selection on EBV for LGR from a single-trait model or a multiple-trait model that included LGR and component traits. The nonlinear index yielded the highest response in LGR in Generation 5, but the linear index with updating performed almost as well. Not updating weights for the linear index reduced response in LGR by 1.1% in Generation 5 (P < 0.05). Direct selection on single-trait EBV for LGR yielded the lowest responses in Generation 5. Direct selection on EBV for LGR from a multiple-trait animal model yielded a 3.1% greater response in LGR in Generation 5 than direct selection on EBV for LGR based on a single-trait animal model (P < 0.05), but yielded a 1.9% lower response than the nonlinear index. Although differences in response in LGR were limited, alternative selection criteria resulted in substantially different responses in component traits. Linear index selection for LGR placed more emphasis on lean quantity, whereas direct selection for LGR emphasized growth rate. Based on the relative changes in the responses in LGR, selection for estimated LGR based on a nonlinear index or a linear index with updating is recommended for use in the swine industry.  相似文献   

本试验的目的是研究提早具有较快生长速度(GR)的小母猪的配种时间,是否会降低其头3胎的繁殖性能、提高其1~3胎的淘汰率。试验选用568头Camborough 22小母猪,按配种时的体重和年龄分成3组:第一组(G1组)164头,生长速度高于等于700g/d,配种年龄低于210d;第二组(G2)165头,生长速度高于等于700g/d,配种年龄高于210d;第三组(G3)239头,生长速度低于700g/d,配种年龄高于210d。所有试验小母猪从150d起采取自由采食,并于其第二个或随后的发情期配种。第一胎,G2组小母猪的平均产仔数多于其它组(P<0.05)。然而,在对三胎产仔数进行分析后表明,各组小母猪在总产仔数(分别为11.6、12.3和11.7头)、分娩率(分别为87.1%、88.7%和和89.8%)和淘汰率(分别为30.2%、25.3%和28.2%)上没有显著差异(P>0.05)。因此,日龄在185~210d、体重为127kg的小母猪,可以在其第二个或随后的发情期中给予配种,且配种不会影响其头3胎的生产性能。  相似文献   

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