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The effects of histamine and methacholine aerosols and of a fixed inspiratory resistance on tidal breathing flow-volume loops (TBFVL) were investigated using 18 unsedated, standing, healthy thoroughbred horses. The data were first analysed using traditional flow-volume loop indices and then reduced using standardized factor scoring coefficients obtained in a previous study in this laboratory using similar experimental techniques. On the basis of resting TBFVL analysis, the degree of pulmonary dysfunction caused by inhalation of histamine and methacholine aerosols with concentrations of 10 and 2 mg/ml, respectively, was similar. The fixed resistance also caused significant changes in the resting spirogram and TBFVL indices, suggesting that this model may prove valuable for further studies involving upper respiratory tract (URT) conditions.Administration of histamine and methacholine aerosols resulted in significant changes in all factor scores, although most of the observed changes were due to the effects of these aerosols on the respiratory rate. These findings re-emphasize the importance of the effects of respiratory rate on pulmonary mechanics. Application of the resistance resulted in significant changes in factor score 3, the inspiratory factor, which lends support to the validity of this model for URT conditions. The close agreement between the factor scores obtained under controlled conditions in this study and in a previous study in this laboratory confirms that the factor analysis used for both of these studies provides an adequate means of reducing TBFVL data obtained from thoroughbred horses.The large intra- and inter-individual variation observed both with the indices of TBFVL and with the factor scores limits the potential of these variables for detecting individual animals with obstructive airway disease. Re-evaluation of these indices under the stress of exercise may reduce the variability observed in these data and may increase the magnitude of differences between different animals, providing a means of detecting individual animals with subclinical obstructive airway conditions.Abbreviations CV coefficient of variation - P pl,max maximal intrapleural pressure difference - FVL flow-volume loop - LRT lower respiratory tract - P ao airway opening pressure - P tp transpulmonary pressure - TBVFL tidal breathing flow-volume loop - URT upper respiratory tract - USPTM ultrasonic pneumotachometer  相似文献   

In order to better understand the bovine breathing pattern, tidal breathing flow-volume loops (TBFVL) were analyzed in 24 healthy cattle of different body weights (range: 37–660 kg) (Group A) and in 28 cattle suffering from the common respiratory diseases: verminous bronchitis (Group B); shipping fever (Group C); acute respiratory distress syndrome (Group D); respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia (Group E); organophosphate poisoning (Group F); and necrotic laryngitis (Group G).Respiratory airflow and tidal volume were measured with a breathing mask-Fleisch pneumotachograph assembly. TBFVL were traced from these values using a computerized method. All the loop indices proposed by Amis and Kurpershoek (1986a) were calculated from 5 representative breathing cycles for each of the 52 animals.The TBFVL shapes and indices were relatively constant in most healthy cattle and were not correlated with the body size. When compared to normal values, animals with moderate respiratory syndromes (Groups B and C) had a more flattened shape to their TBFVL. On the other hand, in most cattle with severe respiratory pathologies (Groups D, F and G) expiration tended to be biphasic with the peak expiratory flow (PEF) occurring significantly later than in healthy animals. Both PEF and peak inspiratory flow were increased in all the pathological conditions. The TBFVL indices were more frequently and more severely changed during expiration than during inspiration.  相似文献   

The efficacy of partial arytenoidectomy was assessed in 6 Standardbred horses, with surgically induced laryngeal hemiplegia, at rest (Period A) and during exercise at speeds corresponding to maximum heart rate (Period C) and 75% of maximum heart rate (Period B). Peak expiratory and inspiratory airflow rate (PEF and PIF), and expiratory and inspiratory transupper airway pressure (PUE and PUI) were measured and expiratory and inspiratory impedance (ZE and ZI) were calculated. Simultaneously, tidal breathing flow-volume loops (TBFVL) were acquired using a respiratory function computer. Indices derived from TBFVL included airflow rates at 50 and 25% of tidal volume (EF50, IF50, EF25. and IF25) and the ratios of expiratory to inspiratory flows. Measurements were made before left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (baseline), 2 weeks after left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLN) and 16 weeks after left partial arytenoidectomy coupled with bilateral ventriculectomy (ARYT). After LRLN, during exercise Periods B and C, Z1 and the ratio of EF50/IF50 significantly increased and PIF, IF50 and IF25 significantly decreased from baseline values. At 16 weeks after ARYT, Z1 returned to baseline values during Periods B and C. Although PIF, IF50, IF25, PEF/PIF, and EF50/IF50 returned to baseline values during Period B, these indices remained significantly different from baseline measurements during Period C. After ARYT, TBFVL shapes from horses during Period C approached that seen at the baseline evaluation. Partial arytenoidectomy improved upper airway function in exercising horses with surgically induced left laryngeal hemiplegia, although qualitative and quantitative evaluation of TBFVLs suggested that some flow limitation remains at near maximal airflow rates. These results indicate that, although the procedure does not completely restore the upper airway to normal, partial arytenoidectomy is a viable treatment option for failed laryngoplasty and arytenoid chondropathy in the horse.  相似文献   

Tidal breathing flow-volume loop (TBFVL) indices in healthy horses and in horses suffering from mild and moderate to severe recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) were measured. In addition, the ability of these indices to differentiate healthy controls from horses with mild RAO by separating the horses according to their usage was investigated. The horses were assigned to three sporting categories: 1 Leisure horses; 2 Horses competing at events with a duration of more than five minutes (eventing, coaching and endurance); and 3 Horses competing at events with a duration of less than five minutes (dressage and show jumping). Flow-volume curves were recorded with an ultrasonic spirometer and TBFVL indices were calculated with specially dedicated software. The sporting usage of the horses had a significant effect on the differentiating ability of TBFVL indices in diagnosing different degrees of RAO. The index TIF50 differentiated control horses from horses with minor RAO in all sporting categories.  相似文献   

Xylazine is widely used worldwide as a short-acting sedative in general equine and racing practice. In the UK, although it has a legitimate use during training, equine anti-doping rules state it is a prohibited substance on race day. The aim of the study was to produce a detection time (DT) to better inform European veterinary surgeons so that xylazine can be used appropriately under regulatory rules. Previous publications have various limitations pertaining to analysis method, particularly for plasma and limited length of time of sample collection. In this study, pharmacokinetic data were produced for xylazine and 4-OH-xylazine in equine urine and plasma following a single intravenous xylazine dose of 0.4 mg/kg to six Thoroughbred horses. Pharmacokinetic parameters were generated from a 3-compartmental model with clearance = 15.8 ± 4.88 ml min-1 kg-1, Vss = 1.44 ± 0.38 L/kg, terminal half-life = 29.8 ± 12.7 hr and a DT determined at 71 hr for the administration of xylazine (Chanazine®) in plasma and urine. Urine screening should aim to detect the 4-OH-xylazine metabolite, which can act as an indicator for the xylazine plasma concentration. A DT of 72 hr has been agreed by the European Horserace Scientific Liaison Committee, to be implemented in June 2019.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is increasing anecdotal evidence among horse owners, trainers and equine clinicians of a high prevalence of subepiglottic ulcers, suggested to have a negative effect on racing performance. Objectives: To provide a prevalence study and pathological characterisation of laryngopharyngeal lesions with emphasis in the subepiglottic area and, in particular, subepiglottic ulcers. Methods: The study was carried out on 91 Thoroughbred racehorses received for post mortem examination from 4 major Southern California racetracks. The most common reason for submission was catastrophic musculoskeletal injury, but others include sudden death, laminitis, colic, colitis, neurological disorders, pleuropneumonia and arytenoid chondropathy. Laryngopharyngeal specimens were collected and examined grossly; selected cases were also examined histopathologically. Results: Thirteen horses (14.3%) had at least one type of laryngopharyngeal abnormality, 7 horses (7.7%) had lesions in the subepiglottic soft tissues, including 4 subepiglottic ulcers, 2 soft palate ‘kissing lesions' and one 'subepiglottic scar’. Eight horses (8.8%) had lesions elsewhere in the laryngopharynx, including mucosal ulcerations, arytenoid chondropathy, epiglottic entrapment and partial absence of arytenoid cartilage. Conclusions and potential relevance: Lesions in the subepiglottic area were among the most prevalent in this study, suggesting that an important percentage of laryngopharyngeal abnormalities may be missed during routine endoscopy of the standing horse, which often does not include the examination of subepiglottic tissues. Pathologically, subepiglottic ulcers were chronic‐active with viable hyperplastic epithelial margins, suggesting that proper healing and re‐epithelialisation should occur with appropriate treatment. In most cases, the lesions observed do not necessarily indicate a clinical problem and more extensive prevalence studies and correlation between abnormalities found and performance are needed to assess the clinical relevance of subepiglottic soft tissue lesions accurately.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to describe the caudal and ventral lung border in clinically normal horses more precisely than it had been described previously and also to resolve the contradictions of data published in standard textbooks. Twenty‐two healthy Warmblood horses were used in the study. The lung border was determined by 2‐dimensional ultrasonography at the following anatomical levels: tuber olecrani, tuberositas deltoidea of the humerus, tuberculum majus of the humerus, tuber ischiadicum and ventral, mid‐ and dorsal points of the tuber coxae. Examinations were performed bilaterally at the end of inspiration and expiration. Distances between the actual lung borders and corresponding anatomical levels were measured and compared statistically. The results showed that the olecranon could not be used as an anatomical landmark. Instead, the deltoid tuberosity could be used as an alternative, as the lung border was found in the 7th intercostal space (ICS) in 14 horses and in the 8th ICS in 8 horses. The lung border at the level of the tuberculum majus was found in the 10th ICS in every horse. At the level of the tuber ischiadicum, the lung border was detected equally in the 14th (11 horses) and 15th (11 horses) ICS. At the level of the ventral and midpoint of the tuber coxae, the lung border was found in the 15th or 16th ICS. No lung border was found at the level of the dorsal point of the tuber coxae or in the 17th ICS.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Research investigating trends in racehorse careers require a benchmark for accurate comparison. Currently little whole population data exists for horses racing in Australia. Objectives: To determine the range and variation in career length and number of career starts for horses racing in Australia. To document and provide evidence regarding the current differences between the sexes for career length and careers starts. Methods: Racing data were collected for Thoroughbreds over a 10‐year period. Career length, number of career starts and spells per year were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package R. Results: A total of 2,782,774 performance records yielded career information for 164,046 horses. Median career length and number of career starts for the population were 14.7 months and 10 starts, respectively. Significant differences (P<0.001) were present between the sexes for all career outcomes. Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of Thoroughbreds racing in Australia with careers longer than 12, 24, 36 and 48 months was 56.65, 32.35, 16.66 and 7.74, respectively. Conclusions and potential relevance: Clear differences in career outcomes exist between intact males, females and geldings racing in Australia. Future research should be conscious of these differences when analysing population data.  相似文献   

The performance of horses undergoing regular intense exercise is adversely affected by oxidative stress. Thus, it is important to increase antioxidant production in horses in order to reduce oxidative stress. Ozonated autohemotherapy (OAHT) reportedly promotes antioxidant production. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of OAHT on antioxidant capacity. Ten Thoroughbred horses were used in this study. After the OAHT, we collected serum samples and measured biological antioxidant potential (BAP). We found that BAP began to increase after the OAHT and was significantly higher in the OAHT group than at 3 (P<0.01) and 7 days (P<0.05) after OAHT than in the control group at 3 and 7 days after starting collection of blood samples. Therefore, it was shown that OAHT improved the antioxidant capacity of the horses.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the growth of spring- and autumn-born Thoroughbred foals raised on pasture.

METHODS: Bodyweight and growth rates were measured in pasture-raised Thoroughbred horses, born in either spring (n=56) or autumn (n=7), from birth to approximately 13 and 17 months of age.

RESULTS: Birthweight tended to be lower in autumn- than spring-born foals (54.4, SD 7.92 kg vs 57.3, SD 5.90 kg; p=0.08). Between birth and 6 months of age, there was no difference in growth rate at equivalent ages between horses born in spring and autumn. Spring-born horses, which were weaned in the autumn, had lower post-weaning growth rates than autumn-born horses that were weaned in the spring. At time of the late yearling sales (March–April) in the Southern Hemisphere, unadjusted mean bodyweights of autumn-born horses (379.3, SD 24.8 kg) were lower (p=0.017) than those of the spring-born horses (437.2, SD 35.3 kg), although values in the autumn-born horses were all within two standard deviations (SD) of the mean of the spring-born animals. When adjusted for the covariates of birthweight and gender, the difference between spring- and autumn-born horses at that time was not significant (p=0.25).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Some autumn-born foals could be marketed for late yearling sales in the Southern Hemisphere, on the basis of bodyweight. Furthermore, they might also be competitive in the Northern Hemisphere industry (sales or racing), as they would be competing against horses of the same official age.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Loss of arytenoid abduction is a common post operative complication of laryngoplasty without a definitive cause. It has been a clinical impression during laryngoplasty surgery that there is great conformational variability along the caudal edge of the Thoroughbred cricoid cartilage that could impact post operative retention of suture position. A change in suture position would probably lead to some loss of abduction. Defining any structural variability of the cricoid would be an initial step in determining whether this variability could impact on the retention of suture position. Hypothesis: Anatomical variations in the larynx of Thoroughbred horses may be detected and measured using objective analysis and computed tomography. Methods: Larynges were harvested from 15 mature Thoroughbred horses. Helical CT scans were performed on each specimen. Three independent observers performed a series of measurements on 2D and 3D reconstruction images using digital software. Measurements included the lateral cricoid angle, the caudal cricoid prominences, the distance to the cricoid slope, the angle of the cricoarytenoid joints (CAJ), the cricoid thickness and the suture angle. Mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and linear regression analysis were performed among all observers and all measurements. Results: Notable conformational differences were evident on the 3D reconstructions. The highest degree of variability was found in 3 measurements: the distance to the lateral cricoid slope, the lateral cricoid angle and the cricoid thickness. A larger left CAJ angle directly and significantly correlated with a larger suture angle. Conclusions: There are notable conformational differences among cricoid specimens in the Thoroughbred larynx. Potential relevance: The morphometric differences identified may impact on optimal prosthesis placement and long‐term retention. Since a larger lateral cricoid angle may facilitate abduction loss secondary to a displaced and loosened suture, alternative techniques for suture placement may be of value to prevent arytenoid abduction loss.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing the study: Hoof health is a major concern of horse owners as well as the equine industry. However, many questions remain concerning regional variations of laminar junction and its potential to remodel. Hypothesis: To examine regional variations in the morphology of the laminar junction and thickness of the hoof wall in Thoroughbred horses. Methods: The forefeet of 25 Thoroughbred cadavers were examined. Each hoof was divided into 20 blocks through 4 proximodistal slices (below the coronary band, each 1 cm apart) and 5 circumferential positions (toe, medial and lateral quarters and heels). In each block, 25 central primary epidermal laminae (PEL) were considered. Orientation of each lamina in relation to the hoof wall (LO), degree of bending (IA) and the spaces between the adjacent laminae (LS) were measured. Thickness of the hoof wall and number of branched PEL were also measured. Data were analysed using a split‐block design in ANOVA. Results: There were significant differences between the 2 proximal and 2 distal slices in LO and IA data, but not in LS data. Circumferentially, toe blocks were different from heel and quarters blocks. Lateral and medial heels as well as the quarters were mostly different. The hoof wall was slightly thicker laterally than medially. There were more branched PEL on the lateral side of the left hooves and on the medial side of the right hooves. Conclusions: These data add to the circumstantial evidence supporting the hypothesis of adaptive remodelling in the laminar junction. Results of this study signify the capability of PEL to remodel in response to applied stress to the regions of the hoof. Potential relevance: A deeper understanding of the gross and cellular processes of laminar remodelling may well prove to be complementary to an understanding of their failure in laminitis.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To improve the understanding of exercise related sudden death in Thoroughbred racehorses. Objectives: To describe the post mortem findings in cases of sudden death associated with exercise in 268 Thoroughbred racehorses. Methods: Gross and histological post mortem findings of 268 cases of sudden death were collated and reviewed. Cases originated from 6 racing jurisdictions around the world. Sudden death was defined as acute collapse and death in a closely observed and previously apparently healthy Thoroughbred racehorse, during, or within one hour after, exercise. Cause of death as determined by the attending pathologist was categorised as definitive, presumptive or unexplained and compared between the different populations. Cardiopulmonary lesions recorded at post mortem examination were compared between different populations. Results: Pathologists recorded a definitive cause of death in 53% (143/268) of cases. Major definitive causes of sudden death included cardiac failure, apparent pulmonary failure, pulmonary haemorrhage, haemorrhage associated with pelvic fractures or with idiopathic blood vessel rupture, and spinal cord injury. A presumptive cause of death was made in 25% (67/268) of cases and death remained unexplained in 22% (58/268) of cases. There were several statistically significant inter‐population differences in the cause of death and in reporting of cardiopulmonary lesions. Conclusions: Sudden death can be attributed to a variety of causes. Causes of sudden death and the lesions found in cases of exercise‐related sudden death are similar in different racing jurisdictions. However, the lesions are often not specific for the cause of death and determination of the cause of death is therefore affected by interpretation by the individual pathologist.  相似文献   

A normal variant is an atypical finding present in a percentage of the population that generally has no clinical significance and is considered within the spectrum of normal findings. Normal variants are recognised upon gross anatomical dissection and also observed radiographically. Understanding the range of normal variants is essential for proper radiographical interpretation. This ensures that these variants are not mistaken for pathological lesions and helps avoid radiographical misdiagnosis. Common sites of normal anatomical variation in the foot, pastern, carpus, tarsus, elbow, shoulder and axial skeleton are reviewed.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Most lameness in horses relates to foot problems and may be associated with changes in hoof shape, but there is a lack of information on the influence of normal exercise on hoof shape. Objectives: To investigate the effect of training on proximal hoof circumference in young Thoroughbred racehorses being prepared for racing. Methods: Thirty‐seven young Thoroughbred racehorses were included in this study. Front hoof circumference immediately below the coronary band was measured weekly with a measuring tape in all horses present at the stable. Most horses accomplished a minimum of 2 training periods at the stable separated by periods of rest on a paddock. One sample t tests were used to evaluate if the mean change per week differed from zero. To estimate the repeatability coefficient, the left proximal hoof circumference of 25 horses was measured 3 times in a random order on one day. Results: Most horses showed a similar pattern of change. The proximal hoof circumference decreased during the training periods (P<0.0001) and increased when the horse was rested (P<0.0001). The decrease of the circumference during the first training period was ?0.66 mm/week on the left and ?0.64 mm/week on the right. During the second training period, this was ?0.58 mm/week on the left and ?0.57 mm/week on the right. During the rest period, the circumference increased by 1.03 mm/week on the left and 1.12 mm/week on the right. The repeatability coefficient for the left circumference was 1.8 mm. Conclusions: Horses showed a decrease in circumference during race training that reversed when they were rested. Potential relevance: Measurement of front hoof circumference is a simple method to assess change in hoof shape. It provides an opportunity to investigate the relationships between specific training, hoof shape and soundness.  相似文献   

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