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山茱萸优良类型与优良单株选择研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山茱萸(Macrocar pium officinale)为山茱萸科,山茱萸属落叶小乔木或灌木,是一种名贵的药用植物,栽培历史悠久。长期以来,山茱萸多采用实生繁殖,变异较大,类型较多。现有的结果树良莠不齐,产量高低不一,品质差异较大,影响了山茱萸的生产和发展。为了解决生产中的良种问题,1987~1990年,我们在山茱萸主产地陕西省周至县开展了此项研究。1 自然概况和山茱萸资源分布周至县南依秦岭,北临渭河,地处东经107°39′~108°31′,北纬33°42′~34°14′。  相似文献   

<正>山茱萸(Macrocarpium officinalis)为山茱萸科山茱萸属木本植物。其果肉可入药,名枣皮、萸肉,为贵重常用药及多种成药原料。由于山茱萸出苗晚、投产迟、发展慢、制约了生产的发展和商品的供应,中国药材公司已将其列为紧缺品种,故开发前景广阔。针对生产上这一迫切需要,我们应用先进的园艺技术,借鉴柑桔育苗嫁接、密植早产成功经验,在四川产区安县沸水乡两河村开展了“山茱萸早产技术研究”,总结出了一套经济、简便、高效和实用的山茱萸早产栽培技术。该技术分为快速育苗及嫁接定植两个部分。  相似文献   

山茱萸研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山茱萸是我国传统而珍贵的中药材。为了更好地开发和利用山茱萸资源,综述了近30年来我国有关山茱萸生态学及生物学特性、良种选育及繁殖、栽培技术等方面的研究进展和研究成果,并指明了今后有关山茱萸的科研、栽培和生产等方面的重要方向。  相似文献   

山茱萸育苗和丰产栽培技术要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山茱萸[Macrocapium officinale(Seib·et·Zucc)NaRai]为落叶小乔木,其果肉是滋肝补肾,涩精止汗的良药。山茱萸寿命长,适应性强,经济效益高,在西安市秦岭山区已有200多年的栽培历史。但是长期以来,山茱萸栽培管理水平极低,基本处于自生自灭状态,存在着结果晚,产量低,繁殖难等问题。为了解决山茱萸生产中存在的问题,1987~1990年进行了“开发山区名贵药材山茱萸试验研究”,现将试验研究总结出的主要技术措施介绍如下。  相似文献   

山茱萸[Macrocarpium officinale(Sied.etZuce.)Nakai]是珍贵的药用经济树种,具有寿命长,经济价值高等特点,已成为山区人民脱贫致富的“摇钱树”。由于一些山区的山茱萸多为习惯性放任生长的野生状态,缺乏科学管理,以致结果晚、产量低、品质差、经济效益低。针对生产中存在的上述问题,我们根据山茱萸的生物学特性,经过多年的生产实践,对山茱萸栽培技术进行了较深入地研究,旨在为山茱萸的早实、丰产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

根据陕西省丹凤县物候期,通过对山茱萸多年生产管理实践,总结出一套切实可行的山茱萸周年生产管理技术。  相似文献   

本文重点阐述了河南省山茱萸的生产现状、市场现状,并从良种选育、丰产栽培、病虫害防治方面,提出 了我省进一步发展山茱萸的策略。  相似文献   

山茱萸引种与栽培技术的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本项研究通过定位试验与调查研究相结合的方法,对山茱萸的引种、繁殖、栽培丰产、种质类型以及在河北省的适生范围进行了系统研究。提出了种子处理、田间育苗,初植密度,栽培管理以及早期丰产等方面的关键技术并应用于生产实践,通过对其生物学特性和物侯观察,探讨了河北省的适宜发展区域;根据山茱萸的果形,色泽等形态特征初步划分了10个不同种质类型,并优选出5个类型重点推广。为今后扩大山茱萸种植提供了技术保证。在生产上具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

山茱萸低产林无公害综合丰产培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查分析山茱萸低产的原因,按照生产无公害药材标准,采取垦复、配置抗旱设施、施肥、品种改良、整形修剪、病虫害防治等综合丰产培育技术措施,从而达到恢复山茱萸树势,提高产量,生产出优质无公害山茱萸药材的目的,实现增产增收。  相似文献   

本项研究通过定位试验与调查研究相结合的方法.对山茱萸的引种、繁殖、栽培丰产.种质类型以及在河北省的适生范围进行了系统研究。提出了种子处理、田间育苗,初植密度.栽培管理以及早期丰产等方面的关键技术并应用于生产实践,通过对其生物学特性和物候观察,探讨了河北省的适宜发展区域;根据山茱萸的果形,色泽等形态特征初步划分了10个不同种质类型,并优选出5个类型重点推广。为今后扩大山茱萸种植提供了技术保证。在生产上具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

本文探讨了不同森林带林分的生产力及影响产量的因素。研究结果表明,不同森林带林分生产力差异显著,热带山地雨林产量最高,常绿季雨林稍次,山顶苔藓矮林最低;同带间不同森林类型差异不显著。由于尖峰岭的天然林已达成熟阶段,干形变化不大,因此,影响林分总产量的主要因素是林分的平均直径、树高和密度。次生林目前尚处于中幼龄阶段,产量较低,如能加强管理,可获高产。大面积的次生林是一不可忽视的后备资源,应加强管育,促使早日成材。  相似文献   

生产加工型森工企业精益生产管理系统的研建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓松  吴燕 《森林工程》2007,23(2):87-90
根据森工企业生产制造的特点,以一家大型生产加工型森工企业为背景,研究开发了具有生产加工型森工企业特色的生产管理系统,以适应森工企业生产管理现代化的需要,提高森工企业的市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

桉树及其次生代谢产物的综合利用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
按树作为世界三大速生丰产树种之一,已被人们所公认。按树及其次生代谢产物的综合利用研究得到了良好的发展,文章全面综述了按树次生代谢化合产物的成分、药理作用、性能及其综合利用.使人们对按树能有更加全面的了解和认识。  相似文献   

方晖 《福建林业科技》2007,34(3):186-190
通过对福建省木材产销与林产品原料消耗情况分析,以及木片生产和经营现状与存在问题的研究,提出福建省发展木片生产、拓展木片经营和缓解木片供应紧张局势的对策。  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

王巍  崔健 《森林工程》2010,26(6):30-34
以友达光电(苏州)有限公司(简称友达光电)3AMA5#(MA:Module Assemble,模组组装)生产线为研究对象,结合生产线平衡与动素分析的相关理论,运用工业工程方法,针对友达光电3AMA5#生产线平衡率不高的问题,通过调查分析,寻找影响生产线平衡的主要因素,包括"瓶颈"作业、动作浪费以及生产布局等方面。综合运用5W1H提问技术和ECRS原则对友达光电3AMA5#生产线进行作业改善以及生产布局改善,达到"一个流"的生产。本文突出的地方在于不仅针对"瓶颈"作业和生产线布局进行改善,而且应用动素分析的方法来降低工序的生产时间,进一步提升生产线平衡率。  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

Choi EM  Hwang JK 《Fitoterapia》2005,76(7-8):608-613
Morus alba leaf methanolic extract and its fractions (chloroform, butanol, and aqueous fractions) were found to inhibit NO production in LPS-activated RAW264.7 macrophages without an appreciable cytotoxic effect at concentration from 4 to 100 microg/ml. LPS-induced PGE2 production was significantly reduced only by butanol fraction. In addition, M. alba leaf extract and its fractions significantly decreased the production of TNF-alpha. These findings suggest that M. alba leaf extract seems to be able in suppressing inflammatory mediators. Moreover, the inhibitory activities on COX-2 and iNOS of its butanol fraction are warranted for further elucidation of active principles for development of new antiinflammatory agents.  相似文献   

微藻污水处理与生物质能耦合技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
傅晓娜  姚刚 《绿色科技》2011,(11):100-104
指出了微藻具有生产周期短、生物质营养丰富、吸收水中的氮、磷和大气中的二氧化碳等优点,是污水处理与生物质能耦合技术的不二选择。介绍了微藻在污水处理中的工作机理和微藻作为生物质能原料的原理和主要工艺过程,分析了微藻在污水处理和生物质能耦合上的可能性和存在的问题,对微藻污水处理与生物质能技术进行了综述。  相似文献   

This paper examines the tradeoffs between different uses of forests in three communes in the mountain region in northern Sweden. The most important uses of the forests include timber production, preservation of biodiversity, reindeer grazing and recreation. Management outcomes with respect to the different uses are measured in terms of the net present value (NPV) of timber production profits, the sum of deadwood volume over time, the minimum periodic lichen production, and a minimum periodic recreation index (RI). The analysis shows that the forests can be managed to achieve dramatically different mixes of NPV, deadwood volume, and lichen production, whereas the RI varies only within a narrow range. To maximize the NPV, lichen production would reduce by 40% from its maximum level, and the volume of deadwood would be close to 0 in period 2 and thereafter. Maximization of deadwood volume would lead to the maximum lichen production, while the NPV would fall below 0. Maximization of lichen production reduces the NPV by at least 20%, and could reduce the amount of deadwood by up to 75%. When lichen production is restricted to its maximum, there is a wide range of possible choices with respect to the mix of the NPV and deadwood volume. The marginal cost of increasing the deadwood volume ranges from 1.12 to 20 SEK/m3. The choice between lichen production and deadwood volume is most flexible when the NPV is fixed at approximately 93% of its maximum.  相似文献   

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