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An adult quarter horse mare was presented with acute colic and fever. Physical examination and abdominocentesis showed septic peritonitis, and the mare was euthanatized. Necropsy and histopathologic examination revealed a focal partial perforation of the right ventral colon, which contained a single bot fly larva, identified as a third-instar larva of Gasterophilus intestinalis. This larva was embedded deep within the muscularis and the submucosa. Although bot fly larvae are known to attach to aberrant sites within the digestive tract, this is the first known report of deep penetration of the colon by a gasterophilus larva, with the resulting leakage of intestinal content leading to septic peritonitis.  相似文献   

Lesions were formed in the mouth of the horse by first- and second-stage Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae. The lesions resulted as larvae burrowed through the top millimeter of the tongue and then became embedded in the interdental gingiva. Appearance of the lesion was dependent on the degree of larval burrowing activity and healing that had taken place. Active tunneling production occurred at the posterior end of the lesion. Extensive change in configuration and color was apparent along the longer lesions with active larvae. Virtually all tissue in the path of the larvae was removed while forming a tunnel. Tissue destroyed included tops of the lamina propria mucosae evaginations and the deeper portions of the lamina epithelialis mucosae. Histopathologic findings showed that the tissue removed included the nerve and blood supply of the proprial evaginations. Hemorrhage and exocytosis into the tunnels included erythrocytes mixed with some macrophages, lymphocytes and scant numbers of eosinophils. Air shafts excavated in the tongue by larvae enabled bacteria to enter into the tunnels. Bacteria became adhered to larvae and initiated microabscesses. Microabscesses were composed of clotted erythrocytes, bacteria, disintegrating epithelial cells, and large numbers of neutrophils. Cells surrounding the tunnel exhibited pyknosis, epithelial hydropic degeneration and became separated from each other. Healing of tongue lesions occurred as epithelial cell growth below raised the tunnel upward and affected tissue desquamated. Interdental gingiva invaded by larvae were hyperemic and denuded of epithelia. Recession and ulceration of the gingiva produced periodontal pockets. Extensive invasion by larvae led to compound periodontal pockets. Larval mouth hooks were embedded in the submucosa of the pockets and tore at engorged capillaries. The cephalic portion of embedded larvae became surrounded by a cellular exudate containing erythrocytes and mononuclear cells. Attachment of second-stage larvae at the root of the tongue did not produce observable damage.  相似文献   

Observations of fly strikes or larvipositions (n=68 in 21 days of observation) were carried out in a herd of goats during the spring in Baja California Sur, Mexico in order to identify the climatic conditions favoring larviposition activity of gravid Oestrus ovis L. flies, as well as to investigate whether a mixture of some potentially useful compounds was involved in this behavior. Hand-caught, tethered flies (n=43) were either exposed or unexposed to a combination of carbon dioxide, humidity, 1-octen-3-ol, butyric, propionic, acetic acid and acetone released from movable sheep and goat dummies under open field and cage conditions. Fly strikes occurred at temperatures greater than 20 degrees C, but mainly between 25 and 28 degrees C and from 116 to 838W m(-2) of solar irradiance. Few or no strikes were seen under moderate or strong wind, but did occur in a wide range of relative humidity. The chemicals applied did not improve the capacity of animal dummies to induce the flies to larviposit, but very irregular behavior was observed. Fourteen larvipositions were made on the dummies lacking chemical stimuli, so visual ability and movement by the dummies was very important in stimulation of the flies. Temperature appeared to be the main factor determining fly activity, but wind and solar irradiance also played important roles. Characteristics of O. ovis larviposition are discussed.  相似文献   

A paste formulation containing 14.3 per cent of oxibendazole and 44 per cent of trichlorfon was administered to 33 ponies and horses. The dose rate used was equivalent to 10 mg and 30 mg/kg bodyweight, of oxibendazole and trichlorfon respectively. After treatment 25 animals passed between one and 82 third stage larvae of Gasterophilus intestinalis in their faeces. Dosing with 0.2 mg ivermectin/kg bodyweight three weeks later resulted in six animals expelling between one and four bots. The efficacy of the oxibendazole-trichlorfon paste was on average 96.2 per cent. This drug combination given to 52 ponies and horses at the indicated dose rate and to six ponies at twice that dose was tolerated without side effects except transient softening of the faeces in several animals and mild symptoms of colic in two horses.  相似文献   

Stomachs of 271 horses and ponies from 2 sources were evaluated for the presence of Gasterophilus intestinalis and G nasalis larvae, through 2 overlapping 12-month periods of bot fly activity in southern Texas. Equids (n = 140) from one source had nearly 96% of their stomachs infected, whereas equids (n = 131) from another source had 44% of their stomachs infected by Gasterophilus spp. Seasonal dynamics of the bot infection indicated the highest average number of bot larvae per infected stomach occurred in the winter and spring. The smallest average number of bots per infected stomach occurred in the fall. Higher percentages of early (2nd instar plus young 3rd instar) larvae of G intestinalis were observed in the fall in equids from both sources. The late (more fully developed older 3rd instar) G intestinalis larvae outnumbered the early larvae in the winter, spring, and summer. Seasonal variation in numbers and development status of the larvae was consistent with the largest period of adult bot fly activity occurring during the fall. The 2 species of bots had different predilection sites of attachment. Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae concentrated in the nonglandular portions of the stomach near the margo plicatus on the cranial (parietal) surface of the stomach and in the most dorsal extent of the saccus cecus. Gasterophilus nasalis larvae attached almost exclusively in the first ampulla of the duodenum. Predilection sites for both Gasterophilus spp occurred in dorsally positioned areas in the alimentary tract favoring increased availability of oxygen.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 2nd and 3rd instars of Gasterophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis was determined in 476 horses during the 22-year period from 1951 to 1973. Overall, G intestinalis infected 98.7% of the horses and averaged 168/horse; whereas G nasalis infected 80.7% of the horses and averaged 52/horse. Aggregate average total numbers for G intestinalis ranged from a low of 50 in September to a high of 229 in March, and for G nasalis, from a low of 14 in September to a high of 82 in February. Horses were infected by 2nd or 3rd instars of both species on a year-round basis. Differentiation between the instars provided insight into the dynamics of the infections. For G intestinalis, the data indicated (1) 2nd instars from the previous year's generation of flies continue to arrive in the stomach until April; (2) arrival of the current year's crop of 2nd instars starts in July; and (3) 3rd instars from the previous year's generation of flies are not voided in appreciable numbers until August, when numbers of the current year's crop of 3rd instars appear in the stomach. For G nasalis, the data indicated (1) arrival in the stomach of the current year's generation of 2nd instars starts in July and terminates in January and (2) 3rd instars from the previous year's generation of flies are voided over a period beginning in March and extending into August, when the current year's crop of 3rd instars begin to appear. Acquisition of infections of horses with G intestinalis is nearly a year-round process, except for April, because of the persistence of viable larvae in eggs for a prolonged period after development and fly activity has ceased in the fall. In contrast, infection with G nasalis is interrupted between December and May, because eggs hatch naturally after a short period of development, and fly activity ceases in the fall.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old Warmblood colt presented with recurrent colic and regurgitation. Gastroscopy, performed on several occasions, and barium-contrast radiography revealed severe squamous gastric ulceration and stenosis at the level of the margo plicatus. Treatment with omeprazole reduced the extent and severity of the gastric ulcers but did not affect the stenosis. The foal was euthanised because of a poor prognosis, and post-mortem examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis. Severe squamous gastric ulceration, granulation tissue formation and cicatrisation of deep gastric lesions were considered to have caused the stenosis. Gastroduodenal outflow obstruction is a recognised disorder in foals, but stenosis at the level of the margo plicatus has not been reported in foals or adult horses. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case of severe squamous gastric ulceration, complicated by stenosis at the level of the margo plicatus, in a foal. Although rare, gastric stenosis should be considered in foals suffering recurrent colic and regurgitation.  相似文献   

During the months October-May inclusive 90-8% of horses slaughtered at an abattoir near Dublin and 66-9% of those at an abattoir near Belfast were infected with Gasterophilus intestinalis; 28-6% of horses at the former abattoir harboured G nasalis while none of the horses examined at the latter abattoir was found to be infected with this species.  相似文献   

A synthetic alpha-2 adrenergic agonist, detomidine hydrochloride, was used in the study of in vivo activity of Gasterophilus intestinalis (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) during migration in the tongue of the horse. Use of the drug allowed the investigator to manipulate the tongue and closely observe the movement patterns and tissue disturbance caused by burrowing first-stage larvae. Detomidine hydrochloride should be utilized in studies of drug efficacy and larval biology, whenever possible, to avoid the need to sacrifice the horse.  相似文献   

The degree of penetration into the stomach and duodenum of the horse by bot fly larvae, Gasterophilus intestinalis (De Geer) and G. nasalis (Linnaeus) (Diptera : Gasterophilidae) was evaluated. Evidence of larval perforation of the stomach or duodenum was not found on gross inspection. Palpation of the intact stomach and duodenum was not effective in establishing the existence of Gasterophilus larvae within the organs. Findings suggest that larvae of both species produce an ulcer of similar depth within the gastrointestinal wall. The ulcer depth produced by larvae did not correlate with the normal, unaffected thickness of the particular stomach or duodenum. Tissue proliferation beneath ulcers of the stomach and duodenum was not correlated with the depth of the ulcer. Proliferation of the tissue beneath the ulcers of the stomach generally exceeded that found under duodenal ulcers. Gastric wall beneath the G. intestinalis ulcer frequently attained a thickness equal to or greater than the normal stomach wall. Histopathological examinations below the ulcer revealed intense fibrosis. Duodenal thickness below the G. nasalis ulcer was typically less than normal and resulted in an attenuated wall. Histopathological analysis of the affected duodenum revealed severe loss of submucosal glands in a sharply demarcated area below and surrounding the lesion. Fibrosis of the underlying lamina propria mucosae and tunica submucosa was appreciable but failed to restore the original thickness of the duodenal wall. Host tissue response and moderation of the parasite' s behavior reduce the chances of direct perforation of the gastrointestinal tissue.  相似文献   

A 3 m, video gastroscope was used to screen 47 horses suspected of being naturally infected with equine bot larvae. 17 of 47 (36.2%) candidate horses harbored Gasterophilus nasalis larvae in the proximal duodenum and 46 of 47 (97.9%) had G. intestinalis larvae in the stomach. All horses infected with G. nasalis had concurrent infections with G. intestinalis. 14 horses with dual infections were allocated randomly to two treatment groups. Seven horses in Group 1 received 2% moxidectin oral gel once at a dosage of 0.4 mg/kg bodyweight (BW), and seven horses in Group 2 were untreated controls. 14 days after treatment, all horses were necropsied and the stomach and proximal duodenum harvested from each. Bot larvae were recovered, identified to species and instar, and counted. At the label dosage, moxidectin oral gel was 100 and 97.6% effective (P < 0.05) against third-instar G. nasalis and G. intestinalis, respectively. In addition to demonstrating the boticidal efficacy of moxidectin, this trial illustrated that gastroscopy/duodenoscopy is a feasible method for confirming infections with different species of bot larvae in the horse.  相似文献   

During a 24 month period, 198 donkeys were examined for Gasterophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis larvae. Gasterophilus intestinalis was found in 97.5% and G. nasalis in 95.5% of donkeys. The third instars (L3) of both species occurred during all months of the year and so did the second instars (L2), except in April (G. nasalis) and May (G. intestinalis). Over 75% of the animals had up to 200 larvae and 1.5% had over 600 larvae. The maximum number of both L2 and L3 larvae found in any animal was 418 G. intestinalis, 433 G. nasalis and 715 of both species combined. The seasonal variation in the numbers and development status of larvae indicated that the period of greatest activity of adult flies of G. intestinalis was from August/September to November, and that of G. nasalis from May to September. Consequently, the L2 larvae in the stomachs were in peak numbers between November and January for G. intestinalis and between July and September for G. nasalis. The L3 larvae of G. intestinalis had peak numbers between December and July, and those of G. nasalis between October and March. During January-March, most of the L2 larvae of G. nasalis were trapped in polypous nodules near the pyloric end of the stomach. It is concluded that the high-risk period for infection is during late spring and autumn, leading to the heavy larval burden of Gasterophilus in the stomach of donkeys during winter.  相似文献   

A 179-day-old calf, which was weak and stunted, showed neurological signs and was euthanized. Postmortem examination revealed extensive and severe cloudy area in the meninges, and pleural pneumonia. Gram-positive cocci were isolated from systemic organs. Biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses identified the isolate as Streptococcus gallolyticus, and its subspecies was suggested to be gallolyticus (SGG). The isolate was classified as a novel sequence type (ST115) by the multilocus sequence typing scheme for SGG and showed susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, florfenicol, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and chloramphenicol. Histopathologically, suppurative meningoencephalitis and perineuritis were detected. As SGG has been isolated solely from a cow with mastitis in Japan, this is the first SGG infection in a calf with suppurative meningoencephalitis and perineuritis in this country.  相似文献   

This is the first reported case of septic peritonitis caused by Anaerobiospirillum succiniproducens in a dog. The infection was associated with marked exfoliation of reactive mesothelial cells into the abdominal fluid mimicking neoplasia. The source of the infection was not determined but was presumed to be of gastrointestinal origin as A succiniproducens is part of the normal gastrointestinal flora of dogs. Anaerobiospirillum spp. have been previously reported as causing diarrhea and bacteremia in people, particularly if immunocompromised; however, there were no indicators for a compromised immune system in this dog.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old Oldenburg mare was evaluated for lethargy and signs of mild colic. Pericardial tamponade caused by fibrinoeffusive pericarditis was diagnosed. Cytologic and biochemical evaluation of pericardial fluid was consistent with a septic effusion. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, the cause of pigeon fever, was identified by bacteriologic culture of pericardial fluid. Drainage and lavage of the pericardial sac, local (intrapericardial) and systemic antimicrobial treatment, and subsequent corticosteroid treatment resulted in a successful outcome in this horse. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of pericarditis associated with C pseudotuberculosis in a horse.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: High numbers of racehorses in training are reported to have gastric ulceration. Gross lesion scoring systems exist, but there is no fixed protocol with which to record gastric microscopic findings. In man, the histological classification of stomach lesions helps in the identification of recognised and emerging aetiologies of gastric disease and aids accurate comparison of findings between studies. In horses, the development of such a system would therefore be of benefit. Objectives: To develop a pathological scoring system that can be applied to examine samples of the equine stomach at biopsy and post mortem. Methods and results: The equine gastritis grading (EGG) system was developed initially using horse stomachs at post mortem. The protocol involved sampling tissue from 5 fixed locations within the squamous and glandular regions. Histological examination recorded both type and degree of inflammatory infiltrate and the presence of erosions, ulceration or any other reactive change in each slide. These results were combined and an overall diagnosis of gastritis type given for each stomach. Conclusions and potential relevance: This is the first example of a complete pathological scoring system developed specifically for recording gastric lesions in the horse. It provides a thorough and repeatable method with which to examine the equine stomach in microscopic detail. It can be used in diagnostic or research situations and the consistency of the information gathered will enable accurate comparison of data between different studies. It aims to give an indication as to the currently undetermined pathological variations seen in the stomach of healthy and diseased horses, as well as increasing the understanding of the pathogenesis of gastritis and gastric ulceration. Using this information, interpretation of biopsy samples is improved.  相似文献   

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