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The germination ecology of four annual Bromus species, which differ in weediness on arable land in southern Sweden, was investigated. The most problematic species is Bromus sterilis , while Bromus hordeaceus frequently occurs on arable land. In contrast, Bromus arvensis is a rare weed, and Bromus tectorum is found infrequently in fields despite being a widespread ruderal species. Five experiments were conducted to identify germination characteristics that could explain differences in habitat and abundance: (i) intraspecific variation in dormancy level; (ii) germination response to different light conditions; (iii) light and temperature interactions at germination; (iv) timing of seedling emergence; and (v) seed persistence in soil. Bromus sterilis and B. tectorum behaved similarly in all tests. For both these species, there were large differences in dormancy level among populations and strong inhibition of germination by light. In addition, emergence from seeds sown on the soil surface was both delayed and reduced compared with buried seeds. In contrast, B. hordeaceus and B. arvensis showed generally weak dormancy, and germination was only slightly inhibited by light. It was concluded that germination characteristics alone do not explain the differences in weediness between these four species.  相似文献   

Low temperatures may inhibit dormancy break in seeds of winter annuals, therefore it was hypothesized that seeds of Capsella bursa‐pastoris and Descurainia sophia that mature at high latitudes in late summer–early autumn would not germinate until they had been exposed to high summer temperatures. Consequently, germination would be delayed until the second autumn. Most freshly matured seeds of both species collected in August and September in southern Sweden were dormant. After 3 weeks of burial at simulated August (20/10°C) and September (15/6°C) temperatures, 28 and 27%, respectively, of the C. bursa‐pastoris and 56 and 59%, respectively, of the D. sophia seeds germinated in light at 15/6°C. In contrast, in germination phenology studies conducted in Sweden, only a few seeds of either species germinated during the first autumn following dispersal. However, there was a peak of germination of both species the following spring, demonstrating that dormancy was lost during exposure to the low habitat temperatures between late summer and early autumn and spring. Nearly 100% of the seeds of both species subjected to simulated annual seasonal temperature changes were viable after 30.5 months of burial. In the burial study, exhumed seeds of C. bursa‐pastoris were capable of germinating to 98–100% in light at the simulated spring–autumn temperature regime (15/6°C) in both spring and autumn, while those of D. sophia did so only in autumn. In early spring, however, seeds of D. sophia germinated to 17–50% at 15/6°C. Thus, most seeds of these two annual weeds that mature in late summer do not germinate in the first autumn, but they may do so the following spring or in some subsequent autumn or spring.  相似文献   

The effects of seven constant temperatures (10–40°C at 5°C intervals) and seven after‐harvest periods (30–540 days after harvest) were evaluated on seed germination of nine Amaranthus species (A. albus, A. blitoides, A. cruentus, A. deflexus, A. graecizans, A. hybridus, A. lividus, A. retroflexus and A. viridis). Seeds of A. blitoides and A. viridis were also tested at alternating temperatures of 10/30°C (12/12 h thermoperiod) in continuous darkness and in an alternating 12/12 h dark/light photoperiod. With the exception of A. blitoides and A. viridis, germination increased as temperature increased from 20 to 35°C; the latter representing the optimum temperature (70–100% germination). At 10 and 15°C constant temperatures, no significant seed germination occurred in A. albus, A. deflexus, A. graecizans and A. lividus, while in A. cruentus, A. hybridus and A. retroflexus there was no germination at 10°C, but at 15°C more than 60% germination occurred. Germination was influenced strongly by after‐ripening period in A. cruentus, A. hybridus and A. retroflexus, partially in A. deflexus, and barely in A. graecizans and A. lividus. Seeds of A. blitoides and A. viridis required alternating temperatures and light to achieve high germination percentage (>90%). Primary dormancy in Amaranthus plays a fundamental role in extending germination over a longer period, so that the probability of seedling survival is maximised. The present study adds to the understanding of the environmental control and germination ecology of Amaranthus species and provides data that can contribute to predicting weed emergence dynamics.  相似文献   

以重要值为测度指标,选择反映群落物种多样性、丰富度、优势度和均匀度的7个测定指数对奇台荒漠草地自然保护区荒漠植物群落物种多样性进行了研究。结果表明:在整个研究区荒漠植物群落中,白梭梭、梭梭、碱蓬、琵琶柴、沙蓬、驼绒藜和沙漠娟蒿等物种有较高的重要值。依据群落外貌结构和植物种类组成等特征,按照样方中建群种和优势种的重要值,将研究区植物划分为14个典型群落,各群落类型的物种多样性指数(Shannon-wiener指数H′)的顺序为:梭梭+角果藜(2.0740)>白梭梭+驼绒藜(1.9037)>白梭梭+羽毛三芒草(1.8909)>梭梭+芦苇(1.8474)>梭梭+雾冰藜(1.7434)>芦苇+猪毛菜(1.7278)>梭梭+白茎娟蒿(1.6723)>白梭梭+琵琶柴(1.5410)>白梭梭+沙蓬(1.4886)>白梭梭+假木贼(1.4530)>梭梭+碱蓬(1.4437)>白梭梭+刺木蓼(1.4277)>白梭梭+角果藜(1.3637)>白梭梭+沙漠娟蒿(1.3362)。  相似文献   

刺萼龙葵种子休眠和萌发特性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刺萼龙葵是一种外来恶性杂草,在我国境内的传播对现有的生态系统构成严重威胁。刺萼龙葵对环境条件的广泛适应能力增强了其竞争优势,使其发展成为一种高度危险的外来入侵杂草,控制刺萼龙葵的危害和扩散蔓延已变得越来越重要。文章综述了刺萼龙葵种子的形态特征和休眠机制,总结了种子萌发特性和打破种子休眠的一些方法,为制订其综合防控策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Understanding variability in seed germination among populations is essential for planning an effective germplasm collection for restoration and conservation purposes.The knowledge of germination and dormancy patterns among populations of desert grasses is crucial for determining the potential of the species and populations to be used for restoration and conservation as well as forage production.Variability in seed germination of Panicum turgidum Forssk and Pennisetum divisum(Gmel.)Henr.in the desert of Kuwait was evaluated in different populations in May 2017.Experiment of seed germination(25 seeds and 4 replicates)was conducted for each population at night/day temperatures of 15℃/20℃and 20℃/30℃under the following light condition:continuous darkness or 12 h/12 h light/dark.Results showed that seed masses of both species strongly varied according to their seed provenances,and both species produced heavier seeds in population with a higher soil electrical conductivity.Seed germination percentage considerably varied between two species,and the variation in P.turgidum was greater(17%–49%)than that of P.divisum(72%–93%).Germination percentage in P.turgidum was greater at high temperature(20℃/30℃)than at low temperature(15℃/20℃).However,temperature regimes had no effect on germination percentage of P.divisum seeds.Mean germination time of both species exhibited significant inter-population variability.This result is especially relevant to assure the selection of the best population of each species and the regeneration success of the species.Besides this,inter-population variability also provides valuable information for enhancing our understanding of the mechanisms that regulate seed germination and how they might be related to seed provenance.  相似文献   

Summary Heteranthera limosa seeds were buried in flooded and in non-flooded soil and exposed to natural seasonal temperature changes in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Seeds exhumed after various periods of burial ranging from 2 to 36 months were tested for germination under both flooded and non-flooded conditions. Seeds were dormant at maturity in September and became non-dormant during winter. Seeds buried in non-flooded soil during winter germinated to higher percentages and over a wider range of temperatures when tested under flooded conditions (in light) during spring and summer, than did those buried in flooded soil during winter. Thus, the water regime associated with rice culture (non-flooded in winter and flooded in summer) is optimal for dormancy-break and germination of H. limosa seeds. A portion of the buried seeds exhibited an annual dormancy/non-dormancy cycle, whereas others had a conditional dormancy/non-dormancy cycle. Regardless of the type of cycle, seeds buried in non-flooded soil retained the ability to germinate in light at high temperatures under flooded conditions throughout the summer. Thus, seeds potentially can germinate at any time during the growing season, whenever rice fields are flooded. Flooding fields during winter and/or sowing rice relatively early in the growing season may help in establishing rice before seeds of H. limosa germinate.  相似文献   

Seed germination is a key transitional stage in plant life cycle and is strongly regulated by temperature and light. Therefore, research on the effects of temperature and light on seed germination is extremely meaningful for vegetation restoration, especially in desert ecosystems. Seeds of 28 ephemeral plants collected from the Gurbantunggut Desert of China were incubated at different temperatures (5°C/1°C, 15°C/5°C, 20°C/5°C, 25°C/10°C and 30°C/15°C) in 12-h light/12-h darkness or continuous darkness regimes, and the responses of seed germination to temperature and light and the germination speed were studied in 2016. Results showed that seed germination percentage of the 28 ephemeral plants significantly differed to temperature and light. We classified the studied plants as the following groups based on their responses to temperature: 1 low temperature responsed plants, 12 moderate temperature responsed plants, 7 high temperature responsed plants, 4 non-responsed plants and 5 plants of no germination. It should be noted that Corispermum lehmannianum Bunge is sensitive to both moderate and high temperatures. There were 4 groups of plant in response to light, i.e., 7 light responsed plants, 10 dark responsed plants, 6 light non-responsed plants and 5 plants of no germination. Based on seed germination speed of the 28 ephemeral plants, we divided them into 4 patterns of germination, i.e., very rapid, moderately rapid, moderate and slow. Combining variations of temperature, precipitation and sand dune types in the study area, we suggested that very rapid and moderately rapid germinated plants could be used to moving sand dunes in early spring during vegetation restoration, moderate germinated plants could be used to semi-fixed sand dunes in late autumn, and slow germinated plants could be used to sand plain in summer. Thus, seedling establishment and vegetation restoration would be improved by considering seed germination characteristics of these ephemeral plants in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China.  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠一年生植物种子萌发特性及生态适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对阿拉善荒漠地区主要的一年生植物种子萌发特性和生态适应进行了测定和分析,结果表明:三芒草(Aristida adscenionis)、雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)、猪毛菜(Salsola collina)的种子当年萌发率较高,均超过70%,干、冷藏处理过冬后的萌发率略有下降,但仍超过60%;狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、虎尾草(Chloris virgata)、冠芒草(Pappophorum boreale)种子当年萌发率均在15%以下,狗尾草干藏处理后萌发率下降、虎尾草、冠芒草种子干冷藏处理后,萌发率大幅度上升,表现明显的休眠后熟现象;小画眉草(Eragrostis minor)种子当年萌发率接近30%,但处理后萌发率几乎降至0;虫实(Corispermum declinatum)、灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum)种子各种处理的萌发率都在15%以下,特别是灰绿藜种子当年不萌发。与草原区相比,荒漠区一年生植物种子萌发率偏低,萌发进程较缓慢,表现出对荒漠气候的适应性。  相似文献   

Trials were carried out to study the germination and dormancy of Cuscuta campestris Y. (dodder) seeds and factors influencing the success of early parasitisation of sugarbeet. Primary dormancy can be removed by seed scarification. Germination was negligible at 10°C and optimal at 30°C, while it was not influenced by light. Seed burial induced a cycle of induction and breaking of secondary dormancy. Seedling emergence was inversely proportional to the depth of seed burial and only seed buried within 5 cm of the soil surface emerged. Storage of C. campestris seeds in a laboratory for 12 years resulted in the loss of primary dormancy, enabling the germination of all viable seeds. Host infection (i.e. protrusion of parasite haustoria from host tissue) was heavily influenced by host growth stage. Tropism towards a host was due to the perception of light transmitted by green parts of sugarbeet plants. Insertion of a transparent glass sheet between host leaves and parasite seedlings did not modify this response. This phototropism permitted Cuscuta to identify host plants with high chlorophyll content as a function of the lower red/far red ratio of transmitted light.  相似文献   

不同温度、水热条件对3种植物种子物理休眠解除的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究种子物理休眠解除机制及其影响因素是了解种子休眠生态学和种群适应策略的重要途径。准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum)、银沙槐(Ammodendron bifolium)和乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)是在干旱区分布的3种豆科珍稀物种,其种子均存在物理休眠现象。以3种植物种子为研究对象,探讨冷层积(5℃)、夏季高温及干/湿处理对种子物理休眠解除的作用。研究表明:1 3种植物种子的硬实率高,种皮透水性低,划破种皮的处理方法可有效解除3种植物种子的物理休眠。2冷层积对3种植物种子的物理休眠解除无显著影响。3高温、干/湿条件和处理时间显著影响3种植物种子的萌发率,其中,湿热条件更能有效解除3种植物种子的物理休眠。准噶尔无叶豆和银沙槐种子的物理休眠解除率与温度呈正相关,在80℃和65℃湿热条件下其萌发率最高,分别达到(70.48±2.92)%和(78.13±3.67)%,而乌拉尔甘草种子的物理休眠解除率与温度呈负相关,40℃湿热条件下的萌发率最高,达到(85.23±3.82)%。表明荒漠地区夏季的极端高温有利于种子物理休眠的解除,但较少的降水量却限制了种子的萌发,这可能是导致该地区3种植物自然种群实生苗稀少,有性更新弱的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

长叶红砂和红砂种子萌发对光照、温度和水分的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长叶红砂(Reaumuria trigyna)和红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)均为荒漠地区超旱生小灌木,长叶红砂为红砂属珍稀种,而红砂为广布种。通过种子萌发对光、温和土壤水分需求的研究表明,长叶红砂对光照不敏感,而黑暗有利于红砂的萌发。种子萌发的适宜温度均为恒温20-25℃或15/25℃变温。25℃后,随着温度升高萌发率下降。土壤含水量在3%以上时,有利于两物种的萌发,萌发适宜的含水量都在12%。在各种条件下,珍稀种长叶红砂的萌发均高于广布种红砂,说明种子质量和萌发并没有造成长叶红砂的珍稀濒危。但长叶红砂高萌发率却不利于应对荒漠地区极端和不可预测的环境变化,增加了生存的风险性,可能是其濒危原因之一。  相似文献   

为了解锁阳(Cynomorium songaricum)寄生生长特性,使用物理方法和化学方法对其种子进行萌发诱导处理,观察萌发情况。结果表明:锁阳种子较小,成熟的种胚发育不完全,萌发前后处于球形原胚阶段。试验结果证明,锁阳种子萌发的启动,需有来自寄主根中的某种萌发刺激信号;外源赤霉素(GA3)及乙烯溶液对种子休眠的破除...  相似文献   

In pot studies, seeds of Alopecurus myosuroides were less dormant when produced under warm and dry, than under cool and wet conditions. The temperature to which plants were exposed had a greater effect on seed dormancy than soil moisture. The timing of temperature stress had a big impact on initial seed dormancy. The critical period was during seed maturation, irrespective of temperature conditions during the earlier phase of panicle emergence and anthesis. A much higher proportion (57–62%) of seeds collected from fields in 2001, 2003 and 2005 were non‐dormant than in 2002 and 2004 (22–28%). Meteorological records showed that the mid‐June to mid‐July periods in England for 2001, 2003 and 2005 were warmer than average but in 2002 and 2004 were cooler than average. Consequently, results for samples collected from fields support those from experiments conducted under more controlled conditions. Studies in outdoor micro‐plots showed that the differences in seed dormancy recorded with freshly produced seed did affect the rate of germination in the field, 2–3 months after shedding.  相似文献   

5种荒漠植物种子萌发特性及其吸水特性的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文通过对荒漠锦鸡儿、红沙等5种荒漠植物种子形态结构的观察和萌发试验及其萌发过程中吸水特性的研究发现:5种荒漠植物种子在萌发过程中吸水量有显著性的差异;荒漠锦鸡儿、多裂骆驼蓬等同种植物不同产地的种子的吸水量也存在显著性差异;吸胀过程中5种植物种子的千粒重与吸胀时间呈正相关,与吸水速率呈负相关。  相似文献   

Although the effects of cold stratification on the release of physiological dormancy in seeds have been studied extensively, knowledge of the role of soil moisture content on seed dormancy release during cold stratification is limited. Our study determined seed dormancy characteristics and the effect of soil moisture content on seed dormancy breakage during cold stratification in the five common weed species Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Plantago lanceolata and Setaria glauca. Seeds of all five species were dormant at the time of harvest and their germination response to light and temperature varied. Soil moisture content had a significant effect on seed dormancy release of all species except P. lanceolata. Germination percentage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum increased and then decreased as soil moisture content increased, regardless of germination test temperature. The optimal soil moisture content and seed moisture content for dormancy breakage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum were 8%, 12%, 8% and 22.0%, 37.7%, 25.7% respectively. Dry storage (after‐ripening) significantly increased germination of S. glauca. Moreover, increasing soil moisture content first slowed and then increased dormancy breakage in S. glauca. These results suggest that data on soil moisture content should be incorporated into models that predict weed seed dormancy breakage and timing of seedling emergence as well as those for weed management.  相似文献   

Two psammophile-dominated Artemisia semi-shrubs (A.wudanica and A.halodendron) and two annual Artemisia forbs (A.sieversiana and A.scoparia) bear significant ecological functions in Horqin Sandy Land,but systematical information on their achenes' germination is very limited.A set of studies were conducted to evaluate seed germination responses to storage periods and methods,different temperatures,lights conditions and sand burial depths,in order to determine inter-specific germination variation in the same genus and to explain how the species adapt to its microhabitat.Fresh achenes of A.wudanica,A.halodendron and A.sieversiana showed high germination capacities,but those of A.scoparia had obvious innate dormancy,which could be broken by chilling and dry storage,especially long-term dry storage.Achene germination of the two semi-shrubs preferred lower temperature fluctuation (10 to 22oC) and was not sensitive to light.But the two annuals preferred higher temperature fluctuation (34 to 22oC) and strong light for their achene germination.These four Artemisia species showed similar responses to sand burial,i.e.soil surface was most favorable for seedling emergence,and the deeper the sand burial,the fewer the seedling emergence.For the two semi-shrubs,their microhabitats are sand dunes with high temperature and intense light,which are not favorable for germination and seedling survival.Only rainfall contributes to temporary decrease of temperature and then triggers germination.We deduced that germination is not the main but a supplementary reproductive mode for the two semi-shrubs in sand dunes.For the two annuals,achene germination is the only reproductive mode,but different responses have been developed for microhabitat adaptation.For A.sieversiana,high germination capacities in wide temperature ranges and all light conditions could improve its competition and advancement in the wettest microhabitats.For A.scoparia,obvious innate dormancy of fresh achenes and germination inhabitation under unfavorable conditions are important adaptation to environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

新疆石河子地区沙漠增温效应对绿洲农业影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于沙漠 ,绿洲 ,空气的比热等热性能不同 ,形成沙漠夏季温度明显高于绿洲 ,进而对绿洲地区增温 ,称沙漠增温效应。石河子地区 1 0 0 km范围内沙漠对绿洲的增温平均 1 .76℃ ( 1~ 2℃ ) ;根据绿洲距沙漠的远近与气温间存在的线性关系 ,回归方程为 :y=2 7.5 2 97- 0 .0 335 x。 r=- 0 .881 3*。沙漠增温效应对绿洲农业有多方面作用 ,形成夏季富照高温、秋季大日较差以及促成棉花在夏季的“冷害”等 ,深刻地影响绿洲特色农业、栽培技术及人们生活  相似文献   

研究了低温层积和室温干燥贮藏对河西走廊骆驼蒿(Peganum nigellastrum)、骆驼蓬(P.harmala)、驼蹄瓣(Zygophyllum fabago)和蝎虎驼蹄瓣(Z.mucronatum)蒺藜科4种草本植物种子萌发的影响.结果显示,贮藏条件对4种蒺藜科植物种子萌发率和萌发速率有极显著的影响(P<0.0...  相似文献   

As one of the most important biological factors that maintain the stability of the largest fixed and semi-fixed desert in China,the Gurbantunggut Desert,the biological soil crusts (BSCs) develop well and play critical ecological roles in the desert ecosystem. In this paper,we briefly summarize our research findings since 2002 including species composition,distribution pattern and ecological functions of BSCs in the desert. Our results indicate abundant species diversity of BSCs in the Gurbantunggut Desert in comparison to other deserts in China. At the scales of sand dune or whole desert,the distribution patterns of BSCs are location-specific. The existence of BSCs in this desert could:(1) accelerate the formation of desert soil and the weathering of minerals; (2) accumulate organic matter in surface soil through related species in soil crusts; (3) enhance the abilities of sand surface to resist wind erosion; (4) influence seed germination of vascular plants; and (5) enhance the production of dew deposition on sandy soil surface.  相似文献   

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