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一个水稻双子房突变体的表型鉴定和遗传分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在籼稻保持系C2与绵香5B的杂交后代中发现了一个植株显著矮化的双子房突变体。该突变体花器官主要表现为:雄蕊数目减少,雌蕊增加,双子房,多柱头,胚囊畸形,有雄蕊雌蕊化现象。由于其高度不育,突变性状采用杂合体保存,经5代连续自交,均表现稳定遗传特性。同时,杂合株系呈典型的3∶1分离比例,表明该突变性状由单隐性基因控制,并将该突变体暂时命名为TOR。  相似文献   

The Search for enzyme activities that efficiently degrade marine polysaccharides is becoming an increasingly important area for both structural analysis and production of lower-molecular weight oligosaccharides. In this study, an endo-acting fucoidanase that degrades Miyeokgui fucoidan (MF), a sulfated galactofucan isolated from the sporophyll (called Miyeokgui in Korean) of Undaria pinnatifida, into smaller-sized galactofuco-oligosaccharides (1000–4000 Da) was purified from a marine bacterium, Sphingomonas paucimobilis PF-1, by ammonium sulfate precipitation, diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-Sepharose column chromatography, and chromatofocusing. The specific activity of this enzyme was approximately 112-fold higher than that of the crude enzyme, and its molecular weight was approximately 130 kDa (FNase S), as determined by native gel electrophoresis and 130 (S1), 70 (S2) and 60 (S3) kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The optimum pH and temperature of FNase S were pH 6.0–7.0 and 40–45 °C, respectively. FNase S activity was enhanced by Mn2+ and Na+ (115.7% and 131.2%), but it was inhibited by Ca2+, K+, Ba2+, Cu2+ (96%, 83.7%, 84.3%, and 89.3%, respectively), each at 1 mM. The Km, Vmax and Kcat values of FNase S on MF were 1.7 mM, 0.62 mg·min−1, and 0.38·S−1, respectively. This enzyme could be a valuable tool for the structural analysis of fucoidans and production of bioactive fuco-oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - The ethno-pharmaceutical use of the edible fixed oil produced from lentisk (Pistacia lentiscus) berries covers a long tradition in several Mediterranean regions....  相似文献   

小分子热休克蛋白(SHSP)广泛存在于各类生物体中且在生物发育和逆境响应过程中发挥重要作用。我们克隆了一个水稻小热休克蛋白基因(OsSHSP17.6),序列分析表明该基因编码区为477bp,可编码一个含158个氨基酸的多肽,分子量约17.6kD。序列分析显示该类SHSP在不同的植物中是保守的,在分类上隶属于CI类。实时定量RT-PCR分析显示热激处理可显著增强该基因的转录;Western blotting分析显示该蛋白大小与预期一致,且其含量在热激处理时大幅度增加。这些结果一致表明OsSHSP17.6可能参与了水稻热应激反应,这为进一步鉴定OsSHSP17.6的功能提供了基础。  相似文献   

Dehulled and defatted flour of urdbean (Vigna mungo), Var T-9, contained 25% protein with maximum contribution by globulins (63%). Albumins and glutelins contributed 12% and 21% respectively, whereas prolamins were present only in traces (1%). Globulins were further fractionated into legumin and vicilin type proteins which were present in the ratio of 4:1. All the protein fractions were heterogenous in nature as revealed by high performance liquid chromatography. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the total protein sample to contain 21 different components with molecular weights ranging from 8.92 to 117.49kd. Albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins resolved into 4, 8, 6 and 13 different sized components of molecular weights ranging from 10.23 to 25.53, 10.84 to 112.72, 10.33 to 51.52 and 8.91 to 112.72kd, respectively. Amino acid analysis of all fractions revealed that glutamic acid was present in maximum concentration followed by aspartic acid and lysine. Just like other pulse proteins, the urdbean proteins were also deficient in sulphur containing amino acids.  相似文献   

FT(Flowering Locus T)作为"成花素"在成花转变及促进开花上起重要作用。本研究利用分子克隆和RT-PCR方法,从花生中克隆了一个与FT同源的cDNA序列,命名为AhFT,该序列长度为893bp,开放阅读框长度为534bp,推测编码蛋白含有177个氨基酸,分子量为19.95kD,等电点为6.9。通过与其他植物PEBP蛋白序列的比对,发现花生FT基因属于FT-Like家族,可能在控制植物开花中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Tapinoma indicum (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is a nuisance pest in Asia countries. However, studies on T. indicum are limited, especially in the field of molecular biology, to investigate the species characteristic at the molecular level. This paper aims to provide valuable genetic markers as tools with which to study the T. indicum population. In this study, a total of 143,998 microsatellite markers were developed based on the 2.61 × 106 microsatellites isolated from T. indicum genomic DNA sequences. Fifty selected microsatellite markers were amplified with varying numbers of alleles ranging from 0 to 19. Seven out of fifty microsatellite markers were characterized for polymorphism with the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis. All seven microsatellite markers demonstrated a high polymorphic information content (PIC) value ranging from 0.87 to 0.93, with a mean value of 0.90. There is no evidence of scoring errors caused by stutter peaks, no large allele dropout, and no linkage disequilibrium among the seven loci; although loci Ti-Tr04, Ti-Tr09, Ti-Te04, Ti-Te13, and Ti-Pe5 showed signs of null alleles and deviation from the HWE due to excessive homozygosity. In conclusion, a significant amount of microsatellite markers was developed from the data set of next-generation sequencing, and seven of microsatellite markers were validated as informative genetic markers that can be utilized to study the T. indicum population.  相似文献   

We explored characterization of the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome or mtGenome) and phylogenetic analysis between 32 Fulgoroid species by sequencing and analyzing the mitogenome of Nisia fuliginosa Yang and Hu, 1985 (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Meenoplidae), thereby making it the first determined mitogenome from the family Meenoplidae. The mitogenome was found to be 15,754 bp in length and contained 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), and a control region. All PCGs started with typical ATN codons, except for nad1, which used GTG as the start codon. Canonical TAA termination codons were found in 10 PCGs and the remaining three genes (cox2, nad6, and nad1) had incomplete stop codons T. All tRNAs could fold into typical cloverleaf secondary structures, with the exception of trnC, trnV, and trnS1. Additionally, we compared the AT and GC skews of 13 PCGs of 32 Fulgoroidea mitogenomes, on the L-strand, the AT and GC skews were negative and positive, respectively. However, on the H-strand, the AT skew could be positive or negative and the GC skew was always negative. Phylogenetic results showed that the eight families of Fulgoroidea were divided into two large groups. Delphacidae formed a monophyletic group sister to a clade comprising Meenoplidae and other six families (Fulgoridae, Ricaniidae, Flatidae, Issidae, Caliscelidae, and Achilidae). Meenoplidae was located near the clade of Delphacidae, and Fulgoridae was located near the clade of Meenoplidae. Furthermore, Caliscelidae, Issidae, Ricaniidae, and Flatidae are closely related and they collectively formed a sister group to Achilidae.  相似文献   

Bullacta exarata is one of the most economically important aquatic species in China, noted for not only its delicious taste and nutritional value, but also for its pharmacological activities. In order to explore its potential in medical applications, a mannoglucan designated as BEPS-IB was isolated and purified from the foot muscle of B. exarata after papain digestion. Chemical composition analysis indicated BEPS-IB contained mainly d-glucose and d-mannose in a molar ratio of 1:0.52, with an average molecular weight of about 94 kDa. The linkage information was determined by methylation analysis, and the anomeric configuration and chain linkage were confirmed by IR and 2D NMR. The results indicated BEPS-IB was composed of Glcp6Manp heptasaccharide repeating unit in the backbone, with occasional branch chains of mannose residues (14%) occurring in the backbone mannose. Further antioxidant assay indicated BEPS-IB exhibited positive antioxidant activity in scavenging superoxide radicals and reducing power. This is the first report on the structure and bioactivity of the mannoglucan from the B. exarata.  相似文献   

二化螟Ty3/gypsy反转座子的克隆与序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha), or plant bugs, are one of the most diverse and species-rich families of insects. Most of them are phytophagous, but some are insect predators and used for biocontrol. Among this family, the mango bug, Orthops palus (Taylor 1947), is one of the most important pest of mango in Reunion Island. We developed 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci to study the population genetics of this pest species. The microsatellite markers were characterized by genotyping 78 field-collected insects sampled at different localities in Reunion Island. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 13 and heterozygosity levels ranged between 0.40 and 0.94. Several loci were not at Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for the tested populations. These markers are the first to be developed for a species of the genus Orthops.  相似文献   

Spherical microparticles, capable of responding to magnetic fields, were prepared by encapsulating dextran-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles into chitosan poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) microspheres template. The obtained magnetic microspheres were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetry (TG). The results showed that the microspheres were formed and demonstrated magnetic behavior in an applied magnetic field. In addition, magnetite particles were well encapsulated and the composite particles have high magnetite content, which was more than 40%.  相似文献   

A mutant of panicle differentiation in rice called non-panicle (nop) was discovered in the progeny of a cross between 93-11 and Nipponbare. The mutant exhibits normal plant morphology but has apparently few tillers. The most striking change in nop is that its panicle differentiation is blocked, with masses of fluffy bract nodes generate from the positions where rachis branches normally develop in wild-type plants. Genetic analysis suggests that nop is controlled by a single recessive gene, which is temporarily named Nop(t). Based on its mutant phenotype, Nop(t) represents a key gene controlling the initiation of inflorescence differentiation. By using simple sequence repeat markers and sequence tagged site markers, Nop(t) gene was fine mapped in a 102-kb interval on the long arm of chromosome 6. These results will facilitate the positional cloning and functional studies of the gene.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1987,6(2):130-135
Matacil® (aminocarb)_180F flowable insecticide mixed in both water and insectide diluent ID585 and Matacil 1 · 8D oil-soluble concentrate (OSC) mixed in ID585 were sprayed aerially at 70 g a.i./1 · 51 of spray mix/ha in two applications to control spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.). The spray droplet density on Kromekote cards, the spray volume recovered on glass slides, larval population reductions and host tree defoliation were compared. The data indicate that Matacil 180F was as effective in controlling budworm populations and protecting the foliage of host trees as Matacil 1 · 8D and that the aqueous mix was as efficacious as the ID585 mix.  相似文献   

在水稻品种南粳41中发现了一个黄绿叶自然突变体,经过多代连续自交形成了稳定的突变系,命名为ygl11(t),ygl11(t)整个生育期叶片都表现为黄绿色。对苗期、分蘖盛期、齐穗期突变体和野生型的叶绿素含量进行测定,ygl11(t)的叶绿素含量是野生型的45.7%~74.7%,叶绿素a含量是野生型的55.2%~87.5%,叶绿素b含量是野生型的12.5%~25.3%,ygl11(t)的类胡萝卜素的含量是野生型的62.3%~97.0%。ygl11(t)在分蘖盛期的净光合速率显著高于野生型,花后10d,ygl11(t)的净光合速率比野生型略低。对突变体叶片中叶绿体的超微结构进行观察,发现突变体叶绿体内的类囊体基粒片层数目减少且严重扭曲变形。遗传分析表明,ygl11(t)叶色性状受1对隐性核基因控制。利用SSR分子标记将YGL11(t)初步定位在水稻第10染色体的长臂上,进一步利用新开发的InDel和CAPS标记将YGL11(t)定位在58.1kb的物理距离内。对该区段内存在的开放阅读框进行序列分析,发现突变体ygl11(t)中编码叶绿素a氧化酶(chlorophyll a oxygenase 1)基因(OsCAO 1)的第9个外显子存在2个碱基缺失,从而导致提前出现终止密码子,初步分析OsCAO1即为YGL11(t)的候选基因。  相似文献   

红海榄脱水素基因(RsDHN1)的克隆及表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用RT-PCR和RACE技术对已获得的红海榄根部其中一个差异表达基因进行克隆,通过Blast分析和序列比对可知,该基因全长cDNA序列包括146bp的5'端非编码区,43bp的3'端非编码区和一个编码241个氨基酸的开放阅读框,命名为RsDHN1基因。该cDNA编码的蛋白具有植物脱水素蛋白的特征性结构,属于SKn类脱水素蛋白,与其它植物的SKn类脱水素蛋白具有43%~55%的氨基酸序列同源性。半定量RT-PCR分析表明,盐胁迫对RsDHN1基因的表达有明显上调作用。  相似文献   

The bacterial diseases of silkworms cause significant reductions in sericulture and result in huge economic loss. This study aimed to identify and characterize a pathogen from diseased silkworm. SW7-1, a pathogenic bacterial strain, was isolated from the diseased silkworm. The strain was identified on the basis of its bacteriological properties and 16S rRNA gene sequence. The colony was round, slightly convex, opaque, dry, and milky on a nutrient agar medium, the colony also exhibited jagged edges. SW7-1 was Gram-positive, without parasporal crystal, and 0.8–1.2 by 2.6–3.4 µm in length, resembling long rods with rounded ends. The strain was positive to most of the physiological biochemical tests used in this study. The strain could utilize glucose, sucrose, and maltose. The results of its 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that SW7-1 shared the highest sequence identity (>99%) with Bacillus cereus strain 14. The bacterial strain was highly susceptible to gentamycin, streptomycin, erythromycin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin and moderately susceptible to tetracycline and rifampicin. It exhibited resistance to other antibiotics. SW7-1 had hemolytic activity and could produce extracellular casease, lipase, and amylase. SW7-1 could reproduce septicemia-like symptoms with high mortality rate when re-fed to healthy silkworm. .The median lethal concentration (LC50) was 5.45 × 104 cfu/ml. Thus, SW7-1 was identified as B. cereus, which is a pathogen for silkworm and human infections are possible.  相似文献   

为了了解国际水稻研究所最新研究动向,我们对其进行了为期一周的考察,在此期间,对其有了更深入的了解。该所机构精简,目的明确,既是研究机构,又是教育培训机构。主要项目包括四大领域,即水稻与生物健康相结合;增加遗传多样性,发掘新基因;稳定社会发展,进行项目培训;加强信息管理,建立并更新数据库。最新研究发展动态体现在以下几个方面,即加强水稻功能基因组研究,加强水稻远缘杂交育种研究,加强稻谷品质研究,加强抗旱机制研究,应用分子标记辅助育种,加强转基因研究,加强杂交稻育种研究,加强新株型育种和超级稻育种研究。其明确的科研目的、高效率的工作及密切合作的团队精神,对我们具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

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