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在低蛋白质日粮中,添加两种限制性氨基酸蛋氨酸和赖氨酸,研究其对蛋鸡生产性能及产品质量的影响,以期为蛋氨酸和赖氨酸在蛋鸡饲料中应用提供依据。试验于2000年9月至11月在北华大学农业技术学院畜牧实验养殖场进行。 1.材料与方法 1.1试验动物与分组 试验选用高峰期海赛克斯蛋鸡384只,随机平均分成4组:一个对照组,三个试验组,每组2个重复,每个重复48只鸡。 相似文献
将蛋氨酸水平 ( 0 2 1%、0 3 6%、0 5 1% )与赖氨酸水平 ( 0 49%、0 64 %、0 79% )组成 9个组合 ,探讨其对皖西白鹅种鹅繁殖力的影响。结果发现 :①蛋氨酸影响着除受精率以外的所有繁殖力指标 (P <0 0 1) ;②赖氨酸只影响产蛋量 (P <0 0 5 ) ;③ 0 3 6%的蛋氨酸与 0 64 %的赖氨酸组合 ,能最佳发挥皖西白鹅种鹅的繁殖性能。 相似文献
本试验结果表明,猪日粮中添加02%的氨基酸稀土螯合物(含螯合物中的赖氨酸,日粮赖氨酸水平为086%),猪的生长速度与添加015%赖氨酸(日粮赖氨酸水平为099%,达到标准需要)无显著差异(P>005),经济效益优于添加015%赖氨酸组。每千克增重可降低成本035元,少耗赖氨酸44克,少耗蛋白质275克,少耗饲料014千克。添加螯合物后,另外补加赖氨酸013%、005%,试猪的增重、饲料转化率等与单独添加螯合物、015%赖氨酸组差异不显著(P>005)。 相似文献
第四十五届辉瑞公司(Pfizer)研究年会介绍了对猪日粮中总含硫氨基酸对赖氨酸比率的研究结果。最近用肥育猪进行的试验表明,总含硫氨基酸对赖氨酸的比率随反应变量的不同而异。美国路易斯安那州立大学动物科学系教授L.LeeSouthern提出,对于最佳生长... 相似文献
在低蛋白日粮中添加限制性氨基酸,既可减少早期断奶仔猪的腹泻问题,又能降低饲料成本。一般认为,赖氨酸是猪的第一限制性氨基酸,苏氨酸是猪的第二限制氨基酸。现在,赖氨酸已在生产中得到了广泛的应用,在此情况下,苏氨酸的应用就是研究的重点。试验探讨在低蛋白日粮中添加苏氨酸对仔猪生产性能和腹泻率的影响,为今后在养猪生产中合理使用苏氨酸提供依据。 相似文献
日粮中添加蜂花粉的试验组,与未添加的对照组,两组产蛋率分别为87-7% 和80-2% ,两组差异显著(P< 0-05) ;平均蛋重分别为62-55±1-22g 和62-54 ±1-31g ,两组差异不显著(P> 0-05) ;料蛋比分别为2-35:1 和2-51:1,两组差异显著(P< 0-05) ;试验组比对照组提高经济效益15-7% 。 相似文献
在蛋鸡日粮中添加1%蜂花粉与未添加的对照组,其产蛋率分别为87.7%和80.2%,2组差异显著(P<0.05);平均蛋重分别为62.55±1.22g和62.54±1.31g,差异不显著(P>0.05),料蛋比分别为2.35:1和2.51∶1,差异显著(P<0.05)。试验组比对照组提高经济效益15.7%。 相似文献
蛋氨酸是在畜禽生理、生产上起主要作用的一种氨基酸.此次试验是在现有的饲养条件下和日粮16.3%的粗蛋白水平的基础上,在日粮申添加蛋氨酸.目的在于进一步证实蛋氨酸的重要作用,探索蛋氨酸的准确用量和使用蛋氨酸后何时能够起作用,连续投入蛋氨酸是否具有持续显著效应,能获取多大经济效益.有助于深入探讨蛋氨酸在畜禽生理和生产中起的作用,为蛋氨酸在畜牧业生产中的综合应用提供科学依据. 相似文献
近年来,我国的养鹅业有了蓬勃的发展,并正朝着集约化、规模化、产业化的方向迈进。鹅业也已成为我国农民致富增收的重要途径之一。但在鹅的品种,品种间的杂交,饲料,饲养标准等方面的科研还相对滞后。目前还没有完整的鹅饲养标准。各地的试验研究对粗蛋白质、重要氨基酸需要量的结论各有不同。我们结合生产实际,进行了试验,用几种蛋氨酸含量不同的饲料饲喂正处在快速生长发育的肉鹅。通过在一定的饲料营养条件下,添加不同水平的蛋氨酸,测试对肉鹅生长速度是否产生影响;对不同水平的蛋氨酸鹅对饲料利用是否产生影响。通过试验,探索在规模化饲养饲料营养水平的供给及饲料成本,提高经济效益。 相似文献
随机选取白鹅和籽鹅种蛋各251枚,测量蛋重和蛋形指数,研究蛋重和蛋形指数对种鹅孵化率的影响,结果表明:白鹅和籽鹅的蛋重分别为128.11±12.04 g,129.25±13.07 g;蛋形指数分别为1.457±0.065,1.457±0.068;白鹅和籽鹅的蛋重、蛋形指数无明显差异;白鹅和籽鹅种蛋孵化率随蛋重、蛋形指数的增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势,白鹅蛋重在131.16~144.88 g范围内,蛋形指数在1.387~1.496范围内种蛋孵化率最高;籽鹅蛋重在137.08~151.04 g范围内,蛋形指数在1.349~1.449范围内种蛋孵化率最高. 相似文献
鹅种蛋的孵化率是养鹅生产中的重要环节之一。孵化率的高与低,将直接影响雏鹅的质量、鹅生产性能的发挥以及今后生产计划的完成。所以,为了获得较理想的孵化率和健雏率,笔者认为应从以下几个方面抓起:1种蛋的管理1.1种蛋来源应选自生产性能和繁殖性能优良、无感染过传染病、无经胚传播病原携带的健康种鹅群产的种蛋,且种鹅应实施系统免疫程序,公母配种比例适当,鹅龄在一年以上的种鹅。1.2种蛋的选择与贮存在选蛋过程中应剔除脏蛋、裂纹蛋、砂壳蛋、钢皮蛋以及过长、过圆等畸型蛋。经筛选好的种蛋将小头朝下排放在蛋盘上,放入… 相似文献
1. Eggs and hatched embryos from geese were analysed for their proximate and amino acid composition. In comparison with eggs and embryos of the domestic fowl the following were found. 2. The yolk: albumen ratio of the goose egg was higher. 3. The fat concentration in the egg yolk and the protein concentration in the egg albumen were lower. 4. Deposition of dry matter in the embryo and energy expenditure during incubation were similar. In both species, the nitrogen in the embryo exceeded the nitrogen in the egg contents. This is probably due to the utilisation of egg‐shell membrane proteins. 5. Lysine concentration in the goose egg proteins was lower, which was reflected in the hatched gosling proteins. 6. There were high correlations in amino acid concentrations between chicken and goose eggs and between the efficiencies of amino acid utilisation by their embryos, implying that similar metabolic processes are involved in these two species. 相似文献
Two growth studies were conducted to determine the Met and Lys requirements of growing cattle. In each 84-d trial, steer calves were fed individually diets containing 44% sorghum silage, 44% corn cobs, and 12% supplement (DM basis) at an equal percentage of BW. In Trial 1, 95 crossbred steers (251 kg) were supplemented with urea or meat and bone meal (MBM). Incremental amounts of rumen-protected Met were added to MBM to provide 0, .45, .9, 1.35, 3, and 6 g/d metabolizable Met. In Trial 2, 60 steers (210 kg) were supplemented with urea or corn gluten meal (CGM). Incremental amounts of rumen-protected Lys were added to CGM to provide 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 g/d metabolizable Lys. Supplementation with MBM and CGM increased the supply of metabolizable protein to the animal. Steers fed MBM plus 0 Met gained 49 g/d more than steers fed urea, whereas steers fed CGM plus 0 Lys gained 150 g/d more than steers fed urea. Supplementation of rumen-protected Met and Lys improved ADG in steers fed MBM and CGM, respectively (P < .10). Nonlinear analysis, comparing gain vs supplemental Met and Lys intake, predicted supplemental Met and Lys requirements of 2.9 and .9 g/d, respectively. This amount of additional Met promoted .13 kg/ d gain greater than MBM alone, and this amount of additional Lys promoted .10 kg/d gain greater than the CGM alone. Metabolizable Met and Lys requirements were predicted from Level 1 of NRC (1996) calculated metabolizable protein supply, amino acid analysis of abomasal contents, and the maximum response to supplemental AA. Steers gaining .39 kg/d required 11.6 g/ d Met or 3. 1% of the metabolizable protein requirement, whereas steers gaining .56 kg/d required 22.5 g/d Lys or 5.7% of the metabolizable protein requirement. 相似文献
在玉米-豆粕型饲粮中分别添加不同量的蛋氨酸和赖氨酸,探讨其对育肥蛋公雏饲养效果的影响。结果表明:两组试验鸡的成活率相近,说明饲粮中不同的蛋氨酸、赖氨酸水平对鸡只健康无影响。虽然前后期两组鸡的日增重无显著差异(P>0.05),但蛋氨酸和赖氨酸水平较高的I组前期和后期分别比II组提高了1%和3.29%,即高蛋氨酸、赖氨酸水平对日增重有正的影响。饲料报酬与日增重基本一致,前后期I组比II组分别提高了1.79%和6.11%。毛盈利I组比II组高3.44%,从经济效益方面分析,高蛋氨酸、赖氨酸水平对育肥蛋公雏饲养效果有正的影响。 相似文献
1. Broiler breeder hens were used in an experiment lasting 10 weeks (29 to 38 weeks of age) to measure the responses to dietary lysine and methionine, the main objective being to determine whether the coefficients of response to these amino acids were the same for broiler breeders and for laying pullets. 2. The hens were offered 150 g/d of one of 20 dietary treatments, 10 being lysine-limiting and 10 being methionine-limiting. The diets were mixed by diluting one of two concentrate (summit) mixes with a protein-free dilution mixture. The lysine-limiting summit diet was designed to supply approximately 1300 mg lysine/bird d, while the other supplied 520 mg methionine/bird d, when fed at 150 g/bird d. 3. Birds on the 5 lowest concentrations of both lysine and methionine did not consume the allotted amount of food, the amount decreasing, in a curvilinear fashion, to approximately 105 g/bird d. 4. The minimum egg weight recorded was 0.8 of the maximum, whereas the rate of lay of birds fed on the diets with the lowest amino acid concentrations was 0.2 of the maximum. 5. Using the Reading Model, the coefficients of response were calculated to be (for lysine) 16.88 E and 11.2 W, and for methionine, 7.03 E and 1.52 W, where E = egg output, g/bird d, and W = body mass, kg/bird. An average, individual, broiler breeder of 3 kg, producing 45 g of egg output per day, would need 793 mg of lysine and 321 mg of methionine daily. This intake of methionine is similar to that estimated by means of coefficients used for laying pullets, but the lysine requirement would be underestimated by 0.18 if the coefficients for laying pullets were used. 6. The coefficients for maintenance for both lysine and methionine, determined in this experiment, are considerably lower than values published previously, whilst the coefficients for egg output are, in both cases, higher. The resultant flock response curves therefore differed significantly from those in which the coefficients of response for for laying pullets were used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
大豆黄酮属于异黄酮类化合物 ,具有弱的雌激素样活性物质的作用 ,能提高动物外周血液中GH(生长激素 )、IGF - 1 (胰岛素样生长因子 )、胰岛素等多种激素的水平 ,从而促进动物生长 ,增强机体免疫力。本试验旨在研究大豆黄酮对东北仔鹅增重和脂肪沉积的影响。1 材料和方法1 1 大豆黄酮 由南京农业大学动物生理生化实验室提供 ,白色粉末 ,无毒、无味 ,不溶于水。1 2 试验动物和日粮处理 选用哈尔滨市正立鸭厂孵化的 2 1日龄雄性东北仔鹅 60只 ,分成对照组和试验组 (DA组 )。采用常规配合饲料 ,基础日粮成分为 ( % ) :大麦粉 45、玉米… 相似文献
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of fat coated rumen bypass lysine (RPLys) and methionine (RPMet) on the lactation performance of dairy cows. In Experiment 1, three lactating cows were supplied with RPLys and fat coated DL‐Met which was highly protected (H‐RPMet) as an indigestible marker, and total fecal emission was collected for 72 h following administration. Measuring the proportional difference in fecal excretion of lysine derived from RPLys relative to methionine derived from H‐RPMet, the intestinal availability of RPLys was estimated to be 66.2%. In Experiment 2, 20 multiparous Holstein cows producing approximately 40 kg/day of milk were assigned to two treatments; fed RPLys (16 g/day as lysine) and RPMet (6.5 g/day as methionine) or none (control) from 5 to 21 weeks postpartum. The consumption of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were significantly more in the control cows throughout the experimental period. Their milk protein yield, the contents of their milk protein and milk fat were higher by 0.03 kg ( P = 0.03), 0.06% ( P < 0.001) and 0.11% ( P = 0.07), respectively, in the treatment group compared to the control. These results suggest that the RPLys and RPMet used in this study improved the lactation performance of dairy cows. 相似文献