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The efficacy of a commercial pour-on formulation of eprinomectin, a macrocyclic lactone, against experimental infestations of Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) ticks was evaluated in two trials involving 27 Bos taurus calves. The first trial was designed to evaluate the effects of a single treatment at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg of body weight against standard size B. microplus females (4.5-8.0 mm long). A significant reduction in tick numbers (P<0.05, Wilcoxon test) was observed between treated calves as compared to untreated ones from Day 3 (44% efficacy) after treatment to the end of the trial on Day 28 (96.9%), with a peak efficacy of 97.1% on Day 21. In the second trial the effect of eprinomectin on standard size tick numbers, engorgement weight and fertility of female ticks from calves with a single treatment dose of 1 mg/kg on Day 0 and calves treated twice at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg on Days 0 and 4 was evaluated. An efficacy >93% was obtained from Day 2 to Day 28 after treatment in calves treated twice at 0.5 mg/kg, and to the end of the trial (Day 35) in calves treated once with 1 mg/kg. The 1mg/kg treatment provided >98% residual efficacy for at least 7 days. During the first part of the second trial the efficacy of eprinomectin resulted from a dramatic adverse effect on engorgement weight and fertility of female ticks, with 100% control on Day 5 (dosage of 1 mg/kg) and on Days 6 and 7 (two doses of 0.5 mg/kg). Following Day 7, most of the effect was due to reduction in the number of standard size female ticks.  相似文献   

Cattle are treated 6-12 times yearly to control Boophilus microplus ticks in the east zone of the Argentinean infested region, while 1-4 treatments are applied for tick control in the west zone. In the 1970s resistance to organo-phosphate acaricides was found in the east zone, but not in the west zone. However, a shift to synthetic pyrethroids (SP) was made through all infested regions. Currently, indications of resistance to SP in the east zone, but not in the west zone, are provoking to a switch to formamidine acaricides. During 1998 a total of 147 B. microplus engorged females were collected from 20 beef cattle ranches from the west zone of the Argentinean infested region. Individual progenies of these ticks were tested ('larval packet test') with cypermethrin and deltamethrin, and their LC 50 and LC 90 were compared to those estimated for the Milagro susceptible strain. No evidence of resistance to these SP was found. Due to sampling restraints the results are presented as preliminary. Nevertheless, a shift away from use of SP for control of B. microplus in the west zone appears to be unjustified and should be independent of the resistance circumstances observed in the east zone of the Argentinean tick infested region.  相似文献   

The reproductive fitness of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) strains resistant to organophosphate (OP), pyrethroid (P), or formamidine (F) acaricides was compared to an acaricide-susceptible (SUS) strain to determine whether the acquisition of resistance affected reproductive fitness in the resistant strains. The SUS strain females had a 3.0 days preoviposition period, a 12.1 days oviposition period, a 22.5 days egg incubation period, a mean of 3670 eggs per female, and a mean percentage egg hatch of 78.1%, which were all remarkably similar to these same parameters reported for this species throughout the world. The reproductive biology of the P-resistant strain (PYR) and the F-resistant strain (FOR) were, for the most part, similar to those of the SUS strain. In the few instances where statistical differences did occur there was little evidence that the variation had any biological basis that could be attributed to a reduction in fitness related to resistance to P or F acaricides. Although the comparison of reproductive parameters of the OP-resistant strain (OPR) and the SUS strain identified statistical differences between the mean egg incubation and oviposition periods, the magnitude of the differences was not sufficient to conclude that the OPR strain was biologically less fit than the SUS strain. However, the OPR strain produced 30% fewer eggs (2562 eggs per female) than the SUS strain (3670 eggs per female) indicating the acquisition of resistance placed the OPR at a selective disadvantage relative to the SUS strain. This coupled with a lower, though non-significant, egg hatch was used to predict there would be a reduction of at least 34.1% in larval numbers available to potentially re-infest subsequent cattle than were available from the SUS strain. These data may aid the development of management strategies that can be used to control OP-resistant ticks.  相似文献   

The present work evaluates the kinetics of utilization of the main potential energy sources throughout the embryonic developmental stages of Boophilus microplus. The embryonic development of this arthropod is completed in 21 days. Cellularization of the blastoderm occurs on the 6th day and is rapidly followed by germ band extension and segmentation, whose first signs are visible on the 7th day. Cellularization is typically a maternal-driven process, carried out by molecular determinants deposited in the oocyte during oogenesis. On the other hand, segmentation is of zygotic nature, being the consequence of the synthesis of various components by the growing embryo. The enhancement in total B. microplus RNA was observed after cellularization, corroborating the replacement of maternal-driven processes by embryonic zygotic expression. An abrupt increase in oxygen consumption was observed from cellularization until the 8th day of development. The reduction in dry weight at the same period and the susceptibility of oxygen consumption to KCN suggest that the respiration process is activated during early embryonic development. A marked decrease in total lipid content occurred between the 5th and 7th days of development, suggesting this is the main energy source for cellularization. A major reduction in carbohydrate content occurred later, between the 7th and 9th days, and it could be assigned to the morphological segmentation of the embryo. Although the total amount of proteins remains unchanged from oviposition to hatching, a 15% reduction in vitellin (VT) content was observed before cellularization, up to the 4th day after egglaying. This observation was correlated to the synthesis of new proteins needed to support early embryo development. Additional 20% of VT was consumed thereafter, mainly at the end of embryogenesis, and in this case VT is probably used as energy source to the older embryo. Altogether, these data indicate different energy sources for maternal and zygotic driven processes.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus has been pesticide-controlled for several decades in the pacific island of New Caledonia. Since 1996, pesticide-control has been based on either deltamethrin (Butox) or amitraz (Taktic) in herds harbouring deltamethrin-resistant ticks. In this island, the first R. microplus deltamethrin- and amitraz-resistances were detected in 1992 and 2003, respectively. Using LPT bioassays, we have undertaken to update data regarding the geographical distribution and the physiological diversity likely to be involved in these resistances. We confirmed that after 17 years of intensive use of deltamethrin, several resistances of moderate levels (<30-fold) have evolved and/or diffused in any part of the island. We also evidenced that amitraz-resistant phenotypes have recently evolved in diverse western tick populations, although none has reached fixation in any tick population yet. According to synergists bioassays, the physiological changes involved in amitraz-resistance in New Caledonia would involve target modification and detoxifying P450 cytochrom oxydase(s). It may also involve detoxifying esterase(s) although this later point will need confirmation on samples bearing higher frequency of resistant phenotypes. Results are discussed with regard to the local evolutionary dynamics of resistance.  相似文献   

In this study we use high-resolution satellite imagery to map habitat suitability for both Boophilus annulatus and B. microplus over an area covering parts of Texas and northeastern Mexico. The habitat for these tick species covers widely different regions. B. microplus finds satisfactory abiotic conditions in wet coastal habitats, whereas B. annulatus finds suitable habitat in the drier inner parts of southwestern Texas and northern Mexico; the two species have very different habitat requirements. We use habitat topology and data concerning abiotic habitat suitability to understand the effects of habitat configuration on tick abundance. This is achieved using traversability (habitat permeability) and recruitment (tick abundance at the patch level) to produce a model that computes the abundance of ticks at the patch level. Results from the computation are then compared with actual data on tick outbreaks at the Texas-Mexico border, as a test of the agreement between actual tick captures and abundance model predictions.  相似文献   

The survival period for larvae of Boophilus annulatus (Say), Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) and hybridized Boophilus ticks was determined by exposure to various combinations of temperature (20, 25, 30 and 35°C) and relative humidity (32, 63, 75, 84 and 97% RH) in the laboratory. Results indicated that within a given temperature and RH regime, there was no difference (P> 0.05) in larval survival among the three species tested, indicating that these ticks respond similarly over a wide range of temperature and RH combinations. Larval survival in all three species was longest (P < 0.05) at 20°C and either 84 or 97% RH. With each increase in temperature at the 84 and 97% RH treatment levels, there was a corresponding significant (P < 0.05) decrease in larval survival. When the temperature reached 35°C at all humidities or when the RH was 63% or less at all temperatures, the mean larval survival period was 43 days or less in all cases and little difference (P> 0.05) was observed among the treatment regimes included. Results suggest that at a RH of 75% and more, the temperature is the determining factor in larval survival, whereas at a RH of 63% and less the RH is the determining factor in larval survival, regardless of temperature.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the in vitro acaricidal effects of lyophilized extracts of four tannin rich plants (Acacia pennatula, Piscidia piscipula, Leucaena leucocephala and Lysiloma latisiliquum) against diverse stages of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, and to asses whether tannins were involved in the acaricidal effect using polyethylene glycol (PEG) to block tannins. Larval immersion (LIT) and adult immersion (AIT) tests were used to evaluate the acaricidal effect of each of the lyophilized extracts against larval and adult stages of R. microplus respectively. Larvae and adult ticks were exposed to increasing concentrations of each plant extract (0, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19,200 μg ml(-1)) for 10 min. Larval mortality was recorded at 48 h post-incubation. Adult mortality was recorded daily over 14 days, at which point their reproductive efficiency was evaluated. PEG was added to the extracts to verify whether tannins were involved in the acaricidal effect. The effect on egg laying inhibition and larval mortality was analyzed using the GLM procedure in SAS. A Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the effect of PEG on LIT results. Calculation of the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) was performed using a probit analysis. All extracts reduced the viability of R. microplus larval stages (P<0.001), and viability was restored with the addition of PEG suggesting an important role of tannins in the acaricidal effect (P<0.001). The LC50 values of L. latisiliquum and P. piscipula plant extracts were 6.402 and 2.466 μg ml(-1). None of the tannin-rich plant extracts affected adult mortality (P>0.05). Lysiloma latisiliquum extract inhibited egg hatching of R. microplus (P<0.01). Tannin-rich plant extracts from A. pennatula, P. piscipula, L. leucocephala and L. latisiliquum showed potential acaricidal activity. Further in vivo studies are needed to confirm this finding.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the tick Boophilus microplus in the `Regiaõ Metalúrgica' region of Minas Gerais state was studied using 26 Bos taurus (Holstein)×Bos indicus (Gir) calves, of which 16 animals were 3/4 Holstein×1/4 Gir and 10 were 3/4 Gir×1/4 Holstein. Monthly tick counts were made between March 1996 and March 1998 and, although B. microplus infestations occurred throughout the year, they were greater during the rainy season. Rainfall was the climatic factor that most affected the seasonal variation. The animals with a preponderance of Holstein blood presented infestations that were significantly (p<0.05) greater than those of the other cross. Five of the animals (19.2%) maintained 45.5% of the parasite load of the entire group.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an important cattle pest in Uruguay, and the law regulates its control. It is resistant to organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and, as recently discovered, to fipronil. Resistance to macrocyclic lactones (MLs) and amitraz have not been documented; however, veterinarians and farmers have reported treatment failures. The objective of the present work was to study the susceptibility of cattle tick strains from different Uruguayan counties to ivermectin (IVM) and fipronil by using the Larval Immersion Test (LIT). The Mozo strain was used as the susceptible reference strain. From 2007 to 2009, twenty-eight tick populations were collected from different cattle farms with and without history of IVM or fipronil use. A probit analysis estimated dose-mortality regressions, lethal concentrations (LC), and confidence intervals. The resistance ratio (RR) was determined at the LC(50) and LC(90) estimates. To classify a tick population in relation to resistance, three categories based on a statistical analysis of LC and RR between field populations and Mozo strains were defined: susceptible (no differences), incipient resistance (differences and RR(50)<2) and resistant (differences and RR(50)≥2). Eighteen field populations were tested with IVM and five of them presented a RR(50) range between 1.35 and 1.98 and the LC(50/90), which is statistically different from the Mozo strain (incipient resistance). However, the RR(90) increases ≥2 in four of the populations, confirming that tick resistance to IVM is emergent. The low RR values obtained could be a result of a low frequency of treatments with IVM. Twenty-seven tick populations were tested with fipronil and six were diagnosed as resistant according to the LIT. Cross-resistance was not observed between fipronil and IVM on these tick populations. The current study presents different R. (B.) microplus populations with an incipient resistance to IVM, and indicates that the fipronil tick resistance is restricted to certain areas in Uruguay.  相似文献   

Two different 12.5% emulsifiable concentrate formulations of amitraz, one containing a petroleum distillate and the second containing xylene, were applied at 3 concentrations (0.006, 0.0125 and 0.025% AI) in 3 field tests to Holstein heifers in Puerto Rico for control of Boophilus microplus (Canestrini). In all 3 tests, the 3 concentrations of both formulations of amitraz gave > 98% control of ticks at 3 days post-treatment, but were less effective at 1 day post-treatment. In Test 1, in which ca. 0.5 cm of rain fell within 8 h after acaricide application, the percentage control at 1 day post-treatment was 15.6, 51.3 and 21.6 for the 0.006, 0.0125 and 0.025% concentrations, respectively. In Tests 2 and 3, in which rain did not fall soon after the amitraz application, > 77% control was achieved at all 3 concentrations at 1 day post-treatment. In Test 1, in which cattle experienced 15 cm of rain with rain every day for the first 14 days, the 3 concentrations of amitraz provided > 96% control at 24 days post-treatment; thus, providing ca. 3 days of residual protection against reinfestation by larval ticks. In the other 2 tests, sufficient residual amitraz persisted on treated cattle to provide > 76, 91, and 96% control at 28 days post-treatment for 0.006, 0.0125 and 0.025% concentrations, respectively. The additional 7 days residual protection from reinfestation by larval ticks for the 0.025% concentration, as seen in tests 2 and 3, would be beneficial in an eradication program.  相似文献   

The efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae on the control of Boophilus microplus in cattle infested naturally in the Mexican tropics was evaluated. The study was carried out on a ranch in Veracruz, Mexico. Twenty steers were randomly allocated into two groups of 10 cattle. Animals were naturally infested with B. microplus. Animals in the treated group were sprayed with M. anisopliae (strain Ma34) at a concentration of 1x10(8)conidia/ml every 15 days (four treatments). The other group remained as untreated control. Standard engorged female ticks were recorded on days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 post-treatment. From the second application treatment (day 7) to the end of the experiment, animals in the treated group had lower tick infestation (P<0.05) with an efficacy of 40.0-91.2%. The results demonstrate the efficacy of repeated treatment with M. anisopiae (Ma34 strain) to control natural infestation of engorged female B. microplus on cattle in the Mexican tropics.  相似文献   

Virgin females of both Boophilus decoloratus and Boophilus microplus, when mated with males of the other species, subsequently produced sterile eggs. Counts of spermiophore capsules in female seminal receptacles showed that the males of both species will mate with the females of both species and that B. microplus males show a slightly greater, but statistically insignificant, mating capacity than B. decoloratus males. South African B. microplus females, when mated with an Australian strain of B. microplus males, produced a 62% yield of viable hybrid progeny while the reciprocal cross produced only a 1,82% hatch of non-viable larvae. The hybrids were sterile when interbred and no hatch resulted when the Fl males were backcrossed with parent females. The reciprocal backcross of hybrid Fl females to parent males resulted in a low percentage hatch of non-viable larvae.  相似文献   

Chemical control based on the use of pyrethroid and organophosphate compounds has selected resistant genotypes in populations of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Point mutations in esterase-encoding genes represent one of the main resistance mechanisms in this species. In this study, the PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) technique was used to investigate the presence of mutations in a fragment of a putative carboxylesterase in a population of ticks with a history of resistance. The digestion of a fragment of 372 pb with EcoRI revealed three genotypes: W, H and M, observed in different frequencies. The homozygous wild-type genotype (W) was detected only in sensitive strains, with high frequency. The heterozygous genotype (H) was observed in all the strains, albeit with higher frequency in the strains with a moderate resistance, while the homozygous mutant genotype (M) was found only in the moderate resistant strain and resistant strains, with higher frequency in the resistant strains. A comparison of the sequences indicated the presence of other mutations, besides EcoRI polymorphism in the moderate resistant and resistant strains. Also found was the presence of stop codons generating truncated proteins in the sensitive and moderate resistant strains. A domain analysis revealed the presence of additional domains in the resistant strain. These findings suggest that different point mutations, as well as the influence of post-translational modification mechanisms, are altering the activity of the translated proteins and may be associated with resistance.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a single whole-body spray of spinosad, a naturally derived control agent, applied at three concentrations was evaluated against cattle infested three separate times prior to treatment and at four weekly intervals following treatment with Boophilus microplus (Canestrini). At 0.0167% active ingredient (AI) both tick numbers (1894 ticks per calf) and index of fecundity (IF) of females (258.3) were no different than that of the control group. However, spinosad treatment at both 0.05 and 0.15% AI resulted in fewer ticks per calf (600 and 935, respectively) with lower IF values for females (43.4 and 38.4, respectively). The percent control of ticks on the animals at the time of treatment (acute efficacy) was dramatically lower at 0.0167% AI (21.4%) than at 0.05 (86.3%) and 0.15% AI (87.9%). Spinosad treatments appeared to be more effective against immature stages (nymphs and larvae) than against adult ticks that were on the animals at the time of treatment. The mean weight of females that survived to repletion was similar (322-348 mg) in all groups. By contrast, the mean weight of egg masses produced by females was highest in the control group (155 mg), whereas each increase in spinosad concentration resulted in a substantial decrease in egg mass weight, with the 0.15% AI group averaging only 73 mg. The hatch rate of eggs derived from females ranged from 93.4% in control females down to 53.9% hatch for females treated at 0.15% AI spinosad. The residual efficacy of spinosad at 0.0167% AI was poor even at 1 week following treatment, resulting in 101 ticks per calf and a level of control of only 66.4%. At 0.05% AI, protection against successful reinfestation was high at 1-week post-treatment where only five ticks per calf reached repletion, and control of the IF of these females was 99.3%. The 0.15% AI treatment provided almost complete protection against reinfestation for 2 weeks following treatment (< or =5 ticks per calf), and control of the IF of these ticks was >99.9%. Thus, the use of spinosad at US ports-of-entry would be unacceptable because of the critical necessity of achieving 100% control with a single treatment to prevent the reintroduction of ticks. However, it is likely ticks could be eradicated using spinosad in tick infested areas of the US if repeated (systematic) treatments were applied to cattle maintained on the premises.  相似文献   

Acaricide resistance is a major problem that hinders the control of the tropical cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini), in many parts of the world where cattle production continues to suffer severe economic losses to tick infestation. Deltamethrin and amitraz have been used alone to control R. microplus in New Caledonia for the past decade, and tick populations have developed resistance to both acaricides. A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of deltamethrin and amitraz mixtures, through in vitro laboratory bioassays and in vivo on-animal efficacy trials, for the control of resistant R. microplus on cattle at two dairy farms in New Caledonia. Results of laboratory bioassays using modified larval packet tests (LPT) revealed up to 16.59-fold resistance to deltamethrin, and up to 5.86-fold resistance to amitraz. Significant synergism was observed when amitraz was used as a synergist in deltamethrin bioassays. Amitraz significantly increased deltamethrin toxicity to tick larvae, while deltamethrin was much less effective on amitraz toxicity. Synergism of amitraz by deltamethrin only occurred when the deltamethrin concentration was relatively high. Results of on animal efficacy trials of deltamethrin and amitraz alone and mixtures of both at different concentrations revealed a similar pattern of synergism. Adding amitraz to a deltamethrin formulation led to dramatic increases of percent reduction of both immature and adult ticks. In contrast, adding deltamethrin to an amitraz formulation did not increase control efficacy. Results from this study may lead to the adoption of an acaricide mixture strategy for the control of pyrethroid-resistant R. microplus in New Caledonia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

A simulation model for the African tick Boophilus decoloratus is presented. This model is based on the use of a dynamic life table that is driven by abiotic variables (temperature and vegetation status) remotely sensed (AVHRR sensor of the NOAA series of satellites) over time. The model incorporates temperature-dependent rates of egg production and development, climate-driven density-independent mortality rates, and density-dependent regulation of on-host stages. The model successfully describes both the seasonality and annual variation in the numbers of questing larvae and engorging females observed in eight sites throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Climate data from 1983 to 1999 in 10-day intervals are used as the basic input for modelling the dynamic patterns of activity at four different sites in Africa and to understand how abiotic factors can modulate the long-term life cycle of B. decoloratus.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of amitraz selection pressure on the development of resistance in field populations of Boophilus microplus in the Mexican tropics. Three farms (FA(1), FA(2) and FA(3)) in Yucatan, Mexico, were selected in this study. Amitraz was applied as a whole body sprays to all cattle on each farm for tick control once monthly for 15 months. From each farm, 20-30 B. microplus engorged females were collected every 3 months. The modified larval immersion test was used to test susceptibility of B. microplus to amitraz. Larvae were exposed to serial dilutions of amitraz. Probit analysis was used to determine lethal dose at 50% mortality and associated 95% confidence limits. The resistance factors found in the three farms during the 15 months of amitraz selection pressure were FA(1) (1, 2, 4, 4 and 13), FA(2) (1, 6, 23, 21 and 22) and FA(3) (2, 13, 2, 6 and 6). It is concluded that amitraz selection pressure on field populations of B. microplus increased the resistance level in all populations studied in the Mexican tropics.  相似文献   

This work aimed to assess the effect of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae on off-host Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus from tick-infested Brachiaria decumbens pasture undergoing cattle grazing. For this purpose a naturally tick-infested Brachiaria decumbens pasture of 60 m × 100 m with twelve grazing Holstein Friesian-Nelore (Bos indicus) cross breed bovines was sprayed 12 times, 21 days apart with an aqueous conidial suspension of the E9 isolate of M. anisopliae fungus. Control pasture was treated with conidial suspension vehicle only. Efficacy of treatment was evaluated by tick larvae counts on the pasture and that of engorged female ticks on grazing cattle. Fungus persistence on grass stems as well as soil pasture was assessed after each spray. Efficacy of fungus against ticks was also measured by an in vitro immersion test. Whereas in vitro test showed a clear pathogenic effect of the fungus on ticks, no pathogenic effect over R. (B.) microplus ticks was detected in the field trial by spraying pasture with fungal suspension. Fungus from the suspension could be recovered from both the grass stem as well as the soil of sprayed pasture, even though the numbers obtained varied distinctly and could only be recovered shortly after spray. Pasture environments with exposure to sun and rain, seem to be very detrimental to the fungus, thus suspensions which provide fungus with protection or more resistant isolates to these should be looked for. In order to achieve high fungal efficacy against tick under field conditions, accurate laboratory assays, optimization of application strategy and knowledge of interactions between fungal strains and environmental factors are warranted.  相似文献   

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