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This paper introduces the current status and development of modeling of the underground heat exchanger for a GSHP and several typical models used abroad are provided in details.  相似文献   

The physical and mathematical model of three dimensional unsteady coupled heat transfer in the ground heat exchanger is proposed, and corresponding numerical simulations for actual ground heat exchanger and operation condition are carried out. The computed results are compared with those of the thermal resistance test of the ground heat exchanger, which proves the correctness of the model and corresponding numerical methods. Then, the effects of thermal conductivity and specific heat of the ground backfill material on the ground heat exchanger are investigated, which provides theoretical guidance for the thermal response test and the engineering design of the ground heat exchanger.  相似文献   

In the established model, the cooling differences are considered between the surface of inner radius and that of outer radius, and in the transverse direction of thin slab. And the conception for the effective coefficient of spraying water in continuous casting is firstly put forward. According to different casting speeds and different cooling zones, different time step lengths are adopted. In this model the heat transfer differences are thought over among vertical and curved zones, wide and narrow surfaces an well as angular zone of mould. The method of the corrected equivalent specific heat is used to deal with latent heat. The influence of forced convection is considered on heat transfer. Therefore, the model has higher accuracy and is consistent with the practice.  相似文献   

马铃薯镁吸收规律的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明马铃薯的镁营养特性,进而丰富马铃薯的栽培理论,同时为生产中合理施用镁肥提供科学依据和技术支撑,通过田间试验和室内测定分析,研究了马铃薯镁的吸收、分配规律。结果表明:马铃薯全生育期各器官镁含量基本为叶茎根及块茎;全株镁的累积吸收量随生育进程的推进呈二次曲线变化,在出苗后(31~40 d)(块茎形成期)镁阶段吸收量达到最大值;马铃薯生育期间对镁的吸收速率最大值出现在块茎形成期(出苗后31~40 d);马铃薯随生育时期的推进和生长中心的转移,镁在马铃薯各器官的分配也发生相应的变化,全生育期镁在各器官的分配以叶、茎为主;根与块茎很少,收获时镁主要贮存在茎与叶中。在该试验产量水平下,平均每生产1 000 kg块茎需吸收镁元素3.860 kg。  相似文献   

The effective sewage intake technology is prerequisite for the untreated sewage source heat pump system to run steadily. In terms of the insufficiency of current sewage intake technologies, an open sewage intake integration technology is proposed. The mathematical model and the distinguish basis of critical state are established for the sewage intake characteristic by defining some important operating parameters, such as the blocking coefficient, the contamination density and the section coefficient. Furthermore, the change rule of each critical operation parameter is observed along with the various initial parameters. The result can provide the theoretical basis to design the open intake integration technology.  相似文献   

植物热激转录因子在非生物逆境中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
非生物逆境通常导致生物体内蛋白变性。热激蛋白(Hsp)作为分子伴侣协助蛋白的重新折叠、稳定、胞内运输和降解,以阻止受损蛋白的累积,维护细胞内环境的稳定。而热激蛋白的表达是通过热激转录因子(Hsfs)结合于热激蛋白基因的启动子的热激元件上(heatshockelement,HSE),以募集其它转录因子而形成转录复合体,促进热激蛋白基因的表达。植物热激转录因子比动物系统更为多样性。根据其基本的结构域,植物热激转录因子可分为三类:HsfA、HsfB、HsfC。A类Hsfs已有大量深入的研究和报道,特别是在番茄方面。HsfB和HsfC的作用尚不清楚。在其复杂的网络中,每一热激转录因子均有其独特的作用,取决于其表达模式、亚细胞定位、聚合化、活性及与其他蛋白的相互作用。在非生物逆境,尤其是热激逆境下,A类热激转录因子在调节热激蛋白的表达起着重要作用。番茄的HsfA1起着主导作用,其缺失无法被其他相近的Hsfs所取代,但在持续热逆境下,在HsfA1的配合下,HsfA2可成为主要调节因子。B类热激转录因子可作为A类Hsfs的阻抑蛋白。然而,基于对不同的单个突变体的研究,以及对酵母Hsf1致死突变体的拯救恢复,一些热激转录因子的作用又是丰余的。此外,热激蛋白也对热激转录因子起负反馈调节作用。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾入侵的影响因素及检疫调控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡青年  赵欣  胡远 《中国农学通报》2007,23(11):279-279
苹果蠹蛾是世界性重要的果树害虫之一,适应性广,危害严重,成为许多国家重要的检疫对象。为了更有效地防止苹果蠹蛾入侵中国主要水果产区,借鉴更安全环保的检疫处理和苹果蠹蛾发生区的控制措施,该文分析了苹果蠹蛾的传播途径和成功入侵的影响因素如寄主植物、温度、湿度、降雨和光周期等,并重点介绍了溴甲烷熏蒸、低氧空气或混合气体处理和高温低氧低温冷藏处理等检疫处理,以及性诱剂、苹果蠹蛾颗粒病毒和利用赤眼蜂等田间生物防治措施。苹果蠹蛾的成功入侵与寄主植物的种类有直接的关系,而气候条件则是影响其种群的重要因素。3种检疫处理措施均能安全有效地杀灭水果中苹果蠹蛾的不同虫态,而田间生物防治措施则能有效地控制苹果蠹蛾成虫、卵和幼虫3个重要的虫态,从而降低水果的损失。因此,这些结果为苹果蠹蛾的内外检疫和和田间控制提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

Based on the contrast experiment, the condition of air-cooled heat pump operating indoors is analyzed in this paper.The operating performance corresponding to such conditions is gained.The ventilation condition of stable operation for air-cooled heat pump is found.At the same time, the experimental results based on actual work are proved. indoors; air-cooled heat pump; ventilation   相似文献   

Based on some theories,and to analyze transformers and many different models to compare, a new kind of transient mathematical model on transformers is presented. In the model, the saturation of magnetic circuit and core losses are considered and the effects of nonlinearity of main magnetic circuit for voltage and current of transformers are analyzed. Then the applications range and the direction to improve of the model are referred to through comparing the model with other models. And the feasibility and accuracy of the model are verified through comparing the results of simulation with the results of experiments.  相似文献   

夏谷群体光合作用特性及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在试验大田,利用Li-Cor6200光合测定系统,以中秆大穗型品种鲁谷10号和矮秆紧凑型品种矮88为材料,初步研究了夏谷群体光合作用特性及其影响因素。结果表明,夏谷光合日变化呈单峰曲线,上午11时前后群体光合达最大值,其趋势与光照强度的变化基本吻合。两品种的群体光补偿点为180~190μE.m-2.s-1,鲁谷10号对高光强的利用  相似文献   

Based on the exergy analysis method,the thermodynamic performance of high and low temperature heat exchangers is analysed and the calculating expressions of exergy efficiency are given,which can be used to study systematically the effect of cold and heat fluid inlet temperatures on the exergy efficiency of the high and low temperature heat exchangers on the condition of considering pressure exergy loss and not.  相似文献   

以玉米子粒高锌铁含量自交系NXR22(母本)、子粒低锌铁含量自交系NXR12(父本)及其配制的杂交种(F1)为供试材料,比较双亲及其后代不同穗位的叶片、茎秆及子粒中锌和铁含量、积累量在吐丝期与成熟期间的差异,解析亲子代锌铁吸收与分配特征。研究结果表明:不同基因型玉米叶片、茎秆、子粒中锌铁含量和积累量存在显著差异。F1不同穗位的叶片和茎秆锌铁含量介于双亲之间,且偏向于子粒锌铁含量高的亲本;锌铁积累量显著高于双亲,表现出明显的杂种优势。从吐丝期到成熟期3个供试材料不同穗位的叶片和茎秆锌铁含量和积累量均表现出一定程度的增加。F1子粒中锌含量及积累量偏向于母本,表现出杂种优势;铁含量介于双亲之间,更偏向于母本。  相似文献   

The importance of human-information system interaction efficiency within enterprise informationization environment is analyzed.The intension of human-information system interaction efficiency is studied from definition,characteristic and evaluation.According to different properties,the influencing factors of human-information system interaction efficiency are divided into five kinds,including human factor,information system factor,management factor,environment factor,and technology factor.On this basis,the concept model of human-information system interaction efficiency is brought forward,and mechanisms of influencing factors to human-information system interaction efficiency are discussed in the model.The analysis indicates: As the core parts of the model,human factor and information system factor determine interaction efficiency directly.Management factor restricts or supports efficiency of human and information system.Environment factor and technology factor bring indirect influence to interaction efficiency by restricting or supporting human factor and information system factor.  相似文献   

影响籼稻成熟胚愈伤组织植株再生频率的几个因素   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
高三基  陈如凯  马宏敏 《作物学报》2004,30(12):1254-1258
以优良籼稻品种的成熟胚为材料,探讨不同浓度ABA、愈伤组织继代次数、培养时间以及干燥处理等因素对籼稻成熟胚愈伤组织再生能力的影响。结果表明:(1)在分化培养基上添加3.0~5.0 mg/L ABA对促进胚性愈伤组织的形成及胚状体发生,提高植株再生能力有显著作用。(2)继代3次、培养20~30 d的成熟胚愈伤组织,质量较好,分  相似文献   

为全面了解苹果基因组中热激转录因子(Hsf)的序列特征及进化,采用生物信息学手段,在苹果全基因组水平上鉴定出50个MdHsf基因,并对其系统发育关系、序列特征、表达情况以及选择压力进行详细分析。系统发育与序列分析显示:与拟南芥和水稻相似,50个MdHsf基因可分为A、B、C 3个亚族;2个或多个MdHsf基因位于同一个末端进化支,说明该基因家族在苹果中发生了物种特异性扩增;尽管MdHsf基因的内含子数目和长度变异较大,但其蛋白的保守基序和功能结构域具有较高的保守性,这可能与功能约束有关。基于EST数目,可推知:除了MdHsfA2a和MdHsfA3a/b/c等14个基因没有相应的EST外,其余72%的基因都有转录活性。选择压力检测和结构建模分析显示:在36个MdHsf蛋白的选择压力检测中,位点模型未鉴定到正选择位点的存在;而在显著水平下(P0.05),分支-位点模型在d和e进化分支上,共检测到5个正选择位点,它们是28R、30L、35D、51M、67V,其中28R和30L位于Hsf结构域中,35D、51M和67V位于Hsf结构域之外,这说明除了MdHsfA4d/e和MdHsf C1a/b发生快速进化外,其他成员受控于纯净选择,具有高度保守性。综合以上研究结果,苹果基因组中存在多种热激转录因子,其蛋白的保守基序和功能结构域具有较高保守性,大多具有转录活性,在进化上该家族受纯净选择主导。  相似文献   

速生人工林桉树木材高温热处理研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
广西速生人工林桉树资源丰富,但其木材极易端裂、尺寸稳定性和耐久性差,为了提高其使用范围和产品附加值,笔者采用单因素试验方法对其进行高温热处理研究。主要探讨了热处理工艺对速生桉木材尺寸稳定性和化学基团的影响。试验结果表明:热处理温度在165~210℃,热处理时间在1~4 h范围内。随着处理温度和时间的延长,木材平衡含水率逐渐降低,从木材的FTIR图可知,羟基吸收峰的强度明显降低,羰基吸收峰的强度略呈降低趋势;经210℃处理的试件的平衡含水率比未处理的降低了43.12%,方差分析表明,热处理温度对平衡含水率影响更显著。高温热处理对速生人工林桉树木材的改性效果显著,能够大大提高其尺寸稳定性。  相似文献   

辽宁省玉米热量指数预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘凤辉  胡伟  冯锐 《中国农学通报》2015,31(29):148-151
通过分析辽宁省玉米热量指数分布情况,为辽宁省玉米延迟型低温冷害的预测提供基础方法。利用1961—2010 年的逐旬气温资料、作物发育期数据和大气环流资料,建立了分区域玉米热量指数的滚动预测模型。结果表明:辽东、辽南、辽西、辽北及中部地区2000—2010 年的预测数据与实况数据相关系数分别为97.3%、95.4%、98.2%、97.5%、98.5%。模型的准确率较高,且稳定性较好,能较为准确地预测辽宁省玉米生长发育期间的热量状况。  相似文献   

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