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Infectious diseases remain one of the main causes of death and economic losses in animals despite the fact that prophylactic vaccination has been extremely successful in disease prevention. New effective viral, bacterial and parasitic vaccines are needed, but unfortunately production costs still remain prohibitive. In this respect plants can offer a valid alternative. Production of antigenic proteins in plants relies on a well developed and proven technology, several expression platforms are available and many different plant species can be utilized. Plant based veterinary vaccine studies have addressed protection issues in model animals and, more interestingly, some of them have examined the relevant challenge model in the specific species of interest. A general overview of the topic will be outlined together with a few selected promising examples.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination represents one of the most recent novel approaches to vaccine development. Experimentally, DNA vaccines induce a broad range of long lasting immune responses including humoral and cell-mediated immunity against infectious diseases in humans and animals. Furthermore, DNA vaccines are potentially useful for the treatment of autoimmune diseases or cancer. However, most information on the efficacy of DNA vaccines has been generated in mice and studies in larger animals are limited. In this review, the potential application of DNA vaccines in livestock and pet animals are discussed. The principle of this new technology, its potency and future perspectives for use in veterinary medicine will be outlined.  相似文献   

If vaccines are to reliably prevent disease, they must be developed, produced and quality-controlled according to very strict regulations and procedures. Veterinary viral vaccine registrations are governed by different rules in different countries, but these rules all emphasize that the quality of the raw materials--the cells, eggs, animals or plants that are used in production--need to be carefully controlled. The veterinary vaccine business is also very cost-conscious. Emphasis over the last 5-10 years has therefore been to develop culture systems that minimize labor and sterility problems and thus provide for reliable and cost-effective production. Implementing these often more complex systems in a production environment takes considerable effort, first in scale-up trials and further down the line in convincing production personnel to change their familiar system for something new and possibly untried. To complete scale-up trials successfully, it is absolutely necessary to understand the biochemistry of the cells and the influence of the virus on the cells under scale-up and later production conditions. Once a viral product can be produced on a large scale, it is imperative that the quality of the end-product is controlled in an intelligent way. One needs to know whether the end-product performs in the animal as was intended during its conception in the research and development department. The development of the appropriate tests to demonstrate this plays an important role in the successful development of a vaccine.  相似文献   

Fifteen batches ofE. coli vaccines for pigs, from three different manufacturers, were subjected to a quantitative form of the in vitro Limulusamoebocyte-lysate (LAL) test for their free endotoxin content. A batch of vaccine associated with abortions in pregnant sows was found to contain a much higher level of free endotoxin than batches of vaccine not associated with abortion. The evidence of these assays suggests that they will be useful in the quality control ofE. coli vaccines.  相似文献   

Despite the profound developments in recombinant DNA technology there is only one marketed recombinant vaccine (for human viral hepatitis B). The development of others proceeds with great difficulty. Molecular vaccines against veterinary parasites are at the utmost pole of complexity in the spectrum of potential vaccines since these parasites are complex eukaryotic organisms, often dwelling at mucosal surfaces where anamnestic responses are problematic, where the immunogenicity of the parasite components is poorly understood and where the effector mechanisms of immunity are unresolved. Cloning a "protective" gene is only the first step, and perhaps the easiest, in a long process which will be necessary to develop vaccines against parasites. Additional steps will involve comprehensive analyses of the immunological responses to ensure that vaccine antigens contain the correct epitopes to induce appropriate immune effector mechanisms for parasite elimination and immunological memory and that these responses are not genetically restricted. The great expectations for recombinant vaccinia-based vaccines must be modified substantially in the light of recent evidence indicating immunological and other constraints on this approach. The use of anti-idiotype vaccines is an underexplored opportunity for practical parasite vaccines since they have several potentially important advantages. The need to include T cell antigenic peptides in peptide vaccines to extend the range of genetic responsiveness and to induce anamnestic responses is now clear. New algorithms for the prediction of such sites exist and these can be tested experimentally with synthetic peptides. There are no major technical obstacles to the development of vaccines for parasites which cannot be overcome. However substantial long term basic research is needed over a range of disciplines to achieve this worthwhile objective.  相似文献   

This paper is an overview and assessment of new, commercially available veterinary vaccines placed in a historical context. The authors critically evaluate the current state of the field of veterinary vaccines in both food and companion animals and the promises for future vaccine development. The authors maintain that there is considerable variability in safety and sustained efficacy among veterinary vaccines, especially those developed for companion animals. It is proposed that establishment of an international vaccine advisory committee be supported which would function to apprise the veterinary profession of the current status of vaccines and their use.  相似文献   

This review provides inside information on the production of vaccines for veterinary use. The vaccines against rinderpest as well as foot and mouth disease are considered milestones in the history of veterinary vaccine production. Modern vaccines are based on the scientific progress in virology, cell biology and immunology. While naturally occurring attenuated viruses or viruses obtained after passage in different animal species or cell culture were used as vaccine strains in the early vaccines, nowadays targeted mutagenesis can be applied to generate vaccine virus strains. In principle, the antigen production process is the same for live and inactivated vaccines. The vaccine virus is usually grown in cell culture, either in roller bottles or bioreactors. Most live vaccines are freeze-dried in order to enable storage in the refridgerator for a longer period. To this end, a so-called stabilizer is added to the culture medium. The inactivation of the vaccine virus for the production of killed vaccines is done by physical or chemical treatments that lead to denaturation of the proteins or damage of the nucleic acids. The inactivated antigen may be further purified and mixed with an adjuvant. The quality standards for vaccines are layed down in international regulations and laws. Numerous tests are performed during the different production steps and on the final product in order to warrant the quality of each batch.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid immunisation entails the delivery of DNA (or RNA) encoding a vaccine antigen to the recipient. The DNA is taken up by host cells and transcribed to mRNA, from which the vaccine proteins are then translated. The expressed proteins are recognised as foreign by the host immune system and elicit an immune response, which may have both cell-mediated and humoral components. DNA vaccines offer a number of advantages over conventional vaccines, including ease of production, stability and cost. They also allow the production of vaccines against organisms which are difficult or dangerous to culture in the laboratory. This review describes the principles of DNA vaccination and the application of DNA vaccines to veterinary species. Although a great deal of developmental work is required before the technology can give rise to commercial vaccines in domestic animals, there is ongoing research in many fields and it is expected that a number of exciting developments will arise in the next decade.  相似文献   

We received 105 reports of suspected adverse events (SARs) following the use of veterinary drugs for the year 2005. This corresponds to a 35% increase compared to 2004. Practicing veterinarians sent most of these declarations. 73% of these concerned drugs used on companion animals. Antiparasitic drugs approved for topical use were the most frequently represented group with 48%, followed by drugs used to treat gastrointestinal disorders (11%) and drugs used off-label (14%; other target species or other indication). For the first time 2 declarations concerning the application of permethrin containing spot-on preparations used by mistake on cats were received. An overview of 20 declarations about adverse reactions following application of different vaccines is also presented with emphasis on the problem of fibrosarcoma in cats. We are pleased by the growing interest shown by practicing veterinarians for the vigilance system and hope to further develop this collaboration in the future.  相似文献   

禽痘病毒表达载体是已构建表达外源基因的病毒载体中的一种,它在表达外源基因上具有明显的优势:(1)它的基因组结构庞大,能耐受较大的外源基因(25~35kb)在其基因组的不同位点插入。(2)严格的胞浆内复制,避免了病毒基因重组入宿主细胞染色体的可能性。且禽痘病毒的宿主范围较窄,仅感染禽类,在哺乳动物体内仅产生一过性感染,安全性较高。(3)表达产物(蛋白质)在翻译后的加工修饰过程与体内极为相似,因此活性高。且保留了相应的抗原性、免疫原性。基于这些特点,使得禽痘病毒载体不仅可作为禽源疫苗,而且还可作为哺乳动物乃至人类的基因工程活载体疫苗,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

DNA疫苗免疫机理及其在动物医学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疫苗在人和家畜疾病防治方面起着巨大的作用,它主要是通过激发机体的免疫系统来达到疾病防治的目的。目前传统的疫苗主要有灭活疫苗、减毒疫苗及基因工程多肽苗。随着现代免疫学和分子生物学技术的发展,在上个世纪90年代初,一种新型的疫苗DNA疫苗诞生了。  相似文献   

Inoculation of plasmid DNA, encoding an immunogenic protein gene of an infectious agent, stands out as a novel approach for developing new generation vaccines for prevention of infectious diseases of animals. The potential of DNA vaccines to act in presence of maternal antibodies, its stability and cost effectiveness and the non-requirement of cold chain have heightened the prospects. Even though great strides have been made in nucleic acid vaccination, still there are many areas that need further research for its wholesome practical implementation. Major areas of concern are vaccine delivery, designing of suitable vectors and cytotoxic T cell responses. Also, the induction of immune responses by DNA vaccines is inconclusive due to the lack of knowledge regarding the concentration of the protein expressed in vivo. Alternative delivery systems having higher transfection efficiency and the use of cytokines, as immunomodulators, needs to be further explored. Recently, efforts are being made to modulate and prolong the active life of dendritic cells, in order to make antigen presentation a more efficacious one. For combating diseases like acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), influenza, malaria and tuberculosis in humans; and foot and mouth disease, Aujesky’s disease, swine fever, rabies, canine distemper and brucellosis in animals, DNA vaccine clinical trials are underway. This review highlights the salient features of DNA vaccines, and measures to enhance their efficacy so as to devise an effective and novel vaccination strategy against animal diseases.  相似文献   

Vaccine adjuvants are chemicals, microbial components, or mammalian proteins that enhance the immune response to vaccine antigens. Interest in reducing vaccine-related adverse effects and inducing specific types of immunity has led to the development of numerous new adjuvants. Adjuvants in development or in experimental and commercial vaccines include aluminum salts (alum), oil emulsions, saponins, immune-stimulating complexes (ISCOMs), liposomes, microparticles, nonionic block copolymers, derivatized polysaccharides, cytokines, and a wide variety of bacterial derivatives. The mechanisms of action of these diverse compounds vary, as does their induction of cell-mediated and antibody responses. Factors influencing the selection of an adjuvant include animal species, specific pathogen, vaccine antigen, route of immunization, and type of immunity needed.  相似文献   

Protozoa are responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality in domestic and companion animals. Preventing infection may involve deliberate exposure to virulent or attenuated parasites so that immunity to natural infection is established early in life. This is the basis for vaccines against theilerosis and avian coccidiosis. Vaccination may not be effective or practical with diseases, such as cryptosporidiosis, that primarily afflict the immune-compromised or individuals with an incompletely developed immune system. Strategies for combating these diseases often rely on passive immunotherapy using serum or colostrums containing antibodies to parasite surface proteins. Subunit vaccines offer an attractive alternative to virulent or attenuated parasites for several reasons. These include the use of bacteria or lower eukaryotes to produce recombinant proteins in batch culture, the relative stability of recombinant proteins compared to live parasites, and the flexibility to incorporate only those antigens that elicit "protective" immune responses. Although subunit vaccines offer many theoretical advantages, our lack of understanding of immune mechanisms to primary and secondary infection and the capacity of many protozoa to evade host immunity remain obstacles to developing effective vaccines. This review examines the progress made on developing recombinant proteins of Eimeria, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, Neospora, Trypanosoma, Babesia, and Theileria and attempts to use these antigens for vaccinating animals against the associated diseases.  相似文献   

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