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貂,貉,犬病毒性肠炎快速诊断试剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用金黄葡萄球菌A蛋白(SPA)协同凝集方法(CoA)对貂、貉、犬病毒性肠炎快速诊断的试剂进行了制备,确定了制备。艺及该制剂的标准操作程序。本制剂特异性强,不与健康动物的组织及其他几种病毒病(犬瘟热、犬传染性肝炎、狂犬病等)发生交叉凝集反应,灵敏度高,通过该制剂CoA法与HA-HI法比较结果比现行的貂、貉、犬病毒性肠炎HA-HI诊断方法检出率高出30%,同时具有微量、操作简便、易掌握、快速等特点,可在3~5min获得诊断结果。  相似文献   

埋植褪黑激素对促进貂,貉毛皮早熟的试验报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

选择自繁3月龄的公貂20只,公貉17只为试验组,设相同数量的貂、貉为对照组进行埋植褪黑激素的试验.试验结果表明:埋植褪黑激素后貂、貉的食欲、食量及体重均有增加;促进了夏毛的脱落及冬毛的生长,至取皮期貂、貉均提前一个月毛皮成熟;提高了经济效益,减少了饲养人员的劳动强度.  相似文献   

犬瘟热病是由犬瘟热病毒引起犬及多种肉食毛皮动物共患的高度接触性传染病。其主要特征为高热、急性结膜炎、急性鼻炎以及相继发生的支气管炎、卡他性肺炎、胃肠炎及神经症状等。我场某单位于1987年7月  相似文献   

1狐狸的发情鉴别 银黑狐发情一般在1月中旬到3月中旬;北极狐在2月中旬至4月下旬.公狐发情易于掌握.进入发情期的公狐,表现活跃,趋向异性,采食量下降,频频排尿,尿中的"狐香"味加浓,放入母狐时公狐对其表现出极大的兴趣,不断爬跨母狐,如母狐发情时能顺利达成交配.母狐的发情鉴定较为繁杂,常用外阴部观察法、放对试情法、阴道涂片法、测情器法.母狐发情征状表现为食欲减退,攀爬笼门,发情旺期阴门呈椭圆形,高度肿胀,颜色呈粉红色,同时,阴唇外翻、颜色变深,阴门可见微微皱折,个别阴门流出凝乳状分泌物,母狐表现活跃,排尿频繁,性情温顺,如果此时将母狐放入公狐笼内,母狐即会自动提尾,接受公狐的爬跨,即为最佳发情配种期.  相似文献   

1狐狸的发情鉴别 银黑狐发情一般在1月中旬到3月中旬;北极狐在2月中旬至4月下旬。公狐发情易于掌握。进入发情期的公狐,表现活跃,趋向异性,采食量下降,频频排尿,尿中的“狐香”味加浓,放入母狐时公狐对其表现出极大的兴趣,不断爬跨母狐,如母狐发情时能顺利达成交配。母狐的发情鉴定较为繁杂,常用外阴部观察法、放对试情法、阴道涂片法、测情器法。母狐发情征状表现为食欲减退,攀爬笼门,发情旺期阴门呈椭圆形,高度肿胀,颜色呈粉红色,  相似文献   

菏泽市居民饲养的 1只 1岁左右白色京叭犬 ,左眼被抓伤后感染 ,眼球掉出眼眶无法修复 ,手术切除眼球。该犬被主人遗弃 ,2d后被笔者抱回家中饲养。患犬体重在 3kg左右 ,精神、食欲基本正常。笔者考虑到该犬在兽医门诊接触的病犬较多 ,恐怕传染上疾病 ,加之患犬刚做过手术 ,抵抗力较差 ,给其注射了 1支犬用广谱抗多病免疫球蛋白 (第四军医大学动物保健品研制中心出品 )。注射后 2 0min ,患犬出现烦燥不安 ,来回走动。继而出现精神不振 ,昏睡不起 ,呼吸稍慢。肌注 1 %扑尔敏 4mg、肾上腺素 0 0 5mg ,用药后精神逐渐恢复正常。隔日 ,…  相似文献   

朴厚坤  赵世臻 《经济动物学报》2006,10(3):130-132,141
针对近年来养殖界在鹿、貂、狐、貉等特种经济动物的管理体制和执法上产生的争议,较系统地阐述了野生动物和家畜(禽)的区别,野生动物驯养繁殖与养殖业的关系等有关学术概念,并对生产技术成熟,已形成各自独立产业的鹿、狐、貂等特种经济动物在管理体制上存在的问题,提出了按照《畜牧法》和相关畜牧兽医法律法规进行管理的合理化建议。  相似文献   

毛皮动物养殖是一个独具特色、充满活力的新兴产业,已逐步成为农村经济一个十分活跃的新的增长点.毛皮动物饲料营养研究,不仅对促进动物健康、提高畜产品质量及保证人类健康和环境安全具有重要的学术价值,而且还对保护生物多样性、保存和开发利用动物资源具有重要的指导作用.本文主要就我国貂、狐和貉饲料资源开发利用、饲料添加剂应用技术及干粉饲料配制技术的研究现状进行总结,旨在为貂、狐、貉的高产高效养殖和饲料开发等研究提供基础资料.  相似文献   

抗犬细小病毒免疫球蛋白临床应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用犬细小病毒性肠炎免疫球蛋白注射液对382例临床诊断为犬细小病毒性肠炎病犬进行了治疗,结果治愈344只,治愈率为90.05%;早期治疗效果更好,小于3个月的幼犬治愈率为93.88%。对临床病例进行分析,进一步证明该产品对犬细小病毒病的治疗是有效的。  相似文献   

应用感染貉细小病毒(RPV)的72h猫肾传代细胞(F_(81))制做细胞抗原片。利用超迷离心结合蔗糖密度梯度离心法提纯RPV病毒作为免疫用抗原,制备了豚鼠抗RPV高免血消。在酶标SPA染色法的基础上测得高免血清最佳工作范围为160~×、320~×、640~×;PPA的最佳工作效价为40~×;被检样品与标准阳性血清作用最佳温度为37℃,时间为60min。确立了酶标SPA抑制染色法的试验程序。并对有关试剂保存有效期进行了试验测定。  相似文献   

cDNAs encoding four different canine immunoglobulin G (caIgG) γ chains were identified in this study. One of these IgG γ chain cDNAs, (caIgG-A), represents 92.5% of the IgG γ chain cDNAs in a dog spleen cell cDNA library; a second partial IgG γ chain cDNA (caIgG-B) was also identified in the library. The other two IgG γ chain cDNAs (caIgG-C and caIgG-D) were RT-PCR amplified from canine lymphoma samples. Comparison of the four different canine IgG γ chain cDNAs showed homologies from 83.6 to 89.2% and from 73.1 to 81.8% at nucleotide and amino acid sequence levels, respectively. Despite the high similarity in CH1, CH2 and CH3 domains among the different caIgG γ chains, the hinge regions were distinct, sharing only 19.0–35.2% homology at the amino acid level. No multiple duplication of the hinge region, as reported for human IgG1 and IgG3, was detected in any of the canine IgG γ chains. The numbers of cysteines in the putative hinge regions were found to be 3, 2, 7 and 3 for the four canine IgG heavy γ chains (A, B, C and D), respectively. Specific primers were designed based on caIgG γ chain hinge region DNA sequences and were used in RT-PCR for measuring different caIgG γ chain mRNA levels in canine PBMC samples.  相似文献   

目前,商用干粉饲料在貂、狐、貉的养殖上应用越来越多,但鲜饲料适口性好等优点及受传统饲养习惯的影响,广大毛皮动物养殖户仍习惯选择杂碎鲜饲料,自行配制动物饲料,因此如何科学贮存及调制鲜饲料对特种动物养殖非常重要。  相似文献   

To date, very little is known about the functional characteristics of the four published canine IgG subclasses. It is not clear how each subclass engages the immune system via complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) or antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), or how long each antibody may last in serum. Such information is critical for understanding canine immunology and for the discovery of canine therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Through both in vitro and ex vivo experiments to evaluate canine Fc's for effector function, complement binding, FcRn binding, and ADCC, we are now able to categorize canine subclasses by function. The subclasses share functional properties with the four human IgG subclasses and are reported herein with their function-based human analog. Canine Fc fusions, canine chimeras, and caninized antibodies were characterized. Canine subclasses A and D appear effector-function negative while subclasses B and C bind canine Fc gamma receptors and are positive for ADCC. All canine subclasses bind the neonatal Fc receptor except subclass C. By understanding canine IgGs in this way, we can apply what is known of human immunology toward translational and veterinary medicine. Thus, this body of work lays the foundation for evaluating canine IgG subclasses for therapeutic antibody development and builds upon the fundamental scholarship of canine immunology.  相似文献   

毛皮动物用转移因子的研究与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在人医转移因子研究的基础上,进行了猪脾细胞特异性转移因子的研究。经测定核糖含量720μg/单位,多肽含量〉300μg/单位,理化指数达到了人医转移因子的标准。经一系列化及体内外实验证明,该制剂可以提高小白鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬功能和E玫瑰花形成率。通过药理,毒理实验,证明了该药无毒副作用,临床应用犬等毛皮动物的细小病毒肠炎和犬瘟热病治疗效果显著。  相似文献   

Parvoviruses from mink (mink enteritis virus [MEV]), cats (feline panleukopenia virus [FPV]), raccoons (raccoon parvovirus [RPV]), and dogs (canine parvovirus [CPV]) were compared. Restriction enzyme analysis of the viral replicative-form DNA revealed no consistent differences between FPV and RPV isolates, but CPV and MEV isolates could be distinguished readily from other virus types. Feline panleukopenia virus, RPV, and MEV, but not CPV, replicated to high titers in mink. However, on the first passage, disease and microscopic lesions were observed only in mink inoculated with MEV. Feline panleukopenia virus and RPV isolates replicated in ferrets, but disease or microscopic lesions were not observed. Feline panleukopenia virus and RPV isolates could be passaged repeatedly in mink and ferrets. Virulence of FPV and RPV isolates was low compared with that of MEV, and only a single mink inoculated with FPV or with RPV developed clinical disease on the sixth passage of virus.  相似文献   

水貂Mustla Vison微量血DNA的提取与纯化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
作者通过采取活体水貂少量血液 ( 5 0 μL) ,利用蛋白酶K消化 ,酚、氯仿法抽取DNA ,结果测量获得的数据和曲线表明 :用 5 0~ 5 0 0 μL冻存血可以获得具有一定纯度和数量的DNA ,完全可以满足RAPD分析的PCR反应所需  相似文献   

Background: Basic pathologic characteristics for farmed minks were previously reported worldwide. However, its status in the wild has not been studied in detail.

Objective: Serology and electrophoresis were carried out for evidence of exposure to 12 mink pathogens on two different locations.

Animals and methods: Serology was done in 87 wild minks by reference techniques against Toxoplasma gondii, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Neospora caninum, Brucella abortus, Mycobacterium bovis, Leptospira interrogans, canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus (CAV), canine parvovirus (CPV), rabies virus (RV), Influenza A virus (FLUAV) and Aleutian disease virus (ADV). Hypergammaglobulinemia, the ADV main clinical feature, was determined by conventional electrophoresis.

Results: Seventy-one percent of the 87 sera had antibodies against one or more pathogens. ADV accounted for the highest seroprevalence (29%), followed by T. gondii (26%), L. interrogans (14%), M. bovis (12%), B. abortus (9%), N. caninum (3%), CPV (3%) and CDV (2%). Seroprevalence was influenced by location but not sex or age. Additionally, 16% of the seropositive samples for ADV had gammaglobulin levels >40.0 g/L. Antibody titers for CDV and CPV were low and difficult to interpret as almost all these cases had borderline concentrations.

Conclusion: A cautious interpretation of the results is urged as the epidemiological role of the wild mink is largely unexplored for most of these agents. Nevertheless, the information may be clinically relevant..  相似文献   

Fungal organisms of the genus Pneumocystis may cause Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in humans, but also domestic and wild mammals. Almost every animal species hosts its own genetically distinct Pneumocystis species, however information is sparse. In this study, 62 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and 37 raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) were collected in North-East Germany. The lung tissues of the animals were analysed by a new designed specific pan-Pneumocystis mtLSU rRNA gene PCR and sequencing. With this PCR, detection and discrimination of all known Pneumocystis spp. in a single step should be possible. This first detection of Pneumocystis spp. in 29/62 (46.8%) red foxes and 29/37 (78.4%) raccoon dogs indicated, that they harbour two dissimilar strains, as seen by specific single nucleotide position changes (SNPs). Nevertheless, five samples with contrary SNPs showed a probable inter-species transmission.  相似文献   

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